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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Sep 1908, p. 1

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LÂioe CONTT INDEPENDENT. and WAUK<EGAN WEKLY SUN U.5i IsT~I IYA 1.1A "TT VI x7lL. t7Cr. viT N( lb !~ LIBERTYVILLE, L~AKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER '25, 1908-8 Pages VUOLLY !ATALlT VOLIVA WÔIJLD PUR- IFY Au. CHICAGO Branded ';"Rotteun as Hall" by Leadier of ZIon Aleged Pure Ho,!. A visitatIOn front the hiits t,! Zîttît (*tita49 '1ttrify (hîcagoit wlîîî hmasa hîatit-ti roltteiast lt i iiiIlv t - , Zîîtt leaders iîua John, AlexattIi )îl -u ,tt t-agita nti- i t ti- tiit-i ii thte îmilitanî t oi trîtll tîî,îtîi rl' i - ,ltt tht-lam pai is t t ttrî t agu tIll rit ii tîti i sfau- - it-, Il,, plan,* toii t ilt.,h i-t1t, f 1lii I --t- t tin b u-- tî tttt - ,afl - 1lt - tu"i t ih. i i i Clit ittri u t t- t i I î t t liy , Voli ttî'î- 7', al ;t -al i tiait 't'lliîN t1tali tit - .Ts 1ý 1p Il afali i-i tutun ia,, 'l-t - lita in iltl.ii 11wtl- aî i l ltau - itî'l îi î-îîhý rci (orttt ait, t-ia i- it 'itr Il t :,,rrnit cli -Ieil tf utt-,i it il Ha& Audience of 1,000. l, it îoîr- thaît 1it000 îu-0aitl- iii'toit! t'! the' inrasioni le itaî l ianii - againaf sinfl ('bit-agit la is att-at-k tron tht- ministirra '<oliva salti tht-r wPre sbuniiig tht- trutb anti that wbea he camne liewrotI e'xpost-thetm ing!y antInla aloi'b Erery chut-ch lut Chicago tami'in for a rap from the- Zion leader. Voliva tieclareti that ater a bat-I urruggle Zion City vise again -iu a sount Ilfnanclilhos.anti that Ibis was due to bis efforts, Jutige Kent-- saw il. LSfldis anti John Hateîy met-t charged with tiiscrm!natlng agaloat tIreVolitez andttaklng mont-y f romt tht-m. Voliva salti that mont-y whlch tht-y took from tht- coffers of the- i.eaves of Healîng, a newapaptIr pub- Ilshed la Zion Cty Iry Volîva, anti rrî plîedt-e1thre oldt debtetinent of tIre clony lacurreti la Dovles regime, mas tht- same as Sinole. Not Afraid of Joli. 'Tbot mont-y belongedtet me," be crieti 'TbeyokIt itwitbout r!gbt. I defy Jutige Landis or any one else toetieny It'- Tht-y hreatened to senti me t) jal,' he saad. Letttht-msenti me. I amnt afralti. I bau ea messe te give t-o the morîti &bout tht-se men.a wilI tell Chicago what I think o! Jotigu Landîs if tht-y hum me at the t-aae for t.' Tht- propoat-ti"invasion" o! Chicago, wbich la Volivas opinion le so steep etiln n iquty that it- mil!tlite a he- rote effort 10 pull il eut o! the mire. wilI bt-gin tht- last or Ottober. Zion's bandti i!lt-ad tht- throng te Chit-rîgo ('boire i! chant tht- hymne tiîat Dowit- gave te hie people. Whtre thet iret meeting w!!! le ht-l lm reserrei for later announicemerit. Publicity Carmpaign Pianniet. Berause tht- int- o!hautin and choira, tht- Zlanites lproposeJt-aett-t 'Pupon a campaigu o! puhlitity mot-i lîke that o! tht- politîcal parties. If ha plannedtet scatter 250000 pamipllef, as a heginier for tht- crîrsade, andtef follow tht-ni rit) aith