tCQUNTY IrNOtP'ENDEN' OFfllAL Âst* 0FLAi<È coum« ?aiepisoss140,. I.arltS*s Rodes TeaeplserieNe. 1141. UbertyvaleFi Exeb55 iBeri stb1e l'reWOtrse t t<ler-ttIe, TU-,. asSecond C&"a Marer iMuus eaKXc. aovBgTIavisr "Tu arse anaKNous OltA1.LiuATaOIC. SUSSCRIPTION PRIGE $1.50 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE tFRANK Hl. JUST............................................. .................. Edior .M.KELLEY ......................................... -............ City Edttar FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 1909. FOR CHEAPER SCHOOL BOOKS.- Thee tlght te roe th e pr-be of achool booksain Illinois ha. reacised a crIticel stage In the egislatur-e and tiser-e are prospecte of a eatiefactnry suolution of the question. Ample proct ha* been produceti, fot orly that Illinoia puplilapuy monteriaiiy higiser prices fer tiseir beoks than are ciargedI n caverai ther etatea. but tisat'prices ara ridiculously high as conipareti with thse acturîl colt ef manufacture. Tier. seema te be no question that eome sort of a lase il ba pacaci. Thse difllcuity ia tisat great influence la belng rnerted *e laduca thse leglature to adopt a measure tisat oeten*ibly willi ofer relief, but atualliy wili permit tisem te continue tise extortion. Tise $UN favori the fixing f a specific lumit to thse cost of acisoci books, basi on tise ouest prices for whicis thoe bookstA re cold Iin other 1,tAlte. It seul aid If parents ilîl avail themselvel of any opportunilty 10 iéxoroea treir vies 10 Mr. Stearnaeor other legiciator. Great pressure la being brougit te bear by tise book Interes andth ie deairati legélion la flot going to resu It sitisoar effort on tise part eft tise who puy toi' thse bocks. SMALL GROCERS URGE TARIFF REFORM t Urging Prosident Taft te loosan tisa tarif tentacleas -'ths shici tise Sugr I Truat octcpira equexetifrom ail Amer-loin conuer$a-iOver *100,101)0 t t ysecr, tise cuetomeri etf100,000 amai grocers, isroughot thtie lad isave cent a te tise Wite Pieuse a final pian for a rosi jeduotion on tiis universel isoue- bselaneceeity uhicis cengresi sarefuti ln tise fade f potitions fomm Ibo p..,1e of every tate in tise Union. Tisrougistise conimittet cfutroele groceri, wiicis ia* heen fermed in Wasington to asslet ln obtainlng cieperi ugir- for consumneratisr-ougis reductiors ofduties on ravi andi refinedt uir, tise boend* and hisucseives of over 500,00 Amer-loin familles have recordeti their rspport f thia movement, whicistisa officiai figures sow cen reault In an auarrril aving of 885 teevery hisesctlu ntise land. Only theo intervention cf1 the Prealrent'ean cave tise sage eareiers ofthtie entire counýry fr-cm payiug1 tribute et breakfast, dinner and supper te tise powertui trust whicis hanscadifled arsgar on tise plain people witis a burden of duty eigit tîmes tisat en diamonda, it la declareti. lncludad ln tise tisouande ot petitlcners againit tiis trust tax on tiseir daily food are isundr-sds of grangeri and taCmeres who have iauteiedti taregiter tisir protet over tise counters of tise village groceriea ln ever-y section c1 lisecountry. Ten millions cf farmera today puy.a two cent tix on every pounti of eugir- for their- iseiisd, tisoy point out iolely te gave a bounty te lae thana isundredth iousand f armeras iso are engaged in raiiing mir beeta