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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 Aug 1908, p. 1

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ýCOUN-,TY INDEPENDENT. and WAUKEGAN 'EKYSUN V4 % rý NO 46. LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FRLDAY, AUGUST 14, 190-8 Page@ $1-50 PER YEAR IN ADVANOE. RÉSULTS Olf TUEt PRIMARY ÉLECTION Governo,'-.CharOBs8. Deneen. Lieutenant Governor-John G. Do-f letby.1 soretry of State-Jamea A. Roue.t Audtor-James S. McCullough. Statu Tr*asurer-Andrew Russell. Attorney Genera-William H. Sta.d. Clark of Supremne Court--Chrl", topher Marner or J. McCann Davis. DEMOCRATIC.E Governor-Adial E. Stevenson. Lieutenant Governor - Elmer A. Perry. S.cretary of State-X. P. Seidler. r Audtor-Ralph Jeffria. tata Treaurer-John B. Mount. t Attorney Geeral-Rosa C. Hall. Clark cf Suprerne Court-John L. Pickering or J. M. Qulan. The first test of the new prlmary 1mw ln Lakte county gfaturday lrought on a battle royal at the pola andt when the resuits were complled and announcement madle Il was the po: S lt1cal surprise party of many yeara. The forni of the prlmary ballot dld net prove as confuslug as many1 Imagned and whIie some of the tâpa officers dld nef get out the proper nuniber of votes the people generallyt voted for every Important office, The total vote, whlle large, was îîota as large as hadl benau atlclpateil anda lnstead of elght tboîîaand sud over the county plied up ouly about six thonu sand. The lest large vote was 1183. f Returna Are Slow. The raturna of lbe day sere ex. ces'dlugiy slow. due fi) diffo-rrnt meth- ods of countlng andith,le iegtb of_ the ballots.c Feaurîs veri, titi' rntarkahh î slmness of te denicraite sud pro- h ibiItlî,u o"s tiwisoclalial viote s5153' h1iR about w11Li*i O t h atai ItIaI 'tbeei wIth perbaps a few defecions. The Surprise ot the Day. Iii a dai u lprIies thie g eat waa the choice nofBai1îb tady as ce1 pulilcanl nomilice for sîsi c'a att orwlîs The voie on ibis office as close ail the wsy through anti whilleMr i)adys s clerids were conidîentl, 1lbvote th..r- momter jiiuppd slbbati oîltfront Buikiev to Se'î,thro tiiad aînd ' liack agalu dos îîflitclite.f Il ws soan excltiig stitr> flinltte huttiiiîtld as the resits (amlui andflite tair Iherof dld ntndttlun- fil toorSîîîîiavniortlite shë eBn- fon111 i. carné, lu altO a largo loti' fort '-'. ltîtutniieli for 1'adytis lu-et atîl, int to kt-ep the lail and take tho inuiationî. Buikley Had Been Second. Vt'îtl Beittoît Ii, the at precluct io reptort ilsi resulfa, was lu. Dady was the leader milli Hulley a close second audVolsthiîrd. bait the Brenton vote. wttlch lx part of fliteZiîîîî vote, put Welse 10 second place and at the saine tîme îre'.eoxed Dadys stipremacy. t HIs polîlicai lou uegtb was practîcai- l' uîtknîtsn aînd almost uuguessed. Gueuses of the Day. 1 Guessete of Salurday piaced W'elss. Bulkle), aîd Edwuarda as leaders. each Ilhelng gîven in turn firt place il dail helug e4uially wrong. 