lie. bWW'j ».Imm1$~ od,6 mW ~~.A oê m m., l. d0m miaa anStuiday sveu* * veeke ,ilng ber aunt, lira. ad lra. Btholmey open t Sunday .ad Nlie.Gea. Mitchell. Towuer, Jr., visited it Lake Randai. #weswl, 01 Chicago, la visiting st à kW dais. id Mms.Waguneud Mis Tmp- 1Chicago, &pnt aturday and alGea00. litchell's. aud lira. S. Reler aud family muoay wtb lir. aud lira. Hanry aiber oft llb ara being caugt by 0parties. Dop af aldierm vers seau on our early Tusdai moring and Tors" cam pad on Rayes grounda &y ulahi. Vu. Rouoe speni Tuesday 15fr dt folpi @peut lasi Fniday in Ci- 1 (>arlotte Hardan, of ant, ôi$unday viii lira. Dolpb. la Uneber, af Chicago, la spendi ng 1v»Ma s th ber grsudpareuts. Miss Jaeephiue Waodmau vlsltod lu VOmette Tuday výitb ber @ister, lin. The Ladies Dorca. SacletY mqt Th urs- day alternoon vltb lir@. F. H. lieYer. Dora talir. sud lira. Loa Seller a boy. UnRaL. M. Vaut la visitilugln sautheru 'Illinoia. Mir. and Airs. Chas. Jackson, of Wau- kegan, verse the guets of lMr. and lir@. Ed Bleimebl Suuday. Mir. aud Mr@. B. S. Fritech, of Billugg, Miont., wll¶speud the montb viii rela- tives baie. lir. and lira.'Flack lait F'riday for Seaton, Ill., for a two veeka visit. Tbey wilI then go tu thefr naw home lu South Dakota. Aira. Elleumayar is antertalning rela- tives t rom Chicago. lira. Kimbark la visiting ber brother lu Gray8laka. The Prasyterian Sunday echool will give their annuai picuic Tuesday, JulY 21,l inr. Hubu'a vootis. Transport&- tin vil ha provideti. Everyoue la mont esruestly requested Vo ha prent and apend au enjoyable day. I EVERETT1 William AtkiLuon, of Colorado, le ylatlug friende aud relatives bers. Air. aud lira. Raidy bava opaneti their cottage for a fev weeks. liMr. and Mlra. John Carolan apeut Sunday in Glenview. ins. John Shapherd and chld- Mises Kaibryn Nolan visiteti ber istar, ilt Saturday andi undy i Roe t liaudout Sunday.1 Peerl Simpson, o! Montana, la br aunt and grantiatier brs. bIon& Payne spent part o! last riaber aiter, M re. Ed Heves, ai V ckr sud A. K. Stearus apoka Id,. lidnluthe Woodmau hall oavenlug. July 13. Ipator Home lilionary Soity iet vltb lira. Dopi Skturduy bOs Kt 3 'clock. b 0berd, Grace Dolpb sud KmadEt iTtuespet lat Friday IjOmsof lUidreti averil atRocke- ,,.*mvOd herseif a most'charm- oud&e, entertainiug tien, rigit' ~lu»r lisslonary Socety vîli làobsBsocial t the home ot Idr. Ils D JesnWedueday eveing, I.Lemuade, les creain andi cake ybod legoin vers? To the ~tAMsnn'ahall saîurdai svaning, PzJAzzz i t h su ~a.Wm. Lumren, ~ila, Iohdg, l 98. jll "r bdfor bar gelte W. J. 8-tail bSdly, o! Nev'York, lie LObus onud iamlly vi buet home bid trad u Lakte urich for a be Ftcyh returneti tram the ý"?Z=tIii bis grantipareutesta j, lava roetly. "W onlertaluet ieilscousin, F. i*k md FWreBepka, o! St. le 1h. Fourti. u~ adiaii aealia.Vanr Mies Elale Lunham le entertaiuing a1 youug lady frieud.1 Tiers were two funerala lu Our came-1 tory