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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 Jul 1908, p. 7

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LAKI OÛTNIY T~flP1I!~TI!WtrB'fl I -TC, i J&~.5L U-tsi1(, I1908 tA Lt i. t g g gg g s s i g 1FIRE SALE Curiaina. s4ihîly darnaged by u-ater ......I 5c 10 25c Toilet Paper, 3 rons for .. ......... 10Oc Boys' Duck Coat, lightdy dauaged...... 50C to 75c Boys' Canvas hm ............ Youths Canvas Sboes jafan Tes, per lb ..................... SwcetLain Fine Cut, per lb,...... 2 POU"deMeLaugisile'.XXXX Coffe .. 2 Pm"nd Arbuckies Ariaus coffec ....... 1 gallon Glass W1 Camna........ ....... Cloches VWngemrs oth $3.50, now ... 1 Pound Sweet Biscuit Baking Pou-dee- Victors Cald Starch .... ........ Defisuce Starch ........ ... ... . Seeded Raisins, . . . . . . . . . . . . . No. 2 Pork antd Beans .......... Ripley Pickles ..... . . . . . . . . . . . 83c 74eý 20C 25C 25C 22c $2.50 And other articles 100 nuoeerous to mention l.StU'TH & DAVIS Llberty'vt le, Ill. Il *FIRE SALEh bx jOUR LINE Straw Hats le flou- ready for vour inspection. Ail latest, shape, styles and prices in keeping uith your purum Corne while the stock la complete. Mensi Suits in ail the latest shades of brou-n. EVERYTHING FOR MEN vi i i e uly I~B.MORSE3 & CO. et1AN8Y BLOCK, LISERTYVILLE s OrrcIALs VISIT SITE e Loal/sOf TESTING STATION b a Fobu ' balfrsueD s,(lr@eut, Luey as-e luit ai geetianti muchisaler te carry Issu cash. We aloo isse drafts wbicis are tise Most convenlent anti ecouomicai way et seniing money thogh tise, mail. You cen p-St by tsansactiag 70cr Banklhg Businssa Vh is.o s Now Io the time tÔ think about Iconomy Fruit jars SELF SEALING NO RUTBBER RING'REQUIRED 'lite uhepeat and Most ecouemical Jar in tise world, au it will psy for itâesf in tise fruit it will gave. Wisen di- rection.s are followed every Jar is SURE TO SEAL. Fruit aud vegetables neyer moulti. J.1E3LI TRIOGS LIBIERTY VILLE 's P Mat Pinkerten aud wsfe, et Chsicago, Blient Tuesdy in tise village. Mr@. Davies, et Fox Lake, lm vislting trientis In Libertyvilis this wesk. Cisarley Laycock snd Wm. Barber attenlid tise races at Peorla the Fourts. tEdyts sud Estsel Spring nre speu'iinig a couple et weeks eft lisir vacation witli their sisters at Fox Lake. Artisur Miller retorneti from Eagle Lake, Monday where hos ipent a wccks vacation. k Mis Marart Tierney, cf Waukegan, 1=p1nt tise Fourts with tise Lawrence famlly. Austin Scisnaebels le spendlng two weeko' vacation witis relatives in Pala- tine. L. A. Bartholomew andi family, cf chc aecamping oin tise banke cf ir. sud Mm. Zimmer and Mr$. Mowers loft for Miwaukee tc make an extended viaît with relatives.1 Many fs-arn Libentyville atteudec tise1 Fourh et July celebrationa at Grayilake sud Boundi Lake. Tise l.akeslde Cemetsry .sâoiation1 wlll meet wltis Mrs. Acers on Lake et reet an Frltiay afternoon, July Io. te sew. 1 Thom. F. Bursis, of Beli idere, f)emc- n ratic candidate Ion represfentacive wai lcoking over tise situation isere hast Tuesday.t W. F. weibé vieltedth Ie village hast t Tueaay. Be aayeise ta a candidate for state's attorney isut tisat lie waH merci7 makiug formaI'calie. e B F. Gridley, J. 1). IManehahi ant teir tl familles, E. P. andti@ iais ndley, ail cf t, Chicago and Ms-. Belle Corbin, cf Elgin, epent tise Four-th wits Mn. H. C. (Jnldley.R Tise LadiW ' 1f issionary Society of tise C Presbyteriau churcis will meet ai tiseai home o! Mr@. tfenry Kern on Tisnrstay M afternoon, Juol,u. at 2:30 o'clock. Margaret Eger eutertained a numnier fa of ber littie friends lait Monday atter. Éli noon lu houer cf lien ftfth iitistiy hb TisaItliey haci a gooti timegoes without Gi 8aying. fa Tise breaking et a rail la tise St. pou] yards lait Monday eveningepuan engins ci and ane car etf the itrack. Tsewrecking 00 crew Vas caileat upon te repalr thedcam- 1 âge. Ml