lUvW itlI UWJLNLI ÔFFkOtAL PAPER 0F LAKE COONTY iaâe t. I.itUtosRc,-teedeece Teiepliofe No, 1141. lbertyWle Exchange ZUters5 e 0PMMsOO eeai LitertyVIlle. Il, se Second Ciam, Matter xoowsx M.àVeCtTtsLINU a&Tfl RADI xwowN ONeAPiLIi)ATON. iâ6o1pTi0N PRicE s$150 PER VEAR STRICOThY îIN AOVANCE il.4 s....... ..... .......... ..-............ ...Editor KILEYý.... :..... .......................................OCity EdItor1 FRIDAY. OCTÔBER .i0, 1908. As aserlous an assertion as It la to make, there se more or cas hystoria mm4td %Wtlithie present ant! saloon movement that la aweeping Uic atate dhe ution. lit te howevcr the truth. THE PEOPLE HAVE THE GRIP ON THE SALOONS, AS THEV AL- &YSli HAVÉ HAD, AND IF A MAJORITY WILLS THAT THE LIQUOR AFFIO CEASE IT 18 EASY ENOUGH TO PUT A QUIETUS TO IT. in the tiret place. the liquor laws of the state arceIn the main regia- suc sai a deflnlng hours and days of operation, whiie the nation liccnses 11wholesalc liquor dealers or deleirs of liquor in the original package. It la wlien we corne to the tate and the city that the rai rulera of 1: "Io"# ara corne upon. Tilt courty han juriscdiction over the entire county area not Inciuded1 ~th 0oi'prttOlimitae oUmunicipalities. Whore there la a munlclpality or an organization, however, the county ho lth rl$lta'to thc ruling body of the comnmunity. IN OTHER WORDS THE SALOON IS ENTIRELY WITHIN THE GRIP TH4E PEOPLE, BY REASON 0F THEIR ELECTING THEIR OWN >U1&N. SUPERVISORS, VILLAGE TRUSTEES OR CITY ALDERMEN. SIn still plainer language, as the rlght to license is optionai with the Wl bedisa nmed, the people have had It and stiil have it withln theii wer t6 mako "dry" terrmtory by electlng men to do their wiil in the matter, by weedlng out thc mon wlio will not do as they wish. As^#tliougti thîs wcrc flot enough, the local option iaw puts the matter tçi the PMoItadirect. and-wltli thc county feature and a search and acizuere Mpn wili put It djrectl>l Into their hands TO RULE DUT THE SALOON M TqOVEURRDE UNFAVORABLE BODIES 0F THEIR OWN REPRE- ~ThIio mane that today thc people rule absoiuteiy ln two ways, jA Q4THEIR IIEPRESENTATIVES THE OFFICERS AND THROUGH el[L«CAt OPTION LAW, thie saloon. T*ere lo thereforo no reason whatever for arny hysteria. 'l'ho Rov. Cortlandit Myra' crusade againat thc congregation's inclination tiÇ* th Saptiat Tabernacle in Brooklyn into a millilnery display is meeting W h atspiyorm of feminîna wrath. Ifoct theReverenc Myera lian yanked id, lingea and ail, off of Pan. W* box, and there are à lot of womon who have tentativeiy cqnfesaed that 4'tikmers of now hlis than tliey do of the New Testament. V.AWpk or so bacle, the pantor requested the women in his congregation ~i*oethoir "lido," in order Iliat ail might osec as well as hear. Last e;rhs'esaaed to roqusttand made a general demand.' Bee»on rsfuscd te oomply and the Rev. Mycrs applied the emnergency to his se0rmfon. Thon us sald: em' laUir. any woman present wlio refuses to take off lier hat, aIe can 6bn4bécauseo chIo nt wantsd liste. Vou women con take your dholca. talke yQur bats off or leave the churcli. I have licard thit there were l39, 0 thecongregatlon wio lhave announced lIai 1h.>' would stay at home CItisO Or. Weil, lot Uicm sta>'. 