ETa ai-di WAKGAIEEKCLY SUN, VOL. XVIL NO 82. LAKE COUNTrY PROPIERTN Uightng. Mled Rein Eombiie iu Orne of du *«Storsla I. Ys . wWave o on ti, Shore. EIdipgeDestroged aend iTeiegraph 0" Telephmone Urnes Danagd. Property Loue Great. y#-. -out violent storn of the yar hld La"e Cunty and vicinIty In lis 1 mmlote Wednosday afteman&I minght until Frlday mornlng fast mcd lake end land alîke sferd dommage, aftbwogh nolilves wore lost. i""ue wore conflned tg pro$prty. althugh m(cor Injuries are roported. The. largest lfou, possibly, w»s the barn. beloasgilig to Frank Stanwooî Mr Yorkle ouse. It wsas-isole wîth lghtsnlntaid bumed. PIATUlts or THE STORMu. Poétures of thie torm imw.reil graduel arr'ivai bognning, with skies ove. »t tith rein, merginq inte a hali-sterm of violence and stress, continuing é*a Perfod c#,oaîm. mendlion bre.Idng intowlnd, ligitsiing, and ail othor s5Oomtants et wlght. £ma'Iy mornlng fowsd the estorn i kng ruling. Tii. mont widesproad damna, w». çausd by ightning and floode foIlowee dieuseceond. DAMAGE ON STANWOOD FARM. At about 4 Thus-sdy mos-nng, lightning sîruck the. large barn of Frank .we.»d, ces.' the Vorkl house church on thei road to Wadsworth, killing -' hsors. and sattînu fis-. to the barn. Twenty-thrue hoad of cattie and a s- cr f hors.. wor In lthé barn ntt he lime bt wre taken out safely the. exception 0f lhe ocm horse. si.A womaen Working for the. tmmily was stunned by te stock and did not for severai minute&.. t*fit no serioua offocts. The. Stanwood tarin -I0I.o ld Hinkiton place. hosils te horse kilied anotiter wmî crippted Iy. The. barn, burnod ltiith grownd. WHERE HEAVIEST DAMAGE WAS. Tiieiteaviest damag tram te storm was posibiy in Waukegau harbor, *boire 200 ted of te new soutit pier were bmr out by teiteavy seas, ahealt ansd rock plîng were destroyed, and $3000in new wurk was destroyed. Thte tauncit Max had it.sîde caved ln, the Gamaeh tauncit Threce Brothers a tdà ender rail tom off, sud the rest of teitarbor boala escape, om I#y geîng to te mtddle ofthlieitarbor and weathiering'te dorm. GREATEST AE FDAMAGE. The grealest ares of damage was inte Skokie vatiey soult ut Waukegmu, ehore tthe storin waters gave a practicai argument for te Skokîe drainage syotem by floodlng thte vaiioy wth four tee t water. LIT 0F STORM DAMAGES. Foiiawiag seaà1Ont cf places damaged ity ligittniug and oterwie in lte &KOKIE VALLE-This narbi, shore district se il wder water, n tome Plance. hroeesnd four feet deep. Thr. wesotour teestof wter under tho viadet a Lake Bluff lhiii morninq and cars 0f the Chicago and Milwaukee 't Electric Ralil-aid Company welî. unable te pas tirougli, passenges .boeim* un.iloided and tIasfosrd. LAKE COUNTY-Tiie entire cou nty was flooded sud te raintmil was Igreabes in Lake counly ln à singie nigiit lu many years. IN WAUKEGAN HARBOR. STEAMER MARYLAND-Said to have broken loose troni mooringe at s- ordurlng igitt and Ilense aroestte ciannet. LAUNCH LITTLE FORT-Had itard battie between six and nine lait ?euight making th.itarbor, wavea tossing over bows ln truggle. Bioughtt -Msfely lnmbport.E MAYNARO HOUSE-Resîdeuce owrued by John Maynsrd and occupled -by te Foreman tamîily on Citetnut street was elruck by a tîgitnîng boit, itrilkeng chimney and knocklng ptatering off. STRUCK BY LIGHTNING. mdJOHN E. NELWJN RESIDENCE-Struck