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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Mar 1909, p. 2

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--fi jà ' il m -IR m ",.oas be stopped-in (ebeglnnlng. he trouble is: y'dm t cnw yoU've got it;, lm. don't belleve it; you won't Sbelleve lt-tiIyou are forced to. Then it is dangerous. Don't be afrad; but attend to it quck-yotl can do it yourself andat home. Take EMULSION of Cod Liver 011 and live care- fuly every way. This is sound doctrine, what- ever you may think or lie told; and, If bee= dwn lSave ife. Sd Iââ sdetthmeCt oe «wth es.ý p».em "CkkMdmeeAils. ofthe Woed." »WT *& mowN& .409 Pud iSt..Ne«. Yok PRAIRIE VE Till Mitchell and Sue Magon epent '1'bursd&y !nd Friday wtt Mr&. J.. Dolienmeler of Libert.vville. Cos KrueRerv.-bo bas been visiting fIHends and relativem in ('bicago for the M thbre" wekm returned homne laet lt. and Mrs A. C. Riel ards en tertained ]iran.! Mr-.. I.Tripp an.! raîghter, HuIel, o! Rockefeller, Sunla v. lir. nnd lirs. E H. Masoît and famnily StSunda'y Witt] tilir brothier, F. ll.of Eîerett. MitRie Ritz-1îtaleriý upendi ng i titi Week Wit jîtît Mi.,... lirhiItîgmtain.iof Oak. Park. Jnnie lnedler. ,!f HighlanidPark, is ...epldlug two weekm witîher parents. Utr. and ire. S. E. Kaedler. Beyr. and irs. Koeneke entertained l*blr ister atnd !amily, o! Amboy, Ill, 'nwe mlk prOducers wilI haid a meeting a4 Long Orove March lotb. )LMsW. challet, o! Downen G<rove, ~h"a h... sending several days with ber -J. A. Mso. and Iiss Mar miner oj SOffltlChâta * were United limarriffe 04Jbe, e.17. Congrtulations eX- Arinouncoment. 1'- herehi' snaounce myssll as a candi- 4" Wfo colletar of the toien o! Vernon »Csotto tiiesullI o! the caucua ta h. Youmre repeetfohhi', 2"-Salta. ZluàusEHî,PrliiView, III. I 1- HALFDAY Notice iterebi' git-en that there wilf >Se a meetng bsld at the towu hall lu VifDay, i5ednWeay, Marcb 10, 1909, for the urpose of eleting trustees for tIse Cngregational churcu of Hal! Day. Obituari'. Samuel Thomp«on Loomis wae hotu ut Aptakiai l, on Jioly 1844 sud die.! ix Cadnnai, Ohio, on Februaty 22, 1909.Ili Bed at Aptakiaic until eight fap 0o!agir wbeu b. went with bis pareneonta theit farm ane mils narth 91 Hall Day where wa grew to uianhoo. attwmty.two yaare o! ae ho'enllew la $W wl'ulaai army for 8 yeam .Auter hm discharg trm thse amy ho went ta Qaelaaauui, Ohioansd was marrlad ta Na&ry Bmeacam. H. leave ta mouru hie lmbtwile, two sons, two danghter and two brotherâ, S. E. Loo"si, o! Prairie Vlew, IU., sud Z. B. Loomis, of îleadont. Okahomia. wStziFREMONT. Henni' Tekampe 1 shluglUng the Ebu- iugsr boues this wesk. MMs Rubi' Grubueau visIte.! ai WiIl Lcahma' a lt adye hat week. Albert Haler trsusacte.! business lu Barrlngtou ast Saturdai'. Umss Heen Tekampe upent Sundai' at home. lit, sud Mie. Wm. l'ohuan wet ta Burmngton Mandai' tames te latter's ttier Whha been qUite sîcIt.L Mie Tille Tekampe wet ta suork lest Thuroai' for lin.Frank Dalton ai fLocliewiler. 1%MreW»s a large crawd at Fred Cou. Vss'eLe at Wdeesdsy. Everytiing eolslweILl Pisu iletu maved on the senuott IarniMareb 1oV. tir. Eietz bas sold is Mamsata George Disitai.. Audraw Schmdt has hirs. ont-for the oetnÉ year ta Frank Dietz. lit.IBouse Who bongit te licConatv tarin moved Match lot. FREMONT Ui. E. V. Orvisè, of Wanlcegan. elient Sundai' uiit bher parents, lMr. au.! lre. Ahar!. Mite, Hertel, o! G.osiien, Indians, VIsta.! witb relatives ain. frîeîuds itere a le« day. lest sueci. lieha Wgner, (il RwituttL ake, sîet Buadsy witb IRosa ",ulrei Arthtutr P-ut cas na\'elt toiler Miii- Milie Wagner mtade a buetn-',etrip t.. Chilcago Mandai'. Katie Prend! viita.! Iriende uI ttuntdu Laka thitI.week. George Wagner an.! Jas Titis. lau tiueir cowe teste.. Androw Hrl ansd George Trant suer. Wankeffl callers Tuseai'. Mît. B" a old hbu drl'vlg bot.. one "YIlestwset. 