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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Mar 1909, p. 3

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LAKE OOUITY INDEPENDKNT, FRID4Y, mÂRcH s, L909 tTooIs for Sprïng Prairie City Seeders Iloositer and Buckeype Drills DIsk Ilanrows, Lever Ilarrows, Deere and Jaeesvle Sulkq, Gang and Walking Plows There isgig to be an advance of 10 per cent on Wagon@. leterget in your order. Schanck Bros. Libertyville, Illinois. AUCTIONEERING In ail branches earehilly attended to. FARN SALES AND UIVE STOCK RtEAL ESTATE and MERCIIANDISE Graduate of Jônes school of Auc- tioneering, Use ail the snew and u"~odate methodi. Write for dates. Sales mnade anywhere. MARVEY M. MANN RUJSSELL ~ ILUINOIS OUIR PRICE LIST Milk. per quart 6c. per pint 3c, Cream"- ..20c.' per " 12c. 1half pint ............6c. Buttermidik. per quart........... 4c. Cottage Cheese, per quart. ----.6c ALL GOODS DELIVERED Coods otajnalie ai factory at ail tirnea. u1kn 4S boums notice. THtE GRAYSLAKE CREAMERY Te. Gravslake 36. Giravsiakc. 111. Cigars and Laundry Tobacco office CLARENCE FLAGG TONSORIAL P-AR LO R LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Orders Taken for Razors Magazines and Put in Ordar Polod'icals Ouarantesd WilI break the worst kick- ing Cow in one week; can be put on or off ini haif a minute. FOR SALE BY C. À. APPLEY, Libertyville, 111. 21-4 I tRgï8[hK[ BAKEI M R[3ORiNI1 I rushliBread eve, v lis' Honu. rade Caike.m, andI Pic.,, lir piastry. 1,11110e.ei t ir lse.rr veci at alhiourg. CANDY C CIGARS Telephone 19 E. A.LOFTIJSProprictor Grayslake, llinois Prolessional Cards DR EDWARD V. SMITH Oftite over Luce & Cs Stoîre f1îi)eclal.Attntioin ta ofaesutth,, E.ý ,ibertyviiillirtîîlnos DR. 0. F. BUTTRFIELD, VETERINARY SURGEON. 48sisTAiT @TATE vETERrARxiIAN. Lihortyv-illle lriAs. C1ARLtâ eWrraamr R.LPa J. DAIi WHITNEY 1L DADY LAW YERS 305 Wahington Stmeet Waukegan, lliluoic DR. 1. L TAYLOR. OFFICE OVER J. ELI. TainOS BLiIO. BoURs:-7 ta 10 a. m. 2 te 4 anS 6 tua 8 P. M. Booldence on Broadway, opposite Park. Ltbec-tyviiie, Illinuois. DR. C. R.,GALLOWAY, OFFICE OVES LOx'ELL'5 natta sTORR. nouase-frein 1 co 3 and 6 te 8 p. m. Llhontyvfhle. lîlinela., DR. GOLDING DEST iST Boums 8 te 12 auni itt,5 pi. J. lil Triggs iitîg width Dr. J. i. 'ali iît ieSd Res.IPhone 109-) Llhortx'vîie. Illiînois DR, E. HFL SMITH. DENTIST. ovEas L111 COUNTY NATiONAL BANEI. eouR&-8 te 12 a. mn. anS 1 ta 5 p. m. fl,4ILY. LîhortyvIlie, Ilinttois DR. EDW. V. SMITHI General Practice Office ecer Lace & Companyxs Store SPECIAL ATTENTION DISSIASEST 0F TH-E. cxEVE ORAYSLAKE .DEPARTMENT F. J. bRUCE. Editor Phtone No. 11 Orders Taken for Job Work Advertising Rate& On> Application Joes Longabaugli and wlfu returDs Monday alter a shsortvislt witb relative 4t Waukegan and Lake Bluff lMis.Zta Mamoy epent Saturday an( 8unday with h9r parenta lu Chicago. MiuosGertrude Leter and Rutbh ilej attended thse matînffe at Power',,theatrq Saturday atternoon. Oie Boom, who roently rut urned fron: a trip to Arizonia"le etoppiug witb J. W Book and family. Clemo Alan, who has been looking alter the intemese of bis farta lu Texak @ac@. October artved home Saturday evehing. Miss Aura Battermhaîl bus esumed her studios lu music ut Chicango Musical (olege where se. takes lescuns ev..ry Mouday andl Frday. Mise Noru Flertring bas a nive clametri rnunic Dow. 1ev. Garrison w.. are pieuse(] to state, ham improved inlu heltl, no fur as to returu io sehool at Chicago. Miss Maude Turner