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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 Jul 1908, p. 2

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Mm iag. Bei rown aud dauglitaa, ai maw Mood m m u o mgbe - li1ý M li& vs vt ur:r mii ir.W. show udmon, 01 Nuda, are îpendlfia ii w ith iii "boffli1 84- go 1.0. erspaeta. Mr. sud Iri. J. B. a #à- àTurbuli. Min. Lorettia Wlcb aniq brother, aukeau, alie onrsatlvei =Uinur tomn iFriday and gturdar. The dance ut tht Oak1*nd, Frlday' Mlay Making Tools evenipWvs ided hy about 75 oupl-8. Hapi'moibsra, of Libiriy. Derlng Mowers vlly arliedmaalc for the aomd sud a duse Urne la repoted by ai. The Tedders, Rak e raer taturday niglit denes ili start Teders Ra egaln iis Saturday svenlng and wil cotnedurlng the smon. Kevstone lira.M Farnswath beld anu t boue .Slde reciptian et hem new home la aur village ou Wednesay lest and entertained Dellvery- Rakes twenty.five of ber lady friende. Rock Island Loaders aDt,, berdsvcanu ihoe n5P5 olf illag e rturaed ta Parsons, Kansa, on a.a Tuesday vbere be in iret assistant phy- M.ay Carriers sician in tht tats hoîpital. Track, Pulleys W. C. Blryant, o! Nunda, was a caller lu our village Wedneeday. ,K9S RopeS, etc., etc. Mise Jeseie Stoxen, of Dakota, is epeuding a few vteeka in our village with Batchler orksber grandmother, lire. [aura Cook. Batchler orksThe Fourtb paseed ratiien quletly in Machine Oit, Sections our village thio year there heing n celebration altlîougb aIl the hotela and (lurdsandRepirsprivate boarding boueelq wsre 6usld with boli ay. bu the afternoon a very - intersstiug bail game vas played on the Ford hall park and vas good entertain- in his ment for our plpe wbo eerated et Anythingint s home. The borne teaxa Playving the Line w haveWoodtock'a the latter wlnning a botly Line w havefougt contt hy a score of 5 ta 3. On ILLINOIS ,,*,nck Dros., 'AMBETTA PRINCE"e SAA J. W. Swansbrough, Libertyville, 111. SIA BRUMZES AT HOME iIER DISCOMFORT? or FAN C0MFORT? FO OU IN YOUR RESI. ? W IiICli FORVE STORE OR OFFICE i .l lmn for the Mau at vomi; fr the farnly at home. Coste Iml;late e lile-tine. lisefa1 in bot wvather for ccolug; in - rlrvetilating. Eet,,,tfan, c e heeusai msy roota In gm. Providea a gentie breete ail ight if deirsd. W. vil! X« a eo fuon reqnesit. MRTI1SHIORE ELECTRIC COMPANY 230 NM GeneceShtret.VAUKEGAN, fML DM .Te :hu N.4 Mr. and lire. Geo. Mitchell returuesi Tuseday froni Loda vbere they have heen vieting relatives. * Mm. lM. Poulton and childrsn isited ber patents, Mr. and lire, W. Rouet, Monday. Mm. M. Andrews, of Lihertyville, vislted et Geo. Rlay's Tueeday. A number frorn bers @peut the Fourth et Laks Zurich. lire..tio. Thetcher, of Rockefeller, vîeted vth ber parents, M. and lire. Wm. Lempker, Saturday. M. and lire. L. Knigge, o! Libertyville, caied at tima. Kigge'e Saturday. Mmm. Wmn. Lohrrnu and chilîdren, of Cicag,espeut a few daye with ber aiW ter,7lre. Wm. Einamenn. Mr. and