_4W a ilBléeetedt, lot S;Oorifam'aes u. l i *veBe 3paat*, rm ah lok1,Lno uh. Waukegan. W. b<atj ther for the Pbet Four Mofltbu- D, I, Pape FlPled Fia.t.« George D. HhUliard, rée ete M. Mrriinan ffhua. xpart lots Il a d too WJ OTD AD aet Friday s*arted Ruit for a 12, blocik 1, Powella ad.tao Wauke- &, OU O É divoeu a bswt oLusaW rergan, on Park ar. W. -D., $4.650. dom, s"HUhrd, &galut , vhom adltery Andrev Cooke ta J. K. Orvia, part FWctRin nt t he Brd*ad js charges have bee pre!nrred. of Orvis' sub. of Waukegan. W. D., ~kp5*licaacouif Polaf Tise suit tortie divore la the, Ont- $0 fogn Uncnscius 'n Pol Of ojne of an arreet whlch vas made j Lovsadwf olar ot UI.od, Family Detitute. hi ythe local police orne uoths a"o J .Ovsadvieioiar ot - sand viicis vas reiated lu the SUJN, lot 39 blnoik 2, Orvis' euh. Waukegau. »Iler Bierman, a EhOe malter em- when Mrs. Hllard was arrssted visen W. D., $200. e lu intise sboe %hop wvicis as found In a local saloon n ucompauY rà=rjy couductedl by Charles Jacoba vîtis another man. Saved is Boy's Lfe atiselcrner of Clayton and tenese3e Thse question as to visether thse di-" My tim sre old boy vas badlli oft1a0 a mnout pecuiiar Aret car settled ail dlaim as the evidence lu an awlul condition. I gave hlm tyro .,ï4ent as FrIay eveuhzsg t elght agalot Mrs. Hilliard lae trong enoutgis doses of Foley's Orion Laxative and tii. hbjtjIo vas fudltgi a Poo >owrrant lsbensgate. vxt morning the lever waaf gone 'nsdh. ~~ty foun eyndg ofPoltteenigeta teW"asentirely veli .1Folev's Orino 'xa ë.7blood et these utisnuio!t Metr. Hilliard states ln the 1bi1l thattivesaved hilitel."A.W'oikneh Casme, 1jeItà Genese e treet bridge. fit labe- ie has not been living vith is vîfe Wl. FRAÂNK B. LovELL. RIevesi that thse vIctim vwas strucit by sioce tise twentietis of May, 1908. a. sonti bouud, Chicago and M1Uwau State OfIlîlinois, Counti of Lakte, sa; 'kee electrie car. Aged Pioneer Oead. in-tise Circuit Court ot Lakte Cu 'Loi, h.re. a Dead Marn." Mr. ames Bates, age 81, a rosi- John H. Duggan and Sýbna Dug-Q ýc*taifl Adam Vogel and niglt Po- deot of Nortis avenue, passed avay et gan vs Sarais Leasch, Mary Joyce, lice *«Leer Ben Neely vho vere stansd- the Bates résidence Sunday mor-Nli.KntdMcalJ ugO ,,n ~o=esraî'pig on the corner-of Wa- iog st eloven o'clock. Thse dotors J. gi ugnadHre u .te and (enese etreeta about elgit certificate gives old age as tise cause teon. Gn o 49 i o 'rl thirty F'rM$,y eveing vere startied of Mr, Bates' death. en ton.0 >witayoleng man visa gave hie name Mr. Bates moved to this cfty twenty Public notice la hereby gîvetia ." Rogmebluus stepped up tetise of- five years ago andi purcisased the by virtun of au order and decren en- -fleêaiaM ahouted, "Say, mîster. there farm isicis le located on Norths avenue ternd lu the above entltled cause at va"s a an killesi on the bridge Juft just nords of Glen Fore, visere he ias thse Mardis Terni A. D. 1908 Of sair made ie hmeetasi.Court, tise undersignesi, Master iu -ft>e poIjce oflicers rbshedlIn the di Mr. Bates leaves a wit e and onue Ciaucery of saisi Court, wiii on Tues- notion pointesi Ont by the boy aud t brother viso resides lu New York to day tise 24t1s day ot November A. D. thse aoutis end of tise South Geuesee uouru his deatis. 