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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 Aug 1908, p. 7

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LÂK- 'OWET i IrMNftwiT, RDÂY. AUGU8T 2,10 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE-TOrse deairable reidsncs lot& ln LiIertyvills, 50 feet ecd. Muet Sb. sold together. Remonable. Apply L. Os8g. n820 Prairie Ave., ahi cage, 111. 47-4 WO FARMS'fFOR BAL E-ýNe&rRound Lake, 1IlI. On@ faim of 135 acres and au adjoiulsg faim of 52 acre. To be so)ld oeparsltel o together. No bett.ir ferme lu Lake coUut i. A RTH u IL L. STA1.FOIJ LI, Round Lake, 11. 47-tf FARMS-We have a large flet of Lake couuty farme to Bll, a1«houstiaud lot@ lu village. Dyaao5 & AUSTIf'. 40-tf FOR SALE--ChoIeS lote ln C. Frank Wright'@ addition, 50x150, for $200.00, $250.OOand$300.00. Daso.Ni&AumTIN.' 40-_tf f FOR SALE-Acre Iota on hymod subdivieion, closes totowu and lectrie cars. Priee$800.00. IîvuosNi&Auerxs 40-tf FOR SALE-7 room hous, narly new, liard wood tiulah, electrie lIgta and good apring water. (Wlf or write J. R. àd&m,lhbertyville, I. , 3-tf TOWN4 AND COUNTRY PROPERTY -of &Bl kinda for mâle. Corne and "se what 1 have, yen willlfind nom@e fine bargains. J. A. GitAvES, Libertyvlfle. 43-tf LOST and POUND A LOàT-Near Lihertyville Bunday even- lngblak aektwihelk inlg.Fluder reuru to Sun offiee Waukegan, or lx- 'DPINT office. LIertyville.' FOUND-A etray bull whieh came to mly farm about four weeks ago. Owner May procue sme by identl!yiug and Migfrthe advertl.eemeot. W. S. .,Prairie View, 111. 46-4 I LVE STOCK ETC, 11 WANTED 1 eWANTED-liiri fer gpneral houewor., upnar tow " .lnq uire llEEIEToMfCe, yLibertyvilîs 46-2 WANTED TO RENT Susaîl faru,. Stiste lent a. i,. tli îiarticulas. Addre78 H. R. M., liE~tlETofc. 47-3 FOR RENlT FOR RENT-Fve-r(om flat, aIlimodemn eceuvenliee. ,wiillreut te emaîl ausily. e uquire AL- KiLt RSIASS, Llbertyvllle. 47-2 FOR RENT-Spaceon the Chcago & Milwaukee Eletrie Rallroad platform at Libertyville, for the saIs of fruits, cou- fsstiousry, coR .drinko, sandwiches, badge,etc., duriug Fair week. This le the bout location for a stand iu Lberty- vills. Persone deiringto rent hia pace will asidreaa the Chicago & Milwaukee ltailroad, Highwood. Ill., etating prics thsy will pay for this co0noeeeon. Bide willf be opeued Augubt 25.,1108. FOR RENT-We have a few pood mod- ern houeeu and "ita tu reut. IJYsbolsoD AreTIN. 43-tf TO RENT-Pianos, player aud organe. $2 to $5. Bout alfowed il purchaaed. Bargains lnusued piano@ ou eaay rps- moents. KimnbalI. *25; Steinway, $25; Fischer, $125; Krsulch & Bach, $100; Apollo Player, 875;*Organo, $25. Ed M. Mcormiek. Luces Furniture Sto re, Libsrtyville. Telehhont 27. Reidenes taesphone 508. 37-tf- I FOR s A ~ FOR SALE-Rsxkaway, $100. THEo 005. it g-M wA5z. 100 Vins Ave.. Hlghlaud Park. 47-tf FOR SALE OR T RAD E-Span of mules, weight 2800, willl el or trade for work team. Fi) JoNFC, Olîmer, 111. 