fer tise trust seiicis la knosevite o trol tise dcmoitfic produot. Thougis tisin letise greateel fruit growing countr-y in the word, It le furtiser-amer-led, tise atuntlng of tisa canulug sud preser-vinq, lndetry tisrcugh teck of ciseap cugar today robs tis e trmner cf seist migit b. an enorauous demanti for- tieir fr-ui. Juel *$14Z72,347 couiti have been ived te tise houitkeepers et this pO5llty l year selhout tise tariff tax whiicis tieseuger truet seould par- po,*wMlaib tise Adrishbill, t le sWh by figure. takon from govem-meet satetc Tlsat augir, tise daily neceeety cf tise plain people, la now eciseduleti t a traseparent joker te continua et au 80 par cent tariff rate, seisle cham- p4ae laceb. taxed only 5par- cont, automobile. 45 par cent, fur* 35 par «M and ai antiligc andi statsir-y 20 par cent le doclarai by tise coneumere lu their peUtll e1 Procédant TafIt t be a cime herden aud discrmination WeilI wet hie loclclng mb ilnt tisaUrne, wHEAT'PNorTI4Eil Tise whst crner .atablihd ln Chic» tiaW blasth act tisat tihé consuU11UI of this àw urhuilecapitailtpclatora. Our rnO ti atter erio» ecomiderOflO a-'tiis f affir, wisen a handffulicf c&pIt ï0ciety and ehove th*ise"-aUP te On un tsý mo&sIi"0Iofetppie of thié ccSntry. Haq W have a tarif cof 25 conta par e.~t ylait tagrif àoo. not besseit *Il -wu- osoente - md witout li w1 * fr,&w.utd b. iMpomeetbc f W e%,Ut a hlsh Ngueethora,.wcsld i .'* Oneda smi rgenti4l% uhich vwuiu f ~betwihostcernariflg th*e w .b emiy tilstisaI congre...b.l ilV lb taifon uleat. Thsis ia on a «iifM» Ipi tçgbe la &AM t-thh. i e b.fé ««0 la nM toisaSs oln - rtiCle o Me <ei ta pay an .aroebiatat Fb. ina'tas feataireet tlb.s ta agoenreuo i aeend ao»M l'hTaer -etw 1fiiet &ml as beibutbot uaP et h. sy , Ilae thir jue OMMreof laitiofi, boffl jcff tis tx. ise na.eefoi Il teas he tia4 eha.been tihe grat de ecMtem are isariis f rom Ilsir contittlOn th». deerobility cf an in-osatex and a si ta understafld tisat unie» th«y support a oaatter th ,.ext riectio'. Tier. ha$ thlsCountry ien tise peopie wuc ro sfi »otoir-c and represCntativeln congres Wtceediflgly uic. thIflg for- them ta kee aentcil and congfCaifliCf, they are nt fi tisair wisos carried into lau. MRS VERONA SENSOR DIES IN COLORADO'- ivl ~< We have receive-ilt tht. office a COPY, of the Montrose Press, ofMoratroee,Golo , cont"ring the illowiug obituary notice. The !amiy at unr- turne re8ided ira the; toWn of Ela and are w, lil krowu ira Lakte lo Mir*. Verona esor, uoth.r'ril Mr%, P. L. Butchins, died at tire laui houe thisy Naturita. on April 10. She wa@ r es iWotii. olilset ladies ira thre ourty.a ferons Mras wu aborniniraWindsor guty, VermontMarcb 1,18~22. Witb a te abs muvei ta Chicago in 1 be aswaa unite in ramarriage JeiW. Benor ona Nov. 4, 1837, to u" lisewosnbore six chidrera, '*hm Ii R., o1 Waakegau, 111.; W., of Ëkarrnount, la.; D. J., of WIaaanis B. Dodge, of Cedar -;adAuna BeOleHutebins, o1 Colo; etill survive ber. She to @layette, la., in 1873 uhere aeor died lu November 1885 . of73. lTey bath ntedl IL'*T . îch aI araausarly «e g.tie stive. Cansistant ruembera Ilile. Mths r Senior 4oOloole 1909 wth ber A»»Bele we2 %o 9e stth flo 8 eadled -Marontwasira Nela tinnates'y on April 18. Tag ýDay. batsrdai, <May lIs. wahu se a manwbo vai nt tagged Wbo d itédo ]Hé e dprt, Ad wbeo lb. e