1908, et tiseisour of Due o'clockln l ,Uet bridge, close np ta tise raillhug, Mr. Bates isas always beseen sid-tieaeroofsadayitseat they mmae seros Berman, Who vas ered onue of.Waukegais most re 1spect- Boom of, the Court lidose lu tise City Su aof boos. Itle & su lovblecitien.of Waukegan, ln saisi County of Lakte bt n a lare po fbo tl ( u oal iie.and State ut Illinois, seoiat public aue- belleves that he vas mght lu between ______th_______ad_éat__derfo th 'e car andi theseteel railiug ni tise catshnth o isegisestsudbetde forn > vonst aide o the bridge visen loet Marrl.d Maen in Trouble. cahteflongdsredadad lae 1pted ta cross tise bridge ahead of Amri anw pmtenyemrel estate stuated ln thse CouutY Of A marie manyli pemitianymemLakte and State of Illnois, tO-wt: tbg Mr.~ ber o!ftth anmily ta taise auythiiig except L-ot il, lu Blockt 1, lu Highland <0t8.l Vogni summnoued an embu- Foley 's Honey and Tar, for coughs,PaklnLe utYIliosexpt 1ait,.and Dr. P. C. Kuigist. Bierman c)ide and lung'troubleleguityof nPas uLiCut yIofllndo150 e xc ;Ïe of- ~w»sak iien ktisehéJane McAlister Mos- negloct. Notiing else la asgood for ailH ng y stipold 190 eret vide offh ptt*i viser Saturday It vas announc- puimonary troubles. Tiegei1eFole's thparfltr, n lyoide ereHf, ltiaid « * he was sufferlng from a frac- Buyandi Tepotains no lpiae.a sdpart if Lk10, u oct, IlinoHîisade. ilouey - ~~~~ParihLaeCutIltosd- -'e.0< tse kull ,ialu yeîow pckae. t~sÂs *ecribed as followe: Consmenciflg at 10riegs Wife Fram Old *CoUntry. LovauL. #4ot ix mhoutha ago Biermax I -"wl5Ut his vite and tisir tvo emaîl o bUdlren ta this countr from tise nId eq"try. Smo. tiseir arrivaiInl thls ý1ttt her have beeu maklag their souîe~ a tise corner of Claytou andi LOUIS J. YEOMAN moeàdMt Wisiisha" befalen her hua- Wod, 'THE JEWELER - 1ter.-Later It developesi that t.5eman vias ridng ou tise "liud gàu the carueared tise iron rling ha r $'U , iif rgtUag vitissucis force as Xte *nihies lssdlong o.e, tisebridge ifleil restng more fflily nov ai- ',tbue.ht viii h veeka- betore 1he viii &e te tah up and arnund. # wuvasomsalearned next mornlng tbat kh.vIte and tva chilsirenuare emstrely dqpendent ispon is Income as a thoeaker for th Mr 4 .etisaitishe oe r'4'<tgs &14 tiseMc ÎN Reaport, From Alps -frsam Nomsof the 0< Nohiiers. The oadIng onI I mvWha vere 1sUP Ind thse potômee 0 's - cty ii a pari ou ~gtbeir tralibasle thsai tbe met vWho ts .ra tise same tise Wgakegm pçot NO. Thse foloing CU a Xiebiganpaper% Imm ndocter trou Thée flnding of ti - orth f Posem the viciusty of Rns S e I'iurseiay, and rtiaitthe, mems ere beo thle, pastomce IaukegausIli., $ahi attrted near Alpen - çrth menufle okera City, but1 Umeis ditance thlt Thse oMcers gavei i.tprnsd. -Ifesettierslilved V$Cw*fty of ties 5l uf, dsud 1 OO4bdhy the eurm jbske Couuty Tîti. & Trust Co. Abstract, of Titie..Titi.. (}uarauteed Masonie Temple Bldg, Wankegan. 