L&KE OOU14T IDEPEIMDEYT,FRIDAY, MAY 7, [909 OPENING DANCE Saturday Night, May 8, 1909. At, Amann Bros. Hall, ROUND LAKE, IL IIAPKE'S FULL ORCHESTRA This will be thet opening dance of the seation. 1)ances to be held every Saturday eirening throughout the season <'(ME-A 000D TIME AL. U TIIEU FL(>OR (JOMM-NITTýE-Grayslake, J8urr Smithi; Round Lake, Est Brownî; Freeiiiorît,. l lenry Hertel; Lake Villa; Will llook, IRock- efeller, IL. A. Watson; Ixgleide, Tomn Larkina; Long Lake, Trom Graham; Volo, illy Frost, Ivânhos., Jîîe Lourflu. TICKETS 75C. Iles Ceam and Cake extra, served at the Ibe Cream Pariors on fr.t floor. AMANN BROS., ROUN$D LAKE, ILL. - --------- - ---- -- - - PlIANOS, i bave at ny borne severai tyles of thee Baldwiu 'aîis invite yon to.caii and see. P'riýee witbin thse rsbch "f ail. GEORGE E. STRANG, Undertaker and Licensed Embalmer GRAYSLAKE 1-1IJJJ1NOIS VOLO. W eak W om en J îîfîu ilifiarîfe, iiitrailtsi-t..i iitr,. q16Um en if] liiiago last %VeInday' Iro and -uj- W . . . M ism A i-) îeetmdeî i fi. ir f U.t i,onrid i th Vlm~ a,. tiUa Siînil 0» l e a ft iD e 10- fs Ririiîî- us s irii a a «tek.ew,. ~ ~ ~ buinçi cle of Iay. s ast wak kr- Swsneibe"vý te omdtum&L Miss Auna C(eiîpi. ii lias rrtiriîrf t, ~ N ,îlî, î,'i s-eral us etc -p.lt t ail su nsodtrm rienuls at M ilwaàukee fa. u . sén th. spir of u Byrm Mî5is flitI. \arhills e vîetng fier aul auaaanserM».FanlI.l'o-'t ceny . m m bieo m ter r.satZîlsofe rlus 5;âg m eiem-Il$000W"om6" àU> Messrs. Arthur Fr,îet and Edward ,âmb= 100J wmb. ma Lui3k &petit lest Tue@day iluChbcagoî. .doqg Mr. aînd Mrm.L.awrence Miller were h~34SUm5OdU. D . as. m clled t,, Wls'ounlefst week hy the deetb of a relative. b~U 1rD~vmoIbs.un u4 WOU Mr. MeYer ba* installerd a new hum ini QMro. Chan.. abel waa the gneest if relties lu Ciago. a couple of dys Dr. S C u rep Mm, enîy. ongspn latTema Night urelatie Ib)sieurg "AIL DEALERS" îlrate Wen, of Chicago, bas Frauk Ni, ousi bas gîven up bis pomi- tion lu Chicago and fi. at bis parents' t.o.ne bere. aM ru. Cbauncy Jepeon and son, Harold, o!Nortb Adameq, Mass., are vîiting ALL TUXEN frienda in and around Voci SHAPPSMm . dward Lusk and Misaé Gepieve sJiÀ'It4AN?)SiIÂ,E, Efflnger were Wauconda caller. Ilonday IVill be pieaaed to bave alil eternoon. 1 M1r. and Mrs. Tom Walah. of Orayen-i ruy oid customere cai and faite, drove tbrough Voo uuday. wiii be gl.ad to welcome uiew Mm.. L. V. usk and @ou, Edward, out one@. West Fremont, apnt Bunday la town. MIS$ EllufflEtb l wsTAYLOR GROVE. AI. Kuebker & lloem'a Lat week csrtalnly broke aJIl recorda Pfcor storma. - Rv- Reed was entertained over Sunday et tise homne of Ch»s. Lewin. (Irayslake BAKERY AND RESTAU RANT l'remis lreal every day. hoine Malle Ci.akes, Pics anui ther l'as r, iLuinclesi an',l-ii i as sers <i at ail holîre. i A NiY (i.; A,Al E. A. LOFTUS, Prop. Tolephont e , (IRA YSLAKE, ILLINOIS filIH )Il FrI siOýR( [ Watchs, Clocks and Jeweiry Repared Ail Work Guaranleed SPECIAL ORDERS FOR JEWELRY Promptiy Flied W. H. MOORE Grysake - Illinois OUR PRICE LIST Milk per quart 6ç, per pint 3c, Cream I '20c, per " IU . 