1 WIeisleaders sire confident that s .. as' xllry su..d lndeed there s reason as flic figures willi show but Edwards leadeýrs weoî' far off, the Bulkiey chiefs binîg nearer rlgbt ai- though thelr mninl spîle of iaw and ordar suppoot and an attractive plat- form, came lu tbIrd wib Eîlwards fourth sud Heydecker fifth. lu other sortis Dady"s tiiexpected sireugtb overwhelnîeîl llem ail and they are gaesaiiig wher lite got I. altbough moat place tOc, credOt for bis vlctory to the fowu of .Xitioch pwherp frleudshlp sud busIness assocatiotns lauded hlm mauy votes. The fact thaf Fos s ept Lakte county aud Waiikegan for hott seta- for snd representative. te two hy three to oee.waa another trater cf surprise as bhis opiionects feit much eocouragad wben he got sucit a ccid demi at Electric Park Waukegan Day. Hopiîns prcved second maci, Maso thîrd and Webster low mn. Oison Sti11 Anotherone.. If any oua had saad Saturday lu the hearlng of soma Politlclane that Oison would talle off Lake county ha wouid b ave beau leoked Upon wlth suspic- ion, but Oison clemned Lakte cenuty up Jut the saule and lncldentally toek Waukegan wth hlm, both wlth suh- atentiml înajorltias. Oovey MUo over an hundred beneah the Oison Sgrea, Mentch m~ade a fair OaOwI" 'md George Quaentin,. thi. la 1-t e.q l Shurtleff and Steanne. In the race for state repreeautatlve Shurtiaif sud Stearns rau off wlth the honore. Whipple sud Stearus taklug off Wsukegan while Shurtleff made up for loat time iu the ceunty and got his ahare, enough te make hlm oua of the twe leaders. No Opposition 10 Those. Poilowing la a lilt of the ne oppo- sition candidates lu thîs ceunty and lu 'ha state' at large: Andraw Russell for state treasorer. William H. Stand for attorney gan- aral. John Flshlalgh for member atate board of equalîzatlen. James Peassa for ata te centrai com- rmitteeman. Fred Buck for sanatoril commit- teaman, th district. L. 0. Brockway for clark cf the dor cuit court. James Andersou for couîtt sur- vayor. John L. Taylor for coroner. There ware aise varionis commit- tees that want lu wllhouf displute. Wei"s Made Good Run. %Wllllaoh F. 'elsa. candidate forj stateas attorney. made a gondl cam- palgu aîîd a good rau sud the leader( lu the race la only a very tew votesj abecad of lm.. 4 The Edwards campalgu sudlIfs end,1 the prlmary, sera not as husky asj was expected, bot the Boîtier figures ara about what wss aotlclpated amcîîg1 astate poitîclans. Wýhlpple rau mach hetter than ex- pacted sud the surprise lu the race for representatîx e ws Jacksou's litaness of vota. LaIe Weduesday afteriîooi th1e o011 clai cauvassers lu the coimintycieriti, office flulshed the caitvass of flic dent tîtratle vole aîîd the folIos îng reaulîs as gîven ouît show trtat Thomas F Huons of Beiîdere la the nomînee for înnîoî il>repi setatlve' Lake, Bocure Mioi Giiîiis*. . 315 i 29-:148 Hayerls i1;9 D 131 45.t8 -l ite, co'(ltttOltofficiai caîlvassofu i hî' pri îa ry'roi tirits s ioss thtlA.K. Stetarits luds ln thorate for înomina- ttttn for reitreenttix r inî Lake o îîîî y alsot, a ilat 1er i bai xas 011001taini l'îi-sdlas . shen retarnts îîtîhcafol tal Jackson lîstibosaton int. il is Stearnsansd Jacksoni litLakte cî,îî tty anti gains of the formnet liiItie oIIhi-r lxiiicîutîles,.c luîaîîd Ilîoii , gi x'* bîf0 cthenom inatioîon or the coîîîîty chairiosi witlt a suiîstau- fiai mnajorltxv Osons niajority le ppeeled dosu con- sdeiahly fromt Mouday l'y the toi lowiig tahulaîlon s'blcb b tofficai as regards L.ake coanly anîd semi-officiai as regardls the other two coulntles, The Denean majorlty bore la also palied dowu iîy tbe officiaI cont but Fosa stays ai llîree 10oaanelu the aauatorablp race as fec as Lake cean- ty coaid aId bîci. The tabulallous: Senator. Hopkinîs .....................ohli Mason .................... 