111. Lois gJ. GuaNIDSeCY- tbelr existence. It nn Werner and isut. ta JacobLL uuty yull be cnm- Goldachmat. part lots 26 ands 26, blockt otier ansi ber tvo il , Wauitegan Highlands. W. ., $2,200. 1 G. D. Thomas, receiver, te Trustees - o! Sciools, Beuton Tp., 132 lots, Zion AV AVE Cty, and sciooliouse%. Beed, $22.900.S C.b Harder, Jr., te Ale . Curtis, 1 CRt ATIED lot 10, lnk i , Harder'a suht. Laite - Evert» Wrenn andsi vie te W. A. iae, Michigan, Qon- Oarslty, N. hait lot 10, lOck 3.,I te SUurn te Dath Wreun'a add. Hlghland Park. W. B.,N John GrIfftth and vle te J. H. Tay- -lor, 48 aenes tu @- W. qr, Bec. 17,b Shielils Tp. W. D.. $12600. t he hodies of tisree lisabetis X. mithte toC. J. Wolff, i PPOsd esi have rob- lot 5, 8. bail lot 4, andi N. hall lot 6,C ot a nortiser Mîcii- Linden Wood, lu Sec. 12, -Wet Anti-C '8as viicis vas bot ochi"T. W. D, $1000.d led many te believe D. B, Barry and vite te W. M. Os- o met deathin th ie transter, lot 14, blocki, Ciicago Higis- te men vho roishes landal. W. D,$860., stoffilce tva inontisa P. T. Fovier andi vile te L. L. Pren- tics, 8B. 50 fI. lot 6, bock 40, Originalt lptgtaken lrom WaeuÏe. . .$9,600.V vas sent ta a Wau- Herbert Hammossd andsi vie te W. a a friandS. R. Puter, part lot 3, Birch's sub. of Lie hosies of three lacke 88, 84 ansi 85, Highliand Park. M, Michigan, sud ta W. D.ý, $1. )gers it wui a Vemi- J.W. Murray and ifite taC. E. Ans- It la nov belevesi tiu, lot 28, Couuty Clerk's subt, Liber- tise us sahorab- tyvilie. W. B, $800.f a 0f Posen andi t G. T. GaU an4 vIMte t J. J. Crav- rtly betore tise dres ford, part lot 11, Wlthrop Harbor. bna. TrafieS by of- w. .,$16,000. InS tise direction of *-W. G. Barstable sud vite 'teS. B. tise trail vas hst nantabîn, 160 acres in Seca. 5 and 6, as aide ofthtie tovu. Aveu Tp. W. D., $1. up tise pe5ut 8and G. E. Webb anti vie ta L. A. Frank and Christ Deler, lots 17, 18, 19 sud ,d lu the Immediats lt C. suh. of blocks 10, Grayelaise..W. >t viser. tise hodies 1), $1000,, local officera are o W. R. Ruffuer, subdivision Oakmont. tise men ver. Puns. a gjb. et part lot 3, Blrci'a-e-divis- aiénts lusteasi of tis em o<f iblock 83, etc, Higisland Parki,1 Joie 13 lots. G. R. Lyon andsi vIe to C. W. Carterj ba mises green leaves anS vifs,, lot 38, Lyons m2d sois. ol .i a1 6iJng ieailugPar Grounds. Wauitegan. W. B., e, give te Dr. Sisoop'ig $650. 0. curative properti,-. miebi s quuh@ - ly Mary green andi iua. te John T. > tbie higis> &clv Judie, lot 223, Cuieminga & CO.'s . L Mitib ass îéure. North- av. ad&. Waukega.n.W. B., 'y am, 'gP. M. Meagiser ansi vite ta W. T. A c"4 »te L8~m Dunlay and Bernard Dtev, 80 acres à1 O -mIU * w i u N. W. car. Sec. le, Newport Tp. W. Luele 1r. rach te a. la. Frenchs, the southeaaterly corner of sald lot Io., tisence running nortis-vesterly along tise easterly lin oo saisi lot 50 feet; tisence soutlvesterly parailel ta, the southerly lio of sald lot 217 feet; isence southeasterly parailel ta tise easterly liue of said lot. to tise souts- ery linetisernof and