as many other pamphlets an the work may retlturre. Maay parts o! tht- tty ail!l e vîsitet- hy the- Ziontes, '<oliva preat-hirig lt the larger halls, Stit-l as tht- Atd'tort luuin,ifIltlisobltaint-i, antitht-edt-rs doing mot-k lu tht- oîrairts. -Wht-n I amn teilimttîiertsar I aIll builti for mort- Settle-ments tii ZtoU City anti bavt- homes frr ail my pet- pe' promise-t tht- strcensor or Dowle. "Tht-rt-will ble îlentY or mont-y, anti mhen il crimes In I pto- Ise yen that t shah lie nîent for a large bouse for myselt I1 amrnni wrth a cent- at tht- pe--at-t Ime, a] though 1 have bt-tn ln Zian many years. Tht- people ehaîl have tht- gond of wahat money tht-y have taraeti" Claims Credit for Work. Like Domit- was ln ies day, VolivE it itt atraldte10tel! tht- peoplt- that hI ~i te man tht-y shoulti follow. HE told of linsîrugg!est-e 1save mont3 for tht-r, anti saiti he hati placedt hel two papera on a Soundti inancial basl by is bard work. -"The olt industitries of Zian City ar golng, antiltt tht-m go," hie eailli, i wiI makt- mont-y mit-b atw IndustrieE Tht- tourttehave ogprsst-d US SOME i, -hat, but me i!! t!!! -Win Out. I wl -- leati you Into tht- may o! pro8pt-rity Farwell's Wil! Probated. The- aIlof the late John V. Farwell. Lakte Foretairelident andi(hcg I)tisint-itithtad, wae iled ilu the 1pt 'i I)at e c,ilt iar! yNlonday uttrnîinîg. M r. Farwell letfrant rtatr-s - t- t0 lie with onîct- rllon sevrtPnhtîtu dîî-d ani jseteitt fît, tî,t,aittltîtl- lat-. \ mr.Fat w-il had i nadé a 'divi-s loi, otr hi , i t , t itfrt-ii -ar. att' arltlii tiii fit- t,1t, ýat-t 'ohi,-i h-l- Ilit i l t Jt ti g 'tIial tIV . 1ttiln t tIr.ît, - , t! i Ir FarwcIl tittt Aîîr-aatî-- hi mtintg ttf liî.~s'i xt~tîî,tlatnd aditltti' I-î,,! \tî, ivt-! ai .1 , , atî -C .,I t . t ndt Fat lî-li j 1t Ft u - AGED WOMAN DEAD. Passed Away at Hospital aI Twelvc Noort Vesterday.-Funeral Toma rrow. 5! r.ta i titreFanatit a res-lduîtt tf l-tetett. iliti at tht tant-, t.tltl- llrîtî,ltti atai-t tut-k Stnlai ai ir ai, iliten uOf tr- r titritth-t îlîra- lion. Nir. Fagati traclrriught to tht- hoit iaI tbree nionilis ago rtoffering trou, llood tlsortiere Irater gaugrene set ln ant iIrs rlgbt limlî wan ampuntateti The tieceaweti wait ixty titre, e 'st- of ae Tht- rtmains were shuîîped te tht- famly reitience Sunday Fening. Tht- funeral wes ht-Id Tuestiay more- ng etilt-n oclot-I. !OR A DIVORCE Lis! of Restons Why Mr*. Ruh. of of Ingioside, Can'! kive Longer WI!h Frank J, Uer husbanti bas an annal! iconne o! $16,000. Ht- matie ber cook for twenty-fivîî teamster, - He letf ber alont- nights ahen bc knew she was atrati o! tht- dat-k. Ht- chaseti htr from home, anti 1W!r-n aIre went t-e a board!ng bouse te live bc came for ber la a carniage andtItbent Refuse- te bpay bhtr board bllt He tht-n matie bt-r dot sewite l ia tht- accouaI. Ht- Inockt-tiaIl o!fht-t-teefb ouI Ht- refusedt la py tIre dentisl a ht-a she hati a plate matie. Ht- matie ht-t maticate ber food an btet she coulti wifhout a plate. Tbesee ste