- ~~T ih . N r« Cat ul o f e Lyo ns d I VOLO Piano..I GIfAVCIAKE EP RT EN This handsome book, whiech la SuitA THE'HIGH-BALL T )diseLr~ Lida Russell, of Waukegan, 18 off the press, gives ilustaton P. J. DItUCE. Edftor ph.. NO. 11 spending ber vacation with ber parents nei~ o THAT BEATS 'EM ALL' Orders Taken for Job Work Advsrtitmlng Rater On Application Erwin Wbeeler, of WaucoËa, viie Lyn&Hal pih pianos that are Percheroin I Wl rH Cash Poster la the guest of relatives of the Bi. A young mian of fine habits Mn. landiae viti eates n and maddee , an o tdffers froof for er piam ait Lihertyville this week. and good charsuter. Miss Brown, Who 0f Elgn, eVol nrlaiesu a ae. land tdfer o other ianoTh 11ev. Williams, o1 Kenhlworth, -i h.he n;sain soine years witx be ron ol.aLon ay Paother as The e onduct the services et tbe Fpiscopal sister, Mrs. Wm.,Pester, le a young lady Mn.. Nicia Kretschmer and @on, Frank, Lyu&HayPaolaaalohr Mission next Snnday evening. Every- lady Of hWh 'disis Wth a pleasirg of Grayolake, were Visitors at the Frost as the popular home piano of Amer- P body welcomne. manradafvrt mn e ayand Stadtield homes Sunday. Ica. It le preferred by gond judges of MIS ine '~< Letr0lLietvle friendi. Alter a short wedding trip the oeadisbyalonhae pr "ounLse, fLietvil, g people Winl he lt houle ai Grays- Miss Beosle Dnnili, of Chicago, was at toea. loh ai l ndpu Wa r. kloa ca1rhee1na.. k.1 ber parente home lit Volo, Monday and chasers who realize that hudte Don' t Io et ail kinde Mi poRt cardm e sos ofe i( ok fFaki wdv ever want te sel their piano again Park, vlsite and the goîn eom over 5 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nichols enter- they couid more easlly Bell a Lyon tihs (iayalake Phanmacy. Pvsun d h ain oeoe taied Mr. and Mn. Harry Dunniffi of P a 9r PS.a, Don't fail to lie ut the dance Saturday Chicago, and Mms. Frank Zneisedorf, of 43e28 pian tS. anAtermk avnn t Amann's hall, Round Lake. Mr. Speirs, of Chicago, lia his cottage Mdllenry, over Sunday. Drop a postal fer this catalog to = &of and a gond time. Tceso hwssorabucofied. Misis Mande Walton has returned te Lyon & Heay, corner Wabash avenue FAEARL1 5<». ~~~~~~~~~MrskWan. ILaeL4cklaa and friends are ber Posto" tLhryil le few md Adam stret, Ciao Mnm. T. E. Stevens returned tu ber ont attbe MacLacklanecottage on Gages week's vacation apent with ber parents______________ Y ustio t v dd ensi ltt Glnger, Ai.libh-3u1w. home at Franklin Park Wednâsday Lake for a leur weeko. bern. woys demasad Klein' avili alzd drinks. or otîerwiss. mornlng after a two vijeks' viait with ,, Ben Roising bas gons to Chicago where ftala*o Puaf Gcman Ifrch ner rteuies yau inriands hers. IN'.,zErIDE, ho ba accepted work wbich will keep Wsutbs tbld fohoe i FARM te Wt er.Sl vmryw ara Mn.. James Tucker, of Wankegan, Lnglonide C;amp 8989ý M. W. A., meeto isGnveeEioe.o akgn wae the gnest of UrN. Ed Hook the funt every first and third Tuesday Of eac isler mterev affnd er ber aur-a jeP LENC .Buinon~Ws f the week. month. Vislsing Neiglhbors and members daead brmte un and@serbr.8t îcF .KLI O. u1nto1 i.Mss. Edna (inore, of Wankegan, are crdialiy lnvitedl to attend. Mn.l and Muna. dan a JVIr A C INIERV vislted at the home of Chas. Tu rteO A f in, founcil. MraanuM.btergan aia ofls ee.Tcerte a-t! i HE"n ICKS, Cierk. Clama, anadMms. Henry Thlele and chldren .e , iratof he wek.wers Mcfienry callra 8unday. ae "Deak" White transacted