F1IDAY, JULY 17, 1908 Now is the tir to think abo I Economy Fruit jars si NO RIJBI The cheapest aud mn il will pay for itselfi rections ara followed Fruit and vegetables t' ELF SEALING ER RING REQUIREI) oat economical Jar in the world, as in the fruit it wilI gave. When di- 1every Jar is SURE Tii SEAL. never moald. .A TRIGUS IBERTYILLE G ritical Point: t MAN may bc particular about is drem, but il he neglects a his neckwear he will spoil what therise mhsc..a cemandd Whaet t the rdnarymrtal want wlartha mony.te ho uit arev attract e rin a f excellet etueans beatis ul onrUcOurnvlte r I EVERYTHING FOR MEN * J. B. MORSE3 & CO.. tHANBY BLOCK, LBRYIL LibertyvWle Locals C. F. Wright want ta Edgertau, W l., Taeeday. Will Walsâ, ai tire Marsallh Field C., la ejoying a two week's vacation. Misslora Elapias la s nding, lier vacation at the Dlla ofithe niiacr. Chas. 'orbrick, af tire Loveil drng stars, la off ion a vacation of two wecka. Mc. and Mie. F. P. Dymonul are speud- ing a week lu Madison, Wls. H. E. Malmnan, ai Waucouda, was here ou businessThursday. C. A. Appiey aud J. W. Miller made a trip ta Milwaukee lent Friday. Dr. E. V. Simithr entartaiued bis fatirer fran Chicago, Trrrday and Fnlday of ast wsek. Bau Simon, opratar t tire new depot, in spending twa weeks' vaation at hie home iOconse, lii. Ed MeDon3ald bas purchasedl two lots tromn F. P. Dymoud on Firel treat and wili bulld twa bousestirereon t ancê.. The Lihartyvilie Itamiriars vs. Carson, Pinse, Scott & Co. team, of Chicago, ai lire fair grounda uext Sunday afternoon. Mns. Alfred Fayant, wiro bas@hac visitlug t tira hou- ai Mr@. Etta Elle "nat several deys lu Napervilla this week. C. Hl. Bayes will tarI a new bouase ou Southr Park avenue lu tire near future. E. A. Bisirop wîll aiea bud autirat papular strert' Dr. A. H. Chuncill, ai O@(w-ga, si.eut last Tburaday t thire rrile iisparents, Mr aid Mrs. 0. E. Ciur'hiil. Hie wili probably locat.' at I)owner*s Grave. Miai-hlls. Military Baud gave a ecry succsaful dance at tire tawu halil ast Frîday eveniug. An open air coîncert on lire streeth<at r-i auing Bas enliiyeîi by tire public. Dr. Chas. Young lias apeuad a dental office at LakeFaret. la lias secureil a gaad location lu tirat tawvu whicb promises ta afford hlm a lucrative practica. He iras tira gond wisiies ai many friands bers wba wi@h bri mach SaLcceas. Tomatees aitira home gcav,-uvarieîy are hagnnlng ta ripen sud John Kelis favored ti office with a amail but per- fect apecîmen. WV. C. Sa.born la anotirer gardener wba boast tiraI ire bas beau eatiug bome grown tamatoes for tire pasnt week. Edward J. DoyLe, of Chcago, bas pur. chasad ai Mrs. E. Clemens ber larm of 140 acres south ai tira village sud ad- joinlug lthe Hawthrorne farm af Samuel lnuli. Theadeal was nagotiated hy Paul MacOufiluand the cousidration ia said ta bave beau $150 par acre. Tramps are ana af the pesta cammon tu aommer moutheansd amay complaiu tirat tiray are paticulariy tbick this eae. Put 'ain tu work. Iltirbey are poor nuortunates thay will ot hae i=mutesu d if tirey ame uniortunateansd pour tram ehoice it wilU do tbem good. Au extension of 40 fent in balng iruili ou tbe Libertyvilie eteant Iaundcy. A new angne, boiler, mangle Ironandr allier macIrmery wll alan ha iusalled. Thasa impraveruenta wiil cool about $2,000 sud will maka tIslanndry oue oftiheot on tis part oithestate. In iact it laflot oflen that a plant of thii aize la la ha tound hIns a wn nlargar tiran Libertyville. HAT S Its a bigger ois"ae ta psy too littie for a bat than toc much4 for below a fai price styles are quemtiaflable Mmd long wear isnpoéuible, Now ia a good time to choose a bat end before you make a fina choice it wWl pay you to make a careful cosqmnpai-betweem the bats hown herem Md cme- wherc. e mIli the beat grade of bats f h os nat reaa-' able fligre, We bave ready for your inspectimn Kingsbury........ .... $3 00 King.............. 2 50 vWa ............... 2 00 Chicago Leader ........... 8 50 Ansonia ............. 1 50 Kimnil............... 00 Walkbibc ............. 50 IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES AND SHAPES S111TH & DAVIS Libertyville, 111- Dr. F. H. Martin left for Ileuiver and a trip tbrough the West lasi Sunday. A number ai very prettY viewa rf Lake Eara ou souvenir postal- ar,- uow au sale.t Mr. and Mrs. Fred B<., aif(Chicago, aient Suday wlth Mir. ani MrA. ('bas. Ling. Mra. F. W. Foulda@amndîiaîîghter, ai Highland Park, vlit.-d llrt3 ville, Tliurodayý ice cream and cake on,. a Fred Crokers ilawu. Friday e% v<iriigtJuly [7. Try tauira there.ç Warren M. Heath lait %Vi cdueaday fort St. Josepb, Mici., where lii- nl peuil twa weeks. Tire Home Lumber Cî1,1,iinY <iii doc î'ustom gcludiug every W r- iiile(aY. 1 42-2 1 G.F. Friable and wiie, A Bfatavia, iormeriy raidsnte oi Liberty ville, speut1 @peut several d.Y@ bars la8t wî-ek. 1 Comeansd liseMr. Bowiau at tihe Methodist chureir, Tlruroday eveniiig, July 23. Dont forget tire date. Rex Wells raturuad Ibis week iram a two weeki' trip spent lu Mnnesota vialitlug relatives. Jacob Link, Sir., 01 Palatine, 8Peut tuso week witir bis daugbter, Mrm. R. P. uciruashle. R. w. Stafford ba s hown a ,narked improvement tira past eek aud bis chance of recovacQ gaod. -Leader Mitchell sud E<I M ,ruîîvk, ai tic Libertyville baud, were er-iplaed at Laike Focest iwednesday ly the baudE thece for 'Lake Forest liav A large lîsrty irom bier, atteîrded tire apen air 1perormance ai tIe Beun(ire-ct llayer@ t Rainia Park last Taeday eveing. Tira Ladies' Aid Socrrtv aifthe Presrv- terian chaccirw-111give i, aker< sal, at 0. i. Luce@ stars SatariaY aitprnoon, Jniy lu. David H. Jackson, ai Lake Fo rest, a candidate for lbelBpubli, an nomrination for legllature, Was lu ti4. village Tues- day. lirs. Katie Schwalg aud son Lawrence, ai 97 N. Hamlin Ave., Chicagor, are visit- ing ber alter, lira. Chas. Haux, for a iaw daya. Fred Clark and Cirarlie Hoag lait Wad-1 naeday evening for Dakota wirere tiay1 went in -serhof lame andl fortune. Thay may figbl Indiana. Scbanck Bras. are selliug an iceleasl cafrigeratar. A water jacket around the box îirrougb wbich cold water us kept annitrg takes tira placeaofie. ion ara invted ta attend tle cen. social give by the Epwortir Leagua ou Fred Craker's iawu I"isFriday evaing. lca cream sud cake like motirer uaed ta male. BDonos Taylor, Galloway sud Faiay, of Weetkegaar, and their familla@ enîoyad a thenapantikal pieuin Wedxraday. A tlarge hay rack convayed tire partI, their 1provisions sud tackle on a fiaiing ex- j cursion up tire river. 1.The yonng ladies aoflirae pwartir tLague wili giva aa ies cream social on aFred Croker's5 lawu, Frlday evaing, rl j11ly 17. lee cream sand cake 15 centa. a Mitchela Miitary baud wilfuruisir music rfoc the occasion. Everyons la iuvited ta attend. The cause la a worthy anc. atar, resder suri iumoriat, wiil give an entertaiumeut lu tira Melirodit ebureir Tbursnlay eveing, Juiy 23. Proceed for tire bhaefit ai the fiunday osemai. Admission. adule, 25 cents; children, 15 cets. Quite a namben irons Libertyvilla taok lira biexcursion steamer Pare Marquette ta Chicago at Suuday aiternoon sud enjayeil a nrast ileaant trip. Amoug tham wers: Mr. and Mre. Clareuce Fiagg sud Mr. sud Mra. Ed Wasirbucn, of (inayédake. Saverai of our people are planning ta attend the DýesPlaines camp meeting whicir hagan Wdnsday ai Ibis weak sud continuas "r ten das.S hverai of thiebisiropa aitira î.iurch are ta, preacir at varous servir-es and Thoamas Harrison la tire avangeliat w ira leede each evening meeting. Bey. Dr, Roîve, f tira Chicago Home Mssionaryaud Chaci ExtensiouSaciety prescbed an exieiîtronaliy aile sermon at tira Metirodiet chancir lasI Sunday morning on lire sablent of "(living sud tirawiug." Tire wav tirat lire congre- gallonrespandail Vi iis appeal ion chancir heeoenea shobwed tirat somne aithe people were going tii grow. Nearly ail ai lire sanîmar homes about Ihanlryvile are noe oceupied and msuy Jnmiet Chicago men sud tlirî smile are enjaying the irealtirmlainBd invignnatiugcauiiitry,air. Samueai inuli, ai tie Cmmonweitii Edison Electrie company, movel uri the cottage juat complalad innoris oiii îî)ancy, on hiis[ami sonti ai tire ville-ci this waak. Tire Hawthrne Farni. as tire place iras- beau named. praomiser t >b, ana ai thre urast beautifal sudir, Ivrn equipped larme near banc. Tira estuiiiislini'îi rîA tira Wet Skokie Drairagoitrit ii s I gunnug tii umater- ililceand on ia l i p age aif<lis iair la pinted thee iegiîl iii , eand biiuiudares ceasdiîrg ts ,stà1), -linent. 'ris dittir willlrutram tie E. J .& E. railroad at Rendant ta tira coiiîty lne andl wiIi im- %Ov hudres o ares oaf ]and. Paul aculnand ( aund Beaubiei, oi Wankegan, are tii, iattarneys. No pro. et promatei iîîîînuîy a day willilsan so macir lu dallaisanul cents ta Lake nauuty as tuis propoosed canai. When jon h.,e $5000 or more wbielh you do not expýect ta use for a short time, yon will fiud aur (Jrtificatee of Daposit B momt convenlent, @aie and profitable inveotment for your money. They pay 3 per cent par anuum for ait MuI months irom six montha to a year, and as they are payable on de- mand, and negotiable by endorsement, tbey are ju8t as good and much saler ta carry than cash. We aloo issue drafts wbicb are the mot couvenient and economical way of seudlng ruoney tirrougir the mail. Yo oa rofit by transactlng your Banking Business witir us. The First National Bank Proctor Eluilding LIBERTYVILLE Notice ta, Water Consumera. Alil water cent due for the past quarter muet be pald on on hatore the 201h day of tirs monli r onconsumera vifl ha ehaed at tire maximum rate ai 35e par tha.ad gallnas prnvlded by Ordimnce eo. 1l94paased by the village bord i Apnil. £ÂSL B. Coamai-, Village Clsrk. SIX CARS TAKEN OI!! THIE DAILY SCIIEDULE Chicago & Milwau kee Eleclrrc Rail- raad Now Running Cars Every Two Hours on Uibertyvîlle Une. Patrons of thre Libertyville branch of ire Chicago & Milwaukee Elctric (Rail- aoad'î awokP ta lire fact lasI MondaY morniug that tirere bail been anotirer eut in the service on thi inso. Six cars have ben aken out of tire regular daily service and frain ar-en oiaock lu the mornlng until tirree lu the alternoon a ar every two irours id the service that bhis imitatian af a rallraad affers the public. Tire samne latire case at nigirt and lrom seven until eleven there le anly rue car tram Lake Bluff. Tire Idiotic partoaitire arrangement la that the car laye aver at Lake Bluff and the crew plays solitaire for twa hoars until tîme to Makte tire neat trip. The foilowing cars whicb leave Lake Bluff for Lîbertyvilla bave beau taken off: 8:07 a. m., 10:07 a. m., 12:07 m., 2:07 p. m., 8:07 p. m., and 10:07 p. m. That ofcourse Ibaves nocars tram Libertyville to Lake Bluff Bt 8:37 a. m., 10:37 a. m., 12:37 p. m., 2:37 p. m., 8.37 p. m. anld 10:37 p. m. The cars ut 7:37 and 9:37 p. m. rua through