Flue You recree Wense, direct heat ~/ 7 (rom every ounce oflfuel lrrned-u &ereare nio damp clumneys or long ppa towa* sthe Iteali roin à PERFECTION 011 BH.eater oeqpped wIiSmokeemDevie. Cmy il6m romote om. ilTurthe wiclilgh Wrlok ntboier-no sinole-no smell-aulonutic sxaokoe"s &vice prevenla. Brasa fonl holds 4 quart%, bom 9 houm .Beauti6fly hnxahed itanickel or SEvtry lisater waranied. a beight, steaa ns wai want fot the L 0w1 Miàgi. MA& nm o[brairu I lted-latesl ii- p" cetrl rEv amp=wrats Heaiu or Rayo Lamp write Our narest agency. mb~u laVU7 ib4ondq gave bSn a svsurrk rityW nssda, Oct. 21, It b.ehSl blbrthdIy Tbeybad a joIlytU*udone long 1.b remembered.oTbY f or, huîne ai break af d&y wlit «blm many baopy returitS of!the day. lit. aud lirs. Uo. Taylor, of Aurara petTursday and J'r4ay vlth J. H. LScierding and famlly. liMr. and M ts L. T. Reuebadl for their gueste lionday Mr. and lir@. Ueo. Taylor and Mmt. Hopklne and aister, Letie. Dr. J. L. lialcolmn bad for bis uft reoently bis nephew, S. leIlntosh, of London, Canada. Ray Wilson is recovering from hi@ ce-' cent soyere Ilinese. Beveral of the young people from Pale- tine attendtd the dance ai Long Grove Bttutday night and Lad a nice urne if il dld tain. lire. J. H. Schierdlng attended the thirty-fourth annual session ofi tbegrand chaptet of the Ea.trt Star of lllinol8 beld in the Medinah Templeju Cfhicago last week. G. H. Arp@ is e covrtring rapidly. EZZAZZI3 c 1: I WAUCONDA DEPARTMENT M. Ë MAIMAN, Correspondent and Agent ffewW .-iwssuumewe 6br dtt. everyoin luuritownsiubp anti bas ibeir =e Coot transactet business et beatty supporitIM rbckeba>' sait Le . ,Tuesdsy. ditn't pottend ici hon campaigit speaker 10 #iéeras aoflcHent', vas te tut as Il vats tLe order cif the cuty of I. Mam« ad faily und ommaittee thal ail couni>' candidates ~tl - amn atileml> Suttti>. ttend tbese Meetings anti show ibetu- .' PhilIibW, sale lstiveet vas iet'vs. He voulti expiainthie naturel. fratcsnded anti neatl>' evertliutg iution 1ev for ite benotfci anyoue tt't lsrinln over $50111). O)ta'vbu might Le interested as the 1ev is Etaîo e ie aithougb Le Las chenget f rom wvit lu as fout yeare fr bimaeif and vil1 accore agci. He concludeti 'Ly îbaablng the vèa it]> ameo ci isneighbore. volets lot their support et tLe primarles m s.Arbie Wallis, o! Barre- aud promiset ifi again loet lc otk vus firientàin luciar village aller tLe offie tcithebe Let of hie abilitv as Le Lstdons in the pasi. A. K. Steernot -e Krta. Bon Merlin move t theuts as next intretucet but Le alan Lertiiy f arn near Honey Lake on needoti an introductioin. fie saiti Le - wbere tbey vil make their voulti not tonte a leagihy nitdroos as ýe;!Let. M. Pope vho vas ici follov hlm vomit mate thne floancial speech anti Le vas t- U*arrima came out Ironi tLe ci ty anxtouà ta est hum althougbhe gavea lý' ta #pend a ewsa ays uL his vlry god taIt on the national anti tate W %adblister. isoe uad ttit if eloeuti be woulti go "Mrm. C,,&, Golding ati daugh- dw tov o iSpringfieldi ta serve tLe people 1« ( ~ I sépéâeiiiSeturtisy ant in h ie district tci the Lest of bis abilît>' WJ*itk Mr. and ira. Et. lGolding. andt henkedthîe votera lorthîe bearty 4à! trauseoteti business ai support accordet i hm et îLeprimante. a. b*My.Jouhn Popoe oecf Weubegan's lentiîng 'ta Mr. andlire. Wl»Barrie ocia attreyé, vas thon inîrcitucei. [He Ot2ra fiue baby girl. starleti bis attireés. by explaining ie l , .2Sdposition steting ibat it vas sonewbat ÏÎ 'e. sud Emmtt Geary vere tdiffretrs than that ofItLa speabera vhci --W0 YW viite etiret of tLe oneot. Lad precetioti im as Lo vas not on bis Ritea naimber of or ycung people maitien tiup as a candidate for office ns itded thse K. C. tance et MecBqnry Mr., Daeiy nor Lad ho Leld i cile ionrte pmay evmnug andi repart a fine pesi '-) years lite ont tru.tled f rieuti Mi. ïý lrockvay nor bat ho tieo a ciandidate . %bdlra H E. Mleluan ersfor office forthîe pasi 12 t.ars as lit. Mavstora Tbitreay. Steanit8 teppiausel but Le Lad Leen a Curpy la rusbiuig wotton i Reçillican aIl bisa île anti vas heituse 011~ ud aWedn-tay sateta ho elot-td the party's principles rigbi imàimt boc%&.fie Les changeti bis anti bul confidence tbat tLe Republican Iepjân ndsitti lmake ihe buildintg uiirty voulutloot aller îLe inteteste of klo~ng.inttdcil 50 t anh32Jour countîry Ltteriban. te Democtatic at 2 or nny olter pollîcal parI>' as tLe ne- c o rde have aho w nlunthept.. > I Ford, ofiCoffoevtlle' Kena8 ste ect rtisioiaigcni ~3gaov vets itlî iHesuiveseu lnorvlit.gaui olive n di rtlestre Ilatihlit. leaantianovdi- Wb' ur vllag andeommtéit. bile botb cere gondd dean mon, li, r- dlire. Normait LatitmovedTafteislana exponitunceti tntdpabice x th U&imaa itireidtice on lange i8 hvnghiBsvra ItCWe lman-im eaithe vet. portent offices in tLe country aut Ib'BePublicau rally et the Oaklend aîwaym prcived e moat orogicisat 1 mlasl Fritiar evening vas qutie admini§treteur, vbiie lit, Iryan a8as t teided conaidening the badi hoorisl antin each campaign bas 8ptung >tirt. Ourcongressman, Hon. Ueo some aev proposition v iL in ita buad Fae v a nvoidably detainet have aIl piove oti rcnhlens. e. ahen rMitâa-êtSprs*lId ant ivs not explaines thebe Lnt guatantee plan lir, $te addtrees thegabeitîg as wam Bryanus lateel thor>' andi showet Loy irtipsi but Couniy Chaîrunan Con-it- i omît (,roate dieboety la the Lent. Y branght s gcot fliai o! speakers. iag business andt het the honeai hanter 'Mseeting vas cahot ici celer et 8:30 couiti Le comîtelledta cipsy for tLe e. b:j Tovuship Comumuteman A. S. diebotiset antiilutueo endi votelt prove W1à vbc Inroduced Conoeli>' vho mors dtriiueentai uti tLe country than le a short address anti thon iro- any cil li. ftuyautes pro poard ides. Aa 4d RapL Dat>', candidate for elete', tLs bout vas gettiug late tir. Pope sit ra.>', *ho gare -a rhort isit on tLe hé, vomitnol-di8custhe tariff issues 1 nIssues andt hankedthlie votets adth Ibsgth îe auidience lor their su#pport ai tLe primarice anti il coidrate attention, lit. Connolly tsi pietiget hitaseti ta conutthîe thon clîteet the aieeting urgiag aIl votera ce st tats'e attorney ici the estioI to geotit .lectiitu day anti rol up e &W 1 lty. Circuit CirkitBrociteay gond llarge llopuhlioan ta.aicrity ifur Ledl t4sa intrciduceti but bardI>' arede th le National and tatae ti,ýkeo. ~IzjMet;. Lucie. Ayete base tetnrned freIn ROCXEFCalilcrnia wlbere she huis matie ber homed . i ý !for the pitet year or morg. She expeetsti J. P. Rtzenîbeler, o! Prairie V«iow, i c pcnd the v. tuer monthie witb Lot wtei iel danblcr, tirs. S. L. Trip1,, dau1lttr, M te. Letrop. 04 lssUlY on Suniýayging froîn vb're lit and Ntie. John Aibreeht are calleti >ý UDdU toJandvilil Wi., ber tci ruura theo bathtof tlîeîr iinfantt mon. Iin W relday - tivie is, Hou -ornto i. utd Mit..ermait Kublttl; jki Blndi miehl11,of raiie wwTiairsdayof citot V. oe 11) Olbdaugîtter. »is Blae g t leI,,1 r ine \ta Oill-htgi llii rît. of our tonlscrial asRouse, Saturday ofilan iweb. arinsi, the shop too.