Dr. . E. Golding liai movetiisedental t office te the J. Eli Trigga building sud el wll accnpy offices in connec-tion wiîis tisai et )r. J. L.Taylo-. Appoiutmeuta w fan be matie by telephone 10 os- 1092. th MissesDe"iaCrokirisuad Er&aDu Bois a uli entes-tain tise primai-y claie ef tisef M. E. Bunilay scisooaf yhlch tbey amns leechera,' Vtis a gardtin prty ait tiseoa home of Fred Croke-, Frlday altrneon. th hi Mitchell'@s Mita-y Baud '.11 give tiseir ~In-fortuigistly fdance ant tta thia sday evsating, july 10. A d .1o bil. Gooti made. Oome. Tise bandl will <ive a concert an tise uet 1 that eveniug trous 7:30 until 9.th C14 The Epworth Leegne of the M. E. y, :isus-ch la collecung camesifs-uit for the Cà Agarsi Doscousa nullm at Lake Bluff. àl EmPV - ana l'l be handed ta le lai mAssusrs anti thes- frienila. Thsis lea a vortsy causeesud ail soulil w'lligly &a )elp. wi Frank Appley @petit Moudsy at his Mc home bons. Wos-k qUlise extension et th, the Uiicg & Milwaukeseectric ta as iglwaUe l progressing ellow4y. The tal legal lili#Sion antias-rangemnents u'itl Kc tha Neslwestern ralîroati for croisinga mg axe said to dlay the work. thi 10la Harriet Andrews, et BlilingOlt Mont., arriveti Weduesdaoy ant io visiting ail tise home of her saut Mr@ j F. 88 Clark. She boa bsenu atsnÏing;;sielinNs, T'acoma, Wash., sud ber as-ivai bers je ma part cf a 3,00 mile jeunuey wbich se eun sas matie alone. . no, tic Josepl Frienti anti son, H. A. Friendin 1 lave organize th le Banue- Office Supply o Co., yhich eperates onde- tisenainsefta n-tend Brothers, sud are uow deving ais ail tiseir lime te tisai business wbicb isnlit ucated ln Zion City. They seil office aupplie@ et every description sui report T P=iee progreeiing veny ulcely. V W. E. Miler loft lionday eveuing for le gps-ngfield visere hos iad tise isenur tflire sslg tise prlmany petition of GeoaM Quentinfor senator fron tisis district. boa Heales Democrat but likeeverv mema roi et' te board of supervisors he Ww a ves- per, suit anal latest in seeiug tise iead 0etat Cas bores seuretise nomination. sac @ho Tise Bamblers defeated River Forest ce Suuday afternoen by a score of 4 ta 2. 'he visitera veut ta bat lu tise llrat A imuing anti matie tise only two rens they pr -t du tg tis g T. lhe Iamblerës net t cib dlcage thein defeat at tise ogaes pa hadtieFourts luckled t J. .. te w or n i playeti gooti bail . tis eerlove pitceei.. ta) Geo. Lusk Rncegâfully passedth ie rail- 1 sat examinatien at Milwaukee lait isurk liunstiay anti le now a full-ftetigeti rail- toci sat engineen anti sîlgible tc taise change eut a train at any time. The examina- not un waias tiS oeeand a numben faileti s paso. George la but 23 yeans cf age M idone of tise YouugeÉt men on thie roand War id le very justly elateti ever bis succees. 8Soc' tries Mises Ada Spring biail a veny sanncw Tuei ecape fncm deatis by drowning at Fox heinl tike lait Saturtiay eveuing. She wai nOW ue of a panty et six that weut for a heinj )out ride ou the laite anti accidentiy sat abis oo tarn oeeaidsetoftiselicat wblcli wai ipped anti in a twinkling sise was into abis ea Vaten. She went down twlce Setone mal eing nescueti by onseto the young men will tise Party. Ibel Wisen v00 have $50,00 or more whlc short tinte, 700 Vill finti our Certificates@t anti profitable lovestment for yus money. a Ben El. Miller and Warren Elli8 ocre ln Springfield, Tuedday. Misse Geogiua and Laura liurke n à nt Sunday attise home eof Miss (irace Amanda Sprlug sud frienti, cf Racine, efpent tise Fourtis witis ler cent. Mrs. Spring. Mrs. B. H. Miler and lier aunt, Mr@. Afredi Fayat.speul Tuesdav'Ywltb fiende and relatives la Racine. C. H. Kaiselr loft Wednesday with Boy gluis sud party for Denver ani'olorado Siprings. Fred Bartz, formerly propriesir of tise Liliertyville hotal, @peut Tuedayheme. He le now locatesi la Chicago. Mrs. Platz sud littis son, cf New Or- leans, La., are vi"ltlu t tise home of Geo. A. Maloney aud Chas. B. Coigro ve, of Grand Rapide, IMicis., were tise gust 0f Tho. Dreler Saturday and Sunday. Aaprng sud NUlm May Brunswick, trom WIlwri s were thse gueoseof Mm. Sprlng Saturday. il. W. Stafford ham beeu dangeroutily sick thse pait week and at mie limaelie W" flot expected tW l,. The W. C. T. U. will meet wi th m r. Lizzse GLeason,1 Tuesday, July 14, at 2.