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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 Jan 1909, p. 2

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er ood, and on 0 wçen«by. gtb is fail and ï, aiS beng ie- b, ,muscand et d&hi-d wSkin lw sPMts, DO = wWmhes et 15 bééisiM natrieot 1th.blood rkh-1When sainnomwon= adeschu PRIR VIEW cD flanCenway. ef Rondent, set iloffî witi ber parents, M. sud ~.Chs. Bot ýkr..bud Mn. R A. Smith, et Recto- $dW saleS on tionde aud relatives bre a emehorger l on the til t m. Il »aad iamUny, et Long Grave, Mr5hU. sud Mmm . Stahf sud ji$,K ,Kueditarwas a Libertyville 'Broekman vietel with ber »" sd tamlly, Mr. and Mn. El et Sm , fDiamoal Late, lat wet. 5tue o! ofOlesvew, wuilvisit i0tdweeki witb relatives bore. - i,*dMm .Out Leemis bati as their HgtMfgteiseobu, oi Lake Zurich, Îie fl tii.wet aý t&Weivsnherg bas hein t-t andi ý'iducttrsewae ior the pat weat. eçount tires dje e!o lest weet orlonrbeuu da, brtbe t rel slatives for a couple a! wees. ýî4J. I155h ocured tb. deatb o! mim&Broêkmau st the home ot ber JIV a4 ud Mm . 0.Mitchell bal as 1ý gupts onusy Mr ansi tr@. e. *#s4Mr. and ns. Wr. Rause and eLRb t, fDiarndakbêe. ý-w 1B&lNh bhlirso! Prairie Vlsw = owIUlj Tie flfowlng oeUt-en. 4mae.M n. y. G. Mitchell, UmA.Reha, Vit-e aracle; Mns.. ,n*aseelr. Mm..MainS E.oîi, uvs trs, . .Krueger, sou*tila; Mr$.. M. . Kaedler, mas- ~. ~.Mitchel IsBa 'ueaay tam Hamp- 1 , Iwbere ewlisylvisîilifii steut hamfr.sud Mm. Fi. battesou. Mr. sud Mns.- Wm BSwarula bave 0*s -Ite isRit-ards faim sud are Ow o=eatpyng their own fatamreeably à*bassdf'omMr. Boiter. Net spring * exjistaitaa go exteusit-ely it-bte ROCKEf MMra &bmeting startel Meuday ion Mwianiud, fqO , ta spend a iscewetsa riçk"à bora daugbter, Mr&. O'Haloran. John Kaiggeile spenîlua a few da.ve a1 l" p-scout weet with Paatine rlat-ves. , rland Mn.. R. A. Smith visitel ela- Iie i Prairie View Satumday ani l aIe tgaded thetuerai et Mmeâ. Broctmau. lis. Waei t etuane oeSaturday atr pending set-ral wets cith ber laceter atlIrving Part. -i(r, andS Mre. Louis Roder bail fer tblr uesta lbeir sou Abert sud wite, etftie- grmPark, esetoal laye let eet. -Mis. liesilroadheail et the Cetrai 1.1. was cale ta Roielaudlalst veet y the -Meious ilinees01t er metiner. Ulilile Phihilpa, et uortb Liberty- vils, wa i aviter at the home oftIr. Md Mn.. W. Nelrliefa Saturday andI U4 Hen adiltht- misortune te t-se !ncg lu ht-lakeo nueday ast wce-k *lo utlag lu bsruetingie. Mn. eSeN« basreasen te beleve thece la very uk plscav uec inamiug munt-ht- outh 1ý earS chubta ws ealectained aithile Sc J. J. Rtouse Tueday evoisg. Umm nepregreselutil a ats heur. t-Je rios for banno-sMiss tilt-s utec MileS olf t-be ladies' pine sud J. C. tsrcapturpd tht- ont- cffeel fr km ea. Wolsud lîtla' Iaaglif-r, 4 8îbb&rl Woods, are apetultua tiil * vit-h Mr. sud tics. C. C. Wood. *1.. COnuer. eft l>otu Stationusas as tout vishsr at bte homte et lier eut-lar, a.F. A. Dlton. fi yoeeralio acb îrt or kalna'yu ai- S LO Stlet ew Inseese aIt- ai . op'sBa-storatuu'. lu fit-e or ten ~sou th@Inaeut aillmilsurlaise ,a u doa.'at@ cii1t-ur tht- test-..Ad *.shybsipwomes seafu'ly. lIc. -4boën't drug thnee towuah nr thse beart or kidneys. lin R.taauegoeadirect la'tetlint -- 14 IS n eries Eath argan controilllg nerve. Whles 0" ele. l.UsSeudn arg 0&~ Bedurske la lu tbe employ o m Bicknaaie driving a boer wagon. Louis Gary accompanleil by ieorfe Kuebler, of Palatine, totk a ride o last Frida.y. Geo. Anderson, of Lake Forest, was smen on Our etreeta Tuesday. Enili Frank takes erders for the lIide- pendent aud alëo makeeecalltiOiis for samne.111 