Mvi. Herrick bave retnrned atter a fev veek' visit la Chicaégo. Mn. and Mrs. H. KuhI pntafew days vitb lMr. and ira. . sitchelli. lire. L. Knigge, of Libertyville, visited et Einsmsun'a Wsdneaday. Misa Lillan Russell, of Austin, vioited et Wm. Rouse'i Sunday. Misa Ethel LUII, oi Chcago, viitai et Ray'@ Sturday sud Suaday. Mr. and lir. T. Ruasll, of Rockefeller, vWated ai Wm. Rouaes.Sunday. J. Covia avent Sandey lu Chicago. H. Lempker bas rsaee dhie Pouition st the crsarnery suadWalter Lempier bas takan bis place. EaSI Kae nt putBnday at Wauconda. Tbs Dlarnond Laie Ladies Aid viii ~ v;n le cran sd cake accialon torla awrthte old Tatiler placq, Thuraday evenlng, Jdly 16. Allers oordiay lnvited ta carne as a gond Urne li aaaurad. Mrs. L. Andrews, of Lihertyvilie, vilted ai Ray'& ans day laitwveti. The Diamond Laie Aid Society will anset wiih isae Clara Smith Wednesds.y altrnoon, July 15. Ali mernbere ara rqused ti W prfeet. Visitara ara I LAKEZURIcH Misa Amne Scbolz wa a Chicago visi- tan Wedneiday. MrndudrMm. . Sehultz sud Miss Ernst, o! Biga, pent the Fnurth wtb Mdr. sud Mm. .mont. Mr. sud lMre J. Smith rsturasd ta ibeir borne ln Jqllst liouday alter spendlag awvesk vitb the latter'apar- ente bers. Frank Meyer sud lady friend, ut Chi- cagf , vers gueste a! liru. F. Hoaft Set- nra sud Snnday.- Bd Ltpicbof Chicago la ipending tva wesia wfth ié cousin, à. Steil. lira. Willam@ansd nou and NlUa Moon ., o! Racine, Wln., are, ,aWW28 st J. FIn9»V.this vek. Mr. sud lMre. Chai. Seip and sous callad an frituda beos Teeay. Mable Herm. ofPalatine, vaa the BAK, à;;ofMm. .,. -Relier seturday su aad COI"!TO Get my "Book No. 4 Fan Worn." It vUil give vrai wornn uny veluable LLibertgvâile l ui" iag e l !rle-md vltli etcly .Mn ùd llmedkIal#Ovis h 'eainay *».as. mply write Dr. lop els Wls. Thi bock No. 4tl ~ ho r ýO,!LS No ETALERBSUPPLID Shoao Nlgt Crs Bei woy *0 INTO ADJACENT TOWNS 0rimcon be1noe iii boe.t b NlghiOçur.h '1 INV^ AMMAKI Ce. 1ZIZZ3 The farmers in thi8 vicinity have begun haying. lila Avis Paynte pentbtaturday and Sunday at home. Quite a crowd of 1 vanhoe people cels- hrated tbe Fourtb at Grayslake. Our Sunday echool bam betI planning for a pienie to he held ooon. Mre. Adamn Titus entertajned ber sioter and frîend axer the Fourtb. Tht Ladies' Aid met thia week Thura- day witb lira. August Wîrtz. Misa Hattie Brainerd spent labt Satur- day and Sunday with ber parents. Allas Weiler, of Chieago, hs viaiting at Hl. C. W. Meyera. Mrv. and Idra. Otiâ Smith. of Waukegan, apent limt Snnday wltb the former'a parents. Mmm. Ed Dietz's dater and brother, Nettie and Clarence spent last Monday wltb ber. Miss Rose Simpson and lir. Maris Jacohy attended the commencement exercîae at the Moody Institute. . Misa Ada Kuebker returned ta ber wami ln Chicago lait Monday morning aftsr euioylng a week'i vacatln. Tbere je ta be a union meeting of the Ivenhos sud Rockefeller cburches at Ivenbo. Sunday evenlng. Fred Momber