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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Mar 1909, p. 5

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LAKE COUNTY liNDEPENDENT, FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1909 You llaven't Tried The Best until gou have used Ardee Hour Make8 Miore anîd Better Bread thati Any M)lier Flotîr ou the Market. A Trial WilI Convince You. J. ELI TRIGOS GROCERY AND MARKET Althouqh our stock has been greatlyj depleted since our Disso= lotion Sale beqan, we stili have a number of articles in stock that can be classed Rare Bargains. Below we quote a few: A lot of 50oc. 75c and $1l.00 Dress Shirts, 50C Lot of Youth's Canvas Shoes, worth $1.00, 54c Ladies' Beits, worth 50e to 75c, . 39c Lot of Laces and Insertions, worth -)e to ýir 4c Lot of Laces and Insertions, worth 8c to 1 te 6 Lot of French Napkins, worth 75c, - 45c Short length patterns of Lace Curtains, worth 25e to 50c. - - 21c Pearl Buttons. worth 5c to 6c, 3c Lot of Pearl Buttons, worth 6e to 121)e, - 7c Bheet Patterns, nixie quarter wide, 2 1-2- long, worth $i.25 per pair, - 95C White Cotton Yarn, per bail, - 3 Since the Sale we have a lot of odds and ends, too numerous to mention, selling cheap. Corne and see for !ourselves. Smith & Davis' Liberty ville, fil. GOOD TAST ini form, fabrie and* design ini ail our merchandise. Many attractive offeringsin * * tlen's Furnishings Some of the de. sigus in Neckwear I are exclusively ours. Stiff-Bosom Shirts, Plaited Shirts, Negligzee Shirts MUSICAL TRI!AT AT SHRr -DPRS i WILL OPfN TIIE UNION CIIURCII NOERONCIX51 lJounty Superintendeut T. A. Simpeon Eniertainiment Given by the High vlited tire Libertyville hîgi, sciool last Sheldon Also Plani School Weli Attende i n Spife Tueéday. a! Lake EsaaI of the Incîmmnent Weaher. H. C. Cralg, of BoscobcI, Wim., irat Wili b. Ma ______ acceptued a position as foreuran of tire That Liberty'uille oke dolIoeerlasiâial NDN OMOi ol.Twenty-two t!( music and tirat tirey do appreciate XXX Dairy Feeri contaîne 17 per cent were nalled tile w muieans aho are artiste in thirprob ll- rotei and la old or $24 parton, attend tire tiret se Mon, wam provenTiruredayeveninig wiren EuBECmA4,Lbryill, l ume col tirey fileritire Union chiuruii ln pite o! 26-1 Lake Eara during Il the oa" train stormt andi sncored Win. Geflinge iras acceeil- a position July. Thece invitat number alter numirer iutir e museiane as manager of a garlir feai and will readere of The Bu therneelven werr' orced tu rebruie t0 tae charge ometinre durnrg tire comiug Othere will be mnt1 resîronri. Tire arîdienre waâaseo appreciat- nommer. 3ltl,000 sînrents oc tive thiat ti.ntative arranrgemuents )laive shudente bave aireaÈ airrad. fera imadiebrr aniotirer concrert The Royal Neigirbore wii gîive a carri iavung marie arrari tir rbc i cci, ii tlire mrng, annd tire ibop party and riane in tii,' Wrriman hall, tire aay trom Vfanec bras.i'- e\1reRed tirat thrs,'xiii , , Friday evening, Marcir 24; Adurmssion A tent Cty will bo [lut bîrre rurriic- ofart rleecfr netu 17) Elcents, o! tire lake th ouose bu zi eril ir. xt r îu..