mp %R ObyLAK1fç.TYe m Ila,. t dtor's RWadence Te tnt No. ti1i. Lbrty" izeoban" M4 tbs Poutotke at lbertyvfle. Il., s Soecond Cias Malter &aaa DVBXTISING 5AT MAUS E NOTS OEN APL:aATeON. ,M-TiOM PRICE $1.60 PER VEAR §TFRic-LY IN ADVANCE *W UST ........ ....................................................... Editor ...............................................C iy Editor FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1908. QUENTIN 0F COU RSE.b~ vu j la agaod rassont for any Lake Lake county le entitled to representa- , itiss mting bis vote for a lion in the legilature In proportion with it of either Mdolenry or Boone ils greater population than lb.eaîlîer te 'ter lhenomination for stat. coonties. r, wlth Cbairman Quentin o! the Wouldn't you prefer representatiar hai"g4 Board of 8upervisore a by a home man rallier than a McHanny I1ldlffiut to discer.. connty man? Wby vole for OIson, fran QmsuUn's public record le ahove MeHenry. or against Quentin froti M4 MW lauans uf ns. He la a re- Lake! hM onrehat and al lb.helime. le ther, a single good reason? SHURTLEFF THE MAN. aàndldst* for the Hous of ha$sjust gone imb affect, have for the mmitivNes fcom 1th. Bth sana- maut part proven correct. The iaw in et Speaker Edward D. unweldyand bida fairto provo defective l"'Iamand s drawback. in many respects. Srecelves the unanimous Mr. Sh urtlef ha$ the reputation of a WIand support of the Republican man wha a flot afraid to stand by hie ,f'Uk. County. Hie creer asu wn convictionsand yetanjays the good vt'of the houas at the last wiland resPect of every member of lIeub been sxcsptionally salis- ths bouse regardiasa of poitica. In F,,qnd ho %as handled the gave another coiumn of ibis issue more aIr nilmd.dnss and justice that apaca is given ta hlm and is record. 1I> it. be commendc.. Hie Nonest, upright and In every wsy ~Iaithét pradictions h. mad. capable oftbe position h. deserves the 04 tah new prlmary law, that support of every good Republican. MIOREPRESENTATION MAKING VOTES. ýCbi4ago Tribune, Record-Mer- limonY tg the fality ofr j0 aàlly News, composing the pearingin the. "trust" pross ýý,Pr«4 ae b wlfu mirope- The apparent attemptt mare byvoti@fur misarepr-nd mlsrepresent Vatea' can makîg vtasforRlchrdIY dinguats tUne. who comne sillitruc conditionsa. f a holding meetings ln Chf. Illinois lea sbig lste, t 16 4ttraoting crowds af th. Prtu has a great cîrculatil 01i CIlla., la greeted witii Pmopoîuonat influence. Re; delîharate lie& have coat té ~latsamresaaclable In oskpaPers the peopi's confider Hejtga 1.le gulning 5155d- are net la bo belleved politi e.a»'a ewn "tampino people know l, and tht la ~-TMOe are fscta of comnnYstea la "putlng itl aIl a Ï146a Waülkegsn ,snd Lauke Deneaîi" ln thé pressaI c& "~ mstlga re uteaed "If Y>7 0 s.Itlnlathe 'I tâ td «"Uftà Amattededand It'. about Valsat, it'sa ÎÏ'WWer otleas who heuar tes. campaîgn slogan In Illnois1 DIRECT PRIMARY THE SAFEGUARD. ~ul Isus etvsuthe tVa "(Jnder lbe present prI eèsMaesfor lb. govern- tem," said Mr. Yates, "vej ~~l sltlngdovu tg s safegnard la popular goveî or.* W'hèter h. Prlmary vin Uton 1 ne thîs pcfx ,tw la ult.@People Thse cltUenahjp that la 'Dot , *e . andidates, or to be deplored, and then,i 4ètrtihl $hall lie Over- citizens, our institutions are -MtUfIed by the InSlu- "Thie lime lias srrlved f af th. bosses. Mr. vlien every citizen la a dcle Of lb, pare prlmary day ai lb. Indivdual hlia thmt" 11ia arecent speech ln tle declelon at th. poilso 4a 40ciaced ibat s represenla- day Augut vl h. s declej I4ý «( gverument, ta lie veil People. Then following tle j.pUed b elow It the Pclmacy ln September vihI cornetilt se Of the Individuel ctizens, don vlieu repulcans vilI aUlnu and decldlag for to discues principles and fra pnncples Into platfocm plan Na ~and Davis tliîthh.reporlh.