________ f4 ffOusT #ELIMW 7%~2U4ZY ~fi, 1909 fCOUNTY, INDÉPIENDENT OFFICIAL PAPER OF LAKE COUNTY tMooe na N. 1 F.,Iwtr'n itesidesire Telephone No. 1141. Lbertyvilie EtcingC ,»#s t d îtle pfltolice at Ubcrtçriiie, EL, ,an second clamn Matter ISomo WaCKI.Y. AtSVtNýlqsu RitTrE MAUX 5tN,lN ON APP'I<Af.T[4).N tIsGIIt OR N 1 The Tournament of thea Long Lake Rod and Oin Club Won by Lake Counly's Popular Shola. PYION PRICE $150 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN' ADVANCE Tise target tlournaînerit lis-d Vair. 21@t ___________________________________on grounda of lise Long Lake Rod and K UT . ........ .. EditôrG(ion Cub, won wpIi attonded and many noted trap shiooterar took part. '.J. S. ICLE.......... ... ...... ............ ......._.City Edior YounSg, one of tise bomt amateur target aho ta of Ch icago, W inner of ( he Pi nisu rat, FRIIAY,.FE RUA V ~, 109.N. C, shoot Jan. 21, 22. 211, 1909; FR D Y E R A YJ. il.Barto, whmeir 'r îi inoies tate - lsniîsosehi I107;A. \newinsrer, TlInst hie ouisl Cf gilil iuu l n l)"i sill i' . I. 1k il I55,10l'lire 0011 His î c ol, îî (; .1t. î,îlîîîîîî, wrrsns ord aems ti, ie '*a growuig ofltsioo 01 i ',l"gis ei " -dqlaiid ,uî i iîîl 'lim: iILirlàm -lgg partIciiarlýy forchîrt.lst'.,i.I iiiii' LiitiiI(1 oly 's'beniIlie 1 l ii. soi l ietilr proi î , r Il of s iili i ilrn T r 1111k. 'I.s. i otu. V. i. iluly ..jiii kýjW thee liighest standard Isf hels'it ltat 1, iluint 1ti is to 155 (liei,' hotu\A. li 'iliStiiiiS {',ii flgtYou or its tnorrmal laIiec e asiffleilit 10 Spoil a. trS' w blets IIiIt "l,,N'Ls Sit, iurî\ort'5ii todled If tise child le led on ah, croq uetites. anîd or her pheui gest s-rfoodil 1 .. s i'ihiii s W iii ier 5f tiSe %lîemtI'ri Whl ho MistI have la somnetblng more eoid, wislcb seul give tise niiScie'i of HanSitils aj t lssr' Col.init11i07 tbuJawa auMeilent exercîse, atnd thure force the ts-eth ln4l their ilght maaili. nkSg a unid îlero ird iM11 snt of a Maisy deitiata are advnlenipîarents of childrerS whoseefaces art-100rio r possile 11111 f555 IShé,19 yard mr~k. .<01aw and wbomae jawa are riot 8tifficieririy de'.eloiied to make thenm chew guru. He iSgaineirS srtrateil hio aiilitynet tise Irt ca, noant exercise han a tendenrcy to wlden arr otberwlse nrarrow Jaw, and trale (y rainl the rerinarkalel score tN'hU imale roomu for' to.hthts how evidence of crowding each other ont o of 01l195 osu 200), aiosting iis new '.ji.c..Chewtug'gurm toadlly for threp or forh ioira a day has mosot desîrablo RemingtonS Purîip gun anrd (. M. C. steel .-iUuIi lu cisanging tise dwarfed formation f a chislds jaw. liLied aheIla. J. S.