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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 Apr 1909, p. 8

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s -.,*~s L~KE OQU~T 7% M!SSITÉLÉPHIONE *Wkasaun Station Not So Far off Con- alderlng Activity of Great Lakes Company ln Lake Erie Ports and Number of Stations to be Instailed About the Lakes, Twenty-Six in Agi. Wthin the uext two weeks wire- leua telelibone communicationl wili be eataWliabed between Ceveland sud Toledo. Tise siender steel tower whie bas iseeu graduaiiy risiig frorn the roo of thse Keit'sa Hippodrome building at Clevelanud, was complet- ai Frlda2, and la now ready for tise laat&U&Ùion of Ita antennae an d otiser D)r. Lee DeFarest thse Inventor of the vireleas telepisone, WHil corne ta Cleveland ta asupervise the instaling oerailona. as Donas ho baa cor- »Iletel uimillar work on thse tover on thse roof of tise Nicisolas building in T1oledo. Tisa Toledo tower is bean Oslshod for nmrne Ure, but tise work of lnstalling the recelving and trane- mitting instrumenta ras deferred un. til the Cleveland tower was masde Thse tower risicis bas ieen con- tructed ona the roof of the Hippo- drome Iuikllng la easiiy tise hlgisest structure ln Cleveland. It stands 160 feet frorn thse top Of tise roof, and Its total belght from tise street level is 346 feet; six feet higiser than the Ftstiron building ii New 'sork i cty Deuf Their Marriage. MUST PAY LICENSE miss Forence Wynu and Dava-IeN N T IM N Filsett-d, bth ai Wsuisegao, Munday obtained a marriage license ln Chsi- cago but Tuasday miss Wynu denled Last Veàr'a Licente Pald ln One-Qur- that tiîey had been marrled. Tise Il- ter and Three-Quarter Lumpa, But ceuse nas obtaiued Mouday aud nas ThisYsear Entire $500) Muet b. Pald ul, thse Chicago patiers Tnesday Inorn- First cf Vear. Saloon Kaspar@ Tall iug. Saleamen Soins Wlli ne Forced 10 WIteus asked if the- usedding liadt Cloue Doors of Saloons. (at'eu place, Miss Wyun, th-ongis ber sister, deled tisat lit lied sud refused Witb the necesslty for paylng nexI ta stata- wheu it wauld. At i-t it year's license lu the lump anam of ras desied tisat tise liceuse bal beeu $500. a nunaber of saloon keapera are secured. te quît business tise ist ai May, the Mýiss Wyn lntise daugiter of Mr. report la. At that trne, tise firet pay- and Mr%. John Wyain of McKnley ment of tise year'a liaense ln a lump avenue sud la popular ritis a large auna rti hademandai- cîrcle of frieuda. Dave Fllstead ba Tise ordtnaiiie as pasai ta go ln- tise name of bieng tise iapipeet man n t tefct lat May, at tise. beglnning te cty sud ia notai for bis gaodi o1 thesetciy fiscal yaar, but tie-ab.- nature, Ha bas scores ai frieb" .tice ras net prlntsd tu tis a per tisa Tise licease as t appearad Inthie nacessary toni daya ahitsof ai me mo Chicago papers ras."Dave is lateati, only ona quarter, or $125 was ùad la,.. Waukmgal; Filoi-nce Wynn, smre, 22, May. ItaÂugut tise remu onlg 17 23. for tise lent Ibreae quarters W* paX tna t l ule. Quietl. y MrriedovôwnwUisdtise licna.la effect. on Qul.tiy MMayrfid.t the ente Ilm» q eea,Wu"t Miss Alva Mllier, 83 Laa treet, Mil- b. padan sd tin la mad tai a nilirnbçl vaukee, and Albert Hunier. vent vilS quit insted et baladins ovea thea firn Milwaukee te Waukega Wed- $500. Ona aalesasn for a large il- newaly niglat sud voro quletiy mar-quar bouse, tatef that ha Suew ot a iled isy Justice Weiss. Tisey iepared nurnier visa declared thlalesme u- to a iotel for tise nigist. 