THE LAKE-OOUNTY INIIEPEN DENT, FRIIIAY. .m.PJu;.9, o PAGE T*sIý" La ler Showi. Our wonderful showing of SURtS Is fast bringing this store way in the f lead of ail competition, and no wonder for they have the snap, wearing qualities and dlstlnctlveness put into $20.00 garments. The cloth is ail wool worsteds, velours,. tweeds and chevlots-all the new colors are represented, olive, gray, green, tan, j stone and taupe shades. Thest 9arments are made expressly for ~I: usàof peclal desigos, beinâg copies of the vrry Jltest class of clothing. No need to, ?o,,,k rther ttan this store for the best the market affords in ready-to-wear gar- n!ents. We' show a large assortment of Suits and Top toats, ran ingun prices from $10.00 to $30-00 Our Eester Showing iwluùdes Counp ete fnes of neckwear, fine dress and negligee 'shirts, hats, gloves, beits and fancy vests. Our Shoe Business .~2 is shoýww a quiclk response to the ex>- ceptIôna) values we e~ivnwe alunto .a littlé more quailty, a littIe more dis- *i%Étl'e ýtyIeeça fi j exchui-ve ýtore cas, afford to give-. Dress shoes GreatYallese .Boys' SweI in BoysSftScO T