îuByrorn i'aiby eiipped tir rirairtirade o! thougittirat niany It u1- ;bbrerii. tri rîcîrdilany one cattie to C'irimgo Mrndlayanri iraTue o olire lu house 0 artrrt loriu trrrrsexr.i.mauch idi- dat a car andi a bal! n -attle and a Libertyville and Roc irii cr ri iîoiru0-d fo iur, trtire ebl'et number o! to retfitot room@. Tir r,! ,' r!, t iîpruru rrrdnceîi by tiregthie mauy other ga rîrrniai rea itil.Tirse etnssn aild Tire Ladies' Aid o! thi-,b'rn5rniytria..n club people will muai îrrîrtýrottire torieCirarmer frrtir frout chirc i a-rîtmeet in tira- ranirrrr-ît trftire place tries mmera tIe rVirairy Mr Rruernhr-kerrworiafor,' curchi, Tirursrtay afterirîrînirrul 1, ai motcnîy ,rhrlve mn lorin tire Instant appreuration of everyoue tire uèuai hour. many dollars earned anud iirai- thrm cousîlomso! tire faut Max Koliner hias ptrrrraeed tihe their way into tire tlinat tiuey acre liâtening tu a viOliet, bankrupt stock o! a deinrrtrureat store lu mercirante. relo had ireflit dedicated iimâeif to Indiana. Hi@ anoouucferî.it appeare lu Accordlng Vo pros teainug, riiglit have a-on recognton, anotuer coîumrn. be etarteri on tireb not ams a learler, ibut as tire leader lin hie boume tireSieldon Sc prr>beemnr lit lMr. Iosenieekere Iranail Joeeph Delhae andi farrrriy have moveri Univerity Prese ne th. viomluisoes ite idetity as anl toHignrPark. Tire ru-hiaye Brotirere tore willhbecompleil inanircuate lastrumnent. Hes treato lt am have a big contracir for building cement may ire moved fi tnîngir it were ap art o!firirusef-tirat walk lu tlirt city. spring of 1910.? part tirug i em r ire lui prmitteri ti Chas. Smith recentiy trurrtiiased a peieone offlerere aud expremm tire munic wiich sarges wîthin. Mieouri breds51dle irrre aicî arrived a oetaken Ca SolIirioa-thinran marie rife foraget hia ier@e]ast Frsuay. 1h le a big norrll anri anri Rockefeller. andis inslitrumoent andr orpeleri une a fine lookiug animal. to bear anud ei.!tire harmonie, witir a irbrlire terriricitire cirurcir Pairnting, varnisiring, lamer haaging. A5 Singinl Tiie'fatruriarty i. tir nehrWalton -Aitwork neatly andi iaiirartority done. iuurkinr alrracireritire pilanlo .vasnlt Cagraontie rblcu A.orTire Libertyvrl tuie famiirarity tofrai, a-idiii ftlirt ErAi, Libertyville, IflMaoi'n es t Mtir rslr.tIi.r i nstrrumenut, bat ratier tire i-pi8eciiîalservicexx il 1,.. in tir tir waenty.iigiit ecirt tarît, iarr tyawluiii crme., tirotneaho iVWoodri an hall Ira ai t Srît ry ater- frlîrnr ffiicers ac i.-.. - ru ruaif a ira-rn rr!f tirat tir rrugr, ýitrrn at h trre, lrutI.(K.lbRr t.Wirliaime, W righrtprenideît, a tir hIla' I. rrailreseil preen irbal!,f. Kenit aortir, il preaý .1 c îtrdrativ iremideut; Mn, Luiu il.r. n-n r-ru trrngtlirai(ur! rrîtty and rîrrîteri and Ciram.s. Kaiser r i'r r.r lr 'erkrimn airn tluat rrriu fmngr oss unl i- I. -Isrtht o sihi r. karirxir-rie FrairkUlray efiSatuaifr îrMii,, arnukeop raiacrir-rmr 'I'- i r,id iih lrr-cer. lm fiat tri,, riere ire attendei tir, turiraiof Ilirewho arraficted hi r rrrr. ni i t rit tpleurd îrthw e ma aile s motirer. M re(i Gryirs es iii a arnl h tirlt i 'nt b hirrterprrshatirrn rf tfirrnr'miaor Mlwaukees everal a-ee rîlt tire truide of 8eriety. E. A. lii. trw. niouriilire tarmuicnr'aiat sliadrian her motler. rekar an atrr, il)rh tir'-irarter n rrrerall reg enirertePenb a da tr uirbe icrtruriC Grnamnnup- Perkuiir.,,recogauci spewl eio ytePpb-iinh enbr terran Ladies' Aid Socuity ru their e ihargeri