*Young and J. Rl Uvesi wbea thera ia no deffect of tise teétis or Jaw lu lie corrected. gril aaniwrssscn with 1931 cacis; ohé,,otn la beriefiolal becalnelit exercices these oicles of mastication, tleereby R. G. Book aioumade a record by l'm'.Wrotag tiie digesltion and tise conss<iueist nourisismeiat. One reason why Scorirrg 1111. Tisese scores beat Il lacf'my peoplie ralin tiseir health by rafidi eating Is that as rhildrerr tieir jaw Previ ou. records on tise grouida i oftihe ïWibdeo noyer recelvyed enougis exorcise. Long Lake Rod snd (i Club. . It te quite generaliy agreed thaf, îstovIded thue gîrno ured le pure ami Ths e I emington Pnmp guis le very '.Vliolescre, It ccannot poégibly do barmî elther to a chiid or art adult. Aurd in Pppuîar and leo5501 oty trop sbootera Ob"ny cassa 1k ay acconrapis great good not orly In dstveioping the muscles arrd tise liem wlng sirote and dock o MMatcatiou and aing dIgetion, btrt lso Iiskpeeîing the ieeth dlean etud sootere of nortieri Illinois. "-WNt. Wlsen a child's gurm are tender anrd easlly irrllated loy tise roo0bThs'ie wcatlSer tan fine and everybo(dy briaW* gum chewlng becomes almost a teco'eeiy. iad a good tiareand w5'siiluchinterested ________________________in es 1' iooti g. Profeasor Joseis Franeis Johînson of the U'rsverslty of New York preserots tIiEs nut for our doctors of lllticai and social ecoorny luo crack: 'It lok $sf lu48 at yeur (o psy for neceseIties or livirsg tisat coll be louglit for $25 lat .1»7. Sity-nne contae 10 years ago hralltise bsiug Ipowr of $1 cor s .AMdthse thing le groîlng msore hisreatesisng asud more orreroos for te tl8M wlth m.oderato ilxed Ircome every Ia>. Irdeed uscs sortie relief 1, h" the colo rf livinsg ly 1911 willi have hr'carus-edoubtle wiîat It riseIn 1897, '-si' W« a adimaaar'orrs firsaniclpatir Its 1,917 tisst asint every esil e ie -I*.&atihe two oceans amd tlsrew tisoiseards sudsrl le of ittolîsarsds out of eui- PaoM)Met, butl itl lr'ught to notne cheaper food, cheaîser clothIng, or, chelspor 'leur corner grocery wIll charge 35 cens for a sîsot rarsIt. Tise umarn écaie 0 'wio as a boy, sold a dozerS tralilisulrsbbils for 50i cents, and crale Mon.y ands srougtheeed irealthith 1 41 uites.sTutu scors' yeesago a IlOlSit Q»asfat and ittrifly jirletsi cosuld hli ld f oi' $"l'ToIaiî u (, ti.s.uiiul lid , IIlsit 3,« 75 cote. M y ibings worts'd togetliuir tus uiisk' ,11'5 uîilirgreist. liiisliSitt .151 'Owenl5t-govermn losrsledd ountIJI)lstv, i Slu11s u il ,'do ig nug od ait l uti 'sti Ireople empires Of vlrgiir, feutle andulsl r'land s;usls . si brioti, iluit li 0-AbsItle atores 0of lî'sîîs taw (Irlrus' utsusa ou tl uu tl Iiii ii invenu±ve gersi ors1susu'lh, an(i] s toii ud s oni Mitt tot tli,ýii lisscf lu, a&MOIes Goperatili, 10 ecunatpe iu'Auier1,l sousn lîth linusto f tise ith rfitYIil wss cseail lvirng, s'iesl clsî'I o tusd.'ltt 111;,sI"N"t"i YorkusiuiSliM R. EDW.S.GA M C4llogo tise world wniders tises'lirre.Butiiiluire s. no lonsger dru siii foo ici u___ the ir ii,n puîiiiatton. nIs a&fie ht leEgls Nrktg oltus ainsg lth etr'do reat 200) isrgele. 1088 60. U ciseaixer lbreakfast t le fe]] l t1sa lie Eisgad ithsstabrkis J . . oung, 113:WX. C LBotnin, i81); ~ItM1ed just as bouruifiliy, If001 5fl m or h g. Harry liiriiiil. 