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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Jul 1908, p. 11

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J-ULY 17, 1908 .ke SPECIAL I0iAP-In pianom. Addre., mo! lot@ Box 244, Pailtine lM. 42-2 08o1 -tU Chi "-INSURANCE-We write firs, marine, Cor s lu accident sud lits Ijurance. DyssoxD & nin MUa AugiN. Libertyville, Ili. 40-t! t M!. thi - WANTEO-Farln and town proPer8Y o! rakthat la for sals or rentaiolake pr Mer Rai A Party wants 150 excbang goocity me incarne proE:r for good tarm. J. A. o!, GRAtvsI5, Li rville, .l*h ln ud~WANT TO BUY-iiood ight spriog Bot mdawagon,1 u'r B H. PEow, No eTriN Lietvle I42-2 qvî -WANTEO-A 3 or 4 rau dairy. Inquirs c o, !4 the Grl@wold l Dary, Lake Formt, 111ICo ml.Phone 211. 42-2 - V ter 1 LIVE STOCK ETC. FQ S ALE-Iti vouDg pigs. 7 w@eks îald' - ax aesu Lake, îsostoffice Gruysiake. 41-2 FOR SALE-iuud barm hburae or wili liii traîle for driinig iiirsc 1- .M îSue Liliertyvilip. 41 ti FOR SALE-Hlumilul' riril-liiw i i' ll brî'îi t4 ,-wiirmt kîî kltrg l1-11mW.i .e jus it utuba l-, fr i. ,itkiiig li viiiiig Ilciterahtîfrulit t un1 h, lruItil.U Ur Off U )L uta lîliIlt lu,, Sui . u JFORSALE Tlire-- uiing ui înglint'.-sn i4iiîiutîi i ,îh raLiiaerti rIîl. ci - - -~il FO R S A L E -Scw isix rr,in lio use o0 , rd st. M. IL . i Ni. :ut FOR RENT FOR SALE-7 rîîîîîîîhouw a.'. ' vu- . aFOR RENT-Fice rîj lt, lai ri- bard Wood flim .eh - ,-'trci- ligli te amuji i li-l ,verrîîn iii IXil relit ti îîal good a.pring water. catIlor write J. . 1009 At kîaori" ,iicti îb N a, iberly vil le. 11. i 8-f f lii 2 FOR SALE OR RENT--ri'r ,îutsu'. FOR SALE OR rENT-Goiîd 11l roiiti coner tewart anîd Nf-K'ica Xe'uns taarding i)ti,îe iu goii iiatioti J. Inquirs I . 1 .-ail 11 ,lw.rt v lt. lÂ. I' 11.2 1TO RENT-Pratiia laîer îand irgans, FOR SALE-10ilrîlîru iîut-an iliii$2 iii $5 lon t al 1,1 ad u ifir îsu .W0i.50, onl'iraI lt.,rîrîra, iansd ai- trara liu-" îanil lin i-si'uuy lai modern-alcsin n- ii 'l', 0-ii-Kmlal, $2.7,;Stî-lnaîî. $225 * -iiie 12-, krI lii I& $100.~h,i Libertysihe. lI ý41 il - Ajî1,1b11oI aper*7.-,:4ras.2.): egia Rd M.Xi-orîîc,u h.urc-lnîtrrStuc-. VWAN'TED iorta r Il Ti-ii-etiiîui27 hîlliti teblehone I i:. 7-tf WANT-ED-Two gicla fir gi-orai ihou-j Work, Apçly iratt-seStoc-k kFri CiIID EN ! LlbertyvIhle,. i .ipiîi-14 isi-tri B DY 0F CIIIL ville Earhangm-. BtD Of vi WÔRK WANTEO,-Murri.'d alan.n, yt layîng on Beach They Uncover Wave f.miiT Of two cIoIîircn. l.xpcricn ii ahdRemnaîns of Baine lrm baud, teady wirk oîr lavînut and Prematureiy 4*Yartinx' Inî1îmr r ii-write IL, lB, S omi K ~' O.2, tereritu arin. I.îb,rtyi l. Tp- - 7l.1-2 111 I Pb oue i-d 4 WANTED-IVer(elr-5girl lfor hakemY ville, 111. 41-2 SOARDERS WANTEO-Hai-e ruumu gand board for twa gntlemen. %lmus, Tpiecza, Ora-ard St. 4 22 ORSALE e. . Bt )gNAr, Round Lake. 42.-tf - - - - - - - - FOR SALE-Ail kinils o! farins.ahh kinde 01 laIte ProperbY, ahi kinde of towRn e propert-y, acythioz you wvant, corne sud mewbat-1 bave. J. A. GRAV-Es, Liberty- viuk lI. FOR SALE- Fam.tlh3 trap, guod as new, cbeap. F. J. ALLM.uAiÂ, LibertYVille- 3,-tf FOR SALE-Boise aud surrey chesa if , tairen hmmedbatehy. lientle famihy druv- bores. carniage in good condition. i-,tqraWnm l,Âyu-uK,.Lierbyville. Ill. FOR SALE-I bave a quanitvy of lean] U.s'mau millet seed for sale. . R h. Gua,(rayalake, 111. t- FOR SALE-Secter 1nuCAdell front nickel plated, alto hocriit-h nase, $1ii- FýUÂN C. KICRaN. FOR SALE-8s earesaSecuity Blank stock. Addrese JOuNir'Ausaur, 2201 Wauhington St-., Wukegan. 