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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 7 May 1909, p. 6

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WAR 1»'%» Zien ourreils Furnieh Poturest et Ihnte' Monday Night Aiihougha Ilenlwhr Bide Admei* Defeai. Indep- r elâcidenta insiali Offcers and "Mayor"1 e %wliy Makes Hia Appoinuments. I Plighi Contera with Police Station.1 WIlie Vlîvas forces beld. fart ln t- . b ity counicili eambers. lu a roonu packcd ta suffocation, and condnctedr a short counreil meeting, Zlon Indep-b endent forces Monday evening met lu l thc office o! Zion Office Supply Coin-8 pany, sud, ln a rival meeting, appoint- ed uew officers. adopted uew ordîn-b suces aud accepted bonds of lie uew-E ly elected city officere.E No bioodslied, flot even fisticuffe, marked the progreas of the flgt be- tween tie twa factions. Voces vere nslsed once or tice and a large crovd auteide the city building wated for semething ta bappen. Both count- cils &dJonmned vîthout serions Inter- ruption. Volivans Aliowed Bis. At th Vouiva meeting, bille vers îlowed frein a treasury tlim a ln thiebauds of the Independeuq sud viien a demnud tor the poil bocks of the recet lectian vas dsnied b,' Ciy Clerit Fabry, nov Cily Atorney' Fabsry passed instructions ta Attor- neya George Flsid. of Waukesgan, and Leslie Needimm.of Chicago, to start law proceedinge la secure tem, proaim- ahi,' maudamus proceedings. Siarted et Eighi.1 Tise first step in tue nistory af thme O nigim oecursd vie t a littie aller five. the council chambere were packs- ecd --lit foliovers of Voliva. Nthing o .ccured until about elgit tu break the monoton,' of tieir sttlng quleti,' Inuthe bail. Ths Independenta aie oupper t lie North Simore Inn and mdjourned ta hl1e offices of At- torne,' Fbry. Ai elgit tiey msrched taulie council cliambere. iy liai Urlme tcrayd liadd usd im e tairva,' orthlie building sud balfvay fiusd time utreet lu Iront. Indspendeiit Mosi. Malmor Riche,' and Attorney Fabsry vent np Use steps lit the council ciambers vut te others vailing on thre çWurs. Afler a gisuce arunud Uic roosu M ayr Ricbey sateil. "itlal to cro'e-d hobrs ta dea au, business. We viii adjouru talie room davu ata&lr." And the deanent vas made. At ihe offe aof the mon Suppiy coin- pgny, Janl et Uic foot efthtie stairs, &aspeciai mode vasgiven aitithe door. vwus apeucd and a crovd limai quicky fluied tise rcom ta suffocation poured ln. Ths officiais crowded tu the front cf the rurar. the msyor rspsd for order sudUtheimeting w» u.started. YjptMmlerthe aid connuc tanied hum- in*a. A canvas of the votes vas deçInemi but thre poli books vers lock- * d op u the gale Of Oit,' Clerk, PabrY, cli,' clerie under th aid adminlisrs- tins, but eiecced ct,' attorrney et the * issi ciectIon. Michaei Diebold, Voi- lieu mperintedent of public vomis vu oasst te tthe meeting belav. Ai ml8dmmn ils longwvitle visaiers h. crowded loi the n nud up it thc front "W. dernand Uai -Yoe came up la 'Uic meeting." he aIdR "-oh, yen go anà a,' davu" retaeu Attarne,' 8>bry. "Yen refuie? Very veli," rculied Debold. and lie lett the canin, !oloved by blssi sudcet coli fromu th audience. Dennd for Poil Books Refused. Tise meeting vas starled again but son . W. Farley, one othlie defeate Voliva aldermen. apîieared. "I van a voi-d vltb Mr. Fabry," lie announe cd. "Wala t 1?'called Fabry. 'Il yen tur over lie polibooks ta me?' 'You're no better tisan an,'body else, caled bacit Fabry. "Wili you lu!r aven lie poli books ta me?" aga aaked Fariey. 'No, I viii not, and viii tam tie over la, nobody excep timie councilithatlah rigiml iere nov, Farley ltt lie room and reparled t the meeting above. Tbeh il vashi mater waRetu-ned cier lu Attarne:i Fields and Needham. Jaap Apponted Marshal. At the indep)endets meeting ti main busines vas 1the appoiiilingo offinera for the iexl tenu. JuhnF Jsap vas made pouice inarshsl to uc ceed'Captein A. A. 