-30. SubWet: "Christ lu tise Ecm,', Beglnning maxi; Saturday lise ctieof thse North Shsore Gan Co., wili be elos)ed every Saturday afternoon, for thýý next two months. Bert Augtin »pent several dai, tii week Wit h relatives lu Chicago. Threai- ened with an attack of appewndsîî'ts lhe sasa leen unable to work frthý 'ast wo weeks. Wirt Wright and famlly, 01fi. l'oui., ROY Wrighst, of Edgerton, Wis_ and Clark Wright, of Cbicaes, were vivîtojrS at thse home Of tiseir Parente, Mr. and Mr@. C. F. Wright, tuila week. Mr. and Mmr. ROY Euhlet lat Wednesdayt fr their home in Calor-ado Springs aBeri tpending severa! weeks wits relativp s ere. The wens aecompstnied by Mies4 Grace Wheeler Whso expecte to visit tisere fr several weeks. The patriotie service at the M. E. 1 curch lait Sunday evsulug wa8 a un iont ervice Of both the Methodiet andà Prembyterian congregations. Ben H.n Miler made au approPs-iste addrese for te occasion and tisessas apecia mu, je and drill by a claie ofg".ls. There i8 not a candidate ln the countya 'ho bai anunoumeesin Ilf for office k hat h baeen as iadufator-uY s-eceivedd athatof George Quentiuof LongGrove,A fr state seflator. HRie meto ,be the pop. ec lar man for that ca iIftuse expression t Apublic sentiment je suy guide aud ailC he commente heaid ou this candidacya ýve certainly beau favorsis SI A boei-isouie la belug lbslt to aono- 01 lta the fleet ou Lake Para whlcis le P raOwiug lna ssn~erery dy ~ arier sassa y -a17 bticanoe batl Ia dandy. The armadaow lu ildes a &-ahip wlth salis, a row-boat ith onansd two cannees wth peildie. ;ip Vagabondie ln a pirate port that beginning te, earn a reputation on tise S ake shere. W. F. Weles, candidate for statesa torne. suad A. F. Beaubiçu both or aakegau offered tise use of thelrauto- 'bies ln caring for thse commission at vloited hene last Monday. Mssra.i lââion and Eeeley also iselpeil the good &uie bY tise use of their Machines.W [>00 Brothers' brake wilh four homes *e, asie agrand finale to the procession cc bat rals'ad ornemeut On tise way btiste dE e. t Wm. Cate- lef t Tueeday alternoon forp short visit With hie son near Watrous,PI 1W Mexico. Before returniug he yul0 ike a brief trip over thse mema landes B &et 01 Las Vegas, N.* M., which are lUit Bi w attracting 8ucl i wdesprnad atten- f bn among isomeseekerm and Investo swi nsw ch:7&plande of tise great eoutha ha st. Ils-. Cter wiUl mate anotiser tript New Mexico isexi lail wierelie bai or, ready bougbt land besides îgDi ,ereiteti witb bis son in siseep ralsing. va The Lake Couuty Pour Fanni soli tiss hi lek to, T.-C. una, of Oregon, Mo.,,a frc i polleti bull eM. Dungan je a large Di eeder of reil polled rattle sud wai a i 8 i-ch of thse beit sire he could linti to un ld hi, iserd. e visited a number of elli ýkflarme but did no tfi nd anly thiug t ehc lt hMB nutil hoe came to t ha Lake by. lut Pour Farm. Supt. Appiey soon sis 6w tisat he wai pleAed wi th tise stock lio kou bien there sud eold Iim ais animal pu. eghing about 2,140 pounds for $100. et) Aimail lire aitishe home cf C. Gotti on'y' ague St. last Monday afternoon was an, IOut witb a few liuckets cf water ma fre it bail done any serloum damage. se' SOme that there wae a emnaîl leak inha outoide conecton of tise gai meter DW tise main anti a match isad iseen silled ta stoptise odor andi is heat "ng ting tise lead connection a liigfe @ta ýst Out i0 thse cellar and set lire to the oring. Tise lire department turned n tPro-ptly but their servires