lut wpek. On Frday the body ot Mchal Y*e vas brougt froin Chicago for burlaIl lie iamily lot. AMr. Tone vas a brother o! Mies Kate Yore aud leaves a vite sud tbree oînali childien s"d many relatives ta mnouru bis uutliely deati. On Sunday the fanera o! James tilodan, o! Rigbwood, vas bell. AMr Golden was asc a native of tib towu aud val-knowu by al. Ha leavem a vite and tva sous. PR&-£VIW J. A. liasan la spending the week at St. Paul viiere thora i. a meeting bing beld hy the librinera. Miss Battie Stancliffiglaenértainlug ber couin, Ada liolins, o! Chicago, for evral weeks. Lmslie Hutehison, of Glenviev. viiteti witb is uncîs andi lumily, lMr. sud lira. A. C. Richards. TUiMtcieli spent Suuday t Liberty- vfilla viti ber 8ister, lira. J. Dolleamier. Mra. A. Kaedler aud mother, lir@. ea. Gutzler, lira. S. B. Kuedier sud Ethel apent lait Frlday vitb r, sud lira. Sam Febîman, of ringtau Reigils. Mis. Auna Lockesad, ai Cicaga, &pot Suaday witi ber mother and brother. Bey. and lra. Kosuekereturusti Satur- day from their trip ta Allegon, lilch.j Mi ad lira. EL. S.Loantis ara enter- tainlg thIr radao rtrom Thersea, lira. so utalr if Highland Park, la vimtin.' br dangliter, lire. IL Kuedier. Cliuta. t,ofiB.ghland Park calied on Mir. sud liMa M. Kuedler auJ tamily Wsdneeday. I I t th¶~apurre r ourth wiUJ lire.Trotter sud daugiter, Miss Lucy, bl IuvEoesrn d ta Evauaolouat Tueeday. Grus sd Mes TheÂA*tWcchtownship anda achool th eur.aays~.Iovs uemay orconvention vil! bc bld et th. lillIburn r il itlnWamhiCU¶ 2 Çogrégational chunch Suuday, Julyl19. l "Y' Cç ity enroule for ort Inliorulug andt ateroon smalon«. luahasid Vermot viera tbey vi c d 1 he* Mir. sud lira. A. Etivards, ai Chcago, Ar, sud lir. Thomnas Edvwardeanud child -0" ]É B. Sebi@rdlng, lira. - 1rea of Roaora, suad AMrandi lra. Me-c. BgsdUn.ioum.andi!amily 1Crone, of Wankegan, vwre gueste of Mr. anidhgsd lamily opst sud lira J.C hPSudY fifhMr. wd lira. Chas. Smith ..C hp udy lit a15blug ber birthday. Mr.insdlire. WUlby, o! Russel, vara Mliuhruallera lest Sunday. 8~'lie . Nasher, a! Elgin, @peuttanigbrod ý'wIth relatives bers Mr. sud Ar. A. K. Bain anti DorothyE B# i aile,1 oioet, la spend- apeut Sunday at Wodvortb, Wls. w-*ekitb Iie:dà bora. Ar. Kobehun, of Waukegau, apent Sun. Mý" ao Vnoua vsaday lu Vils vieinty. caShsMr. nsd lire. Wm. Thom, of Liberty- Shala, ! ~ l.. i~ville, ara visiting several day. thiiveek L Ritles, f Barboo, in.,in ih hei so, W. G. Thomn. hahome oR. J. Lautivor. Ar. Florene Grey anud little son ara OGlsks sud lir@. Wi. Sott thagneetsofArsud lira. W. B. Stewart. 