Mrs. Normani Ladd, of*Vaiiconda, was bore a few days lasi week assiting ber mother, Mis. Scbaefer, at the baarding bouge. Harry Marquett atho lad charige Of the oid Bruce ielbeuse for the Knicker- bocker foc CO. hece bas reigned hie position and returneil te laueevIlle. Fre<1 Seip and Win. Bickuase toot a ride to Wauconda Mouday. D. Puttuain, Of Wauconda, Vvas a Zurichl caller Tuesday. Chasq. Will bas taken the aonfract te fin1 the creamery ice bouse andl le busy flling samne tbie week. Mrs. Louie knfgge, of Libertyville, vioited relatives bere Mouday. Soine of Our citizen@' hearts were gladdened la8t week when tbey saw tbe article lu the Independent about tbe electri- road comlug biste. Let it corne. We are bere awaitlng. Ater a long illinee Mru..unnebsrg died at lier borne in Palatine Tnssday morning, Jan' 12 1909. Funeral lrom St. Paul'@ cburch Prday afterneen. One more oid settier bas gone te lier home wbere sorrow and pain are lt ne more. Our losm le ber gain. Amanda Barmeuiug ie ou the ick lkit. Mies Elnora Arp@ i8sat bome under tbe doctoer'scare. jaums Morebeuse ealled ou relatives In Palatine rocetly. Mr. and Mr@. Cbarles Dean bai for tbergmt lrently is elter of Marshall- town, la. Mr. and Mr. M. L. Staples baal fer tbeir guet Mre. Cougb, of ! ela Mr. ani Mrs. J. El. Sebisrding and ether relatives epent Saturday and Sun- day at T. Catlow's in Evanston. Mise Mary Reuqe, of ricago. was a guest of ber brotber, L. t. Reuge, Satur- day. Mesdames Tbom@ and fleur Bar- moning, ef Chicago, were very pbeasant calièeonan inonds ln Palatine Friday. EIVANHZ3 Mine Lulu Ameà han heen visitiug at Wieateu. UmssD u' VanPlew le vlaiting at (ladys Payne and Dora Dartier were Bot-kefelber t-allers lest Saturday. tir. sud Mr@. Rbhert Ricbardson visit-ed et Graaîake lest Sunday. Mie Ada Knebter speut Iaet îIuulay th- ber parente bore. Mir, and Mn.. Lee Ward @pont lest nde.y vitbliMn.Ward's parents. .Dan Felieïs anSd Ge. Hâwtino, ef Liborbyvillo, t-aIleS on finonde bore lest SondaJ. Misa ,AVIS.Payse, ai Chicago, @pont Snuday ut ber homo bors. tint. Wm. Kuebter, who bas been qul iet felr tinspast weet le reportel nnuch' botter. AdamItus boameelhis macbinery te the Ceuney tarm where ho ia dniliing a Wei. LOON LAKE Catherine Mt-Cann viaitel s fece laye ceità lieraunt, ti8. tC. Doclittie, e! 'llins. Mr@. H tiheeban ceas take ou teMrt-y hoepital lu Chicago Tuesday. At hreseut wrlbing she ile o-bbotter. fDora, sud Betrite Hook ce-t te tirayshate Saturdav te attend sparty gleen by t-beir graudmether, tr. Burge. H. Sboeban aud tiadaline aud tire. Carney visitel luChicago Satarday sud 8unday.. RONDOUT. 14'900t, nOTES. The general aver~age eftht-e seun-annuaf examinatiauof etighth grade: Walter Swanson, 89; Clara Cush, 87; Margzaret Merrison, 71); Mary Carroll, 79; Blanci c True, (12. Sixth sud sevoufh gradeos: Jus Morrison. 84; Clarence Krauz, 791; Clarence Sceanuean, 71; Grace Carroll, 87: Delua Cush, 87; Clara Cusin. 84; Otto Hegt, 62; Martba Butstey, 65. OÂa zMurLLEN, beacher. T. M. Kebae, et Chicage,, Brut Suuday wibb John Carelan and tami y. Mr. sud Mn. M. J. Couway are t-be preul parente et a son. Wili (larolan, of Chic-ago,.epeut Sonda-t witb hie parente bore. ir. and Md . Fred Mau bal the!ir baby 'brimesed lest Sunday. Mliss Roeney. 0! Sounth Obleage, le u'ieiting t-ho Doffy tauelly. VADSWORH. Bav-e you bail your cewe testel? tire. M. Lux wae lu Wautegau oe dlay tht- past weet. Frank Shu' a@s is ire bocuie ilîled fer fiais season. Tht-Curry Iaiuily art-inprorlugsiaawly. L.î,eie Bagt-nty le weck ig there at haeseat. luire. Thitas Tuctor, of Libertyville, a-alitaion frieuls lu bbfe placeune day Bleu i tiore. e itli, was a i-allen thý t.