We have the Best r:eit Mattress mac Trial for Guarantee [rom $57.50 to $515, 60> d bOttqwnMattresses [rom $3.00 4IK' g»NTY lijpi wMDY ~ s,£ync BroNrs Just What I Everg e. Sixty [Dags Mfl ('al n to $6.00. HALL TREE1S $7.00 to $10.00 ~BREAKFAST TABLES $4.25'to$$4.50' V~1 FROM $5.00 - UP HALL MIRRORS AND MIAT RACKS $3. to $7.0 Iron Beds ALL PRICES ALL COLORS fNeeds These pieces are of the'best manufactured select lumberI________ and best workmanship andIinish. Stocks are not large soi place gjour order at once and let us deliver lates- as gjou mayj Quarter Sawed desire. REMEMBER, we have- only a limited oumber of these patterns. They won't last long at the prices.ý Oak EXCELLENT Hnl IflAV flFFFDI~Jfl~ - - - - - - ---.. - . ~,. E *~U~II "J.~> We have a kce lune of Couch Covers $2.50 TO $5.0 Rope Curtains with tapestry bands $5 Armure Curtains $3.50 to $4 Fe{v Sofa Pillows to close out 0 0 0 R U G ( S 00 Some of the choicest patterns ever seen. Corne in and seé them.. They make very use- lui presents Carpet Sweepers, Bissell's $2.50 to $3 15to $2 7.50. Don'I fami to See Them... $1 7-00 %28-00 CARI TABLES75 NIEXMAS GIFIrS Pedestal Tables ... Both Div ding and Non-Dividing Square Tables and Kitchen, Tables nis Martin Beds, Bab9 Beds, BEDS fROM $5 to $20 CENTER TABLES $2.50 to *8.00 JBRARY JABLES $6.00 to $16.50 $27-50 Etc.1 AiLL. PRICES PROM $8 to GOOD TIlNdG IN DRESSERSI Oak Mahogang Curleq Birch Birdseqe Maple Everything THE! PRICIES ARE RIGIIT 100 Il WILL PAY YOU TO st-E lieA Moke the wile happyj and give lier a Cabinet tor Xmas. It saves steps. Erom $ 20 CHAIRS We haven't forget- ten the children. We have chairs for ail. Nursery Chairs 1.50 Iligli Chairs 1.50 up Youth's chairs 2.00" A6i Large chairs. Rockers for Chidren [rom 75c to $5.00 We have a large line of beautilul Rock- ers. THIIS STORE WILL BE ALL DAY ~ Diners PER SET $T.5 Ail stvks Cane and Leathoeai Atso Sadde S as SECTIONAL BOOK CASES . ..AND... TABLES $27.50. TO $8.50 TO FROM