IDEPW*1i~NT, ~'kU.&T, SPRINO IS lIERE And It la time to buy gar- den seeds for your garden Rush Park SeedI Co. Seeds for àl limited time two packagea for ............. 5c Also RICE'S, !'ERIY'S and CROSMAN BROS. seeds and a f ull lne of bulk Sweet Corn, Peu, Beaus,Onions, Sweet Peas, Naaturtiume, etc.,e t c J. ELI TRIQOS, OROCER Libertyville, -111. WHILJE THI13Y LAST 4 *1 Worth $4,W0 $2.84 TweIve ce=Chéenhrsets Worth 56.00 $4050 Hundred piece Ch-na Set wrth $20.00 $16.50 Se'of China Cuçié and Saucera Worth 53S0 $2.19 Lt of Ch-inam adSatace Worth from 50c ta 75c 34c Glmé Footed Fruit Dish worth 50c 35e Glas Footed Fruit Dish worth 40c 25c Chi*na CremPiteher Worth fr«m 10e ta 20C Water Set&. worth $150 Neligee Shirts. worth from 75c ta 51L00 50c Ni-te#uarter Sheetig worth 23c 19C Large Size Napins $2.65 Napkins woeth 52,50 $2.25 Napins worth 52.0 $1.75 Bcd SPMeadswaéth 52,25 $1.90 ]B.d SpesaduwoSt $3,50 $3.00 Apron Ginhania Smith &Davis I Libertyville, Ili. ~ ~ ~ - -. --- - M a 'vgwvvvgwvv~u@ui~u If inwear, style and patterns. UP-TO-DATIE MEN'S F Ito pleaffe, faucy desigusi for the fects for the more coneervatjv, lence in every branch, an asoi Iattract your trade, and to k( inspection. J. B. MORSI j Everythlng for THREE 0F A KIN. D ia winning liand. 8 a m e satisfaction with the tlree good - fittinig shirts her e dispiayed - comfort Everything in mir FURNISHIIS J.1.CLARK PA355. AWAY SIJDDMNY LSHORT AND PERSONALi MMr. Geo. KoOn bas beau viitiag iDroppsd Demi On Mlwaukee Avenue relatives la Kankakee the pait wesk. About 4.30 Tuesday Afternoos, Mia. liabel Lester, of the Lake County Weak Haart the Cause. T9Oephone Co, lseuffering with an attack of the mumpe. d~étb bat -Miss Flora Trlpp las teen visiting No bett as ai occurred ln Lberty- friande aad relativeej in Iboa nersa Grove ville la rnany yeare bai beau such a the paat two weeks. shock to the community as that ot j. p. 'Thora e sait] to be a proposition on Clark. Wa]king along the etreet la foot to change the name utf South Park aipparently the hest of bealtbhahe as. Avenus bo Newly Wed Court. suddenhy stricken and sertiru the walk, 8. E Pope and wite returned lait WitbOut a word, with Do suund or eunday front Caltornia where tbey have exclamfation bie passed from thîs liret k>bsef for the past two it.îî,ths. tbe world beyond. Willing friands lir. and Mr@. G. liard, of Chicago, hurrlad to hie relief bat he had paised vlslted over Sonday aithde home of Mrs. away, there was scarcely a fltter about Beard'a mother, %Ira. 11,T. (îbson. the beert, the spirt had led, al the medlcal aid in the world would have 'Mitchell e Mlitary liand wîll give the beau of no avel. tirai dance of thelr au ni iner series et the1 Mir. Clark bad' been ouperntending town hall on Fiday r.aîg May 14. 0011me repaIr work of the telephone lino Barry Nieholas. of l'avid. Iowa, and &longllwaukee avenue anli to belp tbe George Chard, of Austin, slwnt Saturday1 workmen picked up two fedders and and eunday ait the huwite of Frank carrled themi a short distance down Nlchotan.1 Milwaukee avenus. Be was relleved of9 on oefu tbemi and walked witb the otter JaalicCryotle aad Iamilv, ot Chicago, but afa les t soutb of the office of the have n>oved to Lih, rtt-ville and i ahI NoMrth Shore Ga@ Comapany when bis rasldeastthe corner of Milwaukee avenue 1kaes sudden1l eemed to give