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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Dec 1908, p. 2

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Fl uS h, baebeen known to ui*s but It often happens. 8osmeow the ounce produces bc, pound; it sceems to start tbe idigestive macblnery golng prçpedy, 50 that the patient is *hto di"stani absorb bis oedbmay food whlch he could mmotde beforeand that is the wêe egain Ik madle. A cetain amount of flesh is meeuary for healt; if you b et gotIt ypu can get it ScOTT'S E1MULSION assmi, touhr adlesasu we.'a..llsdt tla ofthe Woel' ROM& àDVWNE 409 Peani St. N- eYd: WEST FREEMONT Mr- histmas large and smuill Rppy NwYearoune anda il. FMe Tbomam is haring a blacksmath *asOP boUlt ut Lakie@s(?Corners. IlUle Tekape is pnin aewdy &à home. ednafwdy peçoir Meyer was operatcd upon àt '10%ibSaturday for anu bceese neur bis ýý luag. lit. and Mrs@.el Iliete., ot HaIne-iville, itad Mr. auj Me. Wm. Alkufer, ut Wan-. ile0db, @peutChrmistmas t the hume ut 1%d Nordinoyer, of l1arriuigton, vislted bb Wj. 1-o3man'satheIast ut the weei& PlaetDseh". reuted the John Sen *ý xwý farw 1sa %,vi id lue--eeua ii 'Thste willi he aChrismas tree ut the flst Center Cathode -claurch, F.riday *k-Dc. 5 t5ausoone at thei Murray witlx reitations the saine iglit. itayinou Meee@ and Helen Tekaînipe ti-undày atteeniun ut HaiaceviIll. $tvsak Nnedmeyee andl Perey Thomnas Rdn Saday lternoon t Iear's. a-Mt d Mes Wm. Lohman aud mon petm:Zàdinner witb John Liftus ofatutHainesilîle. a-t' linii Wm. Rousle anel sou, Roubet, *aIeutWankegan llonday. Mr. and XMn. John Mitell stoant Sun- - wfth Mý. and Mre. Johin ltuuoe at Xlim ssl Darby, vebo bas been on Aýt.4e ist for a couple ait weeke, lae tua idTowner, Jr., epet Suîaday with : Te ln L&ke Forest. fthool uit 1.30, îîreaching sel- at 1.-IU. N. D. Pratt, of Evaunton. i u i.services, 2 lis J. Whitney au un tila c tlt. P" UY trunsactcd businessoin Chi- ,~o8anrdayandl Sunday. 0-~enyOt'aîailaailaen froia baie e.ý Oiavisiting fa iala anal relatives, ut t i.ught tiaaaoiaa foir a couple rt XIM Lydia lierl>i- Apealaciat8ndaî at 1 "Me., 1, TIi. Diatoond Lake Cenetery Abeuca-. q"uss will muet with Mru. S. H. Cuoon f Tbnrday, Jan. 7, 1909. a n the îaarnîîag, 1ý8uAIoss meeting ut 2:30 P. ni. AUl , eMWaer s ud la-eudsecoraially tnvted, IVANHOE P&UI Harding refurueal a isilunai 1 ]mt wsk prday. ý lr. aned Mrs. Frank DounIer elient laauî Wedneed&Y utternoon lu Labertyvalle. (iMM. Foskett bas r:turneal ruîîa ii oeInot trip to iuwa. 8oni to Me. and Mrs.Tlaeodore Zereen, ,Du. 16, a baby girl. Tii. Chritats etreé andl progratu wava bi t uthe tschuria Ch ritinas evce. ý,a Tib@ senior choir practiae %as auell]at 11ibs home ut George Ifuike au].i ,.K 4e~orge Smith, Ol Wauka.gan. elaut e-. .'U *d&t-I iat week with F M. Siliarl , à"wcly. 19- Re.iOazkue l'asa aa-ia-ted a a iIit,,aa 1 Cbnjrt in New on, row. We are eOary Mr. &Bd Ma-. G. Iia%% laliî.aai ~~Ville, Sipeutllaa.SuîlLaayai'la b~perd andtla' PRAIRIE VIEW J.A. Masain lei t Iaa-aa Tlairaa ýtt&t4Kansasa .i-l-aiIal-iIil ana . . l Ma ..kl,.it - i.anud M-,.h-laa ~ a il pareantsofailt laI. -I al1 , 97"4e Ifilarde wam ttla- ala i n l Oew piano gaven hbe-l' b-r £u4eABo1 ~ 1s r.wleg Pahioy-A Fs-d In Otd&dsney. Oort