business at Mr. and Mm.. Ben Adams, of Wauke-ofal nd ------Waukegan Monday. LONG LAKE gaa, apent oue day last week with Mr. o i id Eani Thomson was a Chicago visiter an .Bn Mg. * Monday. The Lon Lake hame hall tem defeated Miss Maude Walton entert.ined a PIANO ? E. 8. Doolittie transarted bonuln Highwo<of lent Sunday afternoon byanumber ofbrfriends tle home bers J I _____________________________________ Mndy.score oh 2 ta, 0. The gaine was a gond iaot Tbursday oening iD honor of bier iN- DO~hsi aO A T ACicg odyns and blgbiy acat-d by enciios- twenty-titrst hirthday. Those preinent wt If soim ccrne in and try the âmrous SCHAEME L FrankH .Hlmswsi hcgoo oi ute petn etSudyatr ee Idesge.urbli, f ll Ro nd ake neS ie n j imo st0wu disposal ai our store ai ANY TIME Mlssss Belle Ailan and 13yneth Ricb Chicago will plav Long Lake on the Grayolake; Frank oda; o Chas. ae Thoroughn s Who for two successive yeais woàý returned front , rbania after several days' home grounade. Îhey have a reputation apd Meusrs. Parker, Frost and NichoUsé, GadSeptksadCmk :0 t \ Wb lme ihi vieit with fniendii. for playing baIl goal and an enciting o! Vole; miss Auna Rosedeocher, of ANDGrnSepsasazdCapIm Yo wthh.Wauconda; Miss Edits Ritter. ohf Soffel's at Cicago International. PIakiot STRANGS FURNITJRIE STORE 0 Aijan MeMillan and John Mous apent LaeadMissEse aln iaaa.apa.i.,m the greateat Percheron ghalmo* 4 * GEO. E. STRANG 1-ICENSED UNOERTAKER 0~ Suaday at Pistakee Bas. FORdIn , LHeDunlle Ryond olo Me se ' Lp N MAMR 0 Mr n r.FR IL il uyDnil fVl;Msae mptarted to Amenîca. Prop AD EMBAMER * Er. an Mrs.Henry KnebLker, Oie L. --------..J m. Hironirnus and Henry Thiele. - --- ikPrdr a eSns 0 Haem and Mrq. May White and daugh-Pn ade'dmlaSr,&t S ter, Eve, @penit Sunday an Long Lake. Miss Mary Stanford. It Chivago, is Once more we will give spndn team rwlih boestm.Cmttednei'b. mare by i lliera, 13,169 out oison _______________________________________________Mr_ and Mn.i b ean d mni aome orat tise Cloverdale far. ing ait Amann's hall, Round Lake. Disc larrows Sharpened 11,254. sirene trcsbkinfu out ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ikt athi 50v.immiirhm orrcsbckl ori the seaslon. Mr. and Mra. Max .'ýhmxdt were in Tickes_50. _________nt Wm. Vau't Woud i. having an exten- Waukegan ou business Saturday. sive line of pinmbing doue at bis fine M. B. Buson is baving hi.i bouse and MAIL ORDER DRIJG Pink Parader wtih mte e th~nr ea o re, w ysmer eorn . Behiis doig h worne. WIIFut !slCIAIMS VICTIM WILLIAM LAYCOCK CO. Ihe season oh 1908-1909 to sa Ti"ie Ofc u s ,/yn t « Miss Annie(Gilîspie, oh Chicago, le tise Ralphlhavis fell frou a lod oh hey mars. 1e wbil stand aeth 9» ahllt I Mass AMire Harper as Gages5 and sprained bis anîn une day last week. Montgomery Word & Co. Paya $1,250 Ubertgville, 19I. loc Miss Adeiine Waite Patertained a Damages te Widow of Man Siain.X OcWe sel the SCHIAEFFER PIANO Mrs. Wm.nPester entertained ail tea youinglady frieud froua Fox Lakh 'Boeatroni onro rT pt __e. Je M . PA 1TEM W. conaider ourselivea very fortusiate un Stevens. Geo. Stanford and A. B. Cornbg atten- Without taking the chances oh unti- Opposite Si. Paul Fralght Depot clt in au instrument no oflO, hestitates to boy Mrm. MarshaillAtwell visited at Chicago ded a dance at Wauconda Sanurday galion, Montgomery Ward & C. basLIRTVLE L Saturday. evening and report a pleasant tins. paidTV1Lf MI.HLALabnso edod Biert