Dùoý uriny -b la* ii o "u M 1wew s M UT LNRD.Tf5~PCY Suite. 40. 1l1I-La Salli. t. CIIAGILL. Or FRANK-E. WIRE Lock Box 457. ULvîý"llf, fl-i ~~ussII ImberFARM MACIIINER LuhCemnt, CoaI Poots and MlDwvork ulve ME A TRIAL Fe s.eIHEAD Graploke - B.&erg -i Res~sur.uut of ail Klnds REPAIRED wlth Thorough ness AND Dlspatefh Dise tlwrrws S51--euÉ WILLIAM LAYCOCK CCo. a" e~dLaem" .ve op"te St. PaulI Frolght spet' et dauheurs f« ob MWork AOsle~~ n Applicaliore If, e;iiàsocial. liJ'SGmit13 lb u glve a1 o, euiba, Oct. 9. lors < wlcag, a tulu al ob ri à fl su ee' 0 y ecordial yivtdto ~Pink avd. loy ~ Soml jire.John Bertong, qI.eck titis wek. ,~oamasn D. C.of Mcenry, le lu' ho Dl ot noi t 111ou74 » hejur- m*#ughte .Mrof *>euvft~lU O ttiLUtb VI . * Vola, Sturdoy. M'VOW n wag the gout o r ll ~ent fot ~ maijdmd ecently. wit fieds u WOP 4.;aIc rlu attenm iii. nd lra.Ernel RId veltd m boowsmu ,aud Jongle, 0o amà( Enet Wad m*t olo on dal I14« sudMliRobeit$Smtb aidani- l Twa" p t, of Wancondà, uaa sudti. à l m ..(J0e1.tSboLoaP nnill, Sondsy and e!Keooba. spent 8uaday at the etMam. ~Ihi home. Wblle bUbdls hoane day làii week Pr; 1Jobti Turner, o! C2 cj=0 pet à" Saurbadomhafld quite ueverely1 e*" ldaym utit las Unele JO crg«Oubeê ----- --- . i$me" yon lls. Mm @ uri b c*ard. of Balnenville, e Ed Wa*btboiansd uit s@peutto ewuW" t=eàgpue *upds i. valo, Tuenday isyu W! lait w" in Lake Formai. Wdeds ast eek. gluie Amel ia IkIe ln vletng ber MlirIrnSIello, an cidrna sisier ai Wllow SPrlngg. Mcea[ry %OW9 &ndav and Mouday IWI Proctor, of Libertyville, spentu.ib tbt ora #t:parentistMr, sud Mr@. Monday bore. eyNcola The new postoflce ixinres have heen liIe Bellen Rymuud epent tacit man ged int. ouw pootofice and ihey WedàosdaIlu Visgo- mire a verppelmg39pPeràuoe. There MWSo hp ob»î r.turned to be.r j@ 92 lok. boxesud W, cal boxea home bora itter afew lays vià wlm tumalu188 boxe$sinanai. severd alve f rietaiPrpbeletowNý-. 1Il. àlready .scnred tr boles ai ibe eW oI& iceb hlh uîlprohsbly h. opensi lir.êpaI Mis. SeeI anîlrhildren were ant Oet, lot. ruent XWDOpcud.lismrs. Tii. O-aylake Creamery 00.o-ae lilas Balla t9t ha gone to v.. rapldly .ting twer machinery ilnorder MWI«- * he wil plt her and viii oon he ready ,to'commeace mltai. Iii. W.M. IBacOD. buà!ineffl. JMr. and lire. FA 8nyd&r. ofFoi Lake, Dick Bbmelgy, u .,4ert eutneder, uho and Mr. sud M»%. TIwWinkl, of ha en employed at tihe Grayàlake Mbf weWrato i tihehome of eanniiig facory the P-t two montSe. lotoC*.<.' yle.Thue Sriy y loit Tuesday for Norwood Pfark, uheré à aVlaVuyl ut .rosyII he wiliiha employed by the Rlttbold Co. Dr. Wells, of*Anda. loin attendance. &6 thir 1lafLe green Sonne- YOU cia buy Iw tVirginla Splnt Coal It tereported thatli re. OPO. Bnrha.titsW-kechusp . Soss-.iEit Lvui- bas honght a housesud lotin Wankeg-.an u. (Co. t1ncluJohn liook. uho ha lieen oeriouely in for ffleral dayaleseomewh&tIQ RE impro*ed. Dr. Clark le hi@ attculingl pityseLa. i rs. RelUe BoStby andl Mr. sudlr. Frank Bruce w»a Wankegab viitor iJa&ms pmeuy vfsted wiîth r. sud lMrm Mondai. 