th of t4 be PICIEor s - MILK TWO CENTS t *e rsing of the isua TuesdaY th ,Mlg Meant huntres of dollars ta i' WIaakeg&n anti Lake county tiairy- t vue lia annauncedt teir inten- y let raliug thse retai prie aft11 rtu thse reident custarners tva k~On andi alter Use irt oftEep- c mregit cents vili be charget toi- Mt of milii-c Ca*Osfe Avace in Price. c bM dirymeis blame the cOv for a : Beoba1ati avance lu tise prîce oft1 IL' )fi%. Cow bas retusedt t fur- t emo»ugh miii bu supply Use d-y teof JLake caunty remidents. As an at tise dairymen have ieen com-p Wi te contra.ct vlth foreiga tar-il th susili Use tiemanti. Thse ad-1 M"4 whele prie. chargeti byb $,q«t rthse aounty tarmers andthtir MM chargea have necessitatedti e «V-aoe la price.0 Mlk Botties Tee.c -%* reidents of Waukeganuset wrmbains for Use ativauce Ilu , »ree er mii. Tisoundts of mflk Mian are ditrlbuteti annuaily OU local residents. Thousantis areg pS returnet. Tise dairysuen auffer lt but lter tise peope auffer by ijg tie pice et mlk iadvancedi. -Tihe New 5111k Prioiea boghtaulng eptembthUe first al Woomandi Lake countY tiairymiefl »' =m etise tohowiug charges fan Mtadcreans: 1 11k. Výte S quarta uneti daily, 14 quarts r et Wisr. arts useti dally, 17 quarta ,*)ke le quarts useti taiiy ( lu bat- ), 17i quarta for $1. V ie . 16quarta useti taily (ta e). 17 quarts for $1. :21er s quarts usetidslly (ta bot- êj l quarts for $1. ihege si quarts useti dally (lu dk) 20 quarts for $1. ;*te amdinlt. solti for cash aitlie Cream. Up ta 1 quart dally. 12 hait plts $1. plat, 8% cents; per plut. 17 M»; purquart, 33 cents. tisai 1 quart dsly, 28 cents w1IP rêsin, hait plat, 17 cents, 34 cents, per quart, 68 cents. nstor cash rate at 9 cents per Skim 511k. ýTlP.t je IQuarts tily, 3% cents t "Wbere 16 quarta useti aly. 2 7101 6 a quart or 40c. Whs. 32 quarts useti taly. I2idents qmt or 60C. VWere 64 quarts useti taily. 1% wftS or 95c. bARIM APPEALS TO MIS !OLLOWERS Chsdia. F. Parbani, former leader f ts Cintan Cathaiic Apostolie Wt, tauZMOUCity anti thseinangurator 9 * «gft ototngues' craze ln that p0ftity, has issue th ie toiiowing ppg for aid lu bis neveet move- mot tIes earch for Ue veritabie ark IUse covenant: Toaganmorie, Kansas, Ans. 25, 1908. u à.ppe ai. Te &Hl ny chiltren lu thse Lard, anti a 89i bretitren andi frientis, Greeting e y« u iJeaus name. 1, Pe sally, an appeal ta even my *Uilro, my brethi-en or frientis lesa blà Uat 1 have neyer hetore matie, Md It la a thing that t have srank roc anti looketi upan as a thins h bOqitint do; but after dly con- ldeing Use matter anti the circum- OtAcea leading up lu tthe cane le obi&s 1 cati attention. i feel that 1 ff net only justîfieti lui aking the ippal. but that t le a Dvie rter, %Wl tist same viii be a stepplng-sltîre lng Use pathway ieading us ail ai Lto Ue tiseper biessings ut aur God. Ui ln ta thîs snd, ant i th ib iss liotîgi la :niti that I amn makîng tiis apepai 5'sotlag ail wba are lii tauch wwttlt ni Wok viilfnly understanti. sud will iraag Use trutis anti ie readtilaletît g Islpng baud ln thseninater. Tc vb wo are flot, anti bave nevei ~~aodmy work aliow me ta ssý ~M~It la oniv ni:,ah ta reaebhi iwi ith a gopel that saves, an, 1~lo thope of a conmpensation but uinselfishy battis for ti IlW-fiW.maskint, anti tar tise giaryo doftg this work vil say, t a]s 't08!yaffl I have been reachii eu for-Use atvancemeut. the uplittine 0»e begiWa5andthUe goond of al pisiviai toehacstise masses, ant i « Mts1y the means at aur disposf a ed dligently for snime s fotue that voulti traw th th ie foot t tise Mater; au ff.earch my eyes ver, turne great streti. mnch-iavei ineci aought atter rell utMaaary, ln act Use on .esture