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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Sep 1908, p. 4

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'TY IND. EPEN E NTTRCKTViTIlw o! %PÈROF LKE CUNýySALOON VILLIANY <goo sTtletiboe Ne. 1. irdtors Resience Telepbone No. 1141. Libertyvitte EiChange Enteeed Kt the Pfftotcet Ut Libertyvile. Il_ as Secoond Cam. Matter osOKO WRKNL. AiVKHTiSiN RALTES MAE, KNOWIi ON ÂPPLlCAT10Ný ,,.,UBSCRIPTriON PRICE $1.50 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE FRANK H. JUST ..................... ....................................... Editor E. M . KELLEY ............................................. City Editor FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1908. GOVERNMENT REPORT REASSURING. ilenry Cîtys lu bis weekly financlal i'tvIew tets a reassurlng aspect lu tht governaet's prelimlnary harvest ce- ;',tarai, luit ssuesi, Htsasys: SThe wheat and cocn harvests, It la tue, wll probably flot figure qulte uit te expectationt current a month or i» ago; thty at, hovever, conaider- &abI aboya tht average, sud as tht dfaager point even for cocu may nov be. ebaidered to have been îa!ely Isaaed. ont of tht chlef sources of "orwenty ln tht general financial situation la removed. Tht wbeat promise le 32,000,000 hushelt ahead csf the final harveet eturns of a year ago, Itsett an excellent crop year, sud peices are !ully as hlgh et thote cor- gent et thîs date in 1907-about $1,04 per bushel for No. 2 red, tht standard. rTe cocn promise alto exceeda that e! last year, though by only 3,200,000 b>usbeis. tht indicated yield belug ".96,697,000 bushele; anS cocu fu- tures art about 10e per hushel over thse ps'lces turrtnt ai thie ttilsat ymsr. Final harveet cetucus usuaily exceed tht prtllflnacy Indicatione. Oate and hay, whlch are alto Impor- tant crotîs, are well above tht 1907 ce- tîxcus, white cotton, thoîxgh It has not yei advancesi sufficîently to justity detiuite esîlmates. wlll uîîqutstlouably rauk among tht hlghest ylelds of ce- cent yeaca. Taken altogether, thect- fore, tht agricuitucal sections, sud al whoee succes la assoclated wth tht products of tht ground, are aseured o! stîlI a nother addition to tht long yearly record of agrîcultural prosper-, lty that has remaintdunubroken sînce tht partial falure of tht cocu crop lu 1901. Tht agricuttucaliInteceats have participated only Indicectly lu tht ce- cent fiuanclal upheaval; they are soutu d stolveut; thelr purchaslng power la stili intact sud tiîey are wecely awalting the touîch of coin- llete coufidenîce lu exleud the hausi of fellowsilp sd fratecîtal aid to the Itiduttrial sud, l lnîru, tht mieccan- tilt interests of thtecounîtry. It le hacîily probable that these îwo inter- estit ili show much progres util afler the November election, sud lu te ueatinie their demanda willi fot become importanît factors lu tht niîoîey market. FINDING JOBS AND MEN. la everyý curai mail box on tht yull thtn put hir n l communication ,rOltas radlating from tht Waîîkegan vlth a mn who ilis tht bill. 8uiofce, there wae today left hy tht No charge is umade. or fet acceptesi, 'MUaI carrier, upon Instruction of tht tither froin tht employer or employt. pastasuter, a carS bearing Informa- ln air other respect, ibis service le tio for employers of labor of any simlar to that conducted by mauy kisif. This carS telle of tht plan o! large employmerit ageucies. Tht gov- the. pvernment's Separtmeut of com- trumelît, howevec, ceu carry ou such inoree and labor to dIstribute lahor vock fac betttr than can any private tbrotihout the countcy au