Today; hBldrnsRd;Pp Fail to Realize -Natureof the Tremblor; Negress Foretold It This morning at eight thirty eight Waukegan experienced' a slight In ii il(liîiîg îîaicvd a dt lsilnartbrt earthquake shock that was common to ail of northern Ilinois and Wisconsin. Ioa îî iîsî'îîîî01 aihie vibrations. The shock came unheraided escept by an overcast sky. There wa nofln 'liteitlri' blinîiig shoual. aiîd reni- perceptible risesini the watern of Lakte Michigan and there were no symnpto ma 1'lii sun i' l iiaaratlclatNo ex- to Ulve warning. ( îlent 'îîa. ail in blîdinîg w'î-i e mi- The firet part of the quake vw'as violent. ois la kîîiiiî îauîe lbut are tint A. T. Johnson, who la empioyed at ,thetWhyte Furniture Company store, alari ad. describea the coming of th: quake as lke the rush of a great wind and as- \ORT'I I ii,('iitî N hîkas ere sot*I tiait he seemed to hear it. .î1,'tilioht' iiailIn hool r,ernl t'ait WiLl1,IASl LINDBERG.-Feit vibra- tuonu tmi hia store nt edge af the rà- vine, on Genesse street. ALDEN & ]BIDINGERS STORE.- MIin d store noticed building shakc and Pepjle front uluer hauts mrauta Street. GEORGE (iJIERRINC.TON.-M'as ksileep on tpper flour of Murray bulid- lng and was awakeni-rl sîtrît is bed trembieri and siîook lttrleîly dreseed aud went I0 sîreet as diii ather people on uppear loors of thse building., STORES IN îIItRRAY HBUILDING. --Al lunstore& cotied tha distinctvil- brationse and slated Vit vI tlre biald- Ing sbook. .VLJuIêj"klv-I tii't NSVSI Don . Thomson heard what he describes as the sound like raltlîng ai 1 îîî'îsfiî(îiiî'llîîîiiîîîl .iirlî'INGTON S'r. Btilug waa shaI1a- a iccked d<or. a îhir. by tise vbrations. At the. SUN office the first ahock came violently like a muffled explosion TII l.iî. Fiiiiii'-ii mviii flxlz g BFRRY lIGAR s roiziï,.--i"it tbe end ccnlinued in the form of a series of tcemblîngts. The shoot waa telt in lig pleil'nîîî iro tlîiîliiiontm*rKully the compceing room of thse SUN, thse trembling of the floor causing the legs n îîi ii uili îiiti. lt os t<t liatIi.rbidnsI Linotype machine to sway violently. i r t rofalattîl isiîcd ltustii' i l lto id ICHEII 1O091,ANI) 111, LASTED FOR THREE SECONDS. Mii abouit Il. I lli AR LL.-Sllglît vibralltinslelt .1115 IiLAIIA X-At il ontii auThe North $Ide. The tremor scersa 1 have endured for about lhree seconda and observers i iiiii siîi'i' lbook ranes i"ii'tatîd ENTIRE NORTII S111E.-Fait In, the schocis of the city, especially at the Central achool, report thal itil ilis rclîled ol thCil liii' liiliandreprtsi'r travoied from thse north t these iuh. INNFES S' i K.-E-l'lasltî'r liiiseined taîaiaiclysdrltrswr Tisa aconfirnied by tise message in regard tb the quake fronKenosha, aîiiîl fron tati cei'ilg. iiMy roKnt IIIÎiY. Npas te whcia Ulveastths lIme et cîgist thirty two. The tremor arrived iere seemtungly NORîTIl SuiE IIESII)EN('E. Pîasa tIreet, feit short and notîced bouse sigit minutas ister. i 1r lIIi ani ýasîlpalier crarkeîl, rlake. Neîglibors reîîorted sainec von- The people of the city at fSat belîeved that powider mlls othlie Lafflin \VIIYTE STORK.E late, glass accu iliansý Rand Company had blown up t Pleasant Prairie, s'est of Kenosha. lu sia*ýtv liite (h-.î'kNUMBER tOF IlOMIE.S ON NORTHi TELEPHONE CALLS POUR INTO SUN OFFICE. J i 'hlaaiiii (eymo lcrea, noIed ofW mls Inr trattr îandr Teiephone "lis poured int the SUN office as fast as operators could getLiAKE' i(l' CYlOURT 1111'SE.- aýfrin mas Ililied ive'r Inioui- huître. nd whieevery ont suspectaian earthquaiae few really believed rloiaits fîilIfrîîtin asia andl glass -w" MRS. RilC.EREEN.