sud eblidren. of Chicago, @pent ueveral days limt week ai ths borne ai Carl Darifer. Mie Emma Radke ta entertalnlng ber aepbew and hie f riend during their Entamer vacation. The Iveuhoe Sunday echool bas orb~ ad a brench school at Gouida to sach Sanday afteraoan. We und.ratand thai aur achool board -bai been 50 fortunate au taameure the srvices of Roy Beceeaelder ne our tencher for the coming ysar. We feel sura tbat be wIlîgive general sstjafectlon ne -i a ot siable yauag8ms.. The Myatlc Workere wll give another of theîr popular entertalmeute, danw and aupper Jaiy l6th. Everyone is invtted too corne sud nared of a gacd dime. Doa't forget the date Tbureday, evealng, Jaly ltIth la the Woodmen hall. I HALFU Obituary. Chas. Johuson alter several moutha ai iliaisdi 1 ofbeari tellure, uday, Janeà a@.e a anaivi of.,,ermany and vashort u w Mclmabarg, NOV. il, 1840. ne came ta tua caauniry ai a boy viiibhis parent@ snd aittied in Wle- cousin. Wbea the Civil ver brie ont ha slisiit ailwvaukee '-I% 8 1862, nea aprlvate la Company Do! t6s 45tl Beqimeni af In!autry, receiving ie hmoaslsdiscargeJalY 17,,1865. He lese a vifs, tva sous. two daughtere, su agad uother a! 85, a brother, aima naany nlaivu sud frienda ta mania bis ia. -Fanerai sivloviowra hld Tue- day eftemuou and the daesaed vas laid away lu tb. Verun oisîemety. Card of Thaitia. Wavia xteud - our- e«anist thanku ta ail lie s fnda. ns and to the <tamm&& of camb. ' obave, 1 0 City,ý Montana, wbers they viii maie their future bomne. Thehr frienîds wiab them munch seceas. 'Mr&. Carl Hegt and daughters, Clara and Mahel. spent the Fourth at Wauie- R n and attended ti anvle ot tIcago. Owing ta tht wtt veather tiiers aae not a large crowd at tbe picait. Thie aociety toi in $75. Tht bail gamne betiseen Bosecraus and Rueel vas 30 ta 10 in favor o! Rouecrns. Nina Edwardc won the ladies' foot race. James Welch le on tht aick llât. H"ry Lewin, ont of aur oldeet reci- dents vas huried et Millhîîrn leet Sunday. lira.Chas. D9h00is homnefrorn Chicago. Grecs Welch was a SuuslaY visitaur frota Chicago. Robert Hanter and wlfe &peut tht Fonrth witb J. D). Murray. James Oliver je homt after a long yul!t lu Richmond. Jessie Yeoman, of Waakegau, epeul the lcourtb wltb Blanche Oliver. Chas. Thommeasen and wlfe, of Milwaukee, vieited Chas. Henning over Sunday. George ILeahel i saici egain. A - s formor wIi MdIy by a gea.eof 12 ti> e. W. Ud 0W4 lisCrystelIA. Tii Tii otm o f the IlIlola Kasimal qrd i Cbea o sped 'ni vWr~~a~r~swwre betwu là* ll teoffiteqsudaIronsd an intuust- Iag.e siltfor aur tldeau val! m mafl-W a the marroundhag caaaii la town EO'IOkpM .ae yl baud w=' saiicitapiaY a » t entered thes vllag. 