CoJINTrY N PNDNI"AMtoa hcyW J OFFICIAL PAPER OF LAKE OOUNTY Schoai Notes. Mvi,. Pritchard visfbcd second grade 'rttbtteNa.I &,,o'RsixdencecTelephone XNu 1141.LtbeityvIlile tctiange last Friday. Gleorgie. Feller fis ont on avoant of F.ered aisl1ûYtofiMee at Libertyvtlle. lMt. as Secondi Clasi. Msîier siekne, again. MU1la Sa WCi v -AnuT)V.ý.Ni. 5TfflMADE KN0WN ON APPLlu-ýArioN. Mr. Siale visited the mcihool Monday niorong. *USCRIPTION PRICE SI.50 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE Mir. liIgg e'tteuded theligli cehoiul ionfcrenîc at [ehana last Tburcday andi ______________________________________________________________ Fritiav. Nies PCater acting ne princ-ipal FRANK H. JUST -..... .... . .......... ................ ..... ...-....... Editor cdiîrigliiiam lnc e. T tbereigli hîi ~.M. KELLEY ..................... ............................... ... City' Editor ovcr 40t0 teachers precent. ltcv. Lawler gave an intccestinz talk nt îthe oinîng exeîieiTiîecday FRIDAY, NOVEMBER -,î O'u,ý - i PCar I liglex gave ailorajioîi ln __________________________________________ _____ Wdîiesdav inoruîîug ahilh aae wcll revsivcd hivth.e plt. Durîng the quarter of a year endeti June 30, 190L there wert, on our Tliere n iii lie no echolo Thurcday and ettam railroatis, 2,130 collisions and derailmenits, reaulting in a 1063 ta the Friday cf thi' Ivik. roads of $1,617,398 in damages ta cars anti rolling stocks. There wili he a lecture illutratcd xvth clereoptican viws at the higli echool Who pays that $1.617,398? asseinuhly rioni Dec. 11il. e Tus njext of it la charigetiou the houkasaof the campanits as cegular '"wtar antitear.' Uice lecture liing "A Tour (ifthie %White It is sn item of 1dtericration-x tis paîi out ai'the encorne of the conp any tlountaitic ' TIieecture îc furnished tîy juetilkeanyCherbill. Eery uartr te amtintis he ýe, ad hiboey1 lioreve K. Tranir Art Co. andilail Juatlik auyothr bus, veryquater ht moun s ht smtand aboy li' vira-cebovi wtll lie repriîdvlions tiînks af nt paying for such lussms Until l s paîi tht dîvidlends art net iî the workc cil gre'it artixlSý. A ernil figureti. il nilcion fIce viill i,.charg4d, thl During tht year endet Jue 30,. 1908 thetettal number cf casuatits an 1lvr xl,, t-w lie ticexliii fuvuù.liîg piture aur wteamn railcoatis was 72753. 0f these 3.764 weve kilîtti anti 68.989 ictre Ileginîng xtl iillet Tucelax thie tour lajurei. The resulting loss to tht cuada was-who knuws, Tht mades du nut iceecin te higli eho-luil sli talkc turne thiuk It worth whife te say. 1 m funistiiîg soîîîething iuleremtlng for, Who psys-who sustains--tht losa resulting f roui theý 3,764 deaths and li'o~igeecec The excrrci-econ the 68,9n injuries sUffertd on aur rairoads? Tht pervenît of athejidance Iti Mes Tht raifroatia? Except for tht cost of maîntaining tht dlaimn department. Stuart's ruonî lu197. ne. Art thtetiacears' buils chargtd aganst tht rose!i along with thte'-wtar anid ear" or tht "deterioratlan" te tht roilinqg stock? No. se tht valut ai tht human lîfe ta tht widow anti arphan chîltiren assesstd as a regulav anti stecesaary expenat in Na. le the helplessness ai' tht crîpple appraised anti paîi along with tnt locomotive that went thvtîu1h the cnivert? Noa. Why? ls humuainldt chezper than