pInai Thinge Thot Have Been Said ln Regard te Mîsernnegmnt end Miapproprtl- tlons. ILATEST FROST ROAD DEVELOP- 1MEN T. 1-A. C. Frost issues statemenl lu whic#i hi dînies aiieged stock jobbing and mnrepresifltatiufl and dlaims hi ie bila Villifîed. 2-Repert orlgineting at Racine le 't. qfpot that egg, Miwuke trac- tion Magnats, soîke the control of the Frost rond. Report belleved lu be basesi upun a rellable source ut intormation lu Chii cago la tRal there le a muvemont ou1 foot 10o seurs cuntrol ot the stock ut the Chcago & Mlwaukee Electric Ritairuad Company, wth a vlew Of meking tbe roasi a eubsldlary con- Cern- t le eald that lhe Nrth Amerîcan Company, whlçh uwns the Mllwaukee g1ectric RallvIy & Llgbt Conmpany, lte St. Louis Street rallway and plante in other cties, 1a bacit ot the move. Itlal also sald that groat efforts have beeu made to brlng about a furcesi sale ofthle pruperly by olier intercala. lu Chicago Il le saisi that wbUle tic Columbia Coustrucli.on CompauY la lu complte the road In the clly ut Mil- waukee, it will go no turtier. The statement bas been made thal lhe rossi would be complcted by September 1, but ou lie face ut conditions this le conelderesi Impossible. Wurk on the two miles south of the Racine imils, fil leaserled. cao nul be cunîpletesi wtlhil tour or five monthb. Thie Chicago & Milwaukee road, tbruvu lotolte bsnkruptcy court, Is nov lu the bauds outlhree receivors, A bond issue tu complete the road ni $2,000000 was offeresi several moulus agu, but the tonds touud nuosle. At- tom somo tîme hsd elapsees the Clum- bia Construction Company came for ward offerlng lu complte road lu the clty ut Miwaukee. If the court wuuld shlow recelvers' certificates lu oea aussi tu psy ftis wurk, and tu re imburae te contpauy for a prer claim. This vas agreed l, hut betor te company could arrange tor the re celvers' certificates the bond issut was sud. Thte rossi runs tbrough a rlch coun try, and voWlsibhoaevaluable acquist lIon lu tRie Interurhb.u eyelem oft lb Beggs road. Mr. Beggs bas public!: 5etaed tat ho would mun is Weuke ebat cars over the FIrst avenue-Sxt sUseet vaduet. The recelvers ufthb Chicago & Mlwaukee rondi, bovevei say nu agreement bas been maSe ù tbis effect. The question le eskod, un lesa tbe rondis are consolidaled, hoç cau thie beaii ut the Milwaukee rosi hope lu accontplish this? Cismot C.. Smitb, presldet out lI Coumbia Contruction Companyo Milwauikee, vas ln Dzon, Ili., latel) lu Interviewe durlug the past fei ixonthe Mr. Smit bas bren opblmi tdc, and bas eald liaI tbe road woul Re compltaS vîthîn tbe year. Lb vi said, bovever. that tRie nov terminE statio ou onîi hoerectesi at once, hi reeatliy Ibere appears lu bave been change luteplans. BRANK BUILDING, IS MAGNIIIC!NT .0. M. Ersklne & Company, of Hgh- Jarid Park, Ereçt New Quarters -laCost of 660,000. TRie mont impusing iank buildingD lu Leke couty and une ut the mut Imposing in bis norli Iaît ofthle tate le thal ut D. M. Erakine & Contpany, hankers. lHighlaud Park. t The structure, vhlch le uf Stone,. le jugt acruse front ansi nortb ut the Nrîbvesteru depol lu central 1High- Rnd P'ark, aud te two stories lu heigil. Itult lu s mudiltosi classicat Stylo iti massive pillare. l le rellevesi front be- lug severe by meana of ornementa- tion ut a bigi order. Nevrtieless l relains a dlgully befitllng the Soundc character ofthte Institutionî il bouses, lie mst Important banklug bouslu Lake couuuy ounside of Waukegen. Bank is Magnificent. 1 The luerior of tbe banhi ut D. M. Erakîne & Comnîy le describes Inl one phrase-iltanmagnlficeat vîthout blMng garsi or shuv',. Heavy plate dours leasiloto Ibe mosair liuored vestibule wblch lIntirn op.ens mba ftely fltesi lobby. 