>Av ALL TliI PM"~e Pe*fewic of Thirtsenth and ,P#jetet ste, Who eaturday night ':» U lhetand iciied John Jences cf 1M SeuthParke avenue with s bullet *qqs a 22 revolver wtich hit hlm obeYs the heurt, Monday stâtsd that b1 eauM puy ail funersi expenses for 1iamae holcIIed and sec thst ho hue a deat hurili. PeOcewic and hie wlfe are protrat. ed *y the destin off Jnces and Sun- y ptand Wiied their rernorse. liere are mysterlous features te the cow wiwhich need further elucidatien. F~ rads of Jences do net agree wt t» verdict of tlie corouer's jury and Uttoas off au accidentai dsatb cail the a1ffar one of clear cnt mnrder. Trouble Started in Oid Country. -nbe trouble between these two flea started back ln Lthuanis, lu the 'o«dcutry,' ststed onue friend off Jesse.. Petkewic bas been waiting t'i et Jencea a long time and 1 ha- 11iev. lie took hie chance Satnrday eet. .. "Tes. it vas about a woulau." The same man evars that a hank book wlth $600 In cash te Jeuces' uaa&s la missing sud asks whera it la ans «I eHanthar friend off lances as- jeerts that the dead man hsd $90 ou laspoison wbeu ahot, vbereas only .*S,05 bas been found. According te a story orilating Iu W6orth Chlcago, Jences' friend desert- ou hlm when ha tell from tha gun woSd andi rais away. Then aays theE *tory ]Kra. Anton Turak sud othar1 ù»@Utboring voman vho 55W hlm fal *caMs ta lsaid, telephoued Dr. Con- 'ami andi gave hlm attention.E Swayer ia Adminstrater. Public Admiltrator James Sway- « vas Monday appoloted admînistrat-1 or lu' Jences estata, une off tbe qulck-j est stops ever taken. The stap vas gaoli y Kirilo Kukelan sud George Woman's Queer $tory. )fss. Ida Winters off Tblrteeuth atieet andi Sherdan road tells s gtrango stery te dise effect that ber pi~band abesaya la lu dis habit off tmftting a sitrange girl at the Petkewlc house. Sho sayoshabsthinks the abot t'-'at kled Jences vas inteuded for baIor fer a detectîve as bas employ- *d tasbadow ber bnsbaud.E Ingslis Justifles Verdict. Foteanan Ingalls off the coroners gary la plain lu is assertion that thef ofsIcte justifiable homicide vas lu ',M'ace wîi the evideuce deveiop- esi at Lt.elearlng Snuday. No vo- mman mlx up, ne grudge, nothing but 'the tact.s atatesi lu another articlet developesi. Hence dia verdict squares Petewc vasrleased frorn 1511 at North Chicago Bunday nigbt sud Ibera 18.40W ne warrant agaloat hlm. ai- theegh frifflds of Jeucea say tbay vili #e Ot ut a warrant for murder. t TIi. wratb off the Ltbuanlans lu the ~bborhood of Tentb sud Thirteentb .tds.near Prescott avenue, vbo *Rffl persobal frienils cf John Jences, Isli Sday morniug murdered i a #» lanil off Peter Petkewic, wbo la 4L&Med witb baving borne a feeling li Mallee toward bis vlctlm, bas boom pitceesint suc. au exteut by thi *Wiffl tbat diey Monday banded <hgetber andi preceeded to ths oMesce «a .tOreY E. V. Orvls, ibere they 6"~ded a warrant for the arrest off1 Pt*ewic, cbarglng hlm vida bsvingr looIed Jonces.1 ft"eus DeMSkl, a former Wauke- ,,wa ppllcomau, aiguesi thé warrant. TrOY PISTOIL WOLIND CAUS[D DEATI Lockjaw Set lu sud Nine-year-eid Boy Ha$ Ceiebrated His La.t Feujrth of Juiy. Harvey Pearson, aged 9, 1312 Mcý Allter ave., dled at 2 s. m. Satnrday, M th UI.Jne McAlster Hospital, a vic- ý- im .1 the. toY Pistol sud the "Insane *hurth- Ides. àole the dirst Vlctim off s Fourth of 4ee'lbratiou Iu this cltY lu many the first deatb to takes place as Y I'mît ef a Fourtb accident, sud Age maakes the death s pitiable i4snd Was Lactrated. WMe'. Dame 1la lu the l *lCW inl the SUN the Mouday jitac.