1sIe ta psy tise lîcefime ln a lump sud Maesuile the brldes parents bal tisat they isadl stateil te bInatisey gaI vlnd of the eff air sud wre tels- rouîd close tiseir placesaiethtie end ai pisonug for is'r. At nidnigit thev la- this moutit. cated the bridai pair on tue isotel phsone and tise youug couple wrea caiied froin tieir reuln. Relaled to Mr%. John Donneily and At fIrst tue conversation between Mm',.Below@ Here. tise uew bridegroons and bis wife's lire. James Morgan dia-a at tise parents was rather beata-d, but bth hume aiflier daucliter, Mrs. James Me- insiiy csirnad down. On finding tise 'aaon at 87 Thirty-tiird treet Sat- ction nul first be estabiislied lie tva-an Cleveland sud Toledo, tisa- arer- lion af lrenty-sa-va-nallier tuners at principal points on tisa Graat baises la iebg pusised. Miwauksee, Chicago, L O I J.YM A Detoi ansdBuffalo nuis e equipped la the ordor uama-d, as soon as tise tarera are completeil, and tise Instat- TH PIANO MAN lation wrik on tise many taise vessels yuil ha completed. W-.n.lu m. ,,9-11 . BtUslpax bhs quaiantlned Mma. Opel andi ber tva amal childi-en tu the. homo st 428 Belvidere treet Thse Matier vus ton" ta bava tise dleas SatgriUT ynien se vlietad a physi- clan. Bsa la ta Sa ia-ft at tue home viti theba hiliren. Mma.Oi rvu nt fe eling Veilisud Vent ta a phyalelan'a office, A consul- talion nîtis another doctar ras csiiad and the case pionaunced amal pox, Thse office vas immadiately fumlgated thorougisly, sud Hi-s. Opel ras taka-n back ta her borneHar chisidra-n are savon sud four yaars aid. Tisay n-er vaccinateai but are being clasely ratcised for symptome of tisa disa-asa-. Tise buabsad la a plumber. Ha- ls staYtag aray ram tisa-hore na- til ait- or tue quarantine a- s ifted. He ras flot exPosed, nor vara tro boarders, Sad Deatis, Carl Schig son ai Mr. sud Hi-s. Michael-Sching, dia-a at elglt-flteen Saturday lgit at tue Jane McAlis- tai- bospîtai of typboid fa-var fllowing ona a long atteck of rbaumatism. Tise tieaih la ana- of tise sadsit tisaIaver took place bei-a, as tise young man, Inaanu for- is excellent csaiacter,'htbi Industry and is msny gond qualities, Vas enlY trenty years of age sud just .ntering manbood. His hundreds ai fienfla gilava- itis tisa-striciten par- anIs. I4sve Purchased Store, Chester Mann, sou of Aiderman IbM Mann, -and Emmelt Bell, riso vtt hlm Psnrciased tisa-Peter Cia-ai eau dy istore et Geuese ansd Washington streets, wil take charge o! tuei- fiue business bargalu April 1, risen tise store nill closee for ta-n days for re- iaCOrationa.ceangea sud altesationa la arrangement, after risic i wil n OM et an kegans leading establisis- ment of the Slnd. Tisa tva Young mon are na-l kunu, bave bundrada of iiieaids, as-a affable, kmdly, obllglng, and gond buoiness mon vîtia fine backlng, sa tisay nili o mre tuan gond irom tua- start. Hmd Teamster Arrested. ÀAttorDey George Fa-id Muuday san a man driving a crueiiy uvenloai- ai hoame up tise Wasingaton etra-ut MsIL Tise busse ras draning s beau y Jaoad!oftini sud canlnul maisa-the- hbecbaase oai i-.Ini ar.Fia-idsys, tise dri^ver laid blane upan hlm, drova- hlm at a fast clip ta tise foot of thea bIll, sud trIa-t ta force hlm np agalu. Mi. Fltltisan enta-i--aithe a--ane, ummoned Offices- Davis. aud isad tise men. A. Diamand. ai-resta-a for dîsard- erly conduct sud crueity. Dîamoud, lfuld ay, tiraatoned biirn tu tise Wvii bull bei or. the arroal, ceremony bail been performeti, thse1 parents ftaay agreeti ta faigive tisem1 if tuey nould corneborne, nisicis tuey1 dial on Thuraday, Hýunter gave hisi age as 22 yearsansd that ai bis bride as 21 years. STEARNS IIONORfD BY C06WORKERS Nlght of "Remembrancea" Marked Gatherung in Chcago WhIch Was Complote Surprise on Mr. Stearna. Wife waa a party and had Prepai-ed Supper for Mon. Every