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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 30 Oct 1908, p. 7

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OOTOBER BO, 1908 Look at This71S Real Monoy Given A way f rom nMW gauotl anuart I st, 1909* we WiI ive orn check valued et Wotb each peund of Coffee or Tee. Ths is realg giving moneq away. But to prove to you how n)uch better our Coffees Z, and Teas really are thari those you are now- buying fromf other dealers, we are offering you th is liberal lie inducement to getyou to try themn, knowing that If Syou try themn we will haviyou for a iregular customner. ~IG(lUARANTE la addition to our liberal Cash Prize Oflfer we guarantee Our 35c Coffee equal to any other dealers 40c Coffee 30c -35c ~. 25C -30c OUR TEAS ARE EQUALLY AS GOOD You can't afford to miss this. Remember if you are flot satisfied we wiII always refund your money. P.S-If you are now buyîng from a tea and coffee pedler, try our 18c cofTee and you wîil findc that as good as any he has got regardless of price . . Il FOR CHILDREN*i WooI Bluchers ...... S .40 Child's Moccasins ...1 5 souR soles 25 10 .40 Tyrantsize 2 ta 5 .85 5 ta8 .90 g.Prinae...........70 Phebe.. ...$ .1 juio,2 o5 LO1.O 1. 5to 8.. 1.10 Prinary........ lm0 Cisammate ....10 SUD Beam ....1.00 Kiter .. ... . 100 FOR MISSES Suahine Slipp'rs SL25 to SL40 1We have a lot of odds and ends Thelxna " 125 t 140 in brokmn.sizes worth Clasmate, vickid 140 b 150 'ISL40 tb S2,00, closing $.0 Marcia Kid. buttonlI.9O to 2.2 5 out price ........... FOR LADIES Libbey Shocs ......... $150 Facon Oxfords ........ 225 QujtenAlexandria . 175 Adamns I "..... 225 Trilby Shos.......... 250 Lillian Slippers......... 1.40 Crown Shoes --.. ........250 Pennon .....150 Planet Oxfords ......... .1.40 jArdmore .. .....200 FOR YOUTH'S AND BOYS White Sox ...... .40 West Point.. .. $1,90Oto .2.50 Caff Beino-aier .. 1.. 40 Clayton ....... L4to 1,75 Pwi aj i .....140 1 School Shoca.....225 FOR MEN Hartford vici kid ....$250JiVici Colt.......2,25 . box cal! --*2.50 Shark Sfon.. ..$3,00 to 3,50 Educator.-.. -S 3.2 5to 4.50 Ail America .. 3.50 to 4.00 Toiles ............... 2,75 ýNe,#A&a...............175 Smith &Davis Liberty ville, Ill. Horses Wint.red. Thoa. R. Quayle, of Lake Forent, of Iarn prepared to wlnter Ih&sea trtary of the Lake County Law a enmonable priceA. Gond .wr tbe ffOrer League, was a business viaiI estiti attention. '100<> s ofhen TueedaY. Charges of selling 4Wà fo tbm t ru la « Sf0887 'Wae eprmerred agaiet J. 8rQWft -Md r4 ea derlih Who wi toPmPerbIore.a i1bý ILiBLRiTVLLI3 AN IIDEAL SUBURBAN VILLAGE people you know and sorne you don t IOS!PtI DELIIAV - BADLY INJLJRED Cernent Block Manufacturer Has Narrow Esca pe in Accident on -.d -.-nk R-ad1 Mrs. Dick Pritebard and son, Roy, Libertyvitlioj boorning. sprint Sunday in Jaeriiville. Gilt tie haiit-Bluild ilow. Joseph Dethaye, a ceeraet con. Mr. and Mr*e.