1"ý LOUIS J. YEOMAN THE SEWING MACHINE MAN DIAMOND LAKE EZLANLZ3 tIrs. Dan Rîrenthjaler atti daughter, l tnDan was ln town Tuesday. Viola spent 'Ihnrsday witbàmr. A. Ior Dlirierwamas aRockeeller valler l)arb. .1 s t ek. Mmt. George Mitehell epent a few day MmIr. John Sheitherd e3pent part of la8t fast week with rlatives uin(Chcago. week in Wankegau. Mise Annie Webr bas@reeîgned ber The Junior and Senior .hoir practice position at the home of Mmr. Henry Kane were boti. beld Tuesday night. and Misae dith Lynch bas taken ber Meuers. Kuebker aud Richarison at- plce. euded lirs. Tyler Gilbert'@ sale one day Albert Dryer, wbo ha& been ou the mt week. " Lis ai improving nicély. Miss Bertha Knebker is going to etay Gpso Poulton. of Lake Villa. spent a wth lira. Rd Payne of Rockefeller for a ,es, r-a7. o! last week with Ira, Darhy. wblle. Aboutfilten a Bira Barle« B. B. Eurlbutt, otOraysiake, Mpet thea Abou fif»D o Hirm Batletla st 01 hast we.k wlth F. IL. Smith. friands spent Friday evenwIug t hi. bonmes TheeVen*nwassapentin playing gama. Thom uull be a "Bock" Boclilnt this alter wh-ch a lunch wa sesrved and a home o!flit. and lirs. Beach on Friday good tifte was enjoyed by all.j eveDlng. Match 5th. Proceeds for re. Mm. . Pulto remrne tuber paire at the church and p>msnags. lir. M Polto rtnred a brnome Everyone welcome. at Lake Viluat Friday alter @pendln a ew week wt b her moýther, Mmt. W. Roule. Mir. Rapt and faniily have moved auto the old Davis place near Gilmer. Fred Towuer, gir., bas sold another teainio!f due drirlng hares. lir. B. Schneider returned home lion- day alterhavng an operation in Chicago. She is getting aloug as uicely as could be ex pected. A number o! Iriende gatbersd at the home o!flir. Charley Sandborn wbere they ceiebrated ber eighteentb birtbday. The sveanug was spent lu playlug gamnes aflet wbich a lunch was served aud lu tbe w..' bout, o! the morniug thay returned tu their homneq after baving a jayon. tume. George Bartlit viitd wthbLhis ister, liru. Laura B. Kane. Annooncement. 1 herebY announce mysshf a candidate for the office of tai cllector lu the town of Premaut. Subject to tihe pieasure of1 tIse ctizen'$ caucus. Respecttully. 22-2 B. C. PÂvîcg Borni to lit. and lits. Roy Barrie, ume Mae Seftou, a son. Feb. 24. AIl are dolug ulcely. Cougrat"ltiousextýeuded. Diedst ber home in P"ltins, lits Fred itoper, Feb. 17th. Mrt. and lits. Chas. Smith, o! DesPlalnee,i cafled on relatives lu Palatine Saturday evenlug. lire Fred Staadt in lowly recnverng f rom ber recent severe illuesa. M. L. Stapse wlll opeu bis llvery barn and commence business Âpvil lst. lire. Titos. RusselI and litChe daugbter, Ite. Fred Rhtode la slly recvein Helen, were gueste co! Lakte [test ram ber severe Ilînes. Ms Harti' s relative# Saturdai' sud Sondai' trme, nurse tram Chicago là lu tIrs. Mari' Swan lias ueen ent.'rtaininz attendanîte. Uer nierue, lire. Itgers, o! lia ne,,ott hie Herbert 'la&Me ajynt bis vacation peet aeei, witii frienuein palatine. (lias,. Alvr,d. a i i totl(ived it lin an.! ltm.Starck entertaiued Mrp. Chtîcactu iimt tsila>' t Iuii it. tm thit itWoltf. tft!ictago, ite past week. aity. ir, an.! lis. Fred BckInaseentertained liilu Iutttuiu'îs.itteoir foîr thP ti iir dangchîler and tamili' front Cfhicago (hl.amn,îu tîl 'lii. li., ri'et u-iIl'u'ats vii-'r Suitiay. ml î.