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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 Aug 1908, p. 6

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jhé Clever Wnan Always Leelcé WaIllan ot Weathsr. Thé mont iaucesful suommer girtL propedl7 UpékIag, ls the young wontan visé reas, thatthie temperature of thé dot dsys ls not conucive ta besM7 snd who takes @teps ta caunuer- Mt nme of thé phyical weur nnd lear et that rylur periad. She la the girl 'whé séema 10 Ibrîve lu lervid weatber &aM manages oloo0k pretty lu epite et IL. Pirgt of ail. she keepe cool, or et buét conveys that Impresison ta ibat pGttaU Of sWeltering bumanitY WhiCb la prmtted ta look ou sd udoly lier. -8Sh peme nev.er ta be milt. neveici ~ e.never fussed. oc(r e s-1 unom fortable lu any way. lu she la provokIngiy cool, and Îf you ahoulfi ask ber bow se îloés il shé lé quite likeiy toanppear ta be a tifle astouishafi t the question l ad to repli that abe doso't Sud thet partictlérly dlaagreeale. Do nol ha deceived. That gulelasé yaaug ting bas made a stufiy o! -.keeplng cool witb dia temprature l the nissties.and éhe la pract.lclng wbst Mie has dlscavered. Firt of ail, shc b" s legun the du.y witb a lapid bath. * I sic lé wberé she cannot have the ue of a bthtnb aba bas taken a tepld hpaebath and bas probably folowad Il wlths praytug of eau de cologna. MOo mtter bow rlentiras the heat. the ,afféct of that spraylng witli rmaio as a ý.MoUng uacmory ail day long. At nigt thé girl wba wants ta look îîretty the laéxt day wll spray ber face clth very bot water. sud she wili maka a thor- augb job of IL. No macler how bot the .nlgb;th Ibs spraylng will brlug a re- frhing sénsa of coolnesa ta the skia. 'l'iss cornes the libaral application a! aig.odface creatu. This abe roba ln 1=1oo',by until the pares are filed, 1ai! deu s ébe 0e i!'thé superfinous eiemwth a place o! sot fSaunai. nI MpolétRqiit. 2fcw, the malter o! ber sleeping lsaa -yen Important affaîr. Sha must sieap wï,y and! wthaut discomort or > Rption of any klnd. The girl who au thougb shé ware suffocatiug Ilathe béat wlllwake l ia hemaru- *itb tiréd Unes ln ber lace and Z ddebéaéath ber oies. Thé acuMent écml aswaeet and thé % cilu slIght as possible. l bz nou kowu by thé clevér womeu ; ontialles that notbing là more cou- 1delétoelaumber on a hol lgal thaa s éagoe bépertuma dlffusad about Téperfuming of a bed-. ~é ebe domIne lueSoéa adoseS and délicate wats. Thé ,e s.andmut l coreent perbape *-t- tatumtaIa aehét vil» water, MMW" à ov iasDO la thse mddle or Pm ç~ pliDle ou il nmie agrus- Teef e. héodoe'must hés- rtIs us'sfruse%0é ces Ind- fwIqlpref agene.and! pecullartie. e tu l o t se n cres, vo- fah. be vise the prety girl dos ous rouge ln bt wéather. Elhe bus woeetisai t wUl show no malter 4V aiIfyIt 7 may hé applled. Deesnt Neglect Mer Flair. Mm. dévales a goad deal o! attention hé br hafr. Bbc realizes dhat sfrlngi >odwanre comlug ta nohody, and ube W eqheias fluffy au possible. The WM whvis expecis ta keep cool and pret- Xywill observe ana rule lalth!nlly-ébe 'wlhinee a big comb wtb duli teetb, a comh wblch wi l irritate the secalp. Mhérç in abouly na ecouamy lu uing a cbeap comb. It will rulu the haIn lu the end, and It WEIl alsa beat tisé scalp andi make it Irai uncomlort- ýbe