171): W. 1). Startard, 158; 1, Bore laiow l l. Noiilug ors lie Englishîssane8 breakfast table le taxed J. R.irssari, 19)3; A. V'ance, 186; B. *X0011, 0ffe, te, 1519ixand erhas; pppe.. Fvrythiig n th Ate)cr'olui i 14;iW Ris, 185; R. G Book, .~cpt~ofee tasrgaoan ierapeitppr. s'rybltg ruth Auerrast 1: E HS. Grahaum, 182; T. E. Grahsam, breakfast table la tldexcePt coffee. lieusîrd iseirier. il lea afact ihat sour 195 J . Biar', 1781; W. K",Riisë', 162; 1111111l"Will Wlli OPIYii> 20 Persanos wish coffee for what a seak for one isersoîs L. J. Seong, 16i3; %W F. Hoitz, 1584; W. F. Wl» OI; but wisen ktlaisprop)osesi 10 put tax on coffee to gel a soreiy needed ssors.14;5; P. J. Girahama, 167; J. E. reaVease (ia, re la horrorIn tise ]and anid tise exclamatioors: "XX"at! Tex lise aei13:Iltiin,8. WOorkngmai'a breakfast!" Tîeer ecî Bsrdtisellowing m185. TIle factinl that lise tax now lesied o1s beef slorse anîoîîls 10 more at a rofcI10f) targeois: C. 03. Hurdy, 80; tieibreakfasat liist tise iorklnguiast woîiid plilusinweelt ou cuffes'. If tise 3.Fraisa,lsu7; A. Fraria, 89; J. Bal, Pronod duiY were ipoaseil ou Il. Arnd te tx ors beef la for a Iront, the uI.);FtiBorrt), ;i. Mavitole, 70; G. 'iXt OPPreffive of ail, the octoîîoaen.. KeotîS54; J. Chispper, 69); W. Jackson, Ouir doctors of itoltical ecotomratt titat setir tlieriseivets If lbey 'u"Isî')0; J~. 1.rabseru. 87; (0. 1lsoing, 81; ~iOt have Ch- od10(te laranitosiit Issues lit 19101 ansI 1912. Esert bo(du tiotr J.ilammisus, 186; L. Converse. 7;M bOw anleisan letion would go. 781R j state Transiers Fur'risisd By Lakes Cosînty 'iitle , Truýt tsi. s Abstrar't.r'of Ttl,.' TtlceVtiist'i LOi 1. .rGIsscýI I so, Clara E. ..Joisoliott ru, 'rrisu.ees of Vllage of Aitiocs, Lot "13"11idiot nott'a Add. 10 Antiocis, Q. tC, 1, John Wooidge ard rifte 10 A.F. LYon . Lot 4. lilock 3. osrd'n Suis.. Uiertyvllle, W. D.. $200> W. J. Scisîeck arnd 'sife liso Ii 13chrect, LotE5, Bliocik 2, Kisberýs BUb., Lihertyvîlle, W'. t) . ,0 B. A. Cunrminge ansi sife tu Rob. ert Gruener, Lot 13, Bioch 1, \'auke- Mmn Highliands, W'.tD., $600. Butate of Aurion Stager. uerd tol àule 8 Ilickok & Fllou S titir S8-S acres 111 N E 1-4 Sec 4. l)eurflrld Twp. Deosi $1.00. Berthsa J Cortz and liuabaisd tbA A Brock, Tradt of land in Secs 9, 0 Ui, 16 and 22, Newport Twp. WD N E BADn<IIl and %ife tb Looire 1 CMt3meta.Lot 1, Suis of 131k 55, &c.' I*adPark. W D $9000.00. X*rJOa1e E Hucker et ai, minora lis 4. tO ilOmee E Webb, Undlvlded PI 0t 2 39, OountY Clerks Sois, An- 1OéL Psed $300.00. B mw Y. e Têhsand susansi (o XâMp%6tMe. Tjndivided Iaprt Lot 13o 00«Mty Clork. Buis, Antloebh W D » 3' lMMO" aet ai 10 Miles Carîsey IàM 130, OpUiY Clerka Eub, Antiocis. W D S120.00. I. à Xrkckfou .8<1vle (o Samuel 01- âi SM3& Re-uis of Lots 4, We IM4U Itsaaet Park, W Kli ua <s. Ceerdoe'.to C PC, Socuitu an sud uNit, N tif; . fi t 1 u 4S i 2 ot :M.., bloc~k 4 \\uoîuoîs î. ai Pitisi,, ii9; L. 55 istause, 55,. 