needed, agency. Ibo curda whlch are left lu the ru- This vork le a new tenture, of gov- *e s "mIi boxesaroctnd Waukegan anS erument activity snd by sont Il vilI MaIwbere are accompanled by a pool probably ho criticîzed as pattcnalietic. càarItp b. seat back 10 the Separt- It le, ln unr opinion, howevec, a hIghly uoMt at Wauilngton, telling o! tht de- commendable departure vhlch gives Mrs, for laborers sud of what kînd, promise of hecomng of incalculable wlb.thr faroe laborers, common la- service anS advantage to employers 1bores or meebanles, Thus, suy !arm- aud employes throughout tht land. It or am"y eoShmunity of tht Unted han flot tnfcequently happeued lu tht "tl who needs a man to help hlm past that there vert pleuty of jobo lu au mM ot dSone that meets bis be hait, yet hundreds of men vert 1dle .yrsutrements. anay senS ont of these because they diS 001 kuow whece to rofiao to the depatment mentîonlng find thora. Tht govecoment proposes eiat b. wants andi the department. tobrhing the job auS tht man together. THE WHITE ýLAVE FVIL. The ' evelations made by Unitedi1 'Mttss Ittrit Attorney Sims ln the rartt aumber of tht Woman's World suid b. given as wide a currency asi ~aabi.. The exteot of tht white1 .1"" traffle and tht machînery hy1 ubleb itleIsmatautd should he breot h~ ome0not; ouly to tht officiaisi Wwrn tu Seal with crime but to par-1 obts sworn under a higher law 10 isani their Young.C As Mcr. Sima ays, thoueandu ofi girlis froma tht countcy are entrappedi mobyeaac and he points ont thetpi1-i tà ;net that the parents of the great( ,jarty of these unfortunates arec saara of their fate. As a couse-c nuance of thîs statot public ignor-t ,4Mbe the traffe proceeds unchtckedi es» by the efforts of proscuting of-f Sciais, wbIch are necesaraily restrlct-1 mal anStenapocary ln effeet, pieent to vigorous prosecution of offenders la a campaigu of education. Clergymen shooid take up th@ evil anS lustruet parents lu their congre-ý gallons as to the ceabity sud extent of tht danger. I n altonutthere le vItually no knovledge o! ihit evîl and how it manifeste itsebf sud there te fac moo lttît even lu cite. Tht problen la enormone, but lt eau ho solved largely hy educatlonal means, Tht respousibilîty foc a broad and systemnatie campaigu o! enlighten- msent reste vitls the religionussud so- cial ageuciez nov existent lu every comnunity-the churches, tht vomeu'e clubs, tht civie beagues sud associa- tions. The pre too, ehould give a reputahît pulicîty aud exert lts lu- fluence dlrectly anS on educational Uînes, to -tht end that tht publie may kuov tht gravity o! tht evl sudlils Whe± te greatly needed as a SUIt- Conditions. - It'à a plty whet slck ones Srug the astch or ttusulate tht heat and *idnya. That la aIl vcnng! A veak Ughaeb uNasweak tosuech nervea, ~, AM.ten iis ia alun true of tht àkd kialneys. The veak nerves *À utsd crvitg ont foc beip. This 4XOMInawby lDc. Shoopo ttatocative ,bjMWptÀy h.lig elsymach, htact as menmte. The Retocative jueche ont for thse actual cause of the@@ aitîsasae-the iaiing 'itelde nerveis. Aapvawa test tht Restorative 48 hours, tIt vont cure so soot as thet, but sou :,'ll smssy know that h-bp le comng. 8id by * ALL DEALERS. ,ARMtAERS' NATIONAL CONGRESS WMadson, Wis., September 24 to 30 you going to attend the convention -j'ai-muee' National (inigreet et -o 24 to 30? Il @0, èèe that ticket to Madison ceade o ,Miwaukee & st. Paul Uanservice 10 iMadison *14Y frmm ost poin ts in tht loimaplete information « 'tarn train service, ete. r$e agent. F. A. Miller: -a .grAgent, Chicago. Chancecy Notice, BrT rILLINOIS 1.i th. CircuiltlCiurt of Lakre oîaî, OrM. Dto jé rIP'à d le aSH csal hrîle vs Kar nafieid, J.r. (anieS s1,Di Di ver. XI chan" ryNo it30 HaUafsotozyaffidaittîuat h. depfendants, Mary .0atan sd iorrIs Itanfl-i l res oi remideuta o! the tiate o! Illinois. 