naturel looking cuis about tihe face are coaalng Info style, and à mighty gocal fhlng t la ut ter the, long reign of fhe befrizzied pompadour. Wo- mon have grown foc utliitarlan sad are f00 certain ofthfie rapid paBsing of fashlins to eut theîr hair ca-en tai sport tlny curie aitIhe temple andaldowna to- ward the %ars, but muet ut thein have hal a sufilcently long course of bot Irons fo own plety of broken lir to tnrn loto love licks wltilont recours to arlaîsons. Anal then tha-y are for sale. If yon haMaîla-la lube n girl aho ls celleal upon ho wrtte a-îany short notes,. a great coîîvanla-nce w ill bc founal ln thie note airrds, whla-h ehoulai match1 your regniation stntlonerL. Thesa carde, A PRÂCTICAL OH117T WA46T-4184 A patter-niaat Ilis veh anle la a-it ln Kim sanco" -" 4a-aa , îat.aliaLai -a, tar. Suaad i.,a-aLa.autus oac-glvaixg tnlica- tOhSIa. ana i rva-la hom-aiptly for- Wsrded ta you by mail are sbout Oive luches square, made of medium ureiglif bristol huard. TIey shoulal bave your monogram nai fbem. mest as yonr note paper dose. anal en- veiopeu to umatch.a Tbere Le no new' model amlong the fusionabie oea-a hat cantiukofile place of the- searate blouve. Many oft fthe nea uralstiaopa-n tufna-ofnd show tiny buttons anal hîttonblois. Soma of tihe wsl-atsare a-t ton plinafalloreal lines anal aa-thoiîf turkls or fulines. but hIle style le tno oea-cae aor thFe aerage pea-non. anal pa-ciairence lashown for those havlintcIte or pluitt arrangeali as ln the one llustrated. JUDIC CHOILEFT. FACTS AND FANCIES. Autumn Skiata Full, With Farn Seausn fa NinceossaGares. Thceura-af sklrt la not platteit. luI l'y fasilioneal wlth a number of gores. trom seveu to nincteen. The nitre modela lana-e nlnehec.n gorea, being a sea-1es o-f peapendelcair hUneas lifting weti ovea- the lIps. aitI ittIa- tiat-es et the bottoin. Nany oft tieme fàsten lu- vislhly t the aide beneatft a long rua ut butions, A l'artsle lvcer bau 'Jusf deelgueci e bandeau <a(ifcuvelldgaahl ttarouaîd the bnee of fie igli Iytil XV. alipper heci. Sua-h in extravagant Idea la nut iiely to hietonie the vogue-. Pretfy litle amadais for thea utomo bllest are maîde of golal. with auneact a-N STauI l.'ya oî Ia a-' pilc .. a.. a I- afi are si t e t.î 2 h 42I a i i a nda na ia, a ' al ann ai ,ti'. ana Wrli, tal arac1,1.a wv: ha O Laîlhd . Cýi £Ia .aa- Uaair î li a a-a-aia--ta-il. Oaîiam,. I aaai--aa Il i. hic-a' i.a- la faI! tbe elc-u ho taakc a na-va-la-usacif Ilie, and al .-îy ucacombinaflous anal Cyles a-c offereai 'ILu rut shows a itainfY louha-ane mdît fa-oct llliabeelwtl bs-nde Ofithîe saine maherlal pipait wîth whte. On Use mandea-lin sîeves lusite the bs-d la s- limai design doun s sy colot-lage JUDIC CHOLLUT. A Merry Xmaae ho ail. M. W. Hughes transacted uslinetssln Ch ice go Tuebdtty. Martin M orse, of Olimer, and gangh ter of Lac d(u Frainheau, Wi . vièiteel with reltives lu oie village lailt Wednesday. Mrs. L. E. Golding and danghiter, of Liteatylle.laietai oua- village Tuesday t0 @,pend the hoidays e lth relatives. Mr. and]Ma-e H. E.MamanoaeeCihi- cago eliturteMonrlay. Clyde r1arrip, who hue leen èwa-oîli 111 îvith flic- veloaw lamndie, seaeported on (ieu gain and maeboise to ses hlm aa-a-und aga oeaan. Dr. C. W. Sowlme wa4aa