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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Sep 1908, p. 4

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OFFIC IAL PAPER OFLAKCE CU 0000 ¶'lephooe No. 1. ltors Residence TeiOphOflC No. 1141. Libertyvile Exchiange Zntered a% the posomee sutLibertyviiiO. ni.. sa Second Clanm tter MUU» WZZKLyT &DvlcBISING 5ATM 15005 KNOWN ON APPLICATION. SUS8RIPTION PRICE 81.50 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE FMANIK M. JUSr ................................. .......................... Edtor E. M. KELLEY............................................ City Editor FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1908. KEEP THEM IN SCHOOL. Scbool dîyi are ail but bore again1 and with te responsibillties viticit they briug noue are greater thon thSse lmposed ou the parents Of cbil- dren ut scitooa ge. It advice la le be *given thie parents et Wankegou tj this time of year, Iýie SUN kuowa ot noue. the acceptauce o!fviticit yl prove as profitable to kinand 10 hu-: * manity as-DON'T LET YOUR CHIL- M~I3EN STOP SCHOOL Wrlting onJ thie ubiect in Sunday'a Tribune, Her- bet Hautman, one of!the best kuown e dItorlal viiters ln the country, soya: This la the day ofthtie troined mon ý-ofte voriter witose bandsaroe wir- ed ta, bis braies. Men 0wib college degrees are now au plentiful os iigb achool graduates were a dozen yoors ago. Wben it waa the exception for a cierk or- a bookiteeper or a coipnter to kuow more tban tbe i-t rudiments o learning, slrengtb. tenacity and liti power, and steadtaatnesa were enough, but te type or mon vito poasesaed these oltributes lu tbe pat ueut now poaseos o veil regulated sehool4raiued brain os veli. A uew type of vorker la making is appeor- muos throngbout te land. Every grod- sation day la inci-eaolng bis numbers, *0 taI vien aur pre5eut youtb la titrovu mbtoe fulbrut of lites bat- Use the average of intelligence wiii -'sâlY have adiiànced fifty per cent. Ibe parent who Judges his bayas neede by thse standard of the training blhhe tound essentiel lu hisevuw -yowager dayz forgets that he beouged tpaother geneaton-forgets titat ,,thestress of competitiou bas so lu- tmmi8edtsaIvital vau conaldered àlOOpreparatiou for ife's btties, *? bel ooked upon as semi-iguorance bl the, lUme a board hogins to aprout Mi. bisyongter's ohmn. "e te . oming of the muaket tbe B~ WOsd vas a matiatactory veapon. but lt Coulilnot reach t.ieuougb lu count *b«n hullets began ta vitistle. When thé igh-pover rifle dlsplaced the muz- 4 Z It-Moder te old cantine lls val- ne-its range became 100 short. In 1930 it will take as mucit ability ta ho o laborer as Is nov iequired of au ex- pert. The world la whirling taster 0v- ery itundred moutits thon it naed 10 spin ln o bondred yeara. Any parent whita cn posahly afford1 te give bis cildren au additloual yeai- or two of Instruction la absolule- ]y cancellug titeir chances fui- the comn- Ing years, If ho denîes.tbem vitat iesi wititin bis power ta grant. Titereva a tino when o crafttman vho could reod waa regarded as a mon ot of hie place, but nowadays even tite lobaor ln the leweat walka of lite posseafea ai leat the rudiments o! edocalien. We