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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 28 May 1909, p. 8

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PM~DAYeMAY ý8,_M9__ sueli 04tai oun PMon, Net Allen. Tht. 'Tise, but the bais e ofoad Faim- Otan, Art Arrestel s- Petty Thiavas 01 Cardan Truck Alonsg Under 14111 aid. cf Sheridan 1405. Other P- lice News of Day. tiens Kauppila, alleged about a" - yeur go ta have klied ber baba hy :rlllng on it in bcd vhile In a drunk- 15 etupor.vWu MOnday morniaS fined three 'dollrsarn d matsfor alleged dxnmkn and disordery acte that cana- ad ber arreat. SoyIc Case Continmled. Monday morning the hearing of Ste- pan and Josep Boyle, accuaed of thm urder of Nick Mocal, vas con- u&e untdi a verdict ta rturned In tIhe Moulu qiet and Paul Mainow-1 %W Iolaable ta appesr. * Ii. police are nOw confident that Uic Dc2ries are the men they arcesfter aisO tiink tiley have evidence ta con- Marion Zejenak, who.witnessed the tragedy, vas flot able Monday morfi- tmg to recagnize Stepan Boyic as one of the participants. * EIpht Young Mon Arrested. Eight nortil aide young men, nt alians tiis lîme but disorderly Amnen- cana. vere arrested Sunday for loat- i nuder the bill gardens of Sheri- dan road of asparagus and other veg- etabie. Tiley vere icctured and rcieased. 'Fiis la the second bstcb of armas, and thte foreigners are nt ta blame no "0 at the ff siashed 4m attsIg~ foi cUi %m 0fk O.t 1 coslimDot i Yond tli* "«Knife, En The oIMciaOf tb plantttoirl5140W*~ industries Of tbe nw. l and Manager Lfki Saturday monag *~ plant bas bean aw~ plans vere nov ai the officiais ! 01~ view Of startiltg If of the plant durJ*$ jane 'Fila Plat most modem plant»,as8 of electric powste~,-le aity along the tkotiabors pacted thât It viiihae S ing bthe presentyer. : The erection -the pis thle severlig of thse s$ilsp sa long exlated betwooai- & Miwsuka e ett>l Spany and the iCsebÈ I' vay Company. vS rtii years thc Keposha comip >ecunn povrer for tRiO its cars front the. CRoa ai ai. ke. Rvy COMP&ny, lu Judo* There Ali e. bllty of a sale of ti th u~1 police Magistrate Taylor snnounced a company Dot flcndlWy-VLtk Monday momnng et the police station nosaecanspany compled Wftli tbha that Rereater he would be on' duttuat the KencaBa ltaiivo 00 froaelgt ountil four sacil day. i. ta go intiptheUic lt sud pWhi - Two Dnsnks Sunday . nesa in Kenosiha aSsell the q4 TRiera era Ove stey avers and psny ta dacide on thUic sO t tWo drunhsaiathtie police station over bg pawer plant st once, .~ Oenday.plan of A. C. Frç*t ta 01« atMg Rollel Mer Patron. er plant In Kenoaha, but St vU t This morming a citoclate colored uaed as a parotheUi eqlpasiet c iroman alleged to have beeu caugbt In Chicago & Milvaukee lines att a disorderly set near Water and Gen- for exclusive use of Uic Kenoeha1 e«M. treeta vas fincd and chased ot _______ Ot the City. 4ie la aleged ta have 80- Tbey al get rest: Doter,1 SAisi paronage on the street. abtain- yvr. mer'harsu* »ônUdhbaana ed It, and picked thc mns pockts vi oc a$5 bol. wu IN STASINGArrRAY BRye WItneesastate rive fmon Dlv- 1404 ln Groupe of Two and Three 4Wthat Coeup o Thrs. Aumttah Other. Weunding of On* fMan Re. WMaltlng.IJured man Recoived fie Uni attention. VIve foreigners, beUleved ta be Molns eti about Il o'clock Frlay evening ba" a fgt on Uic corner of Belvidere and soutil Utita treeta i inwlécitonc of the lOve vwu tabbed in thc arn by a. halte lu Uic bauids of ana of the otier. 'Fie names of nana of the mou are huavu and the police stated tit the4 bad beard notblng of Uic *etghtven aaked about t by a rep- crer. Âcc'ding ta an eye vitness of the ancounter, three men attacked bwo. a!