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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 Jul 1908, p. 12

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,, ~ ~ 4mos M »eds. 55 tt~l1 a wt o- I âmed by au alderman 0f rboiuhe gan barrowad $5. PiRAT! CAPTMN iANffES VISITS WAUKIEGAN Chm LEAVE Dan Sevee, chiai officer of teWn ceffn dîsappear- derer. the man wPo was chased for ay night end fIve days as a pirate isy the revenue nothlng certain cutter Tuscarora and finally captured ae lng c0n- they elopad t>. thiu p"ei.wio dtaappearad: -MM. Charle Walls; left nota asy- al tnahtught ' la up to r to ~~~Bt.-t ifaatliasbecause of !ý'eD.tlo--, aald hy friande tot Sba. 1h fSntdifficultitea Just, ý9 14W day ago. May have tait fort v, 134baunae se had been reprimanded .ýyhrhuaband It le sald for stayingE taà ulghts and because ehe beleved1 ,"êa change of climata -wouid bene-t brcase of rhanmatlsm, an opin- M *blth It la aaid ber isband dtd ,jo thae, last ntght, according to a 3st atie to the police by tise bus- IbIs mornlng, Mre. Chartes Wai- 2Q Chestuut treet lied from ýb ore for parts unisnown. ýý 1 C»apled wth ber nama la that of 'Cbarles Stripe, a local cabs man, wbom ý*,shuaband. accuses of baving fled _1 M nr. Wallis after an allegel long ' lotimey. Lttle Children Affacted. tW~ ati festure of tise case lstata !U%4 blidren are affecteti, Walfls' 'ý"chiltiren betng left motherlese, výJtJe'e one chlld betng tefi father- Leaves Note for Huabanid. Peturnlng home after a bard dey's uWtt' lu the Warren grocery, wbere âésa beau employeti for many yeare 15 inkuowo as a fattfui and Indus- rà*e clark, Wallis aie a isearty eup- SJokati wlth bts wtt e and naliy bis little 4 year otti cht}d onto bis * h4re il soon feil asteep. Tise ubÉ'toou followed lis example and Mý Wallis hald told hism that aise joing ta taise a bath and ha sup- ahe raa dolng tiis. lia ae soise she was not tn be àabout the bouse, su he went In o! ber The lamp was turned lu thse kitchen. He calleti ber ýMèoofly.There was no answer. teýet into the back yard and cai- »Rci. There was nu reply. ' î,,'AWstertug ha found a note trom thse Ithen tone. Ttie Reason for Laaving. Rà yo readt iis note 1 wll ai- ba many Miles away. This -Uo e «4 burden of the missive. -Jr, tOM uta that If 1 could uot stay PbMlDghta I coulti go away and P.vara, so 1 have gone," it con- V» ettar then went on to tell how ' W4211%la 15affllcted nitb rbeuma- %A sudIlinki a change of cluate boufit ber. ~I eStriPa. rbo for the past yeusabua acted as cab driver 'ÙM Rogers, anti who lataly au- la $to buainea as a cab mans for iesal»0missing. AOW~rdtftK ta reporta anti state- ~ rcelatibY the SUN Tu- X«e. 'Wals aud Mr. Stripa have p luatamt friands for asome urne. b ava vlalled wltb each other at "Ostses. aecording ta reporta, bVaIçoavtre4 wIlh each other XaIte!nrviewedby a SUN report- 'ý*"1Y uext morniug. Min$ Stripe. a Sta the alleged deserten,i =o tht M. Etripe sud bis nife 'Ju.er bati any dometlc troubles ue. tisair short marriage career. heâbva llved bappily, and I1linow PMuhat coffld have caused Charles le IVeIfba did,' announced thet lina. triPe. wtf f t icabs maxi,c %ffa tounuinl bed by tt'e SUN report-1 ar' Âcerding to reports givan by bleians. ahe bas been In iset for tise »6« fer tiays. Her etter-In Iaw 4t«M that sa was leust under tise waatbMer" sud that sise expecteil lu ie ~,la Ia fer days. Mwt4eband Takea Up te Chase. ~At , itO Tuastiay morntng Mr. Char- 1. Wal tooli up the bout for hie - Mima Lulu Truex In charge tro Utle chiltiren, ha left bis mn Chestnut streat, promislng la an hour. At 8:30 s SUN talleti but ras luformedthtia - ia Mt left bis home for blood lunbMs aye Mr. Walls tb fnle bnt. Friands fear that 4mtsie aisslug love sicli usthimg short of a hulait will mrm151w rhich antared bis ,*mhe rsi the note left by ha love&. the roman forl w ff4led daly. the rman wrweq ta love, hossor sud Ibe OiLW'tba±j M6WAUK!G 1eapeople of Wauki id »iy trlously Mond Ol)M as yet thora las âmt %It, ernaines i@sW aund their fllghl wsd* te mean that1 DENNIS E. Ol550*48, Daanflsld, Ill. Candidats for Denocratic Nomination for Lower Houa. of Reprasanla- lves. Priniaries, Auguit 8, 1908. DWnnis E. Gibbon@. ot Daerfleld, the presset member ut the House ofRepre. seoutatives rom this district, s boru lu Libartyville about 60 yaare &go. Educatet lu tise public sehools sand gruwngu up lu this county thare Se no man more widely imown and wlth a mure popular coterie