by two sepammie botta seemingiy addamaged to extent of $200. One boit foitowed eiectrîc ligit extension éir o te bd lu witicit Mra. Nelson lept aud jumping fromn bed tore plaslering off wati. Anôîher boit &truck bcd in whicit chid lay aud jumping off tor-e pttertng away troin wall. Ceitinge of porch aud hall wrecked. jonts and bîmbors sitattered and electrîc ligitt fixures reduced lu flittere. Houme ewned by Jolin Sutherlaud.s tPETER HANSEN RESIDENCE-Resideuce ut milk man itad chitmneyc trssck and hele loin lte roof as large as itusitel basket. D9SEMENTS-Flooded about te city generaily, oeemin sendiig in a cal l obite police station thii morning taIlite police miouid come and baie o ut hie basemient whiih ho said teas flooded to te top.t PAVING-Soutit Gêuesee street pavlng underwasited no taI portions 4-have sunk. FIRE STATION-Fleg pote btown down lu gale aud penetrates roof ot station, rigitt over te fire alarm sytem roomn. CHICAGO HARDWARE FOUNDRY CO., Nortit Ciicago-Pialing roori fiooded eut maklng work impossible sud great ameunt et damnage created, CHICAGO HARDWARE FOUNDRY COMPANY, Nort Chicago-Electric road ditcit walcr due bo flood ctaimed to have backed up sud looded plant to groat xteul, HARBOR WORK DAMAGED, WAUKEGAN HARBOR-New extension to soutit pier waehed up sud out and damage Icflictod amountng to about $3000. Work donc by Contraclor Greeone iffecbid. .GAMA8H BROTHERS-Launcit Three Brothers, Gamasit boat, lnjured by poundiug lunte night and te slerm againsl bite docks. .LITZ-Fithsrmuan launcit Max iujured pouudlng againît dock aise. Hand rail brokon off, REED RESIDENCE-Appie tree biown down at residence ot W. j. Reed et 727 Grand avenue. Other tre, reported blown down ln verieus parte of the. city. NORTH SIDE FLOODED OUT. Not ln mauy yoars had te no-t aide iteen troubled wllh stoen wateri es now, and whcie subdivisions ire under wster, In eue case a iteavy storm et flood watr bogan ou Nos-tavenue sud weeut o Oakiey avenue, flowing under te Humphrey barn sud ruinîng iawus and property, fioodlng cellars ano eausing groat dlslrsss. ORIGINAL CANOLE LIGHT SPEECH, The. disappoitmenb ef an unfintmhed pregrmm was broken atIthe Bar- rlaen Theater et venlng wiieu Manager Prudeutetd delivemed te vos-y fis-t candie igitI curtain speech thet ha& ever been made lu Waukegau. Wlth the. littho gieam ut igit sitowIng euIy as siining pair ot eyeglasses, ho mlmbod ltaI lb wouid bé impossible to, finish te performance, titat tickets for any other nigitt woutd be given out ietlthe box office, Thte ligitts ite titealer went eut'durng te monologue number ni. snedigeloy after a charp flash oft ightuîng and while efforts bu repair te -dimmmge were beiug made musl kopt the a udience lu geod itumor, SKENE'8 NARROW ESCAPE. A first craithiad woakeued teliIghts, ad wtile trylng to repair theni, Q"e te ken., stage maenager, was càight wlbh hie i.nde on te fuse boitt» o~f *hsea ech box when te iocond Nui t abs-ihe i.wires. Ho was knoNd 11»Oor and dld colt ulîy recever for à hait heur. I-lsescape was a Iuolcy1 LI1BXETeVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, KRIDAY, MAY 7, 1909-10 Piý Ir 9 Ir d 'rThestorv of itoulthetildal svae. thu ig engujfuuetis, tante,.lais eteald inlt tewordis mof Frnkti, aechtler, lthe aIes %acd Ifor lte Greente litrn,itarbur conîraî'îurs