Empîcye Contributed Toward Watch. Remembrancea, tisaI brougit iOrtb scores af stat-les, isumorous sud allier- wise, of the time tisat R, B. Steai-nB buas been superiatendent of tua-Chi- cago anal Mlwaukee- Eiectrlc railroad, nere tue order of tise eveniug Frlday ngt rasan Mi. Bsai-ne ras sarprîfed t bis Chicago rasdence by tise offl- ciaIs sud a numiser of tue ma-n ai tisa road. Mr. Stearua ras takeu lunoxplete surprise but is rufe batibren made s party ta tisa occasion sud, as s su- prise o! ber arn, bat! prepai-ed a dalnty suppea- for tise men.1 Tise gatiserina- ras une ai respectt for tise former superintenaient andti ras iven as a mark ai tise estea-ni lnr rblda tue ma-aioaitis a- i-oed ld hlm, Flvery dapartnt ras rapresenlai. Tise aloierare tise main part et tise evenlug and tuaIs- acope navereil tua enire Urne of!serivice for tise roads of0 Mr. Stearne, A valuable gold w" wi as present-t a-i to Mr. Stearna durlng tise evecalng,8 the presentation speechs eing madleà by Attornuey P. ,S, Munro, tue attorney1 ai thse roei. It bad beau subec,ibedt to liy avery man hi the empioy of tisa elactric rossi. Ansona- tuo6e rso na-ne presa-utt wera- R. S. Ives, Attorne-y F. S. Main-E ru, J. M. Zan Brama-r,.C.,C. Siultis,1 L. h Smthi, C. R PteIa-icie, W. J.I Crotdnugis, C. E. Tisonpson, E. H. Visian, George fIl saidJ. F. t-yattf of Lîbertyvilla. Mar. Sluartts, hafora- Is service altis thte road. sas otna-ofitise ha-ad muan of tise Nurihse,-rtt ela-vata-tilu Chicago andulitas bu a(-tnnecta- th iîivaria-ns ilg projeu'sa itta- country. Hisa siil- llY lin lectrla-al IUes la esalt necagniz- a-a. Duriug lis slay on tise Chicago sud Miwaukee- a'Ia-trc ho gatinluclose personal frlandship nîtis aimost ava-sy mou on tise road sud bielaavIna- ras slncei-ey regrettai, ni-day, tue lronty-aaventh Of March, ishe ras a iter to Mca, John Dlou- neliy sud aira. Chailes Bellova, Ira- uerai tamorrar. CONrERCNC! AT STATE UNIVERSITY' Uplift for Cillea, Town& and Villagesi Headed by Prelilent of UnlversltY ofIlltinoisain unique Movemnent ta Give Progreaaiveiy Minded Infar- mation and Even Legat Advice They May Seek. Pra-idet Edmnnd J. James bas sent ont Invitatons for a oauiera-nce, ta beseid E tishe University of I1ii nais, Wadiesday afternons, March 31, 1909, et 2 oclocs, i Mrron Hall, Ag- ricuiturai bulding, Urbana, Tise conierenca- nu .cansider tue needs oi thse etate lu ot at doora Ian- pi-ova-ma-ut botis for tiseisome andl tue mqniclpaity andi a ste organisation for tuls purpose nulli e effected. Tise foloing abjects sud plans Maay be cnusidereai: 1-Tu cis-ulate information throngb' publications orginatlng rltu tue or- ganzatian and wnierever pi-oesrable. Tisa-se sisauli discuse tapies upon whiscistise peuple want information, thse kinde sud uses ai ornameutal plants, lusect eneinles, tue arrange- nment of tise fat-m sud auburban bomea. the Practical Problerne of treot, pay g-aunai, park and camtery develop- mient, thse custoenary metisod oai ina- provlng orgardzations, anti kindreil subjecta, 2,-To promoe, visera requasted, tise formation et vllacea, municipal and nelgbborhood Impi-avoment sud alnalar soclettas par boards, and prkray associations andi taasalat tua-m nltbtn ts -feld. .-To advIee upon tue instruction ai iadocpe gas-dessng and ornauten- taI horticulture, bth profeselonal sud alamental in tisa Unversity of Il- gîven a-isa-rtb-s in tue state. 4 -Tu contributa- lectures upon tue sabjaet tlirntigisaut tue state nisen reuluesteti. 5-To advlee upon expena-ts In ta-, lardinaes sud usefulines aior satauctal plants lu tisa diffarent lat- litusaes of tiesatate sud ta encourage tht'creatiotulu saine foi-m of gruau tuublîr tulant garda-us rier thtie orna- mental use- af tra-es, siss-bs, snd fie- nes a-nu e readlly studjeai. 