a few of fhe lhimge a bit- causeti Mrs. Ruh to file a suit tor di vort-e la tht- superior court lainbi-J rago Meonday. She alleges that Frank J. Rrrh han an Ire lu-Inca-t nalueti at $75000. TIre Roba lire at ligesIde. Sres Ruh sys she hart been morkiag early anti late fort years aiding ber husband lu building ulitshIbuîsiness, anti now she is conupltlît- to sure for a divorce btcause aht- tau no lonrger stand living wifh hinu. In addition tri corikitntht- ut-a for tht- drivera of hem hîsbaîds fwt-nty-five ire wagrins, Mrs. Rîh saya she wae cornîelledt r take came of ht-r rima family mashing and doi t- rther hotreeholti tities. Dry Candidate Here. Hon. D. R. Sbet-n, prohibition t-su ditiate for govrmor, addit-satd a gaond- iy tontourse o! peopleltrn an auta- mobile ltIn Vîaukegsrt Moaday evealun. Ater a few lnt-oduchory remat-ka trom Rt-v McGinis o! tht-Fîtst Bap- List chut-ch. Mr. Sheen teilvereti an orsîlon o! fully an bours leagth. Ht- very oevet-eîy coudemieti the olti par-- lies anti gave fada sund figures tri show that thbe prohibition party was the- oly ont- mhlch moulti tver deal mifh t-he lîquor traffic as t ought 10 lie dealI mith. Ont- teling point le matie mas tat IL mas nol ntcessary tri le an abataîn- tr 10 vote the- prohibition ticket. 'Give thal party yout- vate, support ILln lail possible mays, ant Iif you w'ish la you tan drink ail you want- lu, We must have your support ai the poile, bat- ls vet-y neceeeary for our sut-ceas." wADSWORTII GIRIL WROTII AT POLICE Claims to H-ave Been Victim Of ln- decen! Search by Waukegan Officer. 't aihore of 'w,!v', i ali ilalîtîs ta bave hi-eu ti, itifi tofait ht-u iu-r ari li-t ti- it ia, t of ',ti xi ar rtii itik titi r ti i i i lnd i îi-- ttt- t i - k t iil ', 1ý a -h ti ti ii i t - - tii- ît li -î-ilili t, n 1t-uit- w i ,t ttiti t j-i - Il l1ojt-,f li' 1,11P att'- rit i il i. a i. t t , - ,lt tai tt~îl-ti ,r - X it-l- ui1h l î-îîr- t ,t tIi.i y--fil l, ita t i 1t 1>titt h . lTh, t ight uo tr i l trthP, , i t- î-ret in thi-ir u- tt i-. îtît,-, lrt atîti etM-0ti- agaltttrt ttttra.ttttaItii te-atthi-r andîl ielziî t-v saii tont br r lolatei anti ni, warratnt-liaItl e lu- nîtet i Il hottprobahble ratise vstupport cd îîî ailliavit tartirtîlarly dr'ncrillîng the pilace tri le searched aud the pi-. sottrsor things t10 lieieleei - Miss Canlirore han statet.Il, la e- putIi. that tht- local authoritiet searcheti ber la the dentistes offices anti that six dollars whicb ebe hat Ini ber possession wan taken anti a re re!pt tentiereti ber by the dentist. Waulcegan people w-ere surprît-et anti startît-tiwben tht-y learneti of the- farmers daughter'8 Intentions. (Cbit- Ty~rreil bas always bt-en noted for b!ý careful manner ln haatillng sut-i c tase-s anti Waukegan people will haci b!m to thre limît provlding sut-h a su!l is stat-ted. The namiea of the attorneys whc bave charge oftht-e case were not ob etainable. SOME INTERESTING FIGURES. Thts in Assessaad ValueaIn Final Re- *urme by Board of Revlew. Foiowlng are tht- final assesseti valut-s o! Lakte county property as fixed YhitIe bard o! rt-vit-w for this year anti sent 10 tIre stat- audit-or: Enumerateti property, $426148; 1907, $522,804. 