47-2 FOR BALE-Thys goosi mule., weigi FOR SALE-I double buggy, nearla- lng ~ ~ el abn 10 b. ac.Apî new. ruu very littho; I iogle buggy; 1 0. L. bMoour, gr. Lihertyville Crystal wahaigsee 1 u rv.frste Springs, Libertiville, 111. 47-tf wood or ceai; 2 Oak hesting sto)ve«, 16 __________________________il. irase, fur wî>od ouly; splendid stovem wîlI @eIl very rsaaooable. Cao ho seen at FOR SALE-A fins bay drlvlug bora; lthe T. C. Fsv'sî(-s place, Gurue fil buggy andi bamnes; aise yearling colt. 46-tf standard bresi. H. H. FuKE, Bridge ë water Poultry farm. 47-2 ' FOR SALE-7,eordofwood. luquirs ' E. 0 i A îa.Round Lake. 42-tf FOR SALE-Fifty wild isaliards. Gis _______ ---------_______ FOeRD WHITE, Long Lake. 47-2 j FOR SALE-Family trap. goosi as usa- cheai . F. J. AiLji-uS', Libertyville. FOR SALE-Bercelsire tîîiar. ln(iiirýe 8t st Win. Nelrîkse el.iCekefpillr, Ili. .. Or Hîi.iî NEHRLICH. 0155 iiills nortb ffFOR SALE-Herse sud surrey clsea1î il Beckefuilsr. 45.11 talksu itumediately. Genlle family driv- îuglOurse. carriageinlugeesicondition. NUSCELLANWUS ilulre Was, Las 5. Lbrtyvlle. Ili. WANTED-Man wltlu hosrse andl buggy SACRIFICE SALE-tif Standardl Farl, a-ho i ii l fainitsdin l Lake ciiity Wlre Funcing ai na pe,ial prii-eoi l5sent- te work sil,s-i ption Ii ii o ii iSn l on mla-seu ibar, 27 fun, hea ihgl. hIs Scommiemuon bamiîs. 4nqnur a 51tlîis ,ii t w-,sIi iola su ad isîhe ights it for parlîculars..ir ails1res liibanit e1ni-ut greatly rcd iuied un., a.55ii 1%LEISL.ilientyilleW u F s. iÀ[llarlnville 45, If INSURANCE I wcrie rime ais-i tîruadi, luurni- tiis iil-r> -l, MONEY TO LOAN -- !1-itI WANTEV Iiiii ,,li 1.lwlý , i,,lse ONEY TO LOAN-iîi gio larusi Brin,( ns salu i,, iî s 'l ii vit la i*sIL nI. J. A. i.ui s , s.Lilierty il,-, Lîiiîu (i LLcN l. 47-Il 43-t1 R l state Transiers 'L...f~uoîshcd By:= Laske Cotiuta- Tille A Tri.tt I Abtracts ot Titie. Tilles (,uaruteesl lMaaonic Temple filsfg. Waukegau, 111. Loi is J. < qs sS-i-. L. H. Lloyd sud 511,' tus Fuil Carl- sou, lot 11, Olock 1,iLloys v i-aul, Mighwood. XW. D.. $15o, Chicago TitIs & Trusit Co te Louise 1. Gregory, lot 42, block 31, Chicagus Highlands. Oeed, 10ý Chicago TIlle & 'Tiust Ce te Fier- snce L. Tbompsoîu, lot 41, hlock,31i , Helen M. Kreuigel aud Ous. et ai. 1o ",. E. DOasI, lotun vilagiet fLib'rty- T lIsIsu-M.Krcîîgel and us. et ai.lus Mary E. lual, lot lu village of Liberty-> Ville, Deed, $1 Charlotte M. Biail te Isabelle Fat- couer, lt 15, block i, Tlucuuîsou's add. Waukegsu. X'. D., $20(1. G. E.McCordIle oF.CG.10,lier, lot lu S. E. qu. Sec. 2, Av-ou '1îi XW. D. Peter Reich .asd ile tu Il.XW.Oî,s lin, part N. baif S. XX qr. Sec. 23,. Grant Tp. X. D., $2,6011. State Bank of Lake Focessitu Ch a. Itolli, lot 12, Green Bs> adls. isLake