eleut 8atnrduy ai Chicago. Mms. C. Morrili and dauRhter, Mise Arlett, uf Fox Lake, were bore Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hendee, o! Wanke- gari, @pent Saturday hure wlth relatives. Mrs. 0. C. Waldmau epent Friduy and Saturday at Chicago. Mrme. oddem. of Roger8 Park, qpent Sunday and Moniday with lMrs. Hunier. Mtre. Etmmons smpent Saturlav and Snnday at Chicago. Mise Mary Book was ut Chicago Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. lieu Adamei are the proud itarenteof ut a by boy uhicli aried at their bornes lut Saturlav. Alonzo tirandy @pend Sunduy witb Mirt i.(randy at the Kreticbner home. Mre Jerti untertained triende trou, Highwood, flntnrduy. . Mli. Ica Carliell, of Rolliîne.sî, rt the. îanr xxeek witb lier brother, .Sîd. Mw. Isab.elle Fratnk. xc omscarr.. liii l'e..,, , eken rereti tly. re-ic iil$50> i1 îiaý ment tf lir a.'citent clair,>nor M W ut 'I. 1odge ;. >i>..sFruik«sexpert- ltiau, exaîlie,f w bat ruayla tiian ui ne ut auy t ub. LOUISJ. THE JE Ex-Ma rshail Fritsch Goes West. i x-rtarsliull Fri tsch left t ct.attirdia rrîgrit lin the Sotîtheri, Lirrited for Kart. swm City and ottber western proints. Lact, Friday eveîtîng the Iember. il tlie Electriv Club gave hum a fareweli eep- tti ut thier club oonîs. Bine points on tiihe aI lteiliand other tasty viande wer.. semved up. Mm. Fritsch was pre- sertted wîtlî a handsome solid ebony traveling case with hie initial, date and Electrit. Club engraved on the sle rrîîîînting on the bandeome leather case. The giftcras a flandsotne onu which was enly a sroali tokun compared With the re.itelt i wlîîch la beid hy the mem. bers of thI tlulb. Mm. Fritsch was too overroltie tot rîîke any obeech but he cetaiuly rilîîwud hie appreciation for eut 1 lovai andth loughtfutl riends. The club iîroloîîtîut ta lut... bîmnail wiebing tîtir ex trtîrsiiall a pleu,@ant trip and satle retu rit Basket Bail. The (irat c ake h gîtli 90 engt stung agai. inia garine lîtlled off at 'ciilatr.ttrda« veceritng. The relere.. tir t, 4 In v A iirt iii tcruesu orotten tutti tilairt. tat t,, ix r. inailî unitit I cgu't W c it t t î s,ýru. atl() toi i T a avr ()f iii .\ liit- i e p a r,. irrv tiie boys are iîaîig r.Iiiliitr l tii k ti i lnd good dlean lt ileres tr i lî.y wit r . 'therele a gaine 9ielîcîl oli hr run t i t irreiay ex eniig ut %'ai4-gari t rtittrelirgl. suoltotteain. liii,..tue liboys gît a sq1uare deal. Another Factory. .Aguttî (iray8lake hlia n inspration tlîat t1icrp le t e bu afactory located ber.. at week seerul men woeebere loîking uver the siglitsi They epre. s..ribc a cafln Co., whleli lm rapitaiized $3511110 and ail tiiey warît le asite and a buidirng. They will enîploy front 15 to 25 irten on the stan uet good salary. This pi tîpoition shoulîl iutereet evemy pýropritv boiSer lier.. und evury induce- litent eiîorld b.. Pitt forth hi Itîcate this enterprise. Furniture Store Opens. The furniture store openedud .r March lot under its new uroprietor, R. B. Godfrey. Mr. Godfrey wili handie a tiret ucms grade of turniture and ether articles usefoii to the houeewife which bu wili oeii lqow- . nn ný n at a. prude wblcb filUtltO, elgoing to iargeu lago. i LIBERTY VILLE, ILLINOIS eometbing et lut, I.-44M d .ee.~ __________ another columu. Tec.. ra,..s I Q ~rScarciti s.d 5se..ciebsu as s ,î-. at preent V tii Us bouse famine an - lookiug for a hou a aoant 00u5> .ue....~ .eWathes CI*a nd eparedstore theîr goodi Ail Woek Cuarta.d place lu eome0 Proipcte of th( S SPECIAJ. ORJERS FOR JEWELRY h ybmtug anS ,csee eesn.Promptly , frsoins o! Our d asome cottages1 5-sS, t!MOIu laving town. ÇXe.