1 would týather preach to vacant ý**ntto WOMo Wltli vacant Mlnds. You could put tan thousand sudh WA M ouetad sod. Thon you lied botter lot ttiat rot." JhAklise camei off, and from, that lIme on thc preacher liurled oratorli Mpoem big litae, fttic liais, oild liste, new lis,ln a manner which' Is91dienceofe women gasp and hi*i maie heorera grIn witli unholy Joy. î "*b.e tuand the'ho on tlie mon, "*~okng of lha meannesa of corne ~ ~wssiid.and fath«Cr After a few Illustrations of the klnd lie 10114111d "Theo oly thlng for sud mon to do la to gel together wliat "Y aitan d thon go and commit suicide. TIc>' had botter go wlierc Çl oapected lIat the big, auditorium In Brooklyn will bc fllled ncxt * thoso W110 are curlouts to know if sriybodys going to bc present. w sdi ha km 1-il tel 1~ '3 a~et me -~.1 va as Schoel Notes. I~ooa e.,s'myille Florence Loveli anS Trumian Taylor se," tIhs optici ata the wIre absent Friday un account of it-k- riêstaore, 8aturdsy, Oct. 81, nes Me. Theopicture ufthe diferent grade rounia and ut Inch igh chool tlase Bnlkley returned 8aturday wr taken aset week. ag mqeral days with rela- w "nde la aine. Kneth Loveli, Frank, Eger anS Carl Hughes wtre ont for a pericîd on Market a do we hear people -, la ivhebad 6l ., aisé,comefrom"lt Norman Mi-Leod bac entered thetlghtb ocagh. The toper makes the grade as a tolîlun pupil. Ste cylone niakea thé bouse Atty. BeunLMiler wîia a vistor one r as the butter fly; tht atternoon lagd vi-et. kiaeAy the blakamitb Mrs Colby la traiig the Soulyre for hoa Tht oseh fly; their deplay h ivnfan a Makes the dog fY. The fout hall gainé Saturday afternon -1 - betwetn the toventh and elgbth grad a elle 01a nwepperman anS" c tht Frî.ebhmn and Sophomorit hae inthe n OWcpapo temaeresu Ite-S lun aseore o! O bu 0. bof a tt tllown~ tem Adamn Kuerber bas heen promoted trîim t- an exchau#e: l you thte ixth grade tu tht Ot.ett. Item orsa plee of fltWe, tll Mie@, Irent Lawrence Iras a visitor lu J.Tat' wha-we wantî. thetbigh wbooi roolli tbis wotk. RsUAer 'in s aitios 5xÇlti Ida Gtti wan ab&eeît trîîîn thet tlird ditWty in gathering not adeMu% fenndet,@cnm ,"Id Imagine, Thia s as the rd odyfenuSet lkee ýboa ewn'Y &o &wasluwri te é iu s realdence. U oing to Ibe aUffla.d fortuitlady oift bouge. 0 eau she wa out. "Are aiiy of Lt aiomo?" ,nquirea th. scribe, et$ aul out, z-Wua tht reply. 't th.r a lire bers lest "les" maad the girl, "but m5 Sffee, the osw coffee cuh noiwratooer'severywbere as VEctoffee, wlll triick ovol expert. Not a grain of reol It etber. Pure healttul tuasted OM4t Bute, ele. bave hotu 00 bilebidfas lu Rive a wondertull gpcoleu tastoand lavor.M tos*. lu a mninute," tool No Wlto 80 minutes boiling. Test le, Dr. Sboop crpated Healîh bMI the Peoffil migbî bave a kwbtitate, aud one that L 1 atistving ln every Laundry Office Mr. Grout Sayé, Physîcal TOUi Cen Nîver Malce a Farmor-M*ny Are Onty Minera. Mr. A 1P.lrout, of Içcetelii., w4 or o! several larme, Farinera' lutti. toto directur of the twentîeth congres- sional district, aud originator ufttIis Farin"nool Enoampuient, gives Youg men of the tarmn@came very plain ruanonei for gettlng an agricultu rai edocation If thoy expet to aucoeed lu the b"tàîeesot farmlnç onder the conditions of the futore, in substance as toflowé: ,Whu a boy on a Vernnfoai Ir. Grout leartrod b do every kind of faim work end nboy e eoîklid harder or more falthfully, bul ho did not te the lesaons in wbat ho dld; lie eaw ouly the bard work. Hs made mapiesair, We came aexpertin cradllug grainand bindlng grain by band, wae ready with an e rinced'a èýakng teers. anythlng required. th'e camne ie true 01 boys today. But i says this physical ablty nover did and flever will make a fariner. Farmng Blinidly and Blundcring. Itl irmeo r s!thid kiud, Wbo bave worked eary and lateo and utlrtngly but unintelligntly, trathavé ruiued snd mado desolate mauY fertile sccions of 'thi', and other c<utriée. I li farinera o! physirai force but witbout kuowledg Who