are en the verge ef on ers, iten as mucb wll ho demanded et the 10w- est salailed empleye who fls thebospet ut great responslbllity 'Elilîl! SkiîlI! Skili" la the ci-y et thie employer. "I want trained hrions." fie ia gettiug titem and those wbe con net eîeaure np te bis requi-ements wil IImisa out se long os hocian fEndia soppis In answer 10 bis demaed. Dont senti yeui- ciildi-en [nIe te soi-Id as early as yen entered It. Yen beloug te a diffrent epocit. Times bave cbanged and mothoda must change wtb tbem. Sit dowu and titinit it oser. Soptember la ali-eady casting ber sbadow opon August. C oase reema wiil soan ho fillong vitb stodeuts. If yon itod deterimned 10 make a worker oul o! your son or daughter, recanider your decisian. Dont use the eyes ot yonr yesterday te look at your cbldren's lomorraw. If tbey Insist upen storting ont for titemaelves, remember titat your judg- met muat prevail. Until tbey havé attalned te peslod o! discretion (wblch cames ouly fromt muil experi- once vîit the world). tbey are flot qualified 10 knov vaitalla est for them. t Give tbis mtter of Ibaîr continned Lscitooling o 1111e more thaught. MoU LIt over. Yon owe il 10 them-you owe Il 10 yorselt-you ave ilta ite world. RETURNING CONFIDENCE. "Confidence la everytbing, vwrute Urn, TatI lu is letter 10 (ho lnteistate proapertty congreas. Evîdence la aitmd.qat that Iis pierequlsite t10 s restOT*tion ot prosperity lea teodlly grovlug, juitifying bellot thol a tom- plele eluru ot confidence lu te huai- um w orld leasaaured in the near tu- Ail mâterial conditions are favor- able. The only influne ietrdlng the Seurn Shfidence la political. This la ln acord viti thieuniforiniexperience in nattonal campaigus. Il la Most Dtura that uucertaluty as tute ont-I nme viticit may Involve radical calsngea sffectlng business abould «ause thie finauclal and commercial le- ttenelts t ohserve more thon ord4nary «aution. This la flot moi-e marked at prosent tho n lufomer campaîgnas. tThe lassiable puirpose of the pros- p.stty ongrfei b opromote a feeling of confidence sud optimian bas te aupport of conditions altogether en- couragling. Goad ciopsansd au ample aupply of monoy for ail legitimate requirementa assure a lai-go addition ta the vealtb o! the agrîcultural pro-. ducera and bo the manuacturer and moichant te reantoi- au expansion of business vbere libre sab a ode- mand for ItL Thore la stîli a large number of un- omployed, but te ranka ot the dle ai-e heiug gradually iednced. Iu aIl departmenta of Industry there Ilaa steady Improvemeet in the demand tor- voritora. The bousla today on a sounder busis than Il vas six montits ago.1 The countr-y is much stronger and beathier fnaucially sud the veak 1 and uusonnd parts efthIe business structure bave heen removed. The criais titat came snddouly last fait loft. i. 11e titat la not suhtantlal sud sase. There la consequently good reasan for confidence and ohtimian, quite i-e- gardles etfvital lthe oulcome of te pltical campaigu may ho, foi- l vîli not holu Inte power ofe iter ady te serlously obstruct te progr,-sa row l heieg made tevard ,:-ater pre'iîeritv. An Age of Experts. Ilhaplt" chie tti.<tesdrtg tlhe WVo are living ineunatge tf a1aiiaaiscit; k...,î e. 