41 - FOR SALE-20 acres oi standing hay. Appîy tu J. E. Hot.aoaie, Rockefeller. 4 1- --- FOR SALE-Ray baies; in good con- dition, BzianrAm, Deerfield. FOR SALE CHEAP-Entire threabiut nad ahredding out-t, iucudiug 20 horsm power traction englue. Ail lu goou shape. C. W. OsmANsoua, (urne, [Il. FOR SALE-Osto at 565e per bu. sud eorn at $27 per ton . H. BLIImE, Gilmer, III. 42-2 FOR SALE-Second baud pool tahle. Yr ., PEI5EL<i, Prairie View, 111. 42-I3 MOIYTO LOAN toUo&%4-We maire n Fi-nii XX-il esdavs Sut i e Wilh nevem a charicili10 fIght for t- self or even 10 lve, the lfeles bodyc of a premaiumeiy aorn aine vas !ound f on the lake shore ai the foot of Twen- ty-aîuuih st., Zuon City, aI 7 Wednesd5ay evenung by James Spanket, a laborer,1 and Frank paston, an espi-essman. t The body vas aboattonheu tct ion the beach as tluough it bail luen vasheil Ihere a wr-k or 'fo ago aud lbi'r was nothîuug loft but sinîiatud lianes. suvotualan ir the F,n'vcuril ho detemmitumd. The bah-! uis that th.- shrsy waa casî off tram sonne excur- alanbhast or drifleil dowu froin Keno- mhja. The body v-as elght luches long. No clur was obtaimeil 10 tbm par- entage o! Ibm infant. The verdict lu the cave wich beara a stil-lng imiarlîr tu oueataINorth Chicago sume weeks agu. wasta tahib ifant came in ils drath hy criminal tocasîb y a lerson or prsons un- kuowu lu the jur3. Coroner Taylor andl Deîutmy Coroner Conrad wre active I the case, Ibm fornmer gatlng Ibm report o! Ibm Sund trour Il-ealhbCominrishomer La Rose, Who nom, shows a disposition to fol- iow tha stat-e regulat-hons uather than the fanatIrsi Zuon uages. Chiluren paying urar lIre lalue made tbm gruesume fiud sud rau aval' f rightenmd beyond degi-e Lefi 10 a Worsa Fale. a Thue lusinems Man wiIra itting lu bis office, tbiokung o! st-auitiugfor homeuu, wben a suspicions lookuug person canne iu witb a satchel lu his baud. ýif you dont gin.- me $25," sai thae vjstor, crmiug at once to tire point, l, C wihh êtroithis on the 0Oa*"e The business manu was cool. n -W'at- s in t-I' hea skeil.L 'naie"was tbm brief reply. C "Wbat- whhh it-do if you drop t-" "Blowy u ýDroha lt-i w~lh. inatanut-command. 'My wife told me wbeu h Imt hume t-is morniug t-o ha sure and send up a bail oI coal, aud I forgoe is. igus@ it wihh taI) juat about- as Imuch dynamite as vauve guI thers t-oprpare me for tins bhwiguplIl gelwbenshe ses mes, fi -bs iseau bak in bis chair sud wated far thbe explosion, but-t did not 'insm a marricil man mysel," said t-be dynamiter, aud qulstly aippeil out. Nol an Easy Matiar. irDiduit- you say six monthsaugo that il Miss Tipkine would' marry you you wouhd lbrow yoursalf loto the deepet part o! t-besma? Now Miss Tipkit marrbed some ~e'l@e Ibres mont-ha ago, va<~ 40l hvntOII ut etme tell P.lM.Guffifià il I .-LÂKg< zUREAL BSTATER FARMS-We have a lo rIÀ ! ty larme tu, li, 6,3Z aasd1 yilage. DnsoNo &AU19TIN. 40- FARM FOR SALE-NO be1tef&rf LaIe connty, pories reuinabls. Ai," 2 L.STAFOI, Epsd 1ak, IIl.14-t -- FOR SALE--ChOks Iota lu C. Fs Wright'm addition, %SX150, for $20M 0250.00 &W d$300.00. DnsOXI & Au. 40- -FOR " SALE-Acre Iot-a on Dymoi .ublvleoo, cloelu towu sud elec mr.priesSh)o0O. lhMuNIî&AIJ> a . 