1lnenumt-raled, $1624200; 1907, $1,- 530919. Total, 1ttrsoîial, $2050348; 1h08, $2053723. Ralîroatin. at-hetiles C antiD, $56073; 1907, $262341 Lande, $3247085; 1907, $3,295,767. Lots. $3799,48i2; 1907, $3,630,875. Grand Total, $9,152,988; 1908, $9,- 006,71lit OESPLAINES MAKES TROUBLE. Spot-ha! Canal to Pt-osent St-mage From Entering tht- Lakte. '(o preveat tht- Chit-ago rive, troot flowin mb Lake Michigan an! pol- luting tht- cityswaster supîtîr as a rt- surît- of tht- Despiaines ruver rivnrflto hng ils banks and reat-hîng the Sotoh lt-sncb by wsy o! tht- aId Ogdt-s ditrh the tngineering tonuittet- of t-be dîrainage bar! Mouiaýds' ietitti ct-rh-ct- a spillway belmeeti tht- sut itary canal anti tht- -1t',lalntes river ai Wiliow Springs. Thbe proposeti spilimar a iII hi 2'00 teet itie ant i vi!! c absout $~<<1 Vuot-Iton tht- Improvenienîl us l i igin lu a te-m eeke lu order tri bave il cumpleheu btfore the- snnarl svi ir florodv. In Matrh, Aprhl attd May-titi'Dl- iTtec emr-îoratic nervei t ati't'tl, ls eh - htalthy nerve. t t n D t tîeet of t-tit ,, t Itt, titt t gno e oii-u.- i ulit wee-k liiOtttiit bli rat, ît li-! ealeti tît , ! ,,t t,r, siit,',!lttRoger Siilîti:tc. oi ,itît tai'- a,,!n ('harles 13B-it , - t im In nCher words btg chiefs of the le- publtcarq ranks actually rece eai pleas to help on the democratic camrpaiyt,. I Th.r, NIa .î, s ttt i Ittltj - t- - ,1,i i a o ttlif o artig rt-a i -i ,,- , t h iti'ii r - at - antdirr'lî t-, ý tit[i t 'tigii u et it ît , -- l k, t .i t-iii lN t 1-it 1I t lt u il t rifi o en tt- 1- t s-t- t ry tii 1 i,: pa-t1 a lititilti-t r taî 11sit Iiitl t]wii- irlitlt-al t - - tîttja l attiftiliiv- rittht,, ýýiAtheittr (le-,i t tw t,tagai ali tmadie tht -t -i di, iratit 1' a 1ih artistie it i 1, ,igg,st(,d that 'it. ltitttltît-rr-u t ry thel, t t - îîîîit lîtlt suts iti' FANATICS WAIT FOR JAIL TO OPEN People Tire of Deeds of Alleget Pt-e Love Sec! That Refuses ta Change Nauseous Habite -The- torirs o! tht- Iake ruîuînîîîjail wlI htîrst as titi tht- gales rtf heil anti Sanrin,. our leader anti pruhrt, ailI traîX !rom therein a fret-marit.- Thus spake Joui Coîbart, tht- leader of the Zioniet fret- love colqsay abo ii pet-- sonaaly eupervising tbe mark tarteti by Sanson prior to hie ht-mg st- tenct-d to serve a t-cm la the Lake t-ounty jail. serve bt-fort- he wi!! Ire allowed bis fret-dom. Amanda BlockI, hie consort.t mas dismisseti by tht- eheriff only te- cently anti letlttIs clty almoat- Imme- tiately for Zion City where ahe pot up at tht- Crosby residence, tht- home ot tht- fret- love roîonY. Tht- followers o! the alleged crazeti fanatit- stili believe that Irepasses guffcient aolbority 10 burt ItIre Jail bar anti doors anti malItfro% ~therein a fret- man. '(ht-y heieve tbsîtbt-y wilI make op some momnn only to fruti tht-lt-leader la hIe Zion' tome. "*Tommy