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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Mar 1909, p. 10

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10 LAKE OOUNTT INM»B, FBIDÀY, MAROH 26, 19 WaukeganNews'M Twp. WAIJKEGAN WANTS A fiSH HIATCII!RY Waekegan People Who Have the WeI- tore of the Lake Fiaheries at Heart con Aid ln Project by Urglng Their Representatives at Spring- field to Get a Move on Towards the Local Appropriation. Regarding the establishment -of a fIsh hathgry at Waukegan as abso- ltly uecessary in order that the lake prîca fixing of the comnbutîi oO rllk deaiers rssulted lu the Ingrese Of a score oifsmail milk dealers vlth onue or two cao routes and fi le irelleved that these forced the reduction lu rate that wll corne Aprîl 1. The announcement, in the iorm o! an advertîsemeut states Ilat the prîce hereafter, wll be six cents for a quart of milk and seven cents for a haîf plut of cresm begnnlng on tke datenentloned. suppi>' of whte fish aud Iront may he replenished and saved tronu extermi-_ nation, Prealdent Nat H. C'ohen of the Illi.nois Flsh Commssion bas issued1 thai oeI barmsa10Oie commercial fiahernuen of Waukegau and to li- sens alike ta prod up Senator Oison and 'Represeutativea Steerus, Borns aid ShurtIsf ta ses that the Wanko- a b atcher>' appropriationi safely gaea lirrougli ta. legilature. Wblle taere la no bard aud tast danger that fi wlll flot go tbrougli, there ls always the danger tist canmus iroru lack ai effort add hustle, aid Waukegan la therefore urglng Oie dis- trict sentar and represeutatlves tu vork bard for the batchery appropria- ibis of $5,000. That Oie batcher>' la an absolute neuecity to thîs district bas long beau kuavu but President Cohen lu hi anoal report pote tas mater ln thse piinet possible liglt lu the foi- lovlng laiguage, and aIS of the com- mercial fsbermeu of Illinos are back ai hlm whle ctzens who bave the Interens o f the fdaberlea of Oie tate ait beet ara urged 10 wrIte 10 Messrs. Shortlef., Stearus or Burns sud to Senator Oison to get hem started fav- orably lu the malter. The report "mYs: It la ver>' necessar>' that a station be arected t Waukegan on Lake Mchigau 10 artlficlally propagate white flabh and trout. An appropria- tou vfll te aakedthie oexl geueral assmbly for tbla purpose. The val- nable speclea of food fiabes are de- cre.alng at ai alarming rate trom car laitsa, and Immediate ste" should be taken to retare tassu, Waukegai la ta. moat desirable spot ou Lakes Michiga Co carry ou tala vorir, as th.e valus-condtions bers are ex- trecnel>' favorable. The cli>' caumecl o atcit>' bas ai- iady grnted un a site, and il fo, n" un osth a vaus'for ail operetlon. It la aur intentionut have .apawa taker, go ot lth a saacmrwvdrlas seâson, take eggs frin saeh ripe Athb. fertilIse thansd returu them u thta station reci>' to hateb. At lest'one bundrud million eggs cen be batched out ainuailly. The condition of Lake Mchiga la much bettes' for tais lins of work tIba iormerly. Prior tu Ithe completion ai the drainage canai these Raage aund allias refuse vas dalued Into tae lais. tbrough tas Cbicago river, pal- luting ths vater ta such an exteusi ta6t whie11Sh aid trout et that Ioa cality aid vaut northward. Whec tas s'iveichaagad ia course, carrytu the polution idovi the drainage ec- rs4 tise aie reaumed Its natural con dWltos, and tise qiecles gradoali>' M tupsed ta thosý ls'.1 bannls, and are i*;W resonaW yabunm n thac 1w. et part of! LkkuMîcllgan. Wthà rl~ldauforsa o& th le I aid tae prodatton a7 yang fis at taseuM& tion mentiosed thse laise vii agate abond In ibis reat food suppi>'. 