tisa i vi ica he Ue or at tise f ..tor the. Naaare pe t figt nt iity &aAept «A»M tm stis e& va*io mM-MMM@mm» tat soulti JustifY in Use expeuditure M of time anti means ta Inaugurate a search for thls long iost treasure, anti appl]Yamn gladti 1 tell tise world that 1have the tacts. the data, the guide E: yven, D the caunt ry anti the mountain tling where the ark la iîden anti we expect to, make a search as soan as we can arrange the usatter, anti as soon as Goti gives us the meaps. This appeailaI matie especlally ta uy trientis anti co-labarers aIl over the lanti and saying ta you taco- in aider the long tireary nighis, the many Ti weery tiays we bave striven ta brins Io yo the truts andtihie bleesings ni ymn now enjoy, anti neyer sollciting, PE sever begging, but domsg the wark with no seifisb motive, but ail for tue B gooti of yourseives andti t the Glory of Guti. Now persanaily ta eacb of yau 1 a' Dame by letter sking that you duiY lx consitier the matter, that yon awakeu s to your persoual respousibility, anti asking if yau are lnteresteti lu the R' work of Gad, If yon are Interested lu s] the spreati of this Gospel, sking If ej you are sager for the facto, andtihtb 0 trutb caucerning the Itoly land,. to joinb me ta the making of the tour ve are planning a great success. That yatnc do ail within your power ta enable us ta make thia tour, anti even shaultih vo faitlin tinding the ank, ve vili have tacts andi data ohtileti by a personal visit ta, the "Landi aur Mas- il ter troti' that will enable me to glvef ta yon, andti t the worlti lu writing anti lu sermon explanatioiis, anti tacts concerntag the country, cauceruing the word ant i ts applications neyer h betore obtaineti, anti that coulti be3 gaineti luna other way.t Therefone, we are makIng this ap- peal ta, ail who are Interesteti lu this exploration If the Lard leatis you ta aid lu the matter, that yan bave a1 right anti privilege to do so, anti youE are at liberty toalad ta any extent1 yau may chnose. As yon ail know I bave neyer takeni collections, douen solîciting anti1 matie my wants kuovu scarcely, but left ail with Got autie bas supplieti ail my neetis, sa lu Usis case we are lu no way asklug for means, we are not lu any way sollciting, or begging, but we are settlng the matter before you anti ieaving ut wltb you anti the Lord aund you have tise privilege of saiding much or littie lu the matter as you fesi Use Lard directs. If yon vill cousitier that for manY yeara I bave laboreti. sacrificeti. doue ail within my power ta bring ta, the i oriti the truth of Pentecoet anti nov that an opportunlty is presentedti Uat w. feei yull hrlng untaiti biessings ta, ait af ns vho are Interesteti ln the apreati of Use gospel truth, ve iare placlus the matter before yau that you may have a part anti lot lu tise case. c Allow me ta say agalo that no one le asked tacauotribute, but if you feell you vaulti be glati ta aid ln tbis ex- minateti ea iucklly. Thanks e la isa ploration that vs are sure that wiil extentie tot the many wha trleti to bing ta us many biesslngs, much stpherawyorswd ine. goot, a worid of Information. yan bavestpierua yossotiknnes thse free priviiege of dons sa. We are aàkîng Godt ta bse tbe means antid nît< prepare the way sa we eau set salI Y UN BOY BADLY January, 1909, ant i vii yon allow me BITTIEN BY DOG to, say if you care ta asslst lu tise matter, please let us know the amount of your contribution not later titan Man Found Lying Unconscioue Had Oct. 15, 1901 that ve may make ail Be injurad in a Mystarlous arrangements for the taur, etc. etc. Trusting ail viii take ihis letter. Manner ai Waukegan thiisAppeal" lu the reai sptrit lit