Alkt COUNTY INDEPENDENT OFFICIAL PAPER 0F LAKE COUNTY OSelsftTloptioneeNo. . i Llor's fesidence Telephone No. 1141.Lbeyil xlag lEtered ai the Potoffic5 at lbctvv e. Il as second Clnos.ate neusWEKkT. OVE5ISIg iTErS NiDZ ]550WN ON APPL1CATION" S~UBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.60 PER VEAR 'STRICTLY IN ADVANCEf *AWK M. JUST ...... ............................... ...........Editor - .M. KELLEY................................................................. Ct Editor FRIDAY, JUINE 4, 1909. AN EDITORIAL OPINION Tisa Noria Star comparus the recent Lrimer coup by whlch ho was eiected te the tomate te that et Abraham Lincoln wl¶o iocted Trumnbuli senter by giving up the place himsît. The Star saya: "In that merabie contest, ln 1855, Lncoln lacked tlsree votes oftoacuringt the sonatorship. Lyman Trumbulilns un anti-Nebratka Democrat, had five votes. They weuid nt go te Lincoln. ln tihe meantime, Governer Mattisen, à proalavery Demecrat, bscked by the admninistration terces, waa concent-@ ratng *Il et hie pewers and it lkeiy that ho weuld secur. the lectiosi1 et himolit. "n erder te dotait this and put ln a man whe vise sound on thse lav.ry1 quesltion, Lncoln threw »Il ef hie terces te Trumnbuli and seçured the latteeis electlois. Thot nt was denouncod by thse Demecrats a a wicked bargain andt sale and the Rapublicana were hoaviiy scored fer havlng consentod te sucs a trad. "Thea act hal remarkable bearing upen subsoquent history. When Trum-. bell woht jtoe sosnato, he charged- Douglas wlth heving entered jte a c.sspirecy wlth MPare, Buchanan, and Chiot Justice Tansy te fastes, lavery upon tise aitire nation. This croated se much excitennent that public IntereM wus faetoning ittelt upen Trumbul asa the oppenent et Douglas. L.incolnu swi that ho waa belng loftteut and ln eider toe teal a marcis upon Trurfiuil, ho clihenged Douglas te debate and thse memnorabie cetet lu 1858 botween thse twe directed the attention ofthtie nation away tram Trumbul sud concent- rated It upen Lincoln. "Everything la tair n love and war, and Judged by the peut, Lorimer slmply teek sdvautage ot his opportufity, bmought tegether the warriug elemnents and conentrated themn upon himmifl. It dosnot appar tkat tas chargea ot bribery aud corruption cut any more figure now than they dit! inu of La pe, loi ai bÉ ab ti ha U. Ev b' Tb bm toi ei la tl' t, se th th t fa4 '-J.--.,---- - Pa -J*:-".- STEAOY IMPROVIEMENT. C Tise wçýekIy financial review sa decdedly eucouraging. Il Say$: th If prons are to e b.isld t tisir old level seme tfurtiser etimurating th devolopmseuta wili bu roqulred. Mucis depeuda upon tise crep situation, wiich Cil isJsot as çncOuragiug lu certain respecta as mlgit b. desired. Novertiefseas tisr la ne cause se yet tor anxioty. The outlook ls for s fat lized mieat re crop, altiseugi tise nation weuid unquestiousbly bs beuefited by s mucis large? bc yleld tissu la now lu proepect. Thoerese, hemever, mucis compensation lu tise entiooIt for cor, miicis promnises a large sud profitable crep; pessiblytise largoesions hcord. Our corn crep lait yoar was valued nt cousiderably more P thoan mieat and cotton comblned. Tise eutleek toi tten ls fer an average ht erop t good prices; s. tisai If cern sud cotien realize expectatious tisr wi l boln roau-for anxlty ceuceruiig