'itaI is nile l sgt.and an agewvien su-eaccan onlv li- ststreth stomacitmesu a. t-o. aitttiiîocth tArse hy the councntratittu 0! ever.a tiouglt 1alvayeak.dAnt lîtYia ilcttri-,- otithe- upan the ontoweiviag pîtiit of o sin gle hîeurt Itaid.iuem.'The n t-ut ut-ci t- tiare ing1aotI 'rying ot tfItr- Sit,. This obWtd. Mutatvthtore, andti 1tat-kexîthotîs wtv Il- ittle î-ioiati: e toes cacannot et-tiai outttginetm-~it~t lti-ttittst-l, i,ti ttug et'ni»À-.heuitait oin ni-eentedico.l a-it- teteitt liaitt kituty ule,-tt. Th- -Utsîttivtîe eniý ai-e trttîtg t îîdtli'oleolit 1ilt'tg - t rîtît- niei-t- tuent in te .ht u-. iX \trao tititot .% gt ' tlt l... itti 40 io - diieasosr-qtireexi,îrt ii-tht:t tiý- a tttt- îtt Iti t tttt' IIItIt . 'i tatI. buti Voitî This ls the. ti d i-t et' ly tt- It lrnois! %,tc itStlit-11)it a 'tîrnig. State Spoialiat tî îfle 0kortI, 1iiil stld hy staltthae limto >cuie vroi ia ALL DEALERS. 4mwhre i ths pawr. iiien, evot"IlChance. j Noice, to tem sit. uLimpeoo<habt- eti t'(i-.1111i0aiti *i anlulsd ekîli liavei-olte,l it-a- \ C,Ntit-tt . i. O port opn a inude uýý, tuth,îr tLak.' Counîy by other dottire Ai II libi-t l tttld CatLtrin, t-hI--ltr attdt'i-i5 tt'hi.i cl. mary .Cttt I -il'si lastbo ..wtitalor appotntm(.tu ci-t lt aecti-e lu-a.-Dive.,ite litas ., s tas. ree.ie'c .1 h- tta,. î .îî ~r,. n reilttts qctttttttt me ervo I "I tru," t-r Tk*iugor ryCeugs ittt cujivkîsPeir 1 "C"8 li8 l tr lte h aIle,- bosm m oiog Dr. SiiottîtCong !wte Cerh t I caiti Coart ftore.i, And t in &o tborougily harints Ma -fry o lattMter Ol'li te, th rs.h ,@M h*tl)1»,h1 0 tels moter, t, stisdaIts " a8floI,.z'ltîts a itc 5t mewas. even Ionvery yontg )leio. C.paurt tastttt l.'ll.rlti" ~sWholmoane greenlestes sud tender aid. o,autbt i mnthOri '5 le<Isittre «je» nMXbeaiug -mautaloo)uî Iaued ou of kaiii'ourtn titttl,.h, @WMb jive t. curatire pitiperîles tot Dr.lai-o! Ie enuns ttiasubleai-uteLaSg ubtiogsCu;al . X! Dt ale ie -'"tlt, 10 holSctiaIit heCourt lin. L «Plgb M hWthe senstive brauchial Waukegau uinatd 1*5. onnîr. auth _Int ie mmbme~ .e No opiumt, noa tloioiorm, mondar of Oser A... Irý reQuired sud viaitL .su is.U .t « bro uedtoa othreup r. Eox L zwo . aîiutahoiiaiirk lb w AUs Wakean 1. Agut i A. JD. ns "ht. hOi8wtois 'for OhYiIUIDOlOt. Otte 09 flhlnois. CouatY aof Lgke, se, in th Circuit Court of Lake County. Ill. To the October Terni. A. D. 1908. Henry AX Smith. vs Lucy D. Esston, MiherIt Howard, Rachael Howard, "Unknown heira or deviseei of Wil- liam Fleming, deceased," VýI.jilar Fleming, Hans Bien, Henry Krlckman, Henry Schmidt, John Barbaras. fr, Richard A. Smth, - rederick C. Smith, Lona Audermaun, Louise Hodgkini. George Audermann, Henry Antier- manu, Annie Smith, Clara Srâitýi.and the "Unknowu owuers of or péprsous lnterested lu the real estate descrlbed lu the Bill of Complhlnt,' In Cbaucery, Gen. No. 3939. Satltactory affidavit that upon due inquiry each of the detendants. 