'Mie lobby la large, weill igitesi sud Iltted witi modern conviences. Along *0t outar vaîl are solîi mahogauy desfor patrons, filleS vith station- oný. At the rear euS ofthIe rount are the toileIs, a privaIs rourn for pat- rom efut hg este deposîl vaulte, andi even & sort ot receplion ruant. Vitt Ha@Deujie Time Lock. At the left, as one entera le lie mes- $IV* Imon caging for the bank ont- Ployee. EscRi empiuye bas e cumparl- Meet of ie own wIch ho m-y ock. V» .comprtmenl for-eenployea bave t* *tbir oer partu siabe o "hile martuS. pl"Mu te a bwgI The floorlng of tie etIre b a Iti 8 A. K.1 utor ee Llghtlug ut the structure le. wtb eletrlclty andi hsatlng la with steant. 1The vault, wblcb la ut course the feature ut auy hauk building, le a Ire- mendious une runningal~motit the en- tire ength ut the haukIug room. t bouses 160 safe deposit boxes lu addi- lion lu the batik funds and records. The feature ot ils satetY devices la a double action ime lurk. whlch meanueIbat if one set ot appar alita for working te sale laits i<be other dues nul. The vauli cati bc oiened u111Y a51 ter a certain tine il the mnorMng. The vauit is ,-.ade of cuncrete laid with.Bte.' rails and la absotutety burg- lr sud fire proof. lils lYe out construc- lion beiug modemn snd rigl tup Su 10- day as the bank building bas barely beeo fiisbed a short lime. There are private offices tor the president sud for patrons lu meet lu discussion or lu take rest. The Inati- tution la a privale bantý. Three Stores Aiso. Over the bank are six or elghl suites ot elegeut roume, muet t fwicb are already leesed, althougb tbey are onut yet finlahed sud down stairs lu addi- tion to the bauk sud tactng on the main street are lbree fine store ruomsa for twu ut which Il la urideralousi tbere la already a bld hi a large In- stitution. the removat uf whirb viti change the trend ut business de- eti- menti lit e Parju Earb store lias a basernieu. The enire structure rosI $50000. ANNOUNCEMENT - j 1 taes Iis mensof Seclar-lng mY candidacy rur the Republican Nomi-. nation for the office oftatles Attor- ney ut Lake County. Realizlng the importance out Iis uffice lu the peuple n generai. sud appreclaling the re- spousihility theretu atterRieS, I ask roui' support. Havlng prec-ticosi 1ev lu Lake Coun- ty for more thon t'welve (12) years. lt a guod meesure ut succees and my Republlcaniom nover bavlng bren in Souit, 1 teel justifieS lu Re- publIcan support on Auguet 11h. If on the ahove date I am nominat- esi, ansi lu November elocted, I esall during my tenure moike aunRioneet et- fort lu su conduct the affaira ufthtRi Slatee Altoruey's office as tu meet tbe epproval of the rnlîre peuple. My oath ut office as prescrIbed bY tRie Statules iRialt et ail tîntes ho my plattorm. Under tRie nov Prlmary 1ev, vblcb vIl! he lu force July let. snd vIl tbemetume govern lu Âuguît, tRie Peo- ple bave tRie absulute power tu select lte men lu make up the Ropublîcan ticket, and vien you make your mark iu front o! a candidates. name yu are duing thal vRiIcRi bas bren dune berelufure hy e delegate ln conven- lion, nu lu roality ou Auguet 11h. 1908, Lake Cuunty vili RiolS lie largost convention lulils Ristory. and I amn iiartlculaly notuions 10 mèceive thie an- dorsement o! tRial convention. 1 WM. F. WEISS. ALDERMAN lMAS TOO MUCII MONEY Senator in Chicago Has Startîd Thinge Bacause Aderman Owns Au- tomnohite and Place et Fox Lake. Grand, Jury Investigationofuthlie charge that lie Chicago Telepione Coumpany iali $1.000.000 lit bribes lu oblain tlie passage ou t is ecent ordi- tianie w as promisesi Suitda3 - siys lie Chilcago Journai. This folluvesi lie asting out he billet feusi belw con Senalor Samnuel A. Elîsîson aud At derman Milton J. Foreutan, together w-it lhe seosational rharges brougbt agaijîst lhe alderman. I welcometh ie Investigation propos- esi by Alderman Foreman," saisi lhe senator. il ntay recuit lu very Inter- estlug devetopmenls tom the public. I wili appéar betore lie cummite ut lie Municipial Volera L.eagîie sud give tealimouy If I sut asked lu do su. t îbîuk the investigation sboulsi be ppeu andi liat the vitiesses siuuld ho swumu. "Aldermn Foreman bas lhe repu- talion ut belng a