Fadai-y. vbich I mean it, anti pray Godtet shoaw yan anti that If yau feel you Fritiay noon a dos. snppaetiiy mati, He came ln an automobile wlth party. bit a thirteen year aid Waukegaii are caleti upon of the Lard toalad us bn thse matter yau wilh 80 inform op, boy lu the era, vlonely tearlus it, ttia3 v may be able ta so shape Our anti atterwartis lu tbe face, au tise affaira ebes lu AmRrlca preparatory nase anti near the eyes. for tise proposeti exploration. My Tise boys father took hlm np tovu permanent atidre8s is Tonganoxie. Kan., anti a lelter atidressedtiet me ta, a phsysicean where he vas attenieti. viii reacli me anti receive prompt Tise police took charge of the case. attention. The dos is ovueti by a South avenue V Thanking ail vho may ils interesteti man It la saîi. in tise matter. anti leaving tise case lu thse bauds of the Lard anti looklng The boy ls John Baremilus. Dr. Bei- ta hlm ta mnove upon the hearts of lows attendeti. thse peoplie, anti commending al my Mytery In Injuries. chiltiren lu tbe ,ard" to tise Fatiser Cari Retmsn, an empluye et tise for bis speclal guildanîce lu tise matter. onPout eiigCmay a 1 am, Yours tilgglng for the Ark. uuPouteiisCmay a CHAS. F. PARHAM. faunti lytugunuconsious on the floar e of______ thtie feeti bouse aithtie Car uroducts 7,GREW GOOD PLUMWS plant at 5 ociock Friday marinag, ON;lSPL M IR !wlti a serions scalp vounti an the t Tise injureti man vas removedti t John Sanders of North Sie Shows tise hospitai, anti aitboog.ahl day the What Cane and Attention Witt Do ensployees of tie i-m madie an effort to For Fruit Here. learu tise cause ofthtie accident, thei A __ effort. have heen fruitieu. :He may havi 0 r1 Monda:, îoom Johns Saîttens of thealien on hi@ owu toi-k. iy north sie ivotglit Into tise SUN of- It ia presumedt iat Use luJureti man Il- icea sngl brnch rombis'przevas struck ou thse heati vitb a pltch id fe îgebacsta i nz fork, as bis duties are those of passirsi n'pîtîn tree tiat weghed breaci, leaves fee inl etest isabuse. le and fruit iwenly fiac pouids, anti It le ___----------_____ if not a large braneis eltiser. There Bey Finda Stamp Box. vere severai score green gage Pluma Rarl Huasey, Bon of Michael Hossey un tise single braiset andthie visole Fnlday maruiug pcked up the tirst and tree is loaded down llkewlae. oniy cue vhlch may lu tne leadt t i. Tise tree bas been aprayeti once the arreet of the safe crackiers who ari In itis a veak soutionî ut paris green, Montiay eveiug euccesafniiy ilew eal he vien e fruit vas rnueh one open tise post office safe robsbed It o lit-ger and ts contents, anti matie a succestu: se tise nunîler oft linn uthtie brancis escape. id ehaw sat eau lie donce vus fruit lu Hussey vas a aiwrn iu bs father' id this connty. lumber yard vison ho founti a uisia t, u_________tn box anti a number of registere lie envelapes under a inniher pile int U ne A clever, popular Candy Clt Cure nortis sast carner of the yard. A pili id Tabiet-c-.alleti Preventim-is being dis- o! eiotbbng vas alotounti. It vasi e, snet by diuggitB sveryvlîsi-. lu a man'a clothbng. )t-e ors, Preveties aremsitot break An Investigation sisowedti ta tint tts c old-conspleteiy. Anti Preventies, envelopea vere thoee stoiSil tram tUs sots"W e anti soothsome, are vei-y post office )4onday evening. A nu= ~ ie r esitirn.No Quinine, no laxa- ber o! ibres énd lAve oent atainse ve Ur.olnghavais nor sienng. Box faun inluthe. Un b= 4<j~ E.Ul by The elvejopus#bd ,st**IIW 10« ML . LRIAS - turneti gerjWo BrigewterShortborns A A IERD FOUNDED ON THE BEST STRAINS Of SUORTIIORN + BLOOD IN THE COUNTRY + f. + fstock a t t h e Y. .