to Ravinia hc inakes twa tbrougbcarsfrom tbat resort ta LîbertyvIlle sud Rockefeller. Ta aay that tire bas beau a general kick au accaunt afIbtis ratten service expresses it mlldly. There bas beau a howl iram scores oi people tlîat use tbe car every day going ta and lram tir buiueds bath iu tire morning aud nigirt ut tire injustice of the arrangement. Where tire saving oi ex pense cormes iu la nat visible ta tire uaked eye Tira men are tirare for duty aud drawiug thir pay, suilciaut carrent ta operate la there aud the power remaine idle. Tire car otaude rastiug ta tira rails wirile tire general public, wbieb al ways alanda tire bruut of sacir chinga, can ait sud arouud aud wait, losing mauey every minute by tbe delay. At Rigbwood the "pin-ireade" wiro are attempting the operate the road uder the receiversirip oit arouud and tell camplainiug partie@ aIl they dout know about tira business. That occupiea mach more lime than telling wirat tirey do know. À falut ray of hope apraug Imb lb. mindo af many that the road was not living up ta tbfrancise granter tram, sud an investigation of Ibis particular revealed the tact IhâltIta ifur thay hava beau. St111 living up ta the agreement leave@ no oppartunlty of gainIng aDI- thlng *n that score. Tira ordinanoe reade: "sald company shali mn ut il toue pamsuger train evary two hotirgs btwssn moYen o'ctock Ini ths momnlng and segt o'elack in the avenlng eaeh day itire jear anise prevented hy etrikea, inclemeul weather, nnavoid- able accidenta, etc." Furtharmora tire franchis e perpatual and the public la lait ta the Mercy ai the namakulis now lu charge of the road. If the people living lu LIbartyvilla, Rtockefeller, Rondant, Lake Bluff and many living on tira main lina who are compelled ta use the road, wlsh auj tavors, about the only way ta gel îham wlll ira ta get cdown lu sack-clotb and ashes and pray ta the ulunlas ta powar ta pleasa give bettar service. They are lu possession ai a franchise that la worth thousauda ai dollars. Tire privllegas grauted cost thor al at na cent and avery day are hecomiug more vainable. Tire people gava thom the rlgrt tW pass tbraugir tha village and acroase iteatreata and lu returu expacted at leasI sOrne semirlauce of accomodation. Tha pop- ulation ai Ibis locality bas grown won- dertully alnae hat franchise was grantad lu 1902 and while a car evary twa boure mlght hava beau aufficleul then, it la far from sufficieut uaw. There are twa gaad reasons being ad- vanced as tire canuse f aii nud service. Que la, that thre road la retallatlng againat tira village ai Libartyvilis for asking protaition ut the croasing. 8v- ecal borsea have beau killed, a numirer ai persans inunred aud othars have bad uarrow escapes au accauint ai the bigh 8peed ai tbe express car and of the pas- senger traine as weil. Tha.requeat made oi thoa was very resaonairk and beyoud a visit bers aif.ttty. Fayette Munroe uotiig oi any cousequence bas ever been doue ta, protect tire public. Another reamau la tirat ('. & M. Electrie stock la a drug au <tha market uow andl wvith a littie 1udiciaus handiug coald aveu be made encre wartrless. Tire tiret martgage bauds are ail rigirl but the stock bas gous ta tire haw-wows and diasatislar-tion amnrag tire travelling publicelaolîardly gaing ta lielp mattere fanv. Several promineut business men bava personaliy writtau ta the officiais cam- plaiuing af tbe condition of affaira but as yet no response bas been rseivad. It la very probable that a petitlon will ha circulated asking for a change. The getting oi the signatures will ire a verY essy malter aud il migirt poaalbly do some good. Cars will ha crun on an S98 1 19 20 Per Cent Discount On Al Boys' and Men 's Suits and Pants Corne ealy and fit your boys witb a achoci suit wbile bhc stock la complete. 