îu cesd. Motion carnied. Au &Prorigtonardînance for funs to ober lb. sapon L. affaira for tb. ensnlng iear va ~0~Hlaa Long Session by Allema, chalrman 01 I WAM4iUp wth Much dammtte., sud vas read by « ër " BSing, 01 motion of Lynch the rais ,jS*8daaVota.d. Pudd Seconde y CarIaIt > c4i'rle. Mored by Lynch and b~ 'yhi Grlets lIaI the appropr mesbord nl regniar se.- passad ai read. Mbotion camni, hallon blond", aeu- lîaacmS Cocet, o! thse es -Tise roll vus caled mille,, repocrted that reptIirs v made vhemeer neous! 01 felvsgaaM d 01Alum an d secndeI Da ; darnl.d 1h. disposai of t a W = Park vas 1.1t ta 1h. streel coni ut h ta 15las T@I'regm 1 gav o Md m ad on motio* c lBngo rvlo avenue, tis. Putting ln af nev h.purchasa 01i pore bese ai 1 *d lHerman MeYesMiu and varions other toi NOM akesý 5djualment dlscnsed aI lengIli by tle ho, li» Patrk avenue. action vas laken. asielon a!fIls. savon Lynchi, ebairman 0 b o - sd Bollard, wbo la ose,;rp ofed the 0 oinL QpTf »W« 01 vbicb in & lcen1grnted toconductm tOlaY.100 bal- ln front of aIle>' biehb le expecte 10o o **ku iée .cott f1 mme, AUguelt 1l. W«r nt hlm, mail>' Moved by Allemnan and Cor t.ded flfucîber lbe village preetdent h. lntruc veus Mved b>' Car- cure an attarney te, davni byDavis tbal the nance for tb. building of a ai Motiondeavacer.Broad waY and the yack h. Wv Rîtorney'maklog tile loveet bic tisat anotber crosng carnled. M akeavenue belveen TIe Iresident appointei Kais 4Çburch strette and said and Eger su the baard of loca .of Iusineê es.'ien4otbaî menu. » anl an improvemnent. Davisaseecttht lb, salpon( uteulSrincomîte.. read at the last mneeting be sibWuganst th, village h.!aore the board. ",&tilelb>'il. financse bofore the btoard madc b 1 -b, llman hthat 1h. adjOuco until Monda>'. Jul>,', Srend mcd v,,ucbeea as eeonde<i b>'Weil&s.Il vo fonde fer the var- vote and ot. . cnded b>' Coit;. The Aloon ordinanc vast wllo iag bhulsr ere b>' the clerk. Moral 1>' Davi ordînance h. aoceptod and I (lo., ds..$ 27.14 Seconded bi Allumai.t'lTh. 75.(o cl)ed attention laIths lat. il bg. '42 5 Aa petton before he oard .1.00 t101h. removal of th. sereena .... 800 many people vere not in far (1,( The motion vas thon put tOa 05,00C carrial. Alleman, GCoreIt au 9,00 vting "for"* and Lynch a 21.00 aginat.e 150,87 A vrit.uveto vas lnnedint 1.0ot b>' the president and re. 2.25 cek 1.5 Moved b>' Wel@sacd Lync* e.....eetng adour . oinel j5 O CnI.'sCe 1001Place mter vblc c"ae amotion "bt thex~U Mfoud y ul20. ao EU B. GORALavn4mIla 'Methediat Services. lier. James Rave, aeretary of lbe Ciago Home iMisslonacy Society' vili prea elgnex uoda>'morolng. Everon, shonld bear him. lu addition 10 tb, regIlhar munie ise Chard lias tonmented 1*egfor us. The Epworîb League vîl ad Ils regular devoîlonal meeting aflerthe open air service.. Open Air Meeting. Neit Snnday ttilve o'elock tb. Metho- diat aud Preebyterlan coagregatloos vilI unit. in a vesper the slnd. o! the Union cdurch. Thonse services were deservedl>' popular during tbe bottent veaî,r hst * ear and we h.lleve Ihe> nia>' h. i. ev en more belptol. Bring imu, ririd. usei- , Kaiser Bloc k iaeLynch I N BRICKS ioJprove. PLAIN OR ASSORTEID ÇArdinance i make a se«lalty of furnlsbing )e bronit eitber Brick or Bulk Ice Crmm tuo ga motion Churcli Sociale, Picnica and Pub- 4nb to lieGatheringes 0,vhlcb meýuttOu MITCHELL BLACK tiIU reed L flnviui le thette. OKILE.LIOU