Libertyvîlle aaller Tupsday. H. Golding was a Chicago vlitor Tueeday and un him returu as acoi- panid by Mas. C. A. Golding and deugh- ter, Helen, wlau came ont to spenel the honlidays. The Myitie MWorkia-neare inaking exten- sive preparal lote fur tiair publie insital- lation onu Saturday evening, January 2. A fine proga-am Je, being arrangeel and catrde are tbeing sent to ail members tell- ing what to bring for the banquet. A mnost cordial invitation Je extended to a]l iipenpe and eacb maY invite a gnest tu jolnin luthe fetivities. Ed Mills and A. E. Kirwan transacted bu3ees in the cty Monalay. The lalon Play bhed ut filie akfeetle pavillon îlot %h caniaday was fille ai Id w cil attended î'oneadering the lied iveather w loch kept nmuet ut the contry pecople fa-un atteîading. Ma. Hill explain- cd Padva-ane a. it v.as diplayed un thae canvues au lch fliude it a-cay inîeresting and aIl wva-baendi-d epeuk higbly of tlae exhibtioin. Fathea- Woulfei s auraung- ing to have a similiar play, lun the Shadua ut the Cross," about the mniddle ut January. rom "0<1Kam10AJOU Tiie Aid Society ai the M. E. chut-ch held tlaeir Expeutetause Social and aprun sale, Dec. lSh J th ae woosdruan bâti which urus .paeked tf0 1W utmusf capaclfy. VI lhad worked bard lu suel the freusury andl tolal udir expa.-ri-e,P atnid rîuers ut laugbter. The Misses- Jennie (ireen andl Iva Tua-bull beoke ail records, net oui> lu dolng meniai wuek sncb as blacklug e tuves, wushiug windows, drlvîig i mi lto tbecouuntry >to be-g uctaiilew er, anyturllg tl.ut they coulal baing tutu towîa and l 'lifoua liey enial it nos for Hie eau-anud notbing urus f00 menli f ut- lim f0do; they iia-va-d tilei piait by tuenitig oîei, 1$10 ena-i, icigther wîth the min--et if ex,--l-a-,s hu-r a-a lsea, ehaîîîpaîauîI, unylahing for the "dolar" Suffiee. iftu easy theee goual woa-Iers turneal into the the evenirag. Nut toagettingtbth 'tl "M. E. C. Helpers,.s-ho mt oi Saturday's u1l1s Mes.nugglesaalu tolal their expereeces in ehurusnnwt heaniing taîces bandeal the Aid Society tI0.68 from tIirlefiforats. A fine musicýal prratil a nsenjiayed A fimely speech 'ay Rea. Father V.oiifc. cheerful remat-kea by the pustor, tolloacal hy iceecam uud' cakes. it awus an ev ýinig long f0 ho remlembereal for its enloyanenfe ns eai ns finuncial sueeS@8 Tihe Thimnble CluW. Whlle if hue hbeen in eXistence coins ittie tînaca yet it unie 0ut formeal tnt., nu orgaticatiun until De-. lItL wheti tbey nitet utIMa-. Farîaeaua-th cherful hume, urbere Ma-s. B. S. Enanuinalwae cliosen president andi Ma-s Tidmurehl, secretury. It wluildlie huaid ta>uI a uruers maxteen miore- conmi-nial spirits, w-ho at flac same time gain su mua-h mental goual faouiea-h other. D>cc. lfih they met, witb Mrs, Robert Kenta, anda il dsclured the bostev" mure thunkept ltu her preeiguu record of pleasantly enter- tuiniug. LOUIS J. YEOMAN [ r' Sa - = - ' 0-* a - Il .