are reeponeoibie fur thie abandoood lartne otf the ea8terii and oider parte of tisl rtiuîtry-farmers Who are woririug bliudly and iguorantîr. Miniug and Farming. Aýlog Friaser rnver lu Britiob Columbia NIr. Groul eaw the ground which bad been doit orer for goid; tbe soul bas been waahed away leavingouly rock and rub- hreh. Ic truek hlm that Ibis nîuiing le mueb like the kiuî] of tarming done bY meu Who ue Gly plîysîcai Strengtb in their work WVe bave a rich otîl tilleS witb gold, not lu the form of fileta] but ini the nitrogen, Polamiloui, phuePho>rus and other elemente'ot tertiity that are abaolutely eseential lutuie groueti o! crops. wbieh are really convertible loto gold. M.any larmere taketbins.- llaut Food@ out o! thee sou every yoarinuthe form ol grain anS olher product wiihont ce- îuruiug a. tiitug to thteî>îil tu -jUhablit tolteSmort tropà in tht coulng sia- sous. Mr. (roult alleS euvihfarmeru merely miner@, plundering anS ruîniung tht aoul. Many are wurking blludly and ignorantly. The almoot universel practice bas hotu lu Coin the land anS then eay, ,Wetward-bu." Real Farming. Ho saiS the roui farmer ld tht man Who grows big trops and returne ail tht goldnen leut.s ot lrtilitY tb the jolI 8o lbca go on produciug outl big croj 8 lndefinitely wîbout gettln4cpuorer.T "minlng' motbod of fartiîng le elmply rohbing thenoir goeratiou of ite rigbc- fui inheritance lu the riches of thtjoilI. Under reai tarmlog the land descends 10 tbe eilidren better and orà productive thau when the lather titgtu IL. MuÏI Gel Spocial FEducation. What would you tink of tht surgeon whose ouly qualification f6r aîuputatlug a8I1 or arm waa bis ability to uleld a .ag kilfe ads,od s aw? btrength le ouly one roquirement, the t ieliprt-4 o ut onesidtu 0kuow wby, bow, Wli ad wbattW do. The fariner must ho edu- caleS tor bi@ callng juet as tht Soctor, the la wyer, the pre«bcer, the honines man anti tht tIilied meciiaoic are sdn- cateS. He muaI etody agriculture. Ail thore ie to aceubîlle farming le tu farta accorîting to tht best methudde known. Il meane slimply following tht accumu- lted experieue of ohservilug, thouglitw fnil and otudiouà mou. It meaus tht beading uf recordeS resuite o! expari- meurte tslauadtrials that bave heen made by tducated anS scientiic men, wit1h tht view ut establiabhing tht truth landl ascertaining the best wala anS vuethoda. It ld with thoet reulte tbat triot arm boy ebould becjmÎe familiar. Th3 purpîlce ut thtefarm lfneampment la ta pruvide sourdt utthis knowledge, aroude the boys@ ambition, esabtile hlm tu ses eomotbing in tarmiog heoldes bard *ork--atart hlmW toreading, tbinking land étudying unili ho aequires tht habit fit w iili cointinuet ae long as ho live8.- Illinois Fariner' Instute. To quiî-kiy check a told, druzgîns are disjiteriug evtrywhere, a titrer Candy Cold Cure Tablet talleS IProveulie. Pre- voutiea are aIea fine for feverieb children. Takre Preventico aI the sottes sotage ta boaS off ail coldz. Box of 48-25c. ALL DEALER&. *4r«-we m Il 'I Selling -oui Sale Beng eoopelled to cloue My =40 Dry Goods Ladieý' Shoes Underweer, Etc., Ia order ta do "bi I amn couielled to make a greet rçductim s-la prdee and viiidispose .1 aU s niost a ut o. 1 MM 1bave la stock a ev Ladies' Full Length fait and Wintea Coula whlcb 1 iiimcielarubelov thse re tr Prim ,They are &Zo 190 models sudo4tihe beut materiLal Pail Milliniery Visen you buy a bat you vant t best ad'vmage. oui eou*ilatiqts of ribboas, ludwthIea, a dtome, vii produce a hat that viibe jua êbat. vouve. I Wee Sammy shows hi$ rretty toy To the great aclight of tle Japanesc boy. TIX. lpa think a lot of aur fleet. Maybc itil help te mnakethem think les$aof war, It would be -àgood thng if bah nattons tuck ta, their knitting. Anyway were doing that just now snd things are going to hum. Tliy cere tinly are with us and aur Une af gooda la wlnning friends evea'y day. We waut your patronage-a trial ati lent, and then vee'csure te, have t. A. H USS w'TIMKE LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. 