1,baif pint........ ... 6c, Btttermilk, per quart ......4c. Coltage Chelem, per quart ....6c AIL GOODS bELIVERED Goç, obtainafîle lit factqry at al times. Specîi orilers fortIes Cream filled iipon 48 hours notice. THE GRAYSLAKE CREAMERY Tei. Gravslake 36. Gravolake. 111. ~'S"D N vultE=l .unea Ou asmai pleaatng sur eirrî,t. Seturday, May 1, occurred the deatlî o! John Brewer o! Drnes Lake. Funeral wea held at ten 'rlock Tueedey. Inter- ment at Mount Rmeetfery Rosecrans. Many relatives ber. atteuded the funerai. Aunie Jolînson lient Sunday witb Olive Wells. Ttue King's lfanglitî'rs met usitis Miss Olive W'ells NNedneday. Nextmtîitng wiil b,. li-i May 12, at Miss Elîse ini Chi, agi,. Fred fs-ahI, sIeut fSunlJai t ome, Maudé ewfesnl, uit Ias tgati . eltt tlhe lret ci!thb,. aet a ils hi s lier,. Reague tcuîîc May f9, 'Mtntiiin Top~ Exierienrýes." ERit..Bre,-r i.lýer, Sîuiay ecbî,îl ofirre aýrr. lu'lri aet sîuttas as tolicus s.Siiwr.rtiteidit, Mise Jeutîte e Nîh; assistant sulieriti t, îrî,t, Fred Wilhby; chargei- of ttui(i Miss ftolla Shi-a, secrtary ait, ittra,.urrr Miss CEth,,hl ea n. RUSSELL fI.,., Mr.fBrown wul pîý'l' a, îîî Suttuhay. Es iry body lavitei toi luar liii' f.asi Stinday usas efection ilay fuir ulfî, estofthe Suîîday Rcs, ,. is lfriew,'uaselected superinteuul,.t: tirs. E n treres, assistant superrinkiiirIit tire. I. M.1,tiiner,geerretary aid,,tras- Mri;Nrs iG.NA. Siver. lîbrariat, and] Mînni,. Herses and Mldred Muirra, Ia.s tii,'tagging ruirntteB got arouudi îretty n cl. Dir. Lewin reeeiseci word Saturday ot tis, deatlî îof hi@.briifher-in-law, Jolîri Brewer. to! DrucesLake. Fnneral Tues- dîy. luher,î,ent iu Mount Rest remetery. R. E. Lewin s@peut part o! last wesk wîtlî ie fanîily at J. R. Cornas.' D)r. býevÀ,n was a Chicago vtsitor Mon. day. J. Ri. Crri8 and R. E. Lewin were Kenosita visitor. Saturday. R. G. Murrie was e Kenosîta visitor Monday. Mrs. Ada Willams bas roturned front Florida. Wire Fence. Do Ot miss tisie special aale, 12 wi,-e 58 luches bligb.only 30 cens per rod. Itd wlll Dlot leke long at tiisPries but we bave smre for you. Coins and -me. us. 82-2 AbsEsucÂN WIaî FauscB 00. IRAVSLAKE DPRMN F.J. DRI'CE, Editor Phone No. 11 Orders Taken for Job Work Advrtiang Rates Orn Application Wm. Rehbeliî Iransacted lînsines, lu Chicago, Tuesday. Wm. MaLachlan suecnt ast Sutîdayat hi@isfarm. Tbs dantre giveil tby the,. îoysAtlîttic Club w*an a sue.. oeoiialls lnt tise expenwes lin gisiug a 'dance are 50 heavy that they bearly clsarrd expenses. Marqiîis Siaf'rr îs th,. latemt itîm ut the îîîuî,,1. Ge,, iigliaiii, if FuX L.ake, iransacted businîeslier,. Tueday. Mr, and SIre.La'r, are at thefir ccttage au0rosetlhe akr fîr tiie. easoil. The