1 kteToters Lake County Titie & Trust Go, Âbtracte of Titis. Tities tiuarauteed Masonie Temple Bldg. Waukegan, Ili. IosF; J. GtasaaE, Secy. MOTEL IEDMUND lMAS NEW MANAGEMENT Hotery ut Opring and Washingtons Street, Famous Landniar'Icet Foot of Mill1, Passes Into Hands of Nevw Managemnent et Once and Will Con- tinue Carter. Second Motel Change of WeIe ibTis City. Br a deam com~ edunectedl> Seturds>' L A. Predericira of Chicago auLm e.possesslIon o! the. Halai d- moud, Wwbshtgtu aid Spring sireets, aid toms. mmedta.te osseeon. OspinS apts, for Ibid>' y ie yt.ra a veteamn of the reat lais trafie, plana nov ta returu ta ths masteBr- islp or a lase bat Hu vii retains lia nluter'a icensan ad la ane or tIse bout mens wbo aven t.rod a decir ln cmanad. Tbe botel bas net beau ou tbe mar- kset but ai asivantageana oRfes vaus'm culved and aceepted. This la thse sec- ond botel deai o! lbe week as May' lirt tihe Hotel Anîlugton wiii te for rent, Mr. and Mrs. Chails Armes re- tlriugciter an ithbt yeara' suecesaful danser. 1 Siisan 1, Luhîreil and huaband tu W R Wylle. 122-42 acres lu Secs 10, 11, 14 and 15, Vernon Twly. W D $20000 J B Converse and wfe ho Ida O Croueh. Part lot 20, Marbie & Con- verse Sub of lot 14, Npperstnk Club Sub lu Sec 4 Grant Twp. W D) $30000 J P Hull and vift 1 ele E Wlard 50 ft E front on County st just North of blockr 2, Crocketa Sub., Waukegan. W D $100. Julette itavîlu to Eddie Druce, Part N E 1-4 Sec 23 Avonr Tvp. - W D $1400.00. EddIe Drue.and vif e taoG W Hof- man and wite. Part Becs 23 and 2N Avon Twp, W tD$36400.00. Saa'aisÀ l5ggns ta P C Herlinq Lot 8 block 13 Exnmor Add., Hghs- laid Park, W tD $850-00. T 8 Wadvorth et 1a1 toao saPeter- sen. Lot 24, wsagorth Bob., Wau. kegan. W D $17.00. Mary Krantz et ai -ta Emil kMgwalt 10 acres lu N W 1-4 Sec 26 Vernon Twp. W tD 1300.00. Erul i Sgwalt anud vifs ta H B Seller. 6ares ln N W 1-4 Sec 25, Veruon Twp. W D $200.00. Emil Slgwalt and w1fe to H B Seller. 10 acresaib N W 1-4 Sec 26 Vernon Twp. W D $400.00. John Laudry to, Theresa Walsh. Lot 39, block 2, Lloyd's Sub., Hlghwood. LOUIS J..YEOMAN THE PIANO MAN cagtMa" udmm. s or cftha Rd- muid ame ven and favors3l>' kuavu hm e&" dhave opersted a goad soel- 1'. L4 A. pi'sdrlck,the îev avuer, d4elares tiat h. viii send $2000 OB the reuw.a e it the batel. H bas bees a saoon man lu ObCUflanad 0WM On botl et utGrand Haven, Mels- IMa. Thse consdes-aton vws about Ceptain Sari satîd that lie ls uot nov et liberty ta gise the namne of the luire corupen>'for vhtcbha v ill commaid. T7%e Prdercks bhtea. at Grand Hav- ei las olled Predericirs Point Hôtli and la run tu consacticu uiftl a su% mer raot rSR U. se.ATtORNfl Waukegan Man Who.a Nam* e luHase for Poitioni Now Occuplad by De- trict Attern.y idgar Urne et 94114 Baye That He WiII Nul Maire Assy Statement on Mattes' for Prose.nl Lendlng Colos' to Rumore. W AUKM EtAL Thrh*uarse rumors that Attor'ney A CUT o ILK K. Steamme of tihe 4w llrm eftFo and Stesrne in WAskgn hasbeen el Annoancouene Made Now Thot on fted tha United States district attor and ^fier ^prit Flrt Mllk Witt b noehlp In Chicago, tisa positioni nos Six Canta a Qssrt-Jut Like [Kane- hli b> United Stateu DIia t Atteu tas-and Cseam Savon Cents Hait na>' Sima Who Metent gosstp statasIl tbint. No Combnatlon of Milr Deal- won te10go under tise Ioderai axa. erusRack of Roduction. The Sun Tuenda>' sent a toi.gs'am t Goingi dowu. Reprosentatlve Stearnu, Who W& - eluctud trom thîs district, and hie ri Thse prices c!miSir Iis f ime, pi>' oni>'tusther compilent«oS atts, BY noUticstaPPeared for thse and stili leavés thc quantion open. ft t ts lihmaedealers o! Wau- Ha replie.: Isagae aeem ta bave reachefi the cou.