now e xi ktg on lte bat- ber construction. '.ly 11111e gtî i iaîl met said ber îîra et-s sud oc bad ajlt cuIte bbed,"' cave lMr. W'aeciter, "w heu t notIced tite waler beglî tolurîsu aîîd ur fore- otan, Frankt Roder, cailud out ltatIti wouid bt eitler for as lu ieaîe lte sitantyand go 10 ltheumaint ]and. Our camptla un lthe Island' arrosa Iron t it 'lily lutIle girl caitedoul ltaIait e 'attted te tahe iter fasorite red coat along, but lthe saler s'as iteglnning lu risu se fast, nuisicîciy and wiiteout nîtîcitgaie.,tîsl se w-et-eatt scared. and 1 îtoughit il haI 10gel bîîsy and ,î.ke our gel away. Use tte Little Fort. "Se, t lu my underclotitas, and lte t-est of ns barely dressed, -It lthe tureman and some of lthe otiters, canme Iu lte main land in te Little Fort, sud 1 can tell you we ware giad 10 te lu saty once more. Il wasi a talc raiabng experieuca. You bave no ldea uf witat titat wave was. Il o-as knee deep wben 1 lefI eut- sianly. 'We dld rot gel îtp power on lte Little Fort btllaI n man on lthe eaat dock pay ont rope witite lthe boat we let drift arrosa ln lte wlnd. Bomne Came ln Row Boat. "A uitIle ialer sorne olter ufthlie 'Men came arrosa lu a row boat aud some outheîtumen slayed linlte dormi- tofy efthlie compauy ail nîgit. '«I bave nul seun mary nigita lite lb and 1 do net wlsh te see auy mure City Dock Breaks Loose. 're ite y dock uf Wauitegan, enst of and surruundIrg te rity warc bouse, bruita buse during Use alorm and Witen a reporter Ispectad Ilt y Use ilgitt o!faabîhpe ilatmuln some places waea nway trea itIs mooringe ut ab n d sand tuliy bwo feet, vile nest'lte ety vere bouse tese Was'a (Ooninue& OU page 10) Lges 81.50 PI~R VRA1I IN AflI7AMflL' b. - - - - - -.--- - ------ -J-' a.A.~ V .afl~Jst TAG StreetC 9 North )f Evory Had « e Genouc 9 Conte Thare county2 been ln St wai eeemedt of bebi er havi caluees tI Worke A tidal wave fully seven and posai. bly eight teet igit cianged lte Wau- kegan ahore Une Tburaday nigitandinu flcted on itarbor workers and Wauke- gan industries titousands of dollars wortit 0f damage. altitougit cauBing no s of Ilite and no lnjury except of a minoir nature. Featurue ofthtie wave's comlng were te masses ot wreckage piled along shore ln greal rifts Including heavy tîmbers that would requi-e a gang of Men lu itandle, tite heavy seas, wilch 0'awept unbindered over the breakwat- Ser and piers, rollIng Inland ln Ihunder. Oua masses alter thte wave itad reced- ed, and te great strelch ot debria ldtaI waa pilql Iland as a resuIt. The wave serait to, have come ln a Period of calta on land and sea and Irwien no one expIected Il. 9 Foetu-os of Damnage Dons. Ir The sallent pointa ln lte damage done are a. toflova: d THOMAS SRAS8 AND IRON CO:- F'lfîy tact of soutit end of onat build- lng collapsed under lthe bonsberdment of te ieavy ses and fell m lthe vat- ker, whicit receded atterwarda and lft a Pile Of brick and irou vitere thc Waîllitad been. GREENE, CONSTRUCTION CON. tTRACTOR A large part of ltae gang of 22 men itad to flee 10 the main land 1trom lte Island On whitch lthe camp is sltîîated and aougitt refuge Up town a1 botlts and boardlng itouses. CHICAGO TIE AND TIMBER PRE- SERVING COMPANV Thotîsanîls of 'hi' i ,îîait f1uaIt-,i abotitheite -, i() ti' i-ti- (ingirg arrti'î i ittistît and I-n',.