'Un- kuowu beirs or devsees of William Fleming. deceased," Lucy D. Eauton, Elbert Howard, Rachael Howard, Wil- liam Flemning, HoasBleu. Henry Krlckman, Henry Schmidt, John Bar- haras. Sr., Henry Andermanu, and "Unkuowu awnerg ot or persoanu- terested lu the real eate descrlbed lu the Bill of Complaint" cannot ho found, so that process herein cannot ho served upon themn or either of them, havtng been fiied lu the office of the Clerk ot sald Court.,' Notice la therefore hereby lven to sald "Unknown heirs or devisees of WIlliam Fleming, deceased," Lucy D. Eazton, Eihert Howard, Rachael Ho- ward, William Fleming, Hans Bies, H4enry Krlckman. Henry Schmidtl John Barbaros. Si-.. Henry Auder-- mouen, and "Unknown owners of or- persoa niterostod le the roi-clestate described lu the Bill of Compilt," te defendontsaos storpsaid. thatthie above namned complainour flod bis Bill et Complaint in said Court on the Chancery ide thereot. and that s sommnons tbereupen taaued out of said Court againat the abovt. namned deten- douta, returnabie on the ist day of the Toi-m ofthlie Circuit Court of aaid Lakte County, ta ho hold at the Court House lu Woukegon. tin said Cauuty of Lakte on the fi-st Monday of Oc- lober,. A. D. 1908, as la by law i-e- quured, and which suit la stili pouding. LEWIS 0. BROCKWAY, Cierit. Waukegau. Illinois, August l9th, 1908. 474 State o! Illinois, County of Lakte, as; Iu the Ciicuit Court of Lakte Couuty. Julia Louise Smith Slyfield _tacy va Evelyn Slyfield, Emerson Slyfield. Henry W. Stacy, A. J. Abbott and C. Werner, Gen. No. 3376. Public notice la itereby gîven titat hy vutue of on ordered and decree ou- tered lu the above entlthed cause lu said Circuit Court aI lthe Oclohor Terni A. D. 1907 .aereof. the underaigued, Master lu Chaucery, yull, on Tuesday lte 22nd day ut Septomnber A. D. 1908 at te haur oftoeeo'clock lunlte af- ternoon o! said day at the eost Main outrîmce o! the Court House Iu Wau- kegan. Lake Counly, Illinoisle. sou t public vendue ta the higiteat bidder for cash the foliowing descrIbled la.nd and real estate, situatod lunte Conu. ty o! Lake sud State of Illinois, t0- vît: Thte Northt twenty six and one third (2614) feet o! Lot Nino (9) lu Block Twelve (12) lu lh. Original Town of Lttle Fort, nov the City of Wauke- gan, being known as Number 218 North 0enese. Street, situated lu the Cty o! Waukegou, Lake County, Il- linois. Datod Augnl121h, A. D. 1908. ELAM L. CLARKE 47-4 Master lu Cbaucery. STog ONILflIOIs, Co 1, 01,orLamy.i Inuth.e<inctt ourt et Lake Counuy te the 0soe Tr.A D. lais. ioe RIee vsA;. . Praak Wre litt truste@. AdldisoB. Pauritir. Charlotte E. N1reeuau Chares A Patride orace t. Pirtritige.I Munsia Parnde.Ioee P. carter, knowuhirn rdei . Lmnuel Fra deceaaed "*UDkaewn b ein. or cile es ut Daniel if Beitnk, deesed.- 'Unkuowru owner and holder of!the note d"eribet Inl beuortaae a srorded la Book C of orecs u . ian d "Unknown onr of or prions Ilneaftbd la 15e real oBlate deenrtbed lu te Bih f niOmlact." lu Chn er(in. No. 3m matsatoryaMdavt thaton due iuoulry PatfrigeUnknownu heYs or deviseis et LeUAI eh. deeamd. ".Unlnowu hers rdevies& ofDaniel 1R.UOchnok deeea.ad," **Unkuowu owner and Solder utfte note dMdr*hd lutae menigiaireoeded lu Book nI of!liorhgaas.pige m-'and "Unkuovi. osrers ofor eroua luleresd illu tt reail etate re5ried lu the BIB o ompitntl caunot be, touud go taI proceise sauno ho set-vetiupnon 1cm or sithpr n! ISsu, sud that the det.