40- - FOR SALE-Gourd 77 acre farin, miles irons Libertyvulle; gond new bi Ings 5 crspiuw aud; 20) s -- ttbr ell fenced; ocrer failing spu -- w l eiwith or wihuutBlÂut,,imip'C SPOIMssmon ghvel. J. A.URAan $4OUOES AND LOTS FOR SALE- Groomi, furua5e heisi............2000) Sruons., îwo lots----------------......24011 6 roonus, uearly new ..........-- 01> 7 rooms, moder.......... ...... 300(jh r 7rioinh,good onditiîmn ... 24001 7 rooms, tine lceated........25141 ~r 6 rooxus, good rirhair . ýt1l) 7 roolus. very ni- .... . .. b... 200 Sroons., al il tn riir ......ui0 Grooms, everythiiîg iii.- .22001 8 rons., large i'i------------... 1 7 ruS ., gala i e ntli.c.l.. . .. 23(l() ro t, erliie lactories I... l 1iv)() gdbossoib1a rge 1uiýt.....45001 L.Tiis lu ,niy a lpartîil1liat.SC l tî i ima ut. We l'au arrange ta-ris il suit'i 40-tf lirîilkX r' aned Orvis & Beaubion, 1heure south t-ýenty rod", thence es Attornes.L wenty rode, 1heure soutil twenty roi - ta t-be section fine, theuce eut< tw.-n ILLINOIL>. CountY or roda, sîong the section 1Une dividît Sections 21 aod 28 ln said Ist mnetio ONS INTERESTED!- ed Township, theuce South ten roui that a petit-bu tabhave thence Est twenty roda. thati hlrh ile bounded as fol- Southn ten rails, theoce Est tir r roda. ibence soîti twenty roa, tlî.-n ait a point ai the Inter- euat twenty roda, to thse bal! serti( eaut 1Uneo! Section 24 hues lu section 28, theuce South t-cen h North, Range 13 Eutl rodsalaoog aaid bait sectionî tht hcirual M.eridiau. by bine bbence est tbhrty roda, thence Roll te rigint O! waY O! the tweuty roastatin S onuhuie out t -suItee Electrir Raihi'oad Nortmweab quarter o!fbthe Northes hinoils corporation, mun- quarter o! ssid Section 28. thle,, )th along saild eut t une Eat along sald quartier quarter I rest orne of he s luh IbmheSoutb-weaterly lune o! th.- tr tel ornr o!thesooIl hic ighway, thence alotsg thne Sont t-he South West quarter weaterly fitle o!fbthe publiec highv-iy lu Township 44 North, la intersection with biele aab liii- st o! thse gldPîlur- palthe West hait o! the Hast1but! aft rnce eutsath ie eautfhue Southweut quartier o! thbe Noui-heu âa o! the W'abbait o! quarter uf!salid section 28, then st quarter o! Section 19 south ta the bal! section lin.. he oofd Townshi p, ibence East along the bal! section lr itfi ou'th East cornuer ofthie roda. thatuce Boutin twentY ri) îarter o!flbh, Numtb a ut 1heureEai-t ten rada, theurce Suinti -North M'est rîuarter O! iwenty roda. thence East bwethrni, i lut mentuonruf town- thrnre Soutîh twenty roda, thehni- Rui W'est u n-t aîeNih West tweuth- roasuathne Fast l;, lit si Fast hait o! thu- South Sectionuî2s, thunuce South tai arr i, of the North XV eIztqular- along 1h.- aaid cast ]110e 10 the Q n-i rth Weist rînu hti-r (i! sad Qîlartar fblt1heure West ahi,, r- urnen'i, uîth atonthie quarter quarter ine ten r6dJ-i, il e rut sid Fastahlt, snd untb ho ta he southn Une o! sr, r ni, e nlahio.