For- est. S. W. D., $650. Geo. Herrusanu sîîd a-le toE. F .XX Parkhurst, E. 45 Il. lot 8, block 1. Psrkhursl & Cunulughama suu.l.il,î ertyville. W. D., $225. Geo. Hermnînun Jr, 10 E. W' Pari, hures, W. 15 fI. lot 8. sud E. 10 fi.1 lots 9 sud 10, block 1, Parkhun5t &1 Culuulugham's euh. LIbetyville. W., D., $226. J. D. Wyuu sud a-Ife 10 J. A. Ed- holm, lots 5 and 6, block 9, Kirk & Powells add, Waukegan. W. D., $2,000. Chicago TIlle & Trust Co. lu Eliza SPoflard. lot 38, block 8, Chicago P lands. lIed. $310. P"'.hbu Wîcks sud aifs (o Matthew WbtDple an.) aile, 9% acres fa Sec, -34, Avon Tp. W. D., 1.800. State Bank of Lake Forest to Krîs- i, Jensen, lot 64, Grson Bay add. Zýaké Forest. Deesi, $700. ~C. r. Pederson aud wlfe to Afred1 .Ollsssî ltI1...additions tsi Northi XX il1 Adi. XXaîkegaî, X\V ) $;Si, 1->. ],1 sud. us XXarsiiigiiiPark, a hbina,, XX t_ $;hiîi T homas, Fiel.) lu iriaidI triggi., ,n, stcs ini lS-c :(.;eFu11t1,isîuîrli Tp. and 41) acri,, lu Sec. WeXi-st Aiiirct Té, Dsed. $6 E. C. ha-t sand)sie IotitisForces- soris and sfi-. lot 39 sud S. 0ro Il lut 4s, block 4, XX îtisios iHarbor. Dcc.) lerlucrt Haintioeisl aîd aile te B.B. l.irgar , îpart lot 2. firch's ce-div, cf le, ks 03. 84 sud 0,i Hghlanud Park. lii itianri -ii.ir-,aias et i. to Fi edi cricis(a laas. 2 loits illage ot liait 1)53 1>-id. $1. Fsatl,-of1 Charlotte J.(liaies derd i E. E-.-liansuik.part lot-s 5 and 4, iuiori, 4.. M,.Ka>'sa dj. XX sukegan, E. A. Cuiuiiug- and -ire te Satoini. Ilentzei, lot 40>, C us imuuigs sud (e s Norths su,.adul , Xakgais. W . 1,. J.- MacDonald and aile toer-e sert lHanumors.), part loi ; Bt irsa quil. 'Il block 083, etc., Higlgandl Pairk. Decil $1. .1. V. Farweil and wite to H. W liuuîsl, lot 3, block-22, Lake Blauff. X. D., $375. W«aller Fsrwel sud aile 10 Il. W' Bout, lot 2, block 22, Lake- Bluff. WX. 0.89S75. Ida M. Daggltt 10 A. .1. Daggitt. 4 acrres l, Sec. 36, fleertleld irT. W. OD. $3.000. R. L. Peck sud a-île to Fred'k Sand. usaris, lot 3, sud E. 8 fit lot 4, blocs Barringlon. Des.), $1.077. A. E Beck and hua. 10 W. '. K. Nixon, lots 21. 22, 23 sud 24, block 3, Modecwell's sub. Waukegau. XV. D., $1.000. W. W. K. Nimnu te Abîgail E. Beck, lot 1, block 1, Powell & Arnos add. Waukegan. W. D., 1.,000. J. B. Duraud sud wlfe 10 Anus H. Wheelec, lot 171 (ezcePt E. 61.7 fit.) Lake Forest. W. D., $15.0)00. Ale Murray and hua. to A.P Raught, lot 16, block 5, C. Fl. Wrlght's add. Llbert3'vllle. W. D., $2,1.îO A. H. Sthr 10 G. W. Ewert. undivld- î-d l/s lot 8, Anderberg's sut,. lu Secý 3, Grant Tp. W. D., $200. Isabella, A. If PrIndle ,, C , A*Wr ney, 40 acres ini 8. W. qr. Secý 21, Shields 'Ilt. W. D, $1. .1. P. fiit nd wlfe 10 Oscar Sand- stroi,part lots 1 snd 2, lblock 2, Lsdd & Georges ad. Waukegais .M« D., $500. Catherine Murray le Agorsanaid Ethel Murray, 50 acres lu Sec. 2 and 14% acres In Sec. Il. Cuba TI). \W B.1f. Flsg, Jr., t E. .1. Hose-, lot in. bloc k 8, lot add. lu north side, 'Wau- kegau. W. D., $1. W. W. K Nixon te Joseph -trovrou- si, lot 2, block 1, Nîxon's sai In Tif- fany and Fraziera aî,ib. Waukegan. W. D., $176. Catherine Murray to R. F. Marray, 80 acrose In S. E. qr. S,-c ?,, Cua TV. W. D., $1, CouDtY Clerk t10\". 