~oung stock is L Cu. now on hand at + the Bridge= + fair. Theq are+ water rarm, 3 ail roiially bred miles South Of + ir nd most of, Libertyjville. b them have won few Yjoung 9 ~SNI No. 247076+ manQp preMiUMS Winner olf irst Premium MIinois State fair 1906 sires now ready + w. + Sf. Ianson o& Ciement + el. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL.4 Phoncs,123 and 234 r1* ~~L~1t CA jI1vf LOUIS J. YEOMAN THE JEWELEIR SAVED BY IIERO ctlgand Graphiea Acceunt ut Run- E away and Attendant Circum- er stances by One Wi Whio Knowa pal mil the John Unger ot McAilister near Cum- CIO 1055s avenue was the hero ot the Mr rrixie Smith ruuaway Thorsday eve- l ing anti deserves mucb credit for bisth part. Miss tiestrîce Smith of santh Jack- a sou street below Belvidere s5treet had Il last seatet bei-self ta a runabout with ciq nu eigbt year aid chîlti when the powertni anti spiriteti harne gave a at utiten start. The britile whlcb was ,ttacsedti tahitching chaîna on bath a ides broke witb this, shatteriog ane of the chains anti puiling the bit ont e of the horse's mouth. The horse boundeti bacir, breaking the other si Chain, anti falleni on bis baunches. No sooner titi he fesi that he was 01 loose than he dasheti ont of the barn, s steppiug on one o! tise reins andi break- N ing it. The ottser relu was pulledtotaw the grounti anti braken aise. 0 Witbont bridie or reins, wlth one c . hat anti the bely bad broken, th@ rf hlorse broke ttaàafuioua rmn anti0o Misa Smith anti the chilti hati a ride N' that beggars deacription for speeti. h Neither wiil ever forget IL . The barme tai-e ont of the yard anti weut south on Jackson ta Eightha street, getting safeiy arounti the cor- a uer ta McAllister avenue. Flnaliy heo reacheti the home of the Ungers anti i Mr. linger, wbo vas sittlng on the n steps o! tise hause, beard the acreama, rusheti out, canght tse homse aithUe peril of bis own Rite andi stappet i hm.i The young lady jumpeti ont ofthtie carriage, with the chilti, anti. tbe dan- ger o ver, teli unconscions. Mrs. Un- gsi- kintiiy came ta ber laid anti offereti a room lu whlch the young womant wam carrieti anti atteutieti until ahe vas again conscians. Bshe was then taken home atter medical attention. Tbe relatives anti trioends of Miss Smitb anti the chilti are tbaukful toi- the heroism ot Mr. linger lu rlsking bis lite anti gratetul to Mrs. lioger1 for ber kînt i mnistrat Ions. Miss1 Smitb feareti cblefly for the littie girl. It was la miracle that tise Incident ter- k Il un ertrude M.Carmais ta Martba J, cii WéRTrZ TI! Rf I"UNTERS wl"fl 1 Feiiows, part lot 1, addn. ta North .SOL) T BR weRLic Nsp riéIDWest Atid. Waukegan. Deed.,$2,008.93. Fumised Sýý j F. M. Abbott and wife te A. H. Ab- Samuel Schiwartz liau sojId the giest. Wardens Make Twa> Captures ln Osad Lake CountyTixtie & Trust Co. bott, 33 acres west of river, Sec. 26. part of hi* busineas internate ln R iver Reglon Ourlng Abitract. of TitIs. Titi.. Uuarautffli Cuba Tp., Deed, $641. rukegan te the Pabst S*wIng Cern- Sunday. Maaonic Temple Bidg. Waukegan, 111 R. B. Coually et ai. to Ezra J. War- knY of Mlwaukee. Detalils Ofa- ner, part south hiait Sec. 9, Shieldis Tp. ner nature alene rernain to make Games Wardens Peter Kirchner anti Sarah A. Maman ta C. A. Beswick, W. D., $40,000. * dmi ina ast las lre.dyb.I~ hatn Soor asiatti y Iahrt part lot 19, Saool Trusteesa sub Vil- Gus Forgenson and wtt e ta August e daqo facrl ita sstateady bt i ClSpor. made a ssw ed descent lage of Ubortyvilie. W. B. $300.00. Clausen, part loti; 40 and 41, block 4, osedaccrdig t a sateentfroon Soor mae a unwlcoed elaentC. A. Truesdsll andti wfe ta Anna Nel- r. Schwartz this wook. Tii. deal upon violators or the state hunting son, lot 31 and 32, block 48, Chicago Winthrop Harbor. Deed, $1. the largoat ln twenty-flve yeara iln iaws Sunday anti succeeded inbobt_ Sprlng Bluffs. Deeti $40.00. Auguet Ciauson and i wle te Gua %eý oca bulnes wold.ging two violators who were Ilned y John Dugdaie ta, Mary A. Baker, 3 Forgeuson anti wife, part lots 40 and The. conslderation, while nomlnally acres tn a w %., sec 29, Waukegau 41, block 4, WlotbrOw Harbor. Deeti, attd In tii. recorda at $1, was about Justice Runyard Ibis mornlng. twp. WL D. $2.600.00.