-ut luithe North- lion 28, thence Wiest alun i-suriiI)nu oft lii- 1reI lir f o! the s uection file to the West lin i -uI I it er utf thi- gouthrrest Eat hait o! the Southeast qîr u r- r i,,c uriiar i n!ort hi- fuuhrast quasrter o! said - -u r unl? Fauri s t ttrIh(' 2,1. tirence non-h ta the North II irr l,, rîti -unît ha t i -1-i I jatrrtIr fie, thetîce nortn trientr ahIaI n sunnunwi-thîhîu'rr- est trh tcuîy roda i.',i )o Fnuhrt uiluarior uit Noirthr Iwrut9 roda. 1heure X - r vaI týi IInr-I i ,- ., rti nu. - hetîcr, North tan rnul,. ri lu n.' Ill aîh 1r >tif1ii 'ii-t l-n roii',t10 the quart-r i n-nul f a ui n i, îb' "Narthaluna tii ,- i-a I , t' ' i nirittl, tan raids, thaîrce u- n s',- i .. ii a Wgi tt]hh lai-t tnerti,1 i 1r .t q ,:ri of I-, mu i xi,,nul,. l nlia mortb totii i- I Li -nIrul qS ihu -ilý, . rnr. io, humlinI, auid section 11'ip- île -,asi i- r -ni id \,,sittu numis. 1heure Nunulîn n un.;rIý? un (Irf nit ui-ti iiaite.r îînîaru,- lina ,themii-ri. r1 in lIo III, nulinn i i-r inl tri Ili, huait i-action bit,' nw t iIii, h-aaui alung - h r iii -u tinu . llutci' 'West thirty II& c1 i Inn- .Ion ih ieN i lur, ie -quiarter urarter bine, Ibm,-un - -ýia-is i,.nn 'I, tWInuits ni-ils, thratiie west tir-unir ci iî t>(-lr o rt iin surh heuici- Noirthi 1.-ml roa, thei--- V ot isit dSecnlunnu un. wcnty rods, Ibance Nortîbhti r r atouug tira XX,, sI itîr o! thirace' vrsi heuroa10tathe -î su thuanreu Rai- thIrna-qtar- quarte-r lune. 1here roninihr-n î il Tii eu' Il ,uîd r cd ort i- fou tvri rila - tieure îortb !Orth unr r fntli.s I 41 t --tmori h thb Northu bine o! said srr ,ii liti- o! sid si-ci til,:lb-thurc Wr-it onsald nortb i nu nihini il urini luijura lirodi-,thaluai' Northi ten rodst- p o land-s ouinid hi. West te-t nuils.iuence North tu-rn n., ,es- R,5t liii h lut ti tir' n-an' X"i-it tu1n roda, ther e-. n, sain fSctiontu:',(i tii t bI' tblhy roda. lhace Wiest tlurinfiý fie rut sain -ctiol Iý theWrst fine o! section 21. h m iahuri. 1h,,- ,uî s(i-nîlut llla -wsat otoy roa.sthet(,,- ls:il aloi tnurin l lui;t ihirt rod, tri the' north tit--r1 -rt-. iIr n i i i tr ini, f it,' q-t uarteir o! thi' i inn Tnawrîsill r 5Northui,t qutartar uit Section - Iý uif iiiî. un! l'rit, rirai .1 mrauronu. inence -ar-t n,- '-t ahi ilstire N.r tri u-fmt hibeSoîtheast quan.u' irtrII ' ah .îuirl n er rifthii'- Si-ioi o , nu tl,-i'-o orth lit n -rt-r o! Saýi ri, '1;iiiail hIiurieat oty t~roda, tînen, a IlTararui, il oiTh, Enas' uIIIil,,.tht -teionillite o! si-arl > arth s lioi f rlrhiu sail I 1i 7nnuur Xî-Ialrtraaid bhll n r qîmarten -thuir.' Souîth lire Itri b"r ofr u!sald arr-ui. rt a,( hille of rurid i Qurrluitý.iitir lce\\--t ta the Esiu1 n- Noîîtuni-i cruner uto ut i-a- fie o! tbe hicago, Sui tqîartîr o!f-laid] Norith- &St. Partbi R.R, Co. ttîr ll-- '\1 i nir-r- Ft'aahalona 1the whi-cair yaloi, asalîit eastl rugîl I i fsalit Sutiot b-ast Qumarter Ilîuî ru a ponît Iweiity fin' un nul> -ast qiuau t, r lui thu East SoutrIh ofthe ln nat h iile out lb s'Il Sectiou (. t hîtice Noirth eiast quustiiof thc Nuit lu iait q ui, ti lune o!fisut fSer-tloti 6, ofnier-t inTIweltrh iIunTurwnsrh jtIî'I oa the Non-beasI cormner Ibre north, rnger 12 etist o!flbh' joti C, Iuerîce Eastalong p. M_ themur-" due Fai-t ta tiha h l t ofSection 5 , Township setnîmuiu(,iofra!itISection 2j),th, ge 12 Eai-t o! the Srd P. ,urîh la tir-' Norîhes corner of ty rads luaiiîere the pub- Siniieai- iqrartu-r o!flb,' Nortbv uirrs and rmina sonthest- qiscltr utf-sarlitSectioun 20, the ubona the reuiter o! sahliEast ft-bn miabuta the ql y to t ha Rai-ttfitle o! Ibmter Quîarter t mn nilfi-aid secr fthe Nortbnsest Quarter itity, thiurc lruitb at- rh vewsi quarter o! section