&lfhil Milu Lucy Sov nno .ug youcanet better hy or cities. Toc xviii fuS trest ta yen in bis ad lu y of Houss. it mayalake ie htt with a id sevemal failles are ie.aud there sueur ta ha und sous are obligeS ta de unil tbsy eau Sud a other tawn. With, tube eo electrie moud comiug rue location ot a new deonua good ineoturut Ir neonV oput up and keep people froin rIes, ut Wàuconda, le the Fitchr andWlIe id MmigEil k ok pe"t Satnrday and es Suna tChicago. Mmimeon, of Libeatyville, spont id Baturday boe. Mies MarorloGeddes mturned tu her 3y homo at Rgers Park, Tusduy. re Lynnilurrie, of Rourtîl Lke, calleS on friendi hore lMonday. m Maor Rankîn and xc ttc visiteS at Clii- icago Tuooday. Chas. Longahauich oft4hcArt instituts, g Chicago, vislted at hom, e liter Sunday. la Mrs. B. J. Lottus anti iaîgîtter, Ivab, Y epent Ttseâday in Chicagiî. P..riey Clark and Mises'irina Swauson rwere united in mamrr&ý lact Stturduy about 2 P. M. by JUeiI.cî. i tiI.ut hie yoffice. Ibleii moreS 0jtîttt e affair was an lopement. Th rough the faithful work of 0. A. Howard a Modern Woodien of America Camp was organized at Round Lake laet aturday svening, Feb. 2-. Twenty new rnembers were taken in antd about forty membero of nsarby canipa had thoir wlthdrawal carde fromn the home camp and came loto the Round Lake lodge which wjll be a nearer meeting point. The lnltiatory work wae doue by the Lberty ville team of Forusters and We cau bigtly recommend them as the rght atuif. The officere wbo wero elected were: 0. A. Howard, Head Consul; John Brimer, Worthy Adviser; W. A. Roslng, Banker; Oeo. Richardson, Clerk; Ed tiendie, Clans Junge. Managers. Mr. liier, of ElgIn, gave a fiue talk. After the meeting ail went to the dining roome wbere a flue lunch was eerved hy 0. A. Murrie and Leou)rur y, who are said tu, he the boat men cookem in town. 200 men were present at the meeting. Mrm. Mina Glberto sale Mlonday was largely attended and everyrhing sold for a good price.. ir i, .u..n e,....., of, ciuir3-, trarteact..o Signe uf spring. Peuple are hidy bpiîeKs ebe..Tuesday. Moving. e I. A. Feunlîn and w&,le t -rî l er.-the rTts bibsh.cidîlrgac I first of the week. The,%.îIl îii o moe.. Tts hobabe riln vl intro theircottage near 'il-.itreJcd "face- for Roiniz Bore., bns a fine flow utfcrater t Ed Drue and famiiy ti ii inn their atter reaebing a deptb ut 135. new bhomecwhich blie i lia-I a tucr J. Fitch occîui..stire bhe reeennly i monthe agi) ot Mme. Mavc 1 îrteld. vacated by Mr. Smith. Misé Lillian Turner niviion open a Mies Carnie Vogt bas accepteS the miliuery departuient tii euian t build- position &ashello girl." ing soutb ot the batik. Leo l)ury epeut Sonday with bhis 1L.es Wiliams accuritîîritedl lî Mistunsily at Lihertyville. Ruth Doiiule attenddlrite play, 'Tire. Idoiden G;ir," t the La Salle Satarduy Mmei. ueo. Richardson entertained lier atternoon. parents liet wéek. Mise Roberta HamveY lit. iu-ert tîllgei Roeing & Wilmiugton shipped a car ta give np ber studie>l,S cl o n a. lîad iof tutti.. Suuday uight. coulât ot ber eyee. Walter Whiite. trans5aetod business at Mm. and Mme. Putîl Ici-ci, ofLalke Waukega Saturduy. Villa, @penit Suniduy itit.. El Kapple home. Mises arrie Wagîiersleitut nnay xvth Mm. anS Mme. Andmecv1,Ittct i uie rieuSe ut Freinent. their nmecs and tamilv. Win. Rtiing truSe a business ,trip te Mmc. Brt Pionrien, <lof tit wit rua8 iiagîWedrieciluy. the gnest oi ber siter. Mii, l1,Ji agier FrutiDocreilivisiteil his sister ut fille week. Waukegun wbo is very ill. in Cicg Thotiontautî dIciies Miss Edrta iloui spent Sulitlay witli îu Ciiiuge Tn.eday. iflra Whlîie. Lute. Paît and funi itlia, tîiiitn t .1 i lr-ce i,.a--.