'red ILeoimibrI"toi. Wim.. Saturday M. B. 'Atusîl sud WHOe spet several 1a-d Bnudsy . days tIis useS wth theirnon Màr-hal l r. sud lir». laiDunning entertalned 8. At,*.l, Jr., nad faeully. relatives 8und@W,. yooct Mreo hgnaSmliCa i, sud Mma Sitla Hughes, froint Un- obeuc cm p. ZWetrVnOW& SMUEECON sI __apa SUiywith Itheir parente I ~ " one ni ~ LLZ.. AND O orrDINICS .lr. mi aiiai1 tlr.ad lire. Ni. Lambldoidé Wmnî. Jahouà s ed ailli 1155op Sunday i muS . and lireé. RB. tm. aosapeioine urai CICIARS and CANDIES .R.. B. no!Rsell lir. nitlire.Bspesausi ud bE LAtTIDIT OFFICE spunt Iiaturday audnil miet .t Yu, trous Big Timmer, -. i TI Phone No. 19. li Coem aiR SfIe 1 ea1ctd r i'swday aoi thé pai week witb fi Mr. ameon f Rokeflle, taqsatok «ý. BugLe. and family. mis MM ER*CPrbi.bsinssieubore ÎUondav,. , r. and tr, Fasy Hamilton. frain Rol- tile, aled ler, fat ueek. umd. N EW tiy r. Wiuk. an expert isilor o!flrlg Under the iim.picet4of the Modern TU! ~ S!fltoit i- ,.itoW enipoyed at i W..Jahue Waodu mMi- WLotie Tillaison,.-.an , te Kppe.ot uaorohors . l i pie and cutrn frnt aa i il, c rmu ltr erdap rdaIRe. a le ieau e gu..rtat teutailtehome, Wlshca to anounce tn tirs utDaturdai evenlîmu.a(Ict, 8. Admision they wll open tnp, lbrbo liersislug hrdaugiter. tire, Wm 15 sud 25 cvents.liant failta h eur lber. Th ere ce will Ie an E co & S nd&W The lodernM iW od en cea d ab u scem factutSunaiest c bel a .Ove tlîmf ram theHarvestfHome Wary,,ay 3d ir- you ARE CURaBLE, WE evatal nexi Sunday ai ilSudcîôck LaId the Ep scopat Mîcion hall. Ail thoseifetivledThraisdrda.E lu uetimefo odrs for Decratlo ôCA CREYO nterested lu Lavng îheirchltdpn attend iibite lu all1îinnawere gond D l'lie mY eu Mto! crearnwltlihé wltitell !on wiland hou ton eau ho Alonld nait ta hriug îhèm' ne% 'tTiierd vas mot ýqieh a laredisplaty .i m llCu ~e ni;prceesseonsble. m .If rosi a i et ur omfies. or. If o hscwinday.! Evrybody welcome., ~vge*lcantm1ioersais toast year on ~ ~ ~« g~ writo aa about )mur 0cas e IUimd OPSeperdtlionua â kcu ofuî a! l. weather. ad Felapim at ao issu esta m.m.iaOOatfoFo JonL mîlli.,8ner l WlIamH.li w. ar l letn ~ FRANuRYSke,,K& H to iou - contyIlit., Aug. 18, 1855an 4U OnCoaoriiaembe stand uife moved Iloto the e i hi@s boume imt(tumre, 11L.,sept. 11, 4J11119---k. =-el'houventIl o tjky . Oct. 2 1, 1 $86iha vaemarrled io1 lmat' 1ou. an lmnninHal! Day. Fire alUlat4 pgle1~I reored ihat T. A. Reyipoldsi, * C.aM r. c.k Syers, o! Mur. nntsnleelem*wnlk» ùit lottlk mln uo!f, T rn. irJ. W. clapiain. 