866 Foss . ................. 3064 Governor. Deneen ....................2927 Deneens majorlty ............ 963 General Assembly. Me- Lakte. Henry. Boone. Shurtleff .. .1204 2977 891-5072 Cowanu ...... 218 628 1449-2395 Jackson . .... 1884 816 349-3049 Stearus . ..1976 1186 429-4591 M'hippie ...1652 746 221-2619 State Senator. Me- Lakte. Henry. Bonne. NMentcb . ..... 626 1737 269-2632 Ctîvay. ...... 1643 860 1240-3743 Oison . ... .... 1652 2029 754-4435 Quenin . .. .. .. 746 20 . ..-.-766 DanIs Gibbons, whmo learuad cf bis defeat for the mlnorîty nomination te the SUIN office today, was couteuted and stated that ha wouid support Burns te a vlctory. Stateas Attorney Vote. The correct stata's attorney vote la now flxed as foiiows by the officiai cauvass Weiss. ....................... 1185 Dsdy ....... .................. 1280 Buitiey ....................... 1124 Heydectee, 781 . . ds..................... 903 LAKE COUNTY lPAIR AT LIBERTYVILLE A New Day, "Derby Day, ffWii1 Mats the Fair On* Day Longer tban ir, Veara Past. Qîher New Additions. Wlith uaw bulldlîîgs s ihi itosfea- tures, wltb more moîîîy for lîîrntlîîms than evar baforo iho anitmal Lesit couuty tair wili ll îlîii aiI i.iltryvile September 1 antIfortîhlie irstt inme lit ls blatory sil t ii i or Saîurîlay, the fifth. Speclal feafur-',tro' CbIldroni's Day, sillî l lsWednes- day on shich al ebtîdreiuder fouc- feen sîlI ho adîîitted froc of cha rge. Derby Day. whlch le Satiirday, sheni t ho Laikei omit 1.srbt sililitWOthýl, s mile and ant olghtlu îtleigîhu. herses tri ctarry îlot mi t'ihaii t1l'h)iîttds, foîr a ataki- of $150. Base Bail Prîces Up. TOc raIes for lisse itail trI Auiy Lake ocînt.v fiant thai Oas iiisîed at lasat elgbf gauiî's lOI'. soit' soit lselîgible o tenîter lu thîs,- gantes, Fsch loani entped muateid atl ailt of their îîiayeri; shan ouîry ix made sud auch playera 'muet ail Oc resideuts of Lakte counîy. Any tesot piaylng men not resîdanta of Lakte coanty for- tlts ifs ahare et parai. There wlll bc six gamas; played' One Wodnesday. Soltombe. 2.,5f I1:3 p.m.; two Thureday. Seîtember 3, oui at 10 hO a.m.. one af I:30 p.uî: tso Friday. Soptenulter 4. oiie at 10l:31i a.m., oui ai 1:10 p ut h eue Sattirday. September Î5 at i:310 puti for a puisi' tif $50,. dlx i"d 6it ler i ent antîl41)1lor c'ont. Entrance tee îtf $5 le a('eout Iany enttr The Speed Prcgram. The aîiced itrogrîtut la a featlri oit,' and cons au follows Wedneaday, September 2. hi ye50 obi trot, siak, closed. ailted $ 200. 3: Où( traI. pitrse. $300. 2: 20 pace. purge. $300î. Thuraday, Septemnber 3. 2. 25 trot, parai. $400. Free itace. plîrse, $4îtiî 2 :3Iaco. taite closcd, $5001. m uile aîîd repeal, runutlîg catch welgbts, $150. '¾ mile dat, antd i'art's utticsthait 145 îtoîots. $1.50. Frîday, September 4. hI sar old pace. stako cioscîl. added $200,t Free trot, iiioe. $400. 2A.-, lace. îîtî0e. $400.1 1 mile dasIt. rînuing catch welabîs. $ 15e Saturday, Septemnber 5. 2:35. trot, Iturse, $400. % utmile and roîleat. rîînnluîg. $150. hlýý mile clash, Laite Couuty Derby, carry not bass than 145 pisd, $150. IIOLD CONMMENCE AT GAD'S HIILL Settlement Workers, Sium W*ricers, and University Professors Ail to Taik Matera Ove r. Auguaf 14 tu 16 inîclusaive willi wit- nasa a couference on sommer outlng wort at Gads Hill Encampmenl near Laite Bluff wblch \Watiteganltes wil attend sud the tollos'lug la the detal- ed progcam' Friday, August 14. 