îe ep.tî tire. Thîomîsort lonseirî-..t,. li,1. Jh teFe.saep tepsto as fliiriiat tn Mms. 1araiswtîrtli.s frn Nw ekAndemson le rt iirt l ir . t rieui,'r VSivîcîrta. edcLachlan tarm i, thii, CI it..L.itiux 'aAra u tarin ut Fremont. Torti Mîgg xil ive CaaAinii boisc liexu i i r k lîct. lin the MacLachian lurtît ituti-li Murrie espeut Sinday wîth bis parent-. Mrs.Iitaclilii,..rerurrietlfirler home ut Miiwauker uten ependingaiexx-ceck8 a îth ber dulter, lire. Ml. Luby. Frunk Drumnittuilanîd Bouser crere sie i u treets Friday. MisesEditb liamby is viuetîng ut ber Mr. anti Mrs. Frank Aman attenduS cborcb uit Fremont Sunday. ',WELERANTIOCH Albert Barutuble anSdturuiy ift Mon- day mttmuîng for Chilcago. Fron. there Mmc. ilarnemtubie anS citildren went to Itoeikomd, filI., tu vîsit hem parents whie Alert ccent te Chetek, Wim., te vieit a News of Rev. Havuner. short truiie xx tb iie3 brothers then bu wili retuen tu Antiorli. Atter a few days lu iSnie oftifhe meunera oftitre lGrayslkeAlittioit l b.xvll go te luettford te jolu Congregatrînai i'itrcb ba,- licen v,.ry is tarliulx aîud tnaily lave tlat place miîincbistiîrbed otf laie over the ontiund for theur new borne in Arkansas.W.. art of 1ev. Clitas. E. Bavener tîteir xc ll tirer.al[ kitS..of utst(iesm8 in thim furmier pa8tor, wluuî returned a china tea4 set wbihîcwxas gîcen ta but iianS bis ait.. ThomasueBuriistte who bue heen l Indiana al dater returned home Sain- l eut before thuir departure to Niciioii, day nîght. Ill, folloa-ing tIhe Mdlles wu5 a ltter Six Sifferent familles have huen qunaan- statiug tirat burouiS net use thre Sighes tined ut Grass Lake for mcariet tuver. and asking thut thuy mlgbt lie turned The Antiocli basket bail tena play the over on au laceounit lie bad leftt bure. Thils Milton Jonction feuan ut Antiocb Friday4 certainiy wus tii.. last struw and it uîgbt. seemen very irude ana an unpardonabiu Miîving tfinie le here las evidunced hy act upon bis part and fta add insuit te the. luade ut honsehold guede seen geiug inlnry as it were. It was noiseS about threugb our streets ntif it ruached the bande ot the M'auku TeR.ua oiiCu aaa gananSChiagi dillswbo drote the entertaluiment and iield time' Sauce lu ma*erup lun rdic,,loue terni and thue ibeir hall mue3t Friday eveuiug und evumy the city etf(irayslake asd itiweis w..re oite preserit report.. having badl a filne dragged aguin letore the lime ligbt bytîe their tormer puttor. wbo was the centrac lucbcnetutMo.cnlhStr figure l ic uo1ui,H lice scandai luet yeur. hrhcneta .F hrhStr WV. trust thtie cc iii l..his laet appearairite day ecening, Murît 6, gîveîî by Autlecli lu this vicinitv tfir tbe Grayelake pieopule Mulle Quiarte.tte. assisteS by tire ladies' teel as ift tey had about ail the nuturiety uIutirtett,. %dmrission 25e. and 10v. they cure tur ati lus expeuse. Sutc t am t INGLESIDE. W __1_tlis_________ 'Mr. und Mme Trumran M 1illey @Pet Tlîtirc(lity anti Frilay i Chicago. Drug Store LUne.. tý i 11> &Soirs. laisheS lillltg tiîeir tie rîtat kilt, - unS knui tu st fi l. utlitun ritrdar. knuuus i,. cii.le uses Becs,, s uttî, kt Mr antI Mrc. Krruliaii, otMuHeîîry, are FioiS. ,c etitnug tteur Sorn, IW. K. 1.1 înbali. it je ne butter tii teed yonrIurt.u.