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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Mar 1909, p. 8

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mmmmm h*Pfl APTP1 m u o athor a" lit inade a kit suaiW«o *YMJK!GANPRIMARY fflZ it a noHNrWe[$R urie uNT ta the BkIdnger taiiowiflg, now tihe FAVOREO BASE 18BUORN lUST AS andrlse ni 4FroUi WedOtidaY@Suu1 Buck iollawing, thc defeat of Blding- EPOCH MAKINO ROO8EVÉR E.Tm -tlsou0sad@ a lu one othle clee.est, foirent and er did flot cormeliard at ailand was GME ENDS AND TAFT ADMI- Thureday n1g mnt deciive pvrlmàriee ever ield ln taken ceecrtully. The general senti- NISTRATIO-N BEGINS OFFICIAL- mane by Ar the Cty of waukcgafl, Fred W. Buck ment was tiat as long as BuUaock bas LY. 1BABYISH CROW SIGNIFIES of FYiedmaul was nopatnatedl yeaterday bY a plural- met witia a ashing deteat the reat iS APPRECIATION 0IF THE BIG P nystar d lty' of nlnety three votes sud at the was ail right and white they bail re- EVENT. g a number $sme time .lulius F. Bdiager was de- gardcd Bidinger as the btter man, *, **,** * large amount ieated ninety-three votes snd William duc ta bis open declaratilns on Public ERM OTF * disappearedf S. Buliack Was retired ta 1rivate life questions bis record and bis ino * THE TELERMTOlF ice in a mont by ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i waeuaioscosnslUcpa hrcaj a piece of good for-- store won gîi pie nf Waukegafl. tune that gave the republcans of the * Freen W. . ai, bie he otiC'a The primary wse a siashing biow city Buck as a candidate snd they HusWashingtoni, D. C. , ofra pivedt deat the Bulaock adminlistration and %would ail support him, IBrntu Mr. aud Mrm. Jobeph utat1an. defeat la traced ail along the Bullock SUN Getz Firet Returna. Olles, Waukegan, Illinois, a Bon * Thursday r fines as a reluit of tihe coutine of the The SUN, as uàual, got the firsti at eleven A. on Msrch 4. Ta son tiseater M flood of ballots. eua ueeycaealtewy* tmark thse biggest aud isaPPicat * ta hear the y The aniy regrettable feat are of thse down the list of returna lu the but-. event o aur lives wc bave named * saying: "ig antire tabulation orf resuls ta tht letin, SUIN men actng on Instructions *hlm William Howard Traft Olles. * tieman near Pter MeDermott is again returued as ta et isefmrenreurn at ny oat candidate for- alderman of thc second The SUN had Uic honar of supplY- t naine witla honor an.d ofierr thîng 111w Fi demo1Sticticke, ingthec ongtulaths. ea eet heirenam yard on the ea rt ikt un f h iret rturas for mayor ta Pol- JOSEPH ratliaii.<>iiath sa glat ogoad a man as Wil Iticians and citizens o au an By Wfl * alySU.sama valuab jazz 1L. Hoban. tweuty minutes atter five in coin-Do? nu Eowvar Paer cflcrmttt bas the pletenesa, and tbls set tbe Pace for ttttt * st ttt s tMtr.flousr fih fbslite au bis hands with the reat ai the evening. the entîre îust a fe mnuesbetare Uth nspaMr l Cari Mai-in. lie republicali candidate tarce turuiug lu ta make s record. uguration o Wtilam Howard Taft as - for alderman of tbe samne ward, sud The SUN la greatly Iudebted ta the president oi the United States, at Peter Mcfermott probabiy realizes farce oi men wbo yestcrdsy eniabled eleven Triursday moDrning, Waultcgan that bis time bas came it ta keep up ils record for gettîng time, when tic wuolc nation burst lI-. Arialysis of the Figures. frt resuits. Tbey bave aidcd et near- t abediam of aise ln honar ai tise Tbeanayss a Ie tbualii' iva l eeryelcîln.Last niglt every eveut. Waukcgan offarcd ber cangra The nalsisof te tbultiongivn ] Ovey eectOn-tulation lu