îim ot hartofilIasit x1ms John Ro)der, ofcli.vag t, itop.-tjd. Alfred ¾tilt.e t eiilitp .intved Jéw ev #km Loto al I Uichomte of lier hiH ntit nof î.S ti, oremidtoe 'Wrp. Win. Kuige-. -itl'ai-k avehi,ueMitIit%. jAdl.y, of M ukl.i ntg(t, Wtt. lu te V hI k efiteItiet sud Mondity iwe r,.nt.ciuig eacttnudth llvîtit il).i b tt i n &a reio gvoultig peupl iii e t.l, 'I nr t ho ig ~ Mifirt <1 îît' . ~ Tute ,r.ot1w ;h. 1-1,î,c. .î~te P*iton amsfleoîtie"rt'lr Ae ladu edetiv' ,î,r Atitenay Ienraai urîtatiCc. al eid tc 10 .10,l f Lethtop lias relu iet MiIr- illutph ofîtt' 1l tii'e i the grenIer îpart ofiii galtoi. are voii iu hîg i he.idl t- eviittllti . %iî Sc Ot t ,tadf or é* a atison, Ira vtitilttte'ltMid. Mintliu.\ieý, 1 ~~iit aiof 0e eweok. . lît-rhPowr of tu ..i,. iii.. topic Boetevtsled ise lirene lfor ihe lîttocvr'.edie î elieu t'ats a*t.5ei-, dnud*y. vsarvenitg A lai,. ti.il,tiv eioi 'u'liitviig luer ,-ittiluilluie rtedn ; aniWu.nka u a I-itagos tutlte pl-lut, lite trie ~usmday.alît otrite I at ite iritluereeî tiy tmail1 r son John sud or telegrein et Hock >Fl0i1, Evaijtton, or1 imuveQsldaya es bY telephone ut No. 555 vanston with vllsgber parenta. 1rmeeeger. Esther Sityder is absent itrn ecbool ou &Mcount cil sictuose. lit, sudlira. Crampton sud cbiltren have been vliiing ai Mr. Simpeonsa. Mise liîîieSnyder bas retuned fItem South Dekot a ate aptolcinget absence. Miortimer Fosket le homei frorn bis dues it Chicago on oýccouut of sickaees. Ethel O'Neil, o! Gages Lake, @peut Thuraiday of iest west wilL LoIs Smith. b. E. Jeaumene. of Wautegen, vas cenq on Ontrateste one day lest wesk. lies Theci Sith, citGreyslake, apeut a few days lest veek witb the li8sse .Irabbe. Ire. G. E. Hawktins, of Lihortyville, lItent one day lest wesb vitb J. b. Sbephetti. Weunotersandthiat Les Werti vili toon move bis femily into tLe roome racateti hy Et Dietz. Betty Payne Las gone norîh wyuL hie brother, Eti Pay ne, ici Legin theit prepetatione lot the holidaye. ,Eoerybody tii enxtfaturtiay evon- iag et Amenais hall.,Round Laite. Fine! munie anti a goo iie. Ticket 50c. -Tîte teceul reins have been very vol- coine ta the people ofl iiavicinlly Leause of eatpty voile sud cisterne. Tihe Junior Home Mieêionary Society vas LeSt ai the home of Ire. Berry PaYne on ac-ouai cil the iliiteso cil lre. Dolph. On tLe evening cil tLe 21st, bo F. Jenmrene met the. Fremoat Prohbition committese t tLe home of C. M. Footet anti put the tllaxsbing ioucb 10 the wotk lu Ibis preciact. TLe outîcot is very favorable for lir. Antierson, cf Lake Forest, in ibis ccimmunily. Van reach over>3.OO pele -ben Von advertise auciionaie in th. Inde- pendent.' That ajuat at. epice of 100 bifl. Dont fori5et. Yo. are gettiag aornaihing for absoluteiy no- thing. Walter Lmkr had his corn shredded lust veek.