-r day. tirs Win. Euffvisit-el friands lu Gur. rnet- receufly. ..tWin. tlurray, o ut oseli, vieltel la eur evillage e! late. Mn. Madlon spent Sunday lu Walita- gau. t Mn. sud tir. Naine visiteS relatives in et-hi. vliilty Suuday. 1. mwing t-e ths bal weat-hsr lest friSay evesIlig th"r won ual a very large at- Ateendance et liiiMasquerade.- Bernard Roli bs u moeS ta bhs bousm of C. Bseenang in ROosersas. Mr. Va"et, et Nanda, i. speudlng the weet Wlth hie daughter, Mn.. Barry Grantbam. Mm. aud Mu.. Hsrry Hoagband, et Chicaga, vi@itel tram btrlday bill Monday wibb rela6tives ln our vîclnity.. The infaat souneoftMr, sud Mn.. James gainer was tbreateued wibh au atbact of uneumoula thle week, but ho le mut-h luetter at preeuf writlng. A trained nurse haâ,beos fn attendante. Mr. Wbitcemb, oft Deeplaf nos, i guemt atbine home et hie dadgbter, Mn-. E. J. Meyes. lire. Mary Monaban is epouding thbe week witÈh her ilsugbter, tirs. Ed Jebusen. Clarence Martin, uot MeRenry, was a Wauconda visiter Tuesday. Don't target te wear a roI carnation on Jauuary 29bb, aCaruation Day' thbe bhifbday et the late Presileut McKinley. The Carnation League of America este everyene te wear hie favorite flewem, the roI caruatiou on that dny, lu cem- mmouation ut the martyrol president's services fer bis country. Mrs. Elizabeth Maartin sud iamihy mat-el inte tbehr new home Moudsy, whkbh they receutly built on tineir tarm; tour miles sortb ofi ur village. Mise Libian Tldmareh reburued Wed- ueeday, tu ber home in Alexander, N. D.. alter a two wests' vioit with trieuls aud relatives in aur village aud vielniby. The big Partuembip Dissolution Sale et H. Maiman & Son esaunoun-ed in the hINEPENDENTIlst t-est by a full page ad le drawiug large crawls Hienry Malman, wh boa boss lu business in aur village fer the past torty yeare, baving decidel te retire fromhbueiness ou accaunt of ii hoaltb the firm is closlng eut their outire etack et Me,% Boys' and Chilîren', Clothiuqr, (louerai Fur- ulebluge, Lad!@#' and Misesf' Ceats and Stîrta. Ail prites are beîng alaugbterel aud big bargains are offerel iu ail timf-e. The old toIt@ Sant-e at t-be Lajemlde - pavillon lest Itriday evenlug was atten- ded by about torty ceuples despite the etarm. O'ConnoesOrcbeslara.oat higoe, 1turuiseed musie and ail t-be eld time dances were called ou. A Duns t-lis e reporteI by ail. 6 The Thimble Club muet at Mr@. L. WArdeu'e -lest Frid1 y, Mir. E. Oreen taklug ail lu a loal sud the merry iaugh telS bow esaa one eujoyed tinat ride. Thon the hearty weleame together wltb the tesktheb. Iosteés bal previded, in thut each were given a eheet of tissus papehaud tld obS mate a bat and tins m ou uld judge wbit-b waa the baud- souiest. Eaeb nember booteS at the men very fêeblugly .bopiug tbereby ta wirn the prise, but alesi Mn.. Kimbali did lotk the bardest and ecured a ovely eut wemt bsg, wbilo tir. Burton for lier swifteeeweu a e!lt needie book. Everycas *aà a ittîs augr-v with Mr.1 gIreen wbeu be said aWs muet starb for home, se b"th te leavte eweet home, eud eweet viande se temptingly opreal; but as ail bad a bnngry hushsud al home tiney tere ihemeelves away hoplng fer another I'.hd very soon. The literary club met ini their reeme Mouday evenhug and bld a couteet 0! elatesai ths Coon. Much genuinework was doaue togethor with pîsadioge fra alearer abbrevlation but Miss Pool al- owed ne âAstauce as Bach muet etali4 upon thir ewu menit Thete anere 14 titates repreeeubed. Theo Mieses Urace aud fGreen wore tiodil aving soi ved bwolve. Cousequently a draw Jenuie Gireen beiug the lucty eue wiuulug the prise The uext meeting wihi ho a iihrary evenlugesci n ee appsarlug repreeenbing a boot. Mns.. arneworth etertainod the pes- ter Mi the M. E. cburch lest Satnrday evenlng aud @est-ral of bil eonde that tbey migit ho lrswu dloser bogetber aud feel botter acquaintel. Ail report a gond time.