amngles fortyv roi- 1here v laIt meîtiouenl Townsbipî, forty roda t luliii iIl-r-lion lin( ruI the Northbfine o! the aaid Section 2o, tnuiinorib ah uartîr o! the Northwest said bal! sertiunileho thue oorth said section Oive, 1heure o! salid section, 1henre nuonli along e Nortil lina o! lat men- hal! section fine ofarrctua-t 17 lunL ,quarter to the Est lne township etahis coula10lui luetî ter quarter, theoce aoumîh the pubhie highv.av. tlrî'rnr-ceut ai Id Rai- ileaud said Est the rentier o! t-be priihlir-brghway ILs hotaIte Nortbwest corner t-y roda, t-heure Northn une hlanc -ast quarter o! the North- t-weniy roda, theurce w-rt parait.- of Section Elgbt, lu said t-be bai! section lune auxti roas1t it metitoneil. 1heure East soubhwest corner ufthrir North- rth hune o! the Sout-besat quarter o! Ibm Souuthî-ast quarten ure Northwest quarter o!,t-he Northwest quarter nul salid sec 9 ta the Northeast cor- 17, 1heure norîbtatfrýrinida 10 Quater Q-uarter, 1heure quarterlinbm. 1heur e srt OrtY I Ibm bal! section fine t0 ta the renter o!flb.- Nurihwrret qua ot .ild Section Elght, o! aaid section 17, thenri','orth b i aloîg the bal! section Une roda 10 the uortb bine ut aaid rer ara or leva ho the North- 17, 1heure XWest twetitn nrada.,i ut th, esat bah! o! t-be North torty roda. Iberuri-Wensattw- Quiarter o! t-be Southeast roda, 1heure North orrr roas1t id section 8, 1heure South Nortbhulie o! Ibm Souutinnest qua limîro! thrb2outhwestqusr- o! the Southwest quiarter O! sec Soutîreast qularter o! aaid Elght, lu Towushipi fort ihurec Nu theure Eai-b lu tbm Est Range 12 Estlo! the :tri Prinu h ast menullonail Quarter Meridian, t-heure North to ibm c.- lion. thaura Souith abuing o! the Northwmat qîman tiýr outhIbmSI e o! sali havi oentloned wesb quartier o! sald Sectioun 8, lb arec sectiontu hoebmNorth West elgbty roas tîlcr rati-r of un Seenetrintrluast mnen- Norihest quarter o! 1h, SOutir rasîliu, thînrca fSouth ahong quarter o! sectionu 7 rin-aid t - o! Ibm Northireit quarter ship, 1heure North lu ih, ruortb Ili beast quarter of rald Sec- t-haeriutheasl quarter nul the N teu.' mihts roda. 1heure wmat quartier o! aaid fn-r-ion 7, lh North WXest cuir-tur o! Ibm eutat-luthe mast Ilie uit sud sertir quartiers o! the Southmaat t-heureortis almauthter-ast lin thm Norîbrasi quarter o! aaid section, forth fruils, themar rspenteaul. thehîIce South right angles West thnI rt oda. lbh maet lina oh the Fst three, nomth forty roda ta flue \urîh hli said qurarter qurarter sec- ahd Sertion 7, tirence Wia-tt ett r sald Wiest ultra î-xtmndmd ta the Southwest cou un-rnIf the iwmst corner o! the East hait o! the Soîmîhest quarite.r ai er o! the Nortb bah! o! the Sout-hest quartmm ut Su -lIon Si quarter o! the Sgorthesat said Ilut mentloned' towniship, ii salid Sertloin 17, theirce North elgnty roa ta thi, north Ibm south bouildisO! the corner o! salid Eavt halit 1eure rree-quarters, forty roa to twenty roda, t-heure Narhu sixty at corner o!flire West bal! 1heure West len raid. - îiunrc I umeast quarter o! Ibm North- îwenty roda t-otha, liait sectionl ýo! tbe Southeait quarter o! section six lu aald Tain rshipu, ion 17, thence South ta Ibm ce West tien roda ha i-be 2' way, t-heure vest alonir the west corner o! the N'ortli'ast Il'qu ida o! t-be said public bigh- o! the Sioutheast quarter Lîuf salOi "West hune