-Il _? THE JEWELER ANTIOCH Tlae Christuasdcortains ire tnpî,aL. CLAM ZJRCJi iiatay tai theIa-lucilaies plai-eu. - dayanl ealayeuîu )--iaaad lcralgit - altepus a ti tmg a 'imltaîr Mon- Ma-s I . Cii an ue iiei sat ysa;k,)urge Pt neaaunîlLouvisa-a-y tok a Geoarge Maîrshall dia-a Tueedaa tîaarnang rida- tuPi an ida Man ay. at [ic hatiol tie fathi i., Strbta Ma. Mrehli aadasotenaigf asueMait huaketieye uho bus St ahn r aailna ah all e a-aetaofgai Me. auJhied..Otto thebran ad Iii- 1) et atrethe flWbee et fw i nts airatr his wilîfe ur sei-eraiyearm. Hewvae taken ra na-hpuat l Hnthw f0 Elgin saaaîe aîuths ugo, the daclore f0br h rnt i Mchigaî te t4r- chui- fiacre lludirig tînt hl, couilDot Iliae lit daye c a short tilac Hu as ru iuîglat laîak f0 Ma-e.Henery'a haefer ad e a ta-if . Aatîualiabouuttwfo uv-eksega troua tlaut ChcagouliesiSuturday.t tuilae laie aîidly greva uorue untal dalti a-ala-d huai. - a-lfItiernal la a i ur-aiiav rtIeet Sheiiiiîag anal J. Fox tuokai jM.t aiKWETBOLY N GAEY DO- Mas,s ocail auad lanily hia,,- itheyride Lan hrarigtaau Muuday.M.PCWIK WN LWYADG VE OIu TH e',iiapathy an tua-m aiflaa-trull. 'atOur, arilk factua-y lu laavaî li tiggeet SLIDE WITH RIS FEEý&OUT A YARD APART. la-v-eivil Ci taimiu ldinal l oi înalaaar a m i l ns a- C-laa] ationt 30,l00 1b,.1 lie lat bitek oa i lihoues ain LakeuStf fi i-S icita to linvae if cîahniletcd an tell dai e lie lekala Club ieinhere sent aa i liriotraaane lana o thlac fialal ilia w Oa-phuu'e lilqalt ia-olut, Ili. The ho'. ai îai-d fia a laau t fî I pleceal a-nifiartc. bi-ile uthea- articlesu,alolii and weuraîîg ailp ara-I Tler ae in the lia liao v- -alaidcen la-uni tlac tiges o! 2 ta Ilui a aare w liai-a a-e ecaet, linluail Iiraîiciaes oaf -aol a aack aaaî alriuailtnaallaiag. Thoia1,- Ikiloadg iri tieteal t Oaa natta-o liet I'liay niglt o tia their dega-iv-staff aIf ta-t laliuuviiilmaoisu aI', ilii îaîv iaILIa1-a-i- îaoandraîl baicothe aîaaa- uratemadle moraae feaatitnl. Lýec itia a-t a t n iaa I ro vouliauaitoa-ia Iraîtrakeut,-lancva firday ana ra-fu rred Tnusa 'ilv. Mîuifelai. Roliîatt aîaaaîîaa panieal flîiai VOLO Boiria h aiM r.îad Mri . laaad-ahaa-- hVcdnecalu', - ea-. 1ilia asaan. A tnfaa-ae Raaîglt, otfI iherty vilîla, wa- a aaa-a t tlai Chasu. tiaglat huraa Tuiiedny anal Wa-.dteeday. M iuwseMaud; analleeWatnah lu Wauconda Tuesiduy afternuon. Mies Lua-y inonihi rusaO alceileîaay aaller Fridua- atternain. MevdaunaeIBen ifocing anal John Eliing ua-îa- vautore lu Ja-tnelurg laut Wednee- alay aitea-rion.- 1 Miss Beesie IlunnilI. ut Chicago, a-as al ber purentshe hue lIereai l eur aae reaently. tai tsArna Compr ftonr bas gune t.- Elgin for a fa-a days a mt vaifli relatives tfIare. Alfa-id Nia-liof ilChiago. as hin touta séerai daye at ureet. MiDi. Manda- Wîilttara. ient luet taeci nesday anal Tlaaredaîy îîiLilieatyaillu-. Ma-.iad -M c-. Wui ai Nundea-loaana- of l'at hal iai -c-i h fiai r.inanalMIai Ed Luauk Sunalay. Mria- aiella - lli lllîr ad M lias aimali h lI-, ail, ilaaa aa-- liiia galan. Mraila-laM i, . i ak ul -aî -au M ii-a I all , il. 1 . la î- I a I a 1'tI . aaaa a tia 'ammh N I hliaii l'a l l. iai - toùlrata-#ni I ian-a aIhIu-aI la, lilcmiar tIan8 a-thalat li- g-1 hl Nollai hua ilialaa- t na -l I iia ii , ýf, t-aua-] h, ai 1Lada ia gitaei uf i, 1,(e tiver gartîaaga-cii until i liegan faktng li-h--eKidaey lbamedy. Ater takinx two latties 1I lit lits a neur persona anad fel if My duty to teD sufer- ingawouýen wat Folay's Kiney licmedj did tor me," FitANISfK.Lîua-UL. liaa-ti'cp îîadC.au. n tc t seaaila Illais tapillyaa 1 Ikeeper uad ailler anoibl uipffîly of a itet ,eipundCou. Feral t ahailnt a art.walaîle the fai boy tood quet- Ipreaiseius a hault the chlldreti tailalia aisu a-ra ta ca- ti lat a iî tia-, Clanale>, a t li yan.