tisence norts- easterly aiong tiese aid soutiserly line to tise place of bngluoing. flated October 20th, 1908. ELAM L. CLARKE, Master in Cisducery. State of!Illinois, County of Lakte, Bis; Iu tise Circuit Court of Laite CountY Berthsa M. Cooke and C. iFrank Wrighst, Trustes, vs James Ricisar5l Maniconu and Martisa Manicom. n. No. 3873. Bill to F'orecloee. Public noticeeisaisemeby given tisat by virtun of an order and decre.en- teresi ln tise ahove entitled cause at tise October Tera, A. B. 1908, of saisi Court, tise underaiguesi, Master ln Cisancery o! said Court, viii, on Tues- day, tise 24th day ofNovember, A. B. 1908, aitiehiour o! One a'clock ln tise afternoon of said day at thse East Main Boor of tise Court Hou-eût Lake, County, lu tise City of Waukegan, ln,. tise County ot Laite and Biats of I1- Ilole, sell at public auction to tise higist ansi beat bidder for cash, the tollowing describnd land and real es- tate, situatesi lu tise County of Lake ansi State of Illinois, andi describedsia tolfove, to-wit: Tise Norths one Huudmnd tisirty (1301) lent of tise east Flfty (50) f eet of block nîne (9) lu the. Village of Grays- laise, in tise Couuty o! Lake, accord. -ing ta tise plat tisereof re corde inlutise Recarder's Office of Laite Couoty, Il- linols, lu Bookt 82 ot deede, page 42Ô. Dated October 2Otb. 1901. ELAM L CLARKE, Master Sn Cisaucery. Reward of 0100. As Ingalls Brothers are members of tise Jevelers' Alliance Associatio, visicis accordiug tu tiseir policy pay one huodresi dollars for tise ar- trest sud conviction of any person or persona vho breakse loto a store vits tise intentions ot stealing, tise one hundresi dollars offered holds,gcod for itise artest andi convition of tise rois- bers vho snuashed tise plate glaMa vtadow Su ths lugadis sMore Suudayý pight and niole tise SUN popularity 1content dismnds, visicis are valuesi at one isindsresiandi lorty delUar. '. )Ir; ingafla stabtdtiat tise revend wonld holsi gooi19 *1tisia ntance, idb.i cnre4 aq backae. d .see0N*ÎTT4 arltWea dlspp.ted, and lm1 Wtr051 CoBSU h or Hi tofor 4 tô businm a very day,an OII.iorwl 1Stw t IrFipy'a Kilny Remedy taj ILIXOIS TÀIBSPBCI4SU Bother r-ie. "has sd.W" sswwa cor Ecoktc v t.frjl ..otLL. I LIXIJRII Are the reaion eni electrie Ij trie toast lator. rT and every MORTI 230 N. Gcnae IES Of YESTERDAY neceassîties of today Thig îst aougli for having in your house Liglit, an electric flatiron, an elc- ter, chafing dish, coffee perco- rhey coEst you what they cost UM, .y day thereafter you save tiule, trouble and mnoney. Fi StIORE ELECTRIC CO. t Street VAUKEGAN. ILL ýbft yqu buy. ASor lne of Oaks Hiot Blasts Cast Ranges Steel Ranges' Base lBurners Perfection Ou i eaer SC1IANK BROS.J Gowns Car Fare Womens night gowns Refunded made of a splendid quai- ity offancy atrlped flan- to ail relete choicecoloringa, s~out of town nic, flihed, regular customer of ý'5.0(l or 39C Mlie. 