waod anti van? Are bloot aund aguny mars ntgliglble than box cars anti unniug gear? la t juat that tht lumber and tht junk chould bc chargtti up te tht uoseai' tht stockholder. anti the feet andi handa ai' tht engineer bc chargeti op ta hie wfe anti chiltiven? Or shoulc the humain Ios bechargtti up tethe i ntustry? Net l imt yuu hear tht presitunt talking about tht ntcessity ai' a na- tional 15w ta camrpel tvery iinutry ta htar tht burden of its los n înjury te the employeti, think ai tht acny ai' 3,764 rai Iroati engînteer firemen, brake- "men, contiuctore, ttc, wha marcci iath tvtry ytar te certain titath. Think ef thse army of 6&98» rairoati trplayta wha mardi forth every ytar tu ctrtain lury. Andt txt ask yoursthf i it je fair to charge that loau ta those cri pples ant thase widows andi orphaus, insttati cf sprtadiflgit uvev the general caut of raitroati operation.-Pittsburg Press. '1t wasn't se much of a pinch atter ail.' saya tht St. Louuis Globt- Oenocsat. Under thte exaggerationa of an opposition party tryîug ta gtt ail àt asultiout of it in a campaign, tht business contraction which settin about à ymr no lias bout eagniiedte t undue proportions. Tht annual repart oi tbe Puliexan Palact Car Company, Just out, shows hat tht numbtr cf people trawling l in Pulman cars durlng tht year was greater then during tht year prmis, and IUe amouit aof money apent by heni for theitr accommoationas je &Mo ccams greater by two or thrte million dollars. These figures gîve a, te thse caim that there has been sucli a thing as a great depressian. 11me m a dccite froni thtelxîgh level of haIt a dazen years prtcedlng, but ttepepIe. il secîssa, tere etîll able te face tht Pullman parter without quail- 11111Wstle Cthhgh i gr i fsalveucy remaina, a country is uat anywhtre near aidpetm bauskruptcy. Tht campaigun juat endeti gave even those ai' us wha wmghvioue te keep bafanceti thternotton that tht country was passiug mort peu -ammlintg In Pullman cars hat ever before, it s clear that wit have nat à i te feil cluteliofai'crcumnstancts te an exteut justiying Mc. Bryan's ~met ~ upatsy ifor us. Anti what happi'ned te Mr. Bryan shows hat wee Îît beias-e the Pullman figures proveti it te us." 1111u01»»Acte Gouli. knacenin Paris as the Prîncess de Sagan, tutti tht uswmpv'w twa diays aoa hat hers was ta ruthi n tht reports ai' hec tn- *utmte sete a legal separation from tht Prince de Sagan, but an the enu-y aiue andt her hugbanti cere "penfect y 1happy" tagether, there ceas a *»erW uti hat lier representation ceas a rut one. Tht public han hati qai mene xci' Che msfartunes ai' tht Goulti famîly, andi eke ceu ufthCetde- oneubSailthe Castellant-Ot Sagans. 111slt nw cocues Maitre Bonnet, lawyer for Count de Castellane, andi de- p»M Ctientotwithstanding tht arguments ni' Che Princes, de Sagan ahe ceas aegay contemplating suit agaînst tht Prin-ce for a seiparation net langer 1111s a wtek aga anti that her quarrels.ceith hec hushanti ave ut such a char- .a U fat they make her chîlticen Iceho are aise tht chiltiren ot Count Castel- tue) postvely il. Furthermore, Maitre Bonnet says he cili pruve cehat he fi txsusersly a maCler ai' a short tîme, therefore, untul tht Princesu AsswîIr b rushing inCa court Ca air tht same srt of charges agaînat De