Octobr Oth.(01 Wtebr cf the. WankI* DWI eU2N1 Dm r a.-àAs a mmber of thee 0mb. AtbleUç Club, 1 vua lnterested ta luit eveulWs Gazette et the ap- pareit Contuadiciftof isherifi Grimf la the mae m m. (bat hoemaltes hlm stat.m.mt ccncenb*tiheablition aof boxing ezibltioni ta hla jurleimo, meli CoLTF. . Stroes" tatement us h e Mim ou u.d t Tort Suer- MMdan mt Thurdi? eveulng vwa not "eId-tucide thi e erv&Uttonid there- torte i.OMM sAt ithefart cauld do notldng, aima aylug "The Port Sher- dm. Club la.alo. uiaugh ta the Unes » h b wOIOm" and. "It la np ta the civil mthorltiem and no tir u I have beft *hie ta learn they ha"e dans Compis Cii v" Sherif Grifai stateuien± It asaee*M u oneanof the tvo gentlemsen ta wroag, sad If It la Mfr. Gri:%uolIn- certaini! lacon- alitent 1. ivng a man from Ciii cago ta caine loo ][Aie caunty and bold ilium.exhhbWons vien lhe re- rusmes ta Peit a lcal Organisaton vtich liai attempted ta iii? vithin baundi ta do thei mre. The. Cule have donemmii? things ta eniven thia cty la seyeral vayi. dancing, fout ballbaue bal, carit par- tien sadboiug, avlng held boxin exhibiton@ for tbree yearsanduAnoyer b*viug auj merions accidentasliappen la regadto f0 lujne uas mabeen the eame la otiier cibles, and tieme bouta baiapbraught moue? loto bthe bavu. -Tali the. Coulan-deull figbt. fTere wia botwe.n$1.300 and $1,300 groa receptsand Aover $W 0wvrth af ieatm were »o utide of Waukegan. The. boiera recotved aetthue mat 800. Thon fiÉure vbat the. crovd that Seth- erM dedy long ipent la the bui- no place of thia oui. and k viii metoail lemt 8400 more, beidem wliat the. club recolvsd. This la one tu- stance onuY, the. theri are the sanie. Nov If 1Mr. Grtfin le incers he aho.ldd tollthe. Port Sheidan club vblcli, i holding a "bute royml" au fi in caled, bl iaiolated fhe law toaa greater siient than vu, If v. have vlolated It et *il, or oesmepermîttlita club, vhich ham always bran a credît ta thie ctY, ta holà itffl and keep up the. name that ve bave hbped greatly ta fltkd for Wsukegan vbich in a "goad Hlirbusmnesscfty.- Caudtdiy filas net riglit, on the sur- face t leaut, sMd if tiiese thiugamar ta b. tOPP011 wbY fDotstop the. bind Pige snd gambflng Places liat four ont oLflvo people cea point out, vhicii ir e tr varie tia hat lhe uberif la aller now. 1 dd ane intuud vttlng go _mucl but wvi'&'ilathe. editor lndy te, Towni lcoly, A IMIKER OF THEE UB8. LLSLM MUffTu MMT5 Th.-W. eif 'WI in a"e te Dis. Rsv. Oserge elutChiei or (rw w.i sarmSun.) nT a là ibs? ile Coa, ar lhe PiratBatut éurch, fie rosi nmne of uWh"tila lt.eI.j8Cima, viti mima Drs, Diver as tuer, 1Mba tacontest for ittendiac*Vaes evithi Roy. Mc- GnUW la'clan d viiitender te(le tn Deri a bauquet et the. chureli Thora- day nilt (h. een tfo ties fieform Ofa a Iiwe'eum air vIlli nvoditee.- tores.. The, girls 0f9Iel diMam regalant biser and are @boltgItL CONTRACT FOR 55W DEPOT. C'rom W.h«És amsSu.) The. drectora .f the. Cblcge & Nrtivestera Rmiivy Comnpany have &arded le thi. Geru. A. Tpuler Com- piny the. contraot for the construction Or ias nev pasuger station lu th. city a!fCi(M e% adif la udentood that tie vor-k vili commence imme dtely. ssb@uOtbe l Us855f0te ~ liiibail Gumundeilby i engvu d §W ti. reteu et weh5 TuS.hov- @yba- finaliy amrivli em nue .wM b. a ire. man s»Ma fA. todr. Maher. tics Pr.stdsndet »» ToM. wihParbe *'uM &stIm Ulule A 0aop~ vie ole side ~ dutbeataasti vWbw and and bw #* é nêo Ubse theKi.& ~- d icosur.e- Mw-mfflass hm 1* iitevm& tet No CHARGE *fot ALTE ftead Every Itâm 25ccoretcovers . . . . 4 5cmuslin drawera19 Ail veilfngs ..HatIo $ 1.0corsetsu ....6 $4.50 net waists ....1~ Child's coats wo;th$4.00 18l 'l omep Beautiful Wrusuit$ lu gray Checkanistiu coat satin jhmbd,- Uew faf model, worth 11 Fine Broadaloth Sulta, trim- med wMth stin, mil Odoiu U.w pWateo qgored sklrts worth $MM.0 an c09S, orgm upto$20 12k &Mil s badeo4 &an sins, w ort $3000 w.' iver; ho vmaliied Lt £ered. ,time el $00pana=s~t $6.0tfi~aekwaists $ .5 fae sI pettkmot 4; n \ e ARE Le bal- SSto& k ;~ fi ~ ~ à ~AJ AL SOO1C )f SUCl ea r? cien, rei out Hanuime au col=r, mned wfbà gulur i I. 1 wOoue 1 gusor Fiue al e regum Tuab" Us Osm Soaufs to match...... ... Jap Klnk ftOwor w......d....e ail for 1Iit msdw bAkonly, ew uy bave S, limld iaumber of thosa AU eus, ortli* -08w mntfr Mmdlbh Very 13! also coi is ad DlrctM 01 ail wOolPanama lu ý,tbà - MIW 1g«od or ~pitod, moda O~C0 . . . . . . . . . .