- tAuction Sale. The underigued wiloeil at publie section, ou the Talcotb faim, Hall Day, now ecctpied by Richard Reimere, Wed- ur'day,Jfsu. 27, cemmenciug St one e chut-t p. m., the folle-wing deribed prepety. 40 head oa ilmuer.sud springere andl a iew rtock bulle. Ail cattle tested belore sale. Termes oi Sale-Six montbs tredit on gond approved notes besrlug 6 par cent interest. REniEFRs & ROCEcaNaÂCH, Prope. Weddlug tatleuery doe. al thne INDEPENDENT flice lacol reet. LOU IS J, YEOMAN T'HE'JEWELER La%@ Couty TtIe & Trugt Ce. Abstracts of Titis. Titlee Uuarauteed Masonic Temple Bldg. Waukegan, 111. Louie J. GOuSSE, Set-y. Mlary Jane Phelpa te ilîllan P. Mler- rill and Viola P. Carpeuter, 90 acres lu East one-Itait Section 6, Lberty- ville Township, W D $10. S. L. Welaer te Leander St3phie", part E eue-hall N. E. eue-quarter, Sec- tion 13, Freinout Township, W D $1. James MeNamara te Mary A. Os- borne, 20 acriles lu N. E. eue-quarter, Section 17, Waukegau Township, QC D $1. Nanany S. Hill and bueband te Get. Pster, E % Lot 7. Block 13, Exmoor Add., Hghland Park. W D $3800. C. A. Hill and wlte te George Piler, W 4 Lot 6, Block 13, llxioor Add. Highland Park, W D $450. Cassise S. Cushing aud husband to H. H. Hitchcock, Lot 6, Block 68, High- land Park, W D $20,000.- H, P. Miller and wife te W. A. Man- ning, strip ef landi adjolnlng Lot 17, Cedar- Park, lu Section 34, Antlech Township, W D $100. Henry Selp and itfe te Chcago Con- solldated Brewjng & Maltlng Ce., Lt lu Village et Lake Zurich, W D $500. W. F. Goseeland wlte te C. F'. fecI. witb, 1 acre lu N. E. 14, Section 14 Freont Townebip, Q C D 112-60. P. A. Pearson and wile te Lens Llndstrom, S. W. %, Lot 8, Lindqulti & Andesbn's Snb. ot Lot 1, Sectioe 16, Grant Townshlp, Q C $1. Geo. Bauernachmldt and wite t Frank Iugrlsh, part N. E. '4, Setilon2 Freont Township, Q C $1. C. P. Socensen an&' wife te H. A Daugberty, Lot 28, County Clerk' Sob., Antiocb. Q C $250. W. B. Smith aud wite te H. F. Sal yards (except W. 149 fL), S. zY Lot7 Bock 78, Hi ghland Park, Q C D $105 Antenla Urbau and busbaud lu'Ma ria H. Roi s, Lot lu Village et Recli toler. W D $1. r Joseph Kowaiewskl and wife t Mary Kewaiewski, Lot 15, Bock 12 and Lots 22 andl 25, Block 14, Waeb burin- Sprlngs, W D $10. r Martin Hogan aud wite te W. I Brewer. 5 1-2 acres lu N. E. 1-4 Sec tien 15, Newport Towun1aip, W D $27E Mrs. M- E Bell te SR S Gree-n. L 10, block 92, and lots 86 and 37, hioc F99, North Chiclago. W D $350.00. B BGreea toj Lawrentce. Lot:I l>ock 92, nd lou. ai sud 7, biock 9 North Chcago, W -D $400-00. fArv-ila M Millaril te ithoe E Soceers à, aLot 16, blet-k 17, Waukega Higilands 11 W D 8300,00.b Mary Schuwartz te Sauiuel Schwautz AIl rosI estate lu Waeikegun. North Chicago aud Hlghwueil. Dot-il$1.00. t] John Griffith anl wffetva C H Hte Cermilck. Lot 277, Lake Fort-st. W D $10.00., Il B Suiml ithad cele et t-I te T A b Klinf. Part Lt 1, SunIth' Suf,. fn aSec Il1, WataiAutlch i f. lW f) $270.00. Katie Evilafi'c t-milhuaiau to ôae E sud Elfes M Warnt-c. fats 5 t-nilCa blet-k 5, Wrigbu's AId. Ifibentyt-ille. W D $2500.00. O E Wacnv-r au imat ett Katie E%1-l- * amer. LoÀt i8. 