all day. Rurry sud worry are fataîl ta, thé good look# o! the bot weatber girl, al the -grll have nelthar o! thetu. tEl. ormer la sontethlng which may avoldai! by a uitil e xarrîse o! lare bogt, and lthe latter la becumlog so _ bléhoa hi that oboily bas m ach li o wlt i t these daya. It in Weil èWthé American womau ta realize ý*at lréteno necesily ta bunry sud -ll Oé 5 ln orrylup. TlnaaI, th* sommer girl who makea brsrosbusiness to look prtty c1ffta lly Inlormati as ta thé dly ab ie«. She ascbews a tyof nizies aud lurbelows they man so suggestive, of discoot. If 5h. wes.rsa 'm &j» S h.does If ébé la 'giyevo-4t viiM n oe et i 4%.m e*Wea" I42wm vhlcharc CM- b lI<o adw -m' ta a pU> »Metme*éau t#éboat gsomm nPnmfmmr*Plh1 y E miI S autmeyer. t.Q%3t sb-et Tf'a rAn t~àc swli u* ~~~~ e ,,$hIells 1, 2 sud 3-Davld Jsckson, 1TW d4»etive eonmttota lé O ra- ,btBlcéddt.lélai 'O4VEN iuON o. B. Goes. hiam, 'john Lynch sud J. J. Morriéy. V LibertyvIlle. Fremant sud Waucon- ProhilbitlonlttuMeet. c*equt w *ftusAamr.. Liai of Delêgatea bo Stale and Con- da-Paul MacOuffin. B. H. Mller. The probibitlauists heid their meet- Au amusiag incidet occnrred la ove 9 gresalonal Convention. Cuba, Ela and Verno-Fred Kirch- ing lu Temperauce Temple as provld' of thé New York court tii othf day.h uer, E. H. Mason. ed by law today and elected a chair- Thé IaWye? for thé defaus.'WU imk- Deerlld 1, 2 and 3-E. A. Warren, man aud sacretary alée. lut a ve 'léBtbi croiE ézamiltla (From Weduepday's Sun) Water Baldwin. of ann ldy wbéu h. w»s intstru> The repubilcan county convention éne h aeapotinetdl d by thé judgé wllh thé resnarlk. vas hld a thecour bou e t2 gaies ta the cangresalonal conveai- Independént Favor tor Taft III tbinit you havé exbanefltud Ibi W- xornlug, and was lu act buta eto Taft rersééS.elesvea wn ing of the county centrai comîittee tenton i naed as il A. Ferry . ~of the Republican party. 'Noonue who "fes,ry u ce," ate c&d, d of the îarty, as îrovided under the Boutndand . A. urtis. understaude the complexion of that _________hexauftd. uew primary iaw. Beuton 3-L. H-. Tuttia, Oea. Riehl. party rails ta realile wberain the yen- leîk Cha noe. A temporary organizatioti was pIer- Newporl ani Antioc-Tbus. Strang, aity of many ofIta leaders consista. "Wbo," sh. sskéd, "éIa can fected by the seiection of H. P. Gard- A. B. Johnson, Henry Grimm. Sucb men as Adrich. Cannon, Depew, bowlegged. ridiculous iooklntperson uer of!ihln Park as chairman Gat vi n arnRyB# and Plait are impiy brokers lu legis- l81king ta Miss RockinZhbam?" FrnWarren-Boy ctn s aiothietso oroat n pr That is ConttBriécpicknltél." H ig ia d cîi g bs ra, J A vo. am e . mB roin . istnîn the rsagets. o c m or;r t aud par-i W ba t a n aristocrati , n b is secretarY ~~~~~~~~~Waukegan 1, 5 aud 6-Fraîlk IR. tsniteeî.Tote aitc a .ng hbe e eahave nwta The firaI hallot for choe a! a Eddy, H. Deacon, Geo. Brean Jn. simpiy one kind of ,elinw finance. be hbas sbtted bis position so that th permanent chairman of the committeeRetnad Places, jobs, and tavors bound their flghî strikes hlm îopeyl'-cblg and) whicb waa the test as between Wauicegan, 2-Robt. Spoor. W. S. plîtical horizon. They "stand Pat" Record-Herald. the cotîlilcting factions, oua headed Blok because they have about reached the hy J. L. Taylor of