rîaîîy lrieîîds ot Fletcher (Iark, ah howas ai kuowuber. wsre grieced t,, heur of is ésudden deatis Tueeav. A. R. Bus,,n ià vîsiting relatives lu ths vlcîitY îof Round L.ake. Tîîîîin ykes, if Kansas, Is visitiug bis brother. Chas. eud inother at Round Lake. Dont forget the opeuiug dance et Amuans hall, Saturday ereîîing, May 8. les crean, and cake at the ire creain parlî,r. of the drug store. Misa Belle Allen ise xpectedil hume lu tihe usar future. Arthsur Radscliffe j- able tubs up egain. 1fr.. Weudleken i. esmioitlg iu the bookkeeping at thie merchauts' & Farnsrs' haut. Ott) Wahdiîîan iett Snnday eveuing foîr a week on the roand, ilsha@ beeu coný In",d at n"hielîrîîte iast tlîrrr weeks witl, a badhY irainued arn and lias h5t bec-n aIle t,, resîîîîe lis a ork, ii,.Ih Richlhu a vOvy irili"al oi îdtîun. f VW. liarve.v isabi , iii e,, and iii,.ut u,îîue muon Ntr K_ý le. u it iagui, trausai fnl lImiiîs ties lîrreWedîesday.1 a d Druce recentiv îuruhased a tarin South of Gages Coîrners, t Areb Deacon Tîîll w i lebe r. neit S¶,ndaY and deliver ti,.. îîr4t or a @crie@ ci Atbrse sermons.Asp. a brn wlill be sung hy the ittle, girb of tlhe Sunday 0ecbool durlng the. servu Claude Harvey,.îof ~a.gn a bere on buainees r,î.iî Besates liea brother, Floyd. i l' lunNehjaska in expscted bome ciifr l hort riait. E. B. Shermtan, a,,,] îf.,,i>r(ýhîcago, are @Poudiung a tew da . îîî,lit.r and rMm. Rd Adamns. Arthur Griffin, 'if X i.i.au, i. - ployed st tbe H. Kuiko ,-t.re for the season. 1lenry Kuebker tri,, ri-finsuineesi i Chuicago Wednesday. Dr. D)avis and famifi ii il itto the 1Mm. Ned lMson bou- it,r %% cek. On neat saturdio 'înîg maun Bros. will give the h-tij'ii dance of the seo . HaPlo m fll orcheetra will furnisis tbe mnieandîfaagrand tOms in promlaed to svery b-.îv w hoîattends. ,e cream and cake w1 i... sred at the le@ crearu parior. of ti- li mg store. H. A. Watson, tof, tllrwae a caller here Monday iîrg Old Settler Dies. Laat Saturday at bis iiqu,, în I>rue's Lake occurred thse death if I nile John Brewer as be wan geiîi.,îlI iiiauOn. He bad lived àt tbe ripe " I igge of ', yearsý Be wani Weil kuo'n îîîîrîiglî. ut the conuctyand beloved i î,i ,, Iknew liii,,- He waa a kn .îIginiai iii, mai, and was kuown , .al th, resirters abiout thse lake wfi., io ntluui,ru durng their smmers ut tio, ai.. Mauy ot tbem came froin ChIi, lor,, aui ,î gan to pay their Intii-i . . u t bism tuneral whicb waa fi f lt ili, h tue has t Tne#dayv iiîducted hl'kIf.T,1. ofii(fli LOUIS J. YEOMANI THE JE Drug Store Linos. New goo)ds for the new season, Ný nice tresb lins ut Spaldiug's atbletlc goads, W. bouy otten aud sel qi cltt Nottiig atale. Rat sul will kîlI ycur ratsi. Our iee reani sundase@satiefy yi)nî appetic.N othlng doubtfnl aliont ou, ie i ream sodas eîtlîer. Pour caudy gets the bes@t otfi ou. Ion get thee het of good trandy here. W.. have uo bargaiu halte. E very Item