'o ghf'a's AdIte floct-t -6, LIhutt3 t-îît- WV t$2500.i00. F. P. Taylocrt-nil wite te Katie T. . RaituiSl, t fu17, T. J. Smiliba t-ub. )r lu Sec. 12, WettAntiocti Twp., WV D $1. C. E. Webb ant ifle t-n1i. T. Wetbb, rH. 28 fi. W. 84 t. S. 1/2 lot 2, blk. 12, I. McKay's luI Add.. Waukegt-n. W 1)1 $1f600.1 Lo D. T. Webbanud wifeto teNancy M. h-Webb E. 28 (t.W'. 84 fit S. une-haIt lot S2, hlk. 12, 'tleKays luI AId. Waukut -gan, Q C D $425. P. B. Et-rIe sud wifte te ('. E. SayIutc 7. W. 45 jI. E. 136 fi,.lts 6 ce 10, bik. ,22, Wauke'gan Park lu Natît Chicago, ,hW D $4211 Elizabt-th R. H. Thexton t-nd buts- a- baud te G. J. Itenhold, 78 acces lu N. ,tEi% Bec. lu, Grant Twp., W D il10.000. Mary L. Colt- aud hushand te, Rit-- ard Dobe, fou f5, bla 42, Lake Ilhiff, k- W D) $3.000. .41, THESE WILL WEO. la Tony Truck, 24; Mary Bakevit-, 27. st Thtrosa Betateger, 50,; Wocanlc n Weuiber, 26. Jas. E. tilica. Chicago, 26;, Camillet NaI, Llunsky, 23. Ona Taylor, Hamutotî, 25a; Auna 2, Lw, 23. A.WlilsaE.ttitiway, Sf. Pt-ut, 35; An- ma White, Recîciord, 33. o[euy Krittlat, U; Eva- lfaitifl, l- 19 7, Frnk.Brui 1 ftasat-t, Chat-tau, 26; ). Enîtaa Lt-achfi.Rucktocd, 26. la- Joe-ZelitiifGreenilltt \Visf-1,;5 e- Ida Bertrand, 4, te The' oditaîro ai t lacBucmuingtuii Pautac 12, graph raefly mtatde the lailoing ire- b- uauuceuît: "la these laysie tf-n se uany people' go wroug, it- uay lie well euough to eineuîaer hoce uany fliere l.are Whbo go igbt. The neceepapore c- blazon alLthe lad break@ ut huuait-y, 75, but tbey (Io net preteul te keep track u t ailHwbe befie themeelvos asti are etfaithtul tae eveny trust."a Tht- reasen ls t-k ebvioes. For une poison Weho gos. wrung a theusaul or mare go rgbt. ,0But going wreng leasent-oual news, andI fing nlght le taten tor grant-el. 9:The exception te thbe ule mates bis 'story." UA HLE Roman Noue, Bbacl ~A I Kttle. Tall Bull, 'flow :dsud numbers e great Indisu chiots receiv- sd eliag deteats and wero sent te tino happy bunting grounds f bomeives, bbe pages ef troubler lsfery lt-em tb sanguiuary eucceBseee whlch wililshoew that the red man dfd nul aîways -get lb lu the net-t' Ont- ut these eut-cee- tuf rel warriors wbo fer years ceas known as the "'Terrer et the Plains' welî earned tht-t titie, aud that leauiy proeut lmIlan frlond, lRed Cloud, uow living ut Plut- IRidge ageucy, oe-c elghby yosrs old. Ameng bIs many fetetwaas theo nlly cunnlug wif b !iue tuo ciilîituaIalucre uiiaiia-yit-o si&tec faf]yite ,:.c wehhie r.iginueeredl au-at Is luuuwn 9 as the lFont 1h11 KeanY umassacre. S Roed Chlou at-as tht-n a Yong, ambi- l1ousand a neet poetrfui rlslug tcbier f ofth UeOgalaîla Sioux sud ignorel fine actions oethie tuler lano chiots, lun M65 et bine t'amney-Sauborne treaty ho t boidfy denunoeil fie white man's lu- vslon, ajîrsng uj tram fine countil, calleS otu tht- islcoutented tetolbew t- alm sud uteuit on tint warpath. From bhat tinte fluait siu-fleni bt-t-amie a vert- table, burylng grene wierever tino e-ily chiot coutid succeed lnlu inding euh- lott tocbis a t-ugt-auti. liedaICloudl 1 ett fliot-rt fa ct aaant agitation, et-tn t uaklcag fItauereai f0collet-t wued 1 un tht- surrouuuieag îhlsf4des. Iu the firet six utoutis Ifceait-rt- f54pt- sons kffecilt-nil a greaut tumeher wuul. ed. bt-ailes litiiulca-vu- atiliulis, caitleI sud muleas tatlaenu tit-a'futhfbse ttacks I se fnaed iat-atuiscetfthueft f tColonel Fettertea aii. auta bils mnia-auut arut at- i calIly i icittuatof iat tlIatry iadlntiliscr- tion. Citl FttenaiiiVir8sa un t eith a 'atliaict 1etcrl A Ithiaugh ibe i liait t-eu-t-c-ftxperlt-tice-s, litoeeoe chb Ifeuttnii-f liluîgbaiuuats kled. a together ai ah su-al usoaflers, anSia aaly the tltn-y tarcifval ot (t-ut-cal Car- rIngtona itii-au-If a-- il tht, yttle sf111 axi ai.i.iil flacineîtif tt uvîti 'a