of friand,. fBu began lits as a hlsekeuith but that he could work with bis heail as nell ns lii» bands bis friande andl asmociates wos flot long lu llndiug out andl trom aider- Man in Lake Forest to member ufthetb legisiature bis carear bas beau une of fidlity tu the cause of the peuple and cunsclansciously pariorminga&litisa dutiee aaslgned tu him. Although a mJnority member ut tise bouse eha@as illeti puai- tiouns ou a number of the very Important committees amoexg which are the ATTORNEY A. K. STEARNS Republcan Gandidate for BepresentatJve, who opens i campaigu at Lake Villek, Friday nlght, JuIy lth, at 8 p. m. Captura Chicago Thief. tolloring: On houka and hauking, Monday night Chiet of Police Tyreil csul,river impruvementeanudcommerce, arrested a man wanted ln Chicago for Chcago charter, county sud township grand larceny. organisation, horticulture, libraries, The prisonar bad heen rorking for municipal corpor-ations, railroadeansd about a week masqnerading as a farm stateanaid municipal civil service. band at the Edward Spauldlng place. Re firoue o1 the minorlty leaders lu the Chiot Tyrrell located hlm on a de- bouim and aways figuras prominentUy acription sudlesat nlght Detective Au- in île affaira. He la Lake Couiy'. gustus Sharp of the Chicago bureau Popular candidate aud citisens otfth" came hore and clatmed bis prigoner. cOuTty wIl maire no mietake lu selectng The thief It la claimed had gone him for a meat lu the iorty-elxth generma through the place at wblcb ha room- asambly. He ha@ been a mamber for ed, steallng tiiree suite of clothes, ail thlfet two terme and bas fiuled the o! whicb have beau recovered now.Position s0 efficiently and so raIl and He had sold oue. lu such a tatiolactor7 manne? b t ____________district rhlch he repreeenta t"t thai,, la County Treasurer Fred Amas of Lakte county bas a double ln tha par- son o! J. Ray Cote o! Mlwaukee, wbo Ie a saiesman for F'sy Lewis, cigare. tie was isere this week but the dou- istes, whio bave been coufuseil by Waukegan business men, diti not meet as Mr. Amas bati to go to Anttocb. A meeting' witt ise arrauged lter. reaaoy Do gooa reoeau ry a cuange ehould ha maade at this lima. Wek-Kidieys Vandeis Invaded the Waukegan Sachetor (Club club bose at Tb"rd Lak SudayIt s sldputa sot acka Isis Sunay te atd puta a ot eis cI tbruugb a steel boat andt erribly rau-' sackad the iboat bouse Tise Hache- E orU~ tors are aeeiing a ctoe andti n pros- Ê ecute. Pain Wn depsrt lu axai t y '0 minutes@, if une ut Dr. lihoops Pink Pain TabletaI. U S le taken. Pain anywbere. Rememberf Eain alaismoans congestion, blootifl preeure-nothing aelée. edache je lood prefeure; toothache le blond pree- sure on the sensitive nerva. Dr Shoops UWWW Bqadache Tableta-aloo sileti Pinki Pain 1'abet.-qnickly a»di ssly coaxis 0AL blod prure aray huom pain canters._____ Paltal par"ots ith roman get instant telkst 20 Tablet 25c. Solti by Ail qUf WA2W à JUPk- ix in spqbq strawrts ,iM MCar Fuie Your cholce of a big R eluilt 'selection of Mene 41 W. tahalout-Of- and i. 50 s"rw aa town custom- at Dopa'tm ut Soreers on pur- chases of $5 50C wor moor Great PremInventoiry sale la Just a few daYs- we wiJl commence to £ke iuventoiy. We d.n't want te lnvoice »y m oe os timan labsolmtely necesaauy. *We vant to reduce eur stock te the very l.west utà-Isle before vs beei. la eider te iidseitte a minimum, we w@ are wllnlsfle~ e on Sei7 ylime. Mce cettini of the màeut radical amtere heu beeumnadet. To. ceapurchase mw atavls ef froni 'te l. elew are afev e(the bariains bows, antered Waukegan harbor fr1- day morning. lntervlered by a SUN reporter be protested bis Innocence and atated be couid name the mani gulty of putllng up the job as a resuit of wbtch It le clalmeil tbe Wanderer was siolen. Sevee lett the port aarly and stated tbat he was on bis way to Chicago, where he la to stand trial for plracy, the irst case ot the klnd ln the marine courts ln many years. Sevea is out on bonds. Tise Wanderer is a schoon- er and dld flot enter tise harbor. mera- ]y laktng its stand aItishe entrance, ai the end of one of tise plers, where a SUN reporter found lt and interviewed the muet famous figure ln recent great taises bistory. Sevee le an unique figure and says be will put up a bard figbt for bis rtgists. Jolin Lamnicis, aged 22 yeass ut Cht- cago, wae drowned tn upper Camp Lakse, in Kenosha counly met over tise tîne near Antiocis, on Sunday. La- mtck had gune ouit nto the take ln a emali