renpmdded bite, Tbey ftoid hob ba lbt. 0 ti p ti b. F ci là r( Ic tl fi t Board Proceedings. reournia ngo by Mr. Patten hic calîrd atten-1 A mpei. ssion othtie vllage boud CH r countr-y ar-enetirely il tise f cango.teetolateingwaseWi p e ti b Congr-e.enen in Washington are Preeldeet H. B. Eger, ar-ir stateti that for- i la admittedto te h a crSicai tire p¶rpases aftihe meeting waa. ta 4 talge on ornr te weatOf hecoaa he isvote of the tecest estction, chah m corer tie uhet0ftise s board gomef linte a comeattee of the saeaacssable figur-e, tisereby robbiug uhaielur tbat pur-pose. i«qver, tise remedy le à very simple Muved b y Corett sud Keaier that hsmie on whleat Imprtadinl thisa. B. E4ger havtng receivedth ie sejorisy4 aifithe votes mc eaIhadeciared preeliet of of thea fermer* 91 tisecocuntr-y, lme eboard. Thse amot wu pot ce tariff the grmaits-hat corner tisat Kaiser andi tar-tet unaaamodcî c or th. a oi00 that ac clnatise Movet by KalieV sid Coretît taat 0. be a trenie.dole inpcrtlg cf selet F_ Lynchs havlug ruesveti a majorgly of4 t soderIl nipeeibe t r-ise te voile o hm declareti a member otf d Pnde ItImPulie e rt" hethre vilage boardi. Motion cara4.ed. rt f tih e 1*i. ucrit, seicis cou' M ovai by I)àvkni(~ ~ s W" evitng rciyrgj a majoi yofth ,irg urggd te din luths matter- le te voles coati b.mtecard a member aiflb.e ef tihe befi lIluotratilon cf tise avli boaid-Mono"a c«ieei. Moveti by Kaiser and Davbtat aB. p srnation cftparile oco emmcu, sud Scianebele iraving reetved a mnjority o! ecoekity seUl ha ccrnering and thua tise votes ceut hm deaet! Mtda t pies .mer of aithse village hourd. Motion iri bll saicauadqula abi r-'. Morail hy Cor-t ead Kaiser that lno e.rtily reos wiy tise grmet Abert Faulkner iravlng renIved a Opeffle eoftisapeuple ciculdti bc hamajority ofthtasvote.sceut ha declaret aido .obody hma er- dspubsi lisee eW a meber ai the huard -for on. yealr te du vaeaacy. motion carils. ty le fmai cf tOilequestion. M"er.i- Colett tat#4 irai hm bai Ob propae- Itender et tise millonairlesa but tise«. tien tto pism belote the board An utaînne areerai teni coce-nn rkourty= , ubo ulabsti hie nace nu i ne uffleseaitrmhave berni gîvei uthld, lis alretta perchas.e' W Ire mote 0"trs aveboo 9'enpublie drtakting loeltainta ha'pae in an ircome tix, they '.111 romain it th. par-kutir tiste understandiaag tiraI neyer been a lime in tise isitery cf %Us. village pars- thePOof iuget&iling free te exprees their ulises te tise erire. Mor-n lrv LyaikI1&i î; tirrrxtire prupoiitaou L. auOeeObed &a t tise praent ie andt iseleau Motion rrr-e. p up, for- une»i tiey seatch thier- Cerlett aiea preeetedt ater- proposi. likely te hosWeilI rpresenteti or have tion regsrding tire rew toueitain tiras te ready ta be pissced up town. Reestrateil tiret Ifthe tountaijauer-e plaet don Mlwaukee avenue near tbe carner ut Cook avenue in rototaitie Cook property 1tire village wouid h. reievet ai th cont Atditionai LibetMiie of pua~tti it in. Movet try Kaiser anti [)avis tirat tire oerbeaccepted Matioe MIr. ad Mr@. C. N. Durant were cariet. iitors in Milwanukes, Moiday. &t ths suggestion ut the presiderat it Miss tManette îîiggiumras -teleatty ur. decide torucatil anotirer- special hfaseil a fiue combination homse Ut ieu, meeting ut the board un Friday evening a. Kaur. fer the pur-pose