6.-To frame aud secure necassary legisltlon nisici s sali promets out ai dos-as-I. F~IY.APIL2, 1909 'WTt !tATrefDROAD) Pian la ta 'Acqiair. Illinois and Wl.- oonsin Lina.s sparately and After- wards Join Th.m -With Northwest- arn Elevatod. $et Big Profitl n Deal, Which Hai Dean Hlnt.d at In $UN. Stepe ta get contrai ai tise Chilcagoa & Milwaukiee Electrlc Raiiraad Coin- pauy by tise jutereats cautralllng tise Northwestern Elevated Raliroad Coin- pauy ta furulas a direct eiectric line betwesu tise danntkwn iaap ai Chica- go afid tise isasnLa cent.er of Mil-ë waukee rere dicovered yesterdayt by tise bandbolderal committea- of tise Wsconsin division of tise electric rail- "roati cornpaaay. Letters et out byt thse bosidioldera' conarittea- to al isolders of bonda af tise Chicago & Milwaukee Electrie Jtailroad CamPanY (Wisconsin divison), wnicis ere i-e- calvai Frlday,. tated tisat thora i. a movesuent on foot einong certain trac- tion Interestei n cojunction v1hs smre Iuio boadisoldera toamslufre both tise W*iaconn sand te Illliiois ~dvigiffl 0! the ChIçffo& Milwaukee Xlectri d l*ilhàd Comspany et an ax- tramaly ion Vieo aya tisa Chicago Nerthwfetem s"L." la lehlnd Maya. . Inca thee rinting of tisa ltter tise ludisqWdQW ommittemadea aquiet wivatlaon*blc raveaieà the fut tat tU - NeeUutbwbaera a-tai rail- road interetagisacbek of tisa effort la gat coStrol o! the a evk mrCreta for the. purpoae amg eperating k S5au a - ract Une baet, onthsa bunea contera oi Chicago and Milwaukee. J, V. Clarke, C. B. Sbedd, George A. Samervllle, Robsert Caaseis sud Miler I.au consttute tise bondisoid- ers cormttee. Purcisases of bonds ai tise Wiscon- sin division of tise eiectric railroati nmade- rltlslutise Isat few days by Bioadgoud & Ca., at 60 cents on tise dollar. furulised lise iey ta tise mys- teriaus purchases of bonds af bath divisions which have baen racetly mada- nuder varions guises isy variaus firms. Plan ta Separate Lines. According t ma-misera of tisa bond- isolda-re' coiniittea-ofatisa a-ectric rail- road, tise Nortisnestern Elevateai rosai lnterests desire ta get contrat quiet- b' at a 10w price and lu arder ta ac- complisis thia a-ad tisase Interesa plan ta foi-ce a speedy iureciasure of the moi-tgagea securlng tise bonda, sud ta separate tempo-aily the Illinois sud Wisconsin divisions ittaIndependent Unes. By aucis separation. lte bond- isalders' committea declarea. tiseeole- vateal road intereati isope ta Se able ta, boy eacis division Independent of thse otiser sud ai a Ian iprie. Would Beut Stream Roada. By the consiination tise Nortisresl- ern elevated rafirosad, by opei-ating ex- press trais, could get passengers ln- toa heueaat oai Mllaucee's business distrIct, wîtsin 200 fa-et ai tise Plank- tatou bouse, more freqnentiy sud St a Choaper rata-tisan can tisa steain ruae.dansd wonld enable passenga-ra ta board a Mailwnauksee express train Just as tua-y do tisa Evanstun express train on tise ioop. Tise total issue af tise bouda of tisa Wisconsin division of tise eia-ctric rail- rosai amounts ta $10,000,000 sud tuai of tise Illinuis division amunts ta $5,. 