Tompkins, oh Waukegan, @pent Thse Font Bib Cemetery Society wiil Iowa, $1,250 damaigeo because ber bus-. _________saverai day. at the hume oh F. D. Bat- meet wlth Mn.. E. Clseeand. Long Lake, band was kiiied by dninkmng somes o! B C U Etomibait and famîily the tiret of the week. Thursday albernoon, J uly 21. the mail order firmsa "bargain counterI'I1 1-IRS-Tlwpriceis te lo (ver feu peole wat a beapaicohol, sayé the General Menchante'R e m f s Pimo iciwe wn'tlosemuchburieracm tât acoua). evisw, o! Chicago. A representatIve o! SEOO-h Isi ms ot zway up (people hesilste E E aeul, pn oetiei aii thy'e otbtii gttngI '~U S J Y'E O IV A [4I were cnducting Mn.. Rabbins ene.C"rtheim01S Bath âo ou e.when thse tous la hourd sud tise prîce L OI . YOA Courts genenaily have ruled a man'sarnn wa àWý 4 li en another SCHARFVEM sold P I N OBe le worth $5,000. Conoaquently a y ma re- dnwn A N catalogue bouse veny mucb. YK MMdbr0 GelaAlden, Bidinger & Co. Out~U Rabin fome oim agoordr thnongb the catalogue sent out h Ï0 .G teWAKGN I OSMontgomery Ward & Co., soi.s grain T115 U~ who bWl to my' 5c, ainobol, according ta tise statement o! sçymi~7U. belarc the redued a ________________________________the case by the wiie ta hpr attorneys. -f rorn $15 <o Sn0 wml bief ____________________________________Mr. Tompkins la a great fisherman and - riIbmhlio cusnt osn per doz. itlàa rsported that Mayor Batterahai GAE' LA Sent Deadly Poison. Dr8. * sken rticdtomo took himi ont ta bis fine proporty on lnstead oh sending grain alcohol or Gages Laite where tbey spent muns oh r n r.Sg n aiysetdrd oeewo looadal Russ Lum r y rd I BA RST W neir time takiog:the fiashoff thoir books. -r an Mra. Sage atheiyaen eehweewa lchlada Ro tlC m t ar . B I S O unday an Ivanhuoe. poison, was sent ont from. Chicago, eolumn. Bo do 1IAO othe. -~m MAUFCTRE oton ad guee fo n Can o M r@. Glimore, uf Waukegan, viailed it ie asserted. Ruishins, a mechanlc, UAU. DEALERS" .iy the. collns it. moop~. MANUFATUREROF lSput d asget f> n r.wt Mrs. Geo. Kapple the last of the physicaiiy snrong and in good beaits, N > 0 W mr..Panker. Nn1eI wssk. took nom@ oh the Wood ainohol. Physi- Mr. Frank'@ family, oqgicago. bave Mn. and Nira. Elmer Faulkner and two -aswr aida ona abcm M arble an ranite rented teLwanctaf o h os fRmrnsetSna sC IL W A~ 1$ ls T 11E TO sumnaier. C.so n maefo i eyohs' cas pn dya . il but their efforts wen. nnavailhng teoppoý M onuments Mdisa Anthony, ofh icago, la a guest Dr. Davy and family drove ont front agaînst the efiecte oh tse 'poison, and B i r.Cuivera@. Chicago tise hast of the week lu John Rabbins died in a short lime M l il U ___urerofChcag,______ T A Croker'a wisere Mns. Davy and cbildren Examination W.s made. of he satuff!i kMli Edetr Turner oh Ciicg, iitdT.A wili bsoard for the soimmer, sent ont aid when It was disovered Cemeery Wor o!Evey RynodsFniay.Mn.. Fred Wrihit, of Druce*s Lake, Ibal wood alcobot had hean hurnisbeil, as -Lumber, Cernent, Coal Description e. Ad:am@ waa inCieagc, Bat:nday. and Mise May Grant, of Chicago, calied Ena. Rabbins; was brge te plae. the ie il sF i eitve aniMlwok ueta tise Cicero Allan home hast Dr. Brown and wife, oh Waukegan, are ase lu tise bauds of the local attorneys Post an ilok Correspondence Sollclted rrîdtd't in ons oh the Allen cottages for tise soi for prooecution. pe,2C IEM RA r.H .Wolm netandter- Notice was served on Montgomery With fias yomn get veny litIle milk. With GPIE ME A RIAL Saturdy ahtsrnoouin honor ofbr Mn. Payne le spendlng the wssk witb Ward and bis inveigators at onceMaknî'FlD yo hveo i. .. iteMs.Sehot n re. Mis E ose began thein wonk. Ais soon as the facts 126 uffyes e ytSeens. Mm.. Rogrs and lwo boys returned toebecame knon ad helo ayctio but lota of anilk. Mr. Bd. Ferry, of Bo.