o! sabd XWest tion six, t-heure due Sta 0thE " outlanrg the wevî bIne ter o! t-be public hlghwayruyn- ut bal! sud salit M'estUne uortb sud sonth throîugbtire mas' o the Haht Section Une o! o! salid section six, tincn' ln a t weuty lu salilt 1ownshleP. erly and northessteriv direction si ta the Nortbeaaî corner Ibm enter lhue o! said piuhic hig best quarter o! salid Sec-1t-o a point twenty roa dr ue sou mce South 1tat-be Southwest1 the north hune o! Ibm Souiiire5t Ibm Norîhwes-fquarte.r o! er o! t-be Noribeast quante' nf the sairl ,r o! long wein-______________ red B ranch Stores - Racine and Kenosha I tI 'h te eion lpahl iind .5 towfl: .00 wmen'sann dhieseg otn.. 19 e 0 7.50 whelnonsits, n good colors. ... . . .798 r o!hit erh 8.500 whieand blerunonwai lred ui) * * * * * £ion) .98 1tr 75.0 cvales in clostinsitsery sp.ial at. . .. 3.98 otl ie 1.900 slawnd waist mboidery imed.. . . . . 2.5c ,xtn- 6o.50 w a nd misss hiteselrg oaso 1.98 2.th .00 whitendand hes'inowsits no c.s. . '.498c coda 2.5050waha skiraw n oUaL r s. . .79 98c child0n white n cuwastblehasin bonnet . . 289 li e o rs 1.0 vextra g o quit caico rapersa . . . .698 f te .00 fawny awn jumpiery reses . .. .2.48 luu cf, F2.0y tmdwhite lan w pee rsss . .9 r od SrUne 98c Ailrs ie thasold fo 1.50anw bo.nnet.s . 8c ot- o! 5 exAltcra od ult clc rpes69e Qurth Al muset res that sold for 1.50c now . .. . . 39C indred Nortne DON'T MISS THIIS MONEV 'irth O narter 0SAVINO OPPKRTUNITV narter said action thbe O105-107 Gj1teee 5te, Nei Ww à'"'* Wpukeeet, lection Oim iy mw mthent *~**p* getp ati west quarter o! the northwest quartier district are as followis, 10 isit- that O S * )da or said section 6, thenre North ta the the sad starting point for sait pro- ty~~~~~~~~ qure u n otnig Nrhposed work of yardd iiatrict shall be Rel! at Tanfr ntg quarte rlodapaande ontiu cnteNrtneat the Interserlion of the naturai MPueested By Ing o! sy aldsction 6, tenc onsa terlinot channel or water course as oow lbrai On*of aldsecion6, hene Est t rghted runniog northeî 1> and soutîheriy by s, angles to the west right of way line the ièorth lineo!ofaaid lands hi-reIn- Lake Couty Title & Tr-ust Co. ae of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul above described 1tahi- embraced in a Abstracts of Tille. Titica(iuarusteed ny R. R. Co., thence Northerly aiong the drainage district t0 hi', orgsnized. and Masonic Temple Bidg. Wankegan, Ini. ace said westerly right o! way hune of said the terminus o! the work shall be ai LoUi J. GUsasEZ, SmCY. ton Railroad Company to the renter o! the the Intersection of said naturalca ty public hlghway runntng easteriy and net hy the south Une of said banda, ne, wesieriy ihrough the Souihwest quar- hereinabove described ta bce rmbraced Estate o! Sarah J. Truesdell (derd) 1h ter of Section 311, In township 44 North, lu a drainage district ta be organized, to W. J. Wallace, lot 14, block 28, Lake re lrage 12 Est of thre Ird Principal anmd the route of ssid work shall be Bluff. Deed, $400. est Meridian, thence Southwesteriy sog alog said channel or a variation o, Converse Marbie sud wlfe to J. V. nc the conter linuo!of aid public highway sad channel as shall be best for drain- Ine ta the Southeast corner of the South- age and aanitary purposes with auch Converse, 50 lit. adjoining lot 2. blockr ub- ast quartier of section 36 ln Township biraent connections as wlll give aaid 2. Sayles sub. in Sec. 9, Grant TV. th- 44 North, Range il1 Eut o! the îrd P. lands hereinabove described to be oui Deed, $1. l1t M., theuce weat sog the center o! hraced In said drainage district tai b, et aaid hi.gbway ta the bal! section line organlzed, efficient drainagie and the Margaret McGaban and hue. to V. A. the of aaid section 36. 