'Valier ..1 Hoover vas made fire isarsisal, a office creted ai the meeting, as 'Walý er bas imld that wi1th bis police dxili W. S. Franke va#giaipolptcd supe inteudent et publie vomis, J.c Speinhcr wva ppoiuted commissionp of ieaIUi; sud John W. BlsIne wa made paid lircman. Cemmittees vers appinted and sa aris e ves lied. Al afficers recel% a anmul salary excepi lise mayor, wh serves for il a Y'ser. An nrdiuar< * imiang the First State Banks of Z' as ^tbe depoetary ot the cil, fui( uni speclftug Ua their remov .811le only on an order elgned1 th* uwaSo'. iiy cdent and ciiy Irea ide' viii vin la the'emid. AttOmuey Fabry iieid ta the books as he WUai ciy dlemieunder thic 01 4adristra. ten sud was enUtied te Usera.He bad i bond AcCePted us City attorneyJ aitheUi meeting lest night and wiii nov probably qÉallfy as city attorney viile E. R. Chritlanscu laites bis place as cierk. Iodepelidente appeared on Uic scgue both cheers and JeerB grected tseni. Voivana filled the counciliChambers. Independent enthuelasts crowded the rcom davuetairs, lu the saine Cityt hall building niere the other faction1 ield Its meeting and vben Farley asked for the poli books cieersd Fa.bry sud iireatened 10 tirow Fariey ont.1 Mayor Rilbey demanded Ihat no viol-E ence be used. "Mr. Fariey bas lis mucim rlght bere as anynne," ho tal-a 'ed.i Meetings Decided Nothing. Ths tva meetings lest night decided noibing and Zion la as mach taogied1 lu ber city affaire as ever. With tva mayora and tva councils seegla euh lu the mit of a vordy fIgbî for city control sud bth aides bave dlaims of superior rigit to offer. Neither Voliva nor Receiver Thomu- as, the roai leaders of the different tactioný, appeared ai the meetings Manday night. Vhs Volivana are holding the tort against lie Independente Rtaion Cty. Captain Waiker. Voivan captalnO f police and hem aof the Greenhalgb and Thomuison cases emong miany others, reappointed Volivan chief by the may- or of liaI factioni Monday nlght,.tle euh holding the police siation againet the neu 1police, Jaap, and the nev lire chief, answering al demande wth the simeat tiat If the independent ais- pointees dare to enter the policee or lire stations he will tbrow, tb.em ont. ('aptain Walker hemi the fort nions Tuîssday morning but in the afternoan une regular policeman and fireman and Ivo speciais jolned hlm. The saine tableaux took place at thc offices o!flthe bealtb cominiJssioner, J. A. LaRoae. s Volivan, vimen Dea- con John G. Speirber ofth11e Inde- pendentz dsmanded even Bo mucim as a scrap af palier, sud Voive, vas lu LaRoses office sud counselsed againet giving up It lu asaerled. ' Ths samne thing taelt Place ai ail city offices occnpied by Voivans and Indications vers pleitifili Ualt th Zion flgt le one to Uic death, vitb no Quarter to gl-e or ta asie. The new lire engins. Monday lime ecenter of a Jlg aav polical puzzle, vii lieh returned ta lime factory isy the adlsgusted agent vimo dose not kuow 0vblcb faction ta deliver il te. ,r The ladependents are ut as de- 9tsrmlned ln their meamures au the Vçlivans and an Instants relaxation on lie part of lime latter wonid meai aUtc capture of the Voiva frtifies- dions. Even Michael blebold, tireet fore man, rstuscd ta surrender Uic digni- tise and ernoluments of bis occupm- tionan sd la anglng on lhec gris deatis. 8, Cuptain Waiker barely cesses guard » long enougis te svallew a cup et bolt Ni las cofte sud a bain-na. iologue- IL sandwich befare ho vas an the job ,d anin. s i i. b Sefore Judge Landis. 9 Whiie FnIda,' Attorneys Pappeu- t imen Ionrlthe Independeutesud Feldsul and Needim for Voliva ialked ail att-Il enoon before .ludge Landie on tiseaR- lion o! Voliva lu tise Laies counni, cir- cuit court ta lreserve b,' Injonction n ll'e DWii' base, lie mater endedo witii Judge 'Landis' aunoancement tisaI ho wnuld laits tandem advîsemeut tieiPoins of ut mvconcerued Iu tiseP case. v bore Volkva saugit edrees inlu a laver court Iustead fln -the United I States district court.e hemater of cotemlt, proceed- luge did flot once deî'elipand vasv ual evoîs eermed tla THESE MAY WED. C'larence W. ing, Auioch, 26; Rose IL. Mau, 19.t E. A. C'ran,îe.