13,Smithb, cast 1 ft. lot 1, block 2, Ne,, lerr> 's add. Lbertyvîlle; part lots 1 and 3, block 4, l-faluesvllle. lots 9 sud 11, block 12. Washburn Sprintgs; lot 5, block 3., Lake Bluff; lot 28, block 3, Nortb Chi, cago. Tax deeds. Erînluls G. Rlrk as u ts. teEnslle1 M. Strelher, eastprl> 43 ft. lot 5 snd1 westerly 7 ft. lot 6.,block 52, Higb- land Parle. W , D,82,00<) E. A. Cummlugs and sife to Chas. Cerk, lots 2 and 5, block 15, Wautle- gan Highlands. W.D. $50(). Myra J. Hubbard, subdivision ef lot 44, Highwood, loto il lots. Theo. Bomkamp and wlfe te J.A. Bomksmp, lot in N. E. qr. S. W. qr. Sec. 34, Benton Tp. W. D., $1 ('ouuty Clerk 10 J. E. Reardon, lot 5, block 3, leY*i Hutchîns sub. 'Wsnkegan. Tsi deed. THESE WILL WED. Pranelszkos Bastîs, 30; Kaîrîns Uionawiczaijte, 24. Ollîn Ksloo, 'W larnac, Iud . 25; Cella Bollu. 22. R. C. Hanna, Jackson, MicO.. 29; Harriet Ferusce Bîgbee, 20. Oscar Allbright, Mlwaukee, 27, KaIs Millet. 37. Parti MacGufflu sud Orvis sud Brii, sblen, solîcîlera for comîsîsîtîat. Stale ofîl linois, t.ofluty iof isk-,- luitlOhe Circsil Court of Ll.i.iit il .Tii t i..Octobsie s X1 li iV O Sisîsth, s, l' o . s 1 .) Flin lii1io wa ri RacL il ii . i i iikiwsi.ii, ilis nor d evis, -' Xi Ilis,, Fleminsgdeceaseil. X s su. le is tics. Heury K , ikiii 1i i.i, Sicliidi.John Bi in,, F Bluliai d A. iiilS,rederirs t' Usitli Lijia And,,risn. nLouis, ilkii, Gecorge Aisl,-rmauu. Heis u \ - min,, Anii,- Sauith. Clara Siisiî'. isun 1t Oi liikiioss îowners of i-i,. ' iii 1ui,.ri.sli'dii lis e real eslai,i si'1 lis the Billot Cemplalul," lu Cbaurery, Cen. No. 39.2>ý Saifaciiry sffdavlt that i iii dits- ltIiii elrs-ih of the defendais.Vii kuowti helra or devisees of XX illisos Fleming. decessed." Lucy 1). Fasts, EllîcrI Howsard, Rachael Howasrd. XXiI liant Fleming, Hans Bis ll,,i'ry Krickunan. Henry Schmidt.bohisi Bar- haras. Sr .,Benry Anderiiits so Cunkiiossîscuaera of or iiirsolisini leresited lit the ceaI estaleii ilî. ln the Bill 1 fComplaint' i<iitle lousd, so Ibat preceas bOct-iiî.sîuîsoî lie se rved uîîeu them or i otli- f îhem. hssing been flîs ielsthoffice of lthe Clerk of sald Court. Notice la tberefore herelîs ci,, a i saIsI 'Iuknown heurs or dEis -o-,, of XXilliam Fleming, deceassd.' L.iirs O Easton. Elbert Howard, Racha, I lo- ward. William Fleming, Haîs Mhes. Henry Krickîman. Henry Schmridt, John Barbaras. lir., Henry ,Xnsir- marn,. sud 'Unknown owners îof or persons lulerested inluthe rcai '.tale descrlbed in the Bill of Comlslaiîul;" the defendants as aforegdld. 