ýP1 louaita lir. aandlire. Ed Btockmau, a oins pounti baby gWil, Fridsy, Out. 28., Evmtyhody te. toing vhere? To the, danoe ut Amann'm hall, Saturday evening October SI. Alareveli part y vas given atte home of lils Beekle Blowealest Wetineeday evening and aIl vho nîtended reporteti a fine lime. lit, sud lire. Chris Bileon are violing at lir. andi Mr«. iernean Broctmsun's. lire. 8. Andrews, of Lait,.Forest, vlaltedl et Henry Kau'm one-dey lest week. lire. Ueo. Thatcher anti ramily visiteti et Will Lýempker'a lest week. Th~e people bIb tis vlclnity Lave ail boee ea]oying the oaiuy wonther. Mrt. and lire. Ueo. Herrickt, of Lake Foreekt, calleti on lit and Mra. Fred Tovner Sundey. The Diamonti Lako Cemetety Amaoc- intion wvl meet yuLti rs. H. IBouse, Thursday aiternoon, Nov. 5. Ail mein- bers corne early as ibers vilI Lie eewing anti s ten cent lunch will Le serveti leler. There vili esa Hallowe'en sociai helti Ki tLe home cil C. M. Wilcoit Ftlday eveniag, Nov. 6. Everyhody i.. lnvitpd. A ehort prograin viii Le givea. Ane pofaord mentinog.lt, at ed th Au fciaI ua eetNgv.stcaîcthe close of tLe affernoonpreching service. important Onanclai busitess 8ta Le couitieret. Miae Anna tleese, cilBarington, vielteti with ber sister, lire. C. Ernest thia veek. Frank Jackson,,.col Païatine, ia emploveti et Fret Seipas. Mise. Emma Schaeser, wbci Las Icen viiting ai Jefferson Park anti iver Grove returne hornte Tueâday. Lonu eary ta visiting fInonde et Grand Rapide, liicb.. tiisei'k. Ermesi Tonne, cI loto a. timitft inonds anti relatives bers. Charley Hokmeyer eftforflebnnmbnrg, Tnebtay vbere Le ileomployet lu Patten s eteaînery. lire. Lantislee is setiously Ilii et presenut writing. Emil Frank sud lamily, wbo bave Leen epentilng the patt ixteen monihe lu Karlsruhe, Germny, rturneti to Lake Zuricha, Ftitiay. Mis@ Altha Povera. ito Las Leea eicit leurs fea daym returnedti ciber secieci du ties Tueeday. Wil l llcnase, Fred fil Carl Ernest, Wil» Tank anti Will Ton noe ttendi' thîe liason lotige mneeting ai Waucontn, Tuestiey evening. Chas. Wille viatet rietires ni Bartiet civet Suanda>. Otto Fuant anti aititClark ettendeti the races ai Auoealest weet. MILLBTJRNEdward Alfred Martin. Mise Florence Mrt. and Mr@. Joseph Goea ,, fWeu- Kennedy pteeided ai the piano and the Gone - bride and groom entered the parlor to Itegan, viited some time with t.he Shaw the airains of lieudelssohn's wedding fanily and otber relativesinthle viciaily. mae and were nnited ln marriage by W. B. Weed lei lMondas for Caliornis Rev. A. W. Seford, pastor of the Mli- where ho vil make bie future home. hotua Congregationel cbutnh. The set- lia. (jeui. Strang tuttrned home from vice wae the bauttl ring cereuuony and Waukegen having spent two weeks witb was Impreéssve for its beanutr and brev- ber eson, Engene. ity. Aler the congratulations the coin- Miss Jeager visited lu Chicago eeveral pay veto seated auid an eloant col- deys Ima week. ation setved. The houas vas ptofusely Lloyd W bite, of Waukegau, visited the Oeorated vlth ferno and carnationb. home lks Lest Thutsday and attended The bride ras marreh u ber travelling the wedtling of Ed liartin. gown aud carmed a beautiful bouquet of Mise Gertrude liavor,' ofi Chîaobride*@ roses. The bride ln an isccom- visited Mrv. and lirq. J. M. Strang auh lse an ayo aeproe i other relatives. traction and has a vide acquamntance in lire. A- K. Bain was a Chicago viitor Lakte county aînd le blghly esteemed and Tueédey and Wednesday oflalet weok. elcived by ail who know ber. The groom John Trotter, Gordon Bonnet andlir. aid asible n foremaris iougui Jordan left lest week for the former,@ ofd as been fi sor enyyearsataithe bond future home in Dakota. lire. TrottetrheWekeaoo e lte and ubeîo and cbjîdren will remein a wbllslonger themplaukea. The avo ekeatand onh witbberparntslit au lir. lvia, Ieit returu will oceup.y their nec- houe,. Mir. and lir. Foater and cbîldren te.'and will be gled to welcome tbeir mtails tnrned to Chicago Tueeday very much friends alter Deü. 1#tt. improved in baibby thelrsaummer otay Mr. aud lire. leruio werthe revlpients ti. te tcountry. of many Ieautilui gls couetetiug ucil lt H. B. Tower wlll bave a bale Wednee. glas, silver, band uain.ted china, etc. day, Nov. 4. Scott Levoy will move on The out of town gu»eîswère: Mr. tihe trttpetty putchased fron i hm about and lire. N. R, Adàeiand dangbters, of Nov . 