('rayslake, 29;Busas Edua Yaunsg. 21. J. F'. OConnoar. Chicago, 10; Bertha1 Lang. 30. F. K. Souetana. ('hicago, 38; Mary \lelisvant, 34. AIex S. Kennedy, legal age; Mary ILotesiey legal age. i. A. Rosamnan, Zion City s, I' WI heliilua uruniehomat, 33. Harrv IC. Smih, Minneapolis, 26;< Bertha SJdvamds. Mnneapolis, 23. t F. V. Stalely, Fart Sheridan, 23;1 Margaret ('amie, 20. Roy J.(ok. Chicago, 30; Marie ?3lf' P Smith, Si. Paul, 25. .1Edisard D. 1'hepe, ChIeRgo, 69; An- irna 'M.Fiasuie.59. J M .toiîkss, 29; Taras Mata,'ilch. 26. y .J. lerlals. 21; CeelIn Alguer, 18. ;_ George Selîsicie, 27; 'iary Bleeic, e 19. Williîh Tlosonî, nacine, 28; Aima Bakýer, 23. CHICAGO LICENCES:. Fraunklin liutîll, Fort Seridan, 23; t abel Maroc.,\\'lnnemac., i 1 r Ths Laies Cunty ludependeut and tise Weey Inter -Ocean sud Fermer r 1,gper year. bien, atorneym. lta. cf nols4 Ooirnty of Lakj, *sz John 8. Carmin,' Harrie 'L Paras.- Roy M. Parsons, Lura B. Parsond, Vhi - $InêP. arons, SFrank E. PAraop; Ell- bthConuAmi Zabnle, 01,0 ConUin, John CSmUnln, Kate ,CojWt4i Jasi*oConlln, Mary Conlin, Peter1 CoalIij Michael Conln. gopla Zahnlq,1 Elizabeth Oarrity. Mathias Zahute,1 George Zale, Joseph Zahule, Louisi Zahule, Jacob Zahule. Katherins Sei- gel, Frank Recktenwald. Annie Reck- tenwald, Jacob Recktenwald, John1 Recktenwald. M arggret Rccktenwald Miller, Mary Louis& Golden, uos, Recktenwald, Mary Cain and Thomas Cain, ber hncband; Frank Meaney, France Mcaney, William Horenberg, er, Jacob Zabule, huabejmd of Ana Zalinle, nee Conlin, Davd Garrlty, husband of Elizabeth Garrity,, Jo seph Seigel. busband of Katharine Selgel, Roberi Miller, busband'of Mar- garet Bsecktenwaid Mller,' Lawrence Gloden. bumband of Mary lousa God- en, Edvard Mores, Van Hemeratort, Louis Sofker. the 'Iunknov" owner or owners of or persons interestedan the followlng described tract, plece or parcel of land, to-vit- A strip of land 1009 test ide, runing ln a north- eriy and vaatsrly direction and ex- tendlng through the »outhweMt quar- ter of the nortiieat Quarter of sec-, tion 17. township 43 north. range 12 sitof thc third PiialXMeridan and a part of the northwetQuarter of the nartbeasi quarter of Muid sec- tion 17, tic centet Neaof vbioh ln de- scrlbed as foflawb: Begluuing et a point 30 feet West of the soUthceit corner of saad souibveet quarter o! the noitheast quarter et section' 17, thence north 0 degrees 46 minutes west 114.4 feel, thence northerly on a curved lins ta the Wet, bayIlug a radius of 1910 feet (concave wes er-' ly) 950 feet, thence north 29 degree 16 aintes weet 720.5 feet ta a point wblcb Ils forth 64 degrees east 489.6 feet f rom % point ln lthe north snd soutb quarter quarter Unxeeof raid sec- tion 17, 1212 teet eouth of the north quarter corner of sald section 17, cootalning 4.1 acres more or leus." ttnknown owner or owncr or or persans iuterested ln th foloig decribed pice, Parce1 or tract of land, to-vit: A strip of land 100 teet, vide extendng througli tbe northeasterly part of thée LOUIS J& YEÔM'A-.N THE PIANO MMN nortliveut quarter o! Use sautisvest ' C quarter of section 34, township 43ta amUi, rangs 12 Saut of Use Snd P. M.,s the cenier Une of vhIschisn deicnlbeda as tailove: Beglnnig an Use un M hie of aald quarter quarter 455 Iet i weet ofthtie nartiiest corner there- 1 of, Usence Souh 25 degrees 22 Min-1 ites ea 393 feet, Usence Southm 68 de- t greem east lte sa ut Une of a&&d quarter quarter scion, cant«inlng 1.75 acres." "Uukavn avuen on avE- ers et or persous lntereaied In Use fol- ovlng dscrlhed piene. ,pencel ars1 trat of land, to-vil: A atrip of land 100 teetvide extenàdlng acroaUse e aonuvheet corne- ofthe es ibail 0f Lise sonihvest quuter o! tise neilis- es*i quarter et section M8,township 483 north, range 12 est o! Use Srd principal meridian, Use center lineOof e-icisle descmlbed as foliava: Be- ginning ai a point 49% fret est et tre Soutlivesi corner of .Mid huif qmarter quarter section, tiience «Xteiid- .ug uai'hisveerl,' 76 test on'a cunved, Une ta tise nigist (concave norlbeater' ly) baving a radius o! 359.3 tet to a point on Use vest Une et raid 15st hait quarter quarter section, 67 tlsd sortis a! lhe sonîbvesi corner timers- o!, contaliging .02 of an acre.". 