Lihertyvîlie. the Biuc.pot whera no change cao give them The Cowllp. othr y obrtCooll o Wukga, aukga 3anWaR.J. oulaanu 3ierfands btt-R.ane iJ. w Douglasy hetee othr y ohrtCooly ! auagnJ. L. Swayer, Chas. Watrous, Lee Me- adtir red>a etrchnea im sa athcongsllp by thé rer resuitad lu sixteen votes for Conliy Dnug.the public troîgh. Fortunatcîy the whrld," laid télng réd o. ro aud ten fer Taylor. Mr. F'rank Eddy D~î~b~ ~~MC rkrT earler traditions of the party havewbbaintrérédro asro. was lected permanent secretary as LEswo.W .Oei lodged withln ts membership a faw mid thé practîcal fermer. "Did the againsl A. B. Johnson of Auiocp hyl 'Lihertyvîlle Framont and Waucon- mn0 le a.M.Tf isl lpcerl? a vote o!' sixteen ta ten. sbawlng the da-C. W. Taylor, W. M. Heath, Wm. belauge ta the unsmirchad elemeul. sme linoup. Vickery. This lact qualifies the reluctaulte A Surprise. Chairman Cnliy expressPd bis ai)- Cuba, Ela aud Verno-H. IL. whlch Indapendent votera feel lu cou- Wbén a woman calls ber huaband preclation of the honor lu a !ew trite tmltngbswhtin nth eod o al , hé e lway ut rs d 10 reiatasu cild ttntouo!reli.Prehm. Gen. J. .Hager, John Scnily. tmltu i icin utescnd 0P b télépon @ th owy ut bi nowlt reDearan clled teto frpb erid 1. 2 and 3-S. P. Hutchîn- slctefakes fM.Tf' es baw poUtélyhé addrsees ber at icns to the task dcvoiving ullfoson yo tvnBrnSuts cent utterauce n the matter or ciass ose mrvie ornl them lun this the presidentiai year. oUudeBron te nwlByr.nFred Bocklegisiatian la denelddiy ln bis favor. ______________Jurnal It was agreed ta nominalethie stale Udrtenwla r rdBc He daes uatl preach ohedience te iaw Stace Urne la -not a person w. can and coogreasionai delegallnspo n a eeceda te rmale s en-ta the manuel toiler with his tongue overtaké when ha lu goné, lettu boum the' saine repi'esctatiuî as, otiln ed tai heur e endtyaI aomtntmeontla aund suggest sedllln by- the shrng o! lm withmirth and choerfulnesu cf t the rrediug elecîlon I inilomit n note',conthe dtI o a herete îca-hs odr. le îîas not nmince(dmat- bés.rt whlle ha 18 Ppesslug.-GOehe. tee hed forthat lnrios The rsîîlltera lu reference lu the boycott. He Bt as was the naming of te folowiug dele ling bu~t tihe state snd congressional has came ont boldîtlv l defen se o! the Sea-Nwth a yavs edyu . gats tothe sate onvenion: delegat<-s 1 lic choses hy the conven-eWm -Nwta1hveedyu gale lethe tst coninton quai ights aI anorganized labor. IHe are yugigwtotdlgyu Ilenton I sud 2C. W F'srte'te eetngT. has acored th-esIiejîce of striliers.- work? Tramp-ol cauldu't wur'uk on ilctn OC eîh emcai etn u. He bas tood uî calilysad maufuliy anlmpty tomach. mum. nu' Oi nirir Newp'ort andl Ajîiorli-A. N. Tif- At the democratic meeting Daniel for the lntegrily of the equlty pwr worruk on er fulOua, 50 there yez lie 1 oay. A. rads, who ha erved as coîuty of the courts. le has refusedtahe--Smart Set. Grant, Avon sud Wsïrren-Oco. chaîrman since the resignation of AI tampededi hi assianate assuits ni)- b3ingbam. Conrad, who went over ta the rcpuh aon the judicil systeul. He bas mer- Maklng M.adway. W\aukegan 1, suad 6-A. J. Trubý>, lican party, waa elected chairman cleasly exposed the doubte-faceci lu- _NeHiq aT abouid (tu sy opawere Clsa Vddr.and Fred Beiiows was re-electefi sec- incerlty of