Sagan that she preierred-anti subsantatr-against hîs couuin Castellane, Theiiuswhuabanti ie waating her money on 10w cornpanns-male as ceeu »s fenal-ln prsclsely tht came manner as ai' aid. they are net unly comisnaï, but hey art bird, aof a feather, ceak andi degenerate akes wha mate thir courteny titîts ai' "prince" anti "counit" look lîke sactienic jesta and from whom ail healthy-miuteti men anti cemen instinctively shink as they would from lepeva. SThee chilirsu ai' Jay Gauld wcho have ntt ast their sanîty oni heact anti Wf life atteuit comt'ne tu put a stop once for ail to heir Parîsian sistera feilles. Thers may have been sonne excust for lier bei'ig deceuved inl hec firet experience wth tht De Sagan.Casttllanc family, But having faunti vhat a mlairable apolugy for a man lttie Bon: was. she ceas withuut any excuse utiativer for turuing araunti anti marrylnLh hie even mure notariouis cousin. This tiludeti anti self-willeti coman. ntCmtrely tiebases hevuelf. She «abtaon unmeriteti stigma upgn ail Arn.erucan w3mauhoud, notcithstandng the tact that in tht persan ai her ovin aiter, living quîetly Iu New Yort and bpsylsug hîrseif with works ai charîly anti educatian, Amerîca secs a type ni ."&r"ter hat ail rmay wetîl love anti admire. It vwould bc on ail accaunts a geeti thusg if hia sister, cith the aid of he altier brother. George Goulti, cho je, a isuhtantiai andi wholtsone-mintitd business man, coulti anti ceulti induce tse American caurts -te ake charge ai Anna Goultis estate on behaîf ci' hec çhidrmn, this legal cecourse being aken on the grounti ai her mental ivret sponWillty. If such an action titi tut cure tht younig woman, tl eoulti at ast riti her aof the attention ai tht vultures. TIME TO BECOMIE A atiy gexieral electlaîi wblvh in thiux U. S. ITIZEN crase eai, that the',Ixut day on whlch U. S CITZEN ertlivateis of îîatuvalization eau lie lrcnit clerks alv îusuing tiie fol - rne lihM c CT twuo lowig ntic forzhý beefi of bos - ideslha ai pe i. sfuir cct ifltatî'c Iw wg natveo tîmluelutthc e ni'0 fnatîîralîzatlon niuit ii on file wlth l th aurez l".ton he lerk uof til- roui t ai haut niîîeîy III alhana Who der r tii uuîaii titeir 1d ai c beforiiany aution canvitbc-etati-n An Appeal la Resson. Liluavtyv i liei. leg innîng tii eîîoy tlie reîîîtatîuîn iif teing a progressive village and ii e 5li iîgtliat cmpîtlimenlit muet îîeiecarilv cuslein ît Thi, lîttlo ton of RumiIl in theii .iivhern îpart oftheî eiîunt ' vlias takeîî upounr mrket clay dea. and are cunldeut tlîat tn il hi siieeeslîil Now Ivoni lJra.vmlake i niex a icoummunicationlî ,î'it tii tTi mesîcxin thîx pant iemaiîne'r Deatlî s id ul t o lnî a long Sound i--t. vet nul 1111'will attenîllîtolu muet the deail. %% hile oi.-vasioluallv uonie onle v, ll try Ccl arîluse the s lee-pitng. Tic Libearty ville é iPElET of. laet îvcîk Shows ul how vcry muci aive the iîilrovcuient asscîiatîin (if that hurg i'.in the inateruîf xeîring facto ies, ît is îîoa licgotiatiug for a rublier fac- tord. IVe al kutier that as tii adi-an- tage. fur irhg tacîories lihertyvîlle hix iut in it. vomîared tii irayelake-hut xwh a iii pneh thje matter ahead' The cyn dicutu-' But thIle sndivatc e eme to blic îk aîîd Che improvemeit association lc blot only CSleeing, but