îd oeeaaad t.te mask auIar a-y lia1- Sauta t'li l,i-'agbtrDouf lIast. luatt' -1 t ltualdar au nIliaulua -tsa-sving sor-t or iinIs toa"sesMrWaller 'iTheu aJlala a ece aluc--îa aic laaMr - go t liiet r, rý vudleow workiaag tiiia -tanlI -.i aanharîevu rrratl-a ttalniandtlant tiagiaiiailia-iIlulse loue la-lte1 naal1fJIa hadaîlIra-ttnia,] laa-la-y ut taaI Tre it "aaaaliof 1hea-ae tivo char-p alcoaia - LIa, hi lec 'I*ha -a illien de- it t li taitîa-alare tha-y sta.a-d actera lag foO long ho' nepa-hrt butre, but clla-al ti ai!t tlîe cuar mii a a-tet aaaer tgbit.noftubonmua-b co to perusa- a 11h tu-Iheaaa:siala i, l~al lai greteo IOa-aest ie "'net paies ovea bail,. lIa.-blazeai,- aIý>l,a-i I ii! aaag tua- ual, aaa ai- laçaLcta-, la-a- aolip , a d euair ?- ti ii ut Janl-sa lla-, %r-I., îaus afretcîld Z the day ba-hore bri'strniaacaerit ut t Tihelî -ia iara-al, gthcred tui lava&t its n-lieraiIni e tllske i itia Dingicy Deil, aet urhlcIMa-. Piat ivick thfila-tinhlica- ua-hsa,,nd raîlil-, t he a Shou a idlstlngulah,d lilaseifblit' ahcleiiouo atreat. l.iîa-a-nr raigîh aaout a lot oh .. . peechand gelto the se try oh fhe lire ruineit pra-va-ita tt'aaaa ulit, butsaP>. I.AK,.Edanca-. Dickens'a description of he lc Oh] nntylaî.,auitîlglane iaaîaa laîhlngs sîtting rooni le ai gem: la bua-uaed ut>," the chllha-aia cria-al Merca- ha-ruaa. -Thi a enttring, rouin sthMarrFarra Hoaiaaca-eiii-a--is ficgîaa ihi-i aal Mairur uie i u nClaa-gaai vîtîr a.ao a ood, longaa. drt pancildaoom. seara-h for atil tpen vstore: He-c ha tnaeut hwg s ao ita a higlia aciiaaaeypleae anda a epacloue latvaerit chîumea-. op s-laa eecould hlave dala- nployecalte Iil'requnîf hra-a-t caca for Leclie lauthura-- ueu na-v î gfi oneo hetourpatent cabs, aheelu anal long otrehchae. liat htiagea i rilla ater hie rea-ttîlaîe. tMaua-la ai . .At the oîatea a-valoetthe nouan. ocateal mile li rultlav a vcaa-al.îIroally he lu in ha ha, lanica-er o hello anal vr- Tii, Missese Ita-ala cl 1vitantiara. ,iitrai ga-ena. ser.ithe ut-a (cuit tallaeanal tas -Oui'da îuî-kaa-P-c haaaîli-a eai(ana flia-r irutita-r, lVi itr aiit ana flLaol vonly lia-p an Meggleio.ln ail serin et 'burleung IliiiiaIulh v l!a ai lai ealalai3 oaa-ntISundisy. - esacses anal en ail ktads at brackts trnalgec borne to taiiii vorrow hIlao joy ztoulmmssilve oelliaer n nietlets alth MIr. Dia-tea-vn. (a> jheito, four branches sacli. The carptl aas uti SuD i tha-eflate ta'aiiiy. fthe candieburneitbaIglith e lia-e flaisa Hunting Chr-istmas. Ghss. - Msun elart' j ddait caanliei on the hearcla. anal mea-ry Gbost hnnting hale fuir f0 be-ouic Ma-. Klle atendalthe funeral of lier vntcea ana llIght tieunteit lanehter es-ng fie rnîîng pasloîn ut Wasehington sg- naitu, tare. lalaolouPhelpa uat arkt Uit-uel fhe a-rom. If s-nyofthe ahi ut,%Veiledayof hi»wtlk.Engiielyeomen hadl fua-OSiloIftto a-ies clety. > The fotntate ourners of a or. 'uian rdyulfaiwe.aen tliey allea, ifawc jual fthe place aln pente<t bouse. roped i -tb la-y anal Ma.aa asHughes, o u aana-a, ent wlldh they nanit have belal thela- revoe. itenscît' surrajudeal lit a-es. are issu- -SUIndeyVa-th relatitv-ehene. Affar the dana-ewas over. Mr. Pick- ing caratde for a Chraurmnas epecta- hunt. Neiglabone, are lelping Mi.. 