a manner that should baiow In Iis article shows the fllaw- anc sacrificd bis supper to gat the pleasa bot the Incoming and the r- ing resuits: ncws ta the peuple sud aterwards tlla ieiu. 1~Myo5I ol, uck 95;Bld- the SUN dined leven mca who had Over on Vicai-y street. JuBt s icw 1-Maora voe, uck,915 mae te tet pssile.minutes beýfore leven, a good, lieaithy Inger, 821; Bullock, 624 ,giving Buck a iaeiets osbe baby boy was bora ta Mr. snd Mrs. plurallty of 94. Bulletin Board Fine. joseph Oliss. Now the tather is the 2-Harry Thacker gets a majority Statlaaed at the affice were J H praudest man lu tbe country sud Uic cf,660 voles over William Quin. tpisam and Arthur 0. Dady lu charge inother, dine finely at haone with the ofthIe bulletin huards and telephone. baby, la quietiy happy. p-alWstril ets a pluralitY Tming bis arrivai, altnost ta the 3-Crl estrfildThe bulletin bîoatd was seven fret minute. tise vaunzster came into thc of 10 votes over Edmnund P. DeWOlf.t- ae a ojIi tesuhmi-wrdai tenieadbaeo h 4-E. V. Orvîs pets nominationl for! cow. liatatîlulations for totalesudn( a nation aud, in a smal. but thorouczhly city attorne~y over Arhur Bulkley by s ~li~cugvePeietTi àmajority of 301 votes. sîaefre mrntata aet.,littie cougratulatary welcome ot bis mhile aI the top) sas a row ut eleclric owa. 5-Walter Taylor won tor Police igbls which cast s full luebl on the A Favored Baby. magistrats by 282 majority. board sud euabied people acmoas the Born at thce ed ai Itoosevelta tcrm Resufts in Alderman Race. street ta rend the returus whicb were Tantoffis anuterautathe beileva o Tic resuits lu the alderman race: painted la luntblack pint sud rau sev- that hacoeuld not bave coule ,aI a FraKt-Crapa's plurality 42, Tabla's eral luches higb. mare favorable lian. Opprtunilles are sure ta tavor hlm. they believe, insiortr 13. Suppied Other Places. and bis lite la sure ta ha, a apcciaiiy Second-Carl Martins plnrality 23 The SUN.lo supplled the Puadt tavared anc. votas. McDrmtt's majarty, demo- cgrstrthc Barrison tbeater aud 'Mec tather warks lu Uic bolier bouse hegAustoreon ihblltnsadai thc wlre mills. Iuapeakngoaithie ciaic, 41 votas. teÂutnsaonwihblltn sd ggest avenrtin lis uic" talay. lie Tlird-Flnar'a majorlty, il votes. reslus and tiese places too gt tbe salit. -I bave neyer doue anythIAW Fourth-Erslune's majarity for first reluits, as did tie Rika and var- lu my lite ta, dlstnlneis myeeli betore iy ous gatherlugs af polticians ln dii- but now 1 belteve that my wife sud short terni, 66. Mor-ow*s majorlty1 bave cause to be especaliy pi-cuit. for lng trm, 15.tarent offices sud places about Uic We bave congrainlted TaftIln a dit- for ongtai-n, 45.Cty. f erant way tram a&il otisers for I lie- Fifth-Joinsoo. Rap,fia opposition, Crowde About Boards. Ilave we are theoSly couple tbat bild t1;SatDmnoopoto»1.l a son tioru at just this time. 212; BtWhtz, D, no Oppoition. ~Tiere were tremandous crowds.., wnli sureiy namnethie boy W,,- Onthshe I-d o OtikPPOU rcei- bout tbe bulletin boards, Uic clear lan sud, If bis motier basu't gut On Uc dmocatiaticet ar e cs ot the SUN returas basting Its sarine other naome she prafers, bell 123 votes, hadt na opposition. Grady, riasb htcodsgtee la ave Tat tor a middle naone. inm police magistrale, 114, na opposition.th'tarobe cenmerlnaihticostrret Vit trasuer 19,no ppoitin. n te cnte ofthestretand trolley Withutha birti ut Uic boy. lsiuen Zlttcarssuread1t.un oppsitin, ail t o e eminute elthUicpresident's inaugu- Where Mayoral Candidates Won. stage ofthte gaine ration. Waukeean may sateiy cdaim Tic turther aaalî