8 p.m.-Typical nantît atherlug. Program furniabet ivith ie Gada Hill campera. Saturday, August 15. 6:00 a.r.-Rising bell. 7:00 a.m-Braaktast. 8:20 a.r.-Kindergarten. 9:00 arn.-Tant Inspection. 9:30 ani.-Raffla clas 10:00 a.r.-Kindergartoîi Boxas wor--elaarlng grouids, contaruction work. awlmmîng. 3: 00-2:30 p.M.-Ceontry oîtluga Margaret Bergen, Bureau '.2 Charîfles. 3:30-4:00 p.r.-Tha Camp. Ifs Or- Lganatien sud Eqalpmenl. Mrs. Lella A. Martin, Gada HIi Encamp- ment. 3 4:00-6:00 p.m.-Reports cf the varl- e us Chicago iammer euting actîvîtles, foilowed hy genersi discussIon. Lead- 5er, J. D. Huntar, Superiotanutaut et )the Cemmous Camp. i Suggested Subjects. 1 I-Who sah al eeutltled te aurn 3mer ouhlega? i 2-10w shall w. meet the finauclal qneÉtloe t S--What %hall va eat? 4-liov $hall eva t the a ly camp wS* *men? - Ieh. ual. v do la e**' Ç 6-What and liow mucb cchoi awork la sultabie for surumer camps? 7-\i bat sports sud ent'rl«ainm,-nts shall we have? 8-What co-operation can ho had from the people ln the iî,raiîy in whlcb outlug work la doo- 6:00 p.m-Beach supper, 7:00 p.m.-Bonfire cni scon boýs' camp Ideas and ideal, tt1ened by Mr. F. T. Tousey. Dlîe t, ofi1l1t1 Ilouse. Boysi Club and Caiinît Sunday, Auguat 16. 11:0t0tia.m.-History of sîîîînîr Out- lug Wori,, Mca. Emma M .'tir, U.niversity of Chicago -OI[nment Work. 4:00 p.m.-Sumnser Outiîîg %ork, Its Ideais and H.ow te R"arh Ttiem. Prof. C. R. H'en*ferson,L' î.iy f Chicago. 5:00 p.m.-Vesper serv-- tît the beach. SHOW MAN WEDS A GRAYSLAKE GIRL Henry Z. Austin Weds Josephine Flary and Back of Ali le Love Story oft he Mîrnlc World. At the Hotel Schwartz Tii"tda>, Henry Z. Austin of ColuiîxI. 010o wassunltad lu marriage tu Misst'tJose- phine Flary of Grayslake. and back of the simple anneuncemenî lis a ro- mance of the show world. Out lnu Uhertyvilla la a itis rmcdl dune show tent and the fiaîîîsîtg otits castias tells a love story, as Aîsilîî is a show man with th,, îtîdicîîîe show and met Miss Flary ill s .aid at Grayslake when bis equipn)iîî xliled that village. Manager Dalrî mile of tffi.'u t %v as good angel for tle hi. tîn t t" liag- oday anid the smilllîîc and de- ligh tf1effcoupie leff wlth sri i il liii' lions to keep the weddin,z qt.tfor Cao weeks. INCREASE TAX LEvy ON SMITlf ESTATE Aliati "yN.Y.,A it-Il was an1 ioiifd td ySiate Comptîroll r Marlon Il Gnou hat bho had olîtaint iýd an lîncrease forrthe state of more thail $'h4.îcQith ii1e Iansfer lax ast s-lol ii t' 0.1,0 0 f the- lafe Jamxes lil1*r3 iinoth. kiîoxx'î as 'Sileiti Sillth, ite or(.'-îid dil) Orange coun- th anîd xxho d il lhit .1a an severa I months, ago. lie attriho,îîl.'s lit'lneaaed lax 10 the nos plLit' t xxhlt'lî ho has Inaugu- rated of îlot ac"'ping the appralsals of execlîtors xi tiî,îl it-heveclfIcatlon of the alîîraisls ' 'tîî'tdwlth bis departmerît. The lucreaso Sa. Ilitresait of Ithe aplîralsal of t1h' 'Ilali conducted on the order of lt ,îîîjiiprelier. wsocwas not satlslled sit lit, aîîk of the ex- ecutors. The courts lîas,' soslained bis ap- pratsal. and the eltire tax, aggregat- lug $878,390.29, bas iii on laid tto the state treasury, A largiý part of the lucrease