leepingi-cri- coîud. Now if b soutie meatîs tht slefee au iheI aronsed auj &et to 'nurting the Sirk one, perliaps litveen the twio. (iray@lake mnigit yet get Sxmne factori.s ixhile the cry ot aclîured prospcrltv le in the air. Notice. To i lîhoîîî hmay concemn This is to rertity hat John Prochaika le in Do îxay reîpou3ilile for î'oai taluen trou, car sîdetracked at the itondont green bonse. Coal iras taken trîiîncar hi-lure its arrivaI here and parties havi. paîd for samne. JOEt BaND. Dr. Shoops ealti Pufte is creatcd trou, pure parchi grains, malt, nuls, tt-Dn ralcoflet lu itu Fine in flavor- îs 'made lu a minute." No 20 tor 30 mnuutes tediîîus lioiling. Sanîple Irre- CORLETT & FREDERICKS. For the t.cnetlt of thooe Who conî lot lie witti us on ourduxty-fifth Auni" bee aiqe of the inelement weatherchavP dided to contilne Our sale tuludiug Saturday- Souvenirs, muAie and bar- gain.. G. IL. LoN &kSos, Waukegan. A mîan diîtatirig a letter to another man wîîlî whotn lie quarreled, wrote thu.: Owing Wth te tact Chiat my stenog- replier ni a lady, 1I îanhlot say to vou wliut 1 think of von, and as 1 am, a igpiîtlemain. i would flot. [But you, 4ing neitiier. can readily gueîs what hi n n inîxîîd- Tickliniz, tiglit îoughm van Lwe surely aud quiiklv lioa'ned wîth a pr.seription diruggis are dispenming everywhere as Drc. ShîîC ongl i edy. And it is cii very, îcry diflerent than! commron î-ougli iiîedivines, No opium, no chloro- forin, absiolntoly nothing harsh or un- sale. 'liei tender leaves of a harmies.. luiîg iealing inouritainous shrnh, gives tl iiniti v. (ri ,.ties to lDr Sho ,ps "It uii à1,îîi$ inse 11"e a viliie thei puai-r ti 8v. ie oe t dimtri'ecîng iiiugh 1)u iic~ lihe atidblîal t hi.ioct sensitive lororiiliieil miemblrane. Muttiere shoiîld. for Hafitte cake aloue, alwavs leîuarid Drv thî i. I t van with per- fect freeiion lie giveintoen tbeyoungest iiîi.Tesct it voirself' and sec. Sold ALI, DEALERIS UNION CIIURCII THE GRÉAT BIJOU AMUSEMENT COMPANY Big Thanksgivimg Treat AUlJeature Show Ali New Program FRIDAY EVEG, NOV. 27 .8:15 P. M. --éL. ..à 0-4 01-:. iai- etrttficates ol îuatiuuili'aion linere,,,o,,,and.uIniu, iiu o i uil iuiui1Y xiiu rge a nSd M mie1 tîi rovs ioînial] 'Iiili i nai h «r4«rto vote alhthe liii. ut ai' anid, tvua I< ictureShow TraveIiul t"fllae elitlons for natuali ti' lin i(liih i.uiiGreat Coloreti Fealure Foalures tbé clerk aofCthe circuit courtnuit lhuer1 Grmt oeisadSca tbMs Saturdsy, December 5 Winter llatm, cancitig prieuîîîorîie. Films. Over a Mile of' Movini ~'~eton letlnsnet liutuiiîluuris anduhcocutr:nîi(îi uwlll soon lim tures. Illustrati Song$ ble held en Tuesday, Aprîl 6, andthte tîien yuîur îuîîgs citi Folcys Hîînrvarid pcaie..... t4 .a" village electloua two wceku Tar. Do flot risk startirig tht winlcr W .Cîwy et Thse preseet natuilzation law with wrak f unga, whco Foleys Hoc y W . wîu us.rLt1ctt ~f4etisa± no certlficates of natn- andi Tar will cure the moat obstînale W l Ler4 lit " egranteti wlthln noaghs andi colde antiprex il iuëei = yupreffug heholding of lg .FRÀNK B eiLOus L ADMISSM 15 m E - WiiD it OVL livîng W o,- :'ilN The skating times wiIl soon be hart When booming thuds wili strikce the tar. -Thei wicked stand ini slippery places." The good fali young aniff learn by their bumps. We