'laux aIck havlng aquittait hirmeelf antI The Chrlvtnuis ghiosf unt la Inîîaorti luovai Ira-arnthe Manchester- lariaia a làgreat aredit, thîea-cadet- le folalabout from l.tgliaiaî. AillereaItle hou-vseut-e tarrin nea- laahole laIe doîngs lntheafaumons aid kita-ben. anclent enough ho barbon spectere amor Ont- pastun, Ma-. Wallace bau gnne t h deeIaung the mlstlctoa anal It la is are thera- tefore William the Cou Atacadeei. tiith flakuta, for fia,' iauiîday mission o-ciiln addinu to thIe jollity quc-r- . The comariaative neo'uees oh Mecatta lIl ea. Vuil, iii E anîstura, uîl of h fe occasiuon. The autief ahoce pic-fiais counrten Iads sorine 10predia-f abat ruai luCi tiîaelunal scra-la-es tîcuatt îIllqay. tta-es aifuea- oit bis pages bus dons ex- file faîl over bcre alli hail. There are ceileni Justice to Dia-lens' text: cxceptions ia.îov'er, a-ar eaen lu Wusil RUSSELL 1 F'ua-m the center o eh Iccelihîneof thiautgtun Iha-re- I9 hie outftUe remiere Rea-i - arla-y rvc'acnlrtajnied ahýNia-e. 1kîtcha-taold al Vadle liai t uitepeuaed guardirig gliosts-an ont anal ontf luccu Will Ma-lit ',oar tSun ny. wIth.his n an ssii a laugs baanch of neca-outIlle Slaairasilunialo na-iy. vitti M 8-il- . Sier i, enertaning1 riait loe. anal tisar esbaana-h ot mis- okdbt odfcrtls igi3l Ma-. f A Sa-rjeentrtaîaaa ler fîefoee nstantaneousht' gave rire teacoa-lbi,îllli-,mf-v Ia ah a-ater fta-,laaa. a-eo lia-a-datîglaîcaeraidsacalle0f gena-aranal moisidellghtrfnt 10w licte, a-val jacket andl oOdair of f-lilil ' ilia aliîi i t-a.atruggzls ngata-confhaaion. lu the rida-t aot antlqulty 'i'îabose cuitah-a aitah lin ahia-la Ma-r. ,,lala Iti a a allanitry Bay thut ha- rIilialz biesahalaae ait uIuei. Niaiav ililaika- a-a iîîa-Ma-. I.F. a-a hlch ouldaiiat aae doue honea- te ade- forc la,,iaaii a i iea--lcoi-tla-a-e cstadý-uaorfi. ada TeIllagl.,-a er h-.If, oublone Vi aihaiaton Sur an tla niiîî.aI Lîjldrea-auta iil t-aaa'ail. tai:iatha- ola r alav- y l,.ias l ],alaihera- "ull hu Diiricutty. neIaiittý)tiailitîe aa ala rcaa- ni h uilaa-lag ouaself tb lue la a- 'w-~-la i i I --i îl-la l tia hîa ai o d ILL, li-a achat.te ai aa. "iaeylng 1aR flni oî1 £4 oria-i-N Ml.toaidl] la--fat Picyiaaa.a the naipeariani eedY tl: a' II "D1 doI~i. il,%iIai il i, I~~ll. cc. i ~ty of naalîaat-Io vulis 8ovin use &auad pr-lytulaaal'Idalig titd anr ~ . a-alcilIita-pana llaa- i not k-îaîj li at ow 1h wîauld suit maria-l I . laavul aýil Ijla ,,îa l ia, -ak îaa- i mina-- e i iot laha -e,, n aratiall y put hltie a a ai' Io do ala is fer lelClat io_________ 'aua- a l aliaan aliîio-ii.taIal a alalavnt t1iaa- lu a ce Ma- Pick- lThe Real Question,.a -% ý,lii,ê ltt'l(e(l Ile iiik- ili, ural . ' l n thc a--l-ae af h tl g a».lr paou u at l %i iola itaall(lll I gla- ui l a --al i d lls wav - d a ni ana t a-, iart il. 1 -"Wi ere daîa le- e a at lrlv tioneyl" air aaiir-/aNhoaalaa tailal al an thIe hîî an land hnsnthe noeeandIt l fdont kraow va-lia-a-o e lsfahI.q, c a- o on te --rccai-a.anal tahear the and t donttra-. Wliaat anlInter- re Gulyof Counterteitifig, a-laiyie. ae aaavat aas asa nestea lnb le kuîwlng jusf Iîoa hagets tr l'îaacîlug a-aarîîafaail:tmn,-v