1 1 lu cold or rain the hi The docks plenty but ,nter ils; t fece the lita. The cifference between that hunter and our line of SHOES' is thýat we make a hit every time! That sounds chesty, but its true, and itfs in your iuterest to prove it. You'll be glad you did. Just one trial is enough to make you patron- ize our store forever. E.W.PARKHURSTI SCIIANCK BLOCK LIBERTYVILLE, ILL.1 jWeIl Dressed AMen Are Particular About Their Feet jWe hive in stock good shocsaJor ail seasons but wiah aI thistime to cati your particular attetiQn-to * 'Men'sIiigh-Cut Shoes During the vinter seaan no man can enjoy real heslth Iunleas hi fet artenecased in substaalLal hocs. With the fet *dry and the head tight, the. halth Lsasaaured, :You'll find ôew stock af Menas Shocs a fine oaci you'l find t h e ahoe la suit you heme.We have Patent Leather. Velour Calf and Vici Kid and prices rang- *. ng from $3.00, $3.50, $400, $4.50, $5,00,nd $6.00 Men's Work Shoes, buit strong and durable, from $2 up S Our stock o ailansd vinter furnishinga la ftady for your inpection, * EVERYTHING FOR MEN ii.- B.- MORSE3 & CO. 'I IANBY BLOCK, LBRYIL o i o i j i i -s..-... I TR-1 JOCHIIIIM -SPECIAL ATTENTiION STo out of Town Ordmr And Shlpping Trade 660@9- Telephone No. 46i Lfbertyvflls Exchange 13AKF-R and CON!rCTIONER Libertyville lin ois HOTELS ANO0 RETAILERS8 SUPPLIED WE DELIVER TOADJACERT TOWNS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Afdjudîcailan Notice. PulI oe la, v~ STOVERS Ihave got t hem in ail styles anid siz-es. carr a large stock and buy in large quantîties and can make prices -as low as the lowest. THE UNIVERSAL ia oue of the best hues in the country. Superior to al others in Operation, Quality and Finish. Every Stove Guaranteed. iH B.EERj COAL TIME IS MELRE We wash ail Coal at our yard before dle- Clean Coal put in your bn. Nut, Range and Egg, Cannel, Washed Egg Ilocking, Splintand Imd. Block FeeingQuestion Solved Poer Cow Feed, Sugar Gluten, Daisy Dairy Flour Mlcdlngs, Bran, Corn Ileal, Oit Meal, Red Comb Pou ltry Feed EMMONS -MERCER LUMBER COMPANY LIBERTYVILLE ILLINOIS USIE for sale by CORLIETT & FREDERJCKS LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS -Telephone 30 PWCUREO WITHOUT THE ""'FE No Moey Calor TiIICure PILES Ilîlinois Statt Speclallats. 628 Wi. State St. Redford,. ill u. ~I Tbe Profits in the U -UDairy and Live Stock Business are in the-Feed ,Sugarota Duiry and Live Stock lieS,, oearryaug thc saccharine (mousses) clement in just the riglit prportion to niake the animrale like theai, are relished qw aud eadily digested, and go 10 increasete.mlk production, bufdfeah or crçate atrength, acrording to thicldam of stock toc which they are 10 he useS. Fie1froin veeds eeS,, the buanure troin Sugarota Feeds l; an idcal fertiisr. Sugarota Dairy FeeS, Sugarta Cattde FWi, Sugarota Horse P'eed, Sugarota She « ' FeeS, Sugarota Swiue Fee ,Sugrota Chieken eed anS Sugarola Cal! Meal rebaa.e=d a iéS, cch for tbc oece purpose for Whlh ati tu hoted rn 1-.-----PmB SAIS5y r 0 THI-E -HOMIE LUMBER' CO MPANY. C Q Le ( RBN a N ) 1 O Washtiurn & Crosbyj's GOLD MEDAL fLOUR >1 lt's made for jou. Tried and truc S~M. A. PROUI .11 ALah;ML ce mictr