eue agricuturai eutleok. Our farmere wmli agaîn bu s hisgily Important lemont lu tise editinuance et national pros- i perity, and lily art lu tise fortunate positionefie having a sure market for ail 16 tlsey-cen posihly preduce et vory profitable prices. Sucis conditions should P timulas Isole exertions te tise utmnot In order te soeurs tisa largest ylld 1 *peseibjo, a resuit misicis wouid bc net ely bonoflcial te thom, but te consumera o ei largo, wtso aretfeelng tise preant iigiscota eftailitood producta- t The mont encouraginil conditions lis sigit aretiose connocted wth tisea ludustilal situation' Our ieu tradlleshowasteiady lmprovamflelt, ev"rybrancis a oft4mtslte feeling tise influence of recuperatien; tise volume of businesL bulug aImst up tue sapeavieus years. Somo nonsîderable new capicity re.- mains unempoyad, yeltishe toudanlces ali' towards turtiser bettarmeut, and piones ara rlainig. Railroade have placed largeoerders for rails, structuralà nbateçhal, cee. and anines. Tise building trade continuas excellent sud l Io fo I a eeurcoaut mueS nom business, oise.wd sud wealthy operaters isavlug receg- I u'ilid tisItishe prenent la a most deirable oppertunity l isîhciste place ordes bafoure furtiser adivauoes artesatablillied. Tisa copper Iudustry la aIsc feelinga tisaeIeWgotIndùutsrail mprovemeut; consumera are placing increused erders, sud prions have been Uiru, aitisougis production ia tillinlu xcesa ot censump- tisnsd supplie* on hausd remaîn excessive, lu tise textile inustries tisr. lea .ootid«rable ictivity, especlally lu cotten goode; aud tisa dry geode market eeraly il flcptioisally souud conditions, altisougi tise usuil perlod of summser quiet la now appromihng. itlas signfint tisît Faîl River cotton mnsufacturera dld not enforce tise reductiel5 in mages this weel, wilO# tisey coulai have dons lu accordante mitiste liber contract. This sisomed satie-1 faction wth prenat conditions and confidence lu tisa future. Tise vmooln mlle «* wmeil old up snd tise bg conscerne belld very large ordurs. Ailtiinga eeedeld, tise mercantile situatien la etlfactory as ceuid be expacted sud1 eNmuldshow a furtiser Improvement next sutumn, provldsd thoera la ne dis OPPOlAlM*ut reglardlng tis a hrvegt. Rallroad trafic sow* steady improve- Montes and la bolng donson@15a mucis more Profitabe baule tissu ast year ewmug t. nowe npomies sud btter ratas. M es. Frank Crosby and Miqs Hans Cros- I &doaal Libetvyvle by of Evaâteon, wera tise gueâîs of Mr. 1 an Mr8. Daniel Le« lat Snnday. Senor easse nigt a'ktisae Union Chuncis Frank Billy, of Henrltta, Southi ibis TbnrmdaY eveing. Carlina, is visifing Stt ie borne ot his Mr. «ud!sM". Amop Wortmau. o! Shseri- parents Mir, aud Mre. J. C. Relly. dan, N.i, Sp)elt $u'1u ut thse bcîret, R. lbogs klled about 32 isad of aieep on H. Lytle. tise Armorlsarm anly Weduesday morn - Mr. sud trs. EarNabingar wregueate ing. Tise matter wae eportad to Super. 51 the home ofi Walter Lytie aud site visor Miler. DOlLARS R! WARIO 1 teel certain that tisera muat h. quit. 