learnod years ago. We KNOW now. Our lino' of FLATWARE shows it. A. IItUSS WATCIIMÂKER and FEE LIBERTYVi LE, ILLINOIS.j No. cone thet cinler sports anti Footbalil has simply gat la goi GOING-Going-g- A ft'w mort' days and the Iast foot fail of football will be heard. Ev erything in it,4 season and the wholt' year for the season of some things. For instane. you'll fiîd an ail around the calendar satisfaction inî our lint? of TAILOR MADIE CLOTIIING every day. every month and every yt'ar. O>ne trial will tell. E. W. PARKHURSTI SCIIANCK BLOCK LIBERTYVILLE, ILL,. 0 Among the fait fDings jou'IlI ind quite a little that suits 0 C the liveliest of testes as Weil as the more *subdued and quiet et- 0. ietst. Our Styles are 0 ~"~L9 ~ Correct 10 the "dot" *Shirts, INeckwear, Underwear, Etc. Corne and* *see for gourselves, prIces withiin range of everyj- 0 bod's pocket. 0 * ___ EVERYTHING FOR MEN SJ. B. MO RSE -4 CO. i HANBY BLOCK, LIBERTYVILLE LAND SEEKERS NORT1iERNý NEW MEXICO IRRI- GATED LANDS ARE THE BEST Don't buy any Irrigated landatifi you set out literature, 20.000 acres sol& sw far thiasema. Excursions every two wecks. BEST LAND, TItLE PERFECT, NEAR R. R, Special termes, prices and lnducements during Iuly. Write today, FRANK I. WIRE & COMPANY Suite 40, 121 La Salie St. CHICAGO, ILL. Or FRANK E. WIRE Lock Box 457, Libertyvillie, Ili. STOVES Ihave got them in ail styles and suzes. carry a large stock and buy in large quantities and can make prices as low as the lowest. THE UNIVERSAL is one of the best lunes in the country. Superior to ail others in Operation, Quality and Finish. Every Stove Guaranteed. Ho BoEC ~ERP COAL TIME* IS HURE WL-, wash lt oal aut our yard befort' de livtîry, afftt'î'w-';glihg. Nîthiiig buît (clean (9uilitilî youîr bjil Nut, Range and Egg, Cannel, Washed Egg Miocking, Splint and mnd. Block Feeding Question Solved Poneer Cow Feed, Sugar Gluten, Daisy Dairy Flour Mlddlings, Bran, Corn rleal, Oul Meal, Red Comb Poultry Feed LUMBER COMPANY $LIBERTY VILLE ILLINOIS Celery Olives Pickles Raw Ogsters Turkey Duck Chicken Prime Roast Beef Sweet Potatees Cranberries Oranges Grapes fNuts Cheese Coi tee Tea Candies Cigars ICO RLETT & FREDERICKS LIIIERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Telephone 301 The Birawny Muscle of the Work Horse Cornes Frorn Thed Food H1e Eats. Sugarota Horse Feed is balanced and mixed for the especial p urpose of making muscle. A bone and sinew builder, it possesses the saccharine (molasses) element in just the exact pro- portion to make the animais reiish it. At the same time, being ail feed it is easily digested and readily assimilated. Ninety-six percent of the nutrient eie- ments of Sugarota Horse Feed are fully * digest4ie and go to deveiop muscle, energy and strength. Free frorn weed seeds, the manure from Sugarota Feeds is an ideai fertilizer. Ail Sugarota Sacks contain full weight. HORSE w Suzarota Dairy Feed, Suzarota Cattie Feed, Sugarota Horse Feed, Sugarota Shcep Feed, Suzarota Sw ina Feed, Sugrarota Chicken Feed and Suzarota Calf Meal are balanced and mixed, each for the exact purpose for which it is to bc fed. FOR SALE BT THE HOME LUMBER COMPANV. 1LUMBER. COAL, GRAIN AND MIL.L FEEDS. LIBJIRTYVILLE, I.L' 43cim lýDmphom se. 1 hereon and ili ord- to -Ith 1