oftfixing 1h. amount ot the saloon icens for 1h. coing year. m Tirere are ikety over 4liti aueof Each urumber- ofthtisaoar-tipresented a C oberrraiomis Ira Lakte coraray andi it i» bill for salay for the, year uirieh uer- gpreatirag. May latiseTag Day. auditet by the fnancs cour altte; Davi The Epwortb Leaguereî are ru try tir beirag appoînte t ta1111 vacaccy on thal Australian ballot ira their- anual etectiona cammittbo. Muved by Kaiser andi Lynchi iis week at tireborne o! Mrî Nesbeom. tiat the bille h. paiti. Motion car-r-ted. rua fuil tickets have teet noaninatec Foluowing ar-e the amautas: je tr crtet tl .boiriteetigH. B. Eger-, salary .............. *20 0 and instr-uctive. .Aiea.......... 0 Tirom. CurlettI.............. 2000 G. F. Lynch,. . ............ 21 0 Tag Day. Saturday, <May lit. c. .Davis, ................... 0 Fr-marnaquarter- toas iundreil dolls, . H. Kaier, .. ........ .. 1 0 Sa th pr-ees -anTirs village ctrt nformedth ie board Witrb everY tag the gir-i. pinnet lon, that a nenaber af u.tea constimera uer-e Tirs hetter feit tire man, ver-y sow u lep bIir- bRil andi uas instruclet by Ib%. o=rdte collent the Any lady rester- ai tht. pper- wlifullamonul oi tie bille wthont the reere on requeet. a clever- "No-Drp tdiscount andt @tau off thse water if th CafeSu Biner Coupon privîlege fr-an billi uer onot pai. Property ounere Dr. lIboop, Racine, Wis. it laveîvr viii Le heutfor- me Il th renter- dosa platot, ver-y rietty anti - ti et psy. pagttlveit dMuret by Wel1îadt Lynch thal a vote prevea.ahdpping ai tes or- caSe. y @ TeDoctar seris it, uitb hie Dou irees0ot tianke ire extentedtotaC. E. Kaiser- book ara 'Heallirurie ianpiy ta the retir-tng member ai tisa huard. ietr-uduce thinsclerer- ruhtitute forr eai Mtion car-r-te 'e4ifee Dr. Shoaps Heaitir Coftee lm Morei b Y Corlett anti Davts that the brgit great pplrt ea f meeting adjourri. Motion carriet. I l#ntnit exqulite ta.adflavor-; R H OLTVlaelrk second, itse8 ppuiebar-tv bleue t: hirHdLLv ilaeCirk ite scacamy-f4 lh 2;-): ioajtb, is converaierce. No tedions 20) ta 10 mira- Tag Day, Saturday, May jet. nIimbotlbng. "Madin traSminute" Bave HP lm the fineet mmin letoue, Dr. Shoop. Try it at youor grocer-'., fur Hie wite about ina braill, a OLT p&menteu- RiE. EIC Becaur.e uhera h.came home atelgcht COHLETT~~ H ROIiIS e wuscoter-et up uita toge. Now cornes the season wheu the small boy Peersthrough the knot hols with great joy. Onudyvrirg, A pril25th. Ltbery- n tu i.aigsNo.9511, of the IradependeInt t. >re utôdFeilows csisbrated its fi Iraamiverery anad la l b. 9Otb a ituiv*ryof the carder, te the M. E.. bc t &bci.Aouat titrty Odd Foilows tram i.rakegusa ad Highland Park iodges Se preset.t Rer. Lauler, pastor of th. M. &. churela preslded, and by a Secueila coinciauce lii texte for the eveninu wsre Ithe story oft he Oood Samaratan, and of the covenanat hetween ohnatheu andi David, hoth ot which Sare no fanailer to stary Odil KeIllow, as Se etempiity saure ol the priecipies ut Seevolence and charlty ulaicl Odd S'liowehtp teacires. The m. E., b ch4h chLoir r-endered eeveral utril selecei 11ev. Chas. Barke,, ot Milwaukee, @tale repreeentative ta the sovereigit grand lodgs from W iconsin usathe speaker ut the evealng and da the people ot Liberty- ville, -look about as gondl as tbsy do le Mrilwaukee," he lavoreil