full value and honeet quality. If ît c,,ets mors you'l Sud thse qualtty better tfîr ws "mate good" somewbere. Olive oh lal both medicine and food tisai ls gond, pure olive nil lîke our li îted brand. Ws canttcet prices withîîut a proý portionable ut lu qnalt. Tbat's why w. dou't cnt. Ou thse water wagon? Then try our D,,n't fîîrget the opeulug of our new store at Round Lake ffaturday eveningr, IMey 8ti. DuicE DRu (o., Grayalake, Round Lake and lRockefeller. B. A. WrSONand L. B&KER, Regîatered Pharîîacists. GAGES LAKE Miss Manrcheeter, o! Chicago. vilted et tthe Cruker titi,,.ou Friday and Saturday ut lest aetk Miss Cisard anît neîubew, out iberty- ville, vs,îi,.d relatives bers Tuesday. Mr. andl tre Ieat atteuded Mr. lirewtacre fuin,'ralii t,1Iirday Mr. adtiii rs.ettlani]orn, prut Sun- uta3 ut F'nlNNigiiat i)ru-es 'ate. Fr,. ,]ai,ift s s, itelativles i(tek Ptartion Mi,îiay. A uiua- litýiiiSti nd if n rigarulto I îtî ilh, Iiayslikr Ni, .t nhir andttu uei, itiul itto ii ike arîv i îîîg, lf i bt iiai tiiriîilî, s .iti Brenilions. iiîci. il.,]t, Ifis huiîn,. ritidence tas rîti,,, i.,frî,n u,î iidîîust Vw. (;. ltriiifiil, hfuliati iof 0o1, , lîlued (ii inii t i, he iaili uittfîs lîîîîîured ti,,t meîus, r, r,nîîndý,',t tf thie- u 'er- iatiitî f if,. ani] iiirapiiuity a'itfi uslihiiii ur fi, earr d raus îîg ttî eclose. 1 lîreîuîrr 1,.i t Rit r] at tIihe S iiipatliy oftl t i'uîtir ni rt,.iiermfip i i'tfiar Lalo,('amp, No l,3O. R. N .A. lue ru.end.d thie eîrrîîwîng wî,luîssaîdtiliat ae commend lie'r tut the luire ad at]rro'futilmii, at ctnittrte s lhi s'hu urra-. And fie it furthe iî0 li-eeuld, tiet ae oiiy et these resolu- tituts b@ sent t e i.bereaved wite and to tii, hlcal haler and be spread upth ie mnuntesoetOunr camp. KÂTIS E. POTTEi, FLORIENCE HÂiBUuÀui, Loilta %RT'.HmoRE, Mastrs Sale. Thte Johfn Wicker.issim tarin o! 92ý acres, elso tise John Wlckersesie wood- tend o! 20 acres wlll b. oid at Charles Stempel's store ln Lone Grove,Ililinois, Junefi, 1909. at 1:000o dock p. im. Tise 92%4 acre tarin is about tisree mllesj nortb of Palatine, near the Cook County1 line, and le Improved wiîis a house. and4 barn (36x52 let), graaary, tooi shed, Ot bouses. running wsil, oe. Ezaje L. CLARKfE, Mdaster lu Chancery,g (BroUît Court, Lake Conaty, Ilinois, bavlng apent a weeks.ivacatin hler Mise Madge Carweî nuIIJrnLUA ..,-,"lierî homeln Chicago, Satt, ay ionpod O IILlI2I 1 1 ù~ 1 by mmiss Alice Nelson. 4ES A TE T O Miss lue, Pollock. ofChiagoaine Saturday to vi@ît her znotei uning Miîuday. Closing Out ~Sale Fred Trotter returrd tufangto4 la@t week. F. I). Footer transaî t. fi hi !îOnsminiift o Chicago, Saturday. i.~ .s - s u o v Mr. Miller and faiiii.l, of îîigtiîitnî [luOSH RR W Paý'ex pect to 8pend îht .lie e o the Spafford ai iiig tdth vacat h uae ! 