and tire asau r roraluet ci! power in Chicago, nmore iraoement of tire cirurcir Thurlay even- one dollar whilir e thinrrig ,! r ir r e pltz ion. ws tre igApril 1. Supper serveri froint 5:30 ng tire expense o! bnngoth at Sag as tot 8 o'clock. leader andi other cce gretng o! pleasure. One Imagine,@irer wr o r@n volcete ho bpeculiarly fitted f or tire Fildrieede of ail kinde, alec, lia-n bare oflo teent expremsion o! tire joyful emotione. ber grass ceer for ale by tire HoulE: LUMBER hueasgnfeiiri inging rat Butterly Time andrCothoe KCPNinÂY, Libertyville. Our stock lafrebers andrit1 le andr Emlrark contirmiug one lu this. fresir ad thre boatqualîteire behofoui hvoiesuwsn îuîît Her voues Tirurmday nigirirwae lire volte nu tire market 26-2 bies hlplet 1, cr11 o! ounea-ho Sunds mach joy lu life-flinding J. Lindotraad, arciiteut for tire Chlago, A chorus o! tras this oy lu eiuging joy into tire iearte o! Muilwaakee & Puget Siound waa lu tire ons of tire moet4 otirere. village tibIs week as a prospective pur- entertajnonte lune Unre Durand in temperametily fttlciraer oIe ironse anrilot in tire ideal !rom the oilili ho i"nterpret sympatiretically wirat risdence cubai-b, organfisation tireb Chropin meaut ehob compoed "Tire tire Instruction amx Iaindrop," tirat delicate contribution to The Wollo Fargo Expresa Compary concerneri. publ tirs world o! mui by wicir tiousande iras taken aoir t b t lin, of tirs Chicago piauneri for tire fiý of thome wio love tire out-of-doore have and Milwaukee railioari and aller Idây w b 1 anae been cirarmeri. As one iislened to I ImI; etail expreu wiiI b.oirandieri by wtiretCntte Tirureday nigiri one waas remunderi o! connpany. Tirs United States wlll pror- noprormmtun tirose nes lu the old poem. airly retain tireir busineme over tire ee- not yel ireen decided Wben la tie nght yen cake "d ulhear ihe rtatria' lins. anri worklg eg L Ire uellue unnel. eemtutinit ee enuih. adwrigee A ielicair. harrl.l,e mnare. Rev. . 0. Buerger, pastor ofthtie St. beet reenîhe. A les( To irerunr-g rrer nief. an grave ter mirtua John@ Germait EVangeklcai Lutheran elected. Sncb music go beautifully nterpreteri ciurcir anounem tiret regular services OFF shouiri have been receiveri in silence, W III beoirsîr every second Snnday. Sun-l A cordial invita ineteird o!f litirsh applaue aitir wilh day ceiool every Sturday ahrnoon. maeicaily inclinsdt it aas greeteri. Tirere imluein re. Ladie Aid Socrety tirs mmcd Thuredlay wiîir tiremCretary Drand'e laying a certain spirimiai of sacir montir. w!th a deposîf of qultyTbis was maniteeteri muet lu Tire Lake County Telephone Company Tire eoclety a-i tai tfetirovens Lb oonllgbt Sonata. One will issus a Dew telephons directory oratorio, "Tire H cruiri for'get for the iemtire preeente of omotime lu April or May. 1h iras been Instruction o! a tire rowdand riese only the moodigirirdecideri to ssii a lirmitei amount o! direchor. Tir seocle streamiug In andi driving tire ehadows adverhuising lu thas edittun and tire book Monriay eveniug, into tirecorners. Mres. Duraude §accom- wilîî bemuchr larger than auy tira!irave panurnents were true accomupagnaient been lesueri in tire pasir.ThTon Sire nid noir emek ta pose as a olotat, TeTws ata-aye subdulng tire piano eo that Ite J. B. EHararly, of Zion