'Tan- %,uown owuer or ovu ers cf or pém'5Qns lutemested lu use foilovîna descrlhed piece, parcel or tract of land, lovwil: A atnlp oftlanid 100 teet vide extend- lug timougli Use soulimveet corner e! lime nortiwsvct quarter 'a! Use nenili eait quarter of section 28, lu town- ship 43 usrtm. range 12 esut of Use Ird, principal memidlan , Usb denIer Uns cf which la dscribed as foihova: Be- gInniug ai a point 196.7'test nomS aof lime souîbvesi corner of eald quarter quarter section, iheuce South 59 de- gresa 52 minutes est 19.6 test. Usence aoutheasteri,' 293.4 test on a enrved line tatise rIght (concave aontbvsst- emly) bavlng a raius af 955.4 feet ta lime South Ue cf eald quarter quarter section, contaiuiug .68 o! an acre." 'Unkuevu ovuer or owuers of on uiersans Intersed On lime f'otlowiug descmihed plece, parcel or tract of land, to-vit: A strlp of land 100 fset vide exlending scrons tise nortmeaut quarter of tise nortbwest quarter af the nartimysl quar of a section 28, townahip 43 norlb. rangs 12 sasi o! the Ird principal mscdlan, tise center linseofvimicis le deseniimsd as eililova: Beginig ai a point 329 teel uoutt o! uhe northeasl cerner of said quar- ter quarter section, then nantis 59 de- grecs 62 minutes vest 167 lest, tisence aorthvesteriy 349 feed on a cirved lins te Use rigisi (concave northeu- eri,') having a radtup cf 716.1 lest ta a point 384 tsethtat o! the nortireasi corner of sald marter querter mec- tion. continlng 1.2 acrez." 'M"Snwn ovuer or ovuers at or persoai inter- eeled la Use <olieving descrlbsd, hsiece, parce] or tract of land, la-vit: Ail tisat part of a strlp of land 100 tet lu wWtU lying in tise southvest quar- ter o! tise nortmeaul quarter af eec- lien 20, townuip 43 nantis, range.12 east of tise Irdprincipal meridien, sud exîendlag t0 fret on sais aide, ar a denier lin.evilch la' de*cnibed ais toilova: Beglininaaetlise sonuseait corner of isaid' quarter quarter sec- tion, timeace uortb taig themesut lins of sald quarter quarter section 525 test, timeuce nartisvesierly 400 !eel ou. 7a eunved. Une ta Uce lot(concave vi«euly,) having a radias of 573.7 mtOt'ed 1n59. <O teiol~ ~lcv th a or of i'iit i qmw551 ter qamr Otf a enlaleg 3&6 acr&." "Unkub'r wvn on owueq of or Permssi ltjested hi the 1fptl@%t- ing decribod pie., parcet on usd1 GI land, to-it% , , pise.et land tui t!. nortissaut cerner of th nnrtem*t quarter coflie oubeusi'qurter0 section 20, tiovnsbip 43 nonsh range- 12 seut cf lthe Srd principal merldlig, decrbd*4 foltavs: BegiunIge . point 4 fW st ofmthe norheM corner of uaid quarter qUan,ýer sec- tion. lbencfl noris' 164 test, thence veut 4314ltet, Ueuce otlemteriY on a curvsd lins (concae easlerly) bavig a radius ot 687 fret ta tise1 place et'imegnhing, cantxlaing .18 cf an acre." And 'IUnkuavu awner or ovueru 0f or persoae uterested lu Use foluowtog decibed pfec, pa"cel or tract of lan, to-vit: A mtrip ot land 10 (Net vide. Uic cone i ne cf visic in hdescrlbed as failove: Be- glnnlng ai ,4,point lu lie veut linso! Use eusaitff o! the nartiseaml; quarter o! tih. n<rowest quarter Of' sectian 26. townsheip 44 nonsh range Il euit ofe liZnm j:. fM, 250 feet sentirof lime horibvet corner ot said sur hait a! mid quailir quarter section, tienne east 700 1ee mors or lese paraliel vlUs aud IFOftest sauts af lie-norlis lin, oIfa"Wi, section 25, ta the conter lins of!th "f« propoaed dilcàr. cendernfandu nNo. 847. The rculslit uingusud order o! tise ceuni,' court of Lake- Cimmt, isavlng becs mode and the remiile affidavitu savtlg bren lied lu my Of- fice. as b,' the tatuts lu aucis case made sud proflded, notice is "borS, glvsn ta Use