1' obe Clothing lCo., o grsiay" *id Jue it ud. uic.of F IB RSTOW , ittei u uavr oe 1 n. %i si~L~i~Lo Mie~jJII5 ie wLivdow, el g8 s mit bother. R. B. Wieo, UANVATUiR0F __ni ..,R Ridyeyýan, uspe ratail, lom' a. and tuo alsters, lire. tANUsTUEt r q Ats"Y rteThoma,. oI CroMsfIldi ALla, d « co .1grâlid Oàdv tet ba. talessi ofthé aUrvive iai. it. Wilson wa a ndGrnftZ op bidte la what ther cousl4sve 4 tient suflrer for four yesa va decoratialts. Th$Y ueo. .Wnned ta hiseW be ethe1mthon vtnoe I tor net E t, aille puly uedded paIeir étwrli *9b0,hios ilnees hilg rsisiu ............... Slnd mmd lovîmcg husaband m -. . ~~~, - *~ ~ I B. Z 0dbe1, a lay readeor lll'-coassi rc rsd %l uOke duas ua heviooýi wlil b. gros* mirnlusd lu thé ......'... t'Oa ie ~ * y.W ben butsa yontzean ho 1ý 1ý 1 > - ' 1 csButon i.B. itrcit5tM d rl . ... 60 é sé WÏ" isoln returfed bon Wd- bobomember. fSe ato was a taoI1Jpndns.ead«O wth for twen ty ymn eo! thé M. W. of X j n inerai vau beld Sept. 18 n»d CQ Uom mSUI...... lt e = -cPilO, o!Ctc~g, @pont laid 10 relit inlu Warre *M hj> er peromuelit. "id .Rer. H.,ikiof 'l199,Park, . l ,bffl*imi . 'i. à odose nion"ehs meR.bw S~OM*l(Voy, of Sauce, 111-v,,:etd mvsiyswithbhiebrother, Newtûiu, A.B.Stwart lef i b ond*y for&a ten dalr 1visit wlth hie aughtSfrItr Po 0r f N, HmUtou,OM air. sud lir. E. Donnrtro I'-Os&Y fro IDmolIll., whers they Mim C. . Rater won a Cbicaqo vlutqr Bruce 8tpecms, of Wankegan, id an job bbeveaion ultIt the bhoefo"S John Trrotter expeets 10 bave a sale1 mou snd move to South lakotOa. M r. sud lir. Itouubab l '0f Ev &"eton, deidJ. A. tbsln l1 FlY.- g1ineSner 'hcao ,.tuI. iÎ41 jei' wgainsa oIr b sepi. 26. lit. mu4 Mm in. n1%om, 01 hertw- vil,*la - ephoam.fer a few weeke for iero.W.G.To. Mêm s.W. G. Tho. s»d son Wt rud'for shW wuea =ii 5bi4 ire. Mar Mate, o9 4Jhucg, Smt iatnr.y uIS bramotber, Mie. obs. Th@ oonirnuulty wum toMTbi abookel i Stwrday SIobaMmof tio 'ge$m" lestS 01 WRn. cheve. Mri. rChop# 0@oi plaldfai a i cutbut di noS tski anythng mrlou&.. am, sdêtre. I-. -Tower Vf hiu seml(t evenlng sudseng allgbt h4 0s (he lited alons) thonght he maigici Le ,ait. illad-went tome0hIrnbnîcoud not amuse hlm. They calied hie bou. John, and they fOuuitu indead. liert :allure was thecoroner'a verdict, Rev. ilaylor, of Iloody tustitute, fllled the poîpit let Siknday althouglâ Rev. A. W. Saord, retnrned to attend Rin. Chope'. loerai.. jir sud Mre. Joe licCrone, 0! WaUke. gan, worm called te Miliburu eàrlY lIat. urday morning On accotrnt of the suddea death of the lattel'a father, W l. Chope. Miadame. Wrn. Hoban, Deitameyer.- Philfant sud Jackson, 01 Waukfgau, attended 1h.uerali W in. Chope. 1The Ladies' AId Society will h"d thfir rogular Luoathiy wqetiug Thureday, Oct. jet, in the church parlors. Dinuer wll Le oerveçl by Madames White, Welimus and Bonner. C. E. topie oct. 4: songe of the Heart. "ýunr Vai'. and Their Fulfllment,' P@- 116. Lucy Spafford, leader WUonStrang, o! Rochester, Wts., epent Saturday andd uday st homze.' The Mlibura crmamery closed Wednsé day sud Ooet. GerritY Iqt for Rlonnd Lake ta task charge of tbm creamerY there. Simeqou Ainesretuned Tuemda7 tram MLceb r~ where he *peut a West witm Mrs. John Bonner, epeat t b. day wtm relatàves B t Ramul Tueday. Obltuary. *î». Bonry Chowe.