is ai the figures_________ the record and Place herseit lu bis- shows that the candidates for mayar' tory as baving given thc most unique won la Uic tllas tue wards as îoliawa, Report ut Receiser. sud sincere coneî-atulatluu te, an lu- Buck wining four out uorll5(. wards, Folloiug l is e part ot the report comne president ut thc United same of! hein decisi'.eiy sud otisers by ut Rerelver Thonmas ot Zion City deai- Sae. Teiegram ta Taft. a amai magin: lue aitis Zions cleared sud mort- Beleving that Presldent Taft Bdne-orhwrwtapl-gaeed assets: sbould kuow ofithie honor that a we Baidlneof13,aumrit of33ardt Freitf nca pin e. baby paid hlm. hers, tie SUN that raily a 130 a aalrityut 3 AsetaFre aiEncubrace. attarnoan sent hlm the telegrana. Hia Buck-First ward 81, piuraity; secc- Unsubdîvîdcd land, 899.52 acres sud answer la anxlousiY awaited by tbe ond, 2 plurallty; third, 26 piuraity- buildings. $145,955.36. Parents ai tic baby sud by ail whia «ith, 78 pluralltv. Acre tracts, 291 acres sud builit inow oi ils pecuiiariy Sitting birth. BullocB-DId not get a ward, show-lga$8900. Ing that tise peuple liat made up tiair Lots, 1896, sud buildings, $516.251.- tFroin Wdneav's Sun.l minds ta retira îîm ta private tf. 04. The happlesl man lu Waukagaa lo- Tie total vote for Mayor was 2497. Total ot land sud buildings trec ai day la Josepb Olies. This was tic larget vote on tic tick- encumbrance, $746,16.40. Mr. Olles la kaown ta evcry Wo-. et and no une can dlaim tiecrciasit Other assets frac ai encumbrance, keganile as tie proud sud happy tati- of havlng rua abcait ai thc ticket wt-lscb as machinai-y, tunie, iniutura, er ut a son sud heir wbo won born at oeali, tic vote baing Bo aplit up tus live stock, mercliandisa. notes, ac- leven lu tisa morniug on Marci 4th, no candidate eau cdaim tiat ise 'bitcaunta, recelvable. etc., $309,131.26. or mast tic haur sud minuta ai tie it an" tiha others. Cashs au baud sud ln batiks, $36.- Tatt Inauguration. Tic tabulation acecmpanyiug ibis 311.07. To let Mr. Tait, now tic presideot, article sisows tbe dtaiied figures ln Total asets tres of encumbrance, knaw thc navalcompIliment tiat bait the Snet reluits. $109160673. beau pald hun by Wsokegau, sud fui-- The. Nomination a Popular Ons. Assets Morgagsd. ther ta let him knaw tisat Mr. Ote' TTIa nomination ai Fred W. Buck Uusubdivided land, $2,728.25 acres. cblld wouid ha nameit wioliy or lu for inayar ln a popular anc sud no oua buildings sud Zion City bonds, valua, Part for hlm. tic SUN sent a tel&- regrets the daclalan af tbe peuple lu $277255.39; amaunt ut mOrtgage, gr-sm ta UiceWvte Hanse et Wasli- titi regard. He wl bave tic united $140025.77. lugton tise day sitar tic inauguration sUPPOrt ai tic republican votera sud Lots, 193 sud buildings, value, $96,- as toilows: wil puai Pearce toi- the nMayor poi 028.74; ardouat ai mrtgsga, $SV, 'President William H. Tait, ton. 158,19. 'WleHne abutn .C Bonftrs, chers, santesUusubdlvldcd land, 626.78 acres, ,"WieHuWahntD.C Bonirs, isars sluts.personsi 363 lots aud buildings, valua. $171.