15.Chicago Lawn, MiessBrigbnin, oflVil- Ueo. lerlity, cil Round Lake, spent mette, Hart-y (allciway. orl Libertyvoîe, Suttday with hi@ famiiy. lire. Taylor and danghter VLda, Mr. îîtîd tir.aad ira Adas en degbtes, ia S. fA Kennedy and daught..r Miss. Mrl Uliadgo dqanndoiitd it. anrie Lillian andi Will KennedyandttiLloyd ofiChicagorîtn, edneed Mr.untî ndays. Wbite, cif Waukegnn, lrtand lire Wrnj Patialifro Wel uýsda uttilSouas.Cannon, oi z:011 City. hebe est Wlii.e C. E torlit: 8ottgs tof tLe IprnXI. cil the ntilte comnînnîit, go with thie "Th it-leeliîl..t Watcher," Ps. 12L. Les- Vouug couple, tie Cantont leader. Mr. aixd Me. iH B.Tower yl mcupy DEERFIELD titwit Chi,1t bine- tis wintet. 00eo. Haskia, ol Perry, MicL tei,11011t The Nalîýo i>ionary Society mot ung vitb hiesBoit, Roiy L. Hasitin- M edlecvey at the home oflor@. Bâter- Miss bain Plaggt., cilChicago, vimitedl Th Lladtt.s Aid Smiety will hold their at home Sundeoy. regultît tti),t)llily meting at thé. church, The Ladies' Doive S ociety itet 'Ilîltre- NoScte tieuitange. Pîcnlc dinnoer day uittetnoolleitb lire. R.Il. Vttiti. Si-rot1. Woodinan Tutt la wotlting in Noctrth Miss l,'auriatIiîgbam, ofl Wiltnettfi, Chicago fur the Pfanstleh l Ebctri- Coi. ssvuîed dver il e i . tb ber aunt, lire, lirs. llo>t je viojtiuol wlh ber t-n, E. Paîtl Il11.Hy I iet. Titi.C. El ccii. iylserve ja New Mis*Holu aned t. ,etRynls Eîiiaitl muîlwr iuthîe cbureb lierlor, MIa.es Bopit@ çqlir.Lee, cil HoJ.îC.e Ntyil,v dlevi iniiight, andi give tero j ,.cLeget fli.niMiJ.C turne of lh.- t-. lltt). The 1large Itepublican rally Lold Tues. A Pretty Wedding. day nigbt la Andt.ieon's hall, usam te On (l,u,t.v 22, a Leanîlful day, a flof ilans over beli iun Detrflld, de- 1larg-! nittb,r of relativos andti nda munotrating the ItcctiJIai nevot-belote ,gâth'.red nt tie home of lit. andilire.,, avethe poupleootDeetfield and eurrouad- a ;o. Ksnnedy t tavms.hb. iatriage log otlratry takeo u mch&n Interest la 01 their eoldet daughter, Eva Isabel tao n&tJual leees. . P. Butchian, local waky, candidats for Clork c01 circuit court. Th Stiue. Mt. Potter, oI Nev York, gave a Oipe atidres. n ibe Issue* al the day. Meetiln the opposhng pletiortut sud ar- gumonts with s baavy bond. D. 0. Below;,head baukef cof Lake county, tooh up the Young one bores hobby o! the opposing pletfirin, the Natiomnal we and 'neaauin. eaie b sud hEr gondivok A"TOCH FrIand. are reciving ennouncemente oI tbe marriage of! iisweli-knowf> couple: Riobert Seller annouttees the mIsIeýIOf hlm daughter, Ernie, tuo A binichmit, 'Wedueeday, lictoberi 28, 1908, .4Antich, ni. !PARMERS ArTIER DEVIL'S ELBOW Firnare cil Newport are incentoOi ai a nev saloona osiablishet just civet lte etato lnin aWisconsin that theY bave named R tLe 'devila elbow" la contempt aot delon and are ponder- Ing mneana of gettlng the stte ofot XVl- sonsip ta stamp il ont. Ilsit al tai ai a rocont fiFn e the proprietor