- ter a short argument and that tbey fled lmmnediately after the sabbiag hs*1 occurad. Thle stabbed man and Isacompanian msa disappeared tm- mediately afier. The mU air la thle second withîn a veek, the Mssis mur- der case being the Oirsi . Flght Seen by Bverai. 10 eoîPneY itil severmi tber men, B. J. Lyon, e plumber who recently apened a shop ln tbe rear of thle Met- ody hardware store, va, going to is borne after attending a plumbers' meeting on the north shore at about eleven o'clock last ntgbt. Before Rai reached soutb I'tica treet on BelvIdere atreet, tbey aaw five men standing together an the north ide of thc street, erguing together. It seemied. Before tbey reîcbed the cor. ner thei group ha d ivded. tbree men gaing vest and two îtarting donn lUtica trict toward hi aouth. 'sThra. Men Attackcd Others. Jnst as the tva men had reachc-d the south aide' af Belvidere street, the tirte men came runnlng beck and at- tacied tbem. A few more ivards wc re paaaed and tien oane a! thetbtree stesh- ed at Uic min opposite hlm, with sone lange abject in bis band. lm.- msuliely the tilree made off, whle tbe tvo calledl after thein. "Yau wait. veil g«e ven." 51004 Spurtel from 4.rm. Lyon and bis companion haid thougMi t merely a fiat Oight but vien on or the tva men turned tovard Uiem titey eav tiat bis coat sîteve vau eut vide open ad t tblood vas sprtlug ftpm bis -rm.Befare they conid do anythikg e oad tant- cd off me a ru, vlt.i bis COMPaMn la searcil of a pilydSm Ic*ma, later ceeled attention fram a physiien, MW amarvas not aestaly Mt. TMWlamoaia àlargo se Mud adrertise-it payn Faut coluime ln a vinse. X"uket s short pttu a star game in Vqit te t4o i110 d ndua there with the bin- xjl l ",KI5wvien, bits meant rune. Whyte ma tmiI.iaeLlfiutctch or a ar.d Une d.1rive la tb@ til, piciing It off hie ýw*l e b". tops. tepoclal tg the SUN.]bos tb* IM ObUeed, .,May 25.-The os PaSaed a very Important bill tafarmo-t 1. 1- -a today',vhen it passed tbe bill ai> Ptt>Ü $684pplag S500 for the establlsb- Ineat cf ýnagnIcultural experimentt stion t thie collage of agriculturet gît thie sta eUniversity et Cbampatgn:2 se" "0sz.00 parycar. to carry out the ex-1 KM0 Bo Posiniant%, M.000 per ycar for sl tzeeaiM nad 5*4tests, $15,000 par iiai for expanlmenttng on orch ard traatiUmnta. $15.000 par year ta dis- Scovar 58" derontrat* the beet mth. oda of producing and marketing viielesale rnuI and datry products, "d $7,00. per yrarfor experinentng eu vqeepants and l *' vgetablas under glass. :_ ldner omtefrred witb Representa- t iva $teeLrna of Waukegan et 2 oclock " ubmorninh bnt the conference waa * wltt meit. Tde cly change on the ntnety-sec- O«cd bafflofr United States senator tcutay va that Represectative Butta. cfpeoma, Who hla been vottng for 7ois votaS for Lowden. and Repre- 1 sattve 'terril] of Chicago, vito bas beau votIng for Sherman, duhanged ta Hopkins. The. ballot reaulted as follows: Re- publiçans Hopkins 87, Niason 2, Foua 7. OO , iurtlaf 19, Sherman 1, Lovlmar 1, geth bISa Lavdm 2, McKinley 2, Yates 1. Dam- k,. ocrats, Stringer 40, Drovne 1, Detrik 1, Walshl 1, Judge William B. Wrght, So! ffingilan 6, M.. J. Coltine of Chi- cage 6 ifyouwvaut to blst ell. took veil aud WOU.1, ta»s Füwhs Kldney Bemedy.1 I4mcaeinp the kde kadbladdmr, Mu*m the 1ý odand retorese ealth UAer~gb Plessant ta uq.ka and bbbtaisa.Do haranfuldroga. Wby Dat GENTRYB«tttcRs SHOWM MTZON CITY Long 49o the Scotch learmed tht'. Tbc sturdy aid Scoidbsmn must b. amused at tite recent "*dîtooveios"tbat oatnsea lai.thicbest f ood in the wuld. Our scientific men bave bec= a- n experlments visicil prove tbat Amei- cana eat too mucil fat snd grease snd not cnough cereals. Thie Scotcbmen say: "Look at aur nations as proaf. Thec