6Tbey masuhed f rom jýoMlAtwbM tby hd camped *9e ~~~pird jut',tmp 0t twelve mlii sud tueur oi tàm iwere weary and font- marsem but abotbersd ibernm mcmiwaa the tWrnueIy train whicb t- ithebla uortbo0fflsY addak'a~ aivralteaina f rom town vers leut out ta hip bring the'u in. h wss 10 a'elack befars the firet wagon ,reuxied towa sud th esto! ofthe sixteen didn't ariy t tilalter *12 o'clock, na they were sflawsd ta corne to town lu iqaat gs somethxag to eat and &Il or the batla sd retaurante were kept huzy unifi ueariy 12 o'clock feedn the hungry recruito. They lef i at 10:30 ra. mn. Wednesday rnarclîing through town beeded by the band whieh played s setey auarched away beaded for iWheeling their next stopping place from wbence tbey went to Chicago voinpleting their eight days outing. The -village board beld their rpgular 1monthly meeting on Mlonday evening àaod pasoed upon the yearl.y appropria- tions also making provision for a tax lev fo$1000 for1909 thtcarne arnount 0a atIyear. it was also voted to build ,a four-foot cernent ûroeswalk on Main tSt. frorn the Lakesîde hotel to B. Maîrnan e& Sons§.lsMeurs, Murphy, Maiman and yHughes ag"~eng to stand hall of the nexpense Of.amme. icinMr.audLeai everanol inldrs grandehildreu and muay other rlatives and friende to mouru bie I... er ment in Mllllsura uernetemy. Tht tom- rnnnity extend their symupathie*. Mir. and lire. James Jarnon trans- ssted business lu Chicago lait Thnreday. A. H. Stewart pai a Chicago vlitisr* ThurÈ%day sud Fnidtay ot lent wvek. Sire i k 2 96 Everyboily ip going whee To the e i k 2 ,6 danceat Aannilait Saturday evening, W'.ho. for t wo successive yesaewon the VOLO. Grand Sweeptakes and Chaxuplonofiip Mi&@ Auna l<oadeutscbher, pf- Wau- at(Chilcago Internationsal. Pinkla today couda, spent Mouday niglat lu town. the grratpst lPercheron Staillion everý George Kuehier, of Palatine, made a imported ta 'ieia business trip.to Volo la@% Frbdey. Pinik laraderx daçi la tilrene. a 2,00<> Miss Clara ilosing bai corne hoie alter a viei witb ber siurera at Goehen, Ind. lh. mare by Villir, 1:,61) ont ofStree. Mr». Will Etten and baby, of Salon i4,254. Sirene traces tiack ha four ines, rMille, vheted relative@ in and aroutd Volo froin Tueeday ta Friday <of lait tollmillant. B evi. Mm. Charity Rtught opent Saturday Pink Parader will lis lirnited dumlng suad Suuday witb Ulr. andi lire. Anbroat Raught at Lihertyville. the atason of 1908-19010 tu 83 outaide t Mr. and Mm. Ed Froit and sou, Nici mares. Ht vili atand at the farta cf Front, of Kenoaba, and Arthur Froet, of Chi o, vwers guesta o!tMr, sud lire. rJaeciFrost axer the Fourtb. Miss Elaie Srnith rsturned ta ber home J AM.PA1TER ON ou tht Huaon farm after a lev wekia' viit with relative@ in De@ Moines, Ia. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. MisClama licConlty. of EigIu , le vliaitlag hem elater. lire. iehard Camp- LUE,,-sur f- --kr... Many Chiaa peopie apent the Fourth lirm Rockfard and daughter, Evîlyn, bers wth friends or relatives. have retunaed ta their home in Ch"cg GraesCerolan le viatlng lu Chicago. aieçpnigsvea ek ih Miss Mary Dawson apent a few dois Roslng borne. witb ber @iter, 'Ella, et De "ab. AIIsd Nicholleansd a friend front