bIs îp1îounts piatform ln traveling? Companlon (who ha@ béen Waîîkegaîî 2-Davld Wlebb. retary. Neither had any opposition. the matter of injîurtiorie Ail o! these Vlrting wlth the girl acméls thé way)- Waîleegan .3 aud 4-Johi> Morrow, There c-as a large representation. , declaratiana are so diatiîîctly lu bis . Âlout a smille a mInute-Lite. Tlhe board o! iVIW bmls"d"iw vitatiena" for fifty property owners lu sévén townsbIpsé te appéar snd ghow causa why thé asseasménté ou haI'ées sud caltie sboutit ual hé ras- éd aud the hearings wlll také place the lutI tbree dayé of Ibis weak. The béariugis of thé North Shore Gas Company aud tbe No rth Shore Elactrîz Company bava beau continu- Il», board bua talmud tke asu&* meulé of virbous weatby Labo For- esters. Bd-l ses lrowu' ot lan automobIle. Grene-TYeo, biZ§ no qe.gave il 10 hlm. Why hé tld me bo put al thé moey h bed m i.' ,-Sa hé diii Héo Fht a dollar'@ - wonub ai g&oolenfo IoVl. Bsure and vt ditnew Colege Fait .Term Ope-.ns Sept. 8- ND we want you to be with us the very fIrat day. Core n e arly and select your W (I Desl<. Many deska are aiready reeerved. We expet the ]argent enroli ment lu the histor1a the school. If you want a high clans Businesso or Shortband oducation, you can get It bers, .'ACTUAL~ BUSINESS FROM START TO FINISH.", Where business la taught as ib businetss jadoe. Where the best teachers and the best metitode are empioyed. Where students are assisted tc, desirable positions. Our new quarters' l one of the fluent ln the I stale Rexuémber we have over 7,M0 square feet of floar space. Inctuding Boys Dormitory. Unsurpassed facillties for lxnpartlng a t.horough ~éi praetîcai business training. The W. B. C. eu- joya the reputation of being une nf the best buiestraining scbools lu the country. W rite for fl l information. Ir- J ALL KINDS 0F PANTS AT ALL KINDS 0F PRICES ____ AT THE BIC CLOTHING STORE Fe C. SEIDELC& Working Pants that wiiI Wear Are MuI cut. giving room and coînfont to the wearer. Hait Unes, Worsteda, Scotch, Mixtures.I I A big selection at .1 05 0 I./. Cut un value on Working Pants worth $2.50, $3.00, ")(j' sud $3.50. Choice 2 .00 eJ' Fine Drsss Pants. Worsteds and Valours; Peg Tops and Beit Straps. just the Pant for your summer vacation. Some worth up la $ 5.00. Mon's Fali Pants lu neat Brown Worsteds, values for - $50 coe Clearing of Ail Summer Suits Rogardloss of Cost so ail the light weights must now go at BARGAIN PRICES Fins Dress Suifs Cut in the very L..test Fads of the Seson Extra Fins Drsss Pu'nis Beautîful paen---Browns, Tans, and Dark Oc-ý. eteywr$0 ~~Ys. Thnd aucvZ I. and $12. We show theun aI-r. $ 8.75 $ 12.75 $14.75 ~B. A. MUNSON, Praii. ITS A GOOD SCHOOL FOR lot& cago rW< Lakt adjoi sapai lu Li Roui FAR coun luni-il FOR Wnig 8250 FOR subd cars. FOR bard nood TOIw -of wbat bargi DEMI FOU MI fal May FOR Iug s 0. L. spril FOR "toi FOR FORiaD FOR st Wi or Hi WAN who i Scomm lor Pa INSU iueurs WA N Brin,( L l.. îi c L.i sou,i Highi Chi I. Gr Hlghl Chi ence Chi l4e. ville. Ché caner Wauk G.i lu S. $510ý Pet- Grant Stai Boil, est.i Geo Park]t Park] artyvi Gel hursa lotsI Con D., s J.I holm, $2,001 Ch: Whlp) , 34, A' i, Slg ----------- 1, 17-119-121 Wash. St. New Fliiin Bldg lý E. B. MVNSON, Socy.

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