M i~ lOOS i ~ 4'IUNTY FIIIl)AY. PEt - i i r--I to.cluded are the inuuîlî ý,tRiiching% for coltir ~.mtthe peice per ' padaf roin25c'. et the GIat<trier. kAAý Xmas Boxes and Mtbons 1 e' rtt i >1114 a 1 l 1 a Il cf ft hi'Naiiilti'i 1 Ili. With k t~.Children it'tIitietoy furîîituirte ot ail ~sI sud inaDinner and Tea Sets, et, pWardi< fr(MIn 5. frm50e' te $1.00- ;le4Gîoivesu t8$100 the pair. 0 ,qoif (loves, 25e te 50<'. oàsbni]lHme, frein27W 'IuP. r)emlined Hom, f rein 1-W' Up. Jahletga nd ÎliPPeril vue Scarfs, fron$1.98 te $10.04. * ot, froin $1.98 ti $15-00. Troy pianos, from 25e to $2.00. T'oy Trunks, frein 5)c te $2.75. D)011 OoCartg, frein 50<' te$.O ron50C te $7.50. i oame, froin 59C te $7.50. Toy Rockers and ChairM, 2<'te $2.410. BIadkbo5Jrdefrein -lu. to $1.501. DMHougea, frein 35(, te $250. À Fer, Boys Gof(ilov4e,25c andi Me0. ClottonRHose, frü oi ni><'u. Sweater Coaté, frein *1.04 tii $2.001. ~t~gt shhrts, t 89C. 74e, Cheus, up frein 1 Oc. Toy Druins, frein 257,(.te $1.041. Borne and Carte, 25e te $1.01 Fine Steins, upwards tii 1.9" rfrom .95e tu 35<" BulrBots, $1.25 to $1.67. Eie tCMotoTs, 2ue te $5.041. Gaines, freon 5e te$1.041. Toy Vilffs, at25c. Pocket Knives, frUIn 10' t<î$10 Bla<'kbOfligdsfrein 75c t" 1.0 Boys ToqueK Skating Caps. Troins, with andi withoîit traî'kt, 25<'c to$3e50 Magie Lanterne: f reu 50c te $5-0(). Flewer Vases, froin 25e te $7.113. B3oudir ClOes, frn $1-50 "P' poet Ca.rd Albums, iteverail styles.- Silver Piateti Knives OantiFes Carpet Su'eepers frein $1.041 te $3,00. pinner Sets, frein $8.04 te 7.01 pretty Lamps endi Lanlp Shaidetu. Ranti Paint.ed China, 75<' t 1.0 ýBcIae' ,frein $2.50) te$5.041. Crumb Tray and Brus§h, 25e,)cte 45c. Bree& Travs, nickel plntei. cekvng Sets e i iis picturt's, nunî >5sîj<tsS'aniu Bcd f3preade, frein $1.40t 351 Lineu sad f Satin )uytsk 'l'owds, 111 Tale Clotha andi Lundi 'Sets. '4 DrawilLiacu Searfs andl Ceuti'î'1ier'is -I jattenberg Searfs and Centî'r 1ieccs. 'Out Glass of every description. 1W Grade 0etAlumilUin w'are. A t Aoi&m"a of Doll%, (lainesýt, dydof exclusive W.bp' sOATEI TOYAIIOis fore Its thousands Of Dois, Games, atd Toys.-its hundreds of exclusive noveAies and Five Hundred Feet of Electric Railway has provefi itself to be The Most Inteî.estlflg Salesroomn in Laile Count'y. - The Leather Goods, FeaicyGoods, Jewelry Novelty Sections To beeter convey and acquaint you 'wth some of the moderate priced offerings are to be found here we mention Beis, Jew xs, Brush and Comb "es hvn es Razor Strop É in l vered C e Silalvini Mirrors, Hand Mirrors, Shav ig Sticks i n Boxes, Shirt Cuff and Collar Buttl o ns, mer s ets, SçaitF Pins, i Umriella, KIG1 n~, X as ibb s, Pe rfu mnes. Sache. Pw y t, se Be ds, Bro ches, 1 barrettes, Con bs,. " ar P in, at ins7okt , Pre, N ede ooks h &- mom tes, Tole Sts dck, eisBpk, Embrodery Scissors, a Files, Fancy Rhine Stone Hat Pins, Neck Chains. Th ntlçs. mlîwtail *i people are thIîî'i'A-11i1)igive 'i' N tqbîku'îs tIrait(1)<lt tlgiveu' te iîe i'aIi lua uif the inestlllsl k iiti La wtaii soie o'if the <la lut est Vita' lIt Itîs ta'gt)i1et l'laiit, (Ini<s V-îae', lii i i. es andt lalt'.2ett 351 litîf <ljoe'i i in 'ttut\bo, $. te $1.75. NV aitte ' i"rill",s ag TREE siet'. the latter two ln numeroua made Up desiri; asPI.Pet rin Iiii'('limla 1tes, sn piîî #('<l ilesîguts, 75(-1<> $4.04. Faiiuv Salaul BîtîtIs, iii>- îiî'utty deisig nis at tiiii $ Ceer 'ul'iv'lîais fri'>ii $3.530 tut Com'ouiîît s fît tut e3.911).