'T'he Iullwinig ouit of ,(i turgeta: il. Hardyv, -29; . .1 ii ts. 32. Extri uî os rtat set,0 targel'.. .1,S Yîsg41.: . .IL Grahiams, 49; E S. Gihiussuuu 4. ".G'rahamstu. 47; %V. 1) Stluuisrs, 45, il. (G. iBui. 1 .B Di)ul, 44. () E fl'tiii itilt so t sCito S i1, Setîî';3 Casi of Ohssracn rs., Lo t; lc, !l. X Ai,21ui d Xli , l.iuî'i r u, 17lo Tiiiii' ii of ss' ojl lie gusso Il 1) $ 1'iuiiiS iS h,1h u îu'usiI.Tlor.îlav and lri 1' ) fsst(55 l ul w iii to Jos'.i'uiu t si ISs l. lst',Iis4tIs misd 511l, 11)(i9> 1oc u.2acu e. um N E 1.4 T, i'. t'5it,'ili tS Sit iUim055iîu 1 jiOS lIaiit(515r 'Pt î. i, ) $.nS.ii i s iit t s forS thbe 'Vs reatii of i ris uort-ai I eSiaisd]thesfu-taons charaitere of THESE MAY WED, iSs.tSi l IoI csstutssed appear beicretise Ill 24 Anlo ift t uee5S i Faieao nupresent tieir (qius kle3luilo*t-uili.24 Aeeusin scîrde or eorSg. This aenterftinrrieurt F.os \. is1 gicir u uisdr thSe ausieesiCof tise Ladies' F '.Thusas F etuus. 2;'ussy Aid toi and Home Miissnary 13. -o vut o ii'et f ti' N. E. iur,'b. Foîlowing Aý P'. îei su oi z lgirsor. is thiseS15tst fisaractorsl: . l uscri"f F.mic .I..ý . Mes P. Joil 2C,. Attila \iulîe, 25, Ia>tr o r iiSemsnsi Air. A.C. AMurray Onelicnsesulpjýs"el.MasOs S t).ius siior-mlBttcrtild. Maud MAliser. Orse hleruse uîîîuusned 11555iiitSs. arie Hases, JOS Lales ..North hicago a,0;uer. -Laliarre Just dosLior si.Noti (hiag. 0;NlirSsoS Air. Jamers Davis 31 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Mru ttitsisD-rl. ii 1 Mis-racCroiser. Fora Cisurchill, F"ranktSaJou slil ;Aitîinitsa 'i,. FlireSie ,s5.i.Hases iButer. Eva ISaB.le. ileszki, 22.leus Carroll. AntneBtjdoii2q;r1ýh ...- .. ......... tinsRsdots h Auon'.ltgdts 2.Anlonina, 2to, S-- ......Air. Carrolli Oridiey Artbur H. Baker, Ntarshitld, Wie, '/aSîSsro. iss ioataptes 22enny Liî,d.. _ A.....Mms. . B Sie 2;Margaret Sciser, 22. 555555 .. . Ar Carroll Gtirley Davd . illam, ecosSat0; r ....aMiss teisa M..ham Dasl O. 'ilismn Kensha j30;isîofniAr" .....Mns. Lulu Mattocks ('ieo G. Graham, 26. Coielm us . .......... .Air.Be. tiler One lÀ~~~~et ý..... -. ....... . Mr. Arno 1'ewsom OeNorths Chicago license suit. 5Joehn elos......... MissLoolsest.,s PressFdds'ard Delieszee ..... Mr. Ros Taylorj Arthur If. Baker. Marahfield, Wis 11010 Bust............ D22is ld iahain ... ....Mr. Carro ri erlt 22 Margaret Sc.her, 22. liisaisth ................ David 0O William., Knoh, 0;feonfe -......... ('ieo. G. Grahams, 26. ,sa,3;Mata .......... .....Mrn. Davis OneNorb Csicgo îces Upres Ld. .Q.a..s..... .........Mrs. Haaby Sm . "*"'** .. - àdMssClark 1 ai.Padere si _... . b ArAthsur Ailler Trio lenses Issued loday- but Nsio ........... Mst. John croker naiesPt ss ints .. . Mr. Snou nsse uirssed.Girrnee. ora -s..a.,... ......-Mina Rdolpb Charles Chlte .s lrstnre Niiu ... .... MisEiah m tkr gislr, Riebocis, 23, Bkiebead. ................... Hi.fstt Harriel ieecher Stosse .... Airn. F. E. Wire1 00dm. Adellua P&tie ýý . . Min Addle ill uer PF&rs Wilad ........ Mima t-e«sYounig Pneumonia Follows La GriOpe Hridrel OFlaorsitan...Mins serliro ris.old Mdjs. t'laorlade . .5 Air,. (t. N. Dl)srd Pueunsonin often iSilowm las giistie lut Deaconen ..................mi"e Mary Ailson, never foiiowe lire op of E,-" rno Ai. ?arttngion .............. Mm r utire and erforla cripe otey. an >'ike Partlrton ..-.-............Fraink Iger ani Tc, orlagripeeouis"adedep rosia............ Mima (acrie Chard aeatd coida. Reflue ans' but tise genuine Barebara IFritchie ... ....Mina Dlla (loker in besama nihae.F'L B.lUln isthisWebb lu ]ts oiw pakg. EastýMOo Gnosbe Mb, Gartrude Olokerman L V LCIrliren', Cous .... .... Iic5s going Far away from ail the fights and fusses, A-shooting9 elephants and hip-po-pot-a-mus-ses. Goinçj, Going, G-! 0>111- luie tif EDISON PHONOORAPI-S i going, titi, anîd we are oi tt' go olîrt.aelo'es, day iii aiîd day oîit-e'-rviinicrpeople wliu 'ialt. tbe best. If 'ou îîwaîît thse Ti-"NESTCLOC KSTo befound CLOCKSAnywhere Psy lis a caul. Todagi A. IlI USSO WATClIMAKER and JEWELER For Sale By CORLETT & FREDERICI(S MEATS AND GROCERIES Telephon.e 30 Libertyville ~Dear Jappjy: Do liot take it bard but gor and play i. your owin back yard. N I WONoEFR That's what gjou should sali when oflered inferior goods. You'II ne ver say it here Because we have nothing but the Best Our lihe of TAILOR MADE CLOTIIING is without equal. Trg il and See Why E~. W. PARKI-URST SCI-ANCK BLOCK Court Sale. Farm for sale at auction ou Marcis 2, 191), 160 acres knowu a@ tise Appel] tanin. The isouse cost $8200. Tisere ie a larg, two story barnl, corncu niba, windmili aud tank and gond weIl. Tise farta le good black Insu, sud la one mile soutis of Ivauisoo and two mile@ soutis aud west from Rockefeller, and two miles fnom Diamond L.ko Tise parti., intorested wis tu »&y tsaI tise @aie la maids upon a court decree entened isy consent of ail Pard"e. Deesi comas at tise Court fBouse. Waukcgfan, Illinois. Tusda>', Marris 2nd, 1909, 1 p. m. However onI>' a reasouable' depeiit willbhorequired oudayo a ai, you enu tison examine abaîrset, etc. Asidresé: R. W. STÂrisOrîn, 275 Warren Avenue, Ciiao rPAUL Lie.cGuFereilsiy ville. Il., for luchber lormation, Dr. J. R. Bttoesi, 150 Parit Ave.,, Liicag; RBERgT KELBO, 699 AutIn Ave., Chicago. Rocke<ètiar Election. (Fnoin Wedneeday's Sun.) Tise regular ticket was elected at at Rtockefeller wltisout difficuit>' yea- tords>' as foiiows: Rois Rouse,, reeldent. H. J, Burdlck, . S, hTrlpp, Paul Ra>', Tom Rnoeansd W. 2ýeblick. Town Clerk Theodore Swan. Hexamethylenotetramine Tise aboce l is e same o1 a German chemical. whlcb la one@i tise mas>' valuable ingredieuto oi Foiey'e Kidne>' Remedy. Hexainetisyienolatramine le recognlil b>' medical texî ibook@ sud1 aolshorl" e s a uric acid solvant andl anlilsaptie for tise urine. Take Fole3t's- Kldney Remedy> as aoon as yon notice &or lrr'egularltlas. andi avoisi a serious neadi>. PFAsaB. WLxt 1 ~mmmmammssw~vvu~ i m 3 'I Beoit lediçimo, Yarxish or Hardware Low Price does not make it a Bargahn p., r (1ome and I wiIl show yoîî a hargain. Lt bias heeli said that hi every fair bargain htrth sides gain, and oîilv the t1iief and the sheîrifr cau îseli gooiisat liei's dari coi. 