0A N D F A R M T O O L S Lloyd White, oft Wanikrýail, aîld'R 4i the hme ftoie ast arrk, E from Friday until Snnda, \0i htheir U~ parents, returning to Ro, fstrr for ther. R . *Y E t remaind.er of tlterni. C Go.Anersnof ak Frt ra *în8 S. Oenesee St., Waukegan tags and appointed amstsant tdispose* .1 tissa i w b i eh th e y d d q u lte - r a d l y Mies C. E. Rater le spending soinetiîne In Evanstsjn. Dr. Jamîson met hie motherju Chicago laat Saturday on ber returu troui Chierry Valley.0 bR. L. S Chicad sntentra acei Here for "RaL er" Roofing at a Rîgkt ]P", The Hockaday school will bold special election Saturday, May 8 ut 8 p. m. t0 aleet tw,, achool direetors. Ail votera attend. The [.adies' Aid Society met Tbnreday lu the churelh p0arlors3 Supper was served b y the tuliowiug ladies. lire. James Jamieson, MrN. C. A. Mathewm and Mime Annie MeCreadie. Mre. Safforit returuei troi,,,Chicago (s~trd Tussday and sm getting along nirely. Cý E topi, , May 1), l'ilgriiîî's Progreso Heries, *The f louse of the luterjireter'-Sfn EclI 12 9-4;Jas» 1:I19-8--,-Margaret White., leader, A strong, serviceable Poofing for ail builing. The . . i C. E. society will g1, e a hvn ofsraeo ufc tmtn ose "Tu îsted Scial- at the iirihThirs-hvigarosufeofufcenaatt sd ilay eîuMa,, 1:1, Everyoî,î ,omn, water. You eaui Iy It ynsi-ospecial tool. oan d ' v n, a n d,] c aus e a g o tiare necessary -cem ent and naila for ap e aam an e1r g o ani M s N K laia,]ýl packed in the center of each rol. We wo«Ul Creinîi, atnded theiraeil if Jîlîn bc pleased to tell you ail about Amazon Roofing, quinte Prices, et* WARREN. Efigar f ise o."aîîd son. Roblert. uf * u m i~~I~~Uka(>Laliii are is sitiig relatives anîd f E E RThe ~dlere of John llrewer oc, urreil ai uitsioe ait lruces Lake Saturdey alter- cmo. Thi,.ftuneral was, held Tuesday at 100 with burial at Mount lest eie _____tery. MIr. Brewer was S85 ysars of age A Woaris Ida o Sumer omfrt.an d an uld residetit of Warren. He leeves A Woana deaof Smnua- <~omfrî.two sous and severai grandchifdren. 0 To oer3ywoman,esleluy the wumeîi The wîndnîiIi at W. F. CIew's was (wbuotsp1 bu- the topa. utfeîsommer bhowu dousn in tise reretiit severe strnî. roifrtl ie honte Ile one of irverr talling ilteret. Effiler itose and Wîîî Eiiedgr suere in Volîe particulariy truc,.wfîere u'oîî Chiieago on business Friday. t ort in thse kîtîhen la cocuernied, as it is Tî a,. t(me rds suu r ii thîs une ruon that the muet trylug was a-ehh attended despite tise bad ruade 1 part ilthtie w,,rk fis dons. sncb as Cok-and higis water. iîîîg, bakîng. îrouiug and heatîng usater4 fior washi-day purpoes. Even in cool Tise (urnes W. C T. I' will ineet witb 4 1weathsr su, h work la not altogether Mrs. Ailes Chas.l Wednesday atternoon, welcome, but ît becomes drudgery on~ May 12. Mesdames Chas,. and INddl. 