000,000. Yl*tqnlat purcisases of bondi ta secure contrai isad boa-n carried un for some unme before tise bundisold- a-is' commuta-a- became ansi-e of tisa fact and sa-me of tue bandisoiders isa- Ileve tisat a sufficient amount na-ca- sary for contrai Is slrady lu tisa bande af tise inta-raets bsck of theu ciNorîbra-sta-ru eiavata-d road. Bondhotdera to Fight Move. Tisa menisera of tise soudisoidera' committea da-ciara- tisaitisa-ecarryiui ouI af tissabame ai aeparsting tise alactrlc railroad into tnu inda-pendent lina-s ta enaisia-tihi- purcisase St t i on Sali-e wnu be resisteai by tisa- 1'end tisat tisa-cau>rnttee, nith is tIaw yers, Attorne-ys Jacobs Newman, of Cisicago, sud Miller Lasis ai Toronto, nill leave uoting undone tu pi-otect ythe inta-reste af tise Wisconsin bond- balders. Rlght heavy cars of isaggaaO for tise Twenty-Sevents InfantrY arrlved tisa mrning at Hlghwood. la Roady for Another Fight. Captaîn Saville bas atated that be la ready for anotlser flgist like tisat wltb tihe mile aud an elgbtis 1er and for reformn He la one of tbe few army officers wiso do civic battie. Hogan to be Candidate. Word fi-rn Higbrood lg ta tis e f fect that Mayor HogausB Saturday nigist raiiy was a rank fizzle but tisat J, C. Garrlty bas witbdrawn bistparue for mayor sud tlogan himgelf, thse "big cisief" wiliimake tise run "lu sad- die" ansd figisting like tise astute Pol- tician tisat be la. Tise Hogan opposition, isuwever, dlaims ta be "onto' tise Hogan box of tricksansd to ise ablie ta meet tisam tisoroughly. ORptt AeA -WORT11Y INSTITUTION Baya the Nýorth Shsore Nova Ltter 1mat vaak: IL tisera la lintis county an Insui- lotion vorthy ci Userai support (Andi tisea"ar mVerai) It la te.orpisanga at Ia5e Mm. ,W. bavaebaore us upçrlîa"esd.n of thea orphane. 0f is crasti~ttI10fo a&bout oue.ilt te.whiolea umlier, vere f rom LakacountY. Tise totl languis o! Urne tiss cildren rare aupportad durlng tise Yeux-vas 448 months an i-suAverage of a little Over six menthesa ecis, Wien ciildi-on are left tisere and psitt for, tise chsarge ls $800 per masiti, or a little lbas tuan $200 per week. This bas ta cuver nul only bosard, but te a considerabia- ex- lent cioiising sud aise scisoallng- for sanie tbra-e or foui- years agu tise court forbade tisa-natise priviieges ufthtie publie scisaci. Tise ttali(est au $8.00 per moutb amounts ta $35840OC) for tise year. To offseét Ibis $18ý7>6tti. ',pi by reltiiî,ssotrte uhiltt-tu utani lis countr aproluru ated $,utat.u,a k t t a total ai $987-t0,t a iit dt 11ti1t1-t1 trusntshtsa-$3584 0t1) oi) ~ 7 ttItu bse raisa-d. In atiser words4 , Iu cuis i ntendent sud lutr a suistat, lute tu fluai as ba-st tiSy a'> aboutt ut u ter monts. Tisera- la no alliar sinular firttituttittî lu tise cuuuty. Tisese enargetlc, sal- sacrlficiug, uncompaiilg >ouug wo- ma-n are biolg a noble wrni. Are tisay net entitled ta self-sacri fieling,unuconu- plaining, risole-lsearted support? But la It rigist It sould be ieft ta sucis au extent ta Public pbilantisropy, airsys su =acertain source of SUPPIY? 5It la only nitin tisree or four years tas I remember, lisat tise counly isas nasans appropriation for ties upport of thîs Institution. Tise ist year tise county bsoard apprupriated $25000, Il 1 reineinier carrectly. Sinca tisat tise amaunt ai appropriation bas liaen $50000 a-year. If i am carra-ctly lu- formed. otiser casnties niaie an ap- Spropriation of $10 per inontis for ea-ar 1chld piaced by tha- canty.t1isnow )parsouaiiy of liltia- chisdren aha. bad ttisay fltnat-(n taknIn uusly tise orîthan- 1age, woutd hava- liaen, ussifs in tisa etra-et, living In vice, ignorance and e squalor, daily ieiug eqniped iur wortis 1- laes citizeuship. t Apart frn ail piilantisrathy or .. humnitariaislsm, is il net Puble ecun- a amy ta sae tiat sncb chidren art t propa-nly protected anai cared for.? 1- H. P. DAVIDSON. BILL PROVIDES JOR COMMISSION RULE Seustor Barr of Joiet lias Introdur- a-a lu tue lagslatnre s. bill pravidina- for tue commission iorm of goveru- met ln any callas nisiclicara- ta avait thenaseives of the