Chi. Lre. John Borenherger la conflned ta cago woesa"et of M r. and làs. Harry ber bed but le Improving rapily. Nichol Friday and Batnrday. Mrs. Stffl la entertainiag ber nephew, Mr@. Mariha immonda, of Elgin, Mr. Cromein. visited ber a@iter, lire Grecs KIrya, Lawrence Fagan je in the Mchlxter Satîrday and Bunday. hoopital et Waukegan sd ray have ta Meer@. Sam Tanrant and Jot Rosing undergo an operation. o hceran sd Misses Kate Roslag sud Ros McLagh le spendiug a week Edna8kloan, of Round Lake, apent Sun- wlth ber sehoolmate, Lucy O'Connor. day witb Mr. and lira. John Raaing. The famnliy picule on Conway's lawn Mm. .ennie Coiernuan sd daughtar, Baturday wae thorougbiy enjoyed by Mari, of Round Lake, were lui Vola Sun. aid sud youag. day. Fromn St. Lauia cainsa the news that Pon'til eu tet a the dance Saturday Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Danabue nee Homen evening at Aman' hall, Round Lake. are the proad parents of a baby girl Good munecasd a gond time. Icista born Jnly 4th. 5C Thbe Everetta suffered defeat at the. bande of a Lake Foreet aine Baiarday but they put up a gailent fight just the Rame. _ _ __ _FARM rVADSVORT.- ÀAl frmer@ are buiy lu the bey field. M~ACHIlINERI Y Wmn. Belle sud ian Elmer, of Chicego, apent the Faurth et the Waddell borne. Mmra Emma Erskme spent a few days- of ail KInds ihie week viti ber pareui bers. J. B. Brtistti speotMonday in R P IR~ Chicago. frette Phillipe, of Mlwaukee, in @pend. wt ig ber vacation witb retives in theist ÂA nber fronz boe attsufl the 1Thoroughness ai Milibura. ANnI) Mrs lale Ptero aiuentertaluing D cdmpiày [ram Obiego this week. D spatCIJ Mrs. Wmâ. Fedicr, wbo bac heen very iii e iecAiliaerhcSpitalisimproving. Bsn Schlcesr sud wilis epent Saturday and Sud"y luWaokigan. 'Êbsre viâ b. p iavn aociable at the Disc Ilarrows Sharpened home aiflieury-Lui, Manday eveninq, JalY 18, forth. beniftaftbeS8t. Patrick s ceet.ry. EPveqbady came. Word vas rsuthed bore Taeadey of the 1desth of L. K. Carnegie eta±Wsus wheire ho bs baeuvéry m if or saco=re WILLIAM LAYCOCK CO. Tbsrj àatdmdiepl87 aof iui.grka > butbaloo. 41 9F &f 1 LL Pl V cash et thc *me Cof im t ar'ce with returu prrviegca d&ring the maeo If yaur mmare dace not %prooe infoW you, con «M Uidr OitANOTHEt MARE beck'to Pink Parader acet macao free of charge. Thoe who bred to rny colt thiv, year. belorete reduct"o la Idioc froot $15 ta $10. vil have thced&k fereme. returned to <hemn, GET READY TO BUILD i AM REAOY FOR THE WORK JOHN L IRVINOI CONTRACrOIR &Wd UILDER SidewaIks and Cernent BiodLs ROCKEFELLER, ILL. Lot Mo Estimat. Upon the Job rCAU ON Je J. SPO-IN, ROCKEFELL R, ILL. Hardware, St res, Bave Truel, SofIK 1 IT'S LOUIS J. YEOMAN THE SEWINQ MACHINE MAN ATENTION ' d i.