(leu. Fredericte »pont It inght tie, wei to rerjjar th lat Sat- tracter cho resides near Libert3 ville Sunday witb trien la tu Grayiakre. urda.y. Iltober r31, le HaiIowerin. tistyîng lit a criticai conditionea its 4z 'Prof. Munéon, of the Waukeg&fl Brai-T. rsa neusCullege, wa a v isitor berle Satu rday. Tîeîa as tire test day ofi regid- home near Libertyvitte as the resait tratîî,n. The enroîlmrent tre a ltuti' larger oftitin accidenît which beteit hiiraself MiseSlita Waldeh. of the Sheidon this year thau test. anîd bis brother as they were drlving Univrsiety Pi'es, spnt the week sud '11 Thomas Dreirir, manaerroftheiSeldon a loaded wagon front a complterd Chicago. lUaîvermitv Preise, lait ,Tbuiwday for contract at High-wood lte Thursday J. Eli Triges Ie giviog away a Oive cent Topeka, Kas ,or, a buoinema tril, -he-k with eery pound of coftise anîd tre Tehva aî .pe]o L .',eeveventng. Heur hi ad Th. bzaa an supe),of he.Clerieerv The toaded wagon, teamanad lists w, Reai hieitd.Association at the town liait thike J- . B. Mroe returned tlet Friday (Thursday3iiin_'. Fou are invij-d. occupants were drîven loto the sriwer att,:l i uît o1 Ipur weeks witti relativ es îIt '.,',a i thât L. 'H. Bryant î dltch now under construction en the in i!tixsiO. offi', .u î', residenee on Cook avenaue for 'Id Plank road whieh teade to Llb- !dîps Maguerîte hIrord, of Ittrkriteiter, s Ii i expecte to moire to Caliiîîrnia. ertyvîtte. h aî,cltetI a ,:usîhî r ir e Sheldun Il' tint-Fotur roorne tor iglît hose What haptîened after the wa.gon and l'nivereity Prese. eipia, mocond-floor, gm and siot water. Ils contents ell it to the ditch le flot J. M. Fuller and tamnly.ut, ai"o t.ru ELIZABîETH B o.Na, Braitii'rd Counrt, known. Ait that lri known of the acct- Mpet§ SW J uller.h ieprini.. 't tue requlit of itirite ian tate dent 19 tiratboth Lorses and the two Mie. . J.~'ual -umwittee Atty.Bein t. Milter contractura Were injureit. tIre. Wordea VrIets a ni. uf Elgin, wli.". i" a rtoinig cainçiaignadadrese The wheel of the wagon paseed di- ar-e pendingebfpc île3swcuti li,rparerits, at tialtî-.hui,.-rn nemI Saturday nigt rectty over the chest of the driver. Jas Mr. and Mrse Ed V%%elle.FbThLake Furriat 1',,) rewhi o re in Debat e. white' his brother fared but Walt er i ni,' di ieîiîi ppn t ses irai hav e lîîîcird a inalt. '-vrixlb thle 1ebttr days ia Chicagoi lai.t ceck. The grileseLibrrtyvilie tcain hers Iiîiîiii mt di i tebotr of filende uri] i',liti ves ntul p~l nan appearace. 'iU i lntly lloth lnjured men were taken lm- Tom iunit Vti tirei.'r, (it th,'1 Buiness scar,'dOuti. medtately to Dr. Wescott'a offlice- Philosopheîîr, ccreu'itre. guust. if triends ireTueliisr on tLe old aîi.i pro- he-rA their Injuries were dresaed. li lin Clii'ago orver Srrîday. purty ctiii-ii waa puariisriui 1-Y ltrrard cas est, . Itifor an ambuance 10 be For soilorn Irai-kinl, .iI"rtyville.,car i-iii-k wsi i iovedtetir biit in the procureit and josepîh Dethaye taken 'iliad îî"" ne Irh (tl.vîtiuura , Isr rtil ritioii s . .A h tîglSlomte Ittre ho cotitlbc' oirsed bri b Miv.. é'iiii'î î1ii- Ai . i i i ibi -.iiii tii'uii,'r liha@ 'Mol liiîriîî(f orît ath N,,i, Et le higopit i. iI( tti'iiiiie ' 7 rînl.suoîie it ~,'rtv. Thetor; le htared for the accident Oc.ý 1 lParc ejyer, o mikg hiight hav e edeit bot mens Thur. uîî tjirsIg f 'rznt ihivýijred s îliîîî'ln kgnM1 )îiýha es condition has im- Thurdaye iciij îg figii i uiîi'- i nua i, ' oamit iii, t,îuog 1113 t-.r" ,-, rraI ro, iiidii rig the ceek and i la ex- tripteDritltand ither M ihi îui - i'. I-k r iir î thle c i 1,1.'.