'vistis ioaday. Mir. sud lira. John Trotter ara enter- Jurks 'd t o!Ci talnlag finonda froin Chicago. yie ale Chope raceiveit a aholarshlp *Muta, 1lulaaEse BurIt. admttlngber o auy normal or utever. sily luthi.s teo! Illnoisansd lilas elsu laff lorecoiveti ans admISSing ber Ë »%lams la nov l tbulee;8e reciveti bens froin1 aihelo girl. Rchstr.Win. 1 whncbadvo The C. E. aocety gave a lava social W$ lgSTUOi.eita OvnThurada et the home ai W. B. Stwart. for Crngon, . Etoli: July 19, Temperauce mot. * b ara for tue f lag. l"Boy to Promote Total Abêti- ehnc4 , nea," GaI. 6: 16-24. Harold Minta, Uje~<ti0,bS b" JaumsPollock iit Monday for iuck- olut? ta h.gone ssveraldays.. noout5V. WA M& Il Carvie, of Cicago, la the Ms., ti ua olnansd son of ceii »*" ssu lellti olm rottar holava mao~so o . lu*p' it. blaMlllsla .ard5 Md brneud lalutnn Sa Kenosha 1 lirm.Atcoo l uMg nt ebrou. Tho.. B yr u bs hall tient plajed wlth the Nortbhl Juniors Bunday, JUly 12, and We mvlctok'iohè. i--U twobouier¶u». Score25toB. Byre teamn vas Incampiete thora belag rra of them absent Thsy ilU play the. Bondant Juniors Sond*i, July 19. LAKECOUNTY'S CANDIDATE DENNIS lE. GIBBONS, Oeerfieid, 111. Candidate for einocratie Nomination for Loceer Hous of Represenla- tîves. Primaries, Augusi 8, 1908. tg tày -M»nme s me -at or wtt oe -Au&e p.oefu luiavog. nut Up8 t bt ha 555 meb Whopl thta -e Denis E. Gibbons, of Deerfield, the*. preseunt member of the Houeseof Uepre-C setatives lrom thia district, vas born UNGOK OKUVÂETDTKAD in Libertyvilla about 00 yearsa gq. years oid aad boflt like a Man Of IrOln. Educated iu the publice chools and became aud4enI3' cruzed as a result of growiug up in this couty there ie no taa mucb rum. Darting out or bis man more widely known and with aj Iûdglng boute, 60 Summit place, he ran more popular coterie of friends. nae ot to the va±er's edge, sboutlog at bflite as a blucksmith but that hae to fbsvle Near the foot of .Bamilton streat b. cold vork vith bis heanl as well as"s bized a bie book and stood bis1 not longin finding out sud rom ader- Swedlsh dlalect and brandlahingbIa man lu Lake Forest ta mambar of the veupon. tii cc I et oh cm o egisiaturs hi. carear habeau Oue 0i Robert Slavons, tbirty-five years aid, Ielity ta tia causa o! lie people andti lvlig aet"5 Columbia street v»sthe ,nsclenselously performing ailthe dutisearjsit ta fCet lear hlm. asignedti o hlm. Aihough a miuority I Anderson knev of Steveus, provae mombr ofthebous ho a@ ille poe-sud evideutly 614 ual rellsb a combat memer ! he ous h ba 11sdp05- itlhbis p-ertl france. He lbed ons on a bomber of Vhs vsry Important .nougb senas lett ta, knov that bo'd uminittees among vbicb are Vie bave a botter chance lu th. vatar vltb olloving: On houksansd banking,' Steveus, vho la sMxteet tall aud mua- canal, river Improveneansd commerce, cular, no Anderson iumped linlth, river Chicago charter, couutysuad toa ahlp C ini@5bosok vlVbhlmx. Stevens rganisation, horticulture, llbrarlea, follos'ed. Bie dived directly vbeft Au- municipal corporations, railroads sud daIr50iI fom u slaut ssu. stale and municipal civil service. No One knovs just vbat bappene under tie voter. Ueverml peuons vbo He isaons o! the miuonlty leaders lu lhe rthre on the pier say that every bumeasd always figures