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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 30 Apr 1909, p. 3

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T'l JAY PL 29"11991. i s pM Ny itA lin., E Oporti$t WOM~'&andMGES At Oa'atpst~p4sXin ýyr Known _S_& fe Rotunded ,turday, May 8, atfpM SEE OUR CIRCULARS FOR FULL PARTICULAjK$ 0F THIS JNIt ofqlu& piWsigo totWAU)KEGANI> ILLIN0IS, La th.Qausty cout cf 1 Roy bM. & 0la. Padm yPra Ullaboth Coulin, Anaà Coalia-JoaaCoalla. Il James conln, MBry ce 001l114. Michae eii, Se 1111a"eth =n-~. math hlmergeZomane. JouephiZ 9"1"al. Jacob Zehule, Ka 'r»ik Reckteawald, IM ,Jacob Recktm ;ýec i d, Margare1 Miller. Mary L«gu E Recbtenvald, Marp cala1 Cala, ber huabeni; BPm *rsucesMeaaey, WIlllaa eW, Jacob Zoalne, bus" Sabiale, nes Colie, Dai h..band nofRilaabth( empli eigel, hushan o Seoigel. Robert Miller, huel garet R.ektenvald Mille Godesbomube"doni Mary 1 e«. Edwaui Moorea, Van Louis Softer, the1 unki - Or owuers 0f or persons i the folowiug deacribed or -1perce fland, to-it: land 100 teet vide, lassal erli'an vesterly dlreeU tsndlng throueJa the Ouc W fer e ia ortheast lu tien 17, township 43 sorti OMeetof the ltid iPrincip Mai a part orthie nouasw Ofthie northeeel quarter1 tien 17, thie center Iue ofi seribed ase follova: Bee point 202 fee1 West ofi Hi Corner ni "id soullaveat tbe nartbeait quarter- of tbence north 0 dogrees veet 114.4 feet, iheuc a IL curved Une te thee IsO radius ni 1910 fet (coDe, 1>') 960 festthience north Id minutes vest 710.5 feeu viaclca l nortia 64 degrees test from a Point la tUs solt- quarter quarter in. lion 17, 1212 feest aI quater corner of au 17, contaliag 4.1 aere le».." "Unkuovia ovser of or persons interet fWOllovng demoebed pie Or tract of land, to-vil OfI lani100 i..t vide througbHie nortbeastenly1 norllavest quarteronithie quarter of section 34. lu uorth, range 12 esat o!thie thie center lins of vhichii àà follova: Begining on lins of sai quarter quaru West 0fthie norlasatCM nf,tHience souta 26 degre uteea st 393 feet,thiece & grees seat tO tUe saut 1Il quarter quarter section, 1.76 acres." "IUnkuown owi ers of Or Persons iuterested lOwins deacribd place. tract ni land, to-vit: A at, 100 feet vide extendingi gouthvest corneronithie es thie southwest quarter oi out quarter ni section tg 48 nortia. range 12 eatc Principal meridien, tUs cen viaicb la deecribei as fol] gianisg et a Point 49% fe t» » sullaeat Corner of quarter quarter section, tii. lng nortlveterly 75teset o lino te the. rtigit (concave n ]y)> havlng a radius of 359.q Ditnt on lthe West lune ni LW qatrquarter media nqg& OUf le oo&vestCoq et- outa&ning.02 ni ana« Owu *er or owners nt, is$«eeeln thie fohowing Pèce Dfe or trac ( bul A strlP of len! 100 feel vi principa ,1s ~ ginming et a point 116,4tae thiesoutiveat oruerofiSa quarter section, lieuce SoM grecs 62 minutes eat 1.6 fi - aotheasterly 298.4 feet eh lino te tUe rlght (c0seavo erli') baving e radius et M lUe sotH inhe onisnid!quert section, coulalsing .69 of ~'Uuknown owuer or ownm persons istereted la 15e decribed place. perseflor lardl, to-vît: A @trip et lam vide exteading acroas the qurtroter r i nqçtb'aa th6 t armt ie q=arterOfia tC'0»ébîp 48 noth, rang.