'general mit-uuderatandiug on f ho part A th.a pblic concerang Il@ pnivilegeasta Lake Vsaasud tise snrrouoding pro- Mrty. Tise tact liat people are luvited te an- îy the. acnery and tisa pniviiegem01fthse Pank dosdot imply that tbey have thse aht te taise or deetroy propertY. Wisan, aller @pouding several thon- mnde of dollars ta malle Lake. Eara pos- ble, 1Ilnvited people tu visât i L sup. pooedî w@A a eii)undersioodtIsai tise Fronedie, lncludlug thse drives andtise. uta, mare privekt. property and mould le e ausncbh. On isecoutmty., I lied that dujlng Mny absence tram tinde to e tie t ollowlsg tU»ge bave talken place: Furet, gain ha enkllled, huiniers boisatlng tit L2 ducksa baveen killed le orne daY. &ven ont tanne dok» ere slanglâtsred. sènnd, mlld flowertare h.lag torlipont by tise route snd planta earvled swai., Iil,%idsll tie rlgbi Io 1.11.bis » eYe gmt&ýmaln atoisas. bau te.Y CwMka" 1sud no o apeelt >ie o [on iaw*0 gnd pPiti4iip ii tu ensail for use b.lng cactied awansd Rcen uisrown on tihbai'. There le someelde yeu dlmeaa tkst te laite waa recenti!dyéntd loi lés 1aIss nut positive tisilta leJetrois, but the tact, are tual ihouaada pjddBah nen the. abore toi meverei doa.tihe Pâei 4 ruei, Mmd @sos.of rMy onegiioi s site bat exploeions wera heard la t'ai di- rction. 1 do dot bellese for a moment 0 tbat any of rny friands and eei@àbraen th vieinity oh Libartyvilla or oSkfeller would be gult>' of thîs, but it le. poessible baât sncb depre<istion hu bean eemmit- ted b saie one of tbe many Who seans oe bava core Iroinmorne distaneeaswaY ecnievidenly ittrmeted by the 1rte tie e dO~ ig ' 1deaisit my duty to expiain tu public print the faet thât Laka ens, witb Ite drives and- gronade, le prlsatç property being pet- paird by naeas a bsala for private adn- attunai inteteaOf muc i mportante ta the autira comunlity. 1 feel tisatit14la to bae mutual Intereeia of myoelf and the eitizenu of Mie cosumunity that tisa pro- perty ha protectad ln every way and pe- served s prvate property. 1 thavefora request tise people, my frieuds and nelgis- bons, uf titis vWIiity te o oaperate miii ne vu tise end of mailing known the ex- aci statue of a&aIra, to tise ended tishe motectioof ethe properiv. 1 cannai bring myonîf te feel evea yet À tbat S»yone bsgonesno fat au te dya- mite thelai',. Bomever, tisearoe od ronds for sncb suspicion; anui, 1if is f.tru,l1aà.11npt oly hagbt.ulfor, but wili psy $100.00. for informationi eadleg ta tise conviction of tise psvty ord partie&. lu view of tise educatlunal plana &bond [ cannai permit rbe.earryleg of Arearma on tiie groenade, flosing oi sny tad or tise diaturbance of the. plants sud siruse and hiowara. 1 woq4ld aima taire tie occsion ta announce ta tise Youngpopeof thl* cormnrnuty tisat dnnlng le coming minter tuere wmli haopened in Liberty- ville, or poaily lu bise building whicb me ste jumt commenclng on tisa grounda su Lake Ears, s general business course, iucluding instruction le ahortbued snd typewrlting. asucln hobe Science of Salas- mnublp, thea Science oi Service sud tise Science of Indumiriai Succees. Tisa scisool miii be opened prlmarily for the ppcef littlng peupleano etc ples ot TheShldon School mhlch wmlli C uoved (rom Cisiego ta our grenadeuon Mai lat eau maprlng. Excavations for building misicis onr preseai Chinage business la ta occupy are already bagun. Tise.mAl probably ha qute s a nber oftise people Wiio are emplo yed hi n ai pient lu 1 0c Whisacannas corne mîti s a. Tbeir places will hase ta b. tskea by othars; snd Ilblern m ws te gise local pe plerf e al Dew pouitin. provldedthe applcat