îdhuit st. 11î, il R(o iitîi anidi skiffs s.r j it ainonig the,. îebrts on the shitu . tiîitt otfii thiniad!y sniaaied. rThe roai boat M',aryianti at tit.- We'stern ('ual and Dock Coîîîatîx rode safeiy Ibrougit the storîni The launcit Little Fort, the proper- ty ufthlie Larsen firm. leeand rode thte siorm ail rigitt, being used to cou- vey Greene laborers lu the mainiard. Tite fiaiting launcitea Tiree Brot- ersa and -%ax are safe at lte nortit end of te itarbor. rThe steamer City of Marquette made port about six ln lte teelth of a itiinding gale and la ente. Thete ug Elala Neil rode out lthe storm ln lte middle of ltheitarbor un- dur sale arcitorage. rThe Greene pile driver andl utier eQ[ttîntent were it sale places. Ail At North End uf Harbor. Tihi'buaseait nougbî refuge ai lte north end oft Waui.egatî harbor, lu iilisaie îîuint out antage lt was iltîîsiile for t t,' ieai y seas 10 tien- et tat.'tttnd t.jîead their destrutction. [)AV WORKErRS entire cOuntY inaY put Il over Ibis S!CUIn BJG FUND about $1,200 lIas rais - ed. Reports thia mornlng shoed a Car*, Raliroad Trains, Evory total of $1,'733.04, and ail captains had i Siioro and County Town and fot reported. No reports hbi bes' yCity Block In Waukegan recelved trom thte western part oi the Thoir Tmggems Contributions County and none fronithlIe tortit sbore oue Averaging Twenty-five so thte grand total la an estîmate, but s Each. Queer Incidente,. lrs. Barweli tated thîs morning that l wouid ha a very sgreeabie sut-prise e wee moe smllesin Lke hould more titan $3,000 be reallzed. Salurday titan thbère eier bad A total of $3000 would make thte ia single day tiefore. day a grand succeas and would give I" Tg Dy. ad te peple$1,000 to each of the titree Institutes to feel, one and ail. that aensefo hhtedawshl.Alwo g att«c, wth te wrldafUpromnoted te day are weil satistied ing slded the tllree worîty with the returna and making allow- ta 'ratDay reproaenWoai ance for lte severe weatiterin wich ara. pretty girls, soclety bude, the work was Caried on the returna WOODNU rACE A C11ANGË IN RATES A citangebl tae rates of the Modern Woodmnen of America seeaences- sary. Tbe toilowing la trom the bien- niaI report of Haad Clark C. W. Hawes 0f lte Modern Woodman or Amnerica, pagea 38 ami 139,. If we accept lte National Frater- nai congresitbe of mortalily as ae- rurately reilectlng wbat our future ex- ;wienne wiil bu, and I titink 14e nay sa f ej1and reasonabir do titis, tenw'e itint Sadtmit titat Our cri-si-ut ruîîracîe utof tt ote nii-tisitreii b tt'theîreett t-lit h i-ex i eeî,-d tirth pii Nationalt Ftst tlii îgrec Itie.,ifi oî er lu Pt ,iovdefui tbeliai tiit tout t-ery rer- tîfirale fin force at rnîstarits, ou abutd teiy front 221asessuents pur annum at ages 1820 lu 122 assuasmenîs pur annun t aIage 92. itl hi.qîite clear t0 me ltat a sug- gestion for a change lunOltr rates of assesement, or an intimation ltaI our present rates arceflot sufllcient, wil meet w-it a recuptlon far fromt wal- conte on te part eftlite nelgitiora generaily. t amrnfot eapectlly wor- ried 01er lte citaractar ofthlie recep- lien tit witl bu given te tacts of our hitory by lte Neigitiors." Sayler Wilhdraws Petilion. B thlie woit draîmai nIflte tetitloît. red tasn1uithtillais(so As a mîalttenr utatarInu oi,e, tiot lthe crt-îstta ci1 1i.,lthe me bard- eîîed andi îoi 1,olod