bunilnielmteutlit-e-aull ulaidtreoug flicth sioux t onlau. ilthutftal occasion thet wuocal trahi a atI ba't-utsi-t outtle'se- t-cture oui tt lcfing li lliccau, ffîîfe fifldinag I lit' olttý for fa ltacfot.fiaief intortioîlan ats brouiglit trouat e et tht- ouftutst.sonatih btfil liat-uit-nract-Cr. rlngteu lIatht- trtaîuîwas itiiiperil. Colonel Itetterman ceas put lu comn- usaS aot about a lhundrea muen aud etart-d tetefrn a juincton witb tint w9ol trai tc It- mde a detotur. boplag to tske the indians lilt- rt-t-r. Tht- tuadia sa-oints aoineeainug hisail- vaut-c troînthe t- iher allit-eofthenolu11 Iett a tes- a tu cctiby th' aittention uf fine weaid tnrali sud coucoutrafod ou Fett-nmanm. '[lite wuel train broeo r- ,raI tadce-nt off eeveu tulles uortineaet et tht- tort te flue Plîîay. The mnians tnt-ýeilit overwbt-tiifg numbers and nofwitfltatutitiit tht- far-tt-ny einolt- lie conamaind, sîîply ti-peci tbem e ut et existenîce andtî îein retinet-Ite lo- brute f heIn t-lttory. 1nn une spot ceas toundl a plie oti ifuttint torfy-iuoemon, etrîpuid of cfathfng and mutIlate-. Colonels l-tfcctiiltand Brown ceore round 1 laag a-lIt- hy elle, sume bIi- ing t tat zt theîa-tst moment. ratiner tht-n lac a-taturcul. tht-y dît- by eavin other's lt-ata. Tue uews a t receit-ec ail oe-r tht-eaountry celihgreat ber- ner, whllîtfronite t-nat afttht- 1alt-in te thoe ther aînong tut- rel ut-n rang pean oit trualse tocrlthe great Young ReSd('louîd, atdebistiçlt-aiieveuuets 5gi't- inim a power I luicft-SIouxcont-Ils thttlit- lltlI rocîgu mauy loua yet-rs. RIed Clood's conliutd sot-cees Snew toe bsrt-uits ambitions bravos trom every section tunlil t- bt-S eut-h a for- mrIdable ergaulzatlen t-bat, If lb ceere undorateod that tht-se trîbes weore et s many nations as distinct lu a way i samoug bine winlihraces, eue-hatlf et ie tollowerm would ho entitlesi tec insa nud devilmin mecklesfieemOfuthe meet tarned ,toreWlolgions," To oay tilat ho tept thc Tait tier 01 cou» WAUCONDA DEPARTMENT Hl. E. MAIMAN. Costespndnt sAM Agent hie bill t lu bot water, a continnou stew or ti ade the plans as actIve as a pieute irty or a hornet's nest te-net exagger- aon. fIe kept Veort PhUI Keartiy prac- P cally luvesled toi a yenbr. aud wltn H reiatory bauds, sent bt-rt- aifftht-r- 11i vr the I lum, hct arricil ih-n iitîtlutm ad destruction te the mot iiiitxPect- 1 quarît-rs. îiîs4-esslug as lia- did anInl ranizitlon Iliat. conditions permit- a g, muade fila force as effective ma8 1 bht berse cavalry. However, thle lu- w etIve ge-uls andl commercial spirit de the- whiete mnln sliopîaind fatîîbry *as loctiiely uiigaged lii proidualiog lire- r men se lmpreved that, Ilîe tilt- net-dis l un lu the iPrussaasblauds la theEu-ti- Dpeau wars of 1866 te 1872, tht-y c- t led lu hl& simule mnd au astonnlsb- e 2eul (bat lie ,-ould net belleve or th resa etuniIlihe suffered ft-ai tsfar- b ni demouefratioan et the tact. NMyselît id others, of course, kept up ur pt-r- W ualptl '*)ilîy adoptIng every Iln- iovoment tront flic nid muzzIe leAder P Dtine breechlondiug Spingfieldl and b se repeiiterm-Lfeury. Remingten snd t Wincbester-vbilcb gave us oftil the a cessr> îrotectIvs sdvaiitnge. This s Mprovenieut lu arme was dastlued a f Ite over a year efftthfie Fotterman W naisacre te give Red Cloud sud '14r. ai ijun" bte surprise oft tielr lIt-eg and 9 krnetisinztote bInket as 'bail medli- ne." IL tiavage lis we bave callecl lîieî, fble b idian lu is primintive statu Neas wuest r yal lu lits beotand alipealuder t clrctnnnslanceesuad conditions te the euprerne Belng. slways appesîlig tor s guidance-. a-iii, ce anal mo't ualo t, fil( f