-1 thba3di tncipal aeridian,i 4 :ko Vrilt la described a St a point $291 lemdEsai c la.portheast corner of said quar ter Quarter section, then north 59 de of [abs. sas: 9ree« 52 minute« veut 157 feet, thenct Lae. Cona$y. D nrthweBtei-lY 349 feet on a cirved U)ec w.Jlne tuthie riglat (concave northeaat APnos rr) having a radius of 716.8 fest tc I. Parsons, corner or aatd quarter quarter sec labiale. uese ton. contalnlng 1.2 acres." *"Unknowt KAte Confiei, ovner or owners of or personsaier 01111n1 Peter ested >in thes foilowing descrIbed ophale laie, psce, parcel or tract of land, to-vit: Las labiale, AiItbat part of a &trip of land 100 feef E"lnk Logisla ta ldth lying ilu the aoutbwest que.- iterlnO 0e1- ter o! the northsa.st quarter of sc Anale Eack- Uqj 20, township 43 north. range 12 Raal, John Zt of the lrd principal menidiam ls&tanvald and exlending 50 feet on eacb aide OCUMo. 500 of a center Unfe wbtcb la dsscrlbed as Mdi Thomnas followa: 1eç lning at the southeant MX Meaney, corner ni sai quarter quarter sec- iRoreberg- Lin, thence norlis along the eat line nd of Amn nf sai quarter' quarter section 525 ci Gerlt7, feel, thence northwesterly 400 feet on arrItY, Jà> a curved lune to thie leit (concave fi Katharine weste.2jy) having a radius of 573.7 babil nf Mar- test. tbence uorterly 476 fest on a r, Lawrence curved lIns to the right (concave is. M GOd- essierly) bavlng a radius of 955.4 ieet lieuaeisfoM t a point on the north lins o!fsaId bovu owner quarter quarter section 339.6 festt vea nterested lnof thie notiesat corner of sai quar- tract, Place ter quarter section, containing 2.5 A trlp of acres." "Un known owner or ovnens 4 ln a nortla- of or persona lnterested ln ltas tollow- lduc and sx- Ing deecrlbed plece, parcel or tract of thweet quar- land, to-vît: A plece oi land tui the rter of sec- northeaat corner of the nortlwaes t, railge 12 quarter of the southeset quarter nf »J meridiansection 20, township 43 north range 12 'vat quarter eent niflths 3rd principal meridian, o! sald sec- descibsi se follova: Beglnnlng ai whlcb la de- a point 164 fest soutia nf the oort*aees lnailag et a corner o! sai quarter quarter sec ea nouthast lion, thence nortia 164 feet. thence Lqua4ter of vest 43% t est. thènce soulheastenly seetin 17, on a curved Une (concave easterly) 46 minutea baving a radius of 687 feet to the lrtberly ont place of beglnnlng, cnntaing .18 of 1. haing a an acre." And "Unknown owner or ave weeter- owners of or persona lnterested ln 1 29 , 55e hie followlng described pince, pare4 i tu a Point or tract of land, to-wlt: A strip ni 1 eaat 489.5 land 10 feet vide, tbe center Une of enorIhansd wicb lo descrîbsi as follows, lBe- ,< of sa1 sec, glnning at a point ln tbe vesthUe of If the iaortli Hie eas bal! of the nortbeast quarter 4d seOU0iofnitue nortbwest quarter nf section M more Or 26, township 44 nortb range 11 sast Or nwners of tbe 3rd P. Ni., 250 fret south of tbe id lnthie nortbwest corner of sai east bal! of ace. parcel sald quarter quarter section, tbsnce t:A strip east 700 feet more or lesb parallel ewtonding wltb and 250 fret souili of tbe nortb part of thie lIne of sai section 26, to tUs renter bsouthwest lHne of the sait! proposed dilic. ownsbip 43 Condemnation No. 847. o ard P. M.. The requlsite indînges an orier of la decrIbsi the co'.ty