cf tLe reaciri tually iook ta more for drintks than th. che farmer loat by the tire, utoveral thou- sand dollars. The saloon cafta loto existence rîghi afier Nevport vent dry lu April and ts tacrime la naîdtatobho hat It keepa open vIthoul regard for bout... Loliys, hoiy tisys or anytbingelcse. Fermersaaertt that mocre Ibacite man Las been sentIo Ici n through il alueady anti are rapldly gelting iinuvy. Ram DîiMuoL Biaiefil. The tain of Furiay Itt Lake rciunty dit mueb goodt, as tIi the oîcceeditîg ight rians. F'armers aîtffvred aviutly from fie dry speil, -selle g01119 drY 1ha1 Ladl nover Leon dry holore andtihie course 'cf tLe Des Plaines Lelîeg a învrr thread cil vater, intonîv julaviccit. uletcly drying up. Stock vas triven for lfour milos to valet un soute cases.. Will ha Colti Dry Winter. Farmovs anud huritiiien sec in the fact litai musitrats are building Ibvit bouses In the mididle outhOe De,. Plainos confirmation of liîuir i)îrt'dicv lion thai theo wInrilSi to be a' o ro anti a dry one. Perd la extreuinliCoLj, pasttirauic li scavvoc atdighly priSou-twliîciîiuîlt alS lureiiet p. v.au v ls 1t,w' .ti iud lu get, being carufi fuli hi i-iatuil o atd the rtsult cif îhetc e fiminu-îi ut'v oU libe çuvseai ecarcity 'o!fmut. l 0k-ieh1 no hile vagary o! the cl-. uiih tiettior. buti a vont, Lord, u -t avtuiîvî to tLe iull< prodîînu-ndattidairyniîîîtî i Laite cotiniy. The Flight of a Greait Nebula. One of th ito rnct otniI.ing spectacles 1eveaeel l'y teleot-opos ib îLt of the tront nebala la Orin-î nlathe com- plexît>' of!litaglowiuig streaimo, spirale ad etrangol>' shsped, messes, inter- copted b>' yavnIng biaet gapsaneu sprnlked ovor wyuL stars anrangoti lu suggeilve groupe antilnoes, It Las ev rivale lu tise Leaveus. The, Impres- Rioa of astonlsbmeni matie b>' the sight ofi tlsia abuia la Lelgbteneti by tuovi- edge of Its enorinaus aize. The entCre solar aystern wonld appeer as a t1n> apeet beside IL. Tut ibis inemendous aggnegatliu cof nehuiona eloutis and mlarry svarma bas been proved by iLs rosearches of thLe stronomere of tise Iotk observautry to Le fylag ave>' tram theertis and tLe %un 51 utcerate of eleven miles in every second. But 90 vaut lalils distance that a Lundreti ysars reveal ao visal offsetso!tîLe great nebnla'asalîIt retreal. If It voe aoar hy h vouiti aeeIci becomo rap- Itil> slmallet.-ChIcago Recard Heraiti. Whmt IHe Dld Know. St. Thomas' Eplscpsu churcis, lu FifîL avenue, bas tratier lis jurladbe- lion an eaat aide cLapai. One of the fealurea cf tLe chapel la s gyieutasluua, ln vhIch boys are trainet lit ail ofi the branches ai physIcal culture. Some of tisa boye are quitter blatid tsort of training Ihan îLe>' are liîLe more pole taIâtof tLe wast aide boiys. The rector ai SI. Thoma', tLe 11ev. Dr. Stires. visite tLe chapel troquent. iy anti te foatof talkIng wvh tLe lutts about iheir vcirk. He aldt iconce Litile iellciv vlo belle ircim near the East river: 'WoIl, my son, tse>' tell me yoci von qulte a vietor>' lu ynur luet contest vit]à the boys of a rival ecLool." 