80 thet it'oess Cannet be serveS rîpon uheýn oc situer sf tlem.hiag inu en liiosi luths ofIcEL of the Cleck o!fa"IdCounrt NoUIe leaIbîtefoce br-lic gîtes to the sai Mary (latuield aS Norcbol. iebl. tO- dantâ as afocossid that tho above rsmed Compualuante hretüfore gieS their Bill o! COmpilxit li gaiS Court. onthe155Oacr ldethereof. anS tat atummnlothernarion isseS dot,,f eIl Cosci siilusi tht abva named defendanis reniraeibaon tht Arei day of ste rniociL tiiCircuit Court o!ftLake County, t- he ieIS t I,the ou tHoue.- lu Waukegsn In salî taKle Coînty, ou th" firit Mtndiyof OctolierA. 1).il"..as lu hr Iaw reqiured sud uuieîh s1uii cill pondinsg LR. 0 D t Bnciay OA tk. EsAK . i.i txii(. tupliiitt8 .tt1oitor. Waak«su. 11L, Augubt 2q, A. D. lm.5 A plessiug. good, high îzraîle, tcubv fies-oresi, eutber voloceul sp o! ýotie ian be had-arud wthoul île ceai coflet danger, orilaiage 10 Iealth-Iiy siuîîîly uin3g Dr. Huîîîip iewnov tittie, ualltd Healtli Colto, ' l'uce usiolteout tîtasted rctmale, mnalt, lul$, etc., isak- Dr. Shoop eli Ciftte both heaIthîol ands atlsfvisg No 20 tii 31)0minuts tedilons bîllilug Madeo ina minute, sayuu Icr.Sthoop. lil eresi as cuffee, ils leste wrlîl ven trick an txtrt Test ilansiseet 'Tlfes Secam. Troubles OLET&FRÈEERI1CKS. Isees. supoetathat their m dwaaa.d ibey shoisid t De alt once and nt Pink Pain TabIett-Dr.Sopssîu g~~soa or dlabetes. headacie, vonanly pains, any pain. s, thse diepsos astrouger font- enywhece. lu 201 minutes sure. Formnula v~ boutit ot Sdl"itmoà on thtei25e box, Ask jonc Scuiggtst or - ~ doctor about titis formula-it'a flue, AL 094IERS. Kansas Blind Piggers Giver, Lie. Trial of Geni Trickett Denounced Assistant Attorney General Trlck- ett of Kansas, who has dealt the Ille- gaI salouns of his state and especlally of Wyandotte county soute solar plex- us blows, and thereby Incurred the eterual hatred of the salooiistos, has lately been made the vh'tim of tomeý choice saloon v vliay, s,î>s the Illinois Issue, the state organ of the AntI Sa- ]bon League. le lias hotu convlcted in a lower court, by a street jury, of illegally accepting fees. The, Clvlc League of Kansas City lhas termed the procedure a travesty on justice. The vhole proceedlngs will undoubtedly act as a boomnerang, as the case ls by no meaNs aettled. The people wil know hetter than ever what desperate criminals these Kansas bllnd plggers and bootleggers are. Of course, the lîquor lnterests of tht whole country are Jubilant over Attorney Trlckett's conviction, and are publlehlng lt broadcast. For this reason we gladly gîve below a leiter froin Mr. Trlckett, addcessed t in . P. F. Ferguson, tsi- toc of the National Prohlhitlonist, whlch la self txplanatocy, andi alto a copy of resoitîtlons adopted by tht Citizeus' Cli League of Kansas City. A Statement From Mc. Triokett. Kanîsas City Kau.,Aug. .10, 1908. Mr. W'illiam P. F. Ferguson, Edîtor, Chicago, Ili.; Dear Sr.