act. This billI ras f raina-aiwitis Jolleta speciai na-a-as lu vien. Otiser aitdes, uutabiy Spring- fia-id sud Pearia, also bave manlfested a deep liktoeast ln tihe subject. After a confareuce at risicis nere pi-a-sa-t repreeslatives of a number of!Illi- nois cidlae.a uer bill has liaen tram- sel isicis Senatai- Bas-r is aaccepted as a auba4ituste for bis measure. Thua bill la modelai lu tise main after the so-caliai Des Moines chsarter nicisla realiy an sut of tise Iowa le- gielature applIcable ta aI1 ltaiteslain tisat tate sud risicis bas bemadapted by enotises-city basdea Des Moinee. Tise trat year of tise Iowa capttal's experlencetnada-r commission raie was cosnpleted tise ather day. Tisa year ras the- second ln tisa- iistarY ai Des Miles during nisîcistise cty liveil nitbin its incarne, Saving na-ra- nasae turaugis the abollisma-t oa ila- necui-ae lutise cR-Y service sud tisa isntroductioof a sbusiness-ise systa-i ai acoounting. Municipal collections na-re mare caraflly atta-uda-t tatissu farsoerty snd tise recelpîs na-me larger, despîtea s slu ra-veuusa-rous police- court fles-a Ioss resnlling frcoîn lie cottttstsplou'tacleaningup ofthctisa ttr "red-ight distict." Tise meastura- proîtosrd for Illinois cilles is more progressive 11 l'ssPo- litUcal faatira-S tissu istisa-na-w char- tar for Cbicago as framed biy tua- charter convention. it le inteudeai ta do away witis partisanuM-p ln muni- a i GREAT !XPECTATIONS FOR IIIGIIWOOD Arisa> Reformer Comas Buck Wlth Twenty-Sevnth Infanlry as Quar- termanter and Announces That 1He lea sm Rad> for Babl. as Before. New Army Order Aboilmises Exclu- sive Officers' Club* nt Pont. Tiserae na-aping sud railiug andl gnassing o! taetis amoug tise islid pig isea-pens ai Hlgbnud, wricisprois- ably faces anotiser strennaus ieform campuigu andi ganerai cIa-an up be- causa- todat- ane a-n, a Uila-aiStates armsyNffiçýrr. teppet! off a Notisrest- arn ltiin and announeai that ha- wauld lue uuatarmaser for tisa-Twn-- ty -s ýýthlItnfattny. tiseneisy cansing widespru'ud -consternation amona- thea alla-gedlIa- ireaierd. Tisa man was Captain Saviila- nha inore tisan auy one persan is responsi- hie for tisa passage of thisnle sud an elgistis Iwan sd tue sna-eping of tagai- lzeai saluons ont ai Hlghnood. cipel affara. 1ed -t e--tmaofc ad nouè efer nIl 11 Tiiis MU flot ouiy eli.inatea tile tt I, Lot be proaecuted tolte party colurnn and the. party cimloe lîrnit. 1 amrn office to progÇcflte tbh# fi-ar tise 6aot at elections but alec Iaw breaker, but I amnfot a detectI,, Waukegan News JUDGE ARTHUR M. FROST. (From Republican Nortiswestern, BelvIdere, Feb. 9, 1909.) Judge Arthsur H. Frost. wiso was regarded as one of the ieading iawyers lu Nortiser-n Illinois before bis elevation to a judgesisip, and who bas attatned a higli reputatïon as an able juriat during bis service un tise circuit benois lu this district cornes bpfore thlise rr for re-election iackedl by tise bar of his county. 'inehago, and wisat appear% to be a practically unanimous sen- timent lu that couuîrit)hat hlie 1e rieaine-d in a tôitio)nta Io hich bis abiiity and iutagril> sppccaly fil hlm 'liThe unatnmouasentimetel of approval et borne is reliected by a canemi iuoîuiat> ty troutrhoîut thse district, wbere .udge Frost Is wadi knasu ani bas a itof friends lbat lbe wiii poilia heavy vote lu al parts of tise district ls certain, as he Is everywhera- recog7niza-d as an able luriat snd a mtan of ripe.ned judgmext. fitted isy Instinct aud by training for tise Judiclai position wha-re lie bas heeu au bonor to bina- self sud btiste people of bis district. 