turdicst nation on cara.' Still ve have anc good point o anake. We malte hetter oatmeal th=a the Scotch. They boy Quaker Oats ad coiisider It Uic leader of anl oiaçals ta bc had anyviiere Quaker Oit, is sold in fini- ily site packages at 2c or et 30c for tise package containing a picce ai finse chins. Thse regulan ize packae sella at lOc. Foflow thse enssple o! the Scotch; eat a Quaker Oas breakfast every day. AUl graces u Quaker Oasa IF I'S S H NC FROM S IIN> SCIIANCK'S BROS. IT'S Libe rty ville, M1. TM e ID!PMDENT end Daily Tribune or Inter- Oces. oune Vg for $3.50. KÉYNOTE OF OU& SALES1 D e i P f o u . . . e » " 0i a " e b e i. Women's Dtawets 3 rows lace 39C - QCluta's D1e - - - i9C _____________ Fine Black Undetsifrti 59C à%MsW « *LU MUU ..c.e Sal sers -got bhat we advertIsed' just, as they alwy o The sale continues ail this week. ýeours wbere you know that'everythlng 15pefeclyrellable and when yuu sec those etst you know that you can get them. FoIIow the crowd to Frlcdman's. LAK NOTICE 0F THESL, SUIT BARGAINS sait*5* 'I 50 MOensISi 1888,Slus Fer 61i6 price wt de mot offer ycu tuc ore $206 $ais. 9.53 0 Womcn'a Fine Tellored Sauise SWowan'S & MISsos' Sais OITheteesie ofo!the nMost elegant suite on the Market' W.oad t =-1ictna- 1 4 .5 0 c IIt lcensier. .. these for )O....., 11.30 ~.1 I - 'G-j AI COATS AT CLEARIN G PPRICES Womnen's and Misses' Fine Coats, ln. ctudlnq some Coverts a nd Broadcloths.. . . .. 15 An assortment of elegant Cots, ach values you have never had the > opportunity to get before .2ad Women's newest style long Cot, fu lenath. bcst grade Jet.......... . 9 OUT£". Ostrlch TIps 49c iRefsanded on $3 *" Vote lai eiaor Fait. to Gîve H4p#deb Veiy, ttgh Mark. Lorîmer C"Pseenc With tearne Took Ploe t' fTWe 1hlfiI@ ring. New- tu k *lolia l'à-mportant te Farm- ln* Censnsuntle, o! Lake Couinty. QUILTIVATORS WE HAVE THEMý ON HlEAVY WAGONS OUJR PRICES CAN'T DE BRATEN. INVESTIATE Je Re, DADV Est* 118 .. enesce St., Waukegan Frledman's Trimmed Nlats W. h.id the recibrdfer acllngtthe largest quanfty et Mots in Ignke"aî end thr.ugheut tLeke Ceumtv. Why ? Becouso sec bave the lorgesti ss.tmCflt. the.boast styles et tie LOWEST PRICES Motor Sallors L'th.t at -2M2 Elegaotly Trlmmed SUIMMER MHATS 98c 1.55 2.25 ý3.25 4.25 These are fUne bargains "Zion City, for tht. day and date, only." This ta the way the advertisefllets of the Gentry Brothers' famous shows united, whtcb vili corne to Milwaukee tbm latter part oDtthil week1 are to reaLÇ la thle lar future If the Plans g1ven« a prelimnar3f discussion lip Hel- ena recently- are auccesfu]IY Carried ouf. Asn the essence of the Davie teach- iag was lndustry anudsa he acCeti- fully dl.courÎgad an* semblance Of *ivolity ln hi. foilovers, the field Of aniuiement ln Zion was noeyer thor- oughly develqped, it belng Dowie'. be- lief that vanÏ and worahip abonld 9a 011 each daY as ta leave amail roam for the leaer things of 11f e. Neverthele5s, the snblect broached to a representatîve of the Gentry shows by W.. B. Lee, a traveling rep- reacotative of Zion City, when the two met in Chicago last veek and there seems to be no doubt but that Zion City will open is gates 10 Gentry Brethers. Rov. 1. W. Williamnsons Latter. Ber. 1. W. Willlainon,antingtan, W. Va., writes: "Tisain ta certitY that I used Foley's Kidnsy Beinady, for nerrons sihanation and kldney trouble and 3M fre. to atait viii do &Il that . 74 ta ~ ~ ~ ~ ra thoad~7d wnlpope Contains no b rmI l drugeand li pleast ta tsake. F. B. LOvELL. moncomm --i Be fore Y Ou Buy thateIuggy j Coie end look over 'over our. stock. Have fiitg to select frôm. "The Staver is a Sta ver* ------------------------ 'e Q4 -.1-

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