- iii ii i 1i ntî lieue tartaii.. again iin a iniit)iitu oI uingoi ui t iai li i oM t.' it ,ire pert 'ithiiat lue c-lit be able tu be op upply bote, tr vi.omrsaud av r ni 'Si dr- v ladi-r' u , eîur antd ai ouîîîîtin aa c ruekstDr. Gaiý onîe reciqîîring tirtaitti-le fileuse l.iail eîîdei. b1M usILA.l ti l. ucayis Nlit atteîîdatîre plione 7451 Kuurille J.ustgî' ,lseph Hallt t tltilsu, Mr Pil'iie tliiîîigliî tr frîîîîîeaiiirei3 Ater a week uf riîîtîus rex Intire fiel, Ohiii. 1uîiiîio'd a81 liil 21' ,,i la tiii.i xv iOnt 'iuesday and tuuking tn L Danîile Comedy C,îinîiaiîy 1il'i' i îî'r ci.-. the' ilai'k geeding, Ru- iaIti;ratti an. le us li îise affaire. engageaient nI tbutIe Vîiiion du un tu tasi I2.01V4. front P . E.MaraL, utft1,î; attan __________ Satarday night. jSc- k t'igsri. Flieprie@ hi sailt,,i taieObtay Tite Ladîis' A td Soieiiivotftlis:2 itii -<( ieirge Herbert Bartit w'as iîrrnin odisteîhurvh ciiiun-et illtilie olieIiu ri ii rder t battire puictiri n,' -. b c. î,' Lke iiiiiit itear Lilurtýil)ettcon tire M r,. L. F ('tari, Fui ais ftieri îu,îîî - iii lOiniel %, itiiitheii excellen ith Il if river rîîad, .1 cruiuary :31, i '37. Bis boy- Nur. 3. isitirs wriuu-uiv. i r telleand -oifees cri are ii,-1,utety bood and ecrtY fianhrouo cere paeéed in James t irls.s ad siuter cii i] cîîgier. g ul i ofleY auay. Fîve iiî~x L ake acounty. 'IiiApîit 18161lieo ealimwd Mies itraotriFirbes, Of St. Jie, Ni-h - er 'y îiîund uf collfes or tesria tt'olurad la Co. .151tttII. 'Vîiîiteer tîîentry anîd wrire viitorsliti the homes ut Mr. aîî. a stre "' 515iiiut.rdin ni t Fru-prt, May 24, M rg. Daniel Les sexerat days fast woe, O lrdena have aiready hien --ticl 1861, ihisbiig thliiruttIlinaois regimeisî taie,'ffi]the irain heteen Cthi,,,ig iid tii rIituef or theî't1ije, iear tenrm. Alter My entre Stock ts ieiiig sutl ut aia uA lawrth chîvh leaveo boe rit,7:24 ra.participerting ini îîtthîe betties andt greet reductiîn la prie-e. Oji1uirtuniutips iii.ari arrives et 6:04 p. ni. Tiit..7:22 stirnielies ut liii regilîlent lie cas severe- tiratare c-ortlîy o! vour notice. k)în't iii 'îiî-ago i n Surcda.y eveiitr a- otîîsa 1 vind d true atut1Suilub, c-as torget iv,(-rail. Mas,. M. A. PÉiiTISi-. rendv blî ilu ien off a@ wriui a. 1Il, 2:2-i sent home, anul later wuii aiuMtered out An irate erimate, w iih blond in lier i u leioi Saiiirday atternoone. un aerounit of wriunrls. %bN'he h au audberhai Il a rai rteppd Of a It as «Ol Fi Da" a ilNi.E.recoivered ini 18(j4 lie eulisteit in Co. t.rot train boerlond yiaitrai t Suriif a cs'liFle a"e .the I7tb Illinois Cevalry. Sulieequently tran hrriMonay ttenou. Se ccîurî-îu tstisnumIy morning tIiii il"'lhe rrsigîîed andt entiste in lu t U . S. tikin to emoa. Fie l< wa gori e., 'vs .'r xei ettended 'rSouxenuir regimeat ut beauy artiiery where Le was The Emon-etrcer Lunber Compay ribii, ili lattges c-re givena to atithue î,tîjr proinoled to tLe renk o! captain Ini rerently irîetaiiu.d a n,'xs fen-to u "ir-ieîu.ofii the rongregatiot int liriir wbicb office Le served untîlt he cose otf tauks wagon seu-ae. Ttre oîld une trot 'IftIlle or,ci'siîîti A oplciat itnun-et the Civil war. blrni lageenoghto anili teirbu p- fagrniOfnire e u t îe ud uic I n1868 Le was riected sherifi of Laie Brin rernigbt ait hi ha-atutri fiisr r. couuty and was re-etecteit for tLe two Ct.Futür. the weî.nîîsn traner, Marshal lîib'rry %%as -alen rîît its ecceding terme. Foiowig the fot- who htocrs ari t the rmile trnck rivery sturabers on ai-ruant o i pjlaîiin duit stepe ut is ftler, who wcri