very riri man. Ho bas a beaulitul sommer hume at Fox Lake. Ho bas a higi priced automo- ile, ansi be pays hie chauffeur prub- ely au ntîîh as e hreceives frmntils salary as alderman. I understand tRie 1alilamman Rit a valuhle fiat building on te soutii aide.1 5 CA Speaker, On*.f etsat Oratorsiln the Blae, Made Straighttorward Talit on National, Stete and Lo- dal Issue*. Atturuey A. K. Stearua ut Weuke- gars candidate for rèpresenlatîve un the republîcan ticket, addreaaod 300 peotple t Lake Ville Priday ulgbt lu e swelterlug beat of 94. The hall beld only 150 people comfortabty but weny crowded lu sud packed and jamnted the place, whlle oulsîde otheraB eard lie address, & notable àne, Ibrough lhe Qpen windows sud doore. Rareiy If ever bas a candidate ro- recelvesi such a fiaterlua retteplion, doubiy lu be notesi because Iis le the rural busy season aud fermerasufid il bard lu gel awey. lu spîte out lis tact. ail ut Lake Villa sud ail ufthIe surrouudlug country julued I an Im- mense lurnout. Mr. Stoarne talked on natIonal,i stals sud local lopica. Ho la Oirst, asat eud al the tinte for William H. Taft, tbe man educaled lu ho a preel- dent, and theRosevelt polîcles. Lu tate affaira he spuke on the prlntary measuro sud sssured hie beerera ho la for -the state aid ut god ruade, a vtai1 fealure. Thie address, wblcb lasled su bour snd fitteen minutes, was heard witi clusete attention andý Mir.,St«e sla tu the ridât of a vRirvlid aeaklug campalgn euS le ever3'vbere helng greeled wîtIt ac- dlaim. ~fWARD Or!!!Rr-D IýUR AN AflNITY (Froma Wednesdays Sun) f REWARD-i witt pay U$5 toc,*flyone 1 who wlli locate for me my huehenda talI, black he:red affinity, who ha&sae baby twe yîars nid, 50 thai I cenÈ ceise her errest.-Mrs. Ida Wines This le tbe advertisemnent the Ioser- lion ut vbiciî Mrs. Ida WInters ut the soutb aide reqiiestei ufthle SUN Mon- day mdcrning. "I wili1 give $25 lu snyoue wbu can locale my huishande s ftlnlty," ebe re- pealed lu a SUN reporter. "Th uwman wbo bas bruken up my hume le tati. black haIreS, gond luuklng end attractive, andi bas a baby1 Ivu years ulsi. "Iu the vînter sheIlievea hetween Nîntit and Tenth streots lu a bouse ut e trionS there aud lu the summer on Fourteentb sîreel witb anoîher fItrin. "I heileve uiy hushand veut lu see ber constantly sud Ibalab setayesi at1 the Poîkevir bouse. where John Jeu-j ces vas ahol.1 "My hbusband %%-llttry t lulti u su ovation vas lenderesi the speaker. bt a m atcrszy, butl iamnt.u l Tts Mr. Steamus lu endlng spuke sintplýýaffily business bas simply wrecked of bis own candidacy. mY bappinessud now al I desire is The presidlng euticer aI ite meet ing l gl , iinads afinity andi have was Mayor Bradley ut Lake Villa, ber arrested.i Marchent Can Net Select Cigare Fprom "IBox But Muet Lit Customer 'Taes is Pick From It. That Lake county bas heen vlalted by revenue Inapectora wltbln the past tew days le the opinion ot mauy peu- ple wbose busines brings tRentloto conneclion wllh this depertment ut the goverumeut, but wbetber enythlng was dlscovered that wlll lead to prose- cutions la yet to ho lsaroed. According lu the information secur.I ?V5l1CthtO.ov ë»ow*t I"uAýU4 viii!, t la praoUiiac ertain tuut no vilations oft tIis nature are occurring it Waukegan, the revenue officiais are taklng no chances. Chlld Orowred In Cleteret. Playlng about a cistern et Fremont Sunday lîttle Oscar Layer crawiesi upon thie rottlng top uônly to have 4t give way beneath hlm and preclitate hlm Into the cistoru waters below. Lt was au bour hefire hie parents, Mr. sud Mra. Henry Layer malssed hlm and wbeu ho was tounsi he vas dead, the bpdy being seen from the cieteru toi) by the frentic fether and mother. Coroner Taylor presidesi et an In- Misa Miot ou 0 lU M i sîreet, unconsclousiy valked off- th rear plattorin ut une of the fut ouz cagu & Mlwaukee Electrlcepr" et South avenue ljesEeaturday *rening and as a recuit 1le nursing minor ii. - jurlea lnflictod et