publsd ihat tbe lpa" t m .EDVARD V, s&U11 vo0 pi il. over Poutoffice nd %Û1à H lr: 0to 12.m. 2to 4 wd* Wleand 7to 8p. m. wd 92Lberlîvile. flllnols DL C. R.GALLV4y. uo-b.m ila 8àaM C4laSpo a Tinte 's Pleasare Tàisb jo>' for Father Time lu a stock of lime pieces 4W tmay b ded n oagme It1s a eaa to tlloWho init on firetoclasa"elPmeo1 get into a plAC*e such sours viiere tii. dock. MW vatelisu y be -depeudedupas. Umthoeillibot tirme pieccu ut'a ,price you amight exPect ta puy for a poor one, W - 'RQ I a- 'le¶fl,» churehiTuoedso. Banalat'st. Mai*"s cemetery la Wsnkegaii. O . . LmLue iii open a bowling aIle>' and bilard room ln hi, basmet çjdr the Inculture star, about Av tule lanaddition ta th. bpw[i =-làmai. rWini ho two ol and one bilrd tabla. rBcwl@iens h= haveboa vlshing for an amusement reeort of! leklnd viiiDow b ave an opportunnly 10 dleplay thoir abilit>'. "Elealtli Gaffe." le realy tbe loseat Coffee Imitation everyetproduced. This clevei, Gaffe. substitut. wa. recently rCduced by Dr. 8h00?, dl Racine, Win. it la grain of cmal 1,0!,. bil telth". Dr. Sboo'souilli GaCffes la m"d.front pur toaatod graina, vlli mal, out., *r ec Re..lY îtit vuld fool an expert- who Mlght drink il for coff... No. 20,or 80 Inutas tsdlous bolllog. "Made la a minute" s@"s the doctors. Sold by yGorett & Fiederlek,. il I respouse to a general invitation 3froim A. F. Oheldon quit. a number gathered ou tb. sbores of Lake Rare on the eveniog a01h. Fouîi h> vilceso the display cif lrevorks. A point ai làu" proiectlng mb t i.evater vwu ehoasuon the opposite aide of the laite and tha dis vasver ipclimpreclatedi.» t b a a singer. pmeeddledabout the lait* 'and sngsongs that vere varialy a -ppaudedby Ibosa on tb. shore. A large parly @ponttIths day there aod eh »joyed a good old fashiooed Fourlli. A ooveitY in the way of drunks appeared on tbe streets last Monday, Bie wa. a ingiiig jag. Nov singlng FboOze lister. e ual nocomman bat Ibis ione diqered from the plain every day kind otitng 10 the fact that lie sang grad opera. He sang il veli, lhe sang It loud and be sang il long until a Mau named Limberry came alan g and ln. formed hlm that tb. public did't Bite the range of bis voie. and l 'ivould b. bet for him to seek nev pastures. He thon mlgrated ta the electric depot the large vide platform offeced sncb cbarmiog facltie, thal lie agalo bucal Into ong and with teaca in lies eyee and bis voice. hoekueit upon th. platlorm and sang th. avan song in sevenleen different keys and fourteen differens langue". At tb. close ho baved ta bis audience and sat dova and mter a short Interinson begqa afreeli. His audience încluded alilth. Knebker and Wriglit additions and a lew of 1h. neiçhbors. Elecîrieccar a uppo»ed tb rua ,vry hour la th. soncung but la lbe afternou 1h. 2:87 car ranszIlicougli tu Ravinta and that lears. th. 837 a black. At 8:37 and 10:37 la 1h.e venlng if vou are laoklng for a car you alun drase a binait. Libertyvill e e lthe sa f&r as gent service la concernd. ll a, had t air proposition a s votia li bion l l)AM $W ~ Libèrtyville car torns lirmare moe ytlie ysar arod thanuas on lbe 1aInlin. A Peculia llslng about thils cntllug davn ofsarvlca te tb*qit busai au *pabs iLbect- vlla bffan 1 kick'f(or protection atthse croulg.ThvflIags board vus ld thbat1h. in. td nd uapy and Ihal vith ay addltional expenas lt.elins vould have to h. abut dose, gtlop y r. lf~u emismlfor t15e doses ansd l.patronagela eulited la botter servic. Frbermore the, croasînp slould b. proteeted but th. villae escast &round and vbltle util the caupsY goes0Mod d eady 10 do as they please. Thie