-da&â Borsoe Y. PartrIdlge andi Mfaicie, Partnidze t re nol reildeutseoftb1e gft> ot Illinoiss antI glving thaar resideuce ..sd pot office ati'l-pii, bai-iana oom 010In toc office ut tt tht -rl of sald Coirs. 19tit,.lal-rýr--tar e-hyv i-i, ta the. eîAiietB.Pâtrîdca 'U rSin,, Sirp f-,..îIesa Lemautl Frenci.h ,-et. L'nkntws ire .or 1iviOees 't Danla, B hink t'cisci. leaeO.Unknown ovuner asti hI,,der Mehlie nttcti ttll inte moertuai-retInr i uBot k Cetf M rtgaea. pa6e..*..Ut kuwn owners or or rreons tlJer,-od s tte rlalestt:. Pirtnbalu te 15111 of Cemplalut." Horsts Eý Partiite andi Ma-cia Paritither.dfoestnta as af rmuati. 'hst 1ithesb- esard sooplainant fPied Soe 1,11 eloniitls n l si Court (tu t- Cancer- ietitereoot aud that a caprt, 1 b-rt-ripou i.auati -,t a!fpsub ctons'lt th. nhovr, name'-ci4O-endanli. rtrs'tblt on t ho il rat day of te Tt rw o! the Circuit Cesit t raid Lak@ tJanuty, te o elid aet t ;,it Ht.use la Weukegan, In .aid Lai' 'ont ')ut ftînt-tMon day o! Osie b-r A D latta. Ie lathi- oasetîsiroIthand shlli cuàI le'a lii Lzvi. 0. Baucacia. Clerk. Waîoa.Illinois, Augnos1.ilt. l'AULt MàlaCiluro,. ompiats HolCItor. te-c Adjudication Notice. Publicttiule, la iprsby leen tal the ttattrlher. James L. S virer, Public Ad. .siniultr'cr e lita ate o01 iattes KRuljnratr. dcpdae. ii l tti lte C-taty C t t,(tfLake uhonI, aIlterim lia-it e te. olden at the (CourtI firost ln WattStgi&n, lua ld Canot .a ho Ori M'taýdar ef Detember fort. lI vlthn anti 'ilie ail persoiivna blt aim agisst 'aid at-. o isnnlied andi roqupeteti&o etisaoul 15.- itcne te sait ! ourt for adndisal"e. Jacta . L twàîga. Publie Adminietrator. kAdmirtitrar of t sd lktsis Watteita, lii.. Asget ta.i19,8. 4-a WhrnTrililes Become Troublea fii tcn tai-siesuspect* Ihat them kîtineto tir, dran.-d boy sitould take Foleys T XldnV Rmedyft oncr- and net i*ktiavirîg higit's d âmc.e or diahotea, '<hs isal te dis-am. a sîtronger foot- Id ail von ihonid nat delay taking Fioly',s Kiduey ltenedy. FýuiÂaxIb. L-OYCLL. Il [-,I~ Father Time's Pleasure There la joy for Father Tuanein a stock of flanc pieces that snay be depended on for ail timie. It is a pleasure ta those who init on firatoclas time plecea bo getlLoto a place auch as ours where the docks snd vatçhes aay bc depended uponm We sel1 the best tinde pieceas t a price you might expect ta puy fo a paon ane, ANDREW MUSS JEWELER LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS 2Oth Century Cash Store Ouly a few veeka before1 the Lake Co, Fair, Leave your mcasurc for a new suit or a pair of pants made by the Royal or the International Talons. Made to measure and fit guaranteed. 1000 saniples to select from. Suits rmade in 5 to 6 days Fanta rmade in 3 days Men'a Black and Brown Derby Hais Young Mens Nobby Style Hats Shirts Neckwear and CoUia Shoes that fit and vear Floraheim and Mayer make and Menzje Elk Skia Work Shoma E. W. PARK1IURST scbîuck Bock LIBERTY VILLE, ILL. :A BOON FOR THE COTTAGERa Sa inexpensive is electric ight to-day, that everybody eau afford it, un cottage and mansion alike. Have you got it in your home? Cali Waukegan 1258 for details. NYORTII SHORE ELECTRIC CO. *230 N. Geneage Street WAUKEGAN.,,ILL* SOMET1IING YOIJ DON'T GET EVERY DAY Purclîaeing