court of Lake County i thes nortli baviiqg been made sudthie requlite ber 4656fet aliavîts baving been filed in my of- ruer there- fice,ase by the statutsln u scb case "s 22 min- madle and provided, notice le bereby xUhi 58 de, given ta the sid John S. Carman, Ine of saad Roy M.' Parsons, James Conlin, Mary oontanlng iýoulas Gloien nre Reckteaiwald, uer or ovn- Lawrence Gloden, busbajai of Màry i in thie fol- Lous.UMoien. Mary Cain andl Thlom- Parcel or as Can ber busbandandsuihie rrpos anHi "Unknovai owuer or ownsrs of or set hsIf aofpersona Intereste lnbthie fllowlng the nortia- described plece, parcel or tract o! S, toUlI5ia4 land, to-wtt: A strlp of land 100 feet Pi Hi w ide running ln a notherly 5ad veat- ofte hue 0 erly direction and extendiuag tirougli Iowa: lu> the soutbvest quarter o! 11e northaeat ~ iquarter of section 17, lu toÎniship 43 es a of forth, range 12 eat of the thIri prin- said ha cpal meridian, and a part o!thie m ouve orthiest quarter of lte northeest Squarter of sai section 17, tUe no«fet w acenter lUne of wbicb la iescribed sal eet se follova: Beglunng et a point 302 fu, 57 estfet veet ofthe southeant corner of )rner there- sIi soutbvest quarter o! the nortia- Cre.", "un» east Quarter of section 17, Hience ,or persoa n ortla 0degrees 46 minutes veet 114.4 cdescribed feet, tiasoce norbsrly ona a curvsd nd, to-vît: lins tuthie lett, having a radius of de extend- 1910 fret (concave weterly) 960 feet, conr iience nortb 29 degreese 16 minutes thie aortha 130at 720.6fet tua ePoint vlalcb la in to nortb 64% iegrees,east 499.5 feet fotsr rom a point luthie n" ua.fd soith t ofth Une ! uater-liue of aaid aeelon 17. 1212 lter:Une Of et suthof thie north queter coir- et nortb o!ner of, sai section 17, ocataling 4.1 id quarterace. uth.k 69 de- 'Unknoovu ovuer or ovneemsqt or set, timce persona Izterested lilia he lxloigý * eurved describei piece, PArcel ut tract «If soutlavat- land, to-it: A &trip o! IUaa4*0 lem- 54 teet to vide extending hoi41 er quuier erly part ni enorIfit 9 *à ber"thie southvest qurtar ý- - 44 M% of dir township 43 norlh rangeji. folmiàg 2ri principal meriian. the q l ine rst c« f 9«whlch le decrlbed e lWs Bi LU fiesBeglnning on the noti l o fi OeM4e tcorer thaere 28, 2dege~3eiu limac th h-U8 the Ceter «Ut 1 of *ma sas fbwa: ics d 1a-7b, Li teet. omth Uk o bver or0UINior, r- Perisne nteresta liathie folovlng 1the court la"e ii the (City of Wau W edecbelPlace, parcel or tract O! hegan In sai Lake Vounty and that e land, to-vît: A etrip ni lani 100 fret sai luige onioreal notice tu Us given J ai wiie exteniiug acrosa thie southvest nif auch hearing. ail as by the statute1 s.corner Ofthiee «t al!Oithe Us outia- lia siciacase Made aud providei;n- tewet quarter ni the northeaat quarter tics la alan given iliat a summonsL et of section 28, tovnahip 43 corth range ibsrenpon 1,5tusd ont of eaud court Att >-12 est ofthie 300 principal meniian. againatthie above îanied respond- vni 'n tUs centen lins o! vhlch la desecnbed ente andl iseudante eturnable etthieeeai r- as folows: Beglnnlng at a point 49 % lime andi place afore.,aid as la Uy law stalle( ýd fret eaat ni the southwest corner of requlreal and Hiat sait suit and lpro- Out. -: sali balf quarter quarter Section, 1 ceeiing la still peniing and undie- Th etbthe extendilg nortbwe..terly 75 !eet poged of>. JTUe ron a curved ins tathie 'rigbt (concave ALBERT I., HENDEE. lJoUic -northesaterlYî havlng a ra5dis o! Clsrk nf the Counîs Court o! Lake isl L2 359.3 fret ta a point on thie veutline Count>', iiinoiW, ed lu 1.o seat lbal! quarter qluarter- sec- . WankeMa, Illinois, Apnil 26(h, A. Iiighb la i 57 feet notb o!thie sutwet .1909. 