safft John S. Carman. Rot M. Pàrzons, James Coullu. Mary LAnisa (loden Pot, Recitteu'vald, Lavreuce Gladen. iuband et Mary Louira Giaden, Mar Cain and Thm- as Cain her bushand and lime "Unituovu owuer or oners of or persons iniereetedIn lth1e follovlng described piece, parcel or tract of land. ta-vil: A trrlp ut land 1019 fret vide unninqla an anoriheri,' sud veat- eriy direction and extendlng ibroigli lime sonutieet quarter ufthlie northcasi quarter et section 17, iu townsip 43 norts, rangze 12 sast ufthlie tiird prin- cipal meridian. and a Part of the norhveet quarter ot the nortlicas quarter .,o! eaid section 17 Uic center Uùe :Wiinislaedeseribed1 as follove: Beglanlug at a point 302 t W51 est of lime soutsesut corner o! le: mnvetqrterxoI Use norUh- at quarter of iCclian 17, Usence nosih O degrees 46 minutes veut 114.4 lest, tisonne northeri,' on a curved lims ici Use lefi, l.uvLng a radius of 1910 lest (concave vestes1') 950 fret. thence nantis 99 dogme.. 16 mnuates e-est 720.5 teet ta a point vimicisla aorth 6414 degrecusaint 489.5 te" from a point lu the north sud Soush quarter linse!ofsait! mection 17,'. 121 feet South of Use nerih quarter COU- ner of said section 17, containing 4.1 acres." "Unienovu owner on ovuers et or persoa niterested ln tise tailoviug deecrlbed plece, parce[ or tract of lsud, io-wit: A mlmip eI land 100 feet vide exteudlng througis the nartmest- erI,' part a! Use norilivesi quarter of lime southst quarter of section 34, tavnmhip 43 nanlis range 12 esti of tire 3md principal meridian, Use center lins et visics le descnibed as ftloav: Beginntng on thme nortthulie cf Aald quarter quarter 466 le eet ofthe nortiseast corner Userso!, Usence Souths 25 degres 22 minutes enet 393 fesi, thence sontis 58 degrees est 10 lime est tins oftafilquarter quarter sec- tion, coutainlng 1.75 acres." "Unkiaovu ovuer or ovuers of or persoas ntereatd lu Use foliowlug described piece, pare or tract o! land, sa-vit: A etrip of land 100 tet vide extendilig acrose lime aouthvesl corner o! the casi halt ofthlie South- West quarter af tise nanlimeasi quarter of section 28, townaship 43 nonsh rangs 12 eaet of the Srd principal meridian, the cenIer lins o!fvisicis ledeacmlhed as follove: Begumshhg aI a point 49% test east of the eanibveet corner'o! eald hait quarter quarter section, iSsu exteuding norUsvestcnly 75 tet on a cnmved Une ta Use night (concave notheasterly) isavlng a radius af 359.3 test ta a point an the veel lins nI aaid eaat Self quarter quarter Sec- tion, 57 ted nortis af Use southvesi corner timeroat. contalulug .02 o! an acre." 'Unknovu avuer or ovuers of or persoasIntsmested ln thme following descmlbed pOee, parcel or tract af land, to-vit: A strip cf land 100 test vide extending ilirougm lie eculbvesi corner of Ushentbv5at quarter o! tise nartmeaut quarter ot section 28, tovn- ship 43 narth rangs 12 cuit e!flime 3rd principal meridian, lthe center line of wbilcalesmvribed as fllows: lie- glnulug ai & point 196,7 lest noms cof tise anthveut corner cf maid quarter quarter section, tiscuce Sentis 59 de- grecs 62 >WImilteisaiti,19.6 -feet, thence somsdicatily -293.4 test on a icurved lino, ta tise rigisI fcoucaveý aothveetei'ly) hgviliga, radins o! 955.4 fetedfla tie mentislins of muId Quarter quarter section, coutulsslng, t.68 of an acre." "Unkuovu owuer or ovuera et or persoas lueTosted ln Use followlng, descmibed place, parcel or tract ot land, to-vit: A strip of land 100 test ln widtm, cxtandlng acrose uhe namih- est quarter of tie nortveat. quarter Lof tise uorthveei quarter of section 28, tawnshmip 4& nntis range 12 Saut cf the. Ird principal olseidian, Use cen- iter' lns cf.wlici1s iatnlbed ai fol- Iowa: Beainngat a Point 329 fret Sauts of uthe orlest, corner 'Of seIl rquarter quarter , eottmi, Iluimoe north q= lm ol "mi qui pe dcm te qu& the s'c im sels igt rim nw eau mci Pen dev luig ni qua rn me te to .18 ora deE lan Ber ba no] ai] P. col qw fei sel Pr( Il bc th sa or su 81-4 011715 & JBAUBIEN, Attorner. State o! Illinois, Cont,' of Lake. as: - lusheCircuit Court af Laie Gomai,'. Caibarne Piiilmu and Camds Scisasibel vs. Fred Wlcesmuabalnm. "1usiienav heirs oir devises. of Samuel Page, decsaaed," 'uaieowu aunera et an perianm intereasedlu thc real esiate doacribed ln theseill o! coin- plaint," "1nituevu ieire or devise«i ot Ira Stone, deceaued," "'msnovn heiSrs an devimees fo Jonathan Marlin, de- ceased," 1"nituevu ieira or devisees eohln Widner,,deceased," "onituavu hirsîr or devîsescf Jomu Weldner, deceased." William IL Cooke, "n- ituavu Seins or deviares Of Heur,' Moore, deceased," 'anienovu beire or devisees of William H. Ceaie. deeas- ed,' '-uuknovn ovuera or Soldera of lyse certain notes of $200.00 eacb, daied »mrch 2sIat 1857, and aecured 5,' a imemgage froni Hirami Everson 10 William H. Cooks, viich mortgage le recorded ia tise iecorder'a Officecf Lae Couat, I llinois, lu Bock T. of marîgages on page 633,"l "unkuowu avisera and holdere oft lys certain noies aggregatlng $640.00, dated Apnil 30th, 1864 sud secuned b,' a mortgage trom Jaimn Wickersbelm. Jr., aud vite te Hiram Everson, vimich mortgage le recorded lu the Recorderas Office of Lake Caunt,Illinois, lu Bock 27 af mamtgages au page 444. Gen. No. 4136. Pubie notice la hsreb,' given tisat by' virtue of an order and decres su- lered lunlime above eutllled suit lu sald Circuit Court at Use' Marci Terni A. D. 1909 Usereof, lthe undersigued Master In Chaucer,' of said Court viii ou Tbarsday, tise Ird day o! June, A. B.. 1909 ai tiseimour af anc o'cloce ln lime aflernoca of eald day aithUc north front door o! Charles Slempel'e atome la Long Grove lunlime Town of Vernon, -Laie Coont,Illinois, ssiil aipublic auctian ta this iigist sud imeet liddsr for caeimtise folloviug meseniimed land and 1eataai, siuated lu tise Caunt,' o! L aiesd Stateot Illinois, to-vit: Tise south 1 mcd a! the mOUhasi quarter o! the nox'Ui sasi quarter o! section 35, lu Tovnsip 43 North,. Range 10 Est oethtie Tird Principal Meridian. That part o!fUcheaet hait ofthtie south saut quarter of section 26, Tovnsip 43 Norts, Range 10 Eail Of Use Third Principal Menidian. de- scnibed aisIclcys: Coflmsneing ai a poiut lu tise vest lins af sald sonus- est quarter 8.25 chaine uOuth Oftihe norih. veut corner ibercof; tiseuce est 20 chlans; Ilience sonih 6.50 chqins; Ilience veut 20 chaîne; theuce bofit 6.50 cimains ta tise pince 0fble- glunlug, eoutainlag 13 acres of land nmons or Ici. Tise nonth veat quarter o!flime sauth esiarter at section 95. , Tise veai hait oethUe nantis hait 0f Us"ecuit haitof tise sonus st quar- ter otfsction 35. Tis outh, weRt quarter ofthUe soutis sait quarter ofI section 35, reeervlng theref raiS 4 serge ou the vemi aide Md, ea.u lime' ,su0hh"adeGeth* omin. AU la Tm4lm% 43 Northi. Rmig »met1 saio!is timinprincipal Alio 7 almen lu the mst hait af the Sonuheau mquBe af rmon 26, Tgwaablp 48 lMonth, leege10 Eusai0a the Third PwiaâipaiMerMAaà, deacrib- ed ai: Comntalaa -point in thse west lin. et aldoui saot quai'- ter 26.58 chatun nôtb t Iuthe. South vent cerner a)fa»UL acth outuai nr- ter, running timce north wmuiMvoit 3». 4.67 clisas;.Ihmece, eaut15. obonm; Uience South 4.67 .ckais incio e t 15 chuin» to10 l st begfnnlng. ELAM4 L.'CloARKU, 914 limiter fa Vhanery. fluled April 3ti, 1909. dai~ UjaOi ewst I19 fét, a~ mewutc 3AI font un e à" oti- haigrub:t (00111loUs5e -Ànrw)étarin aradiua et 1.8 tntoa ý p(nt M fotnt *est ot ne oruiesàZ omr of o! mi quarter rtraUticn pu tlmlg 12 &sesV «VI&nowM owueir or mwers of MI wozoflin ii1t~euie heicfolovlng mcrfled pheft, pael or tract et a& to-vit: Ail limai wl of aa strp t ind 100 MMst u w1tiIying tte i Mtiiwsiqusrter of lb. nortbeast wrter of seeto* ui0, townmhip 48 irth, range 1X Osai Cf tie third prin- cix zueridisan b0d extmading 50,tiet tse* aimdeof ai contr lino which la Mnrlbed as faMwa: ecgnning ai Lesoutheast corner at suld quarter tritersecion, theace mortlialong leesilno 'cf laid quarter quarter tlan 526 feet tfmence sartbvester- 400 ftiou a curved fiue ta the rt (concave westerly) ftvtng a ra- [un of 573.7 fect4 Ltes nortterly 15 feei on a cutrved Unse ta 'the ghi (concave eaifterly) fmving a uflua of 956.4 feet tu a point on the lrth Une of m"id quartolr quarter "tien. 39.6 feet West et lb. qprth- as corner of said 'quarter qiffrter tfon, contalning T.6 acres." '"tTnkwn owner or ovisesot or evmeti airested ln the .foilowlag mciii!d pince, parcef or tract of rin 0.