ber home today. Mine Gurbin otates that she ds not knuw wbat she vas thluking of or bow ithppeued. Esi CoureS ruebed back and plcked up the injured misa and nutils Dr. F., C. KuigRit, who dreased the lujures inminers. Con- duclur Scot.,une ut the muet careful cunduclure. wes lu charge ofthIe car. en iront' severai sources sîtrangers 1quest, lie verdict ut hiich vas acci- Prize for the Firemen. reîîreaenting IbomBelves as ougeged1 dental deali by druvulug. Tbe Waukegan DaY cuuîmittOO niaY lu veriouuelinos ot business bave vis- tuîulbteeapeo h ota L Itesi saloons, cigar stores, restaurante, Tiere la ntyslery lu the tact Ibat dr Ien eepl utdthe Pnti ufi.a holela, andi lu tact e very Place vbere ity seop, ovuer uuknowu, have dpqrme t$ fr e vie nS bnagupate cigare or lîquors are soiS, andi lu sev- been seau straylng about the Boitat is.o 5frIevîlrl a oral Instances have conducîed lbem- Lino sud Nrîbvesteru yarde forbale selves su as te arouse suspicion. fivesisys or since Saturdey. Tbere Volunleers fron thIe lire figIttîng One man lu partîcular la thought telualenuchue te uwnerabip and Il la lie- force are stationed a block apart eacb bave been on the lookoultfor the Il- Ilovesi that the sbeep ntey bave escap- wt ado on n ri h legal saesoutcigare. There le a îaw <es fromnonte frelgbt car or fron thIe streants ut veter ou escb other for lte otten vioiated vbicb says thet aelcgar sbeep yard ot sunto nearby farmer. tiret tbretalla. The veler battis ln costumner muet hoe llowed te select The police ntay ho called upun lu etatesi by e former Pontiac man to bis purcbasea front the box, sud thtRiere Ri îî.furnleb a hushel ot tun euS nu banni antIRiescy howtuhelîe li 5i I tue merchant caunenu select thent for1anlegyse ludIktoeet hlm. This tew, while cuneIdereosi Mr. Glbert Sherman ot Chicago, et worked out bore. meny tu ho superiiuoua. le strlctly ou- ter being absent f run Waîikegaia for toresi as ferase the revoenue eperî- the pasl lsèeiity-eIght years, returuesi Greueu0 as broken Muuday for meut laeble, aud the actions utf ailuelite siamtîing grotins ut bis youth the Sheridan rossi residetîce ut Krs. toast une or tie sîrsugers %bho have Hon(Ia)'. Mr. Shorman furmerly re- P. D. Talcoît, jîtet norlb ut Cury ae.e been lu the city. recentty liidicates slît.d uot the oid George Sherman es- nue. The residotre, wbich la for te Ibal an attompt la beIng made teo te uot North avenue. lo ie li visit occuîtancy of Mre. Talcot, le su eight calcb cigar merciaitîs îappiug. ssllb local friends for e few sisys pîrier ruant colonial affair, titans for vbich Tîtere have test severat mn, il lse1l is returulug t lsChieCcago hante- store dratiei iy Aichilect ira Wora. cîpîmes I nvesttgatiiig saluons witb asteasi. foi. "OMM and o4his s ýnclir Dserx* r luxi rmtire :most 4Es e, Jap. Ruîr eToilet Sial a'% Taicurît ýTag Sali- [ri, oes for bhite rot- gly me * a Waul(egan's Biggest SemimAnnual, Clothing Sale At F. C. Soidol & Co.'s Sig Clothîng Store EN'S Clothing --- Boys' Clothing wil Ibx sold during the week July 18 M to 25, at such bargain prices that it will create as much ectmn as te Pesiental lecion Weput ti sale on at this time of the year to advç,rtise and mnake this store a place to bc remembered when- ever you arc in need of wearing apparel. ISTORE CLOSES ALL DAY FRIDAY, JULY r7 Every department has something you are in need& of at the the extraordinary Iow prices marked STRAW HATS --- A big assortment of Boys' Straw Hats, f ab 44eregular 35c, 50c, and 1.00 grades, at . . . . . . ....l UMBRELLAS--$2.00 and $2.50 qualifies i( i with f ancy and pleain handles, choice .. .. ...... SC. S-EIDELera&_CO* 119 Genesce St lue Cloiters Waukegan, flhjuols Car Fare Refunded to out oý town Customers on purchases of $5.00 or over T0W SPECI camask Nue, 2)x3'9 mu: £,hdama ure 25b<I 83600 STE 180EOIATE ýr a (e ri Jiiii iPlates timbud i hi 1Ho;litis ,ý li'r caii- i, heutflc i er ser dlr utai.1tie Idg knaiv g apeciai - EMI à 1