wey and ami- Broadway. be 'bank k>to tILwalk. A nuniber Wbo lire. E. E. Eastoa, of Do wner's Grove, saw bien fali stopped for an Instant Wbo bas bea visitlng at the home of1 tranisfixed * at the slght and thon rushed Mr. and li. Francis Tripp, returaeda to bis reliait.BHewas lylng but a short home lest Sunday. distance frotte be office of Dr. A. ] TebEcLmk saku teYr Chaiarel lwbo wattfst«tyaledbt Telrz mksaconheYer b.h fouad the bearti hall aedtboa. Brothers bottlleg %w rks was blown The rsmaine asetaken lnto thé office ecrosi the roof Tbursday nlgbt badyr of the gas companyfroum wbretih enaglng the building. eawre at ontce remo rad to bie home. Mri. Arthur Lainkey tend chiltiren baveà Mir. Clark hmbeau a erWsdent 01 beasaabsent tb. Pest week vi@icinl Ubortyville for the peét fitteen years. Mlwaukee. T4y 'will leave la a shfort Be wes bora la FairtlId, Lake couaîy, ";,rne for Seattls, Wesh nsar Lake Zuricb and, waa between iltty and filty-Il va yaars of âge. Be bai ben The bail game wblch w"e to have beaun presitat of tbe Lake County Telephone played et thé fair groundslaest Sundey t;nmpany sînce Italu Incption, sorne ainwas postt lîpOOd O oa ounit of the wtet Years ago, and k> hlmn belonges tbe credît cniio fthe dlamùm], as lits Inander. Be andi F. B. Luveili frst The Ladies' Aid Societ v ut the Preshy- conoelved, the Idea whilh tbey et once terlan cburcb ailR meet au the home of ptit texecntion and the company bas Mir@. F.P.Dyrnond, Thursdeyatteraooa, grown anti prusperedte nder hie dire- May 18. There ahilhe work. tion. The tiret year lit was controlleti p by M r. Clark and F. B. Loveli &flune and Mr@. J. B. ilobinson), of Evanston andb eit theentd of that tlme waa iacorpurateti r. W. L, ilackley aud( daughter, Ruth. for $2,500. The capitalization , wtO! Waukegen, acre th, guee t fMr. t agqain reis, $500 niwibte aFrancis Trippe One da>- last week. fe otéago ralsedt k>$50,000. Su Arch Deacon TOUî ll hi hld Ep)iscelB mach for the manaement ut J. F. Clark. services la the Woodmeiu hall nex tb Previoni k> the tirne uf bie taking bolti Sunnay afternoon et three o'. Iuck. A 1 Of the telephone company ho watt a cordial invitation la extended ta ail. a traveling salesmen for the Stuvereandtf efterwards the b'aIrbanks-Morse g8- Mr.eand Mts. ByHge of Chi-agi>, lino engines. ad l.àndM. uy hughes and tc Mr. Clark'. reputation as a business chiltirea, uf Milîhurle, vi@i tedl ovor du nday ma cenwWeil htenviéd by any business et the home of tbeir manther. lir. E. J. a man. Be as conservative but keen teHughes. c appreciate an opportunlîy wb.n offered. Several wel-known promotere are f As a privalîs citizen hé weé well liketi di@ecnlg thée dvlsability of buildinga andi lahis home a lovlng tether. The dance platfonu set tlhe fair grounds and r farnlly grief strickets by tbis auoppurtune bolding dancese thene every Satnrday ea"astuy bave thée ympatby of the nib uigtesme.Y eatire village. Mir. Clark was a merutierngur gth u er of thé liesonlc-lodge, e Knigbt Templar Barman Bock, of Aatioch; W. F. clow, i and a Woodana. oftOarnes; Wrn. Vlcker.y, of Rockefeller nt Be wae always active lnaneytbing anti tieo. Quentin, ut Long Orove, h tiat te'tbuugbt woulti benefit Liberty- atteaded thé netlnguth Lake County vile and trenetly tiuplayet I@bs ublic tar officiaishéld bogaan l eonda'y. ' spirt by takiag