î dti t u attt-b t '!i. Lenta lii'Iitase visite.! frien le ho lie al-îuiii i,'i, t,i - g itfit-iuiîlmti [ îgîn' it S. L. l'rtit au ' il lîtilt iît t unitlui a it eltiti tîl'iun\'!N tîs e Remedi' for La Grippe. Mteiu I:tulittt Ni 'n Itr a.i i,-tug«ii'ul t îo rfIi cigîear angerouîsmie er llttiîe,'b-t i ilhi llage' tti-r ,,d- ilt l -î l, etly deel'op inCa puseunîttuta. ing the hast femia titltq autît Mu, antd 'ut-m'e motev aud aruotuli ' sta)pethe lire. E . I > itinu'-.mghtbuit ieah.an.! strengthens the lira. F. M. Broer ilrlai een 'alît-il Co lug# sa shat no setiaus result ue.! lbu mauru ths deatb io! lier ageri itotte r.il' Ib@î. hgenti»a- roys Houai' an.! tire. Whtnell, o! Lake Bluff. Funi-nmI l'tart'ntano barmful dhugsau.!ilu toak p lace Sundai frîtmn ber lateueatitsyehlaw Package Relue s ubstitut-s witih urialai Libertyville. ['sANg B. LOVELL. The yau gpeople'. auchre club wes eutettained=Tedy eveulng 01ohiis rait at thse hame of A. K. Bain i' Mmse Lucie Trottet sud Mamie Griffen. Mesrs. Martin nad Bain transacte.! busiin Chicago Monday. Miss Fonte retutned front Wbsatan Mondai'. DEERFIELD tirsud lire. Fred Patuonsof Chicago, were t he gues ta o! M r. and lits. E. P. Eastan oi;er Sundai'. tIrs. Wnu. Hutc-bison and dangîtter, Frances, o! WýaukE7gan, sîlcot .'inday s.ith S. 1'. tînt. l.îson and lantli. Dr. C. J. hi..î iëenst Tuetidayin utWj- c'ousin. C. C. FeUr luai. itove.! to (eneset uthere tbey inteud ntaiing titeir future home. Miss Lilr Eggero, of Chicago, mas the gaeet o! Fred Horeuberger an.! fatoili' Sudai'. The Ladies' liisianari' Societi' met Thursdai' alternou with Mr@. F. B. Mieyer. Miss Celia Baye, o! Mllwaukte, le vlsitlug wlth the Karcb famili'. Master John Corneil entertained et a bitbday parti' Vuesy afternoon. J. A. Stryker is building a foundation under bis store. The Isses Isabel sud France, Bieder- stadt attende.! the concert given hi' he Meundelssohn Chir a! Toronto eti)rches- tra Rail Wednesday eveulug. M"IcC 's magazine@ sud¶I)atherms at S. P. qu"eioon'e stars. lit, aud àMn. Tho. H. Clark visite.! f risude bers Saturdai'. Little Miss Lillian Auto@ le speudiug' the week in Chicago witb relatives. R. Wilett snd !snily bave nove.! ta Bach Taown. Audrsw Snydsr in ihI ai present srit- iug. lira. Blelusehl i. slow>' improving. EVERMIF Titas Doyle, o! Chcago, spent a fsw daye a! last wesk visiting !riends sud relstives bore. Misses Grace sud hDes.Caralan have returned ta sebool mter a siege o! he grippe. Wbll John Haggisasd Louis Mentzer were sasuiug waod at John Carolanse lest Saturdai' atternoon Menteer met wit a setlousaecidoût. Hewaeputtiug on the boit onauauine-baree powuer gasaline engins wbl i wa runiug at !uil epeed, bis aria was oengbt sud be was smung artunnd several times, is bodi' wes drawn in sud the beit wsuud arouud hus botdy'. I nse ai'tiheht held fast ta tUe eaw' trame util it was pulls.! up ageinst theengine. Theengins t-sasshînt off! itlonce but as it cas runningeo fît t made several revolu- tienis elore t otuippe..The,.helt suas wîîuud arîîurîul lis btodi', legs an.! anti hall a dio'uu tîtutîsm, IV sas ueceesar.r 10 rii thm eutgiiue luitk 10 or 12 revilutions bîîlîre his luiodyii i.!le taliet ont. He aei'itiitriii thse timn a it. ai .a ittlilo'îuCli, muehie.! tîuthe Iti.e., lin. hDavits wa uti dandl fotin. t efl't airin aliv li' Cht o 'il, bi8 i'iuiwam rot iii sýee i l itn tone tif ttern are JiitcI.b'i S tclu H e suas takei tot tît tiiniitutnla% ntigbt ou Chi' feet train ta te lituital mulera hie arui wa.. set. H.'e iîîitg iituely et premeut writing. Croup poitivtli'ptopped lu 20 minutes, twltb Dr. Sboop'a Croup Renedi'. Une test abus suilî