$1 2W,50, and the property éold ln- Johnu Kutzler, ot Tentb street, vas Jacob Jonea ta, Scott Ames, lots 16, F. H. T. Ptter ta Fretik Schrumpt. finet thirty dollars and coats or thir- bîk 31, andi lota 32 and 33 Blk 32, Chi- udes the foliewing: ty seven dollars andi torty cents, when cago fiprina Bluffs adun. W. D. $400. lots 29 ta 32, block 9, andi lots 13, 14 1. The Schwartz Theater building tounti guilty ot shaotiug Iking rails Ptauatiehl Electrical Lahoratory, ln- anti 15, block 6, Winthrop Harbar. tWtradCut tet. out ot seaaon. creuse ot capital stock ta $30,000-00. Deeti, $ 1. Johnr and ContystreetluCeotf icate.Aice Heinrotis ta Fredlk Schrumipf, 2. Tii.eo etiwretz lcs tWt. onAtnTream tTnh J. A. Reeves ta Frank Lumber, lot lots 29 tn 32, lock 9, anti lots 13, 14 id GTeseetr o ae street, was found guilty ot untng in i w ý4 sec 14, Grant twp. W . D. & Ti.ueti csI oreretWa.rwîthosst a lîcense sud vas flned $2,000.00. anti 15, block 6, Wlnthrap Harbor. tree an Shridn rad.twenty five dollars andi casts. Both Mary Schwartz anti buabandti taGua- Deed, $1. 4. The. north sat corner of Water tave Pabst. Saloon property south E. B. WIlliamts ant i wle ta Antloch nret anO Shieridan roadi. detendants paiti the fines anti were aîie Washington Et.. hetween Sheri- Enec. Ca.. lot lu village of Antlacb. 5. Tii. building next to Haarbaur dimochrgedi. dan road anti Genesee Street. Ala N n Washilngton treet, knowf as the. The local game wartiens have palti E cor Sheridian roati anti Water ut. W. D., 8300ý tripe building.mayvast eDatRiedsrctAa N W cor Spring & Water sts. E. A. Cuniminga andi wlte ta, Martin Mr. Schwiartz retains as owuer the Aim S coner herdanroathani KolllotiveCrmmdgsstCricttit."t [orth Shore Distilllng Company, region iately. Tbey have announeti Wào 8Er t cs oreShrGnesee andKollt98 umne&C.sadte hlch dose a business ot about $150,- thtanY guiltY priswl etknWater St. Alsa S Wcowrtz heeater North Chicaga. W. D., $160. )00 a year anti has a stock no0W orth juta custody ant i fned ta thselilmit, anti Hotel, Waukegan. Anti saloan T. H. Dornt sud vite ta Jacob Golti 10,000, bis Higbwood anti Narth Chf. praperty, Graysiake. achuidtt, lots 16 anti 17, block 4, ,ao holdings, worth aver $60,000, his Michael Rider ta K. R. Smoct, 20 Drts sgub. lu Sec. 28, Waukegau ,esidence on narth Sheridan roa.t andi LOW FARE8 WEST acres la 8 W %4 Sec 21, Deerfield top. W. D., $900. ther property. W.__D._$2,_00.00_ 1The titstiig company anti the Via Chicago, Mlwaukee & Si. Paul Ry. W.chel. 82.600.00. Uder Zorth Chicago anti Highwaati property Low tares every dey, fieptsmber t Mcae drt Gl 8W ec 21,ntier- THESE WILL WED. e will %ell or trade lu a future deai coe i tpit nCaionsadwooti, 20 acres nSW ec2.De- George Fincutter. Uhbertyville, 28! thetofutureged the Pacifie Northwest. $88S tor one-way fieldi twp. W Dl $2.500.00. Mary Rutit, 21. Mr. Schwartz' plans for th uueseodeas ticket tram Chicago ta fBan Andrej Cepan ant i wwe ta Jacob Carl C. Gibbs, Green Bay, 24; Olive re not yet tuily determineti. Their Franciaco, " Angeles, Portlandi, Seattle fimale. Lot 22, 51k 4. tI<ukegan Hlgh- Prellk oet 8 settiement wili await the termination Tacoma, Spokane. Victoria, Vancouver Prel.Lk oet 8 of an eastern tripu.anti iany other pointe. Choitofotroutes. landis, W D $1,796.00. C .WrCiao 2 oieB He itihav apla toeugge Low tir@ tram sil]stations on the Chii- H. B. Koach anti wife ta F. R. Jaeger Gfuger, 22. th rvt akn uiesbtbas cage, Milwauk anti wlTfs9 acres lu Sec 31, Liberty- W. J. Cormlck, Green Bay, 32. nt yeît uily tiecitied. He also en- i>eai lap-oer&arr agemen. $7vleTp D8..GreM.Bok,2.