-I ain lu receipt of yotir kind- letter of August !th and, of course, you know without my saying s, that the preteuded . prosecuilons are nothiug but persecutious sud ma- licious lu the ext rene. There was ah- solutely not one word of evidence to justify a conviction. Tht attorney for the coinllainant himself testlfied that the mouey was left with me to he deposited i wlh the clerk of the court and that he went wlth mef aud saw it deposltesi andi that It wtt de- posited bl the preseuce of the com- plainant hîmstîf. The cierk o! the court testfiesi that lie recelves iIt and hels itIlasd pald it ont ou order of the court. However, under the law, If 1 had accepted the money as a fee and kept Il, lit would not have been a iume. I enclose a copy o! resoîistlons adoptesi by tht Civie League o! this clty, tht presîdent and seccetary of which vers present at tht trial and heard every word of tht evidence. Youre vecy truly, <SigneS) C. W. TRICKETT. Civlc Leaque Exontrates Mr. Trlekett. Belleving in the eupcemacy of the 18w and tht greatest Issue hefore tht worîsi today la the home and tht church ou the one hanS, and tht sa- loon, whlch la a eyuonym for anarch y, vent, vice auli"epravity on tht other, tht executive committes o! tht CitI- zens' Clvic League adopt tht folowv ing retolutions thîs 28th day o! Au- guet, 1908: Whereas, C. W. Trlekett, assistent attorney genecal, having been active and vîgorousin tht enforcement of lav, lu confocmiiy vith bis oath of of, fict, sud havlng driven some 256 se- boons and thelr attendant evîls froin Kansas Cty sud Wyandotte county; and, Whereae, Tht trlumvlrate evl- tht liquor, prostitution and gamhlîng Intecest, trigether wlîh tht lavies politîcal element of tht city have causeS tht arrest, trial anS convic- tion o! the saIS C. W. Trickett ln ont of the luterlor courts wlîhout any evl- Sence to justlfy conviction, and before a Jury fcomt tht street; sud, Whereas, Tht county attorney of Wyandotte county having taken an oath to support tht constitution and tht Isys of tht state of Kansas, anS o do hies uty as saIS officer; and Whtreat, Tht retention Ini office of tht said Trlekett le conclusive ovl- sienne that Governor Hoch sud At- iorney General Jackson blinre that lte talîl couniy attorney la not dolng andS vîli not do his, duty, whiclî con- clusilon Is borne out by the !act sud the saitd couniy attorney bas lrosti- ixted hie office by lendlng l ln titis persecutloîî of saisi Trlckettt uthe most lawiess sud dîtreputable tiemeut of tht clty, to defeat tht very object desired tobehoobtaînesi hy tht state ini tht alîpoinruient of tht said Trieket -tht enforcement of the law; tîtere- fore, lie it resolved: I-We respect!ully Semaod that Governor Hoch order Attorney Gen- etal Jackson 10 at once Inveelîgate te official conduci o! the coonty at- toruty o!f Wyandotte cotînty lu al mat- terspertalning to hie office, but monre îîartlcularly lu thîs connection vith the lîrotecutlon o! Assistant Attorney (louerai Trieket 2 \ denounce tht trial sud con- victIon of Mr. Trlckett as a travesty on justice. and rank pergecutlon. :1 We liertby renew our expres- obu nf confidence ln Assistant Attor- ny Geiterat Trînketsnd pledge to hlm ur oralsudfinacla tu P Have You the Iactory Look There je nothing that compromises a man in the respect af the warld like a suit ai clotdkMut does not fit a suit that saga and bags and hangs awryUler twa days ai wear, Are yati content ta accept the, arbitrary styles and sizes ai ready.'made, factarymade cltb..--when a tailaremade suit ordered through me will cast yau no mort? Art yau satisfled to wear a suit cut ta fit an average man? When no average ma ever existed? Wherr the Rayai Tailars of Ci,- cago and New York will tailor yau a suit ta ycour awn in&- vidul measure withaut taxixig yau mare than Vaur us"a clathing outlay? Why not let me show you the complet Une of sneppy. dressy. original fabrics waiting ta 6be made up into a suit for E. W. PARKHURST "Taioriniz ai a Thousand Utte Refinements" Bcthauck Btock LIBBERTYVILLE, ILL. r - -~ -- - - - -w