a -v -ai rua-a tllly we conic to CrI-lutins vday. - - ___________________n. n than usuhautintgeonic unlnoan O,art-t;l alh aacoud anal clearful aIgasuod-e-diyAou 'ýsaehllg uweather. The pa-t' s-IliyAbutlt. legs remedy for Fulcy 'i Holley analTa-,authoa1pefylag set hIc, Geraîl-My tatberwas un ohd suit, r" bhe greut etongit anal rolal aemedy that cil o pet lreset fie Geraidne-Thaf's funny. Yotx areà a cures hWsn'cet,')bm.tinate coughe anal t aers Me, WInklc, lavfng sass1u mea Iyonng fresh. Wb bieais the longs, FR'ANKc B. LOVEIt. I - N O chronteler cf Obrtl-auido, lngs bat don. su noluitnulfbly ns Dickeans, andl nourbere ban Dilckens descrhed itaembate ter tban lnfthe "Plckwlck Papers." One migbt resal fhela puagruph reintlug- 'te the obsera-aneu ot'bbe holiday baill bundreal tîmes nnd not bacome eaury. /sThc Christma.s slint '1e everywheî-s evident lu the dhuatere devoujai te fthe holiday nmaklng. Frotte the hegInunng. wben file beo-o hie tht-oc felends anad hie faithful servant start lfor Dlngiey Delle hoeas oua- nf thela- returla there la Christimus lau eva-ry sentence: AB brisk a. hueg, If net atotoher ne liglit us fainles, id the toua- Plclwicklane assemble on flic marning of the 2d day of Decossber lu the yeur uf grues le h~~ltc tb Ut,tthM'altlfullyarecordedad i- w trswers undert&ken and accoto- pxatshsd. Chrismas was close ut ibandalnl ail hie bluff sanithsurty honesty. Itt au, the. season of houpltaitty, mera-lant anal open heartealness. The. aid tes-r was pre- aoarfaa. like au ancleut gphlospher. tal nait bis friends aroundt hlm andatl aaathe nounit of fextty andresvsia-y te Pas. gsntty solit cattoît awpLy. Gs-y anal mca-a- wa file finie.'anal neufegay sand tnsra- wee ut les-ut four of thé Utoaaous les-rfa fis-t acre gladiteneit lafils&oing. Âfter traveling fhrougii a wlde and open coninta-y wbee t-s"ae wheesha atm over the bard andl frosfy grounal," slow- ing up ns f bey dt-aw near a countr-y towaî, w acroe a.hunses are cbunged 1, tIen agalu "dashing along the ope. rond. aitI fthofreel air blowlng lu their 1- cg anal gladd.enlng their very hearfe ait lIn fbem," fbey arrive ait Dlngley Del, where ure are Infroaluceal to thut fumous pereonuge thIe fat boy. He le ata olil acquaintance of Me. l'irk- wict, but f Sait Weiler île face in strange. To follour f ip fins-t meeting: Havlng river, thLledirection and »attted wlth the coadliman, Mn. Pickuelck sad hI, flire,, friendasfruck Imb ftsefuotPs-tl scross the lfitais and al ked b-ishît' aws-y. leaving Ma-. 'el sler anal fhs fat boy cou- fronteal logeflier for tfl irfesttins.Samn lookedai a the fat boy wlti ga-sat s-ton- lamment, but aihout ssylng s- wod. anal ..orrespondence solicited 126 Genesee St Waiîki.gaa Cigare anal Tobarco CLARIENC! rl TONSORIA PARLO ILIBIERTYVILLE, uLI Orders Taten for Magazines anal Put Periodiais Gu Laun ory Office LAGG %L R LINOIS Recors t in Order isa-anaed Ciins.tanm Lone Dis, Pas.. lluu-.d7-e, P.M. Lake Blâff 7%» PIIYSICIAN ,AND. SURGEON SpeciEI Attèntion ta ALL CIIRONIC DISEASES EsPerlallY Of Stomach and Boweis PRIVATE SANATORIUM i. alonnclon le, p.t#.nts needlsg alsiIy Peraunasi boettin snd tralenttu s rsaon and Appolntments. SiuaIdes«n ..esald LAKE3 BLUFF ýi maiaraa a- al iinag. Dr. siioatala-t allii, I