thena with a nost eloqaient ajdres. Ho relateil hou 910 years ega, uhera th. City aofl1*lttmore Sas ie th. throe. o1 3eilow lever, lias Sradepeedent 01rder ai Odd Fellous was organtsi utis a momalerehiP 0i only lire; how tlaose ive nebravely tought the mach dreaded dissas. and did d0 ranch ta relieve the diétreesed, care for the stck andi bury lthetend, and hou the nemberebip bas satiy ncrea»e exttl L-day ik nuexhere rrrariy 1, &,000 etrang iscidin thes Behekah lodgs. HeVery cebl&zlawthe -eing of traie relIgIon, tbe relion that Odd Fellowshtp teaches and therelore beieg oft greai sim eta the Ciarch In the upllfting ai mankind, Our grand order was the ir-et to taire ap the great retormi work ira ceonection ultir the anti-eaiora qeestbon, anad hi caneed' raay a man ta brave rap an l ead a better flte andi ber-ore a bettet citizen. Brother Barber aiea explairasi the uaeauing ai the "three lltits." which signity tihe gra.nd motta ai tiae order. namneiy, triendettip. lave aud ar-utr, and iltuatrated ie isexplanatioa with corne il hie aura experiences wiih were 4ome tirae examptes ot traie Odd Feliowship, andl lar the benetit of those wha were pieIndiceil. fer urakrowra remsui, agairast the.-8e ecret societies, he gave the reamoars wiry they have *a@*wands, sigr8asnsd gripa. Wosarier!ul, ta relate, stoe heariog Brother Bsarker's sddreso eterybody ira this enterprisirag clty ai aura loobs upon Odd Feliowship iu its truc fiabt. Tirs past year use a most prosperous one for Libertyville Lodge No. 956. They or-gaizet asysar ega uith aely 85 menalerg; taday bias n-ly 70 -mdera ira gond standing. Tbî.r bowpvsr le aniy a biol of uhat le goingtabs dons turing tire coming yesr. -The Lard loves a cireer-ful giver." Maylotid agDay. ' "\ ' ~ demand-day lu aud O ~day out-our lins 'of Tailor Made CLOTIIINCi i~ r)~\ ~ cannlot be beaten for q uality and high val- ue. It's a hummer. Every miuute-every hour- Everybody who buys Upward goes the prie of satisfied. You too, if four. ylou ouly try. Why not today? E5 W5PARKHURST Schanck Block, Libertyville r "r REBIJILT 0AutomobMes Ch'eap 1 have a dozen rebullt Rambler cars for sale at from $500 to $700. I These cars are thoroughly over- hauled at, the faetory and ail woru parte replaced. Repalnted an o i rcIeproe * good a« new. They have 22 * horse power double oppooed su- ginee and carry the guarantee as * a new car. Ses me. 0 Frank Hl. jUst, Agent * Uibertyville, 111. State a! Illinois, County o! Laite, ap.; ln tire Circuit Court o! Lake Coura- ty; Mlinnie E. Smith vs Joseph Mur-r-, sey, John R. Fultona, as Trutstee, George R. Lyona, William L. Lyon, arad Chartes R. Lyon, co-par-tners ira busi- ness as G. R. Lyon & Bous. Gen. Na. 41-s5 Bihl ta for-eclose. Publicotce la ber-eby given that by tti-tue o! ara order arad decree E.a terei ta tre sirote entitieti cause in saiti Circuit Court at ths Mgr-ch Term A. 1). 