le outhiL seapn fr te pletfle yerple -) y Whu raiscri a rainput on the strict in iret Ibree. coaniissiouereot Laie county, eutieindrindent ot the Jouhn Thomii1Mon front uOftir. E- H Smîî lus residriucr nINa lie tuui an active part in the business Stalri. ridayîaioriiing. Titi-, ..pitirued" liai 'v and politiciat lite. Aler tht,, lie lîx'ed et wasinere-ratd ad rjeaed u îll Storm Laie, Ioca, for a iiuibçlr o Tuoe.Ile a disquietiîig ruiiloi uticat proîllîse tuai b- b'at i for tLe tait ci t yrears. He Ibmn returned tu Illinois aîîd tiathe CLeicîago & Milwautkee Eteliio ui-uit til u'iixt airniiîg.aller a tewyeareai Eventetinlireturacri tri cunternptatîîg tekiug a tec nidule tt e ilîri o iiiîetead wxi lie itîivterd cars off the Liberrt3 ville li0' OLord, - - iii ieIiimotru it f ui. , evidni 1r, aiiil tthe urne of lus dvîuliiit. 21, 1918ý how l'oung' su. r'Ii.uilei rsiuîîn xli [iorrthe tîîttî cHe casmna rried lu Elizabtetht ltîî-kitngtîîn itig 8siriî T'l, tiili-- i a neigtilîriug il, 1864 aoc' deî-eîsed. He lias ther tIrs. Si-huyterrApptey h, ravîsîîîîîg luisn îoru tlii îia.v- le i iln îouk i t atlicr utfour r'iitdrera a iliuigltvr. Mie. tbrougii Coltorado îsd the cwestern stat-eacili a ,1 iiuîr itilocal optiona t,'ssRiîanîîîcîtsun vîîîrg lîi i fthle itihe past tfouîr Wc. At thé, preserit t tra , ' ij,-tlii. 'paper iags uon otiter iitdii'i OIcrîtlatiies lieii tiicI, ties c le iivsiîng ber tarentst,,luvrtî'e ii Ii tl iiti uzt liLed a lut utsurvis ,'îlit;t%% i u troiIr.thl Ilireit P. Naiiniiicr, Neu. lt rcatiee e il iii ili.t,, t b r,'w i uver liai tett, iit'if îîi iuiiît Lake; Chas. T. Flue teant sx'riiker suas iept bus' Lere intu ui diirvtuii e - - toiture. The Bvarei,Of r'% l.iustiiii, ui a uiterr MIre. Sunday. Flirve lîîuîivd cars uff the track cosar plelli-tî i v'3 -sLau, iii ,rt.-it Kiiv, Il titaiiiid Laie. - et the grvel lit and a disabtrid engins in tirl iatare ment i -t tit-Fu,' i -i s a tctl tront the ;. . uti htîî-"t'ai c 'siutt o itaîîî,d Laie, at the biitlltig ivurs c-hich deiayed the Ini the intreiter i-l, i i iîg lit aiîitY l iL Suritu ,iiîîuîliiig et 10 ouc-ti-k witb nsl tktrain iMroie tlet."Citizen Iii t' rcai liti ,[ il gîtcud liai t Ii -Il',.Lam uter iiuiatng. The budy - Hugli Red, tirnerly of Liburt.vvtlte, Sundayt'-eunand eut i i oitîe otficial8s e i- ltctciby ninaytrriinde andt bat chuo s iu% iranet.nployëe in the thuire tuaIthylepm-i tîrteea w'utieioiriiittuts tri the Waukrigen oumetery - guveriiient 1ritirigoifite ai Wastîing. endtaille anait erit.,i h il rtrng froint ix te,'ai,'r iilulripriutri irdiremses by tun, t.Cl siiîî iii other4-in aw. codi iituee saionu l,îu i- cI.i itufJun,'- Cot1 lb gel s eandl rtiers i t caslaid to Mn. tL. FI. V'iia3 ieeibis weei. tion. Herrinuritet Il. i tiiî'uentiu wrtîret ss ilt tirapressie Ireiiriîun t J.G.T - iyagent aethîe oid de ot. ooat ai toast bli-11,hl ircas tire cuillj". A. fi. ituat. ttiinuiil'tl.dFtionyoftirhe irai e)1l 2publi' s vsc3 lu attend tire lutteraxtifl its ciftes aister. precarioue and nmali,, ru' not exIeleu îo Etraaet He r,tucne,î thoe Mnîuuay. lBenSmne lilve. Ater aeilti'iutt î-alîlah hbW14S' ci,,,tanmnt fillild tre caru-3'during hieabsence. tltitto ebut îtri)îîtdtt] îiig dtuthe ce- Tire ftuoite mg îrugrcîîu wil ho cerried civer. uotut e su tîoulteurrteuiient to Le OIt Fashbionriti Dance at thetown bal l I an effort