-e Fourtli. He vas play- hlýtit atoI' plstol vhlch lu anme li4l*dboal lnd tcerated bis band ,, thie btsoff powder tearing ~Ipal= andi acrous the base iding physicia uabhesiont took oUt thé powd.r, eau- Isiarationa &Mattended ' aa eff. ty-four buS boarsdeatb coolu st 2 a. M. Saturday Inaspite of the. us. off anti-tetanuit serurn. The boy'@ suffer- lng" vere great. The locklaw germ corne, tbrough Lb. dust off the streets or on Lb. aide- usika snd entera the. wound alter ln- fillting generaliy it ls saisi. The boy ws the. son off Mr. andi Mm. August Pearson of EIgbtb street andi MeAlister avenue. The fimeral was held 1com the bouse at 2 Sunday afternoon. WIIPPL! IN RACE FOR REPRÉSENTATIVE Joliet News Ha* Very l'iattering Thinge te Say of Prominent Wauke- ganîte Out for Reprisentative. "I amrn l the race for representative to vin, and nont to serve any political end whatsoever," declared John A. J. Wblpple , of Waukegau, candidate for represenitativa on the republican ticket, thia mornlng.1 I amn not servlog any politîcal eud or playlug any dodge by enterlng the race. 1 arn a candidate for the offce uf represe4tative and arn soicitlng votes aud gettlng ont loto the county as much as possible, two thînga lu wich spparently 1 dîffer f rom a Lake Forest oppouent wbosasys be bas no tîme to go ont loto the county sud lanont seeking votes." Mr. Wblpple, besides laving been pastor off the First Methodiat cburch off Waukegan, bas a sterling legai training, cao lractice at the Illinois bar, bas served lu civlc matters for yeara, headed the Joliet commIttee off 100 whicb dld sncb gond work for that elty. sud la conslderedonue off the brainleat men lu Waukegan. Says the Joiet Newa:, J. A. J. Mbippie, nur former parson off Richards street, la a candidate for legîsiator on the republican ticket from the Ws'îkegau district. Where conld one go t0 llnd a better law maie- er. Mr. Whlpple vas edncated for the bar, but selected the pulpit because off Its wlde field off nsafuness, sud te be naaffui continued bis studies lu worldly thinga. Thus he la both good sud Wiae. He bas tbe kuowladge, the courage sud the useful habit. Joliet sbould give any assistance It cau, for be will be a usefful man aif PprlngfIeld, for tha state as weli as Waukegau, and Joliet Is lu the state. CARNEGIE WILL NOT PAY FOR BURIAL Insteaui Poor Dughters of Dend Newsbey of 65 Vears Wili Have to Pinch and Scrimp ta Bury. Becanse Andrew Caruegle is on a snmmeriug tour thrnngh Europe, speodlog money rlght sud left, It la probable bis cousin, Levi Carnegie, wbo dled lu Wonkegsu lu poverty a few days ago, may be bnrled lu dhs pottrs field. The dead man's dangbters, Mrs. Lineman off Darien aud Mra. Fl of Bnrllngtpn, viii try to ralse the money to psy for a decent hurlai, bot tbey are hoth poor people sud It la golng to e h ard rmv to boa for them. The SUN s few day, ago sent a teiegram te flnd ont whetber or not the laird off Skibo Castie lu Scotlansi veulsi psy for the hurilIoff bis rela- tive. Next morniug as a resuît Larsen & Conrad raceived a ltter from R. A. Frauka, presîdent off the Home Trust Compauy off Hoboken, vbere Carnege usakea bis beadquarters. Mr. Frauks sald that Mr. Carnegie la lu Europe. Then be deait the relatives off the Mau Who diesi lu the Waukegan hoa- pitlI a cruel blow. He stated that he had communecated wlth Camnegle's uephew ln New York and the uephew Maimts that Levi Carnegie la unkuovu ta hlm sud prohahly to Andrew Car- negle. In other words, be may ha no relative lu the Ironmaster. "We usver beard off hlm," la the vordiug off tis letter. TIHÉ CANDIDATE WHIO PARTICIPATIES Puty the poor candidate for office. Secthie can-dld-ate. Hia lot sa net an easy eue. See the Law and Or-der League. it acks the cau-did-ate te piedge himsaeif striCtly te the dry. and their beilefs and teachinge. Sec the Retal i Lquor League. il asks the can-did-ate te pledge hlmseif te the very wet unterpretatien et the law. And hothbwlh eî'ery candidate to pledge imseîf resPectively agaluat sud for the repeal off the local option law. The