7days wben tise mereury i. tryitîg to citube, leaders. iumptbrougb thetopof he thermometer, MssCnia arsi.lurlgtrî alded ,y e hcot stove that diffuses its M@@tyti Hcfila g ovn fo raimo8t uruhearable best tbrougb tise ber receuttac fl rippme. kitchea. But sncb day. are at, W iti tise New LONG LAKE rPerfection NVck B Z Fleme il Cok Stove, kitchen drudgsry becomes titchen Thos. Grahanm wasa Waukegan visiteur couifont, for tii wonderful store le so recently. couatructed that it not only prisluuie" quiet reanits, but doesefit ail wthou Frank Stanton lsasai@ting Dr. Spurling psreptibly relsing tise kitcee tempera- uot McHenry, wlth tie veterinary work tues. Alil this meaes reai comtort to tise Harry Stratton te; busy aseesiug the woman wlîo worka lu the kitcben. towu cf Grant. =sscally absu cousldered uitis the ddd adcantagee in thesaving uft me There, bas beeu two new cottages built n tise dolng away wtb al carrying oi un tie east @ide of tisefaite this sprng. co.al, wood end ashes; l haviug a 8tus Tise barn un tise Nicrk White tarin was tiat en be turned ou or off, bigis or luis.@truck by lightang fast Wednesday as required, and în nou$ having to keeP it uîght and twu, cowo and a eif ownecl I ighted wbien nit lu use. hîy Guy Hock were instautly kîlieul. Tissu there s the saviug utf fuel to be coidered, ant it la be.aIs,, that Tii,.FranktHilltcottage ou tiseeati tiseNew Perfec'tion exes. Alhtogli shiore bas been scîd thims sîriug. equipîued aitis thtrem burner. it bas but tIrs. Henry Stoffer was a ;reyslake oune oiîl eserroir, tbue reducing tirre vs itor receuthy. separate tilhiiig î,îurations to on. idî,esilftilstshIe "New Perfi,o, n I'd f ralai ii ent a fr w itiis at hborns s tuse o'uîil î,î suis,.built a it iia st suet. top.% t ls 'i i iiii(Itiitutcstop sebu1if eîpttir t i rs..zrIeelivrrs iente rtaiuiei cuti, îaîîyi cular ' viu.rfut fohir Sarming lplates ari, Ifront iiiicago last sue1,. teeputig tîsi fliot atterlit ile route,] Ilit aildîtitinthir., uts ta o drupsuriui,- on FREMONT wtw iîii ia3 f', -st tiie teepîî r i"n fi.,,ýi,;te poit aîiif stîif iî,ki uteliItsý li,'.iin ihr ufCi1ac iir th'*efIr i, New Perfection'î ,.i . iif , ,.i f 'mhl N,Hli-tiry , v il., Ihi,-re stuc,. iii 55itinftiluility. It8eesrrintIi iS.itiii% m(nds1itii,. au.andtirrnreTsets ifvtita, i NIpa,îu ktiieti tutfii acirantag.It M r rate.' 3 y orrr' h, ,î t,, the i ,'t tf ttatge ni,) iiatts-r us, i t , t f la fi li' hii" thie luit of itiarisin n îuy I't ori %f ii,,rfI's lr,'i,'ri, k sput uil~ ssli elr rtr.gi h. h as a ms,,,î, tîu.î t " ni ti .-.it irp rviitm. Mr.a i. u fre.l1'. Meyr . only "r aus!isio,, fr year'riuîil ta, ir-ii air iie, whle Anithir (t..i. i article off nui,, .,,liirsa ( îi.rs.,fî ii î ruieiitîis fih,. layo îLaitip, , Ilit f t,, fl,'rtun,]fatti l 'rtuay. si'entifiiiii(r it-ruicteut lam ittna t if l utw f r,-îîîîl te is tiilitig tfi, us t adîurî iLiiu t". ýiii uvfiether liiiruiru ,,%Ntj, ic srisis,., M rs, iN liîaîî, N îî,aî n. liarluir, il, oi "ii ir bedr oiiti. Tl,,- Rayilaîo o,- ,melba- st4eal' igt iii rs Nfjianfl,.itîîanîd sonî,Art fî,rP lit, tisat il ii ,. i t ,,in lie eyes. i t,.