itenediet, cuid resisî lthe chailitîng eyes, lthe rOsYeiteeks, tii,- atîliatig giarees uf the uiutîaît, aîil bi uitI out by coin oeater. rThe cotît bi-uîgit soiiit'futhtie work et-s into stores tu attailtteir vlcîims but getterait. sîîealîltg tiîey stuck ouI the weaibur, cites anîddel alike, and bagged teir gatine remîorseicssly, lu lte ituge and cionistil concealed de- tigbî uoflthe "gaîtte. Brought Morses lu Stop. One vigorotîs antI segrassive mnt- ror, Iien tlhte dritet of a wagon woutd have Iiruteeded stiitout paying attention lu ber. grabbed ltheitorse's bridie lit ber otîn tair- iand and brougitlthetleani îu a stop, Usen va- ieruusly tagged lthe drivier. AI Police Station. Taggurs bn-iauted e-ser i thepolice and lire stations and iagged witom ltey escaped troug thlie bark door. Mayor Burkthlie aidurnien, tîte cily officiais, and aven te police officera on lte corners fell viclinte to lte Wlee 0f te woriters and went around with witoic sîtinga uftlacs. Mmd a Gimut Tmg. Genini "Dec" Ibigit hiad a tag as large as bhe Bide et a bouse espallîy prlntcd for hlm by tite workeu-e, snd werl around wlititis decomation id- iug himseit behild Il Ilwas large eneugi to10 e sean Ilîne blocks ln a dense foc and lulten-. ocra lanllumt- naled paint su ltatte PhYsîclan trili be-1ale d11s1eei ig. Fuuuy Places ion Tage. Herses were ducitet i thitags, wag- on witeels bure Ibuii, caps of mnen had tem ln thebandîs, store doors itad tem, lh«y iîlfi' rom wln- duws lunlte second nlony. they ware tun-g every place its oitnerst-a10show taIttey itad teit "li tîcrnaîed." Laite Counys Tag lias' wil] probait- ly nebtlite Jane MclirîsIer Hoapîitl, lte Laite Couuîly Tuterculoals Insti- tule and lte Laite Bluff Orpitanage a total 0f about $3,000, t la ulot ex. Pacted Ihat Use total Wilgo ovee tiI Oum altb»ugh te reporta frm lte toittsii i iitfr s. Ituiti Lonîl i.à u 1 tit-i (tti -tithiet'ttiiîtnjiitlclart V- SayIiet io hilitstitoot tboardI lias e ti ilIt, igi uit i'- rtiottjsites, i iitil-.-t ti u tti- 0,,11,,t Stutdîatv Itii-n tth, ltltliut Iat iii titiotii gtineirbefitte Jîîdge itt ttttitlie ' V ales oniCicago, Il tii Siittai I lJohnîsRi-at uontwns tii, te fiitii- h etutîtti boardi, anîd At- tîîiii i i tutti o as iii-sent for Sai-ler. i iili te 'olltitirail o he u tiib tiln. tt,bîî,îîîts aI Itull libertI o go aiiead ti iithhe s-jet tinît of a cite and sitit tii e etttii g uoftecontrtîrefor te ete- lio (i i i c ',î tout andilfor te reten- tionoftiattitite t 15. TittPstorlo eîtîud ha, 111-1.p1I lassid. Ne Emitezzjed. 1'ttjilite ting the. airest l'îoittay ln Citicago tutucitutîtilnlt fthe Commer- rial Naîltinalibatk, in tite furelgn dep- artoîtîitif oliclcie cw-as a cierk, Hen- t-y G. i litier conlessed hi a il em- bezzied atnti cient $2359.75 un 1gb living aîd llertuealer atîppers tut- choerutsagirls iuthla IRaIeteven montits U'nitedl Statua Comîissiouer Fole conîtietl ltecase untîl NMay il 1o gise ltinter ait olportu-ity to get coursel and coîîsuit wit Irienda. George E. Ruberts, prasîdent of te batik,cald Ulmer camaelu lte United Stateire lent-s &go from Swilzet- land and luote banl frontlte Mon City' battiktree years tage. "He Is iîrigitt and claver and wouid tasve made gued," tie said. 