10.,, the above named compîaiuant S-l1lits Bill of Complaînt lu sald (siurf oni the Cbaucery aIde thereof. snditta aummous thereipou tasuesio0,11fisl .uld Court agaluat the above usmeil lf--i dants. returnable on the lIraI ciîsof the Terus of the Circuit Court of sald Lake County. 10 o eîed aI the Court Boilse lu Waukegau. lu said Ciisîsl oif I.ake ou the firat Mouds> of Oc- tober,, A. D. 1908. as la Os law re- qulred. and which suit la stil îendlngý LEWIS 0., MOCKXAYý CI,-rk. Waukegan Illinois, Auguat 1910 19508 Real WOe. Miater, 1 dont know where mY uext meal's coming frorn." -You're in no great trouble." re-iirtesl tIse prees umerie;t 1"Idont kmu where my oet lokes coming trou, sud that'q a fart." John Ruiler, Kenosbs, 21. Belle Another Version. Parker, 18. Tiday I 1rumnnage.) tbrougb sl 5e Fi-sut .Burkei, Chicago,1. 1 nl odvet e 1lIrlch, 21. ý .But 1flsî.)tii Sud a qissc,r i Chicago lîceisses: Joas-ph Reyuols tîsouglil 1 i sghb ave." I LOUIS J. YEOMAN THE JEWELER _________________________________ z Humorous Character Sketches snd MISS MARIAN GERTRUDE HAROS Monologues et the Union Church. Libertyvilîs, Tuesday evening, August 26th. Diecovered at Work. siarted the repsortillt aitse had [0e, ldes il toaring car which had been dix- l'l iuterest lu the Purdv robbery leaten his the thug loitil'ils wts d'- listcOril ,outh on the umain road lead- d0eeieus wben It la learued thal Mrs, nied last night h>v lber iiisbsîl abe lacri to Ravinia Park. Purdr was Miss Mande Marvis. i -i saedl bat the thli iii o eve:, As 10ey uesrsd Ibis amaîl settie- est danghler ef former CeuinI> Sape, sjickahber Mia- Roosai t cotifiriued ment they observedl a colored man lnteiideut of Scbools Marvin, now. tri tii,-s st lemiet. -h o aoswered the descriptions of the New Mexic, and that g-be--was the lar-j There was also s report Ihat ls.ii ber fumrnshed lhsm, racing down gel for au Inciplent attack by thecliait iFil)lsa'eçI.cu TOhejîrecise ainotial the treet lu an sppareutly breathlesa negro. lbibId fgoi was no: ,riuv.n lasI condition. The race contlnued. As Il was Mca. Reevart wbo discos cre iiigbt but thceslait pald thp robber as they nsared the colored man It le ra- the îbîîgs prese lu Inte bouse snd lie got lit lenst îwo pecicel books, well perted tbat revolvers were leveled when site asked hlm shat lie wsnted filîrd aud a gold watch with dlamoud sud a coummaud tb hait laaued. 0e reî,lied Ihat "Mca. Mason- bsd seul setliruga The colored uman halted ImmedJate.- hlmi. Ile keist edglng sway audMr Beat Up' Country. 