- For tise preant asolutely refus etUloa tact the rate on u ilrla ton tb maire an>' tatomnent of mn>' me fflanid bave eut Oie stufInga ot In ret.r.ssce 1to ta United Status dl ci ths price seduclug the rates ou trilo t tlornshlp. mok tsi x cents a quert aid ou "A. K. STEARNS, criaits eveî cents the bai! plut. "Rip. Elghth District." Tis beaote listoanad Waukugau Attorney' Steauns vasn elected re ia nov on a laveS vith Kenosha and reseutative tram tais district ai Il other'aurs'auuding cilles as regards let generai eectîcu aid bas awake one a!orte eessltlesaof lite. ed, wtb atbers, Springfield te tl Oui>' one dealer male formuat an- tact Ilat tisere inac Lake cont>'( uamseenst aitisecul in price ioda>' the mal, o!flmioes. Ha la at prese but lie stated tisa itOe no concertasi vorking ou notable Improvemeuts I, ation hms beau taikan other dealers Lake county and la a member of li had ether preceded hlm ilu maIringPrtant commttees. Hs la vi tas eut or wonîd fllew. kuova ln the district aid bis elei "Ilso the lair of suppl>' aid demaid.' tion to the district attorusysi b.csaIs. "thse Oaid aId1w hat gav- vould cause no surprise altbough I arum us IL 161k la nov more pleutl- intimation that be me>' te lned fui aid msore eeufy ta be Iaidled tisna osltaI electrifled the cil>' Ioda>. for ai>' lime witin thse P>-1tbis Theftact that Mr. Slearus refuses rela, and ve Iasrdc sar-malire ai>'tatemeot lewis taOie1 le! that thers rua>' le aomethiug Receistl>' ths higI prices aidthétaheaustar>'. W D) $200.00. a a s a s a W . L C W& NS R>'Cata Josp Wright V V ~ Part lot 19, Witarop Hartor. W D) B F71.e. Pt lots 13 sud 14, boceks 24, Htighiland PÈak W D $1.00. +4 C A Hayus'rd to John Omma. Lot ,~ 4, blocks 5, SudeslIns lot Add, Wau- +, kegai. W tD $1000.00. Rabca P MeNel and busbauft tu U B of A. 12.14 acres North ofanad +)$6ANUC 3I N Edvard MLafgbliu aid vif, tW J B Tulley. Part 8 W 1-4 Sec 7, have - o fildt Tep. W t) 11100.00. f We take pleasure in auuauncrng that we e purcisased a big part o Jaus Chiai aid vile to C T <Gnte akrn'n : : :+ EM part Lat 82, Wetern Add, Laiste.akrp Jolie MInes b UzaI. Oood. Part it iDEPARTMENT STORE 4+ U, hock 8. IAis.Bluff lghis. Q Cof4 ILÂAPen. end tabacL eihUla>'.. + lo 1ad2 Pema osSsb, Hlgtivooa Solomon Recht of W hiting, Imd. 4 VD 7".04).+ 0. M. PeRle>'and wle t'> UR"Is 8,f At About , Tv~>'a. I~15, blocir , KIrk* Ch" anadake to lWD$400.50c on the Dollar 4+ MM W 2-8 w 4.50 acres RB14.1 MM rs.N5tb et gC of N W 14 N fi4 "4 â- si fl'un Tvp. Q Cç$1500.+ Xala Pgsruoq and vfs ta Stista It is almost too big an undertaking for a ittie country store, but +, Id Leovtqs 'hk.u 15118.00.00.go' with your co-operation we hope ta make a succesa of iL We cen »% Mater la CheuoSeucta Il i Mouirh- promise you bigger bargains than any Waukegan or Chicago store w dl ta I" brot. 11ad S&MJ0f ever offers; not on a few speciala for ane dey only, but on a csmplete + OMaaier lus Çhanoery ta Jua A Jeu- or. kiasn. &!::0ta , ad 10, Zakiüass lime of merchandise, till every item je sold. 4 le Ei, wSm & Dte We have worked day and nighttand Sundays and e-xet ta bave+ L C PlattI toa Biaie t0 110000.00. ~ t. as many of!'the goacla as we can cram rata aur store ready for yaur+ uI MIsaboth Streter ta ur Rad jnsp&:io n i about a week-the balance we keep stored in e Chicago4 etou N 1-2 lot 1.,block 10, La"d & 00 1%AWussMIsgiW tD $M5. wfi *se N A atoel.ausi vifsta ? Hun. N. B.