'M I rico 11W Economy *vas neyer so apparent as It Is at The Globe rlght now, during this speclal prIce maklng festlvlt. Those who have prof lted by the prevlous opportunities for money savlng that we have made possible wll be actua «lly surprlsed to find how much cheaper they can fiow buy the same qualfty of merchandise. These savlngs are due to recent advan- tageoustpurchases on our part ... Unes bought at about one.thlrd off. AStîrrm*g Bargain in su«t,9.8 S This bargain is a good illîtration of the unubual price rnaking that ison atThe Glob.' It represeats asaviiîg that is not offered yoa everv day. They are splendidly tailored ~igarrnaents made firom a'fine qualitY of broadcloth; colora are bluc, brown, green, and aiso black; long semi-fitting coats, satin lined, skirts full gored and pleated, trim-É% . med with a wide fold at bottoîî. They fire $12.50 ana $1500 values;. Priced at tbe low7 figure of..- ....................... Finely Tailored Suifs, Special $12.95 ileautif' 1 new suite muade f rom an extranrdinary good quality striped chev- ron, ln tse neWv'st color effects and aien plain brosd loth, sems fltting çoats, trimmed wltis bnttons and satin, turn.over cuffs, flsp pockcts, gored and pleated skirts. apeciai at S12 Ç)5. Remarliable Offer in Misses Coatsi $7.95 They are tallored lu an out.of-the-ordinary manner th e very latest fashion ôt0 splendid quality wood cheviot, colora are the neweet ahades of bro.sn, Idue, irreen, red. and aiFo b acI, semi-fittiniV. niveiy triiumed .ith veivet snd bottons, 50 to 54 inches su length, speciai prie,- #7 95. 2.50 Waists at, 1.98 Handsome new models mo de in a pain,- taking matfler of al vool bat- iste in a great, range of colore sucII as blu e, red, pink, creain, and also black, ..... fronts are embroideredj pleated, and some trimmed with lace and but, tons. Others of tuffeta silk and ail- over net, 2.50 values for 1.98. 7.50 Dress Shtirts,,4.98 Charming new models tailored in ex- tremely attractive styles, the maLei- ials contists of black voile, bine, brown and gray panama, bine, bî-own.aud black striped chevron anud serge, also novel- tics gored and pleated and triinmed with, folds, 250 in the lot and'any one of them Uorth 7.50. Special price 4.98. Sweater Coats A groasi eseaS r oat is a veiy dine tling for auy lady ta have; tisee are miade af extra good quaii.v of s aro, cone"lu manv diff.'rent coi- ors both plain ansi comibi- nation efectscdouble orrin- g 1br'sated, w rth more, hutpriceil ai ....... 2.98 Special Child's Coat Offer Nobby garments warm sand durHble too, tailored in a splendid manner of beaver and cheviot 1112i9 bonadgreen, priced very o at..------2 9 IrtFANT'S COATS made of a splendid quality cr y bear skin, size 6 to 14 years, great bargain at . ... - ;. 1.. ...2.48 INFAfi'S COATS, matte- la salI wvooi chincilla kerseys broad Cloth aud noveltica, popular eolors. inogle & double breaated, sP-ciaI 3,48 1Wrappers- Tiree vrappers are nmade - f isuxd'on,e strired aud figured lannelettg Ilu beau- lful cOlor eferis yoe'il finmd tise qu.liiy extra go.d. Ohers areimsde of percale, read'v sellers t e 50. We are beerlng you yaur ncîe at tise love figure ot only ............85 511111 77, t] 1 a fý ti C t