>$4.35 Fî,tuit liowls. $345 tut $7.915. Fruiit Bon Is. t(teid. at $485. I>îitîeIli BoNN s, $4.50J to $10.-00 aef roui $2.45 te $101.00,. cON fvroil'< tul'5iîî'~. ii'gtT fruiî' lîî t i jt' i arillitfit.~.5 î ~17 dienitiitithe ur soltIV little fui-ttriîîuîid al s a Ilil $.I( Fanc'/.i'$. iîg i i leNj or a ins, ail4 t'> front Shakeiros, etîl)iuu'1.00 p er C li ]iuis. Sct >u .0 tî't '$1.()) ('r itce less, c fî'itîta4>. t tai .044.jj 25 t$4.85. Chucilîtegit.ttti244t> Japleitsi' a titi tinî I 1lavi- laind l 'ilts a i nu Sîci'vs, ti'om 2utii$ . satit aindtilelipm Shiaîker's, fre> u -to ti50v<. ('IliiJtgs a iii iTauîkaril" tt Art Ch'Iina, andi iatid paiiit- tiI Chita, $1.041 tiie($.01. Ili ina I ~ 'i et i'<ry uesî'ril tiii iiatiu t l>>î, reili 0(.tut Sa I a> Plt s<, i n greenii et t tte t(Ii pait ut rnîs, tront35c tgi JaTaîl Iesv e 'a Potei, iIin riw'n buullac'k-, NitIi'rift figures in lam'lts i ev<'tal ulitfer'<nt i olhi, froui -9c tii 75c'. E GREAT XMAS SALE TRAVELING UAGS AND TRUNKS stocksa ae new - 'cmmnete wt For Baby I fi.$ Et.lc tg S edAniinaîîls. fl*îIîuî54. iii $50.041. I'aiielM04 .eAsiii< auîd S.iîft SAlIE' Siit. Fuir sets, frint$l.9$ lui$9-041. l'iituîre log. tg) il> *ri 't s f ) . 1 ie l .%. 0110. For lMen -Xleias ilk s $I.98.l,2,4.tg v Il 1 I .belas. ron *<, ttri174.00. Kid l Sveati'r oul I t$1.75 tpair7. waui'vSitsier oa 45e $ ii.1&.5Ï Iîî i ' Sîî î4i. Iiii , ck ti ii 3 't 4 . 1 . 4( 4iht Raob <aes, trînî23<tg)$1.0. I'o<'ket Blilt, roîti 25<'(tii$200. Fîixti'Vshîîvrig Sriets159i tei$20 ,riIiaco -ilm 11Brutes$1.54. t '<tif Butiîni, frîî25c 'tii $.0. 1<iie-ki' net ok, front25' tii$.0. jejtîîrWi'ilr, t ruhes,' i$150. U"n'v erk, f rontte7x- te 50. Fini' Slipperii for Met'. ihelutiftil Steins, large lfill. Ciga.r jars,.frein $1.50) t 509'. ut 1' uEdged plttviiîg (ards, 25c tii 415k. For Women llanîilkýereîIiii'fm, fî'Ont Se te $1.75adi. St4oek ('ellars, 25c' and 50C. Uuîîhrellai, freili 350V'tii $7.041. Kid 0'leves, trotît $1.041 tg $1.9.0. (;()If Gloves, 25<' and 50C. ('ashiert' <loves, at 50C. 51jk Home, at $1.501 and $2.041. Fancy RutYs, freiti 35c te $1.50. muchings, white, and e-ohired, 25c' te $1. strings of <bld Beads. Leatiter Pocket Beoks, 25c' tgi $1.340. Hand Bags, frein 50<' te$5.041. Faîîey Beits, freni 50c te $1.85. (,love and Handkerî'liii'f Boxes, 5(.' up. Perfuitie in fan<'y 1hetties9, troiti10e t< $5.041. Fauney Box Stati<înei'y, 13<' to $1.001. Waigt patterus, put up in Xinaa Boxet; l)reffl Patterns oif ail kinds. Julieta and Slipperit, big line. Fursini sets, Seulfs and. Muffli. I.aIncy pin ensilions, several kinîls. F'aney Tea Apý'ens, frein 29e' te $1 .98, Petticeoats, frein 98c' tii $10.04). Flannelette Goiwns, tr<îîî 89e to $2.98. Dressing Sacqueg and Kiuitnas, 48e up Waists, fr<um 49c to.$15.00. Slîawls, Cloth anîl Knit.ted iS11k or Wool, 25e to $7.501. Hose Supporters, f rO$ 15C tt 1 50. LAKE VOITNTY