- "Born ta Mr. sud Mrs. Josep Olies, baud shakes sud salutations, sccam- 291.94; sbnaunt ai martgage, M51- Wsnkcgau. Ill., s boy at eleven a. m-, panid lhe news oi the Bock vidai-y. 728.00. Maici 4h. Ta callai-ste the bappesat Tiare won no baud ot but tisaenau- otals, valua, $550.176.07; &Mount avent ofi heur lives the parents bave thislinwas ganersi sud aven saloon f mortgaga. $23092196. nameit hlm William Hoyard Tat men JOlned lu s quiet maniestation Waukegan'a OidesI Sstilsr. Ouae. We hope tht ha wili hear the ai piesanre aet tc outcome. Wrltes W. E. Sundarlin: naaewti bonor and senit congratu- Bîdinger Makes H-it. "Fatier, mother, an aider lister lattous. Mayor Bailock was nul at aitlnluasd 1mysli landed lu Lake cunuty on "JOSEPH OLLES. evidance during the eveulue and did the 251h day ot May, 1835. we set-. B akgu al U. lied auna sectinuaigisnd ue sudUana ual Put ln au appearauca. h IRailectinutpadnadore- Thilsmoraing the answer cameansd Julins F. Bidînger, bawever. sbowed ners . Th. tari 1* uw owucd îy It la ibis vilci tlcled Mi. Olles vien bis maIle lu a manar that greatiy Barris Geeansd alliera. On tic lot the Tait icîter was rea*l ta hlm over Increaseit bis personal presitige sud day ai Jue, 1842. va mavad Into the Iciaphona. The letter rends: political strengtis. Little Fort. 1 vas luLLttie Fort 'Te, iaBue twli-e durlîte the summer ai '41, butThWitflue ,He 1ook bis deteat gracefully sud did not conte iere ta lîvautil 'Joune 'Wakiblagtou. Marci 8, 1909. Ilke an bancal in, anc seainsl v.bîm i. 184-1. We ived lu a littia two stury "ty Dear Sir: nthilg viaiever dcx eloped darîîîg fraina' ouse ou tisa norlis bank oi'f ic ascavedetc>ecp tic ampagu. ite reekrît-t u-iercliseNortswcs <l ticranowileg1_hemat., sud Bss Mssgfe MnyTiy re b-mamdb tiaSui-."bar ifl mîflPitoierGomI tePer Y "Tas, yas. v Ifehe" akdM- Seia lh reefou ua loea .sud N eetetn R. R. sudb .erneth a iasp io efuseole amiaNo. girad a c 55e and t Nt0 seNTHîote,5iiii !O62 needn valabe ppes. ,atZ o'MYsalng docmnt. 0 Ibs arn D hSidt5 Cili Tueau :3scotut e b«. lie een trans- dolr. eer oeret Uve1" amte »0als. n 01 ierint ernhait ar . Ânunsiier Wx-tliur F erman, aaer aitheiardiy iticdavy iaui Mrm ai aitk Tae aaibrore tvmai ld e bsW iitJ e fut r ore 'so (Jle. su itrom- manh arae iurriedlytrame900. bis seatUrC-0 t or and n NrhwtM .ILm laya ot constantu, acom scd by Mi-. Huuc Mt. ti heou dnt ith sid. ta i C ub clya-eTic dosant KtaighlandMeur oma- ~~~~~ebet anevlpcnax-assat aaa itcsoe5dutiotratiO a faor ai cxt etdnts mrl rs de 662Ev ndeo n ocuad p, olie offic oraarrersnkTi-y and vi as weste nbOndsy ut HiawoDllares, teriakan dgwtr lenahabep refrtieied c eks lu i bouse atteals wn iteDshre'e urdo u- re 9Od Won a enta ri udbl sane Sacurh s ictriocument».inOfditeiy e Ic nuit ael atr uaid e Ms d aHi-oand ba m.A udern dolas ce Fiedisu bd tle- ocumntsiron ndr aplindaitast etinago t a or ic aid lie voreroaithe buildiag wOm u tasvoe ihepepeylu-nltg u Prk dtectîFriedanationar a i-adldeway Bsec Mr.sti. d obTedeincar r asi la ok e pn O i'w a troup e fuictrCe . av L'ae acu by andN repo te onxfas t i oa i c o ect ltina i Iha rriMe deta ofMa Cub a ie torOmrc ulgstxsll a he arri- mni Mr. r.dins u s atai. pabcithemrly is hat tuk pa t l eiauurai 5r. o Frindantwasesaic-ld asitant eyndag rda te toi- ic andl- ise aiie tavmak fe vten tel-praeacepatdl 1vdaa eolc ai Madamoe, Gortadn.upole serice randcrd ,hlm wua- westi ondquesto lu 1WOdee fe l utMi.W. lb. Chgeatilll scmiaitt ger af 'etoug hetramafgonin te bGertrudea. ae. eouht ae ntriOr USd Ms d roe a us neg ian soitnr ai l i bose. Thewriotc t iq e t l tgstor.h ier n e Mati Les t ut- tis Hîs Mr naine Jatanao- soma o rc a smalerai s Cake b a ny-ui t ea sanee thikmi line ora Piilla. ewi h eleetb s-t aper annta hie- tompgaIysud s ald c mgr. "I bail ine patu t e et ing eaize ictea h Coînaci l Cicago.I"lcbi b olne su sud is oe n tial igau faiipla le abilldthf ertunde o d slos hi rlato hn ahlesholi ob ie Ar. Fid anh t l docalentic papers. I aitpie o a ta t sa 0ta vtel or>'ticeteoleavil uIne tc A i 15. ark bhicag doum u re th ey as h esa h e tuebu i madco-ifag.ah bi-0icvatisoht n dsiM E csral isth re i i'ohav suai ti serasalu er efs ws excyaaSUNglrseprter netifa tetfflsrtai luti oOfdthmucis Uic Lak ubayTniril our maIl- uac.lgh ht tteBr ie r avai-s. FTicdmanersaiycre fl robm lsta ud nteInuua Mr. tuedan asushtta sigtar cbon oderasacfyorceIey o Tea>' ha aomanp otesendthel zarmd he fo inarge ai ilsp.