was footîtjinîîNý w York City real astate. TRAINtD NURSE OECOMIES INSANE Walklng lu the laî:î orofRapubhlic park at Toronto, laîttîda. Margaret Mîhîlla of Highland l'a"îk 5015 (ver- cone by the heat utd i îî ovi'îwork attendant upon ber I. tiottu1 a coit venflon of tralned îî t et and 's eItt suddeniy Insane. The incident tîook place asat Ssfurday. Mise Mîilils waus il-1îî It charge by'an officer Who dio,,î,-red ber tak- lng off watch and lit-to snd casting 1ail ber Jewels Intoit,' shruhbery or the watec. She wss appreîteniiict anS taken ta a hoapîtai where seîst'n11W confineS utIl ahe can lebîtîtîgliti Iacit here. Rer parants sud fri ts resideaia Highland Puarkt heri'.hOc as a prom- lueut position. Overworktla gîxoît aýth1e cause cf bar stranga actionsa. 8S . Converties ai Deerfioid. L. B, lÏutchlnscn anS Mr. Mocdy attende! s meeting of the axacutîve ceeunitteet the Laite Coanty Sun- day School AnsocatIon Nionday aven- lug ah the borne cf Mr. Everatte. Highland Park. TOe nbJect cf the meetIng at thîs tmo waa te arrange the prograutfor the next ceuuhy con- VeetiOn vhîcli leahota ba lS ahDeer- I.81, Ott. 13I and 14. A flue prograni 18. balngarsIffed aud a rouelug gond 'ocisâteailal ooked for. RURAL, ROUTES A BOON TO fARMERS Rural Free Delivery Has Beeu Very Successful andelti Farmer Enjoys Many Advatages TOe curai free delixors soox be wbchmcbbahein lit lulo oiiration of bis bride, la now at the G3reat North- 000 Botel iii Waukegan, niaklug ai ef- for tu llud where the girl bas beau laketi. lits friands hava amploy- el delecîlves lu an effort t,, locate ber. Thecyoang îîrofesscr returuied fcom the easI Thîîrsday. Ha was mat at the stastion hiîyv bis intandaîl wlfe's alitî. Mî's Btay of El Paso, Texas, an(] tlolul le gel outloftiown on the next .xo iargely Ibroîîg,îoîîlite coîîîîîoxi train. Ilht' uas Iîîormed thal the girl's the nîost tîoîîlar tbingtithe doral goverîîment eveir gave io toe peulel. TOi' farnîî-rs îîf Lake colîmît arn- o thiqilasiîc lit ltir Iralse outh1e qs foin. and the saine fe-ding no0 dotîbt. i'Xlsts ail over thie coaunfry. The serv- Ici Oas adîledl0tOcthefacillîi-s tftr gettltg mail Iîîîo Ihe hîsdo f lte people inthlOt- ottutro distits anîd the sfrangeal part of Ifi le Iat filis au near seýl f-ststainIi ig as tîîî ilhi' branit-Oof the' postal service. Aboteol Ienloy e,ýais agît(,li-idea of havinterumlanail dcix i-cl . l horigh mîîch diidrai bh- outlet, sas broached. ait]ibheItlan Workod onf sud pa ut nrtral. TIte rosultu oftii e systein are sîîrîîî ing. Let oelati- a secit off sud Iravel througb tOi- country and notice te what extent île rotutes are lu oltersîlon lu nortbori Illinois. Routes Ihal raut in nambers eftlwo, threeansd four out f tfwn adjolu the terrifory of those lraveied oît of nelghborlug tîlsus sometîmes overbapplug. Thon b s averîtablo net s'orkcf rrami rcates 01ut of nearlyai ofth1e b uws l Intis section et the saansd selîlom docs oîîe fluîd a faom- or svbo la noh placed liita iposition te faite adivaîsgi' ut 0one. With îireseitf conditions exisling. the nn othe farm bas the opîlor- tîîîîty Ie laite bis iliy Itaîter as the oete lu tosn. aîd gi-tbis tailicortie- timos earlîer Ihan etauy oetihe - i-I dents of tOe illes. The faruier of iodayritutîite the fartîter of fbreo years ago-lit t, ti)ate oit ailxailects. Ths stalomoutt is Irse if lie'laites