73-lt - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --o- - - - - - --o What Ilectricity Means In the H'ome WHEN We talk of Electrir-ity ini the Home we are flot ouily referriîîg to the use of Electrie Light-Electricity i n the Home also means the ability to tîtake use of the variety of electrical household helps, which inake houeekeeping. now-a-days, a pleasure instead of a drudgery. It means contented servants and convenient. economical and sanîtsry conditions, which are un- possible withoasl the use of this modern sgency. 1Wu will furnimh estimâtes for wiring your home, and r. nul give yau co p loto information conoerning rate@ and methads, abslutely ithout charge ta yau, and rithout obligation ta use aur service. A telephaqe cali or inquiry by mail wil bring aur repreentative ta se you whenever and wherever you desire. NORTHI SHORE ELECTRIC COMPANY Phone 258 230 N. Genese St., Waukegan. 111. IFRED JOCIIIIIM SPECIAL ATTENTION Teiepisona No. 46' Libertyville Exchaenge BAKER and CONFECTIONER To ont of Town Orders1 Libertiyjifle And Shipping Trade 1 Illinois HOTELS AND REtAILERb SUPPLIED WE DELIVER TO ADJACENT TOWNS [-IV -----------O S S ~ 4~ ,,M JL ------------ - - - - - - - - - - - provision for a primaiy ln risics every voter rnay partIcipate. Tise naere of ail candidates for nomination appear on tise same ballot, tisere beiug nu Party 'deslgnatiou lu conuection nits any usne, Tise two candidates stand- ing nu Party detiignation lu counection with any nane. Tise two candidates. standing at tise bead of th is lt lu thse matter of votes receiva-d are tise nomineee for tise office ta wicis tiey aspire aud tiseir names atone are prlnted ou tise officiai electIon ballot. Whe-re more ttsaî une persan la ta ise electeal ta a givenl office tise nomma-ees are tise four or eigbt persans, as tise case may be, receivlug tise most votes at the primaries. This earneat effort of cities tbrougb- out ths tate la ta ulrnplify sud atiser- wiaa Imprave, tieir systerm of muni- cipal goverrnaent la a welcorne runt- te-station af tise aound public opinion andal aert gocctleznaip exlstlng In llnalm.--Cscago Daily ews. *State's Attorney Dady Manday re- pliai ta charges aileged ta have been made by Mhwsvod 'datactvea' vbo null not; revel tiseir namea the affect ikiat a relative of the state's attorney la conductlng a garnbling ganse. 'l knov of no aucis garne," aald tise atatea attorney. "No camplaint bas ever been- enter- "Tie minsutey refer ta la my con- sin, but 1 couid ual lieip tisat sud do> nul knaw, do nat bave tise ieast In- formation, bave nu complaiut, tisat ise la ruuulpg a gamblilg gaine. -I wili bay furtisermare tisat every mat s te esainle ln tise igbt af tise iaw attd If it were founi tisat tisis man la otuaratIsa a gaine lie wouîd feel tuy banud jut as ha-avily as aîîy minunut a relativet. The strength of a child. It la anrprising lu findisow f cw parents knar tise greai trenglis givimsz qualities of good osimeai. Muai af ibenatishink of i asa a food for liese turdy Scotch or tise brawny Englisman, and overlook ils value as a food for citdrenEvery non and tben a moîber wnl take ta f eed- 4n ber childrcn on Quaker Oais andi nI lie astonisheda It tair improyenent in trengtis andl vigor.': 0f course, abe tells ber frienda, sund they prove it for thernsela bpt every mottier la the £au7sauy oulal sec tisaI b«r ebldam r mrçt 4 .d vigooas, Plenty of Quaksr 0asOat qianoftený Wn ldo h. G,~cp qal u~lerO*WAtaJ reu se ~ ebsu ai loce isefaaiýr mis "eeiE0g t 2>, anm à*£mU as #*àUe eoulai.hI ga poea iof fGa"in for 0 Do.n't miss a day; sat Quaker ostis "ve arumg for brsaklasL 1 1 I- d Il el d il et 1. "M

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