0f con a corner Hiereof. containlng .02 ni an - PAIL Mat-GltFFIN, gv st acre'ý ORViS & BEAIUBIEN, gv c Unknovn ovaier or ownsrs of on torýs admini ýe Persana interestes ln thie folnwing Atrssail ni ýdescribsi place, parcel or tract ofetete land. to-vit: A atrip ni land 100 fret SInte ni Illifu Couty or Lake, s: e. tr s ide exteni.ingtHirougla the uoutbwest HEst" 0ftAugustiiýW HBraiway. morei Y corner ni the nortlaveet quarter of!thie deeeasei. until1 anortheast quarter ni section 28, tovu- Tothie Halas, Legatees and Iie- No a ,, sbip 43 noth range 12 eat o! tUe vise. of sai kugustus W. Bradway, Nr. t ri principal meldian, lias center lins decessd. Von are ienehy notified, ter irc i oi which te describei se follova: e-tHiatI have dieu ln the office ofthie Sirs et ginning et a point 196.7 iset nr-Hi ni County Cerk ut Lake Cuunty Ilîlinois r- thie southeet corner of sali quarter my final report of rny acts sud do- trip Io 5quarter Section, Hience soulli 59 de- inga s ezestor o! saii estate. and Mies -s res 62 minutes eat 19.6 feet, that 1 IyU enoue 1 lt day ai M4y A. in chi( r. Hience soatbsasterly 293.4 fee1 On a D. 1909 appWr ta tUe ludge of ssii rs f crvi in l He igit(cncve Court 1t a bve Hie saune approved, Mr.sJi e aouthwesterly) baving a radius 0f and vilI, ai lhe'same time and place ,956,4 test te the soutia lins nf idaik an onier ci court for a diecharge reslden rt quarter quarter section, coutalulng aususcb execulor, ai vUicU time sd many 2.68 of an acre.' lc o a n radojcai e e k, 'Uuknovn ovaier or owner% o! or yplace yuma pafait.ei.i aeU ,t iersons interested li the !ollovlng Yusslt It descnîlasi piece, parcel or trat o! Dated this l6th day ai April A. 1). > land, to-wit: A strip o! land 100 feet 1909. Stau wiith, extending acro*n tUs nortia- G. Wý FITCH. V east quarter ai tUe narthwest quarter Executor o! tUe Lust WaiI and Test- o! the nonilivest quarter of section amont ni Augustus W. Badway, de- 28, towniship 43 nonth rangs 12 east ceageal.93I f othie 3nd principal meniian, tUe cen- r ter lins o! vbich la ieecrlbei as fol- ~ ~ Iowa: Beginnlng t a point 329 feet South ai tUe northeast corner of ssii Druigiat'a Mistake Contae*8,46. quarter quarter section, thence nortb New Yonk. April 28-Eiweni F. Mia- 59 degrees 52 minutes west 157 fret, et, a iruggust, viii have ta psy Mrs. thesace nontlawestenly 3.49 feet an a EitHi Drey-r $8.000 and Uer husband cunved lins to tUe ight (concave $460 for do-tors' hbis and no-dicines. northeasterly) baving s radius o!f Mm. Dreyer sas maie 111 as a resuit 7 168 feet te a point 384 feet vest of ni a mistake maie lia a prescription. tUe nortbeast corner o! sali quarter quarter section, contsining 1.2 acres" orCapabianca Defeata Marshall. r Uknw onr rows for New York, April 28--J. R. Capablan-. pensons IntereSîsilu inte follovlng CaHe 1describei piece. parcel or tract o! the uban -hampion, atter flfty-two landi, io-wit: AIl that part nfIla "trip movesscored his second ictory ageinst of lnd 10 fe l inwidthilylng1luthie Frank J. Mairshall of 'Iisacity ln die soutbwest quarter ofthie noriheset ffith gaeeof their olass match. quarter- o! section 20, lnwnship 43 nonth, range 12 eastofithie thIard prn- Wright Amateur Cu* Champion. cipal mueriian, and exteuiing 60 fret New York, Apa-li 28.