- randîl ice ont. possible In this district. iliatii i he. feît isoiipsc akiani id Inî'aîîîîar- The SUN vrai the firet Waukegan paper te fuît the tact thal there had SOtltTI1 SCIllOtL. -Sîttucha S Il-"c'îîg notes mait li tr ttcighlîîra taîttît besus à queke. 6s illtinal ly tilt ait(] building I rembled tII bauil e'terlcîiced sautte condtionli. Liter bulletins to the SUN office from norbhern Illmnois and Southero liitvibrationa. J.B. ;EGNARII HOMIE. Geni'-ae- Wisconsin shedtsel heentire district ccvered by the tremor. 'ET S(Ir1lfl-TLTfeavy îb-r-attlï tsitiet»t, nouse iiî-îiii.i Sai I'iiula' X A a, Ph. Rene, Milwaukee, Hebron and tise north shore district, in swrie frît luit ah in scîtoal at fîrmt Lwtîîîg out frott a tl. ciuding, tise entire Lake coujnty district, the entire Font River Iiottigbt tbey lviii hee caîtand ha as- Severe on West Sida. veily, lncluding Aurora, Elgin, and other cilles, were ail affected and felt ag 'be .; of strpecicar. Reliaolts ront PIILIFANT lIOf1IE.-WVî',t W'ait tue a~ke. nne tha the act thi thee hadiiei'gbiacttiid recel s d iii achool show" rîgon a sit'î. ltatfr11 aI ramgly. thse Chicago American anncunced near iie a hefc ht hr a il sortielargar causea itîtî rodutreil \l 'alfllfîhsi ltilt i bseon a quake et the lIme mentîoned s'as established. iliMba ii îîlalaii ixotu isr-,a iîtl 111iîîî sas îstarn'diti îîaî THE GENERAL EFFECT ON THE CITY. la lkiiîw shah scitaai mas ceai-led by i lîrougb il a l uit tîtta aîîli antd i i'ephbine.i retibIîci In tiae homes of Waukoean dishes raltled, ahelves gave up bhir buriens, \inÀLIS1'IRIt Si-liclo.-Ilîilding 'tItS. BRAIllER 1ý-Feliiaise glr- buok cases and chandeliers ewayed, and tenants cf fiatbuildings rau frigist- wtuaiirîtik is se'. iraI lifareitlvibra- a disiliiet rais(. ;idtiti lt remtble'via- ered frepin thir redis.. tioalnt inieahei aI ainiig ah e lihe i îentl' At thse @chooc#*lias teachers and chiidren were in a saae cf fright anid t'Y lasled ftor minuiite. WXAtGEttlOIlE -Tables shoot sud pafn e w,..narvpwly averted by the presence of mind of instructors. .îANF- 'icALlS'IElt hIIOIITAL,.- Ilaes îalîîîIi-tlt iiiiac reitibîIe ,In Ilh. stores and place of business there were disturbances of various Nu s hi alitis tir n.lîiikast-reit.Ifr tlu l the tîlîra(i îîîî kinda tirt causd a rush cf cieka and employers to the sîdewaiks and sîreets hliî oit lInuursai-s(i]i îalîiets lira 50I Vu"L Kil rON.SOI'TIIlPARK and later taire mats s rush 10 eiephones and newspaper offices for information. oftheîîî'îfroat reliorts fititlite îîî'lglî \'N P. nie snî'Iltula Irr-ruiiih- tand ('ENTRAIf I. i1 b oai~ ~~îîî i oî i1 ua i i. shî-1thelia' is n l ri- <Vîow uW"eMes s un.) wiiculaîd Irîr seconds accord- Oown Town Reports. tell Ons of the remnaricable incidentasl BIDIlNtlEI STORIE ON WAStIN,- West Sida. ocpclo wt ts aok a tsi hg )trcte s'i tuedtîe.Ah TON ST.-Bituldiiug lîeuîhhed sud ail PEOI'LE-Reîorted cdocks slaîîîid. stsartllns tA*P.ment tirar s coioredl lady evaaigelist. Cors Mullen, wlîo Preached durlng February andmiiau ch at thse kfrican Metbodlat risurch. H. B. Johson pastor. made tise prophecy maay imes ln ber meetings tbat Iis. district, partlcaIarly thse nortis shore. wauld sufer a quake. Tise pester, H. E. Johnson, flrmly bolleves ntics' tsae iad the gif t of proplîecy. HImseif sud wife feit tise quake anucis t their borne ou Graud avenue.0 Territory le Widesprsad. SUN exclusive diipatris front Prairie Vies', Rocefeller Libertyville, rysiake. Haif Day, Asiloclis Bar- ringtan, ZMon Ctty, Wirtbrup Harbsor Mad fruit every rural hamiet aud set- tlement are te tbe effeci that tise tremblor waa feit there tao. Tise remor and Obock caused more exctement than Wauksgan bas isad ln znany years and lise local telephane exrçbsge and telegrapis