promlueiltly fev ascondi an arm or a leo ld Sp. ln 15e affaira. He le Lakte County's pear abova, sud cc Stevans face, popular candidate sud citissus ot this are, abavlng a great gab ava the county vill make uo iitake lu aeiactlug igit* aida. Once Anderson reacbsd lin for a seat lu the forty-alitii goberai th* mutfaoe sud bvuug bis bock asy. assanbly. He bai been a member for agely devuvail. A otllînas foliovut th. lait tva terme sud hbai 1Ud the MAonl e bllss .ioved Ibat lMt sm u mlum ed w'the vater. Iu a f.v position so efficleutly sud go vali Obud cn&Stevens cama p np su aaIy in .ueb a aatlafactary manDer ta ýthe ~ue for "eP. distriet vblch ha repreeenta that thare la ChalesWaa. viiibail axrnied dur- reully n good mason vhy a change lug tha strggleanad vw" vaWay try- aboulti ha made ai Iba is m. lng ta leara thea causa of thea ert.-, meut Jumpad lu. Ufi fanit-of Stavons' bauds cluteblug the Uvede by THESE WILL WED. tha ueck. Auderson wu uncouacicua, Charles F. Reeves, Chilcago; Elisa- and Stevens vas fdat Iou t 5h 11111 bethW. Sivet, Cicag.alrenwtb ibat remaluei. Walsh lied bathW. eivri, hîcga.a rap. about Anderom's body, and ha NicIt W. lHarker, Chicago, 50; Alina vas pulled Msabote. v*uimaninn>. Katharine Wegaelhoett, 30. adIt thelb river aud draggod Stavons John Somnervllle, Milvauktee, 21; t a fety. Myrte Sein,18.Stevana'face aud head werva aus MyrtIeStein 15.of cal. sudbruisas. Bioit pournd pro- Art E. Llebeclt, Chicago, 24; Helen ftaely trm a dose eut lun lisfta" V. Austin. 2i. sud Iearmeansd ahoulders vqra Al bert Sebeller, Chicago, 21; Vali hei'ed of thair clotintg. Anderson Tb-ronsau, Evanston, 18.sioveit affecte, toc, 0f linafearfnl cou- lestunderate.abfiaface- vsbat. Erie Wilson, Evanston, 20; Sophia terl ud nd ruiL am u both ibIs yl Peterson, 22. ver. clouad. Clande Onice, Higivooti, 28; Rose Au ambulance of t5h. Long Islmls Itice, 28. boapilsi vu cfei, and bot mea Louis Rhode, Chicago, 2j; SoplzIa DOyi n e dfl ie&l attntm ion. aDr Speaka, 24. IL rasait of bis Injuris. William Morford, 22; Aurolle Stevens toli lb.. police Ihat tba man, Sha 18. bit sud gaaaad No w it Ibo5h.bock Sehealndtbat sav" t Imas ha vwu about Elmer R. Bvans,highland Park, 24; te give U. mlie " ha overeuineAu- Elizabeth Rasmussen, Corls, Wis. dwtso only bi" vrancblluIboh book 24. ftc is bad. AfiersomN vtfout lia K. Stanisaaas, 29; W. Marlokia, 22. WO@Po m Wh. fl5Ma* for bIlu. Wtncentz Kuszynnaki, 25; Maryana ~ ~ Sn 3Kozak, 19. déay m oAeplSare uapa Carl OIson, Lake Forest ý3; Esthier ovar eje ett t tboir toicese la due rTintnlng, 28. qp t aS'Inrllt1ire. veeha Msrtia BW«dstte, I; "lit mied. "Dld sel oies n boe. ta e ouds a Suppyi$ng Local Color.