1heure North aiong sanitary benefita there!rom. aand the G. Murreli. lots 19 and 20, block 1 and ,at said hal! section line tu the North line proposed work shail constat o! makIng Iota il. 12 and 13, block 2, Oakland ce, o! saill section .16, thence 'West ahong o! auch dîtches. or opeuing o! auch soli. Wankegan. W. D., $700. ce maid North liue to the Southwest cor- watrr course or courses, artificial orl Chas. Wetzel and wife ta CelestIne tri uer o! the southeast quarter o! the otherwise. as salat best furnIsb effi- A. Strei,lots 16, 17 and 23, Wetzel'a lag, Southweat quarter of PectIn 25 ti cient drainage aîîd sanitary benefits s lbt riaid last mentioned township, thence ta he landls 1iieiîaiove described toa sb. o! block 4, McKay's Znd add. ds, rîorth ooe iiundred aixtY roda 10 nie e ,.ýet1.a,,,uil, iaid drainage district Watikegan. Deed, $1. lost bai! section lino of! ad section 2, t)lieoîunlzed. That the 1îetitionPra Samuel Cole to BesirHughes. lot aid 1henre East to the renter o! saitd Sec 'nul lirli-ýt sait loililin1t the Colin- 9 Cole's vub. west o! Zion City. W. oil lion 25. 1heure Nuorth forty ,lois ta Ihi.'yr Court (of Iht- ioîiîilî of Lake and , i-i îîorih hune o! the Souîth ha!! o! the StaIr ot Illinoris ai lb, leNt Aîîgust D., $875. ,i soilhwest qllartî-r o! the nortbeagt terni thereol. liw il, lt frI Orcl)ck Ini Chirago Titil & Trîîs,,t Co. ta E. H. I- quarcter of ,îaili sctionî îwonty fve, the !orenl,îlitil liîridav the, Srd dîlaî Mosan, Ilit:15, lock 7,Chicago l-igh- r hi-oce rasi 10 ithe' aFi lin(- o! the of Auiît, . X1l)ris, ras soluiti here- latnds. Deed, in, lil sotiîhw est qîîn týir o! tha northeat aiter ns troi 1î- im Il,,r iri, ard. ai the E. W. Hutchins and wife ta O. H. fl,' qîuarter of said section 25, 1heUre uîortb roonInii th('- i rt îrî iîri, the CîtY Richards, lot 8, block .7, Lake Bluff. il falong lbh- we-,t lhe of the rtitheat of! Wautrgan, in ilîrî,- i'riilî fake.acW. D., $1,200. lion qîrarler of th,- îîoîliwei-t qiîartî->r of aforesnid 0-ileihi, tri- 'oriiîv 1T.S. Wadsworth et ai. ta C. W. '1ir -aid sr,itii 25 .Inuthe aoiithwe-t cor-ICffilrtas'a ('0,11it irrii, and il i iileit-teck and wife, lots A and B, Wads- b.is wr nof111 111lori-uit qîlrîrer Oftheliii nOd tIbir,- si i-k ai. .îî rira rrîrîî-ail vorlh subt. ,auiegan. W. D., $375. c îrithea-, riiorl(irof saliti nircîltin 4, p tilioliI V L. DeWXolt and vite ta M. E. il ir-rer- lîîrir tii,n li i lsuni aloîi, ah lat- lr i tri- Ii iitl 'f 1,i1- tA PI -taiiliarti. tlot 1. sîîb. of block 55, etc., r~~ ~ ' loi î-iiii leiiii, rr.ton,- b9lni iHighlanIi îk. W . D_18<000. ra I litýl e di S 11n-iliri, a ir l t10 l 1111 ?T1 I. l FN 1 . 1- ir- îili i l jii,- 4 I i n rr.r "5 ? I-i k Ofi h.- (. C I i nu, r ift.k, liraif Cîifly lii Pailirra Chudy, lot - lii- iiiý ,- i.t iri' i inril Il)n, ,, ,) r ttiîliriic11- :1 t; , M l- r 7, Iri -, suîi).North Chi- ii l at'r rî i i- iiiii-s lri id 11.,11sn o .1 1.M rly r 21 ri .rl l ir- ~n 14NorIllLittle Wiie Knew, i. 