wene u t eqnlred, ' ns. Francis TrlPp ani Mrs. Edits ' %rn entsrtained tise Ladi.s' Aid Snif iety of tise M. E.' bur"ls and tiscir 8til ad@ at tise home cf Mrs. Tripp hast iln t asdaY afternoon. muchis nterest le wer mg Mnanntes bhieSociety in tise sta W adition ta t eheciurdih whichis linlu ng bouit ly tisem. Tise addition is ag ut comuplete, lise putting ou o! tise for knscoting and tise painting iseing liar ut tise Only things ta lie linisised. It ligi Les a mucis lr room and one tisat nor lie very aes-iceaile to tise Iadiein ene n cu cswork. lieei tiss wai The eh yen do flot expect ta use for a tisr aise of Deposît a Most convenlient. safe The y. Tisey »~Y 8 per cent per anuur to t Wby fDot On à DB e»RuIons Automobile for its convtnience and pleasure and the price la very reaaonable. They are made with solid or pneumatie tires-the Most sati.s. factory and durable car on the market anid the expense of running same is very amanl. For price and further Information can on Albert W. Lichtfeld LIBERTYVILLE. ILL_ wbite, large eeces, briliantly "ilhed. 7Yà inch open edgeý footed d"ses ..... 8%, inch fancy saladidshes ....... 5 inch footed jelly dishes......... Extam deep footed rase-bowla....... Crimnped card reedvers ......... Deep nut bbws................ Large flower vases I Oc.. . .. . .. . . Fooed fi-t dishe ............ vr ne woth a quarter, your coie for.- 11Parf" o' Twenty-five Arrive on Specal e Train Monday and View Possi- bie Site of Laboratory. BTise remmîseicon appointed iy tise 8Secretary cf tise nterior for tise purpe 0f eelE)ciug a ste for tise location or tise U nited States Tsting Lalieratiniem, or tise eiperimental station as t se more freqnently called, visiteti Liertyville lait Monday afternoon andi made a flying viit of Inspection te tie Osior farm soutbeat et tise vinlg. An Inspection engins su twe private cars lireuglit tihe partY wblcli arrivei lere fremn Chicago about one oýcock and were immediately taken via automobiles to tise site. Thsy Vers accompanied liy a cOmmittes of citizen@ u-io demon- stratei, expoatulatel sud slforth lu tise must glowing and fiowlng terme lise ativantages of a Liberty-ville location. A1 stop was made aitishe Copeland nul- phur 8pring on the retorstnpsudtse medicinal qualites of th&t sopuric fountain saipled. Tise fiouing Weil et tise Liberty vilie Crystal Sprxig was sue visiteti and brougit forth may coin- plimeuta yremarks tram tise visitors. Tesopecal pufle out hos-y belons two o'clock tfs- ondnt, Waukgu, Zion City sud Norths Chicago which &artis beIng considereti ai possible sites Tie delegation wai in charge of Grant Williame, division freigist agent anti superintentient (if tise industrial depart. ment cf tise C. M. & St. P. and W. El. lane, industrial comisoiner cf the Chicago Aseociation cf Commerce. A b"m ber f other Chicago men were a ise "Has Liliertyville any chance at ail cf getting tie site'?*le èthe quetion fre îluently,,aked ai s , tis propoition- wus finegt}srougist up spvenal montissagô. t centainly liai andi furtisermore tise :isance14 are lcekiog betten erery day. Tise comumission have bsi, inviteti to isit a Ilumben et s8ite8 but tliey have overlccked sny oet tiem anti a numier i tliem have iseers viewed onhy trom tise train. Tliey wsre nterested enougs lere eo makg a personal investigation and tu, lasit tise grounti sud to view at close ange wbat we have to efier ai weLl ai discumsetise ativantages sud advisability of locrnting here. Tisey came sud viswed the site sud were pleawsed with it and tise treatment iseY receivet wile liens. Tisey were met st tise station by a number of auto. mobiles, a four-in-hmansd everal extra sislicles Vers iselt Inreses-ve ta take cars if ail tise party Whio cared to go. Tise artY iat but a iisrttirne to spend ers nd tiseY yens transported prnmptly un ashort excursion tiat Vas very exogl- ntlY manageti. Tise commîttee