road la Inlthe bauds of a recoever, itlal true, and ite affaire COnuiderably tangl.d but vben officers io charge have lime for opite vark they also bave time t0 cansider 'th. riglits of 1h public._ Thislla Notice. Notice id h.reby given 10 hghway commissioners of 1h. township of Liber- lVille 10 notlfy pathamiastrs ta dlean up tbeir district.. bigbvays, ralroada, farme and lots of Canada thisties botore lbey go 10 seed as 1 shallses IbaS the law la fully obaerved. DEN-;îs LimBEîR[c. Canada Thaltle Commissioner of the tovu of Lih.rtîville, Lake County. Ili. 89-t! NEW International fabrie are now being offered at a tremen- dons cul lu prices. IF you want a nice. ew eum- mer suit at a reroarkable low price.,Dow 15 tb. lime to get ld o! It. Made slrictly ta your meaeore, in tb. inter- national inimitable way. YOIJ eau rave np ta $800)()a i4uit and your order vîi h. executed au perfectly as tbougb You lad paied the regular prie.. 711E bargain fabries are al popular and attractive, but yon Ceu'L appreciat. Ibis bargain aller se. 1h. gcods. HERE lu tbe place 10 soes lem. 2Oth Century Cash Store la. W. PARKlfuàsUrS Schamn Block -LIBEETYVILLE, ILL. 4 Devenportu, 26,50 Couche&S, 8,00 10 $2000 Ca4)1luadjIook uM thea. Young & Lynch Bros. Il Ply»ouiiTwinsut cà atlethe bout Md bs$ tivne on the mgkttoduy9 OoiPound o .1à"1.,s T. wlm iibi or rinhn10 centsW"<hhof pIno MR gime.For"lsby B. E G~ R LIUSIITYVILLE, ILL.. IWe -Wan t To Post You EMM-ON LUMBES PHOPNES 47 nd LERTYVI .. If you inteud to build now la the time t and figure on Luniber, Cernent, Brick aud Fin- lo - ail have declined and we eau save yon S -MERCER R COMPANYv 1171I. E. A. BISHOP, Mgr. n~ ji - *Iii LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. DR. . L TAYLOR OFFICE OVE£ J. ELLI. HGO BLDG. mou":-710 >0a. m.2 10 4 and" 6 10 8 P. nM. flesdence on Broadway, opposite Park. Liborlyville, Ililowu DR. E. FL SMITH, DENTIST. OVER LAIS COINTT NATIONALLBANK. Bauxea-8 to 12 a. nm. and i1 t 5 p. m,. DILY. Libontyvilo. Mhlois DLR. . F. UTTMbRFIED, VETEBNAIT gUEGUON. Uboetyvhfls, MinuL JESSE&9.HYATT, Cl VIL 0 ~EEAH>SUEVEYOR Llbsity It li.Toi. $51 OBSAax.awarn»y BÂLPE J. D> WHrTNEY & DADY LAWYERS 305 Washington Street Waukegan, Illinois DR. GOLDING DEÉT18T Honre 8 la 12a&M.-1 105 p.m. J. EU TMBuilding villi Dr. J..L. Taylor-Plan, 19 LIh.rt'vMie, Illoits Y. STEAMN LAVIER 218 Wahlgtion fStreet Wemkegmn 'Plione $761 YSBaked with Tomato Sauce PORK AND BI3ANS Once lot yoar folk@ tante sabdele'Benand githey'U frosea If yen serve thesa wlth other.. That natty fayvot, that twang and ment are mlaainjg La other brand. IN81ST 0O4 SNIDER'IS CO RLETT & FREDERgCKS LIBITYVIil.lE, ILLINOIan Teplehone 30 EW.POCTOR E. F. SWAN R. C. HIGOINS T EÀUOMELUMBER CO. à Oo-paftnershlv FT BUCcceeoa te O. R. SCIEANCI< Lamber, Coal and Feed LIBEIRTYVILLE, ILLINOIS PHONE 50 Music, Beautg and Youth An irresiâtible combinatlon. In the / Young, it inspirea love. In the old, the joy of iving over again the spring.time otf1lie. Wllh a Schiller paoin the bouse a 'pretty girl viii .ave no lack -ot sultors,' a inarried ber huaband home. Cali and get our prie.. and terme. Louis J. YEOMAN OiatedLàundry O Offic LEOthe Nev . NaA_04pýa. 't F ~,III stes wi l ANDREW IIUSS JE.WELERP LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS An Early Sum- -mer Sale, at Late Summer Prices C, 2ltrtialTailoring Co. ave adeà big drop ona eu mac> of their new popula Spring and Summner -You uht o aet dumd the mm amytere gaina aet EveWysuit wWl be =ude in the Iste @qr-pue intla ppoint ment. Ot Msyle.CafiNOV for nov; thIe fim= LIBERTYVILLB, ILL. 1 COME IN