-H. A, Wright on each aieeo! s center lins vbich la of lSen Francisco von hie national descrihed as fnlows: Bening K t amateublliard ChaMplonsip by de- tUe southeast corner of saI quarter feeling C.F. Conkliani Chicago b>' a quarter section, thence north along thiesast lins o! ssii quarter quarter soe of 400 ta 317. Section 525 feet. ibence norHiwester- ly 400 fret on s curve i linsta tte The Wmther. leit concsve westerly) ai bslne- lFnllnwing le theOofficiveathen dine o! 573.7 feet. t&esce nOrry forecat: 475 feet on s curved lins teahMa . Illinois and Iudiaa-Falor today; igbt (concave easterhy) having a showera toaournv. radius o! 955.4 feet to s point on the Lover Nlchlgan-llr toiay; show- forth lins of sai quarter quarter ers probable tnmrryov. setion 1.1< G !eet west o!thie nortb- Wiscon suad lOVa-lit toda>'; eat corner o! sii Quarter quarter ahovers tomorrov. section, containing 2.5 acres." -Unknn onser or ownera oi or H LXE persons interesei lu thet, îowîng TE IAK describeai plece, pancel or tract o! land, to-wit: A plece of land liathie Cash Grain Martket. notheset corner ni the uorthweat (obsfage. Avril 27. quarter o! the southeste quarter of Wne ha > aal:N.2rd Section 20, lI township 43 nortia*.8%14½ No. 3 red, $1.25Q range 12 east ofthie 3ri principal 138- No. 2 bard, Sd%1,7;No. meniian, descnibedalse follova: Be- ginaing et a point 164 feet south o! hard, $l1B.2% pring vhsat thie nortlteast norner ni ssii quaa54,- hi saniple. No. 1 northeru, $1.20%Q quarter section, thence nortb 164 fret, 1.2%; No. 2 nontheraa, $1.18%01.22; tbence veat 434 feet. tbence South- No. 3 apring. $1.1501.20%. Con i' easterl>' on a conved lInes(cncave sanaple: No. 2. 81c; No. 3 yeliow, eaBterly) hevlug a radius o! 687 feet 73%c; No. 3, 71c; No. 3 vhite, 72%@ ta thie place or-beglnuaing, eontaing 73c; No. 3 yelnw, 72%078%cé; No. 4, .18 of a acre." 69@70c. Oasib>' anaWpe: No 2vhite, orpnositrss i i olvn ht 26canal 'Ueknovn ovuer or ovias ofn 67c; No. 3 white, U645%c; No. 4 I descibsi pions, pancel or tract of Chicago Livé, geeck. landa, to-vit: A strip of land 10 ftee vide, tbe center lins a i Ula de e-' Hosa-Receipta 9,0W. Quetations ecribsi as inîlowa: -Bsginuing at a ranged et $7.4007.45 for eholc e aay point ln thie el lins nithie eut shpplug, $7.20@7.25 lhuIt aixed, 87.25 haitofithie norffltâst quarter ofthie 07,30 choices lght; 47M97à6 heay uotHiveat quarter of section 25, lova- »ecking, $6.006 -oli te choies sbip 44 nortia range 111Seatof thie Slm zPlu&- P.M- M,20 est ponbttAic h.eusl 0"OatI-Recelpta 1.5* Quoations cerner o! salieut$ 1hm! f sai qu rter aug et 16.5@iASai cito"ce ta guarler »seon, thegos, at 10*test - steers, 1*6 g, g <d t moesor bs 5251 villa d ta Wst Souhth hela nrta11. ! au 4b" elsters, s ood la section, 25.,1 asecmns l1 n e loeebiir. I god1 i*cice p~ou ilea."