-s.JHu .ertmins a proposition 10 builîti as far doubleb.rth la tosirisa leeper tram rcM.Bok,2.JsJ.Huy planta lu several cities. Ciaathelb.Paclfic Coast. Thia la a Emma Roder anti hushanti et ai ta Milwaukee, 26. Mary M. -Passing, 21. Wben Waukegau was Rithaut a apleisaiti opportunity ta invetigate the Caroline Kuîgge, 4 lots at Roek.etel- Charles G. Clark, North Chicago, 24. play houes lhe came ta the rescue antid rcutrlanti commercial opeufinga er. Also tract of landi lu Sec 32. Fr.ieuaE.aran21 huit the Schwartz Theater, Do0w the 0Wofrt along the PacilAc Coat Ex- mont Twp. anti lu Sec 6, Ela 'Twp. Lnr .Hrmn 1 property ofthte Pabst people ant i itla tension ot thia railway. Comploe intor- John C. Strong. 27. Mary Agnes Mr. Schwartz anti his tamlly resitie mation ires. F,.A. Miner, Geniera pa. Desti 81.00. Mngn 0 characterlstic ot the man that hie sanger Agent, Chicýago. 49-l8 G. R. Baerner ta C. T. Chinlunti, lot Miaelgan. 20.raleNeon omes ta the aid or the people everY Michael Muilen. D5$2Cran.00el4o. timte they show neeti, every tume 19 vn~ 6 there ts real necesasity ot hie assist- NEW SUITS FILED Atonie K. Friable anti hushandti t Chicago license. Nels Nelson, \Vsî ance. He ls a gooti citizen anti a fine R. C. Raffen et ai. vs. Christine Catherine E. Swauton. part 10e 16' kegan, Ill., Elien Carlson, 26-22. type ot the modemn business man. Itaffen. tor division of property ac- Western Atdun, Lake Forest. W. D. Fred liayner, Lake Forest, Ill. cording ta wili, Christine Raffen belng $3000) Jeunette Hutchinson, 21-18. Givan Farewell Reception. lu possession. Fred Converse and wite ta Frank F. W, Churchill. Watikegaii .tl Grand Army anti Women's Relief ii i o i-. Doweil. Lots 9l 10 and il, Smith'a A. Biddleeom, Waukegan. corps uniteti Tburstiay ta tender a Spl a ao il ilfr 2dAd otdLk.W1 20.0 vorc, th chrgesbein vilousbu-F. P. MeGinu, Chicago, 35. Eliza- fareell ecepion o Mr andMm.G. A Truesdeil andi wite ta C. B. beth Ryau, 35. Rinaldo Alden ot Miii street. soon ta bits, drunkenneas anti desertion, the leave for 'Latiysmrith. There were wite charging that site has been oh- Alader. lots 12 anti 13, block 35, Chi- Ralph Shalmian, 21, Chicago. Eîh many guests. A programt was rentier- ligedt t support six chiliren hy wash- casa ltpring Bluffs. Deeti, $50. Gardon, 21. eti, Mrs. Hamilton singing variaus ig Orvis anti Beaublen, attorneys. C. L. Harder, Jr, 10 Herinan En- James H. Burlingmarr-, Rockford, 29 favorite sangs anti playing on the i~sign ant i wle. lot 8, block 2. Hardrs Agae M. Svedberg, in. viaro ions cMiatieLokantilaies hle sub. Lake Forest. W. D.. $550. J. Weston Lovejoy. Marlon. Alabaini caropsspoie. csra ant aiecakefwere Quicir Relief for Asthime Suifera Hernian Ensigu anti wife ta C T. 2" Haaei De Grasse, 21. serveti. Foie 's Hone.V anti Taraffords lirmedi- Gnon, lot 10, anti S. huit lot 9. block .o.Kueler. 24. Lina Askar,, Mrs. McCleliand of Chicago, a memi- Ste relief ta asthma sufera lu the worst 1, Andersons sub. Lake Forest. W. A . L ev,nuon. 29. AngelaR ber ut a ctY corps ta whicb Mrs. Ai- stages and if taken lu time wili ciet a 'lgn 9 de h belongs, vas a guest aien. cure. FRAxée B. LovELI. D., $4,560. lgu19 a I. het 9. ta R t. 7 Dr a t i fl,