aI hI alIaI Thal8le why hie il II a a Ih Saaoia eaetaarntl ce- a ýtr'! aiaU, Iî i aia a tiaew ncau t oftheme 111---0le %%i a, k laieor aontraalling lia h la-la a-l ittîl(,îlt a ys Dr. lalalala.etra-oglctaa wcak atcmach, l'amia-t air I o a 1 i ftle goce at it or vcfltY. taah lnaid Irgzn baif cou- a-allang aor lraeaalenerve. Wheu jas ca-a-eu fuill.tlaaîi tiio@ecorganue muetési y allter. Theme vital trut li re - tgfing rualgiste cveryeehers lau dimesus au Mcommenal or. Shoopi, ' tora-~, Test it a tew duye-and m I linprnvaulut Wiii promptly and sursiy oil w,-0old ALL DUAL*R& a « W5 AU Uy efflVeilby >fr. Ple wlck. eunv )Is,'r. Wslloe sad the tut boy ba*tng ly tlamir joint .fOuts eut Ôiut a suld.," il bauds pautcipta. Baya the. chronicler of the day', sport: It wasi the. mont lteaaely nteottag thlag ho observe themmisa- ain Whtdh Mr, PlcekwiCk tierforined bsabeure intheI eaemny-ta watola tii.tatureof uxn- IttIr wtth whlch h leed althe pua-suai be- bia gamn u POý n aiutthe iminezit hauard 01 telpping ilin Op, t fl 55inal giiAdualy sxPend thi Painful forcs autel ho as latput on get frat anad tira sinaaly aouanit en the, stde, wtth hie face tuwurd tse-Point trom vehlch hlasliedt started. ta 0CottrmPlste tiie plairful amite wltldh man- tled on lisftce Wiqa lhe lad acconpilisi. sit the, distance andl the ea.gures . al Whicil h. tiaaned s&round ahen 1,asnaît dons se unit ranalutea- h,î Paedeceneor. hli blackt gs-t4resta-ipîin. pleasantly tha-nugla thi enour anal hie ers: beamling checa-rut- roe andl gludness thaougla litsspectacle. a-nd whlen ho 'aas Itoukeal dosn, uhien haPPeneit uPon thea sverage every third round,. 1h wusas t oast Iniavguating cana-i that can possibly bs Itoaginei telab0,11ia hlin galber up hbalst. gtovff and arl a kms-dltef aItti a gtowiag cuunhcnara-eaîd rosesuieisstation ln fhes aauk aila an arior andl enhilisls whivli ,aah!ng ooulit abut. Mr, Plckvvtk unforhuniately breaks tirougi the ie anal gets n goandlwa-t f lng, but. becbg faken on s smart rîlu f0 fli-lu J-pu to bcd and given un- llmlled quantitles of bof punch, filuas bliseif noue the worse iîext mornling, when t he paaty depurts tr-ou Dlngley Thun does Dickens tell us of 0one or the. mca-a-est Cha-itmases fliaf a reqldcr coutltdesire. There là no houa-h of 5*1- nmon thfe cuîronla-le. andaliau fluitone Ioud wish foira lethfe siory wcre longer. Iong Ilve the fuie. anal long uiay we enjoy Christmnas wlhth fe P'lckwicklans! LONG WALK FOR SANTA. Tres. Burnsd, Fase Goes Elgiat Mile% For New Toya. Gt11* Infendeit for hie eigbf chida-en betng destroyeit wben bis llghitng of fh* Christmaos tree, Just before mld- nlght, caused a tire urbieh laniaga-i h@bisl Ion bClevelanad, Alfred l ilni mermaister frudged elght mlles tha-ougla Bflow before ha cou Id roulea s tone- IngI GET REAOY TO BUILD 1 AM REAOV FOR THE WORK JOHN L. IRVING CONTRACTORand BIDFR Sidewalks and CerneW BlodUs ROCKEFELLER, ILL. Let Me Estimàte Upontihei.)oh FARM MACI-INERY 01 ail Klnds RI2PAI RED wlth Thorough ness AND Dispatch D)Ïsc harro% s Shai-pened WILLIAM LW'COCK CO. Libert!JviIUe, lit. Opriosite St. Paul Freiglif Depot F. BAIRSTOW MANUFACTURER 0F Marble and Granite Monumeni s Cemetery Work of Every Description

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