offices were. ruh~ed te Use limit. .Meesagea te Lake Forest cotage dheusi the professeor tu geolagy ta b. absntn bis report coul net be ebRbaed. A profeser of Chicago Uni- vésiy decl'ared te a SUN reporter eihat nsiockséiîad heen feit Ibere sud tliaeS be dld nal believe tisure bsd heem s quake. However (Cbicago newaîîa prranau nouncesitisat there really bai beeîu a Obock. Sem* Jokers Gel Buzy. JokeYs got basy afler the near pan- Ic s'as aver atnd ade taritîns cracks about IL. Heme ara soule of tue "hit- mOrOus' emarks beard: "Tise ]id bas beau ralard for good.-- "Tise lid lîiurd hart loto llain -- "Bllly Lorîr s as uî'aly eiemtei senator at Siriigtfl-i - "Tise Iadisonstarei'i-l 151r sas gel ting tisat $200001 reaiti foiliîl'~ H'4w the Quake Waa Feit. Follos'lug tla s ablîîaîiîîun of lui thse sbock s'as fr1 it i nisit'ytai-r.ase gathiered ln SUN ca1Ilansd b.% SUN men ou tise streeti,' AMERICAN STEEL. ANI) WIRF CO-Obock distiurîly fitIl hrî,ighiii Miliiand investigation sas nîsîli ho ses If anY accident bai haiiiiî'uud, 'wtioul resuit. Were cmii.fîîr t- Iit<i5±ofl wlen called nup on îlîîîîîî'j,: SUN reporter. CORN PRODI'CTS COMPANY, Outire lant sObok wbeît viration.i caMe And emPlayes tirat thnîîîgis beasy machinery muaI have coliaîi-ç41> Na accidenita had batîpeneai lu faclnry. ULTI OFFICE.-Hnavy safe nas, ly rait from tirubers lit la plamai on IM building shook. Employes ahl ran down Blirslito istreet as dii people In stores sud npper floors lu tise uelgb. borbocit. SOUTH lilu."tgWle -4Iecrm' gu6». M'd"o.*&$et balm ail ôver sou4tr et4e lis Èanbway tley ber ubo - w4t tbrougIr the ric *,e ethrough t1m res ot tbe, otti'. . oak& delafotiaI Uer, fla e.sowi- MAty reports receeved. tk ,udthat tismornIngs g e "Isanfd" Badiy Shaker,. wa ra quake. THE I.AKE FRONT-Al aver lake Alonu North Shore. front and around the harbor the At î,ake 3,InE It ln ciaimed there stiocks were feit aeverely wbile over was a ire foot tidal wave ou the tae. on the Island It was thoughl the land PeoPle gettiug on cars aiong the would slîîk. Feit meso everely bere forth shore wobbied like drunken of uuiy place. saIIors and thought tbey had' been The North Shore. overrorne with des icknieme. ENTIRP NORTFI-iSIORE.-Vibra- tions no, ahorks were frît on thse en- lire north s bore train Chicago np ln ta Wfiaronglrr ut about thc samo Ulime thiey werc foît heme. LAKE FOREST UINIVERSITY re- Ported the sarka and sated thal Ilii, iîrofeamosaraIbre iîeleveii lbem ta bc, earlhquakr. felt bre by sane mur. lotis îuenonieîîa. 'I i l'AG'O. <('hîrýago irapers repotr cil ajoîks frît aver entîre rity and aiatcd Ibal ares affected wsas ail or nai hoibiIlluoiesud soutbern %Vis- cousiln. KliNOSIIA.--Feit the vi'brations ai th(, isaute tilnte or mhorIIy bcfare I bey acre frît he.rr. Thoîtcht eit IraI the Lallii anîd Rand iîoa'uIr mullsa t Pral' riv Vies bail rslloded butîinventiga- Con ainvd lblail tunt TIIE lPRINI'ESS, a« onfecliouery, store. s'as severe-IN aiakenansd tise big soda tounttalu threatened la be averturmd. A ('iIININEY a'as toliltîd over an a qt. fain' alreci t hoiaOnlise s'est sade gînerrajlîs.dislica s'w,e ebroken, Idplusti ig fr11 waiî paler was i'taî'ked and the daitiare s'as g eat. Geneiraîi *v sîiraklîgIbi h e sltifthse llty and th e ciîinty fr11liste tîake liaidej-al andthIe seistair wave seetnd In ira i a Ifi'n", thlic îîrth sud weat. Southliandi eitt. Hebran s'as Ithe liii. nais reitter aoflise short. Fîrat Quake City Ever H-ad. Sanie frIthe itîti se IIers8. natabiy WilitluS Prare. deriare lisat the quîake of taday la tbe ir8t ever sîfý ferd iniîcelte re bas la-rita LII île lai itiof Waîtkegaiî (Itisars say that lali 5)yeat a ago lîîerr