- lyt u oed. lia n aite detrud e au tia ncy a l MptiChas.quest n donn Varnfe , br ý ai.W .I h til In c m a d g ROON SIZE RUCS 0ur Spring stock cf room size rugs is now completii; it isintleed a beau- titti! chowing, i-e- presetiirg a 1l makus- and grades in the most hiand- soma coloririgs. nlous£ DRESSES Women's8 I - piece h o U s e dresses, m~adeof extra qua- WAUKEGAN, - - --ILLINOIS Women's New SpringSuits A Representative Showing of the Very Latest Styles q 1' Nwl looksuh fo r ui oinspetofthe.Tnew arin nuts ahe en arrivlook for someitinpe t urtil flchwsng arndeed aetenv orn fo seetht i npast ts te son eestyldes sonetifve and.I m the cloingsnas an sorersuit are tdstinctivo eti stl antrogh chaornasandsiored iOuarmsutr anr;sinthve istale of the most serviceable kind and the values are unaproachable. Beautiful Tailored Suits at $9,95 Misses charmig taîlored suits, mnade iii tlt' fliree piece style of a splendid quality of panai-ta, new iliades of browiî, bluet and green, lonîg seuri-fitting coats trirnmed -with à satin braîd and buttons. They are exceptional values at the pruce------------------------ .9 YoW Il Admire These Nobby Spring Suits at $18e0 à%AUl the beaut W*l new sPring ooloings are inoluded ini these nifty quits, the materili epresexit plain and striped serge and sitriPedi 318 prunella, coate are 36 in long, ekinner satin lined enid trimmed very attracti-vely with buttons and satin, the price wiil suit you Just Thinl< of Buymng Pretty Waists as cheap as 219c Nearly a dozen different styles are included in this assortment.of waists, they are maide cf striped madras3 in white and colora also white lawn, long sleeves, fronts are tueked and many aIl over embroidered, a great bargain ..29Ç a SIX (Wsists at $2.95 Covert Coats at $498 Women's Wash Dresses'-~ Thes are deoidediy pret- A splendid lot of Covert The demand fof* wash ty styles, tailored from a Coats in tan, tailored in dresses for the Spriu.g lhas_7: splendid quality of mes-, a remarkably fine man- begun; we now show a salie an tafeta silk, ner of an extra quality, very beautiful seleton hI ' tucked and trimmed with they are lined witb satin, made of linen finished ~> buttons, corne in black prioed very speCial at the suiting, and aiso lingerie, and a large variety of po- extraordinary low ail the new colorings, pular colorings, figure Made in the prin-'>i long sleeves, at 2.95 -of........... 4.9 cess style, prioed,..98.. 200 Sample Pairs of Women's Shoes A manufacture had just 2M0 pairs of Women's Sample Shoes whieli he was anious to dispose of at any price, they ivere made to seil for $2.50 and $3 but the price ooncession granted enables us to place them on sale at $1.89 the leathers consist of patent, gun metal, vici kid and velour inC caif, somTe have patent tips, aIl sizes, they will go in a hurry at O.. P . Y Childrens Shoes, 69c Misses' Shoes, $1.29 Another fortunate purchase of chil- Made from a strong, durable quality dren's shoes, made of vici kid leather of viet kidi leather, patent tîps, mat with patent tips, wedge heels, regu- kid tops, lace and button, patent lar 1.09valestmps, ail sizes Up to 12; .2 saeprice-------------------- price, pair.......12

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