uphie time witb pro-.lir. Nwton and wite, ot Kalis"s,have Posed proWeto and glvinig thern ail the been guestée t thé home ut S. S. Wbeeler mi hélp anti encouragement ithIn bis thepaeatwesk. Kr. Newton was former- Io POwer. Be was attentive tn blé owa ly a neident ut Lake counny but le now ni pereional altaireand hiebusinees lateneste a loyal citizen ot pirosperoue Kasaâ. and any requent k> lu was always givén prompt andi courteouit consider. On accolent ut repalrlng the DesPlaines zt itlon. He wae beloved by bis friends river bridge, cars wrs unable tu cross he and héld inl the beighéstest.eeq andi bonor the bridge for several honrs dariagr thehi by bis acquaintancese. He iveti a goot irnddle of tb. day lmat onday and ab lite, fougbt a gond figbit but now thenUmber o1 paisengere wére compelled to ni curtain i@ tiran, bis lite work le doute. walk k>, Rockefeller. un Ne leaves tu moura bis loes bis wlfe and Ben Simen neturnsd lst Tbnretiay ons danghiter, Mn. J. S. Byatt, ut bis eveaiag trom b is@borné la Ocoaee, Ili., owu irnrndlate tamily.wbere ho hati beeu caflé by the serions Thé funiral .111lih LId frott theborne lieu of bis father. Thé venerable man 1 on Milwaukes avenue, Friday aflaruonu passeti avey a few deys atter blés arrivai ai et tbrse o'clock. Bey. 1B. F. Lawler anti was laid tu et Saturday. n( nfficiating. Interment et Lakesldedi csrnstery. Ai a fittiag tribute truellebi& Mise Eva Persoa, of Âmes, We, and i d aeoclateumranyofuthte business bousesMl" Martba Cook, Of libsasPoîfs, Mina." ai be cloeed durlng tbe funerai service,, Wbo bave beeu visitng at tbe borne 0 ol Mr. anti lra. FE. WJrs the past two 1 o i o o 3natty, seusibleef.j ve-a general excel- rtment at prices to* ceep it. We invitej lien School Notes. The followjng are the young ladiesq sudI ¶netlmen wbo wHi graduate fro.n lbryfebgh ebool: iMarie Baven, MWollie Colby, Edna CayNelle Bulkleyù Blanche Proctor, Mlelloy, Maud fIller, Clark Attridge, George Bulkley and Frank Eger. Margerie Soorbasretrned to the elgbb grde ltera tw weks' absence. a aumber of daye lait week. A basket social will be given by the PIreshmen ela@@ ln the hîgh scbool room en )Mey I3th. An excellent program bias bean prepared. Everybgdy corne. Noel Duraad and Phil Protrne visited Mdiss Hazenianne ruom one day lest weel. Edna Casey tuuk the teachers' sxam- ination at Waukegaa lait Friday and S.iturday. She pasmed with high honora. Justine Wire was absent from the seventb grade two days last week. The Juniors had a clams meeting last Tuesday afternoon. The eighth grade had their civie elami nation lest Weduesday. Caroline Butterlleld viited the firet grade lait Friday. The Sophu)more clams hav-e takien up a new rla8m.jc, "The Sir Ru)ger l)e Cu)verly Papere. Leaguera ElecI Offters. The regular business meeting anti elertion ot officerm ut the Epworth League ut the Methodiat cburcb waa helti et the hume ut Daiel Lee lait Friday eveang. Twu tickets wene in the flelti the 'Forward anti thue 'Atvan)ce; the candidates beingelecteti by the Australien ballot system. The tollowing ane officers tor the cuming term: Mise Stella Maxbam, presitient; Mis Ada Mclýaugblin, firet vlc-president; J. 8. Hyatt, second vie-. peslient; lire. O. A. lNswsur,thirti vice- preélident anti Mis Della Croker, tourtb vice-prealtent; Minae Fie Butterfielti, oecnetary; Miss Flore