sureli' prove this trutb. No vomiting, no dlstrma. A sale sud pialai;gsyrur-50c. "di hi DEALRS. WAUCONDA DppAIMý4 ytJ ME. AINAN, Correspoodmt sam Agw t m555 an5~d Mnedmhne5 W. Sfard, se --------W- J- White. W. SL. Stewart, J. A. Thain, _A. K. Balai pd de»Usie, horotby, J. »n Misa Dora Hapke, o! Liberty'villa, IL Jla4 Cu ogte ~ s~BIii* 0 dJa4iRoeZr visiite.! Iran Fridayutil Monday witb husiiabu 4 zenvited Jauny th9tuo MWesBtb&i Aines' W6 Vary slck tIse di relathves lu aur village,.tMr. Storker's, it belug bis birtth&Y sud paet week but la about convalescent. Mise Vers Jenksenetertaiued a nuether a moresJiaPPY' eruing was navet ar ber frieudi at ber bomte iast Satntday nucOded by ausy club. Pirot wlth auch Gao- Eu-habg ansd MIss Mary visited l evening. Averypheasant tins i@srepotted. a hatsUd Isatea s it ouid lh nothing MT-sud lire. eo. (lerrity leist Budai' lire. Thonas Geari' bas heen ountselse but happy', 80 mueh W&@ doue to sud James sud Louise Gerrlti' retutned efck lit thie week but ie reported botter inake t a perfect sveuiug. A pamer by Mn. Odhet.Loiel atngerutP at preftn writîng.would bave lnbibed te spirt witbfut - Oet ai resnt ritug.iîuconsclausli' 50marri' were the crtswd John sud Mise Eisie Stephens enter- t lire. Wrn. Boaselei' and granddaughter. tuside. A repast wae3 servsd fit for a tained the youug p@opils encitre vlub I Ruth,. are Ppending te a'eek at lies"lking aud everi'one %vus btter for, the asit Tusedai'. Mises Esie and John are plainies viiting t-vth Nfr. and M'*'. goiËz, for ail partook o! the simospitere royal entertaluers. Ruitar Baehe'.o! thai. toilie. Net one prescrit but Miss Bertha Edmond@ returned boreit0 Sire. M.. Donley andîlilttl, Elenor lihave ied Vhs boit a-ould have two iirtl.- this week having spent soute tinte at ber tu bail a msuge e!flIt.' grilpe' but ae uit-vdaj's a year. - sunt's 5V psuldinge Corners, t( tible t e abîot îgein. We, are sorri' t. record tite sndden Gene Clark rneved hast week lt tlue Olur ica'tee.! till isnoua in full tt[Si - ulatit of lim. Mey-er'- fater. Father-in- Trotter farti. atuen an(]l teral gritsl are lieing trîtd law o!fitur estk'eeto% onsnn. E. J. lins. Libby' PAIagett and little daui ut e'ht a cci. It is oecati'il in te NIe-lMeyer. He leit bere lest 8aturdai' forta ter retune. ast ,3iiîday tri Ciarleston, Clain biuildîig tîhiliite thue Oaklandltes, days vhýt vwitit anîîther dangitter nh 111. I Hotel anîd Sir.W cls, the lîropristor, Iie@Plainee and dlud TumlIr iornîng. Mis Jessie janieso epent oeveral I a'n,îîl ivit-îation ît., al the Itîrners Stucers'smah'eetne.deui iieols ek il, tte t- utin)ite h riuig their grisis antI yiah eetne.dvei hcg atwe".t lue ail! tot. then. ot nt short order He tMr. sud lim. E.! Wels entertairtedl flue insele.! 0ne o! the Balles lateel ira- Village Board Proceedlinga. titeir tani' friends lait Tbnrsday. iThe prose.! 25 hotre lowergamolifle enginese veniug waa piemmantiy spent î inr- i and e Bomuher cou.hiuation nijîl rate.! Meeting celle.! tu order bi' Presideut fgre8sive oumire. Eefreeitmentai were e at froin 75 ta 100 lnsitels per hour and B C. Kent. Clerk R. V. Werdeu beiug esve.! sud the company returue.! ta t does flue a ork. asent an accounit af ihinee, preident titeir homes lu the emeil hours next day. L. E Maan etuue.!to hs ityappointed H. E. fiaiman tua act cerk pro L. E Maian rturnd tothe is yten. Fint lun order was rail calI which A surprise sudDnta seutprtise was bld Monda i fe @pouding Sundai' athi foun.! ail memiters preet Minutas o!fsdithe home a! Richard Edmnd@ lest home lu aur vihlage. laat meeting were called for wblch were Fidai' evenlng. lir. Edmond@ su- Miss Jennie Sei'mour, o! Chicago, @petit read sud apptaved. naunced a surprise for Mr. Edmoude ou a !esv days o! ast week with ber parents, The !alowlng bille were preeented for Fridayin lubanar o! thefir wedding amui- tir, sud lin. T. B. SevionPyint. vereary and Mr. Edmand@ thouglit ho Reuew your subeeiption tu the Inde-pit. could have orne on tir. Edmoude for pe 1dent nw Special renswal offera. W. H. Lempbete, salari' sud 8 Seturday evelug sud te firet Invited i.depdentwsud Weekly inter Ocesunai g ts extra .............................. $51 00 RaveIt away no Vbey ailh-came Friday. $1.85 a year; hudependent and Eail'Vedget Stone, work aivillage bal 1 50 Vhs tme W"s @Pont lu dancing sud tard rriboiW or Inter Ocean lot one yesly Kirwa & Fuller, repaireaud lundi 4 27payg.Aat6weeren. $3. 50. Gall in aund 1 wihh hie plesed t B. Golding, calment waik in frontt tak yurreuwa o ifnoa ubsrier o! Glyncit properti' 616% q fix. 86 31 J. Hl. Banner aud fatnily sud Wn. taie pîs ee al taielitinr aenhicrition 30 sq ft crossing et 14c...... 4 20Sonner spont Mondai' with lir. Minla at thte sanie offer. B. E.liA. Lot hi' vilagQ board in Oct. '06 Bonner Gilbert o! Round Lakte an.! Thetirn (f H Maman& Sn ws d@,assiste.! ber luntte sale held at her p lace eoed in îo ! H.Maan& Sn l e. diry- )( 51that day. lits. Gilbert and daughters selv.! o Ilodai, Madi ît. Hnry Sente are referred ta finance cent- t-ill ,-,m,,I ou the boitte place tItis ymar. Maimtan. the senior mnbtler of titetirit. mitter and appruivi. More.! and sunî- Mr. aud lire. H. B3.Voa'sr acre egree- relirîîîg alter njearîr* 42 i'ears e!fhbuiness porteil bille heallowed and orders draa n ahi' surprise.! last Saturtiay eveniîîg il)i hieî ini Vanienda and.!wilI e tic tcc'eddon trmasuýrfor sauts. arrîrd.Itîoor o! the lattere lu;th hîrthîla VTe yh.i tioini, Hermuon E. iant juniior Neat il, ttrder waa an eff'r frni the e, eing was pleai.aitlv spent ini lro- xteuîlîr îlfîtfli' itt alto mutl cindut 1 Masiinic liidgc îiîi'îi'ted lîrTrus.tee grî'seive cuclîre. tîte liuinee iiltîe future. thev wiýt ib1t Eullerfor the renttog oi tUe village hall Mîr. and lirt eo. erirnilu. (tf Rounuîd tîtant.altof tîteut' îustîuîî,re fur tU ir . for a ternuiof vears et an animal reritaIL ievsteMr.iit I 1uttutbin i leraI ipatronage5eil tritg iluele itvyear'tilt()(I$fi)1) h tV- pa"urîtî tl iLa e tit SM.ari lrs-.. Joh n îti cii ie t! liiutesu- itlauvifîla an(]itd of, tî,. te ' n-uileî.liIe.1 tsuus,.ilt t i'inutiîutiî'e uf luitn ii.ri. rul a ii jtt re . Alr- r ctii iS nu îîî îruu aë ime.. i ial ... in tliue eliiilo er, r - . ltitiri and el,, liruti w Ituo ,til look ti ti,'r tlu-tr t-uttb a'a'im iie ,l li rIt 'th lg e it uvas ciulcid 1 no i t-iu l stan t, ile ue ut ' r t ndt iii tîtet nî'tii e batil-a. i t n and, silI int tah. isabite tu'change thes ,taira 'Yaattend 8irîteel aeord thy tte sainte fir tl'eatiutent a.. attd it waasaccordtngly tîtoîrd hv Hiermn.Brcblni et'.!sonu have sitirlet in te paet. A funea' wstock'i.oolgoods'Matoan an.! eceonde.! hi'Golding hat lever and come of!filre hildren o! titat wihh be added and larger and more wem wonîd rent thte hall tu thse lodge for vieiniti' wio have heen there bat-c heen comtplotelitneîa II bcecarnietitan itere- a tortnutoffi ve tuta en ears and bave .zuaantitied sud lAie hodge scîteol lumi- lefore. sanie fitte.! up according tu te plans as gate.. liarcit sntered lîke a lamitand ud5 we suitiitte.! with the exception of thte lire. David White has heen quite sîck will know witat ta aspect for te extt tairwaY. Carie., but i. ibotter naw. aithongb the people who ha.! o move TIsera iteing no lurtiter