roat Spiilril Whether If mias li fol- wilug thliCase -fur aubstistce. suc.t -ts li wur, tfun rapine, tetrder, pion- t] sr or homrace tcaflng. fer iifaiitiolulive e i crejis and grasses or luin uiiuuetx t L love, ho wîîs atriLkngly limbueul wltlît, te ut-ccsty oet he GretfRulerai a it-niu12 ýassaistaiance, or -GoitilMedl lune." Et-Ilim-clu ail] Iba-ait-îucsuits hain ltrlbutcd tu the- prepeuderatliig lu- a gune u .the - Efvlslirît,' or-Bail , Medicine -- No, alter sciverai caw-f paigus uf caiiitinueisucese lic rt-- t ca imaginetahe surpirbis-, ut Ilust-y consfernatfion uiiîl deparu n flitIifru- nlt.ul fretinlita udinclous titcipt tI, t Lt-st aniillte ftie garrlso u t Furt Phîl Kearny. Il-, itseinîcldmesrly .000 wta rrfaars foritis îaurpie, iaift- well etifpped wlf b carbines sud mur- %le loaders,fiait wîus unavaire ihât the- fort ba bi u-ii suppîlied i wlff leituem, Alleu modificationi of lit,, Spingfield broechlisalig rifle. Besîdes the rifles, carbînesi, etc., the lIndianas were nlgbty wul) eqipe<i for cloge-ln ighflîag niffithe- fîcw ndl arrow. ,Vith tflaltter luDîfinie aot war aud lu a chose tigint owffle icwhlfes al) el pert archer ca,îîd lacep ui) a iîtrcani ef bhese iliath laalig iiesîiles nvlih a tuîîldlly eqiatiig the- N-st WlnchbI-sicr oftloday îî lanI av-H eouly t80 fbc iam- ber otfroa . a it-Ire-Ior mure. that lis beu -m- lli, taflicac ,eiie et bafflt-l tait IIC i l aI d -iii u n t1is c- aisita lie v lattIlfaitnedIof'oit-r at-tai- ia. a. c t fgre-at fa-a -, wabulllY ut I, liil.a..lt- l,a:,iîttg i'ii(ili 1t a i V tht satnd hi- i, k.btiik,-a l iitht- t-r rom, e.xperts, w fi, sé Au al , ,llui- fit supaariur titfia liit uttfithi a-i tla-ir ll-, â bal i fî-i lic,fia laino ,ara- aggnoIilt- suecrassfully. liat hait itutrU a- Iccitfri(-] an it;u citiileta. i si-île as 1 tr1 i- lenflsil fi-aîîlutiiaoicn-laa.thougli lt-e Idea js fait- antfujy hliet-iu-d Ia fîIt uicfii faite. -iiaaaih lii ,--.i tg îiaao trt, la,- fittee l fa i , ,t at-lla. ais lie. thlîIIigl t. lu ext-a-tly thli- taltie c'ioiiloii :as if hlii ben Linde'r Fatierniaat. fut t--aperfenît- ball IIligît tIlale aaVaa.a Ia aritei beailu ailta tutalit tu W. lPowell aud Lie-ilt u faat oa-a l biatlîi lonag lire- parltg tfor lt-fo-tutu-li cas-e aitsurprise. lu haiullt Ifa' thenîfîr aîîd weod fer winter usée wcaagon tacis wcrc not usqed, the îîuanad tîmbher beiug car- ried uapenai fai' nling gears, sud the wagon ft-ais wcvre ue-i eforte au ob- long corrail. au tb opel tigs t-t eacb ouI, se tilittilu ciergt-ncy tht-y conldbc closel b> aiagaîns wai hid allthe bt-de ou tht-ti Tht- wagon bt-dse ro uscd te store tilffle camnpt-qui page. clotb- Iug. a-aitattîfssarfce.; etc,. wblle ro-en- tort-el iitu anolibgs and anythlug tbat waîtld tatoîta aleti.anîd. If f re- inembcr ccrrt-ctly, tht-y anre liaed wîthbotailer iroti, uittu rifle loepboios. As pre-liiary te tbe attack on the tort, Rtd t'lordl thouglit te repent fIne Fefterrînîuî et-uilitaidsent about 5W0 plckv-d umtn te surrotînil tbe lîttie cor- ral. te wblcb Powt-llsud lthe woodmen bail retreatei. îuînberfeig tblrty-two lu- ail. Wagonaahectlawt-ra' tbrown oer the- tops eoftti- waigoni leds la, scra'u tint defenl-cia from oblservation sud st-rt-ttlt-aulfaa-t-icps fronthetc111Ieffects ot tht- at'riw t- i t clôse quartera. Tht-rt- t-i l cty oet namuition and plt-tty (it frfl,'s. Every manibd t-t lenatthrt-e aualsouenie notewer tilan elght. Sorne men wtho were net ceai- idoreil dendly gbots were tolil off t0 koep cieanfng up for the othera. There was a quartet et old frontioramen, led eue- rnowu ..as.adead glalatJoe A drPrntal seet of tulltoss anS*thbe I9Io, by