Steples, treasurer; Mise Ethel Weler, planiet. weesaeit for tasir respective bornes Weduesday. Botb youag ladies bave teen sftndying munie tuaChicago the pont wlnter. Miss Cook la a vocalist ut recognizeti ahility. SIte bas e swest asoprano voice ant irng ber visit bsne sang on everal occasone. IMiesPereons is amuet accomplislîsd jesant anti bas atten eeveral very editable rom- positions. "Homeleso eE-tur" carne Up for his eban ft the discussion et the lest meet- Ing ut the village board. The canine famliy ID Lihertyvilla shows nu tendenev et ail txuarn tar- suicide anti ait tred frum the yellua- cor to hie more haughcy anti aristuý-ratic brother rnultiply and 1Intest the highways anti byweys in suri. Lnumbers that complainte aie eing matie for more rouiri anti tewer duggies. The ordinanre regarding thons ecavanirerg ban aut bren ecrîrtly entorceti the tact tew yeard and the tieti" tbiak that it is higb tinie that a license wai imposeti. The etorit: ast Thureday evenîng wae, of course, tlhe w-rat in years anti it w-as terrifir enougîito suit the Muet exactingz Telegraph, 1,lepitune anti electrir lîght wires were badly damnageti anti the- village a-as iii dî,rknse a part ut th,- eveang. Tuie I Iii t'ENO4ENT, alittie late la puîblishiog wac gotten ouI hy the ligbt of fllrkerîtg canise«: South ut the village the uvinti serme te bave tekren a1 twist tOiat wana îl'ost a cyclone anti1 haras uvere cruahîrîl ta, blown tiown andi wrectet lite tîhe ' were su mach paper. Jobn Bradley rieur Runtiont sutteretire beaviest luss -hiei waa partly covereti by Insuranre. T.legrapbi anti telephioneE poles were lluan townau nlamany1 rases the tops wer bruken of anti etukrk la the grounîl po int townward. Small buildings aut w'i'dtimlles were also easy1 rnarks for the high winti. The Des1 Plaines river uvas higber anti the muet I tbreatening lîîoking rivulet It bas been r lu years. la nme placsmil wasover liaift enmile la widtb. T ha electrlo cars wenei tied up from 5:30. in tbe eveaiag until i aller one o'clori tchat nigIt anti many a belated waytarers wers compelledti t stop In Waukegan anti other tuwns i aloang Iba north ehore. ABOUT YOUR 140NEY MATTERS. EARNING, ACCUMULATIN(G and MANAGING your rnoney la wortiny your caretul tbought anti best efforts. Do il the very best way andi before il la b Ifte. The ut rnuney anti money maltera is Our business. We ca elp you save, bantile a"d invest your moaey in tne most profitable, ntost ronveaient anti SAFE-ST way. Ever boy anti girl sboulti bave a savings acount. Every man anti woman neetis the belp anti atvice uf a sounti atudi erviceable banlu. We invite your business anti your accoant. THE FIRST NATIONAL BAN4K 0F LIBERTYVRML Open Saturd.y Nlghts Next Oser t. the Peet Office The Tag Day Fund. May Day was Tag Day and a big day tthat. It wasstorrnYauddisagreeable Muet Of the time but ttetaggers nothlng dismayved kept rlgchIt til anti the rn-a Who escapeti théir vigilanceilayet te ho tunti. Muet everyone that day was arnnablé J cheriîy anti the reéponees wene literai. en dollars wuithe hlgbest contribution epurtei fromn an yuneperomn andti Iere -enea number o!f ive's anti the spnaller Jenominatione. The sale uf cendy was dsu a great belp and about fift7 dollare A the emount collecteti came frein that ere. The tutal arnount colected la ne Litertyvlle district