-vit:A plece of land lu Uic orihit corner of the, noethwet arter et the sonuiost quster of acia.30, lu tovumhlr 48 north ange lait of the principal ien"fg. *eserlbed asufltaowm: De- saiug et a point 164 test moulu cf *i non«m«Matcornrerto' mi!euoartsm, triter section, thence mwotb 164 fent hence vesi 43% f est, tflunoe mouth- ýaooti~en «a curved lins (concave «terï) having a radius of 687 tet oUth. place of beginig, sntaiuing i8 of &iaacre." auil "Urtkunowu ownsr or owuers of * persona iuleresoted l b te oiowing îmscrlbcf2 plece, parcel or tract of and, to.wt: A strip ot liad 10 tedt ide, thme venter Une or f riflcaisde- rlbed as follows: Begluuing at a ilt l n lthe veaihUne of Uic est ia of thc nortbeast quarter of lthe lotbwst quarter of section 25, lova- up 44 nos-tii range Il matiof lthe Ird *M., ffl teest sutm of tie 'noribvesi .orner oif raid est hait of sald quarter jarter section, thence east 700 tet more or .less parallel wt sud 250 fet south ofthUe north line of said! setion 25. 10 the renter fiue of ibe ýropose« main ditcb." That ths above named petitloner te West Sleole Drainage District heretofoe lied ls conderanaion pe tIlion ln raid court, and that thercnp *in the final bearing cf ts cansvam met Wy the Judge et raid court for tib heur of ton o'clock lu thSe farenoon a the Tirai day of Juno, A. D. 1909, a the ceurt bouse ln lhs Cliy of Wau kéan Inuad Lake Coouniy and tba sa 'feordered nfittep ta be give of mach beariug, ail as by Uic statut, ln sucli case muade sud provlded no: tien la aisegiven Ihai a summon therenpon 'iasued ot 0 f aaid cour againt lthe above uamcd respoiid enta and deteudants returnable aitbt lime aud place atoreeaid as le by lai reqixired and Uiai raid muit sud Pro .eediug la stifl peuding sud undtî pased of. - ALBETRT L. HENDEII. Clere of the Couonty Court of Lat Oouty, Illinotu. Waukegan. Ilinois, April 26th. J D. 1909. liais of Illinoia, Conty ot Laie,as: la lime Circuit Court cf Laie Ca.mtyý Fred Trompeter and Anguat Torpe. Trustee. vs. Michael J. Gibbs, Cather- tue Glibs, G. Angal. C. Sencloni, Char- 'ee A. Zahu Co., a corporation, Gocd- hact Hortmann Co.. a corporatian, Val- entine Blaiz BrewIng Ce., a corpora- tion, Pimilip Malitan. John Hart, Jr., North Simone Electrlc Ca., a compera- tion, Fred G. LeIsrnan Co., a corpora- tion. George Heuler, A. Bauer & Co.. a corporation sud gBilasH. Stravu. suc- tesson ln trust. Oen. Ne. 4115. Public notice la isereby given that by virtue et au order and decre. cen- tersd hi the above eatitled suit ln aaii Circuit Court ai Uce Marcis Terni A! Dl. 1969 Usereel, Use nndersigned. Mai- ter lu Cisancery et sald court viii, on Tueuda, thUe 251h day af May, A. D. 1909 ut the boum of ans o'clock lliste aficnacon et sald day aI the Fast Main entrance cf lise Court Hanie o! Lake CoanI,', lu tise City' cf Wsuieegau. Lake Cont,,Illinois, oeil et public auctin fer cash 10 tise sighemt sud best bidder Uhe foiiowing desoribed land and reai esiAee. ituaied lu Use Count,' o! Lake sud BStte o! Ilinuois, ta-vit: AIl timat part of Loi 69 la Hlgimvood. belng Evemetu & Jeffrey'e Division of land lu sections 14, 15, Township 43 North. ht4uge 12, ln Lake Cont,,lii- noie, described as faulows. to-vît: Commnucing Rt R point 40 test north of tise south lins and 100 feet veut o! lime est lins of eald lot, rnnlng lianallel witb ithe' Outr Ea" of 3.thssteI g iSgsamd 'ut Dam -l Ebwti tâs. cuit t a» luiec 'X, beginnlng, togetimar vith ail hrln 8 andi lprovenms.uithereon. . DIM154April 801h, 1909. ' ELÂM i.,.CL""K, 