City, [ILI, was a Tirs Republicanv musie would serve merely as a back- vietor biere las! Satarday. Hes Ia work- towneship ireir a cmt groundi upon which tire aork o! tirs lng lincire intereute of tire stahe aniti- at ta-o o'clock lasi otirer artie migirt be more brüitaly saloon leawue anri heir a meeting tirait Jh utn a diettayeri. nvening aiiRockebeller. It le probableJonAsi a Tirsevent was under tir sepleSeo! tira! everal big rallies wili hobe ed irere Keliey, secrehary. tire tigir ruionil anritirs ren.ipts ofthtie belote tire epring elecion. orise o!thua-flt evening amounteri ta about $50. Tire arivent o! geuhie pring iras beeta meeting. Tiree tire signai for a a-ave o! puieumonia andi or coliector Gi( everal cases ave bad typhoid compli- Hubirard, Win. Sciroof Notes. cationc. Ciras. Phipe la nquie ick at Wheeier. Wireeler Tire ourti grade are juet boginuing tire iiioomas in tire Newcastle Motel. J. R. ad thougir tedb tudy o! tire nprague cassie readers. Mack iras almo bren a victim, anri at var- tiret bailoting gaiEf Mise liakerman rehurneri o the higirlonue mmes iras been repoirterit ho ti very sand. 'riere were echîrol Mouctrry. Sire a-as warml1-ioa- but lsena- mach improveri. prenent. Forloioni weetuoriieri i teaÀ-hers andi pupile. Mr.an MmHer en wolv candidates for thie Tire second i.ar Englir cas@ are nr md l te ire He anrt wreportere Town Cerk-F're abonut tir take air tire Ladyof tireLak':nrireachrIli!tehlagearoir rTheopei Annssor-Labaye hmving tact inimlieri'Mullas Ciesar. e.sroni ihnli îemni iernrre Cînhetor Wnr.V tlrrall teiity r., bai-k lr irîgi Rehautrool othwr'1taiong lu years and their tligbway Coma abter a cirîrt airenaie'due hoaelinne odiinlem ai aho le ecrîtîcal litia % lierre A ir,erv ip, Fiornircie Eiinger fron renovrîi 15atînrri despaireri. Mmi, loban Jiut île of tireI Grar nakei,'hglir erbînrilrîterer ifret yeOrterck nnira daugirter-i-laa-, iaico vry a rrnd Geoirge Enat. higIn irabîrl Mcnday. a kw tire saine malady. i rnrtablre-J. T. DJel1hir, liiaye ro! tire fimnt vear Ciras . 're, aho recently reurrini trîr iorl Trustëe.( rien., na Iis treultnHaelrrrd tir tireHighrlandi froiri th ir,' andrtaioiiy a-ets eurah tir TownshipîrCuri P'ark Inili vhool. bi ave corne' buk unhueri aiti tira'stnr,,.t.W.Milter andrW. tlir tfiî asiclamsenretngrît tire Fresh riajs Iti, f,'nitirnt uaiviiizi.d laund, iand Vairie tic ua innîinr n -a nîtowofirirrs e xri. eleuteri alter atm! rîie nhnnn Miaauki.eacuiru'- min. 18ir'n the,'lt l'ui Rnit th îtîr Hc icrIe preeldeat, lash Mnnday a!tenoon turer intrtheii. g tira' terrroratc8 Ju.itc IHeein.Edithir Nirimeaicreary; atley ah te Vnaronri grocery cri basrt annd niatened ia .n,îtebNiitoiais.trerurur.r hurt hie hore siapperi anri ell ,rn trecnand!uirateritthe 'hfitit car ciamesr., takîag up tire cernient rrsirig tirroa-ing muirîilto tiec lair %x amte ithatir stranîto!"Tire Merciaut cab tnics" brrck buildinrgortposite. Fortrrrrrt.iy aIrethe sernrtary. liran rrrgecmpit.d iigrarris Progres.' neitirer mer. injureri. . a. s .Inti.n Tire gronne reeripts for tiere iuicats Trîrvun lin -1 I gîren by te hîgi ecioot was$4950. Lester B., oiny. !ormsrly Cty edinîr of ritrtorrt'.Ph Jonnliailft brrrrai era-yr, ie ho glu ts thie hrL.tWr'.aho mlter a shorrt lirglirîr iComrmis roiniri.ceinriit adrîres inn