1909, tbereot, the unadem'igneti Court, wul, ura Toeitay lte lSth day of May A. D. 1909 at thse honr- ofones oclocit lnathe atterucan OCfai daY at the Eat maie door oC thse Court Hous -n the City of WLflkegafl,5 ltu tire County o!fLake anti tats OC Illi- nois, seit aI pulilovendus ta the higheset sud best blUder toir <ish. tae foliowtng describeti lan nd etrea es tale, t-uit: - 'e Lots Tbirty-one (31). ThirtY-turO 132) sud Thirty-tare (33) lu Bock Farty-niue (49) in Southt Wsnkegaax, Blocksa Tirty (30) ta Torty-plne (49), both Incusive, sa.iabdlvlalau O! thse south irai! o! the cogt #eat gae ter of thae eaath east quarter of sec- tlon thlrtytwo (i2) In TowneMrP For- ty-fIve (45) Northa, of Ranew.TWOive (12) East ot the Thîrd Principal Mer- tian. a plat of wtLich'subdlvlslon was filei for record ira the Office of the Re- corder of Lake Caunty, Illinis on April 13, 1892, ira Book C of Plats at pages 16 and 17, s1tuated. i the,Coun- ty of Lake snd State o!fIllnois. Dateil April 16th A. D. 1909. 291-4 WILLIAM Y, WEISS, $peclal Master ln Chancery. Tag Day, Saturday, May lot. Wbeu h. guI othle front uaik gale His keee begarato ag, The gate vag tcoet, bis heet gir-I P0set Anti ebautet, "Wh.r's yaur tag?" Rheurnatbe poisons are qulckly anti bnreiy dri vera ant oIthe bloat ulh uDr. Sisoope Beematlo Renedy-Biqutt Or tableltarin. Dr. Shoop'a bookiet on riseumalina plalely anti intereclIngly tels mat hou tale te dons. Tels*nie sciferr oft Iis book, (,r botter- stiti. wrIls Dr. Shuop, BaCîne, Wls., for lb. book anti fr-ee test sscipies. BentiDO moeey. Jest luira uith Dr. Sbceap anti give some sufferer a pleasapt sair-Pr- ALL DUALERS. Il you have backacesandtWI sri7 ti'ubles yolx ehoulti te .Foisya Ku~ kidas laSOthel * metIll erw a seions ktdney traul W (héO- IFa.eaKB. LAvnti. FAMMACKINI*ý,-Y Moline and Oliver Piows Spring Tooth, Lever aud Dise Harrows Wagons; and Trucks Buggies and Mllk' Wagons [ALL G00DB THE BEST 0F THEIIt KID '-i I It's started! Our season is ail the year 'round. People demand our lins of SILVERWARE day in and day out. Because it's good. Nowhere better. One trial will sHow You wHv. Why not today? LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS IN DEMAND - -------- -------------$------ Your new rsady-made or inade-to-mneas- ure suit rnay look WyeIl the firat tirne yen put it on, but the suit that stands the wear and tear Io one substantlally and carefnlly bult by a good tailor. Keep that lu mind. Tailors make clothes to wear-uot to @01i. '!rtd £roxer, caIoir and Draper LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINI.OS F calie, partifular Palus wtb Partkular lisfor PMoklay PeopI% Morses for Sale. Mountain Meadow Stock Farm, une anad orar-balf n miles nortb of Wauconda, «Illinois, bas constantly on baud and for sale, at lowest market price, a stock of ai classes of herses, auitable for the rond and ail farm work, express anad draft, usefral and serviceable, f rom 11to 1a 600opourads. Pricea $8a.00 to $2txa.oo. No plr. Core tc, Mountain Meadow sd see the orses .orkonthe farm. Alclinted ad avoid rik of slckueas. A Ul guarateed o . elivry sB reprseted. iv, COL. F. J. PERRV LIWENF Lakeside Bûtter is made of purs -cream, fronu se- leted dainies lu ths Elgin district. Purity and weight guarauteed.-Badgsr Butter Co., ]Êast Troy, Wi. -CORLETT & EREDERICKS LIBERTYVILE, lu. . . lâtu Liertyville Luwber Uoffpuy, SCCESSORS TO THE- Emillns-Mercer Lilifbef Complanly Just a change in tho namie, that's ail. The Management and Location of our business remains the saine. Cali, as before, No. 47, Libertyville Exchange Von will find us ready and walting to serve to the best of our ability. We lnv<te continued patronage and new buleinees. bibrlyilltLmber Companly E. A. BISHOP, MANAGoER.