rot" shoot the etber pris- ont-ts la tht- Jail a hutare itompelledti r lieten tu Saneon. Caplaîn 't'alker ofthîe ZMon polit-e force is stilI hot tii tht-trail!o! tht-se fanatica mi!all ie hem ourt p vitilag tht-y pick tiiltnid habits a-bit-h as ail know at-t-altihng but nioral. WIAT BECAME 10f W!ALTIIY 1ARM! Prienda of John Rat-suds Specuiating asa laHia Whereabots. -Gone for Weeks, out fat-mer rit Noinliatenan sd tht- Golf roati WauXt-nit uNa that le hait tilsappeareti anti ai- -wt-tatunas lui mIraIbt-rame of hittu Raesîit- bais brýetu guuttfor oser s month nom antI hi- irtuuiid.eare Mani- feslIng eymprtomu- ot t orry, George Pattet-son, poseibi hi-i t-batet-trIend. Ibis wmet-aviclîrg lu, anitt for te te of tht- lrrrmtinl itizen. Some time ago a Iwni Raeshie irat ment amay tht-St-N lîrdt that he hati dieappt-ated ant i aaue urquitlee mith tht-rt-suit- that hirur ltivt'a matie the etaemeal Ihat IlhiXitt-tswhere le mas aI thet ime. '(lis at-tk NMi. huteraria staleti thal eveti tht-N titim-'tuntsw lihere he t l om ext-tit the iv some. place in lIre stu- iiof'Minnetsota. anti tht-floot waters rt-act-hîe sonthh 'ately-w'ealthy. le ta-i a place of hia tht- aid Ogtiendit-ch. Freqruin tIcth volume o!filod watt- l r i iti rtit thal Il titras tht- tutrt-at lnthe Clihuueo river troot tht- drainage t-lattîirlito- warti tht- lake. Tht- namt-ow irrtmo! the bridges la tht- fesîilaint-tris-tr entit-ts Il Impassible for, tht-itreai tri cat-ry off the surplus aa'c,, anti Prt-sitent McCormlnuk sungeittat tht- coinstruction o! tht- spilîmay Oversion ah W'llow Siprings ae a lemporary re- sidet-able moniey andtul utIrtt-y on lhe dealb o! bis motitîr at Pasley, ln Scot-lanti. Hie leeving Warkt ran aavgent-t-l- !y knowno as waa titi- caiuse but thte tact that biserhreahiuuutsare nol no-m knîomn us ne-s and t t-auslng mut-h talIt. Mr. Pett-t-son tai! that he was mak- ing hqulries anti htujld oht-ar enon thal Mr. Rateide lisîlbt-t-alocatetior hie fate delermineti lIER AMBITION Love of Finery and Association Wth Fast Se! Husband TI-eir Home. The strrkrtg tale cf a soman's fol- y, lier ambition to rse beyornd her own andi ler husband's position in the world, wthout the means, her con- fesaed dîscontenit mth her tiusbands incarne, her fatal love of automobiles, late suppers, and costly finiery. all leading te eventual alleged crime, came te ight Tttesday witli one of the monst striking Ftories o! fraud, sa cati- ed, that has eve. been recorded. Secause a foirmer Waukegan society \Naman, a nîgh 5chool graduate 'nomu for lier lteauty and charm, os alleged te have heen arr-ested in Chicaga andi made a confession ta the effect that sine obtained under taIse pretenses ove,- $1100 ta merchandise tram Chii cage departouent stores, lier liusband had been oblîged to mattgage their home ta g et het trite and even yet she ta net clear. ti,ilm- hii i n it irgrt farmtert '<tlnkr'garîirruta, ita nu- t rîýti of!Cticagît. irhîti. ,aid tutta-e AND LADS GATIIER siîstaiueuh ani, itIia liii if $81 il Quayle Misses Opportunity. tfait- t ýh iotf,-. ii-t i; i l ,îk itiiti rigttittt ii a i iti ii Iitti,t i-- t i igIti 111,ii 1 ir - \îo,îîI tiia, ir i i it tuti i r iai -ti- ttttittt-t tî r-ath'i, ar, to ,-jiiti-, I,- for tai' ittt- Itlt- ,îîîî'tîaI-lt,-' tt~-t-t i lf-r t., I, afi i-t a a ns - lai, r- hlen tttt o Needeýd Autamobile Costumes. itinin iithe aittinitttlt ie 1h îî- it- a lii cîîîil trai -i ait exsittt l'ai- ,i,Itflot-i il.th, tîîttn ittatîtît bi-gan tri1er-i lieitoil t-,ationtinlulite ittt tutti-ad tif i t-titn hr lIterriiiitied tii litige at-ail lit- i htitantidraar a nalatiritof$150 a montîl. Ths rhe M'alais now was. tîît enutgh tri sulport ht-r lu the gay rouantd of bubble tar rides, sopperti att,] excursions so il ls aldatishe figureti ouf ont- aoflihesimplest anti most exteneive systerns of allegeti fraud that t-ver came ta tbe attention of Chicago deîîartment store deteet- Used Friand' Cretdit Ticket&. Tht- system sheaet iglesali tolie amplicity Iée!!, She monîti finti out bhe nuinbers ofrtredît slips useti by etores mîtIr thtlt-accotante anti would Iben ortier on tht-m it is allegeti. For Instance there was that stan- ninir automobile costumne cotlng a round eum, whlrb set off ber duart heaut) ln a stirikittg manner. Tht-n tht-rt- wae that fine lace see ore, ex- citing the- comment anti admiration o! feminîne atimirers- Fate Overtakes Her, How long she ordereti gonds on at-- coants of lier frientin. as allegeti. la not knoan, buI as lu ail tast-s, dis- t-ont-t- carne aI tht- belgbth o! ht-t Worked Clever Scheme. She waasforratioat It le saiti white operatitui an exct-eduîtgly tlt-ver scheme tCalling op tht- bouse o! a triend ti lta allegeti she pretentiedti1 lie a tlt-tk from ont- o! the great stores.- "What it 'tour oh! at-countlnom- lier?- she a',kt-i the frienti, allegirtg that ehe tran a tlt-tk lith Ie act-oonts Tht- atinarit gît-w tli-oru thouglultt-eitout- uuglil to lnaa tht- namirer o!flitr accont, No, tht- atore dîi tnt krîowthe nuother. It bat beeti Irit. Hot t-er the a oman i t- tirstd tri give up tht- nurnber. She re- porteti tht- Incident inafeati anti dýtet- Ires ah once got on the trail. Pictest Six. cf Bills. lit somti matnr th te ldentity oh tht- a antan mho hati asked the numlîcî wasa tarneti. Shetrait una-el! kurian so young. vo leautliftrl, tbat naritue bati tht-bt-art tri îrost-curt-. irateadtpeoenîI-rho lad bt-t-ltvit' tirnîzeti yhy ar ingrorlaortitreti iy tht- Nourig matrili01o, theirtrt-dit vîllua at-at tri tle huithatit, tht-t re aita scene, andithIe agit-etiltrwaitmatie that avett-uten t rhott uilut' miiie hi tle htisinri '(hîra a-ile ilt, ai-te rrtistt-d tht-y tsii ' îaiantI itatters hale-fair ta rira tuirothly. s Arresteti Anymay. hiomeeii lii, ay ont- torîtautset- Lt-d a bill foui"intch over abat shte hati purirbasetILuti-r raid, anti a houat-i tective-It was lti Marshall Felt's- aîîîrrrat-ed lt-m antîl alul 'Comte, nom, trIolit tht- a-mati' tht-kaom a!! abourt how tht- gaule I., torked but a-e aisb 10 