*u U / .aL TIhe but efforte ta make a bomne et- ai L Y ,1 th. triet vistor la the. lma . of alar fy- aoked th. vil. of a notorioer why ah. <ld natkesp ber huband froin Dancing Every tfaturdai Nîglat bosS, ~ ~ "v di's u .vi o ue,.." Music by Hertel'5 Orcheutra "Whyou1tian akeyaur bhons look mars ttracive?"EyerY AcSmouipdati0f "l'm aurs l'v. trlsd 'ard toairue it 'omelike, ma'am," vas the. reply. I've ________________ took up the parlor carpet sud uprinkled saduet on the loor ad put a heer £ 1 A M B e il alu't made a bit o' diffreucel" 'al lu .1dte ft ma'amoth A %rave Man. good slp Cauliflower, w ila te torm vas t iiil gbt, "the sblp ba@; spiuîîg a Jaak, the vatartlgbt conipartmeute are full of water and the Temmel is going dlown. What "all wa do"" The gallant skipprs luae blancbad. but only for one.aightb of a ffecond did bie 1o-ehi. self-control. ."lon't Zate a moment," ha replltd. 'Prepare ut one an add ras. tbuîliking me for my coolnoe Sand haroioin in tha lace of deadly aud oýarsçeelraug pari!. Let ot a hoat leave the shipo ida until evary man and woman bas aigned if.' JOJIN IRVING ROOKEFELLER, IL.. LutMUIw U.aIs4 Rootjng and ) Fumace Work Matinales on & ail B autivOnsLI - promplly givea in rA PRIýNw'r 4! Cora-Doesn't it make you feal nies for people to remarie how well you aie gettlng on? Merrtt-Yps; unlees they adS, "they ean't uuderstaud it.' Hunt Oeer In Automeobiles. Euuting deer aud brnglng lu the gamt*l automobiles la the latent lu Sullivan aud Orange counnues. N. Y. Dr. Leroy Culver of Jersey City, wlth bis National, aud fDr. W. B. Kal]aY Of Port .ervls in bis Ford machine veut ta Cahonalze, seven miles f rom Port jervis and got two deer. They strted B 1Wi tlio $anasILhis h. 5-wIsigv b. slaed h Oaaeu'bbyGm betta Wlks"heby"eoe f Ilkes. Dmla elitltflnPle'y"aesl wltb the carcasses for Port Jervis o h yBmltna u sa2mod'abett PIn e n2Ihat ear oh! aKm a Ss alvn firat l wltb thelr game, but Dr. Cul- b d i Lk ioc 1Uty sIutrlAs ,2alnt lerVI iI~ ryaIeIl i Tf up the grade by Dr Kelley's Ford Dr.eerraendaanaulhontotrhin rfts'daacllebsoi 5W Culver aud a trlad puahing froiD be- lkteesnlieaLbr1l~Ilf5kts.eouus olrbr aref bAud.. --. saola . J W Sabru ho ietvilII lliIliillli illlilliiI IiIi:iI lilî:îîî1-dîlîîî 8îîî0l Great Final- Clearance Sale, BAVE YOU EVER SEEN OUR GREAT ]MNAL CLEARANCE SALE CIRCULARS? T lHE tremendous bargains offred in this most wonderful money saving sale which begins Saturday mornirig,July 18, make it greatly to yqur interest to see onie of these cir- culars. Ail our beautiful stock of new and clean merchandise must go quickly to make room for the vastquantities of fall and winter goods that will soon arrive Our Great Jan"uamarlowe Shoe soie also begls aura mnoe ofg.1bswek. Them shoes as'you are 2-4, awaf fl r aout relie sud up-lt-date laeer - UN spea ad aul $3»0.$4 & $5 shocs go dmurgii ae o If you have not secured a copy of this circular klndly send postal and one will be mailed to youAmmediately. 1 Carfare wlil b t. the amol Ii Near Post Oflicc- be refuadmi te ail perchmsen -of .oeds nt of $9.00 and ever, dudai this sais ais q. au... 81. ~ lEs p.~* £45 j cr Post Qice LOUIS J, YEOMAN THE OPTICIAN IIL i- Il 1-1 il,