- F .. H EI A D %Ëme Losila an hahrn l tse City unday evening aftar a week's ws o via, n ouresetn aonf Miss"Ktei e s 01 o! tsy w1h Mn. anad Mn.. Keller. taoeue cutih etlmn hIn, usdmy dope all lut summer. r cWaukegan Chicago, are visiting theInoncle, ph~ Mises Grace Croker visined relative. b $1,250 vas made afid the money paid Gawo th!@ge& eS wek Linah Ilune homeon Mon. knownand lise ______6_____________1_ILL_ Libertyille last week. oven by a representativa oi tise mail Bagti aln bssm e-m.h lien jull Webb wwîubau Meîiiarureundhoeo-ore i wouid not non a dainy without it. We H o s e a n C Wm a t e b s c r at d v r s r o g el- l k e il . G a llo n , $1 .0 0 ; & g a llo n s , $ 4 5 0 . 61 29atve hoi Sudy OER N n utecmiuiy n tth heX Re tur n Arwod daily newspaper ho v>esEoine euame utpendin @pti Suewa uee ee.The ners bavte snitetseent o! n J N W AEGAN ILUNO h quaîîîy. W iii ss1i an he îuwest ail tise home o! B. J. Lort05. teais piayed last Sunday. The score expiainsd su thaorouglaly te tise isuying CE CREAM SODAI market prace. Corne and se then. Ens.e puli in ahle Ena.ie Allie Kathes2 11 nlvr tRsc mail AND SOFT DRINKS AIea large stock of ail classes of isorses, and Miss Ruby Smilla were gusts oh Clarkt Northrop, uf Cisicago, wasbti order hou8s have auinssffe i. very il y M~~~~~~~~~~rs. Geo. Fredenteks ait Libertyville oven Sunday. fruaefrtelclmrhn8o h workere, dniveraaanddrataad aîlpurpuse Wednesday, The Misses Barîîum and brother, utforuaefrts oa eaat hls 1 cfari haurs. Ail are guod, usehul, service- Ens. Henry Kuebker attended the C. Claicago, are vîsitîug Mrs. Northraop. lclt. __L A N D S V K ..r6L% CIGARS and CAN DIES able anal profitable horses tain tannera te E. rally an Highland Park Tuesday even- Mrý Armour, of Evanston, isreached___________________________ 3ocR ndC NDE boy aud lise hîet ages, ranging froin ing. bos Suuday hn place oh the regular Auclion Sal. 1000lu 500IbeCounty Clerk Hendee, ut Waukegan, paissonilseaipbi utinoniefas NORTlIERN NEW MEXICOIRRI- 1 .98 ~~~LÂUNDRY OFFoIECL .J BRY r visited relatives bere Tuesday. Gertrude Taylor, o! Chicago, was homne oh John0 Burne, one-urts mile fonts o! Phone No. 19. CLF..BERrp. Wmn. G. Kelly and tamily and Mrs. Over'Bun . Evserell. un tise fit. Paul naliroad: 40 GATED LANDS ARE THE B MS Godred dEiler'oeCiiFgauarlsop-erueaFa nd r ndwifepnleuidayisadoh ow, ilien.an soinenf _______________________________ri___i dMISS EMMA GERLACH, Prop. ping ai the Wm. Johin@ home west o! wits C. C. Aines an Gages Lake. Salurday, Joly 18th, 1908, aI ' c iltha 9c __________________________ T Il E ton viso wlll fil] one or more cane WSORTH. aoei ankable inota~it o soit per centlatdlna 11yu e u lteé 1ed23TU Mn r ÀITwý suiiunrî W I D F E D tse ltie ne ront Ljs. Master Eau Effinger, of Waukegan, m.iteet J. A. MeDoNouGa, Agent. two wees, BEST LAND. TITLýPM*RFe MMA ie99James Shberman or the Bcn Ton. This s spending a hew days ai J. MnCanne. W. H. W~IaMOr, Auctioneen. I .Seiitre rcsmdIdcmaadiu 17e ICE CMIN FÀcToR PIANO tise Snnday evenlng treat ut tise litle J. Bantlg, o! Chicago. vieiled ait tise P._,_,_____________"mm ta w