tiid, : a lbotteur trait) giveni iiti'grdsaîhglseo t thi,, Friday vreireîîg. Oct. 30, givEn hy flvic e eiiiiiri ruee iteesiiy uutrde adui h taterun le dact.het's Mîttr' tanut. Coarnelnd Edwin Autinthie lli' s % -k -Liece- eVelriitg ru Niir , i, 1 A emal ad- Dan ce eandu theretft. heina mei ceiveditstefult quouta ,ii 'gnatures. >At îîissiuîu tee Oul ilt'en cents witt be chargeat Dan ucir aîd ii, res utîLefamiy. thLe end cof the suitiu, i t-.iia, usotîtt3 the procedsitri tueused ftrrthe henefit of Anothbrr ieu housein enuir",oferectiou about the iret o!f ui uu' a numiier itie su-oliui le thut of Anison 1'. Wheller ou Prairie ut tralufs runniag iti.-,uîand ibrouglu Molie .- - - Orbetra avenue. John Wlrhthîe umonunment Libetyville are takleuu-riThi'Ls petittin ijit 1IiJ------imBehst dealer fror u Anioch, s ibuilding un asîed thatu tLe trait'\% t Irloveis bers .-. l,,,ayeax k------F.sGa Miwvaukee avenue c lure his corks wil et 7:20 in the moritiinu an uvu esvr Chi-tii.cit ...,...----------------Hazet Davs ho eiabiisbed. cago at 5:10 il, the evir.1.îiug e stlks1i 'Titi Spe'ting Match"-Diaoue... .... -..Fiti sud tlth Gradtes Thedranae.crtuisiuirirtie uc'unning as it je a rer i, i ilvenient one -*'5n i.L aBaby Drul............... SToke drainage dîimsntutrbîofu theî for the use o! Liberty i t - businessemnu.a . . .OecI3id ad htr (Sade Wheherthepraerliti Iiý *tiio m-ll 'l"10Solo ................. Et n rdeIr poseit utW. E.tMiler, ('hase VWebbh ad Webrtepae u uttous-G Il 81-P.Toddy "...irai rad e 0r Andrea' White apettcastc'emktravelling bc aneweedyet rmaintioibesorln. i ..........'.----------------jal. subsit îiîrough the tate of]Inaaeinspecing Tige lecture course mu lit u-l it he given Driîu itll ............... ths drainage ditches titere. by the 'Glazier Lyceuuu.Bureau ' of Clii- Daiogl,'......- ilev ndsutElgh Grades W. . Pste, ius utaksuiti, bs agoaiethîe Union ci ttri luthîs winter -Mut MitiSong".Tird sud Yourth Gradevs cul. estrthtI.ade itlels f.lotcui aunu..hers: Th" ............. orlTaylor purccînse ot Fred Grebbe bts bouse and IinnI itsClbl i-it (suteu boirîane --------------..... NathIs iwu lots on Yuscberry avenue, the deenetories nd olin IIg -tiares o ctter Ieultail----------------------Ferl Onaei being coneumateit lest Fbursdey. Con-_____________ siduretin $000.Tiîe utu'unsedue dey; Hn. JmesR. 1;rkley, the poil- sieaio 300 hsofcuse oeulen dlay modeler and ,u ritiuuniet. Be is ote nutldithîe Abane Sprnu. a chalh talker sud vni iii ii tiest SuloNoie Niue horsees fromn Diii tIrMabona pleeses and entertainsm. r. Benjamin F. Ail custoiasrs owîng accorai,.ait my string sense hipped bers fronu Wlealon Pnatt ie an entertaintrug iard instructive~ store vili piriase settle on or betore lest Friday ln charge of Frank %W - t ecturr-the kinit thixitleaffls svrry- Nucertberrlth us It drtit close ser'- unit witt winter at tLe mile rak. Mr. body. Jamee H. Shaw, tire popuhan l,ýc- oral c,'uks during thte iintrir mouttue. MeMaon i nowracig inthesiithivest tuner, o* ujcIar: LesnMi.M.A lTýqE andt wiît eturn to Libetyvitte about frons Lincon" and't-ii the State. _________ Nov. 15. MIr. Shaw bhl tectumi-,tiers betone tu The Christian Socialiet meeting wbivhi bigbly ploaeed audieni. i. Leist on th Notice io Creditors. ,Was to bave been hetd et the tuivO hall lit and loan tram the te,î't are the Otazier