'Te bs Is coveî'ed hI' a bond. Onu iyete sCar, A daity titi,ttircat- Iront 2Milwauktee lu i'Ciago, stojuju iutg 1Waukegan andtt-it itu i n Innovttioxln waici ltew Chbirago andMil iiiw atîke lectrle lutte s aii4ma1 ht'îî 1-luCSxtuoti, eaa- liîug Mii ajt att 0 îenthe tcChti- rtago sttrtimttu 'T onlompny pro- posesto ii utu utot thtIir express trains ui1 li tt t'ai'niglut.'Te t-airnoui hute ijiîaukee abeut 6 c'ocktarnrtxl n Chicago about 81 ocleciT. 'it train wiii leave Chitia- go about mîdnlgitî arriving ln Mil. waukae abeut 2 orclueitlu tite morn- ing. Il la probable ltaI a diabng car1 viii be altarted 1l tetrain. 1 CASH BACKING FOR TIIE NEW ROAD Without Taking Away Control of Road or Affectlng Stocks, Enoeugit Moruey t0 Complete Elther Parts or Whole of Road Would be Given Company as Budiness Proposition of Percentage. Tte mysterlous conferences et Frankt T. Fowler wit thlie directors ut bte Waukegau, Rockford and Elgin Traction Company, Suuday mornlng and Fridmy nigit, memu, lu ail ps-oh- ability, thte backing ut the road by un- Iimtted cash sud bts emrty and com- plote constructien. Ailt bitIromains tb make it possible la a final coufereuce ofthlie moad offi- ciaIsWIti thtie peopa witom Mm. Fow- ler represeut. and titis wIit be iteid lu lthe vos-y noar future, In arrangaments made itetweun F. T. Fowler and lthe direclura of lte Wynn alecîrle rairope(t are satiafac- tory, wicn lthe directrînand lte peo- pie tehînd Mn. Fus cr uteetlnl con- terence lu a fu's days, lte cenetruc- lion of lte road wîill bu alarted lu a rush ltat Il Ine01ceane until lthe IaI aphte la drjîutî anti crts are In ppera- bloît over lthe eîstîte rond. Controt ot Road tite Same, A piroposiin tîo futriait ufficlent motey t10duo tti., aud lu turnîsiil t a oncO wasltheencaise outhe secret cor- tferenres uf lit motle-Hia proposl- tiOns o n.'-'ltaightî business effers. For a cotmmîissiot l iimacif ite would acora lthe ioney froml themen te- ilnd titetulu retture for an Interest on lthe lîreatut.'rThe accaptançe 0f bte Proposition wouId net affect a sitare of stocktand bte centrai of thte rond wOuld mut leave bte itaids of bte wnen te sh'at year is 0ut, Johtn Hlodge,sprjnclpai of lte Higitwood actuel, cau lmugit aIlite men wito wi depoae itim for raerge of lte dateat ite adminislered 10 "Boss" Hogan as te wlll leave te scitool onfly 10 accept an advancedl Position at Ântloch wbere ho bas accepled au nitation 10 tuant nexl year. Ilodge ruceivcd lte ArtiochIt nvita-. lion recurt and IîoneîliateIy accapt- ed. t-e wiii ite principal ofthUe acitolltere aI an advanced sainry ovr rlte one bu receIved aI Higitwoo& 'Te Iigtwood scitool la out on May 28 and lte Anliocit scitool starts Se: toutiter 6. Hudge bas had no intercourae vîit lte mten ha dcposedadt Use Hbghvood rlty ciaction but itas had onougit re- perled 10 hlmte oknov ltaI teol9te te deposed aI thé end etflte chool yaar.'Te vIcIa-y Oftbis Opponents wIli be a barren eane. Hcevii b etcIont from tite Hîgit- wood scitool ln revange tor Hogans deteat Whitci vas almost enUiraiy due te bis efforts, Hogan, and all hie toi- lewers, have aditted UsaI Hodge la Use man, "Whto beat tem." kiodge, hiaSeit, stated witan he was tlid or te credit givan hlm, "I dld a loI uf vont but Use Wauitegau SUJN vas What bacited me up. ve'rry artîie Il Priatad tade lte bllnd plg amou squlrmn and you couid hear lte spiasit atter every article.'" Smaii Pox iu Waukegau. 