-. Mn. atId Mrs Win. Kîcîrîs and littie Bitter-lirk au it ( utditien Pewcc t.nTrY îîarîgbr.r iîi-itis er Sunday ut Johuls- a brick tut ut aiee. îr Item the litttetuiigs thut treubie sorît a er (lLk 'lawsclii tîniem. Bei-lue1 i titant Louse Killer %uc mc. K Terr tlLls iila cu .nI kili suri littiu .,.iubies. le. u.dy Gerniazone un îîîîîv used by nuarly ee . s.Arc îuc ma Mludor te clerklng tom H. i puultry raîser It kuuus yonr lieus tri a lHenrcks & Co. heaithycortdituuu. Don't ho wthuutit. l. I owe, tut Mi-enri', wue fn town W.. xiii trade youu a package ot HesedOnu.luy tie pus week. Pan a-cea tfur a dozen of ugge. The Miss Ignace Daîziel whu wus bitten by Pan-a-cea wîll tirie your, bells iay tivle a mra dog last Saturday le lu a Chicago as ceeh. Its a geud harguin. Brnin ub.eîa eevn raiet yeum uggs. bi piJu ec uni un H.RAame utudu We are tile csii, agente fom thu e.. ees a.Lrk nd .R.A mstedd Liqnid Lice Kilu.r and other Le.. reinte the. îrganîzatîun utofa M. W. A. camrp utl dies. RouriS Lute Saturday uight. Now is thue rime to use Kreco Ilit oui RUSSELL yenr stock.r t " wortb your tirne artSé Morley. 'Plite liniuter crueuntertained ut Dr. Graymluke Pîuarrnacy, Fi oiesxcE J. becis ru ui cSunday DRUCE., Gray8liitu. [Il. Dr.IH. I0.fil. îuurg txssbakIng bauds a tii lrreiîih.Mîrîduy.8 Surveyors In Town. R. E. Lewi, il tSuvanua, Ill., spet Thse surveyurs ot thse uew electrie rail. tii. latter part (if hast xeek witb hiei ro~dsurvyed lirogh twn Wduoeu -liutsanSduauglter ut J. R. Cornes.' ro4@ureyd tirughtow Wdnedy. [DaviS Mu mriieanS Mme. L. Mi. Benneri The fine ruinedirect Sown ta thle 111aiu uielL i 'itednaStilxu tieet t t b..end of the etreet und tte" imielR .Citne bifmlo ëouth aieng Laîke Shore Drive tuafthe, rt. liane., lune day ast week. Pan! depot. Tiue sumveyore are b.iug The nîuny trliuSe et E. J. Murmie xiii 10ilowsd by Mm. WYan, ne ofutthse prho pluaseul ru kuow that be bas recoived moters, wboisesecring the rigt of way. the appoinitaient as R. F. D. carrier ta Work will communcesabout the fIret et 8uerceed A.C. Corne@. Hoe tarted>as April. Thke beuid boa good enterpnise carrier Marîlu lat. for-Grayelake anS a boom t50 the tewn. Dr. Lewit was a Lake Forest viitor Saturday. Notbiug lunlb.. w& outa congb le quite Mrs. F. i.. Nucrehi baS a qullting be ou aanoylng as a tickllng, leasing, last Tliursday atternoon anai a purty lu whesbng, hmonciial-cough. Thoquiekeet the eveung. AIl report a âne turne, rellot oornes perbupe fr001a prescriptionI Mm. anti Mrs. John Oeeloy, ot Pleasunt known to S rurgi8it 'eyerywbreas Dr. Prairie, Wl..speut Saturday wlth Mies Shoop's Cough Bemidy. And hosidet B row,.' a na thoronghly hariolffl tIsat motheme O.Pre hemvdt Fakvle gise It with perfect aleliy even to tireWbor.uîPaik.eo.ha@nxi Sî.sto r noile youngettbahes. The tender leavos o! aWo ilieurntdco? slnuaplo mounitain ebrub, give te Dr' Mr@. J.IR. Comis was a Zion City visi- Bboo'0 Congli Remedy ie remarkable tom Saturday. cutaMys ffect. A tiw daye' test xiii There cac a great crosrd at markett toiR. old by day. A geud many sales were maSs. 15 ALL D.LEB8. promises tu lie a greai enrcese. NEW SUBSCRIPTION OFfý The Lake Countyj Independent The Chicago Dailyp Inter=Ocean and Paris Modes : =: =: Ail for One Year, for$3 PARIS MODES Is a Woman's magazine, of e ceptional beau t<jand interest- 72 to 80 Poo each month. Beautiful colored covers-handsonu illustrated throughout-printed on high-grade b. paper-describes and illustrates the latest lashie. lt's timelyj articles and excellent short and ib4 stories are of interest to everU member