- boloS catves. *56,535 elecîsi I'gthe laabSO fnaw pt im tqr s,14.4004.75 pueS te choies pe- >~mp--eceIts A*5Quotations - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a $a, ~ tir'., gie 8.0008» 6 1SÊ te ces tle I l 4 «, s el we o o le al s h e êp , 1 1 0 e 4 0 f a ir tu Àî is, mïbucoeair shor lamal4,tbd*ff,25 shora et aIday cf June, A.-1b. 1909, at NMr. and Ins. Harget ans nelolciug Edard Ambheret Ott Collecte Mucti over tUe arrivai o! s baby girl. Mater-l Thora. TUe libnsry williUs open tnmornow (Prom Wsdnesdara Bun.) nigbt from 6:30 to 8:30. Fý H Adms o Chcag wasa bsl- Probebl>' viltU te purpose o! aid- ness visîtor bers yestenday. lng9nais tu bis fanions series ni lac-, Jos. Mlorocos litte chiai la qute Ill ues, noted for ieir searciing aiy- with pneumoni. . tic quaht', H ari Amherst Ott, je- Chas Erer mplyed t te nvaltuner, author sud physicien tu isai Chas Erer mplyai t He nvalciice, la gathering mucb maleria la station lo on tbe sick liaI. Zion City' !rom frequent visite and le J. F. Sturtevant of Chicago vas a Oniso!rthe chaseat observe"s of is business visitor lailovai yesteniay. toda>'. Ho la compîhin>' hie lecture$ Into book form tu relseni thean. Eat Buffalo Vve RSock. East Buffalo, N. Y., Aprll 27. Dunning & Stevens, LIre Stock COan- misaion Mi enchante, East Buffalo, W.,, ,i STAR VES AMID PLENT qunte asa illova: Caltle-No arrivaia. Hogs Receipta 1Ô1 cars; marbet Former MInster Etther Unable t. laiý sîrong; UeavY. $7.76; Vorkers, $7.40@ or Deter-mlnesi te D. -, 7,65; pige, $7.15C7.26. SUeep and Aktron, O., April 27.-Willim Lambs Receiptu 6 cars; mlarket ne>' Andrews, former mli lter, satlW4 sleaiy; bUsaIlambe, *7.40; yearllg, himself tu death sîther fa-ou iliet $5.50@6.00; vethers, *6.2605.40; becusge Us couli not meL swes, $4,50@4.75. Calves-Best, *4.50 "1 am dying Inch b>' Inch; stevk& U7.25. Io icalb. 1 have not satesa a tI Elgin, Butter Mar-ket. egg J»t- a veek. 1 am ver>' veali, Ib ElgIn, April 27. deed."' This vasthie note Aifeig Creamsry, extras, 28e; prinIs, 28c; luit He vas smployei as a stea extra re, 21c; firsa, 232c; dairisa, lna e Unel sud didfroan lack n fot extra, 23c; fines, 21e; paeking stock. wUlcU eacb day be supervisie he 17c. paralbon ni elabcrata momie, North Cnicago the regular council meeting lent lg the new City Councl vas In- ed and the old officers stepped efirat maynr of North Chicago- Sherwin-was given an enthu- reception to whicb he respond- Sa few Wel chosen words. tbank- si fellow workers for the spirit omradeshlp -ezpressed; be aiso ashort outllne of wbat the new nistration hoped 10 accomplisb, fwhich tende toward the moral niment of the City. Atter a few remsrks the meeting adjourned Frlday niglit. appointments were made. liargot le entertalning bie sie- rm Chicago. BEveret has returned from a 0Chicago. ;Mina Folliard spent Monday cago vislting scbools. BBerney Who ls the guest of John Greenwood is an nid time ,n of Norh Chicago and bas friende here Whio are giad to er. "The Clothes For The People That Care" Hart, Schaffner & Marx Suits, Top Coats and Cravenettes -"I 2 5 VIRYf4BALL WOOI. sad Prices range $1fro$m5 mum ' A V ~ The Great Clothes E - and SbocStore of - - - - - - - - - - - i! ,Prayer meeting tonight at the home 1 MAY LECTURE ON ZION CITY 1- - H. NI. Henry. 1

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