advanfage of the îoading ntalt,'r fbaf It le possibile Io imi tuf0reei-ve Ibrough the medium o e Ocitail rotteý Tl'ere are taruters sho are' ardent htasebaltait', sud catutaki- soine et liose l Inte cOtytakî 10 10e "tail andt lict - a w hon the lias, ttl i t-dopte'-Ilro- iiOu.tion 10 efiereti '[hi'. ta utîiy ail "sanilu. Farnîci . lii "i\t'-rtone ed,-. art' îtlerested in '03 t etît iie>lît fOot aie ai lb,' t ii i, îttii uxhicO le of artii ttt it, i i'oi t iî Carriers sud Theio Triais. Onepuari t fi-f ct iiuontaiîer'd. That is Iie nii tutu i t ,axes tite wealhi'r to, ' i rîtaiiithe ad- vaulagt- ,f- 't it' Tbere are iu iria it t it ian rriaimail carriers -mi'thotiintii lisýstikiuig chbaract.,rits. Tht i iî'iuority are tavuirit,s intii[tutu tîtolticliltir tfield, sud as a rîit-t,' i tt ion tof bis roule s oîîld nouitrt d e iii ii i t any ether n aini aiotlietTiti'.cal i lr and the tarnter lest i te huoves i-sot îter, sud the coliittot tisilitoniîthî'îrlug ubem gref each other nottîti sanotbey were bolt "gondi lello s" The man tbaf carries the mail ahotîidOasie s wboie lot o,' crellthIlelIi-laotliged te maita the job an cîtitîx sle cite, ho ahter if la coid. In utomnmer hot, anîîlIn the sprlng mtddy. Bîmt the mail man Qeem lui eîtJoY Ilmuandslîleni doos oua hoitot auîy compiaInîs on1 iit part. Shîlcothe rumraliritels a cotimi p t i vl i i'i ltiw tlilig lit ri'ci-nl ears, a large- nunibir of thîlse carryîmîg muail Otîx- î-eeui oîîuever sabe lte routes Si-ti'siabltubî'ci sliiiýiis ltong us uhîto 3eais, KIDNAPPIED BRIDE ON IEV! Ol WEDDINGý nioti'r fttd changer ber mind about iti. s'îddiiîg Ife lîîsisîod on eî'ehg filsintendel biridet, bt ii,îîltî.tion 111lber home s'as rofîîsd itfim.ThlOigirl Itad beout iock- ed lu bier room nidaii osoly guardei by ber mother and other r.siatitîa- rIBefore lîolîg îîlaced lu the alitom- bile she fougbt Simd 5cr, amed, buît coi- lapaad on the sldewaik aller bier motOý or had tbrown a satltOalod hauditer- rchief over bier face. AIt(CORI City the, acene was repeated sud sIte sas carý rled aboard the train aller tîecoming lin on scloua POLICE ARREST BOY BURGLAR As annouuced lu ]Rat weekas pape r, 'tho Hilghland Paît police ara moraliy satisfleel tbat fhay hava dlscovered the theft ftint have anuoyad the mar- chants about tc'wu for the past month. Acting con Information furnlabed by t1te llhrary aîmthorltlas, Massal Nel- 1soi bas placed Albert Arnawald, the eleveuî 3ear oid sou cf Gotttrled Arna- s aId, aîîdar survellance. Praparaý lions for Young Aruswaidas trial ou the chtarge of alfeuîpted burgiary of Johnix gracery store miaou compieted andtih1e trial sef for ist Saturday be- fore Judge Joues ai Wautegan. Due, however, f0 lime crowded conditiooîcf Ille coutrt dockel'i'l sas deame1 advis- fabile to continue tOe case fer fwo weeks. Auguat lSth. If la the hallal of the atfhoiirlis that Young Arus- wae alli911ty cf tbe hargisclea at the tîPutlic lihrury, C. P. Sulliîvan, A. C. Johnîsonî. Walter Hateay andl narer, toas others. He will ha held peedlng f its trial. Nîrîh Shore Nes Letter. SMALL BLAZE AT TIIE ARLINGION 1MOTEL For Ilte third limie wîthIu twenty ftturi hicrs ti s lernlng St six tO 1r13 sut alarîn etflire sas fîmrred llit the Arllîîgtonî Bolel. Theflirteefl flicstnt have taiten pîlace ai the hotel have ail heen et mystioîs origin sud are regarded as aiîîîfortîîîate