81-4 Mater ln Cocery. A pain pruecription i. prntaif u1poms sem 25é. box of Dr. $hoop's Pink p"i Tablete. AikYo.r ioer. or druit If ibis e sinula te Mi complets.. Tain niet seîlton, biood pressure. ,U.sd Pains. voranly painm. painaybs. gets matent relie f rom a Pink ie a Tablet. Push! If you can't push. ict ni pull. If Yeu have &ny prlnting Yeu can'tbrljg lu. ltlms Inow and we wl! Corne afi.oefI. Do you know that a single colt of gocod paint will add at least five yeara life to 7our property. Good paint protects your buildings from rot and decay. It is a wea- thertight shield against Su.mmer's heat and Win- ter's dampness. When yor. think of paint, though, think far enough ahead to make sure you are getthig the reai article, Bradley,&Vrooman ABSOLUTELY PURE Paint There le 1no paint- hand mixed or machine mixed-qulte the equal of thie famouB brand. It ie f ull measre-fnull gai'- Ion cane. It ie also ab- soltitely pure. Made of pure Carbon- ate of Leald, pure Oxide of Zinc and Pure Un- eeed 011. Ther@ are no botter materials foer maklng paint. Likewiae there us no botter paint than Bradley.& Vrooma.n'e for ail practelpurpoes.We soli it, so.êome in and let us convince you. F. B. LOVELI LibftyviIte, Ill: Gambetta Prince STALLION SEASON 1909 Gambetta l'rince is asal broya stalliou, 15 hande :indce higli and weighs 115 pounds. Sired by Gamaleon, son of Gam- betta Wilkes, ho by George Wilkes. Dam by Ilambletonien Prince, son of Monelaud, ho by Rysdykes Ilambletonian. Gambetta Prince iz a hors. with a good dispo- sition, fine conformation sud pprl cl trotting ac- tion. A show herse fit - to show in auy company, "Gam ettaPrIICt," as ho tank fdm1 premium for boit trotting etallion and also the sweepstakes for stallion any ffl at the Lake Couny Fair last fail and îwo of hie colts took preminms, and as a iwo-year-old lievon the two-year-old étake race at the Lake Couuiy Faim, as a three-year-old ho trotted iu 2.19J and as a five-year-old ho îroiîed a mile in 2:12. Hie has been in tbc sîud only a short lime, andlias f ew colts, but they ail show good action,-finc conformation and good size and color. Thome that have been bandled show great specd for their age. If you thinie of brceding noms and mec tic hers. aud icee sme of hie colts move before bmecding. Hes vill make tic season of 1909 at the Libertyvillo Mile Track. Terme $25.00 to mmmcr. J. W. Swanbrough, Libertyville, 111. Stau of Illnois, Comrnait a! ie, s.'; hm tUse Circuit Court o! *à" C(7<n- t,, mia i. E. SulU vm Josephs Marri- ey, Jbha R. Fulton, au Tlwta, George B. Ly'on, William L. Lyon4 ami Charles. R.Lyon, co-partuers la busi- ness mu 0. R. Lyon & Sou.. Oez. Na. 4175 Bill ta farecie. Pubibs notice làiserel,' gisus tW b,' vîthesof su order liné dee e>. tered lms the above eutltIe[ case.ia raid CimeIt Court aitishe Marsb Torin A. D. 10, Uereonthie umimatfrmuu, 8peclal, Master lu Chauvteryeo!"Mt Court, viiion Tueaday tleIM 1éh y cf May' A. D. 1909 ut Use' homm- o me odýIOci th ie atternoon e! al fy at timeEuat Main door afI Ue-Ct Houme l1s the City' of Wa*egan, -tu tise Couaty ot Laies sud Bsttee f 120 nota. set? at pulbme vendriu te the hîgimeet and lieut blddcm for cash. lb. faleiwing de9cnlibed land nmgr rosi eu- tats, ta-vit t Lots 'lhirty-one (31), "bTi'ty-twl& 1(U) anuiT "lrty-timee (331 In Bloc!, Forly-ulne (49) IluSoutisWankegsa, Blockes Tbirty (30) to Forly-niue (49), both Inclusive, Seing a subffivision of lime aouth hait of the soutil veut quar- ter of the outb eat quarter of sec- lion tirty-tvo (22) lu Towvsisp For- ty-ive (45), North, af Ranee Tvelve (12) Eagist lise Tiird' Principal Mer'- idian, a plat of vici subdivision vas llled for recôIrd lu tise Offfce of the Re- cordes'cf Laits Caunal, Illinois on April 13, 1892, lu Bock C o! Plats ai pages 16 and 17, situaed la thc Coan- fty of- Laits sud State of Illinois. Dated April 16Ui A. D. 1909. "-i4 WILIjAMFfI. WISS. Speclal Master In Chancer,'.

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