of the fand GIVIEN 014LV TO SUBSCRIPTIO14S PAID IN ADVANCE *:- -:- -:- m~w~uuuu What J3lectricity' Means, In the Home WHEN We talk of Electricity in the Home we are not only referring to the use of Electric Liglt- Electricity in thei Home also nieans the ability to make use of the L-riety of electrical household helps,f which make housekeeping. now-a-days, a pleaseumre instead of a drudgery. It means contented servants and convenient, economical and sanitary conditions, which arc lm,- possible without the use of this modem agency. We will furnish estimates for wiring yonr home, and we will give you con'pletq information concerniug rates and inethode, absolutely withont charge to you, and without obligation to use ont service. A telephose eal or inquiry by muail will bring our epresentative to see you whenevem and' whemever you desire. NORTHI SHORE ELECTRIC COMPANY Phone 258 230 N. Genesee St., Wauktsgan Il i ------------------------- FRED jOCIIIIEIM SPECIAL ATTENTION To ont af Town Orders And Shipping Trade p --rr Teisphone No. 46 Lihortyville Exebam# BAKIER ami CONIFECTIONER LiWetgville - iriol MOTELS AND RETAILERS SUPPLIEC WE DELI VER TO ADJACENT TOWWI PIANIOS Ihave at my hrnse several styles of the 13ADWIN PIANOS 1iIncite you to caîl and ae PRICES IN THE REACH 0F ALL GEORGE E. STRANG. Undertaker and Licensed Embalmer GRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS The Graqslake furniture Store REGINALO B. GODFREY, Proprietor. 0 P E N 1 N G S A L E 91.26 Lace Curtains, pur pal r Bec .i5c Lace Curtains, per pair-------------48e .45c Extra fine grade Broum---------------0 jOc Brrss Sash Curtain Rod-------------05C WADSWORTH. Mis )aicy iMber. out Warkegan, la spendiug soin. titre lier.. C. . HOYLleCkîýr han erected a new barn. Mrs. 11eion tetereon bas mo ved loto bur new homeotin the heurt ot the village. Sophia Blîcîîîîîartended a skating party et the. toisa lin.. Sunday. Janies Bartiett and John Sbeliy visited thse Union Stock Yards Monday. -Mînnie Shea and Ethel tceWin wers Wadsworth caliers Tuseday. Arthur Celirnore and family have noveS lut> the ES Doyle rednce on the town lin. Mr. and Mme. Chrîs Bloomn are rsjoicing iiver tii. arrivai ot a baby girl. MIse Etta Carney -visiteS at John Shea's, Jr.. Saturdiay. Mise Susie Lux olltertain..d colopaur from Russcell Sunday alternoon. Wn~i. Murray lW taking tbe pianeofo Mr. P'orter ln the tower for a tsw days. Thos. Ilogan la kept busy coilecting taxes arounfi the town. Misses Laura and Eva Lux spent Sun- day ut their homeoe. LOOK LAKE' Cari Hughe8, of Lihortyvillo. dsltd Sunday wltb bis brother, tiny Bugbosi. George Dennisan wae taken to Cbin(gq Monday anS underweut an opiratton 1?x appendicitbs Tuesday. Born ta Mm. and Mme C. Woff. FoIs. I& a son anS te Mm. and Mr».elmI Feb. 25, a sou. Will Hook s working for bis u*oSi Gea. Daiziel at Guruse. Mm. anS Mm Sorenaen bavs moyed Antiocb and Chrie Johanns.en bas noM on thelr tarin. Elmer DUNg , of Grayelaki, vlai Snnday wtth ilmer and Perny "<Iiý Mm .D, M. White, wbo hbas bea iug with quînoy le met improe, DaviS VanPatten. of Chicago, Vkt" the oast weik witb Mr. and lmue Shoshan. A clever 25 cent eilvered "N Coffie Stratuer Coupon la now eac b e packae ut D. Sha le Cofleu. Look for W tNity - of the very fineet coffes lu mado, trom une 25e pake0s beoidoe the satisfacetion x~ perfect. Sold by OORLETT & FfIXD ---------- -- -V -------------------------------- - Nho*~ OWW~ N "À id 3t Dr y gmt of Jidge FII

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