'Fi,-n r ire' 1t ,iîî r- ne,- irtîrli,, urna 1hir, i a rrn aill tr-tiî,ri n1c ti. arirIt l ,îîîrid 213, toriil h ii-ko s sih é-hi han ti n I tir r i iîiou th îni ig , XuIj1 d lII.ý 1 o g iltiociî \il. Et $67>O, 'l'nd o to ai ozIlýliîîýdifantîvefo iiîîîî'l I imIi iwere XX t A.iiirk and vifl-top Jacob Gold- i ' lliiin î llîet Iii ,l ii - Of îuts"l10011 Iiiî21r-a nt m-o,-iiiîî i ti i whi,,d9ti I-, t thi lort- ,t.7 and part lot 8, block 10l the lioi1h lin,,- rft ai,! rlarli-l quani i i li- «i. . Oî iglin il 1 XXaikî-gaîi. W. D. h i, r --ii thi-îrç-- fa.r airrir t1wi t'i, i i r, 'l-- r i ii'vi- hîiîaut ai! til r it i Ii ii ier ofut ailquarrer qularter i--i -Fir kiiîwrii. , - fýtci hitti,' %Viliec. tue $î, uuî ti!i floru-i,, hiîirdeforts rail.thirîr'-prii i.f Standard IV. T S. Vailswor*tb and wi!e et ai. ta i. F iîî îrth lii tiie-Solir -righîl oft vin -Autori Paalawski, loi 82, Wadswortb -1 Iiu1r' of! Ile Elgin, utns & - 'Isterliî'75 li tailr i% tonlîhali1 -thiî,- (ýNorth l . n tintltero8trate.s bthenervi-s. lu the sîlt. tXaukeganl W. D., $275 iliIuroliii- Sýorîth iirîiro islît it] ail- uvirunioer oru, ni-(ii a tonia 10 off-set the iHenry Eraîrs and wifr 1taILevi va r opn io thl, po'intnw11511 tirrh'h 11Wlceiîi' iui 1-1 v ihot neatier N 'ci-e andl Sci irber 16 actes in S.E. qr. Sec. an' i. îîtrlîr-ectl l ic outih righlsîrengîli ro1r-aiin Xu wll f1.-cibetter 25i, '-tron TI). XV. D., $925. ifrRai ura o!b-(bî-îr& 11rken- il lîlîr4S" irrriter iigitiring <oratae John R. Filluîtr and wife 10 Rot. a i îlo n g Rti lt ,, i 'o in r , r' li i i -enr . l - 1.r I l a , ' tr i i i , i s I ti r . S l i i î î î î c l e s t o r a - T i r r r s e . l o t 1 , b t a d d . bt a 'a s h i n g t o n lastrItio l rraililîoad ni-t, î,-u1i a; I r, tirrla itrEt aittilitinicestoiithte Park \'iaikegan. W. D., $500. tIi- lacf-or Iîr-aitiît, ia LnikcCoîtr'îra"iclntr,,îo lrron. t-ourme, W. T. Stewart and wite toafleatrIce - ý r, llito is, oîg n icr, as a drairig t, o- u a t g -t itir edy .itrong in naIra' M . Ittow , lot 1 .5, bock 1 , Pow ell & o 1, i r lioft, hasfll b r- rîCoit f t f i% -, lsr, fiut -ail, lavun 01l'anl a0tîiaiiy Ste ar-t'S Sîih. 'iVarkegan. W. D, il ofh1k i nd,, to ta lo f 1h1' 1Folin-r 1,-el ti- î1rovetil 'it îTat tîreil, lite-$1 1,11 - , I,' Plitll daif ut I iiA'i ) t 9II,1 rs liirltipmSîi !-,lîîîg 'rii iqi t-ly F. P, Dvmoud and Wletea1 Edwin Ilt110% On fila-n ira th"ffice Oi i-aid deliari% hcti ai-ina itiihie'li tl-.ir McLloualli.lots 7 snd 9.,bock 13, C. F. ii oi- k Tirar 1 0li ait' o f th e i ,1o l, hu u i iI ,t ,Ri e Ivil larllitI a fa t - Xrg t i -d . L b r~ iu i i rrt IlXi-Ithe Skok le Drain-î isg apia-titc-.iflids d airirton Il Wlill 1"'.. nrsî rer .lie hoirid-,ltera,,!'ris iatrengthen thei-wi-iiki'rri-îi ktin.-ys aod $8001 îniio'ii-d and î),-lllluîîd for- arr as , helart bt iy alluî,rrciuîidrng the wrîrn.liut SaIîrîîîî-le oIe11, W. Hotchkiss, lot litl,-, eiîîaiîro sated. thr-ilthe-staîtti gitierves tiraithi-e urgau. diirîirtril 5j ,,Cotes seuh. west o! Zion City. p oint, roulta , trlîrii atî ri erîrnil des î'iest it a flew l(aya and Ilet>iaov in Ceu. W 40 r r ntin lf111- iiroiioseii work ii said 1Soid Ii ail Dealers. W . 40 eSee tonlSreet.hnd S105-107 Genes leqSttnareet.......Wauke >an, MI. -mo 1 r

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