a piano isn't Dire buy- ung a pound of enfcar-a piano lasts a long whiie or ougbt to. Hare le aur piano offe: aee and earevery nqt1n. ment it to bo. we wiii take It ak Learn the. detaile of our eoy pay- ment plan. LOUIS J. YEOMAN WAIJKEGAN ILL ~FREDJOCHHIEIM SPECIAL ATTENTION To oui of Town Orders And Shipping Trade Telephone No. 46 Libertyville Exchange .1 BAKER I and CONFIECTIONER Libertyjville Illinois: MOTELS AND RETAILERS SUPPLIED WE DELIVER TO ADJACENT TOWNS :Z0*.,pSSê*UêSB----------****ê*ê*,5 A pleaeiug, good, hlgh gi- rade, truly RUPTURE CURED lavored, amber colored cnp of coffee tan IN ONE TRE&TRENT ho j&d.--&nd wthout the rmal cotfeebyte adnotsenîi thd danger, or damage ta bealtb-by simply telaetnowu. olnifemebd pl nw.No Iniectlon of poison, no Ions of usiug Dr. Shoopes new substitut@, called tim n hospital n pain: no kufle; no true. "Eealth Coffee."l Pure wholeeaome Thotsauds eured. toasted. cereals, malt. rinti, etc., Malte Our patients a! er takinu treatment, have Dr. Shoop's HealthCaolle bath healthfuilu ce ;Mîl Tt Ihatao,. r- îudssAat~iugZn20 tu 30 Minutes ATt.Ci for connantatNnu orWrtefor c Dr.Bloop I sid 5 CSs, l'itesa LLIOIs ITATE UPEUI&LISTS vii.v. ~IICk~I xpet. asttaauis Un. fsnssrlal uilfinu i THE NEW M.ET1IOD The. Quaker ua qives Ulevolume of warm air-the old'wag wam end is te give a smuil volume of bot air i The Quaker Furnace by its large heating surface from dome to base gives a large volume jof warm air. Furnaces not base heaters try to Imake up for this lack of heating surface by glvlng a email volume of hot air. The Quaker i ays 140 at the register 18 warm enough. Others rdeliver at about 400 degreee; this is scorched, not warm air, with the oxygen ail barned ont iof it and not fit to breathe. H. B. EGER ïï LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. We Want To Post You If you iuiterid to biiild iîow le the time to COME IN and figure on Lumber, Cement, Brick and Fln- ih -ail have decljned and we cau eave you mîney. EMMONS -MERCER LUMBER COMPANY. PHONES 47 and 11i1. E. A. BISHOP, Mgr. LIBERTYVILLE...........ILLINOIS LAKESIDE BRAND 00m~ln n~w THIS BUTTER 18 MADIE 0F PURE CREAN, FROM SELECTE» DAIRIES IN THE ELGIN DISTRICT Purity and WeliKht Omaramteedl Sold by CORLETT & FREDERICKS LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS -Telephone 30 E.% The Différence Between Cows is in the Feeding You feed acofor Lm1*k.i SugraDairy Feed baliaitcorep:r ent p= csrefly Waancd or tii r cis upoe ugarota Dairy Fe i uecilîe unlike commun feeds, i8 fl ot pamly for fiuh1, pardy for muscle and partly for muk--Sugarota Dairy Fred is ai for milk. 8.= Dir N. F.d. Cmi .g.rosCih d s,,d 5ot. - F-àMool . . . à,~ n 'u FOR SALE DV HOME LUM13ER COMPANY Lumber, Coal, Grain anîd Mill Feeds Te[ephone 50 Cigarsansd, Laundry Tobacco Office CLARENCE IL[AGG TONSORIAL PARLOR LIBERTYVOLLE, ILLINOIS Orders Takmn for Ralors Maa!nes and Put in Order P.rldàcis Guarantd LIBERTYVILLE, IILW C.oto LEO DRURY the New BARBER SJiOP Boehm Building Liber.yvîlle, Illinoie CIGAItS ANDI TOBACCO LMiNDPY orr;icERAZOR.S I1ONED ES CURE wiTHôuT THE KNIFE 1 - 1 $*oses@ ffl ý - -,W- - - 1 r 1 1 y r a ! it w

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