amountedte k 'out $35o wbicb was consiienet k>ht very guond sum cunsidering tbe day andi Is condition@. Teggeri boardedthetb -aine anti cars anti it wu@ une outheb nicago taggers wbo.aecuned the higet nount la the district, $25.88. Thene ere 45, boxes in circulation. Further murttrulars freim other parts outhte ounty will be tounti in atiother columa. The tag day rncmnuittee, the paggere id other wurters tieserve a vote ot ake tor their earneeîoeavur la sucb wortby cause. Charitybeglasat home id tbree mure tieservin3g institutions oul nut have been selecteti. Tire rphanage, the lioëepital anti the tuber- lar inetitute aid tpe humelees andi lirce the @let ant isitresseti. The ublir appreriatedti iis tact anti came .rwartet give freely anti liherall.. T( de a.l th ab ti Ch ai Pa afu an col orl ru rel 'lu The Lake County Fair. '1711Vhbard utfuirertors anti the ofticers of the Lake Coîinty Agricolturel Society helti an ofliclai umeeting la Lîbertyville las( Moiday. Murh tinie was talion up witî thte ret talon ut thepnemium Et anti wlîtle a feu- ruts bave been matie la mume tieîiartmrnts cithae have bren incream-eti cu it larger crie tbaîî ever betore. The sîterd prugram was also riitisitiere&d.t plants are being matir tir an attractive ra-r prugram. TIiere lsaelso to be a nunîber of neuv impruvemnts. A new puultry building la tý, be ererteti anti Many ut the ulti st-ale will be titra duw-n anti nplaced by new unes. This lepertec ,Inlaewitb the Pollcy uf the tair association wbich lias lueeu striving eaeb year for a botter fair, mone exhihite andinu gnater varlsty anti extent. May valuable iminprovements wsre madie lait year anti this yeer w$ll ee nnany mone convenlence anti neceesery repairs matie about the grountis. The fair is gruwlng larger every 3-sar and the accommodations muest te irnprovsd, tO meet it. The dates this year ane Augut 31 September 1, 2, 3 anti 4. A large an1 exteirsivlline ut ativertislng wae bougbt mon iPagîtanti thé peuple ut iurthern, llinoits are goîngtu hear about the Laite Cîîuoty fair anti ite big attrac- ions. It lm Laite County's holiday week. A lew tmure Wisconein seeti date, pric 15 rente. kFtr sale bythe HOMiE Lrsuui- Co.%i .A -, Y. 31-2 t t] ti 6 c tiIEY WERE WED ON THÉ I'IRST Of, MAY Misase Young and Dr. E. C. Crane Married LiaI Saturdey Evenlng et Home cf the Bride's Parents. At the rosidence utfAMr. and Airs. E. C. Young, on Division etreet. les.t Satnrday 1evening occurreti une ut the prsttieéî 1boibe weddings that bas taken place la Lîhértyville la rny a day. * The parti- clpýatiag parties were their tieughter, miesBese anti Dr. E. C. rane, a promieni anti prosperous yung dentit ut Chicago. Prnmptly oet the hour ut riglit ui-l,,ck the bridai couple, attended hy two childn acting as tluwer bearers entened the rorn to the sIrains ut the ever Impreeéive wedting march anti took their places. The ring ceremuny wai perforrnad by Rev. E. F. Lawler, pailur ut tbe Methodisî cborcb atter wbicb the happy pair wenecungratulated, showcned witb rice anti confetti, anti every guoti wlsb for a bappy journey. The bouse was@ charmlngiy decuratei witb tarin, ivy, carpatlons and hyacinthe and was 5used wltb inviteti gueite aurnterlng about au evean untie. Lightý refresbmente were servaRd. Thé bride was attire in crearn colonedj rajah, made Princes., trimmed wltb gold