- .of tbe beut Saoa rimu cfilbua *à# ba tonui. dii eddsui of ouatb ou w bhb sparentebongh' cil rrst MarcS 13, 1841, b so inse =de B m bornae. TU pd bl»=eyr chaugmi ounurs 0011 ,~llasO.rS me lime ln the slitim Juy15, 1888. There e limsmhidr , indwceaad, Mia. Lissi Molême 0fiýukmsgand loba , mcd MgI = lulou Re Sluistaomp ig la beoidéssbis twOodren, leà- aiW rot &ad =*tSer, lrM i7 An loocilimiit, sud a bàM f -e1hM tJvesandfridaliuMliboum BO sa goU citi n d a klnd nlhhT .ura - - i Bndy ro 1* o farren oernetery, By ..m ffieiated aithe ohuqule. Ierue ras largely atteuded bji, rlnde am ne.iorb.s h beh.tfrauM SOM ut I POR Ligtl TlAP M AL MSATE 80N RcINT ORe Sorih.easto' Lîhrt. ville.t Inqire aI J. E. t iOîvim vile'laqqt7 ie 0 J E 316v. FO AEWIIlpoe adnoî located M00&cme fatmln easteruIowa ai $70 pSyion. AddmiJ.8., INtiPEN. tàb«YWe UL 50-6 W arr O tN@ff stu ?obeeo sham wM *tok m mbery.M ARMI-»W. havlau, ueo o le-. lu ---la --- --- - --- ---i- . 4 0 800 'ara .00 47-d &Aiel 4"* FOR~~~ -A--A r --o--o---n- d' subdivisIon, closeoteo»mm eeti te. prwPO.0 vox&Aam 40-i aard od fInis. Àeif lgi u ooîpn r.W Oi or write Jl I. M i îtle. II . '36 ------- AP-O UNRV! R PE -OWN AilkNDa loUT sleRY P doER. --hfail Ihavelo ".l'lamd e m whrgIns . .WoT, ibu"dyvIIsu* F O R A l ir a0 u m o d r, , g i o r linum Ob Park Ave., lbertylle. Lu. MIAX A. W*LL..4tfr Warren township near ýDruce'b Lake I snuiuer mrt.r000u.20 acre with. building@, oue40 acres wlthout huldlnge also twoother faimS, 60 sdS 80 ss both with buildinge. Por Pbrticular. in uire of JjAenu A. BEau, 150 go. But rIt., aukegan, Ill.. WANTE-To tentafsrmof aloolG acres together witlh the farin Implemrnea near & laS. and- good rSoaPottionP facllitlee where good cc ommodatoik cfae Lebdfor smhler boardoerabond partlculara to thistS fie. 9 FO AE-Good drvig 6e~ n olWuIgSt 1169, O ai .4ih=tit Wilwovk a Iwbn. 1m a Comit ty P ae. 13 POU S&AL&-TIU.Uood molle, vb les. L.ciIMUl at rn. ~vs s 5W4 t",.cm" or Ruao NaNmu, on. aill IWAt4TUO ais* %0u boa ve Ch" mentoml fi. ý um Po m iii. <lu.k, FOR RENT-#VM eru bouse"u 9> AUSTin,. TO RENT Pluom Bargalu iuadpu ltelphone 5m8 FOR SALE-1ule4,@I. OS PhSo22 tel* eou sud tebolie, lW t lu e frarorgenei*lttU& balupeced M -Y meI FOR SALE-75 cQrdaotu 1LO. Bavuzew, oun4 lAS bal* dJom$ LO$T-RtbbeT tif* e Parkb7,Vneal'sei bertyvlerat'd 1em il n bepote the eateoinftu wM* Who ws k. -------- lix ma<r**. 'bis llnity exteudis ylpaies bth.e 0.lms~.L... , . . COÏtT Md wl îmnery. part lots 1, a. lgiand Part. 1I» ZLi~~ZZJ Lait* Couniy TitIs & trust Cà. T. W. Dw"er and Misée NeIlle Doyle, @peut Sunday ai AbSirate of Titi.Tille àtiurltwed r lti.b home. Mmaonle Temple tlldg. Waaksgan. 