rtCüU OFFICIAL PA Pleas ure There ie joy for Father Timne ini a stack of time pieces that rnay bc depended on far ail timne. b jei a pîcasure ta thase who inset on ffritclass time pieces to get into a place such as ours where the dlocks and watches my be depended upon. We tell the bc* titme pieces a a price yots might expect ta pay fa a poar ane. ANDREW lIUSS JEWELER LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS I - ______________________________________ *North Shore Musical College 132 North Geneste St., Waukegan, 111. Oflers the best of instruction in ali branches af Music and Dramatic Art, by experienced teachers anly. The faculty includew Charles K, 1Lindsay P. B, Newcomer Olive B. LaChapelle Wm. I. Sackmen Mmi John Bullock Kari B. Stein Mrs. Kari B. Stein Robert C. Fulton BRANCHES TAUGHT- Violisi. Voice. Pana. Organ. Mandolin. Gaitar, Banjo, Clarinet, Corn<t. (AUl Band Instruments), Harmany mid Composition, Elocution and Drematic Art. Teachers' Certificate and Diploma Iestued, Fail Termn opens Sept. 8, 1908, (altougli Students mev enter at any time -) Studios (Suite of Six Rooms) Oveullollmnan's Grocerts. 'Phones 1282 andIll84. For Terme and Information, please cail or write ROBERT CROSKEY FULTON, Director. A BOON FOR THE COTTAUER o *5 o i o Sa i 4oeo ýxnensivei lotiL .ag.sî -da that everybody ean afford it, in cottage and mansion alike. Have i you got it in yjour home? Cal Waukegan 258 for details. NORTHI SHORE ÉLECTRIC CO. N. Genesce -Steet WAUKEGAN, ILL I. Cigars and Laundcy IL *5* I - emmuu~uo~umu@mume i - The INDtP]NDVNT and DuilyTribune or, Inter. Oce., rne,~is -50, LAKESIDE BRAND 0EUà nnannm 9yMký THIS BUTTER 18 MADE 0F PURE CHRAM, FROM BELECTED VAIRIES IN THE ELGIN DISTRICT Paarity snd Weilat Guaraneeta SoIS by CORLETT & FREDERICKs LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Tlelephone 30 The Difference Between Cows i8 in the Feeding Vôu fee a eow for niilk. SuprtaDary Fpd hm ira compnent at oereully hinee forbi procise pros ugaota Dairy Feed is .peciale; unliike cm o feeda, tsi8nt parcly for fleil. partly for muscle and pwrty for milk-Sugrooa Daicy Feed lsA i for mUIL. #.g . Jr .1,P.d, .al.oo at. od.S H.,. o,. -d. i Ohp..,1..0 eo FOR sALE BY HOME LUMBER COMPANY Lumber, Coal, Grain and Mill Feeds Telephene 5o Tcabacco Office CLARENCE, FLAGG TONSORIAL PARLOR LIBERTYVOLLE, ILLINOIS Orders Taken for Razoru Ma &inesand Put in Ordet P,,,cdials Quaanted C.S fi LIBERTYVILLE, IL.L. Goto LEO DRURY te NF'a BARBER SlIOP Boehm Building CIGARS AND) TOBÂCCO LAUNORKY OFFICE RAZORS IIONED ~aue~adixi.l Ito mUaoati.r, iNo&ii0fly TH1E NEW MVETHÔY) The Quaker Furnace gives large volume of warm air-the oki wag was end is to give a Small volume of hot air The Quaker Furnace by its large heating surface from dame to base gives a large volume of warm air. Furnaces not base heaters try to * make up for this lack of heating surface by -giving a smaîl volume of hot air. The Quaker * says 140 at the register is warm enough. Others deliver at about 400 dogrees; this is scorcbed, not warm air, with the oxygen ail burned out > of it and not fit to breathe. JH. B. EGER LIBERTYVILLE, ILL, COAL TIME IS IIERIE We wash ail Coal at oVsr yard before de- livery, after weighing. Nothing but Clean Coal put ini your biti. Nut,ýRange and Egg, Cannel, Washed Egg lIocking, Splintand Ind. Block leeding Question Solved Pioneer Cow Feed, Sugar Gluten,1 Dalsy Dalry Flour Mlddllngs, dý Bran, Corn Ileal, Oil Meal, Red Comb Poultry Feed EMMONS -MERCER LUMBER COMPANY LIBEYrMILLINOIS i I -ýL Ji el ai UN. - 1

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