business 1V suas .E ai ach7 L isn no douht appreciate.! te ew pleassut -movsdsudsspecanded taadjoun. Crtte . efom e alms,7:"LPs. 4:1-11 days.H. E. MAISIÂN, Clrk Pro tem. Coumsttion meeting. Edwin Denman, ________________________________ _________________________________leader. TIse Ladies àId Society geilI serve d iner Match 4. Mladames Eeuman, a ffl -a M Sa -rd nd lm Fute iU srve 1 let mal landsf the sani uay TAICE NOTICE. N20. nAXl PrunnlngRfrom an Glenn Miiitr is inCrelatives lu icago Wthrno w Hrowrs doi aus', dco oante.Slc s~~t waek. ÂHcartieelntertb, A Ibeth Fet, ionstndbyhl da. l. Ccgtotht ewdy a a ofte TstCe..rst, .. et'neth past week at bis hbome lu Prlnceville, Ili.selle B. Grtswold, Sylvia t. Bnrnham Do not dcley, but consuit him Mr. nd Ms. illims ad dughtr, eo. Millet, Rimer Pollock, Otto l4..o In,,ewhnyuar i Mayr. sulre e. iliam. sud dtripterFrederlck Loat, H N Norton, Ch&ênesý iaellevtrued ha, oelrm her nptaMeyer, Mary E ilowler, W H Cochrane Ask bis o Pi1 n Io n ofAyer's leleveuon Ps, nda'. lizzie .J C Cochrane, W H Cochrane, Cherry Pectoral for coughs E. M. Metesîf bas moved into Dr. American Seel & WIre Ca., M J RP'lly. andi coltis. Then use îo olley's reuidence and B. K. Mille will Henry Wilkins, Abigail E Ray' Estatr occupy J. 'Dunuhige houes, tMr. Dmning Kezîce N Ilreuîtrman, Fstate W Ki not, jus! as he says. havlng nîoved tu bis larut just eatt t Breninermaît, Charles Sclîottmlller, own. Charles E Rartlvtt Irving Spauldlng, We pul n l- Stan Hoffmaii, A S lunter, Martlin Dr. Jolley utoved hie irnily tu Northi Melodyitchard Kennedyv, A Voîkmtai, W u.~it Chicago laet week. Albert 1-1i uark, R. itecçca Eumark, A te sF Ed Smnith, o! Batavia, will more lis M'ii Melaugbran. .les.1 le Edna Smitb, fai1' ou1 the 'hase latin t the near C L Slth, Rolwr .1 P-roctar, F'rank. Alwava keep a box of Ayer's Fille lu the fture. -liii P Proctir, Cla3 ton Cuinningham, bouse. Juist oneifill aibedtiîc, now sud tir, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i Jon 1,111dîgset t .'i ~EITrliggs, then, will watd off mini' an eîlack of Dr Ys n vil iliéiee.g2metm Te inoticme taat at aTax saleOf billousness, Indiestion,sick headache. ' Ths 'Browie Girl" will give aht entier- for the year 19061 maile by the Coultiy ibese pills? AsIL hlm .11 about tbem. Lsinaient at the Woodmren hall. Fridai' Treasurer and Caunti' Clerk in the -seMadé yteJ. . js ... L-911, sss.l evsniug, Marcks 5, under the auspices o! Couot Court room. in the Court_________________ the M. W. A. Ilou't ail ta hear ber. Hanse In the Ciyof Wanl<egan, Court- -- _ _ ______________ty o aiLke sud State of Illinois, ae- cordlug ta the Llaws of the State aioAR EAST FOX LAKE ~ Illinois, F R WillAtwilwif an chldrn, f OJ J Page purchased ou the 2fith day Wil Atell wie nd hiljre, ~aiJune A Dl 1907 Lot 37 BIh 9 and Gtayalake, visited relatives hors Snndsy. Lot n.Blk 17 SubdivisiIon outlot 6 Vil- Miss Knott la speuding this week ai lage of Winthrop Harbor. Asaeesed M A C H IN E 'R Y ,v MIn. E. Culver. i the naine of Wintbrop Harbor and Chris Luts vlsltd friends lu Chicago Dock Association. Also ail thait part Friday and Satutday. . Hntleys Lakte lu S %4 N E 14 N E 14 E. R. Oriaud wife have mioved ta Eec 2 Town «, N R 10 E af Ird P M of ai Klnds Euglieh Prairie where they have rented Assse i in naine of Subinit Huutley the Hatch feai, Also W 14 S W 14 Sec 2 Town 45 N R 10 E 3rd P M Assessed lu namne II A DU I tire. Charlie Eames eutertaiued rli- If Mary E Fowler AlitaAnero Plat t.Lv A X <I. tives Sunday and Monda'. bEP1% Sec 17 the Smiîth 125 it of E A I E Mise Kate Cleveland le visiiting Mrs. N f,25 rt of E 133 ft N E 'À flot 8 lu Everett tirviq at their uew lhonteîseatCity of Wankegaii Assesseil Ilunnee with English Prairie thie we.'k. ofa Henry llklns. Andd te iOle of friends hure theie t iil Utheaiek. 