'here are Dow si-x caseýs ut emali Pox In two itouseou soulht County strel and Usa neud of an Isolation ward or peat bouse te supamate peuple wibit lie dîseasa and titose wito ntlght ite exposed la again demonalraled.I libre. Jas. Baumgartuer, vito re. sides rigitl next dos- ubte eMCVemoq% 110W ias Use dIos., -,cT $1.50 PER YBAR IN ADVANO. 1 IL PAT CROWIE TO board of direciors. St w,,uld esimpjy REfORM IIIG11WOOD men. th, fuinsing of te money for As a resuit ofthlie cunferencea, titre. Reformned CrIminailsl Now Laying propositions wiîî 1be consldered aI lthe Plan for Erection of Monster Tabler- meeting of lthe money. interest and nacie Thal Wîll Seat 5.000 in Fort lthe direclors. Titey are: Sheridan Park Wlith Keeioy Cure ln I.-The furniaiting of enougit mooey Close P ximilty. Staylng at Park to finish lthe rond fromit ere to Graya- H .e . Bind Pige D fy ev- laite, Putlng il n operation. erson and State They Will Remain 2.-rta turniablng of anougit mcaey Open. Lay ln Booze Supplies. 10 conatruct every mite of lte enttre rond, to put on lthe roliing stock ansd Pat Crowe, reformed criminal and 10 atart lthe itole syaîem aet once. a bacitatîder wito la 3.-Tite nagotlalion of a boan to do now eniisled ln lthe cauîse ot lamper- pcacticaiîy lte samtinting as propos- once la the lateat resident of High- lion nutnber two. wood. For lwo weeks, off and on, hae Looke Good to Directors. bas vlsited aetlite clty and bu la now rTe directore of the road aIll100k at the Park Hotel Ibere. favorably aI lite Fowler proposition Croveas stay man e cérection of and tbat if the monay apPem rsar a tabernacle, ln lte Fort Shteridan raady to accept any one of bte thr',. Park, ltat vili seat 5,000 people and plans. îî meana ltae Putting blncier- a vigorous campaign against drink ation of the rond ln record lime, witt- itis summar, ln which Biily Sunday out longer dclay over atodk _8114_. will at limas asailealthe report lin wich oouid go on as lthe rond va. ln Higitwood. construction. Tabernacle and Keeîy Cure. ntrReo. A residant of Higitwood for îwoAnhrRpot waeks, ataying at lthe notorious Park The Wyno rond wvIl coet $315,000 Hotel. Pot Crowa o laimed t10 e to completa. Local people are t10 b. boosUug a scitame for lteearaclion proîected and have an Interest ln lthe of an Immense tabernacle aI lite Fort controlling aitarealal other cods being Sitéridan Park titat wiil seat an audi- snitserved 10 Itis one, tb protect local ence of 5,000 wlb a vigoroîts temper- capital. Of tliteandire rosI Ivo COnlrac- anüe canipaigr lthereanad lthe citang- lors, one tlrm being lthat forrned by tîîg ufthlie Park Hon-I mbt a itrancit Samuel Insull and MNr. Baker' uthUi f lthe Keýee- cure. North Sitore Eiectric Company, wlli 1'toîVe la gi.ttling ocît linown ln. laie care of $26i0,000î0f ltae road by flîgiîîîîîîîît aloI hleh.'ftns taîlked , g011tgabî'ad etter lthe local manage- tý ,1w ]il, t it-i tiil-î î'l'îtîeîîljir , zfl utînt bas rmmcd $.!iillo antd building tjjh, illllt Ii> .1. j: lie lthe ruio ti"""0tcua al 10 bc iteid until ha-., nstti i Ilo tit ikj .1ings lie rond is bîîli ndi lthe bôn4dssold. anid bas titi i itl tgoto ,îtîîî t ti,-iblii liregardt l lthe latter pointI bond ns f h ist.'lthe iinliiot of lthe liotnets sai lthaIw ban lthe rond la built taiternacle. -thte sale of lte bonds wiil bie a simple At