combluaflon of cli- cametancîs. "bard iact." The tbeory that a tire bug, soe per- sou wltO a grudge agaluaf the hotel 1or is îtroprlefors, la net racelved wltb any warmtb and la net cradlîed. The lire ibis mcrnlng. started lu a dloîhes closet on tbe third 110cr of flc atmtb wlug o thlbg hostalry. jîmat Off the coom cf a domeahlc, sud a uitIle giol saw amote cemlug ont cf the s'indows. She gave the aiarm lu the betel office sud fhe tire deart. t nent s'as uotifled. Propriefer Armes la tranit lu aaylng tOal wore Ifnot for the prompt aud efficient reapouisea cf the deartrnt rto the fOrte alarma any oeeoe the blazes mlgbt have dastroyed the holel. The lire thîs mrnung wss conlIned f0 thec doset. Twe chamîcals ware emptlad sud If was Put out atar the heaf had dens materlinljury to aev- oral adjclulag rooms. lied dlothes sud t'lotOes belouglng f0 a domeatlc ba- iiig destreyed. t3aeats at the botel were routed ou t ofthr lblbedsand foot ratage luntae Gazette building baiiway whla the liantes acre heing foughî Sýome of Iliemi ere asleep but meat bad ai- roadx deîîsrhed toc their dayas labors ,an d Ilître were no narros' aacapes. TOeîdamiage fOIs mormdug wll amoîito ii$50. Thaero la Insuasca. Thte linofire sas a roof lira. The --111iitm .s-as oittu- -1oît --tr - u Misa Ethel Ludwig, s praduate sf ue itî1lîmînthseodtryla the Leland Stanford University wae tîdnaped from lier homne ai Morris, Ill., NGISO P T IA Thuraday niglit ornlte Cve of her mar- K IHr fP T A niage 10 Dr. F. F. Fitzgerald, chamiet PASS NIEW LAW tor- the Northeru Pacific Railway Com- pany and professor ah Cooper Inatî BiHb3 ttîpasageo f a uew iaw iilow- tule, San Francisco. iuig îîîî'îîi,of etKiilgbts et Pythias. The story gathans înlercst in Wau- iii enhtti asaimi, the ci-cent twanty- kegan whenit is recalled that sevar. lifîl ieil iconvention et theasu- ai years ago the girl's tather, Otto preitie assouillîy, Kulgbta ot Pythas, Ludwig, kept a cigar store ln the Ma- bî'id lut Bestîtî, loit oua cf the monct sonlo Temple and the girl stolen away radical stiIs agaluel prohibition lu attended Waukegan hlgh school. The the OIalyr3 u secret organizationa, family resided or County street. saistlb .\Sllwaîiee Seuhinel. The waddlng sas set for Tburaday Heretofore, moî mamber of the but ah mîduight Weduesday the girl, Kuiglîts cf PytOasa was alicwad te an- soc la et age, sas forcibiy placeS lu fer a saloon lit unîtorni, but y thue an automobile by ber mothar, Mcas. liseage of the uew Iaw, whîch witl lia Otto Ladwig sud ber oncle, Attcrney prlnted ln the nexf eîlltlon ef Pyfhlan C. Reardon, sud carnIeS out cf town. raka sund regîmaifous. more than 299.- They were traced as far as Coal City, 000 mien wiIl enter saloons wearing w bard thay foot an eeaf-bouud train, their uifQrma, If thay s eect. This prasumably for Chicago. The girl la mo-se las rearded as a racîcal step halleved he, hava beaue placeS ln a againat absolîîta prohibition, aud' 1t sanîtarluni or couvant, marks the first atap of a secret oi- Dr. fftagerald, frautlc ovar th e I gaelaatlou lu that d41ron StIURTLEFIF A U DATE IfOR SP Wîll Have to Show Governor Os la SOIid Because of Law end Order Opposi. tion.s Rasuits lu the rapublîcan promsarlea for tîhe nomination cf candidates for the bouse of repraaeutaflves are bs. lieveel by rapuhllcan party managera 10 fcceahadow 10e