-Please send us your addreas on a postal and we will mari4 Lut A t 01409 DoqghW fti, Womm kregas;n, or e W f» I#I. you large drcu4lra as soon as tl'ey corne frorn the printer. W W (Rszk a"i'ee te Annae Df Also watch the "*Independent" for further news.+ »d Kriuii. Lot s. Rrk'aMUb. Village -4 Sof Dees'futd W D 138.00.*- ' Mauas- lu Cliacer>' ta N J Blcksf Part Norths 1-2 Sec 33, Vernon TwVp 1 1I+ fie 1-440.T P-E AIR lock» and ifs tu. J G eid- 4+ ,ner Jr. Part W 1-2 Nfi JLLSeNO3,S n Vernon TWP. W tD $31055.00. fiLIBIRTYVV LLE IL IN I Lha P B varie aid vifs tu C E Sayler+ ou Part 1lts 6 tu 10, blocis 22, Washburu nt Park. W D) $650,00. +i'1 for Sus Kennedy and buabeud ta W 4 fin C Parker. Partilota 6 and 6, Ozler's + 4 eiî Sut. Waukegan. W D $2200.00. fi va- C W Heydecker and wife to Home ýhpfor Aged and Dsabied Ry Emplo)ye f 4 he O! Ansenica. Hast part lot 6, blockL4 up 78, iilghland Park. Q C0tD $1500.00~ 4 O E Marabli and vifs to AW to Hoad. Lot 106, Bavlula, WD be- $100000. f l' In he1 OaIdssutb and vite 10 W t ô ô4 44D~ô ~4 4 + Ç Kaed>'. 1Lot 229, Cumungn& caa.o hAve .&dd, Waukegau. W D Stat Beik Of lýAke Fore8t ta W R A !aIlp< tiby mer5..vuDo lriMB than LOW. PARCS FOR SCTtLEN, CR14 00. lHerrigt. Lot 46, QYe. 3iay Âdd, laits the meu l kbU thrftd-abaa fr001the CAGO, MILWAUKEE & ST. mtes in Cbancery to R W OW- Forest B W tD 8871.00. bert ia b@Imla,"upburita idonoPU V West 160 a8mw. Sec 26, Fre- p A Motgomery andid wt taW H Ior in"Ta iner.ob sualisDr. â hlddeh- Twp, Deed $12280.00. Lamboru. Lot 6, Bik 2. MontsamerYl ftie toléIt Sfivw roug to drog a Low lae@ for settiora, everY Tuamda Ster lu CbanceSy to L Tulley. Sub. Higliand Park. W D $1.00. weak or laling etomach, heart or froru March 28rd ta Aprl 27th. Inclusive, 1-2B E1-4SecIlVeron ui.. oyl taJ MKlrwau ~ kidnhys. U8 Prs rfption Dr. h o'ato North Dakota and Montana pointe W 1- a 1. se Il.VerS JmesDoye toJ MNJrw".LutRastoratlve-la ,direetsd straiglit for the Deed »976.00. 4, Ackleys Âdd ta Volo. W D 4250.00-. e.un Of theis allment.-tbe. weak and on the uew Chicago, lilwaukae & Pupe» ank Dictz and vite tao eo DiebOld________________ falterlng inside neuvée. This, no doubt Sound Rallway. Rates 61391Y tO HaYn., res u N 1.4Sec17, eremnt learly saplains why the Reetoratiebas Hettinger, Bowmnf, Marinarth aid orsi 400 Sec 17,____________________of lategrwn no rapldly ln popnlarlîy. other North Dakota Pointe, and tc ____D__#40______.00_____DrUW@ia.8"e> tet hoae Who tes: the p Crandon and wite t10 M P Bld- Reatoretive even for a few dais boon Baker, Mlles Gity', Forsyth, Muuelshel, >.Lot 8, block il, Wa.ehburn The SCHOOLS of HALF A become mu>' couvlnced of Ita w'onderful LamRundup, Harlowton, Moore, menit. Anyway, don't drug the organ Lwltow. a othet Montana& stations, fflVvkegn. WD $50-0. CNTU YAG compared Treatlng the causent slickne8p le the only on tlia new line. Complete informationl "te of Henry Edwards, decd. seinlu1 sd succesalul way. Sold b>' 1Edwartls. 1 acre in N W 1-4 with those of THE TWEN- au rne froin your local agent. F. A. MILLER, 22, Deerfield Twp. Q C $10-00. TIT1EN U Y ALL DEALERS. (louerai PaNmenger Agent, Chicago. 