1, IF aur rate of anterea on deposite is blgb enough 2. IF Our rate of intereat on bans fa baw enougb 3. IF the accmodations we ard arcemakWlatory 4. EF our businen ss l sy mamaged (and wc think Lt le) 5. IF you are mot aIready a cumbomer, d= en cinvite yoes U becSne.aSw. Lake County National Batikl LIETVLE.ILNI Why Not have the convenience of a Modern Bathroom when yoa ocm buy a 5-foot White Enâmel Bath Tub, a one plece 19-inch White Enamel Lavatory and a syphon waah-dowa- closet aIl for $30.00, When ini the market for Plumbing or Hoating M*teriaI it will be to your interest te get my price liaI. Albert W. Lichtfeld LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Glass ware Bargains Rich opaescent glass in blue. green and wbite, large pieces brWliantly fiaWshcd 75Yi inch open cdge. facted dishes -........ 8s~ inch fancy awa dishes .............- 5 inch facted jdliy diahes ........... Extra deep faoted roseohavIs.......... -- -- Dearge f lovses................... Foabed fruit dishes................... Everyanc worth a quarter. ycur cholce for.- 1( THE FAIR.W Tire village of Waucouda plans ta reaI the aid soidiera sud @sabre s j iospitairly as tbey know bmw sItire: reunion haid thirea uA»guet. Fiebuses viii ha mun for tham f nom Rockefeller, ffarriugton sud other adjacent pointe and meals are nat ta cnet aven tweuly- five cents. Siralter sud iray wiil alan ho fumulahei for the borse. Thle genaral puieicwill bava to look onttfor tb.m- selves sud are nt guarrintead the privilegea taudarcd ta tire soldiers. L. (+reeuburg, the weil-knowu cobler and junk dealer, moved bis tsmily sud other affects ta Cicago lasI MÉouday nigbt, very mach ta tira regret Of mauY iutereoed triends and nalgirbore. Ha 8tated tirat ire was unaire ta maya an account ai beiug finauciaiiy emrbarased and a pursa was ralsad for bi@ hanafit., Sevecal persous stated later tirat lb. couple botir carried money lu every pockat aud the bille Were ual af amail danominaîjon eitber. Aj& automobile sud a buggy mlxed ou tire raad near tire mile track Mouday nigirt sud tire buggy got tire worst of tira collision. The automobile wici irelouged la a Chicago party aîtempted ta pastire buggy sud as It turnad ont aftieroad atrack a madbalsand akldded inb tire buggy wbicir was badiy dam- aged. Alter considerabla discuasion lb. wrscked Parties wers taken beinre Polic Magistrats Baller and au amicable settiexueut reached. The autalalt pald ithe damageis. The buggy was driven by Ed Baescbing. Mr. Shaw, of Dundere, ift iris bors@ sud biuggy iritchedinlutire slîed attire Liberty- ville iratel iast Vrednesriay maruiug sud wiren ire returuadit s as gîrue. Hes t once reponted ta MarKhai Lfinberry wba sitarted on tire irnnt for it alter ireoirad telepbaued toalal tire arrauudiug towaa. Tira harse was baund ixaeiiilly feeding at the Libertyville livery wirnaha had beau laken lry mistake as tira praperty of anotrmn. Alter seuning iri lz Shaw drove ta, llockefellor but sharp eyed parties there wo rada a description of tira bors bad ii unatîl uotifiad by Liurberny jt baIie was tire ownec. Otirer tons tiraI bad been inlormed ai tire supposaI aBteal <vere tlien uotiflad that tire bors ad beau baund so tiraItire owuar migirt ba permitted ta drive lu pence. Sa ended tia condy ai encore. Clearance Sale Ladies' Lawn Waists and Boys' WooI Suits Cooemencing Saturday, July 11 lb. for two weeks WC Winl nul Ladics SL25 Lawn Waists for Ladies' SL50 Lawn Waists for Dans