-tit , ti N.ulia, aliiit[,',.,Ilty ti ii ank.-gýii draft hurt,,,.ofi r latest udesign ad itic' Nlik.. ,gi, i madah' ,iutsînes tri, it,, fine po ii,, hsfvIle made ît a la,,, ' of 1,,ug' , Friili, conibiu,u îe']fîueand beauity. Thi'e Nw .,. tien Nick Blute Fliiti, WEST FREMONT. 01f Cookût S,., ud Raye Lauii, \%" stiut ta,,1, teitld articles tlîaî us il Il st uniii if.r .of i'tia ii, itei meet aîiy wla,,, ii,.4idea of ion,,. cii,,)irI .ir S irtihaY ai J ati iii I ri,rît . lu tise tis, uîîau, s ufbouini uw lhik [ I,o u MNf,r te s ,rk itig at thie' reaîîîery are alrent s tîsîl i bey are making tlitiig'.il, Xi uhu cheerfuflue ois f tîleir ab9clut,- eafty ti-s 'il.1' greet iîîiîcîit-ty ani wonderuîh on "' "" 1Itiii fi eutt utîîîai et venisure. I'.J1)ie ,i. tIrs. F rutnit Martiniî s ea Lilhy LRe6 "No-Drl," ite ,.moat clu-i-clittre callur one dayim lîsweck. -;lvered"'fi,., trie ver inr,'nted. (;st oee r,-e triii Dr. Sisoop, Ra ie , Wl.., by tise cOuPtlon plan. Tise roupuin and Dr. Sliuop's new book on Bealtis Cottes sent to any lady reqnesting tsein. Yon ead trici. aîîYîne by secretly serving Dr. Sisooî's Hoaltis CoSsee at ment tînie. Your viiter or yor huahand wili declare be 1, drînking rauofe-n et tiser I.o nt a grain of real cotte. in 'Dr. Sioop, BHeaithi Cotte.. Pure graitî, malt. and nuis give Bealti Cotteesifs exqulaite teste and Slavon. No 2() te f10 minutes tedious billlng. 'iMade lu a minute." Try it trom Jyour gro.'er an,] gotapisasantsurpýrise. Ilys lb, package CORLETT & FREDERICKS. A. bookiontri leuitatistu, and e trial treatîtîr,, tIflDr. Slitui)ue Rissunatîr lieîîeylyiîîuîîd mr tabletse-is being senlt tre, tii ufferers by Dr. Sfioop, uot iacine, Wîs. î)*on tiiet are usehi, get tisis book fo r situe dlsoîîuraged, dîsheertene,] nfferert fDoma emmie art O! hulnanityt Pouinît ontrtht,, way tii quimi. and .'ertaiti refief' Surprise eiinimu uterer by f]rst getfting fruit,,[lie. tuje fuekiet anîd thîs testt. iren lh appreciate ymur aiut. ALL DEALERS. Thîc Ilîdeçeîdeîîî and Chi cage flly Inter Occan $350 per year. Powell Rooing o 117 GEESETREET' WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS 'Par andl Gravel Rooflng for Fiat Roofs; Gravel and Smaoothn Snrfaomd l'repared Rooing for mý4teep Roofs. Rooting soid by the roll of 100 âqr. ft., or estimates gi%,eni on applisîl jobs. W~rite or cal! and 'Vg can Save You Moncy, that Bug Loie and look over over our stock. Have flhty "The Sta ver is a Staver" FROM IAN( IT'S OPOOD SCHA NCK' 3R OS. Libe rty ville, Ili. USE ELECTRICITY, FgOR LIGHT AND POWER Wriy? ASi< us Dorth SMore EIectric %?mpany 2:ii N. G(acticect . Teleplione No. 5 FRED JOCIIIIIM Telepisone No. 48 E Lbertyvilis Excisange SPECIAL ATTENTION BAKER and CONrECTIONER To out of Town Orders Libertujville INnl S And Shlpping Trada HOTELS AN RETAILERS SUPPLIE i WE DELI VER TO ADJACENTý TOWM B 1