Janie 4th. vurit nirth ire tarent4 boere sone si-Pn'e. Clark Attrilige rxa.,absent fror acirdol eeke ago mutetteri a positioun oir tire Jtrl.ti, ciiifthne Per, Mnrday. S-imiterin MerrpirrrTen.,hasreturntni iaii-iîn George Stedîrraîrn as abecr-t limnt -rek t Fir. Worthr, Te-xans. fHe wamesunruiioneri î'ra r orn nai u accouat r,! a 5crere coiri iv teirigraur tri accept a position lirer-a- (a irîhrnd arrii Gieorgerr ln'hayi. a-as tranferre ah ie cteri on accolairt o! a changelunumariage'- Highltanri Park higîr sehoi. men t ast Frbruary. He iett ioirfldiatrly Mies Cirard viritel tire fret grade roum or ontire souuti..,t wa-meure prefeme tir hiesI To Whom n latsFtririay. prenent locationruin Tenuesse, Tt in n t The igitir grade ield a ciass meeting Dick MMhre lttsjony t, errnnîru Mr-r F ast Ftrirlay athernoon in whirte Lloyd Lexingtron, Ky., tiret a-ek was a notable haingwdî toi £itrty Taylor waselec iter! presideat; Kate oue in tire lione worid. He purciraseris.W E Carroll, sicretairy, Florence Spa!., treis- ahile tbere a ten-monthircod colt for E. A.F tirer. Tirey amno cirome their Claise colore Joirn R. Tirompeon for wiricir ir pairi wiiich are lavender and gold. $3,000. Thins te unso! thre iigireet prices __________ever pairi for a hrre o! tu age. Tire YOUnfgster le a tahural boru trotter andtriKoou Brothiers p Fotrys MoneY and Tar cures coughm iras been tire tali cf tire bine grasu îat Mondiru, tir quia-kiy, strengtiren tire lungeanri expela country for some tm'in ast. H *1 sirne $1.000 anritire pu colde. Cet the genuins lu a yeliow was Peter tire Great andle bas alreadY party. r.l)d Abrer pac'kage. FnRANK B. LOVELL. trotter'igi mile lu 2:10. andi ias ieen tire, Koon tables. fi Lake Fotrest irorsei ABOUT YOLIR MOfNiY MATTERS. Tire XireiaflE 4SUMMER 3OL IN JULY Ln* t Begini Building This Coreýing Fait. any Visitors. touaand invitation@ veek invrting people to elon of the Sheldon bich will ire beld on the tiret twrr weeks o! atione were ment to the Businless Philosropher. tfrom Chicago to the of tihe 8&hcol. &lany Mdy enrollrrl, rne man sngemeutrr torr rue ail ouvrir. ec buit irn the shore sethe viuitL, rs, bu t t xLM Dy of thina vrilirrefer othat thre r-identi of neckefetter wilt b.' asued is summer schootl and gatheriugi ut thirago ake Lake Eara a busy and! Librtyvilite will much adr,-ertiiing but od elewere xviii iind epockets of,!thre local ent piano work will building ryhicir le to School and thre Sheldon next fail. This @truc'- eted so that tihe eoul from Ciclago lu thre Nearly one hundned d employeti, wUI thon care of lu Libertyville ig Society. eChoral wrrvxrty Wae Shome ro! Mr.. Lutu [nday er,'uing with xter iiiemiers Thre 'r'ereirted. C. Frank ;Br'nî i Milîler, vrce- u Mattrýeks, oeecrrtary r, treamurer. A ,oard tmng of! n i 110 ru rn whose drrty t a it bol Imirnps aairof tri te hop inn ther charrrrar.i go wîlt he i.leld',eiy rl*'Ce8 meetinrg orbe a chlr beeiofo!nre driiar e earty duresviii Ire wili go toward defray- oîmueic, ealarv of the ne@ts. A nuarb)er who tat the laelt meeting inteution o!becoming lvery probable that contaiu at ieaunt ity orgauized Thre Djem- hopen. ained volcee !nfrniebee tentertaining musical maginable and aeide fieatureof mach au benefite derived trom mot great value tu ail le entertaiumente