and carrlsda sbower bouquet of IlUI«sofut thé alley. The flower beare wsre: Master Noel Young and Misé Katharine Barber. The wedding rnercb as executei by Mr@. Flore Dnrend. The pretents were meny anti moet beautiful, valuable anti eleborate. Cnt glasé, bond paintei china, suliti silver anti manv other serviceable and pnetty mementos ot the occasion. The groom's present tu the bride was a tiamonti broocb. Two shouvers were griven in hunor otf the couple previons to, their wedding. A plate sbower eit the home ut Miss Meude Butterfeld anti a kitcben shower et the homs ut Mise Gertie Werner wbilb wene attentieti y meny ut their frientis aho favoned them with many usetul article«sJ tu aid la the eqaiPmueat ut their homle. At tbe close ut the evening tbe bride and gruom quietlr elippeti away to their uozy home un South Park avenue when <% tbey will te et home tu their many friende. The bride is a @wesl anti muet lovely young lady who bai matie lier home in< Liberc.yville for a aunier of years antid tomber, bier friend-e by the score. She hai been ever prominent la church wurk- tad social affaire anti lebelt inluthe- bigbest esteem by everyone. That ste may sajoy lier tull quota ut bappineli, jy anti prueperity ls the ainen ewisb ut riany. The groom le a sucesetul dentiot wîtb oftices in Grayolake andi Chiego abers eola well anti tavorahiyknown. During lie sujouras la Litertyville ha bas made many frienda and acqueintance. -ho s, s,. s, s, s, s, s, s, ta Lake Cou nty National Bank Statement at Close of Business, April, 28, 1909: -Extends to ail a cordial invitation to cail. In our Lino of WASM GOODS We are showing the Mostt desirable patterns ln Lawns Dimities Percales Ginghams Linenes Etc. Etc. IN CORSETS We Carry The American Lady The Americaa Beaubj Thoinpson's Glove fPitt*oag P. Mi. Parisiana lu prices ranging from 25e to $3.00 o o o o * o * * o o o i o o o o o o o o o o Chidre'sMise'an Lis' he n x Chid rom2e', ises ad$ades5.oeoad. ford s fro nd5eBoys1S$3.i5l]te0.digstls Men'hand heBys' Sh00oe n al he lodn tear ket, made by W. L. Douglas Shoe Co. We are showing a fuBllune of (JNDERWEAR fo Lie odfCiGen'MeunandBoys REBOURCES Luans ant isecunts ....341,791.29 Unitedi States bunds...41,00.00 Bonds anti séurlties...-19,700.00 Banking bouse & fixIones 10,500.00 Overdratte ...............388.80 Due from U. S. Treasurer 2,000.00 Cýash.........$0,374.82 Due frurnbanka58,488.78 83,818.00 *549.192.59 LIABILITIffl capital ................. . ... .1 Surplus .................... 25,00. Uufivdd profit&..... 4ô9w clrclallon.......«'-40,00. <q D iv ki d d e u n p a ld ... . . . . 4 0 A Depoults .................,w14&. ÂUIONIBILESAgent for. the 8500.00 AUTO OBIES BuhR un abo ut, which is a simple and serviceable machine. GÂ~1EAgent for, the $50 ar ENGINESgines, wlilch'are used for -pumping and other"light work on the farm. Albert W. Litchleld, Libertyville FOR ME3N We have just received Ten Dozen Men'e liandkerchiefs Made trom the fineet Cambric, the grade that selis for 15c, while thUs ot lasts you eau replenleh your needs at 3 for 25C Men's Mercerlzed Four-in-Hand 1Wash Ties In a great variety of colore and patterns; you woulct, expect to pay a quarter for such a pretty tie, but we only ask 10 Cents THE PAIRt vwvvvwvvv iý09 - ffl ------------- Y*, pop m"Il- 010 Feris nd Naz re h Wa Esfo hlje an M u