boat fishing. lie wae casting wben tise boat capslzed and he fell to- tu tise waler. Irw 500 seautitl Walstu at about Haîf Frics There is scarcely a waist in tliis lot but what is worth about double the price that we now ask for thein. Lt is the flnest collection of styles that you ha-v-e ever been able to ohoose from at the price. The quality of lawn from which they are made is exceptionally fine. Fronts embroidered, tuoked and lace trimmed, ohoice 98C Men's and Young Men'9s Trousers to be' closed out at greatly reduced prices The greatest pants s«le in Woukegan starte tomorrow. Our entire selection of men's and young men's trouera is offered at prioes neyer before equaled anywhere. We have divided aur entire stook juta six big lots and out the prices most radioally. The seleotion comprises; the newest stripes a.nd colorings in the extreme and conseivative styles. Lot Mo. 9 A big aabortmeut of mune.& Young M ea Ironiers reduffd ta Wemem'i Vuts Womaos. gauza veats, bigh necli, long leavea pre-nventory sale price ... 1 Baby IB*s Matie of heavy rhite quiltlng, trtmmat i ntb pretty lace, sale price, ouîy . . -.5 Hgosiery Chldrens tan lace bose sizes 5 to 9%, values that regularly salI for 25c, sale price par ...........A18 Lot ire. à Lot Mo. 3 A big aortment A big asortmnt o! meus & Young o! mens & young me n is trousers me n 'làIroniers neduosi b rsdnead tu 2 26 Women's Oxfordsj Womens canvas oxforde, lu white, bide sud plnk, leather or cloth cover- ed, milltary heels, band turuad soles, broken aimes. 81.50 to 82.00 values, a great bargain for thls pre- Inventory sale, at pair 98C Le# Mo. 4 A blgaaaortmaut o! mens & yonng mensa tronies resincet ' 3A0 A big aseortlment of mon'@ & Young m e-na trousers retineeat Lot ». a A big sasortment ef mne & Yofug men na trouste redaed t .u 6 cleves 12 button lengtb stlk gloves, Kayser make, black and wisite, sala prî ce paIr .......... 10 Gloves Womens 16 button langth Vanetian Liste gluves, black, white sud colora. Sala price pair .......... 10 Childrans Pants Made ln the umbrella styla, knee length, siz- as 2 to 12, 11. sale price . ... 12jiIç * Wemen's Oxfords A lot of romans styllah oxfords, lu cluding values to $3.00 aod $2650,flot al aises lns aach lina but ln the entîre lot ail sîzes, leathers are vieil kid and patent, button and lace. band turned sole,, pair J, '1~ 1~ 1$! Dalnty Cool Waists et a very Low Frce A quick disposai of these waists will be the resuit of this low prioe, they are made'of very fine quality fancy plaid dotted Swiss and also fancy striped Iawn, are plested and veycoinfortable for these hot days. Their regular selling price is $1.00, your ohoice for this sale at only 49c Cool Shhi Waist Suits In these garmente yeu cao be corufortable for very 1ttIý noney , they are tailored f rom IUn good grades of white lawn and Mi en flnlised suitttng, sklrt s and '1 1 1 waists are prett ly em bro derecd Coat Suits, Low Priced Sty bl talrd garments.' materiat s hte ne8ut t g or ai n ug ealiv i qaiy, luth coa and stktr in andsomnely emnîbrl". B it eut full and fnt<ýly et ,t net uto b d cl',lv or les thandouble ibis trie.- Dress Skirts Extremely nobby styles, made o! craam serge anti novelty panama, cut full and pileedsud trimmet i wtb veivet bande and foids ofut 9 t he same materiat. 1 8 Sale lrIce -.. .. . .. . Dressmg Sacques Short kimonas and dresslng sacques, muade of iawn8ansd prae nlgbt mediu un (arkd rsfuic patterns. nlcely trnie 39 Sale prl e ..... .. .. .. .. House Dresses Teegownsae ade of an exceli tlonalty good quiîity of percale, at- t ra c ti e patt4-rns lu t 1gb 1, medi um and dark colora, too- fittling. Sold formerh. for $2.00. Sali jrice,.....9 Wash Suits for Children Cool, comfortable Waah Suite at a lorer rioe thon you aven paid before. Made of plain chambray sun fancy percale and madras in Butter Brorn, Peter Pan andi Rué- alan styles; izs.2j to 8 yaars. Sale price ....................................7 9 Childians Wah SuitS Msade of plain u ant scy ducs, pp liceitand novaîtles, izes 134 ta 8; sale price.........................14 BOYS' AND CHMILDIENS SUITS Ma"a in doubla breasteAt and ýor*lk style, of novelties, anti suc aoL& bineansd blacks thibets, sizbas 2 ta 16 years, $2.50 sa 00 anti 83.50 value,, sale price.............. ...........95Y BeYS' a»d Chad nil WaSuta es m hId' ut &&me sa abova, 84 audsanasay,86nt .5 84.50 values, for ..... . 5 850 valnes, for ....35

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