1>'. He was lmmediatsly taken fnto, Roovart tumhled te 1he fact that sOc Thepellces nollfied, aunaautomobile the cuslody of the police force. I..ter sas deallug with a burglar, so sOc prisse wss formed aud the country It was learued Ihat he wa an ens- called for ald. screamlnt for M i . as lestei ut) for miles uorlb sud ploye of the J. C. Gnty stock faim, PlîrdY. oulO, oie- colored mnibelng tlkeitlocated near Ravinîs Park. Caught Near Stairs. le charge us as sispject and later re- Hîs description suswered that Mrs. Pord!'s caught t0e robOt r as l-asesl. Ile w sns uis near Ravînfla gîven Oy the womeu of the hous rob- ht- was leavIng. Site loti ssked Ini andîlthe tsicof bis capîture lanauex- bed sud Os sf11 bs broagot up betore wbal 0e sisheil anîd lie retiurned evas- clîlîg snd bresitOIss one-. the vIctime seine time today. He pou- Ive alîsaers, ail 1he lime backiig Story of Capture. tilvely deuled bsviug beeu lu High- away, anîilisOcliiîlslmoade a titage Police, crtoie.) wth thlicy Itght cal land Park durlug the day sud algo for 010, andi getlsalold o ii 1, ier revolvers. lsaîk ils tii.'clisse ln swore that bc bad heard uothtng or Thug Breaks Awasy. a too iluis.XX ialtýibi i -îicits lit kucas nethlug of the robbery. T'he 000cer vicloustv tere blnîselfifldcîîcdeîîlly sceîîred the wools, ech Violence la Feared. loose and dartcd assy afler a short, beîng arnîed to the leeth. Automo- Those usho dld flot take loterset shari, striiggIe duing ashicb 3Mr,. bites. ceiitisîinig liii isorn lu a, enoutgh luaid lit the "mau hut"stood l'uni) scrt-anîed tor aid. lunclal Ile lîen liîsti ere allI~and1e lai fterisou feariug that The isev.oiuei aerealoîe s tc thre îîdOc uîîtî>sascoc scîîrshould tIse alîlain suffer capture vlo- houi, vo tOcs 555 seoplut. e iwtls ris ciige- eli r-dil tnce woîîld lollow. 1Thc lad Iliat Nlrs. Pursly bîd tii Make But One Capture. Mns. Pards luday positlsely affirma toiiiiîd liosîld the îîîsîîî î,îîtil as po i'[lie lliglîlaîîîlPark poilice loreiof thal site wiliilie able 10 ldentlfy the tei eho, iîeiiecail cîîîil h, putiii t lso ia.) liîîloade.) iiio a laige' i i.iroliber should lOc lie captureul. L.ake Fore-t. 35; Elizabeth Vaughan, Forcing- a Suocest. same, :'2. "Whal le the namue otyour uew Edisard Liiu.xXakegati. 23,;leplen flovel?' Ps -051cr.r, 25, -Thue Dungeisu Cors.)loo>my tie, Hesýaril Sîsîti Fox La k. 21; '? -NIar Nelh. sine,18, Yes. TOu-t name sioe ougbt te gel Xîar aîslî -ciii 10the book among the six liset cellas.- Alred LaîliaiiChicago, 57; Loiuise Wasahngton Herald. Il Patersoii . 1,s- - Bu njniuit B.XXWilliams, Libectyville. tO; Jeimîi' L. Atkiutruir, 44. XX F. Prise. Chiago, 0i; Laura E. Sitz. 30. Cecil lsse Xol Higlandui Park. 22; Fiien C' iiaiuuiton, .22 Asrthutrfials t aki- Forest, 21, Pearl J. Dasi1, 1l Andres Chirltýneti-tuRacinse,.?8; Hlaiiah Christian, 15 Jos Beshel, 24; 1-luda Anderson, 24. State et lilinois l suuittt ssutLake. s: lu the Circut Coutrt of Lakc Coiuty 4ulIa Loutis-e Suil, h Sli Ou.)Fsýcy as Evelyn lrSeid l-tsEmrsos SinSleld. HeunrsXXV. Stars A J . AluIiuîanI Ci.) XWernecr, Cets Ne. ',7(; Public notice ls bi -< ui-tu Ilîsat Iuy iclue 0f aStordece.) aniI