24-b R Grelg and wlfe to J D) Grelg T____________ th 75 tt lot 66, Ravinla. W D It je quite ounnion te lueur }icople .00. irs of W L Rouse decd. to R F gay that thu "three 1t's" ver bet- lia M Bouse. Ui.Ivided pato er taught 40 or 50 years ago tilau VVfiI( ! lectricity iea ns It f lndin ec 24and25 Fr- hey are now. Utlrocentlya tTwp. W D $10,300.00. coruparison of the sechoola of Ihe@n ira of W L Rouse, dec. to H F and nov vas, toesay the leasv, In the tHomne Influa H Bolise. Undlvlded. Part quite diffiuit. rct of landl ln Secs 9 and 30, Là- So fer as the writcr knoov, this HEN We talk of Electricity in the Home 'ville, and iu Sec 25, Fremoutis possible now in but few instancesg. XY/ are not oniyrfrigtoteueo ~ D 830000.00.But vhersver actuel comparison y w ayrerin t teu o WIl JDreensu ub $3000.0. an ba rude, the resuli seema to Electrie Llght- Eloctricity in the Home &ti Jun Bouse. and prove Ual even raading, 'riting, aiea means the ability ta make uie of the Rh. n W Rt)smea e and 'rithmetic, are more succeosfdhly variety of electrical household helpe, W D~ $111100. ught than oves' before. whieh mû. Iboueekeeping. now-a-days, (at& J BrlacMBo n use U dld5d L[1846, 79 pupilà in the Spring- F ; ula Ru»ý ndýiedfild (Mss..) high sohool wers oz- a pieaanre instead of a diftdgery. aio land lu Secs 24 and 25, Pr»- aujuned lu geograpby, spelling, It meaga coomtented meuantMad covenicoL Itti J Esoesc>si Ç600.00. d penmanahip and aulthmetic. The economical Mmoiantny eodtlomu, W"ica"lm, [at4 i rasu& 8 andes lu Sec 36, queutons iu geogiahythe "cx- poele without the tue ci th"modem agency. ia oum gop sd4 actes lu Sec 36aqmple." iniarithmetie, and the W. viii furniali tutimate. for viing your moenty'eTWV. QCd140.reI 00. vords saeled, together vith the home, aid ve viii give you comploe .information Kenedty id v If.Qs e i ta ppers eby the 79 papilo, have conoerning rate. and suethodo, absoiutely vrithout reeently beau tound in a good st.atu charge ta yon, and vithout obligation toue aur A Kennedy. LMt 12,.and N ofpraevation. service. A telephoie ccli or isquiry by maü illi v7 roda lot il, block 9, et ha sa "me examination vas given bring our s'eprsentative tao ea you whenever and North aide et W5ik'egai. W 1) to the pupila in the Oth grade iD whorever yon deaire. I0. the sohools oi the aume City 59 p arais A Kennedy to J G Kennedy years later. Buth sets of papers NORTHI SHORE ELECTR[C ICOMPANY - lot 12 and N 9 tt W 7 roda lot ver. then mas'ksd on the sme Phone 258 230 N. Gmnesee St., Waukegan, MI. blook 9, jet Add to North aide buis by a competent teacher. The ----- ------#j ukegan. W D $1.00. resulto vers as follove: '0 irnace Bulk]ey ta, R W BuIkle>'. 50 ÀVREBÀGE STANDING sa ln Sec 9, Liberty-vlle Twp. W I:s.sese::ese-----s: *------------**es** ý494.00.Georaph ........ 4.3 b3.4Telephone No. 4t3 1PBdlcmadwlfe tb Frak Oeoligr .........40.6 51.24 !RED jOCHMEL ibertyville Erhange [Anna -Baron. Lot 8, block 11, Arithiiuetie........ 5.4 4fb1 hbura Springs. W D $300.00. SEILATNINB KE 1 B arle and wife 10 G E Sayler The arithmetic "examples" used SPCLAT NTOBA E a52.2 ft lotsI 6 to 10, block 22, in thest exammnations were given and CONIFEClIONER ,bhburn ParI. W tD 8500.00. shes Hoyer to John Noruson. Weet wthout warning or speCial prtpa- 1-6 roda 8 50 roda N E 1-4 N E 1-4 ration to 62 eighth grade pupils Ta out of Town Ordurs Libertyville - Illi"os c 9.Iàbmy^vie. QC $100. n the schools of Aurora,West (IIIi- W Peck and vIfs ta D BSimpson t13, *lo Laike Re-Sub lu Sec 2, noms) in which the Weruir-F:rank And Shipping Trade MOTELS AND RETAILERS SUPPLIED igt Twp. W D) $1200.00. Iaidi-Aithmeics have been in use liae 7akof Grrst B>' G o sxeradhaeaetn-WE DELI VER TO ADJACENT TOWNS ore . S 8wD1 $00-00. ins 09these ppib was l. 5. ,--------- :sêeaz---u---------eSOUS*If

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