1Oit îe 25tlhday of lui. A ) 190. l Thorough ness M r. titnd M rl. Siti arîistable ile 1. 'd Eoft'îi rhA 1)r friendi iatG ra,%slake reveitly. Xl sitoit on '; f alt wvA AN1 50 1 n B1 [ 'gl î11 hi'i it V t itl Notice. luge of Ll.illîiff. 'r-st-t-dIli iit ui, tif Et-tait N f K 1Ii.rirtîit XîîD ispate h Of! siî' (if laiîd.e nd l l<.i.foir S i f.ilot 5 [li, 4 Vt.ll.i't Park. Vtllii ' TAX PURCHASER'S NOTICE. irni u-h it ..tuil l i iiit1ii .,i ic Mdrw hre TAKE NOTICE tlaY o! Juiti'A I i1W. :Dsctaro sSare Tii the unitki o w i ers aitl(]tii ail] Aise.1 i1l'agi' îîurchît-i'îlon'îeu.' parties il'trsted in the felliiwiiig 981.11day of .Jtne A Lta107qît7 hIl) Pt tlescrihed lands aiid portions o! tie -and 34 Block 2 fli ('ei Adîln VillI daeand to Wiritlrop Harbor & Dock af Lakte' Bîluff Assessed liîsm'o ILA A C C O Association, Itosalie B. Griswold, utr i aeo ILA A C C O Alhert C. Fro t , C. W . Heydecket, W . A S H un tr. k 5 I R H l s S ib r u f e N Y. Hogan, William D. Craveus, Ilnadivision Cilty of Lakte Forest. assessiedLietvlI. Roilinger. Ellen Newton, Louis A. lunraine ai Wm Mclaughliu. Kraft, Iil Karlemia Docker, Id. J. Alioa Lot 3 Bhock 3 Original Town Miurray, John Gray, HermanSaurman, villasge o! Libertylle Assessed b I poieS.Pu rih e Katie P!ei!er, Frank P. Crandon, namne o! C E Smith. Alsio lot 7 Blockt Opst i au rlh ep Hirami Coombe aud Richard J. Thamas. 2, C Fran~k Wriglits Addition Village .TAKE NOTICE, af LîbertyvIlle Aeeed lu naine ai Thal t arahe o! lats aud lands for R J Practar. sud the time of redemp- delinquettaies for tIse year a! 1906, tlon iroi sucb sale will eXpire aunDF. UUAI IS )VV maieh eTreasuret aud Counti' Clorir the 28tb day af Joune AÀEl1909. ait tbheCunti' Court Boom lu the court J. J. PAGE, Ptitcb55tr. bouse lu the citi' o! Waukegan, Lakte Aise at te saine place aud at thse MANUFACTURER or Conty Illinois, ou the 25th day o! saine sale James Murrie purcbased iJoue 1907, George Quentin pntchaased for sud bas ssslgued ta me bis certificats general taxes, and bas assigned the af purchase on te îoîîowîng tawlt. a be an r nt utiiaeofpurchase ta me oin the On the 25th day of Joue A El 1907 M r l n r nt following: Lot 10, Block 15, Feuh-divi- James Miîrrle pttrc'haâed LOt: 21 Blockt sion o! Lot (1, Village o! Wintltrt1 6 and lot 32 Block 13 ln Stthdtvlslon M oniumenis Hlarbior, asseoýseil tc Wintbrop Harbor & f IBlock 6 Village of Wl'nthrop Hiar- Dock Assettiatiin. flot 14, Bi.si M, cuit-1 hor A.sses,.id Ili fan..-of Nlihi di vimiiounoe!flot 6'. i n thlipHtarbo r, Harbor sud Dork .X.sî-jtili A ht asi.eesed ti, Ninnua llitg-r; ]lit :l7, ai S. \W'itofLai.. N KE'îii etlii 24, Cemetery Work of Es'ery MartIe &liu rn'sulbi-dî u if t!Town, 4f;N Il 9 M10 2v! P -il1NA '-'i Suiii 4 Piwt~iii4iiiitl.Rine itii ii oIl N Nortotn. ri-oifJDescription aesee,ýecli tElle.ti tn;Liit 12,. lli iltgli't-li' IIittiiniSi etiîîî tT uait 1, Botlîil litt fl-itituu.Vllagi' 45 N 1l 9 Iloftif rd IP M Assll_..i (Iitn orspne tif N ortth hlIt 'gi . î-s-e.tu tLouis A. înaitte of Chlos nI i-spoMiv, r So iciteti Kraft; l., B',lliik i16, Cltlt'agî Sprîtig Also (Ex \W 32 rils S LiN 4 11) nid. Bluftf aîddition, Vtllage of! Winthriiî Part Lalo,' E 1,0 N W ý, t' Stiin1I Harbor, asseslsed tue H-rutan Sanrinan, 'Town 45 N R 10 El of 3rd P' M As-: Lot 4, Block M, Wasliîhrn Springs addi- aessed lu naine of Mary E Fowler . S tion, city o! Wankegan, asslsl ta AIea Lot 21 Blockt 6 In Lennox SuIt- I26 ~ e se Frank P. Craudon, ail of ssid properti' d'o Village of Northt Chicago Town 12 e i S heing lu Lake Count', llinois, and the 45 N R 12 E of Ird P M. Assessed time o! redemptian o! the Rame will lu naine ai W H Cochrane. Also Lot expire an te 25tb day o! June 1909. 