'l'le service any varnirili wiIl gi veird1 goveîuied by the nmterial of wblicfi it is made. "wtbree itaple imrdet4of CIII-NAMEL are, pure Kauri Gum, pure Turpentine arnd pure Chinese Oil, imported troîn China. FOR SALE BY H. B. EGER rDont fhoi Awayj Your ime Lookîng for !eed and not Iindliog it at jour Feghbo tore negbrhoo COME DIRECT TO US ALarge Stok Always on tMaad <)b Buffalo Gluten Guano Gluten Daisjj Dairq Countryj Mlddigngs Whîite flour Middlings Bran ami Oit Meal Red Comb Poultryj food ASP CIAL-llociÏiçi Valleg Coal Frked. W! BOTtI GAIN WHI!N YOU TRADE WITII EMMONS -MERCER LUMBER COMPANY LIBERTYVILLE Plsone 47. ILLINOIS lle hea001nge torîl ks thpro-rî g. \Vo te )casi r n .a: o açse & or. Morpu itat ures an u osSy' th.-:1-1 AlbertW. sLichd'Ztewd" Libertyville, Illinois TtIERE IS_ DISTINCTION TN A SUIT 0F GOOD CLOTHES. Did Jyou ever take notice of neat, weII fittîng 0 garments? Certainly you have. While you 0 0 pass the ordinary suit of clothes indifferently you wiII,0 0 stop and examine one that is well macle, whether of' '0 0 expensive material or flot, for it looks much different 0 0 f rom the ready made suit. Clothes made in our shop 0 0 look different and are diferent , from th'e average. 0 0 That is why we are in business. Some people 0 0 demand good clothes and we are here to furnish 0 0 them. Why flot you?0 * FRED CROKER *Tailor and Draper 0 o LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. 0 4Nj IIORMB AT AIJCTION. ThiedÂAnuaîi Sprint S$aeSamurday. iaaeh 6. 19», cooroeociuz t 1:80 O'ciocir. sharp.sud Sclos log et 3:30.sd am to magke tihe train for Ohicago. we wi ll .140 bories antd mares,.secigisinh frora1000 te 150lIbo., and two temms weighing SM 5 bs aet Col. F. J.. soY' Mosartair, Meadowe Stock VeFand HiIom.e Market, one anrd one-hail mile nrti of Waucouda, Lake Oounty lilinois. This lm a Cholce lot of youogr. Round, sentie, weii-br'okes hormes. Drivera. terrerai ourpose, farm and heay draft hormes. B0th well ruatcheti teama and single bories and mares. À int Opporteolty for fariner, and tisamnters tu bacssre thlise 01 erviceabie kirrd of bories, mai ail bornes ame gsarateesi am representes on daiivery. Wiil b, @01d 1te ithe at bldder, no ramrre. Tlhe rpublie I4 invitad 10 corne and examine lb, stock ally day bitore the snais. Josphr pet n tihe Superintendant, WIii tive aH information. -. Sala tire Rai, or Skia. Six muntis wW )be gives.t i nx par cent. te Psrehasers. by making artangemearts witlthse Bank of Wauconda, sehoas rapr.- sonli viii b, présent at tiresais. CL F .BRY Ma. B. R. KIMBERLY, Àuctlonear. CL.1J.BR . I i 's, mbpm ~wm 1 4 MO io id Win -W WW iM,