'Il dont bnow 'bout that, bui w'en ve vaut up agIon dat Lunch from Mt. Pet'. ve put Il all over *ern, anti dey' aln't nover poeped siluee-New York Mun. Thi&irs*Y inofttit the paper Io late ibls week. Like âa Sidente It héppened et a mooit icompoune time but every eflort wax ma&s ta get e paper ont as ,peed dy, as paesthle and we. hop@ the sub. seribers yul hbear with uo patiently asuSlfptIthetiCSJly. lit. andi lrs. Coniey Lave rented the Fagenlartan. MisesM argret anti AgitesCatolan @pont Snnday lMatRiie ilasAgnet vemaiuod fLore tobore she intends going tai geboal for the wiater. A numbettam bereattended aoucrio* lare vil pIarty on Mica FIt.rpnco Pieter l Wedneedav eveîiagi. lis Plister lîttne nîtving tai Highlandi Pari-,tue, 151h cil Noveriiber. 'T"lrte viii ho an ontertainmeîîi given for tt eaefllftufliteAtbletk' Associationu cif D. T. H. S. Orcestra Coine. Friday andi Saturday nightsai 8:15 p m. Admtission 25c. THESE WILL WED. Augusi F. Graundmana. Mlwaukee, 34; Anale Brnwer, Waukesba. 39. William G. V'olgLt, Keaceha, 31; Ethel R. Craveiu,'Ko.iosi'a, 19. e CLicagY is Ieitke: William Flood. Waukogaa, 310; Jessie Allent, 32. James e, Chicago, 41; Rate Me- Mullon, 40. Iko Vacidvi-uihooun, Kenou.La, 2:l; Aima Duite, 23. W'. E. Pair, Wauhogau, 25; Merle Marie Gevrard. 21. Albert T. Schimidt, Chicsgto, 4f); î S'cellet, Grass Laer.21. Attdri'v M. Noloon Gurrîce, 35; Ma- rle Louise, Henderman, 2-i. John Evanis, Gibbon City, Ill., 25; Li.lllt A. Lo)rlng, Indlaaîoll's. uIt., 22. Albert Ioldenhautter. Long (libye. 26; Marre (7. Go-.well. Long i.ake, 17. John Gantar, VWeukegar., 29; vary Kars.maitc, Wu iigan, 25. Waolterv utît, Milwaukee, l2o; Kath einie Steiner, Milwautkee, 20. P'AUL MAC OUFFIN. Attrntey. Notice of Probuleocf Will by Publication. OTÂTE uI' ILLINOt.1 COU5TutY L. 0 In til"oUo, c o utrît. Laeto C'ty. 11110, i- It the tuai' r - uotu u.).'jlt 1triali et-I I.oitm,-iult f ioutu'Yd .le.--eul Fout. tU f' le hou-y gitlitIa 11-t titiit,,.t.,-s t-Ii th, Ilu.- tuty Cutunt '-f latt i nnto.I itu i.. btmt ilual (t,r,e vu.vi,un. of Lltluarlo iio., In ,-tId (tî,u ut u, 'iuatt 'tu 11,II, iraclnog .tt itoîi*rni t Thitî,itgît .11 a tiot h fl t$ut,u J uepUiî, M. Nîulu.as ISt idi,-ll'vsua tI-I' et is janti J.hn Tlga,.,Edints lcIr At 'aui t.Euîîîae Mexltu.r iltesi.;; Btryant. Mary Ni.u; S, ! u eI .iat., oatti tit"Otgu votoîr. utuu'at areiut Utir I iu,,i'.it c! uI.utt1t. IfIla ythL.e' arý-t. .uw lliu.ai hl luttit 1l-ea,'1iw. soi td iii" -1l i H.ittt- INI i 1r b tîOi t tut ýrit n tt5tjuetl a.o1I.gal- , tut.', leat,.ld les. Notice lm Cireb lues-n tuýth,. l-ove msiotot çuru.iib. an,1ailHlIt, Iiltt cuttilifle. ltti s .1 .1 ru ut . I t î ti I ,- i ltu t -O t u e n t e .uf l u . t ( ti i on c, i M-t.I hurt tccii ot ItLeut.Oaiteau. iii .0.11 21. A i. 11Is ALOKS(ften . h -kAsue. tme. oiaci eh clii tim Ltpl.ot-.alitti. ftil t P*UL MÂCOUiIUOe, Ait,. tour a&3 aENfi isuLeR, Soldtet. Chacery Notice. BTATE OrILIN[ CUNvTY O ut E( Cîrut(uit, ofcilLake Counfty, flic. tber terra A. D. 19()@. tasse H. Gallowav vs. Wealer C. NocitrrY, anti4 Ilnbfows cucoorsOf<îOt ru..rOiîsInter- esetti late t.real râati.lnbthe Bill ofLoin- plaintIdeorlbei.' la Ctliory Net 550 S.iîtaactot, affhdavîl unit the deootdiîtti. 'UuýLknaca uots cuof r ptveons Ilereol.od lit theai, Oi oe 10 l lte DI 1h I ,nPlslnt deituilbed." cannotlieUt. lutniandi itttin duo addiltignoIquirt tieiloe,! cJ ollnoe O. t, astierisineo g 151)t ttoe L0t)8- ni L bertvid unoutti t et Ciilî.jr of the,n ba.ittg been Oued inthe oaille i te Cloti of sald cor. Notii'o hlq hcreh(r 'rri h.tl.) 510tu tahîe "si 'Cokitoca.. t.. r . r p uit iton lutiereeie-d lit t" -reS c tortoelte BIhIl - salt titat il.utu,, court (-dCiltplainant hlttt.utfiS. t 1J, fii13)1 Iof Comptlat lu lit ai tjtitton ic,.I(hauo.rt @ie btieteol. and lttaI