13 Blockt 4 In Waukegau Highliands Waukegan A. F. BEAUBIEN, Assineso! GEOon Village ai Northt Chicago. Assesse QVESÎTIN. lu name of American Steel sud Wlre ________________ 41a, on the 25th day of June 1907, Ca. W. C. Eeiurotb putcbased sud bas Aino, Lot 24 Blouck i. Mays-llle In assigned the metîllcatea o! purchasle to Section 45 Towu 45 N R 12 E Sd usei L a r pard nie on the following: Btlock 19, Lot 27, P M Assessed lu naine ai M J -Rlley g$t Block 13; sud Lot 4, Blockt 17, lunsuit- Allio Uu'd 9-10 Lot 7 BlocIt 8 lu Sun- divislionca! Lot 6 Village of Winthrop deaIm. First Addition. City af Wauke- Harbor asseaaed to William Dl. Cravens; gan Assessed lunraine ai Abigail EN 0 W ail seid properti' heing lu Lake Couuty, Ray 'Estate.' _______ Illinois, and the time o! redemptian o! And te tinte of redemption iroin the samne will expire ou the 25th day o! sncb sale will expire on the 25th day 1 u IET June 1909. of June A El 1909. i H IET A. F. BtAuoiEN, Asseignes o! W. C. J. J. PAGE, Assignee. Heinroth. Alsa ounte 26tb day of June A El 22-3 A. P. BEAunîxut, Purchaser. 1907 James Mutie purcbaged Lot 27 B U Y_____ Blockt 6 iu Bartlets Subdivisiou City' PAULMAC UFFI. Ato-. aiofLakte Forest. Assessed lu naine PUAdcaonFFNotice. ai Charles B Bartlett. Also Lot 14 I Adjdiatin otIe. In Helmitaîz Subdivision City' of Wau- Lumber, Cernent, C a ^Public Notice la hereby glven tuai the b kgn sessed luncaine oaI trving crtiters Âimnlstraton et the entaieolWntM egn L. Rouai deceet. wilttendthe County Court Spalding. And te tins ai redemp- P ssad Mlw r 5! hase i.ouny,iatateru tiereotu b e lioldea Clan irom, oucitsale wll expire aunte P ssa dM lw nt the court Boune in Waukegan, In sait Oounty 26th day of Joue A D 1909. on Cheli rat Mondai o! April nelt. l1es. when and wliee11 peinons havint daim, sesiînai J. J. PAGE, Asia GIVE ME A TRIAL said lt.tate are notileit sud requesteit tu lresent Aiea uon te 28tit day o! Juue A El OiesatetesaitCort OrsdudCaloi. 1907 James Mri purchased Lot 1 ANRORT Admlnlaretors Blockt 7 lu Lake Blnff Heights Village K AF Waukegan. Ii.,. Februari i.1909e. 204 o!Lakte Bluff.Assessed Iu naine of F e . HIIL A DI - A Voîkmnu. C. T. HUYDOCIR & SON. Âttj's. for Eslt*t. Alsin Lot 3 Blockt il C Frankt RUSSELL IL Wrlghts Addition Village ai Liberty'- Adjudication Notice, ville Aesessed lu naine ai J Ell Publie Notice , inherehu given tha" the Bob- 'Trlggs sud ttie ofairedetuptlon arriSer Executrlx o! the lazt Win sudTeatiatutent f reim.sucb sncb sale will expire on of Henry Normtan, decesssd yul aitend the. the 28tIt day af Joue A El 190,9. County Couirt of Lake Ocuuy. t ,a tenu tierso! toi lie holden setthe Court Blonne in Wauke nu 21-3 J. J. PAGE. Assigntes. ln sai Oounty. ou the firet Monday et ____________________ next,. lM, wteu suit wbere att perlions tiavint claim ts aahit i salikte9 are notfleitan sotn reuotetpeslent the saune tô u or o bâh r«es adjIudication. 9 ntieskhsu RAY NMORMAN. eetxofte]s iladilaa O Testamoent of Henry Mortan. dereased Moore 1-5 sand 7.:P.M. Lake Bluff 725 aso nm b y i Wakgu li eruary 23. 19N9. 22-4 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DR. G. D. WITIIERS Irzliedmihv.m Whrtinned fPI'YSICIAN AND SURGEON lantWsn te mu* CoMinuav las l#aa mSpeclal Attentian ta , 'Al ?! - y medelavier

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