re-electIon ofa Speaker Edward D. Shurtiaif ho the I)Osîtlon wbich ha occuplad la the. fcrty-fourtb sud focty-fiftb ganersial 'e samblaes. ' It la admitted that hie show of strength will have te ha pretty etreMg, to Indace Gov. Denean to'accept a' arrangement which locha te hie m. l'in on0 the, chair, the speaker sud the. govecuor getllng on opposite aides of lte fence lunlte isat yaar cf logiala- Oive actlviiies, bt Mr. Shurileif $nM" hi aufficieutly strong to get baok agaînat the govarucr's wlshas. Announced Himself a Candidat. Wthac ha 'Ithdrew front the goy«a- norahlp race sud aunouucad blinlf as a candidate for ra-alactIon to the bouse ha also auuounced hlmsoit asù a candidate for re-alection as spe"eý' .3 The encouragement which hie frleos 'W flnd for their bellef that ha wM,,.b succasaful lu hie dasire In preald4 ar the bouse agaîn la baed largaf :, eu thue tact that on many oflal ? candidates ituewn to e hasîppr* ' cf the speaker hava beau nomnatd on the rapulilcan ticket,. Heiwwlli liaopposed by the suppot- ara cf local option, who regard bhn as unfrlaudly te the iaw whicb w au placed on tha atatuta booksoe » ie ' iast session. Mr. Shurtiaif dld neo> pose the bill atter lt hsd been aausé. ed by the trlking eut ot sonte e!tù*' prcovisions on whlch the local opion, advocatea placed the most empbm#,l but ha bas beau regarded as dwùley,> unfrlandly to If. NARROW ESCAPE I'ROM DROWNN~ Miss Elien Benson, eldeaft daughéy cf Mr. sud Mca. L, A.fleuson, O#oi Waategau, bad a uarrow u s- cape troni drowelug on I9ruce I4isktk Saturday atternoen 51 Ibrea O'clooG,, wben lu soma unkeown mamuner tgh Iling et ber aklrt becama wedged.a the biocka which operate on the mnalui' salI boom and the, skiff traveler *t. the ater ocf a amalilsail boat, Tii* - skiff lu whlch Miss Bnso an 9K'p ethars ware mailing wss the lg Slver. The cwuer cf the sloop, WIII Witt.. immedîately tbrew the hoat up l"*>V the wlnd and dova overboard mast ag ' Miss Bauscu cama up for the SestI tima.to Another occupant, whcse nane tle not kucwu, cama te thaîr remcus ad. seen Miss Benson wss agalu saia lit the boat. The accident attractad cousideruis$i attention sand cow hosto e wre nom ruahlng te tbelr &Id. With 'Lana Rvera" yesterday ke' Schwartz trIed nut the Sunday zm*ý Inea plan and found It such a eqons'- piete auccesathat IlwI viii hacontlmae«' ludefiultely, avary Sueday show & lug a matînea aIse. ' PAUL MACGUIPIN Waduesday af ternoen, at t'ë4 Kansas, Atorney paul a m; Llhartyvilla was alited ho Mlnle ýf bal Peck, an Ottawa girl who %mi I4 feachar lu the LlbertyvUll. Sk'.'h achool last yeasrRahuraig the Cou. pie wIll realda lu Lhbertyville. The groom la eueetftthe counWil meat prominent sud rialng àttornaog. an lufluanflal politician, and a popai- lar mian. Ha le the eIder son of Rey. ad Mca, J. B. MacQuloinoet Uberty- villa. The bride le s chanmlnsggirl keova te Laite couuhy and Llabrtyvleano. clety for ber mac! accomptisbmants. Died Suddeniy. Mre. Drysdale, the mother *f RoWs art Drysdale of Waukegae. died op& denly Saturday night ah lber hm A" Chicago snd vas buried Tuesdmy, . - sud Mis. Robart Drysdale &t44 - the fanerai. Thme late Mis. DrysSale mr". 11 - nrday alghht t gel a bottie of e mcad faDIng to -0»4 -It daaiaiter viieaR-we daniter on'te Contlnued on p age 8

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