row aho the trornaslh.' Petorceth îe rirltiitolti antitht- rest îtaaithal tht- aileget! fraudulenît 1iirrthast-t- aavarrested. tLt-ont tht' hîrbarîti tet- amily home il ls aaid ta aqutarethiags, buI tht-t- are no mare automobile partite "GotlInto" Formas- Waukeganite. Among tht- petite Watrkegan gIrls againti ttir he o tha tîvls ealle i-la it t tain t i- a ao-rtht w Iea JURORS FOR THE OCTOBER TERM OF COURT. Lit! of Grand Juron, for the Lake County Circuit Court - October Termn, 19W.8- iletitoti O C. Pîngl. O. L. Tindal Newpor-Pete-r Gît-ason. Aatiocb - John McGu!rt-, Chatles Blunt.E Grant-Otto Mut-ht-cIe. Avon-E. P. Shanke, Warren-F'rank Burkte. Wauktgan-N. A. Griffan, W. Mag- nusson, James Maise-les, W.C. Bromn, Shitlds-Henry Vit-kermran, Linos Nt-!mtyer. Libertyvile-W. M. He-ath. FPremont-M. F. Wagner. Wauconda-H. M. Davis. Ca ha--George Froelich. Ela-Henry Pepper, Jr. Vernon-Albert Saut-r. West Deerfleld-Wllliam Bartmus. De-rfilelt- Jullus Lat-geler, John Fint-y. Benton-Rex Turner.1 Nt-wpot-DavidMort-le, Wrilliam J.4 Oli ver. Antloch-Josepb Labtion. Grant-itraak Gat-rison. Avon-Clint Heade-. Warren-J. R. Bracher, William Mc-1 Clore. Waukegan-lobn A. Sutherlanti, Corat-ltre Bidlnger, N. T. St-hast, An- gus Morrîson. Chrisf Holîstein, Hart-y AIscIrule- TIromas Hatton, J. W. Put-ma, George Bu-kIt-r, C. F. Ingake, John Chrîstin, Carl Westerfit-ld. Shields- Frank BiIIow, M. Bloomlng- lianTh'(ornes BucItte, Richardl Domm. Fremarit--Geirge W. Brase, J. J. 1,iie'hIe \'taucoiuda- Htrgh Martin. c'tîta-But t Houîgitallag, William Grîr. X'eraon-Aifrîti Statut-hff, G. H. Smthr. W\est Det'rfie-lî illiam Hîrlu. INeerfileld lchBerîribe tW. D. LIghlhaii,t, F. Hogaîr, N. Clamplîtt REPUBLîCANS PLAN CAMPAIGN. Candidates anti Memnbers Arrango for the- Comning Camn- paign. Sattttdyi, at 12:30 members et fli c to,îtt cenîtral committee anti t-ounity îcandidatt-s attf ilh Chairroan Robert Corîaiiy aittied -at Imelve thitlt at the Hotel Washbu-n, alter- aards atijourrning to t-be beatiqoarters at 104 Wtanhington etreet. Plana tor tht- couaty campalga. speakers' itiuet-aries anti other ar- rangements vuere matie. A fine lttem ast-tad from Spteaker Sbtirtleff. Harvesî Home Festival '(le anîntal Gtrnee Hat-vent- Honte Festival, which is ronteiiet-ettht- sec- ontt annîtal Lakt- cooaly tair, mii! Ibis year open September 251h. Tht-rt-at-t-mare pt-emnume thant t-ver, anti more mont-y ia ta le spent on the display o! producîs of tht- fat-m anti fielti. Tht- to-tprise sttoroughly com- mendeble anti aîways altracîs large patronage. an Etabarate Function ta Chicago Sacîety Co-ier. il ild % i., un i t i iioTît, i Ia - Vitii 1t foi i t ;r t la-lita Ar- t, ,i i.Ii!ii bitrtl ît - alilthe, rorri- - iti Ititititiýr ioftati -tire i ,T ilt tt tolii i -- t i a-i tutti,- tii lie ci,' , - ir t],- tand i lth ,ir it lie- t îî itit, titi tii parItuof titi'litt- ii r tt e th,ýi- ttlltiîîaii,, îaektti i a ii laii hl,,,ti,-- of hc il, i ti t, j it taiti iîidInary prit h r city I trt rt i SaN tt hIi da t