uecrece en- lercd in the aheve cutîtil r cus«u lii sai.) Circuit Court ut tOc Octt uTeî n A. D.1907 âereof, theutdrscid Master in Chapcecs, sili run 1'tii'ada,. the 22nd day of Seîuîemter . DO 1910 at t0e bouc ef eue orcloc, usitOche af tertîcnoîstf saliday aStflic ca-ti sn cîsirauce of 1he Court Houa,-liii Xvu, kegan, Lake County, Illinois, seli St pusblic venduuconte OhOghesî bîdder fon cash 10e foliowing described lsud sud resi estale, alluste. lu tOc Ceirt- ty of Lake sud State of Illinois. 10- wlt: The North tweuty six sud oee lIr.) (261,/) leed of Lot Nine (9) lu Block Twelve (12) lu the Original Townu of Litle Fort, noas the City ut Wauke- gan, belng kuown as Namber 218 North Genesse Street, sItuaIs.) in the City of Waukegan. Lake Couuty, Il- linois. Dated August 1910. A. D. 1908. ELAM L. CLARKE, Master lu Cbanccr>. -Pain anywh-eres ttlppeti in 20 miniutes sure with eue of Dr. Shoops Pink Pain Tablets. The formulais on 10e 25-enit box. Asic yeur doctor or druggita&bout tOls formulaI Stop womanly pains, hessiacbe, pains anywhsre. Write Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wie., for free trial 10 , rove value of his heasisehe or Pink Pain ablelta. Sold hy ALL DEALERS. Nothing Liheas About It. WWk.ls- uuderstarii xoii are giv- iog your son a libemai eduestion? lobs-Llberal! Net a liit fIt! They don't gI ae auytblng awsy et the col- lege where 0e ta. 1 bave lu psy for evsrY Pfsguy thing 0e gels.-Bostea Transe lpt. The Difficulty. "47ould you bring yourseifto 1lfive la a flat on £4 saseek?' "I conld, Harold," ansa-ecet the pain- Pered Yet unejiollesi darliug. "But 1 do not know Just how l would uit my French mald."-Loudou Tatlli. Thé ResI Question. -Where doesa Osgel is utousy?" "I dont know s-Ocre 0e gela bis, and I don't cars. Whst 1 arn Inter- estedlnlu fakuowing mal Oea- e gela mine - Nabhvile American. ATTEMPI ROBBFRY AT HIIGHILAND PARK (Freus Wednsda v'. Sau The fourth of as acîle s-sduscusicd ruluieries aI Highland) Park i --terdsy anousse.) nbabîtanîs oet ils jj.i)jjj ih le a lrenzy, espeetliy islîtilu ilesi s ci lîsat 1he thug lsa a ndisuus.uîi ol sttbenpted luosbaI -îîUpm ssil si The attemptesi and ui rosl i)el berles sud Iheir vfctlms: RITTER RESIDENCEi- Attempt made by negro 10 enter aitd) oh l a weck ugo, ltald dlscosti, si.liruei thug ln ouse and tnighitciid ins off. MERRITT RESIDENCE - 1louck awav froua t0e cesideuce surglsnlzed serdsy. Thug fclghtcîîî-ul "usas by usinIer workiug ou bouse, E. H. PIJRDY RESDIE-NC-- Frite,- ed Yesterday by colore.) thsug aho gel a gold watcb wth dlsmoud monussulgs aud a purs a-l a langi' sans o! mouey lu il. JOHN ROOVART RESIDENCE- Eutereil yesterday. lat lu same building a-f lb P3rdys. Thief gol away wlth puise sud valuable jewelry. THOS. B. JESFFERY& CO. KÉNOSIIA, WS ý- 1 1

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