auotetic, uvul have bot-n sut-ces'. fui, as mauy oethIe rlflee basi inceoino overbeated. et-hors useleuansd the ammnuailon ceas nearîy sxhausted& Tinen, te aid te the general loy,- bi, dsltant seunsi et a bowitzer ceaisefr,' and Miajor Smilthn, rom the tort, Wîtbý 100 mou, cet-seon lunbine distance, and a shel haret ln tIns mdst p e ti Su diaus as another puzzle l inshe.U»,91 armes. The principal offert the IndIauSg madla thon ceas te carry off t-heft wounded, ceblcb they eveat-uaily se coodedlnlu SIng afto matlug a stand.,. ton acehile agaluat Smitb's command.~ wcnn, dlsineartened and dlsmaye&at- tbey euflentyretreated. Captais PoW- ell lunfis report st-ys thtbanot-bol'4t, tack ceaUIl hfa-vcbt-en succesettil. 'w-i lug fe flne oxhaustel condition et~ anme, ammunitlon anS mou. The lu-~ dit-us bal a splendid oppert-unty Ut1 tIne open totechecka Smitb'e comrnsn4,t but. bellot-ina lu the Great Sli' Ai ger aud tht-t tht-e e as "Bad Me&t-a it-n" lu t-be neighbotbeood, theec tbonght ltbehat to retire troan t-be j* duneuce etft-bs "Evil Spirit." The ti' aus loet- 1,18? men. noj suln pread out *and mreiwi& e tii.ma;à -body; xiiluEtweesitbem sedUi ou eRultantly, 1tully lvautag. et ayn ô ln. uimidesi net asià b l ortiers, and, lsTlngaluI Io Obwn eo<lness. it l. ieser Lyelllng bords came wtla Ms )0 tben30 yards troain ticee lreM boys. tirer, was eleood ertect abeet oet dame, b"',q [rss. sud rîders tUmblesi, au4,Ë bu sieet et bullets Êtruck the asà. Tro tine tudians*' aetouls ,t lire. dia pot stop af eue vrolwl4j anal, faut cutînued ta beleb tordsi terruptedly. Tben the toI -z round et a Mdasi galop; butl, alk lang epark ftram a rowoiksl rboel. tbe corral reopouded ýwlth déti deling effect, wbfeb attlait the. von'. burnledly, escapod front,- suait te the detender» as5enf n, as à mais ef bormes, wltliee' id wounded Iusiaus, iay ln ai4'~ inas, as a forent et treen fallu by ýriklg of a tornado. 'The, cornIal be galbant Lieutenant Jeanes .*i*h' mblet tbroegla bio beasi. one *f askillof, andi two woe e vet4ý rouuded. leavlng twenty-elgtathe tit. To tiho Indlans tino wbole ls asa terrible paraie, sud tbey actualir silleved f baitioe corral beld ton tiaiW ie number ef meu. for tbey m»w.' [opteS a new inetiios by preparing to trrnd tine corral witb sktrmislil. le bow aud arrow men cresM4 iagý ward ainead ef thoe swltb rifleis. tvantage et every depresslon ln tbe ~ Kround, nain witbiu r"~ge, tien t roerconie theo besleged wltb flgisu ad-t-- trw tire wben fine maino attsck if% be made tny tine sntire body of wl$g- ors. ,Thnis. wam wondertnlfy stUi tib' ~ eecutloe, but ftho deteuse w»ai atM upregnabe, sud fthe detenders w1oa ilent under tht- fusillade that tore lâte ne wagons tiud tht- arrowc tinat peiec, 4i et! Iraîgntht- eheets. Se terrifie wia, te llrç that 18 suded like (T-ratk.lIug thunder sudthe sirulegt silence that ~ euue aoust-tho Indins te tbb*~ bat If liadbot-n effective, aithougli se- taihy not s Sefetider was buart l htf. ' - econd ufîsck.a Uniuer a fît-nuy flac tniitftic atm- ieltiers a thaousuanid udians brute into acharge, encouraged by the- sllenue. when again raîng out fie meMelbsse' ire, led hy l'uwohl'o awn rifle. Du bhey pressed unîtîf almoa teie gn beds. eaiff-rinig troîm a slaugblsr ai- mst unht-tarl ait. when backt tiey agafia rude. A lt-w flt-ttmore auS lb wouldhavae atn alb uor lu aband te - bandl cetîfiff. But gse t-RhastbaSfey come Ilat soeauof e tht ma-n tbrow mis- aileslu n sir tuores. This was rt-pt-att-I fer six f imes, ithoe sixtb beiug lino final cbsrge and r,- pulise, whicb. If IlbÉbaStheen fUEowed t-

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