Notorjous Hotet. liatter.tir. Wynn lilereforu, ln view Thte ParkIlitet. o bure Crowe Istif ail lthe tOregoing, la 10 bava Uic Stotîîîng, bas iteen o1e ut HIgitwood's road officiais niake a canvasa ot Wan- tiost nutorlutia places snd ils owner, ktegati to maise thte needad $55.000 aftor i a niattautel Filtîl,as iteuitarrest wicitheitaroadsit a itart on Uic qulck ed lwice for running a bliid pig. He stap). bas rcantly soid out 10 a stranger 'rThe Chicago and Northveetern andS iamed Enton and il wiii probabiy bat St. Paul bave givan Useir consent tor ioder hlm titt%" a otai viila t4t building of aubwaye aI Ourace, titangad 10 R Keeicy Institute. W lob 'wllCuot about 620,000oritS,' Billy Sunday to Assist. 000 logaIber and tis muet te pald out Crowe will conducl lita religions Of Uic $55,000.1 campaign at lte tabernacle but Biliy rThe total coist Includa bridge«ata iunday, greateat of avangeas, wîîî Gurnee and Uic Aux Plaines, jiole., ec prese fraquentîy lb assîsî hlm lan wire, cars, and everything, lenrt' l the work. Resîdenîs of Higitwooi lthe St. Paul dapotlin Orayslake, 'ail wltb Impatienre lthe openlng of bue tenîperatîre tabernacle wlih lthe Keeley Insliluite in close proxlmity. JOHN H1ODGE GElS Blind Pige Running. ANTIOCIISCHWO L rPuts asoteh ecird ip igitareuud Recelved Invitation prom Antiocs l;10îig slte tîtodftlg are lai- Scitoot Trusteos Recentiy aud Ac- ,12t11 the ' o-Wlt euiltiiî to 10rîîn lit ced et Saiary Larger Titan What su)tc oif lthe fn-t tît the iitdeiend-lHe Raceived at Highwood. " Leavoi lit w0on at ithe elei-lî Severson, Prescrit 8itool May 28 and Starta thv neo-îv eteeteti niayur, statua lta.; at Antiocit on September 6, Ator ec otît tive ui)tolu is plallurut and Vacation. cose lthe liqior Joinîts anti the peuople ru oalciing. lî la nu utlîti.' i"they 2larked for executlon at Higbwood, Gei ,itl UUIe WO&, Uttle girls, amail boys, al vorked linlte bindiog snow, tae ligitI siéet,and iteitigit winds titalt biv diameqngly up streets and aroond corners.' Workars vere tbroad vbt lte arIs- Ing of tha earitest mon Salurday morn- lng and began their labors 0tore te City vas raally afr, no UsaI litey got the eariy mornug crowd ging to work sas wci as merchants and sitop- pers. How Tiioy Worked Systemn. 'rite Tag Day workers generatty galtered on streat corners titrugit out te uty and pabrolled reitait dis- tict îi t-gîîtarty, accosting tiili t iti' tiIt' it itltg a tag ontu ii ; etIl f1-in t tidonation lu retlivh i lii lth i drolit- I i., t']botxît' tutvii Ilt jji (ti' eturîued lutoii, hiia - s o î eturitedtl liuI o tem i-att tAfici-insnatd 8001i10lithe chitr lii,t iti thbu coîsîmttees. (iii,- tagged une waimmune. Somne Hîd Thoir Tigsl, Iioouî er, autre of the yougW uven of ilite ciiy, altant tb a degree, bld Useir tags beeat thtier conte and llned ut for anoter unsiauglsî from lte Pi eity and very willng wrkei- And te grey beards !e0S& 4).t- ter as soule Of 11cm laudeS-tour and ire tags and titen unblushlugly dived Imt te frny for more. Whore Workers Worm. Besides on every att-cet block lunte lty workers were aI street car and railroad stations ail along tha nortit sitore, inclttding Waukegan, as fat- as Citicago, witure as steciai cordon ut them sIaîlaid 5asseeugrs fromtlte Nu rîboestern trainst snd boldty Pin- v s a a a Il d L d IE Ir si t( lt ai