are fture but whether It r, an oratorio, grand ag light and comie bas led. r ail very enthueiaetie rticklly to attain tbe bder hme flot yet been FFICIAL. tatlon le extended ail tu enroil their Dames yor any other officer f $1 membership fee. ake uistiue mtud.y of thre ligly Cityr" under thre acompetent chorue ýetY will meet on Deit Mareb 29. iship Caucuses. voiers o!fiàbertyvîlie rucue et the tu wu hall qSautrday alternoon. ,~rdent and fE. M. he balloting for the clerk and collector iexcitrng evente o1 thre were four candidates irr. L. Docker, E. D. Attridge and Wmn. rwas thre dark hore by Docker during tire ied the mlattrrity in tbe eabout 100 voter@ ig are tire Damee of the edifferent offie, red Croker. Yette Bond. Wheeler. misetoner-Ernr'rt J. î'ea*e-Girrgr' Wisaer 'Ayr.. -C' Frank tWright. r. E. traîi, ubticarrr nurr' jrtrttiîrg rareerrieut o!ftrr'ilr- 8wli rîorerî igîrteard idean ar,'seleetrng le hait airrvo' H. .. rînan andr.L I. fowe ý.Tie bror'r ing trcket L. Howe. FiLihrer. iitiîrner tlenryLaw- eaee-George Lynchr les Linrberr v. tiiittee-H. J. Cater, an Morrintru. ahri L ib oA. eo consireretion being partehaser a Milwaaukee sa a stieeple cimehmre lpet anri yrdeo! tire sl a-ou honoreat tire Streof Hq ity beli utig in ire YnQ rmani vening ah wirhinti me a re wameaie iatd.Tire Jirpauceme s j ah n IclurhtieFrit te posters toy me ames Lee btc t lat ek ciethey eapehit arepen d ting relahives. Thousands of Vears Ago Merchants foond the Shortest way to Success was lu Giving the Public Good Values There are merchants today who art trying to get We have to off er in Seasonabie Goods. Our line is Compiete in- Wash Goods Batistes Ginghams Dimities Percales Waistings India Linens Lawns, Etc. WOOL SUITINGS A 1Mne up.to-tbe-minute Une of Ladies' and dilîdren's Shoes, Slippers and Oxlords, in black, brown ani greg suede and tan. Lake Uounty Nationlal Bank,-" LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Statement at Close of Business feb'y 5. 1909 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts ............... $296,027.1 4 United States Bonds.................. 41,200.00, Bonds and Securities .... -............ 71,740.00 Banking House and Fixtures........... 10,500.00 Overdrafts ...........................159.32 Due from the United States Treasurer. 1,000.00 Cash .....................$26,784.35 Due from Banks ....... 52,304.32 79,088.67 _________ $499,7 15.13 LIABILITIES Capital ........................... $ 50,000.00 Surplus ............................ 25,000.00 Undivided Profits..................... 5,265.86 Circulation ......................... 39,000.00 Deposits .............. ............ 380,449.27 $499,71 5.13-ý YOU ARE CORDIALLýY INVITED Tic ATTEND OUR OPENJNG DISPLiAY SPRING MILLJINERY APRILI, 1AND '2. 1909 We mnake a special feuture of! medium-priced hats and our assort. rment is very extensive. itaster timne isnnfot far distant and for thia resc we have taken particular pains to have our stock selected addom dtsplay. Ail sirapes and creatiouis upto-the-ininute lu 1909 spring de.. sigîrs. Cail and convicice yourself tirat the Ue shown here is as good ais tiret rhown in the city shopnn, and flot uearly so expensive. MRS. M. A. PROINE 1lýI BERTYVILLE. MUL

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