ou lu- dustries of tse citizens Improvement issociation of wyisci E. A. Biehop le chaiensantndtie ollowiug memb@rs of tbat commiutes: Paul MacOu&fn, J. F. Clark sud F. P. Dymoud met tise train and devoteti ail thissr time wltiln the sort ime aloted tu pontig ut tie superlor pointe et Libsrtyvle sud tise propoassi site. PECULIAR STUNT Oir A LIGIITNING BOLI hoot Torn from Hors.. Feet in th. Koon Brothers Stables and Injured Several Others. Msuy stories are tolti of tse curions ati strange pranka tisat have been crooglit iy that mystes-lous something- iectricity. Ligbtning ln particular urnes in a flash sud usually leavea death anti destruction in Its wake a tugl to demonstrate tise mlgisty power that it posesses. One, of tise strangust accidenta heard Df some time oecurreti ai tise Eon nrothers' stable a fow weeka &go and r some lime h isadth ie proprietors ai 'ehl ai many ots guesing as ta wisa ath reiylappeneti. The nigisi Seo-e seshaibee. a big electricai storun ansi )w=ein tise barn the neit mos-nlag wgtMaor, a Seautifel blac geliling alueti at $1500, wasIconil ta Se actiug ry peculiariy anti on investigatin ooti wai founti ooîiug ouI t i legs rm hundreisof etutle perforation@. irsct]y Seisint irl on tise oor lay the ihoes from bis binti tet ybich in some saccoonitable manuer hati been removeti i sud dean but Vitis tisenalle stili incisetianti Sent over as tissy wyesleft )y tse blacksrnith wheu lait he waa ot. Tise boots Vere flot injoreti anti les Vers left Visestise nails hec! been mlied tiscougs. Tise herse aiseoliad an- ber dieep gais on the ]aw bons and the se baillet ens eye turnei a milky white nd nsmained that Vay for several days atii It gradua]y came liack to ite non. ial condition. Tise animai wai stit! for ceral days but it le now belleveti be e recovereti Vitisont any serions effecte. v iglit Major is eue of tise inest appea- ig sud best mannereti horees le tiseir sisie. A jet black, anti witb a shade of site about tise syse whicis girsehlm an ti apearace. iseyi-cnidsn fim a oet perfe.t boresOanti te w nens a rc uigratuiating tisessi8ecîres 0cm hie ne. iVery. Twx, ctiser herses ii i te lbarn alec iered, oesof thesi a running isorise, le ll Ptifianti wii ecer again Sevaluabe that lorisetofwcni, agaus. Thsese herses re at tise extreme end cf tise row cf ile wivsls Dwight Mair sicoti about tise centen lbut whsat or liow tise dam- is ad iseen done e s n ot discovereti ,r ome time. An iemtigation ot tise iru nevealedth ie tact tisat a boit et ltnibg bac! truc t he biarn nea-the :tb gable anti lef t a large isole sud a cvy timben tisat was in its patis had ,e ten te plinters anti the ouîiy trace at would indicate wbsrs ilt ati been as tise naile stitking tirougb tis iding. bcpatis cf the boit Vai traceti down ougli tise ay but ceiat became etofit trwands liai ot yet been discoveresi. 10 lorsea injunsti wers in an adition tise main barn anti along the manger n a etrip et metal wViilila sopposesi savs carniedth ie terrent. Tise borasi anding baciscapeti tis e siociuad tse s e tisat wsrs stnock yens probably in oui et the manger at the tinte. LtherotLlosiisteottbmbe stning af te-il enhisoit1i* hssl s ie l lt *aIrnnruag th Lades' SL25 Lau-n Was for Ladies' SL50 Lau-n Waàs for S98 1, IF Our rate of interest on depuit s la4ih enugh 2. I ur rate of ntergm om low eamh 3. IF the ac co mo aio w e d a ud e satd La tor -4IF our budain asaely mon gd(mid we tbik It in) 5, IF you arm fot alredy a customer, d=hCe n lite you fa becomeome, Lake Cou nty National Bank 20 Per Cent Discount On Alil Boys' and Men's Suits and Pants Corne early sud fit your boys with a school suit u-hile thse stock as complete, LAKZ (»USTY INDEPU'PhimtqT. PRInAv ITrUv in inn. 3 Phone 29 fliuola Clearance Sale Ladies' Lawn Waists and Boys' Wool SURtS Commeicing Saturdai, JuIy 11 th, for two veeka

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