n tttmc'no IboreupOlultsud OuItif cati Court agaln,-t te nociveDame-, do tit,i et 'umatilm en the frst dey of lte t' ttuof 1ite trutilt Jourl col Lak-e toun>. tu i lu- Atut-ihle I-urt 1 Ril nciiWuuteýii 1,t ,alul Lobe l,ri,îi. on tbertc O rsI M'aY - f Dotimbor A. D. igS, am lm Ut law requireti anti ilU alIlot ioiti Dlinu Lzwis 0. BOocxwsT. dolrk. Waubi'gan. il]t. .'iu.L. br 27, A. D10.t- BSa. MILLES. Otimptulait's Bolcitr. FÇoughs of Chi/dren' Especially nlghî - coughs. Na- the irritation, control the ln- flammation, check the progress of the disease. Our icdvlce is The. Uglent Beat. i-re thie cbildren Ayer'6 Proabaly tLe ugilesi heasti In tbf - vonle l a nuonuce>, a grewsome 1boit- Cherry Pectoral. Ask your lng animai calledth ie Leardeti saki . doctor If tbis Is bis advice also. This te an uttaul>' grotesquea itbeast He.kaows best. Do ns hesays. that il voniti scarcely Le sale ta lot a chîlti or nornous poraou sech.LTise A u .7p e V% 0. f5,taie6. J ugluess leIo ni ofan amuslug kînd, but r M of au evîl. sinlater nature. The isest >5s vtiOO Ot Las a sort of Lertianti a counlsuance ~ astI oe ulte Q nythIng else Iu shape sudi________U s_______ Ues. The monte>' bisou le not partie- If you thiat constipation lIo o trifllng ularl>' saage, but la no bidonna that coasequenca, Just ast yourtiector. He tise natives nfitli country'. South Amer- wlll disasusa you of that nation Ini short lea, sa>' that na'beat of prey, bovever order. "Carrrtt ul, i oncet 11 ha yl hungry1 vil tacIde il. Resu a huugr asu. Thea ask h1dm1about Ayertis Piles. jagn4r ill tarve lu a cageful osf Bakin. A -mldi liter pill, al vegetable. - à tuesJ.C.uise a... Lvat. taam... Permons bave beau Iqiwm t> gainapo0ddd0ÇYbkb4a la grange, but It ofturba"Mfl. SoMehow the oiunce prodces the pound;- it scenu to SWIa Uic digetivç macbhnuy goh -m«t, so w a!C I able to digest ad = h ordhiary food wblch lie could not do beore, and that ls the way the gain la made. A certain anint. of flesh le. necessaf Yfor bealtil; if YOU bave not got It You Can get It~ by taklng ItMULSION <. .eat. btua~ pautasm Ubld c m 1mà SCOfl & DOWM ~409 Peul SL. N.. yo," a . a. WOOO A. M., M. o,, Prosldeact ldp edial ad Sargic lInste. 017 "lliait. Avenue, chioazo. M.I T.h. .14-4.. .i. -.àî.te. d-, .te . . tt-ttM Otr,.i. )(,mte .)Bao.it Tn. t t.t ..ltp11C.itn.Ttl.t J.l Ntn.s Settty a. t I.n,.Ol btt21.g Ir-.n .O e.,., p.e.- ~.4...B. ly .11 Ch-t.. U Lut,, Ornd hI, ,k m.otet&b rtt t.l .,rr trtbe r ftfltC mtrýbtt ri ,t he.ed .. t t st c o u ci etttt Iltt.,tiwt-.m1 ,t ..W ote .y na l ot-4,,,,. WeakKdny W1%tZI ,hUne..et. Ot.Is w I ldnýIe .I. ItiKlo , tcHor...d ie &.'dd &low keo.iol u 1. ru c..d mutth ettor then.. Do it ore.felo t, lafi. I e . ot; oXitnwua do fr70IL tseia uiao. h e.k I"db.un a Dr. Shoop'y$ Rostorativo UALDEALERS" UIiNEXAL Auctioneer 1 bave b.d ovet 20 years expert.- ence making sales and guaranie t t make as good a sale as any maa can. tbal meUls in Lake caunty, Give mie a trial, Pattes for'faux sales onte pet cent. W.M. APPLEY Llbertyvville, 111. nET REAOY TO BUILD I AM READY FOR THE WORK JOHN L. IRVING CON4tRACTOR aànti BUILDER- Ssdewalks and Cernent Blocksi ROCKEFELLER, ILL. Let Me Estilmate Upon lhe Job LOUIS J. YEOMAN THE OPTICIAN UCC R E AM I-NB R [-CK S PLAIN OR, ASSORTER I oitakepemlvialty o!fnfrnipbing .'tithr Brick or Diilk: Icéf tea t Illhîîrvhe-iialu, Picnîts andi Public Geihetinge. MITCHE LL BLACK oi.K2m LlbeB. U4lINO