s'as s sha k lin dier a uts'. St ijl thllrra l'an- mtîa gci cr'r htti r surprise t bat i brrr m as a <lita kmatail and a8sari i bat tit is itrtictIslagetierai y gîltarilterni ilitleliprutf. Made a Prophecy. lit 1111- canfiei'tion tr it 107. A. T. Koat1,îia t ii adeik îtîolhecy I bat thîs liaitrict! siiiii n'.er hsare tat arIn. i taie (I er lrîîs ei li-Maie tîiriîîd ot to tneaacctra te, What Sanson Thoughl. ('harles Sausan tboîîgbt. lu bis reil at the, canuty Jail. ulitbs tUnie ad 1 Over at Jlin MercbSflt'a food itore cracks oîtened ln bina and let out mucîh grain when the quake shook the building. A Large crack was deveiaped along the front of the Gazette building aiso. YORK HOUSE NEWS. (Prom Wednesday's Sun.) Nîrs. Elizabeth Alcock and Mrs. Har- rison of Russel vIsIted the Ladies' Aid Society hoid St Mrs. G. W. Weills. The aid ueigbrs worc ait l gadta aee Lhem asin. Mfr. Earnest Flarnatabie la sportiug a new wagon sud matcbed poules. They look fine. The cbildren arc working bard for Ihefr cbildren's day entorl.aiumeut ta be beid ln the near future. hurting It badiy. Our pastor, not belng able te sent Rev. UAngair ln bis place; wbo beard hlm enjoyed bis sermowuS" Our acbool closes tblu week. teachers and chlldren are aUil te viuit Spaulding Corner school day and have a Decoration Day .0i~ taloment togetiser. Tbey expeo ta visil the csmetery there wbere dme é "Iadieretre buried. There wili be a social beld et tw borne of Mr. and MrS. Omar CmLrmql an Jue 4, 1909. Ail camle and lbs' a good lime. ?.Ir. Hansan af Chiclaga callid oun i liarry Ganld Ibis wppkI In the case af Dr. V. C. Pri,0 againat William NlcNeill, et ai, tlb InJunctlon where hiiNeliii sas #top" f rom a sale of )and nt Fort Sherp~ o the gaverument the suit wa du riýisaed as ta Chicago Tille> ad Triai Conwiîny and te Rdward Sime sM tbe Injunciion wss dissaived agatu them ithllout prejudice. OPENS JUNE 1, and wc expect sv e ral new students at that lime. Will you be one ? Congiîler the advantages of our SUMMF.R SCIIOOI, for preparingyou 10 be a suc- crssful applicant for one of thé many positions that will be offered just as soon as you are capable. A PRACTICAL- BUSINESS T RAINING is the mastr kcy which wilI open the door of SUCCFSS. Our exccedingiy low rate for the Summer Term is onty S13 for the two months, if paidinaadvance. One luition pays for ail, select anv work yott wish and as much as you can hiandir, Send for Catalog. journal and circulars at once and ftiake arrange- ments ta e with us JLine i. <~WAUU4NA2 WAMWKdMK4 1 - A Big Clothinq Purchase We recentiy closed out ail the sp 1ring suits of one of Amerlca's foremost ciothlng manufacturers. Had we bought them cariier in the season we couid flot offer them for less than $18 to $30. We took cvery suit they had at 3 ranges In price and we have placed them on our tables to dispose of in the same way.- lhree Prices, $12e,509 $1 5,00, $20.0 The .first range, $12.50, inciudes over 100 suits In blue serge, brown and green worsteds. Not one of these suits but what is worthi $18.00. Range N'o. 2'--$15.00 This uine wili make you realize what it means to be able to buy as this store does. A fine blue serge wlth pure silk linbng, snappy shades of brown, green, taupe and gray, ail made In the iatest styles and perfect fitters. .Range No. 3-...$20,00 150 of the flnest suits ever brought loto Waukegan. Not a suit but what is a work of art both In design of pattern and style. Ail the Iatest coiorings, new style cuifs and pockets, ail the dips and kinksý- that have made high class reacfyto.wear clothlng so popular. We want you to know a nd prof it by the fact that' it pays t o trade here. ----------- . il -