&aud usaNra i.. 24 MOIMT. Mi. udlis. Wma Md ý~.aunvsiM. HsB lttd f aly 'b tjuniWhpdonIl ï;" .. % th!z"8 , «t»it,»oday .aempahdb ~~ vilsue d sou vho bat@=* ba bnLana TieMl~'i5ai.,olObiefflo, wu t Vary imsom ea s l POSuday. G~ eo u ~ Mu i Unwol dil 1'fie, uis W=is S t' for. &Bd Mino ýbo» on%' *aàWet Wdm&wwMUoarili itliiiiome o . - a iin 1aP041100 adssai~Mms. Trotteb mimno r*a W*deo" "DDeofEvaniti. vhsisiod tuisay MadBan- ai d"~ ,~ ay.,viii A. K. B"ansd Job» Trotter. aed' iteoauBi. Drgeei r. ad Mm ra. Tait r eli umellsroSlattesg. ater sud 4 lad lIami Iro. t% . -. Latur mw~azad ib ntmu aber dta l ain u Mi~lr. sud Mma. Ga. Jamieson returuid tamber.Monday front a xiit vltb Mr. and Mmm. Entalned Their Friands. Bas,af Rochester. Mr. sud Mis. J. W. GY gave a dinner The msuy frieuda cf Allai Luacy Trottai rartoatba Foartht ta us!msu»y viiho giad tu lacer she la Imprarlus. @ rud.Plate. vIra fl for 180 gueuls. ,Mr, sud lire. W. 0. Thomu and son AUl rspartsd a pliant timit. apeat Seturday sud Suaday wlth their ....---1parents, 1Mr. and lin. Win. Thom,, et ~51~ ~LibertJ ville. Bruce BStphena apent the Fourth wltb lira. Frank Petemnman d childrku, <of the boeoka Waukegan, apeat the 'We.k witlî the Clarence Sonner, ai Chicegjo, visited Hutchiacu amly. the home foîkas the Fourtb. lir. Mille asud Mrn.ud lir. Norîlori, lMr. and lir. Kerr, oi, Lake Villa, Çof Chicago, were the guets ot H. F. called an frieuda Snaday. Plegge sd family tevenai days last Oea. Jamieson sud Wm. McGuire tuok W. in tht algbtseat Waukegan tht Founth. r Miss Ma Fitte, of Chicaroa, viMited O. ieson sud niece, Electa Cunuin- over Saturday witb Mies J,.u,î,sKan-k. blisn, w,îut tu Chicago Sundey t'O visit Miss Franeut lason, Af Uilvogo. is fieud s util Wedaesday whea Eleta tspending thet vet i th Nt is-s l. Veidsr. wii returu to ber borne in Indiana ac- Lonýd Smelser, of Chiceg' .-»$c th. gutet conipaied by her cousin, Aies Nelaon, iof Woodrnsu Tadd axer tl,..Fouîrtlî. vbo will vimit thoe for a month. a Misa Geraldine Jecksî'n. .1 Waukeg f, ,LyburÜ Stewart, vile, sud chlldrea dis ependiug the week with ti tii. s isun sd Mm. Stea art'. mother came Mou- e amiîy. day tuoned nme timA vith As. H. lin. and Mir@. Wm. Clark, of Western Stewart. LSpiarevs fred hr. C. E. businesmeeting vii bo bed et are liiing rieda bre. the home of Mise. C. E. Batsr Frlday, Mir. sud Mli. Jake Seiig, of Waterlooî, july 1<). Iowa. are visiting relatives bue. E,î nei~o h .eceya AlliwIsabel Hoe, of &Milwaukee, ia Higehass Pak iy 14te . 1emebrth t viaiting whth the Karels family. date. lire. F. E. Mlayer gave a tee Tlîuirmda The townshsip Snnday achool conven. afternoon tu honor io! ber sister, lire.. (. tion will be held at the Mtilihuv churcb, C. Warhheld, who is vieiting here. Suaday J uly 19. RONDOUT, h aea of Henry Lewin, of New. Iat a ed at tht M 111 bu iCo ngre- Mir. and Mra. fH. S. Arlîn, daughter o! gational chnreb, ltnaday. July;-5, at 2 1). F 1 . 1 1 JUL4Y 1lth Dancing2 E'ory Uumedy NIg1ý Muelc by Hfertei'a Orchestre Every Âoemodettoa AT ST'UDý Percheron Colt Pink Parader 4a.928 P, S. A. FOALED APRtIL . 1905oo 0 c tl t 9 c 1

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