I1c'anît ait eounts owing me 10 Le hesit Saturitay evqningdid notmete iaiize Jubilee Singera, wblclui i.,-uruposeit o! six setttIed biture Nov. 14, 1908. Dun' finit cah r ,Ilurpd ingera and miî'u- efleot nationialtot ift fer thai dato, it ie presented t 1 asirie unenigbtoned rlsed tu gaher u aa ity. Tue 1cou- usan excele nt yoîî by uattornieys. "e ' t to gsi tLe igbi. There are appareutty )neeeut one.tbat tre t i ety vitle public 5 2 Wia M. BEÂTH. su mnany anarchiste bers tliet anytbing hlcoserhm'u'tugtaoed________ enrilit as socialiem duos Dt aispeal tu in evdcnig. os(lM ihy ao iLs masses. Taie Notice. 1 c'îsb to nutity ait parent,, that any SH EN these wtry days maie you lhink aof'ýWhat sN-tulive doue ail boys totînit Iiteing lu anut about tLe suommer,"onue cxpciences a feeling of genuine satisfacio n in the pos- townt hall c'ilt be deait i tlî severehy.t session of a beatthy bani accounit. This la hosv your îîî uriy wlll accu- Tueur nmiscisvlous tepredations bgvp mnate ai interestinluoun SA VINGt itepanimnent at $400 pern cvi 1:;lierole a nuisance. JULius TitEnTow, Town Cleni. ~C Six manihs ................104.72 Fwo veans ................ $428.38 _ ______ tut one easr .............................. 21 1.00 Fhree'years ................60.37 The Democratie issues ofthîe campaîgru tor Voýi shoutit bave a Bank Account. $i.o0 wll.stan îîlie. sere expountdei before a large audience on ~~We afford our patrons absolute safety andt goodaservuce.atieow hitltWesdaevnn on atthRSeAINA A KOrU Ç T VL E b Bon hall. H. ousda Hovn. nea. 54lOEs hie Sf_ e h ee Edomfor., rue.èee i thek tire S.e re. th s nu aid dlowm - m r irtocs. NI6àdb, R.- a Hkg chg -M À- Md-. l. feritalb . su 0 oul12 ie Ssdt Ba. i-,M...-cd ak ,y SHOR5. Thees. !.uou uiohmseemsadt e the wlea haiy tramin" at Sp.boniu Thcy are a -uew les thge fet -i. every . tenge!m.WoeL Nas g=nlo.ne nlc exa amg ninveabrand on tI&eas!k Auguat 31 to Sertember 5 EDUCATOR WEEK OPENING OF 5CRO «*" hh l.gj u .I. For Ladies and Gentleun. The best value or ang shoes on tdm market. Meng other fines especiallj selected for The lias a separate room Lake for the use of Its Countycustoniers; a Plaée Countywhere they can meet National frlends for business consultation. Bank Salety Deposit Boxes for Rent. BAR OUT TiHE LONG WINTER With a Hcating Apparatus whcu pricela W"t~ reach of aIL. A ateel furnace and jacket for 6 alx.roorn cottage for S32 and a caat iron futo' nace for are for $40. Somnenalr reconi. intnd ateel furnaces because they arc che.bot buy a fuce that La econorny and loqgo4kvtd. and m2ake Do miatake by buyiag an kidea or Boynton furnace. For sale by A. W. LICHTFELD Dealer ln ah! Kirds of Heattrug sm4 LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. I GR L'S C LODA K&S We bought about 30 Girl's Coaks whieh the mlgW carred oerfroc~iilst ataon, Thçy were moe, cibisbei numnbeft. inade frorn hcavy ail wool Kerumys. t*91W #0 trimrned i first clam style. You will have to pasy ff$5 to $8.00 for the sme grade of Cloaka. Il yousdoi ldW ' slight difference In tht aleeves you can buy thern frooi us Mer 1$2.00 to $3ýOU Five Cloaks. large athe, ages 14 ta 16 , were $10 to StM. at $5.00 and $0.00 Babies' Elderdown Cloaka, alighbly moIltI former pie S2ý now for 75Ctt TH -AT- The irinest footlorm shoes made.

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