111, rlt1.Sn Louais J. Oxuz Sec. prings. W. Dl $0 Fred Camhmors mas sesu au aur streets C. P. Crouch aud one day laci week. , Sereral Iroin here attended tLe daqce James'Wehbb and wife to. A. E, dy, lot ini Sec. 4,)i et Hugan'a lest Saiurday ight.*'I1$750. Tii.tenmenitoiae ! Edie ui cilcher, lot 4. blocki 6. Si*le & rhc teneme burne4 lat Ediule LuingDouglas, euh. Waukegan. W. D., $850. county clat 0 'ehult. C. J1. Cauterton and mile tn G. W. 1 lot iiiSe. DM, W. wLile attauding a bai raine, til 5Cblplcy and virIe, 1N. 43 lit. lot 3.lc6, bloc .Bae Pearl Faàikuermac etruek lu the face13, North West add. Waukegafl. ý cago; part loptivA wih the hall, cutitig ber seerely asn lot 13, block 8, Ole resulmi o! breaklug ber glases. D., $1,600. lisses Laura and gBm lui are attend- James KéL ruaIt and vIte ta G. S-<N, ort b fl, bP& iug businesscoîlegeilu Rukegan. Sanie Rettig, lois 3 and 4, block 1, Haî's North CWtcuo. 7 mare of aur young people are contein- reb. lRtghuood. W. D., $600, plating the sanie.re Miaurice Lux le on the gain. . IsamîlaFal oer to Frankl Wlod Tb* long looked for rain came at Iast asi.ltL15, blocli 1, .ThoiMPeait'$ attd. - AFne** Fl brluglng uith Il e nord uava that made aukegan. W. D., $1. . Utadbaa oun think uluter uas lest approachîngs. Mar~tin Krolitami vilet. WPreuxi9erytaI.ItkoU ira. Roy Ray, dl Indlanaplm, @pont ldeilt9,CMIS ' t a f«ru days ibis week ulth relatives hem,. Woeke ltP.Crnnne&( o.. en___ ý Mir, and iru. ULly, .o! Rocklard, &M. add. North' Chicago. W. D.l. 1. ul, apeudiug nm ie e th 'the latter% Nellie Matihewe .tsIJ. J- ilmurdn, X*W h eA Tod 'à parents, lMr. andlira, liant Young. north part lot 70, 'HlgtîOOi. asd trsm-c &u* isa Mamie Scbmur le vislting rInonda part loi 0, block 41,. HUlhlaI Parki. %*%IlWi lu Milwasukes Ibi ion. W. D,$4,800. laUmsBarllett returned tra i h i. p ElizabethGrat thlu&B. Cirent, ' Lemaudtv Lux are attendling Suhhl o n OI ,D btisimeucil-e lu Waukegan. $550. t t liurray, of Russell,ues sen on Catherlua9097sdo usi' it to t.Moden omr rte Sundfby. odmo jrio o .b litre. fSbemnOporienhurg end Uttle QBy« e*spsdb. ,w. » # idw«gter viiei etaiWm. Waddell's L, Q. ru - and w tt rliX4 1 lema LuixsaciBid aiDitne $peut 41*<ho , &Sliu lot r4 < 1 aturday et RWUesi. . bIaiS 4# WiWbl4FU<P"W. D., 11,1~ k Don'Ilailto0atteuiltic. all game eut DenUIl 1ltIVM 404 wvit u 5oIX O, «MAI Saasy *it. Rdmuotitivu. Ksaosbsnit k SbodLelt f0, bok 4. Batofrb%,tvtt Brando ,... & o.:. spb. Vw*eait. W. enOff 3ut Obole doun aid look et Ourkisl liaes hu I of coal. I U R$.140 aipfs9 J .Fas, set~ e5 46 l ý*ifLW. Ilii.lm! 2. Ioob P1.P Li*j..aamiA e aet dif.aflv1» I. 1 - - - gýo - ý ffl ý ffl 0 0 - 1 - 10 dý 41 ý 0 pu FI, Popq] 1 1 aM ie r-k fflýY--