saloonkeepers off this clty sud off Lake couity vilIon u Tesay alter- noon next, at Rsspeclal meeting, lu- dorse one off the lise candidates wbo have snnounced their candldacy for the states attorneyishIp. Just vbicb candidate vii ha b- n dorsesi la not knoov as yet. A speclal meeting vas called asat Tueeday afteruoou but as a msjorlty off the saloonkeepers off thie cennty failed tn show UP, the audorsemeut vas postpoued util uext s uesdsy af- teneon. Pollowlng ln the footatepa off the sas- leenkeePers, It was later learuesi that the local optionlsts v9uld also indorre one off the Ive candidates., Juat wbo wilI b, thelr cholce la flot kuowu, ai- tbougb It can b. guessesi readily «oegh. The salt accoadng te the Saloon- viiib. anether local optIon = I.utmre. 1 MOODY LV40S lTtI1 C. E. CONVETION Waukegan la greatly Indebtesi to Lester 0. Moody for the fact that It bas landesi the 1910 convention cf Lb. Illiois "tte Christian Endeavor go- cleties. The foliowing dispatcb tells the story: ChamPalga, Ill., July 11.-Walter R. Ceperly of Chicago waa irnsnisnonsly electesi president off theo luifs Chris- tian Endeaver Union at the biennial business rneting cf the organisation today. The Chcagoan bias been prorinent ln Endeavor work for years. Walter R. Mee of Chicago was unani- mousiy recommendesi as transporta- ton manager for the big excursion ta the national convention at St. Paul, Minn., next year. Other officers chos- en vers: Secretary-P. L. McPbeeters of Champaigu. Treasurer-Johu L. Davidson of Benton. Statistical 'Secretary - Mary W. Howard off Springfield. Waukegan vas recommended as the place of holding the convention lu 1910. Paris aunouncsd Ils candldacy for the convention off 1912. President Ceperiy vas Iuaugnrsted tonigbt, foi- iowing a "stunt" progrsm. The con- vention wiii close tomnorrow, wben many meetings are piannesi. Iiay Making Tools Deering Mowers Tedders, Rakes Keystone Side Delivery Rakes Rock Island Loaders Ilay Carriers Track, Puleys Ropes, etc., etc. Batcheler Forks Machine 011, Sections Ouards and Repairs Anything in this Line we have Schanck Bros., LIN 1~ I I ISu -BREEZES AT 1HOMÉ SUMMER DISCOMFORT? or FAN COMFORT? WIIICJ-IDENCE, STORE O FIE Electrie fan for tb. man obtwr; for tbhem~1 voryllttfr, laute lOb.âm&Uss;Ialla bot use or coo g;lall ulsrfr= alatn.Eletrie fan ca ho uod inamyroml the bouas. Provdo agsmtle brSe.& il night if destred. W. wHIi @end Yon a fan on request. NORTHU S10RIE !LECTRIC COMPANY 2300N N.ulleemSfo t WAUKGAN .<4, rRED JOCIIIIIM Tipo.N.4 Libortyiie Eehang SPECIAL ATTENTION AKIER end CONITCTIONIER To out of Town Orders LibertyvRIe - Iinoi$ And Shlpping Trade HOTELS AND RETAILERS SUPPLIED WE DELIVER TO ADJACENT TOWNS ABIG SALE Of Men's '& Boys" Suits At F. C. Seidel I& Co.'s Big Clothing * Store, heginning Saturday, July 18, and continuing for One Week only MEN'S SUITS.---At a great saving to you, otir stock is so large that we show you choice of many styles and patterns in ail the prices advertised. 500= For a choice of Suits worth up to 10.00. See them, and secure one For choice of Suits worth up to 15.00. Single and double breasted; afi sizes; ail cuts For Suits worth up to 22.50, including h new browns, blue Sere, clays and thibets. Cut wtth fI flaring skirts, plain and with cuffs. A chance flot often given at this time of the year. CRAVENETTES We wiil close out every Raincoat in the store at prices ranging from 1 6 for Shoes 2865~ for Shoes 3@6 for Shoes UUworth 3.00 QJ worth 4.00 *UJ worth 5.00 Men's Odd Coats, . . . . . . . . 1.50 Odd Vests, 95ç, sizes 4, 5 and 6 . . . .5e CAR PARE REFUNDED to out-of-town customers on purchases of $5.00 or over T5e F. c. sEIDEL &CO*.,Clothiers 119 GENEEEs'urWAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS 1 I F IT'S ( ROM SCIIANCK 'S 'I IT'S ) GOOD