Jii n- iii , lmu nirtîhtr hair. was hoýts t- itiil liii tittay tariy dance. Iake Fui tcarîtt-t,,look an. As lier gtie-stswttr' arriviug shortîS- hi-ore 2 ritlot-k Lolîta tîrtve lier owou tari --att-I itltirit i ithe depot anti tarrieti ler fatbci t1. Ogden Arînour, liat-k iitht-et-tcn tif lealîvities. S'oon, aftertrart inthîIe irme eof an- rther junilor fashiîîiaitýlr' but little abov e h- ru naire, Loita glideti ontû, the ihiior 10 tht- drain-t of a Stratas aaltz atîdithe diantce was on. At :, oiock a hall waa calleti and a loacheon was serveti. Afterward thre dancing was again resumeti untîl dosk, wben Latiia took ber stand ln the entrant-e of tht- Armour home and shook bande with each departing go est. MIEN RÉLÉASrD BAVE IMD RECOM~ Police Get Information Relative 10 Fourth Bunch. MI Have Police Record '(bat tht- Waukegan police perforai- eti a service t-o t-Ie atate of lUlmOIO when tht-y cleant-t up the gang of @sus pt-tted ste blomers at Fourth Lake mas proven '(hursday when Chiai '(y- rt-Il got exct-ttps from tht- records of tht- tht-t-t men who met-t releasd two tiays ago, Tht- record o! Fred Weaver in the- woret anti shows tht- gang t0 have ht-en composeti o! thorouogbîy deaaer- att- charat-ters ready for Ktratag.mX anti spoilia Wt-aver bas serveti two trmes for burglary, ont- for cocaint- selllttg, and t-wo for other offenses.Ht- han also bt-tn t-led anti acquît-ted once for murtitr, the- verdict heing net- guiltY atter a trenuoua trial. He bas bt-en on police records for t-n years. Stetzler, or Stein, le Ibm out on $6000 bonds for compiicity In a big race track mire tappIng dent. Big Frank Wt-avt-t-la (00 Weil known as to record t-o net-t comment. Believe LaItesa àCeita. The Chicago anti Waukegan police hellevet- tat tht- lakes district bas ht-t-r matit a tenter for trocks of a tiesperate chat-acter anti a general raorndi p may follow. Il is believeti that there are st-vere1 gorit tipst-re la a deal mlth the crooke 10 protect them anti keep Ureir pt-tsent-e a secrteland tht-rt may hae a tlt-an up la thîs direction soon. Case Net Endad. Tht- case against tht- trio relleased lu Vi'aukegan leaflot ended by any means say tht- police anti further fstepe are 10 be taken te make Wau- kegan anti LaIte couaty sate trorn tht-lt- tepredatione. Beelon, Sept. 21-Mrs. JackI Gard- at-t, tIre sociely maman, art- collector anti leader o! tht-smattsatt, mho onIY a te-m meeke ega mas Involveti lnaua attempt la smuggie some $60.000 moith of att objecta into tIre courrty, t-reted a seneation la st-date Boston totiay ly promenading dama the ex- clursive Copley Sqirart-setion o! tht- rty clother la an tîtîra-darng sheath goma tbal openeti cîtet- to t-Ie knee. Mre Gardnier more fiteh calot-ad esik ato-kîrns. A ct-owîl thal grem b several ble. tir-et follomeul ht-t until she appeafla to a policeman. HegRt-gla txte.> lo ht-r anti she ment bomne,. . 1 te e e y 0 c c $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE.

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