le sefficient and rdy for tise pstien. Feul partielara wiiI b. turnlahedconcernlng tbe course of instrucion wmicis mli a gsie thia comieg fl and mieter h yaddreeing me at Lihartyvilla. cave af Sldon Unser- eity Prose. Resectfully snbmlttd, A. BSHELuON. Soys' Club Prospering. Tise Youg American Club tist ai a organlzed lu Apil le growing nlcelysud invtesan yongboy betmean thea sg ioft4@sund 1i9 tajolu witb tbam. Tise moto cof tise club je "Vincit (lui i vincit,'* tise ciblein aL triangle the rides 01 whi!b ar nmed rpirt, uiud aud body. Tise reie t h ie club is: Homard islsLaUghiî vice preeldaul, Frey;oeerarv. Gerald William@; irea-1 Bhcaù. tbo AÉertcama Is iprg -Niighty EIyuo Elyl cais hIga gr Wole fitthe pulse of the public ee sf in suggestlng where to bny ak WedingR0ig Our' patrons want oniy the best. So do yon. Misybe you didn't know where to get IL. Hore's the place. Now's the time. Try, just oncé. WATCRMAKER 1H-SSnd' ElfE L ER 'e i y,'; w flnd wayi Hollanders with happy,", t8 equal willýbe, nomn JUtin d iowhoe bbe- the comlng of a future easr. jueen cns b. ý4tsgroat _______________goodness.., can out as well as others by trying. One tr>l a- rs convinces. , t E. W, u PAàRIiU I" Scha"Nck oc Ubef4è'vile FARM MA CIIINERY Moline and Oliver Plows Spring Tooth, Lever and Dise Harrows Wagon@ and T;ucks Buggies and Milk Wagons i [L O00DS THE BEST OPe IEIR KIND] 't s t' ry, Lawm irass Supplies ;M ýiou arsing to Fertilizer lie L 1a PUT IN CEMENT WALKS DRAIN4 YOUR LAND SOW SEED 0F ANY KIND WH[TEWASH TOCUR BUILDING; PUT UP NEW FENCES We want to figure on your wants Libedyville Lnmbcr Compally CWa's Telephone No. 47 FRH Up Chuap New Yur ig g -N. - ~ i "'-y Are You,, 00OMm,,TO. PA.INT? This Year Yes, we want to pakut the House, Baru an&f Outbulldlngs with a No. 1 absolately ur paint that will stand the test of year.4 Resuember that thesé paints eau be&bought of Young & Lynch iI FURNITURE STORE 0F QUALIT'6 WAL over feinday. Epi9copal serriceswiili ha beId in tise re,Leilie Warren; auperntendanur, 0. Tise date of Llbrtyville Day ba@ been Wooduseu bail naît Sunda aftem-oou et A. Nawaom. Tise clnbbhaus ailfous nom- Chae hn Ciceago changad 10 WadnedaY, June 23, aI a tbree o'clOck. A cordial invitation st ex- uittfes oua halug atbletic conmlîttee msetiîng led t tisa office of A. F. tended tu tisa pubîlic. vsit i isc Homard Morries ad Ciarley Sieldon, Wednt'edav evenug. Rse. tire. Francis Tnilît sud Mi@@ E@tlla Frat areaut tise haad of the committea. fellet miliho asked to prticipate in tishe ahadaMaistr'itsatatsdit T eboys bave a bame bal testa aud celebratlun. ocliool eturned last Friday evenug muni are milliug tb play any tearn thoir sitfe. Tisooe irosu Libertyvllle who atteude tise State Sunday Scisool cornentiou - aDy one wauting a igante eau DEN M. MU-EUR, Atorney tisa lueralift! trs. John Bebus of Padria. Tlio.v riug înuy plane io0r couler witb Lloyd Taylor. The oulyNoie fth Sat f rPtYt Wisaalsug mare: Mr. and Ms Momere, makiug*a bigger sud batte-r achiiol tisas day uiey miii pldy Is SatuzdaY. Tish oieef1.Sl f epryt Gertrude tiowers, tir. and Nirs iSams aven bafone. ruambens of tisa club ut prasant Fare: Enforce Agiteras Lien. Duba, M. aîd tirs. John Iiolenînaier, Homard ticLangislu, Chanley, Fr.y, M. sud Mrs. Tony Mor. tir. and M ns Tisa mauy friende utf Mis Ethel Domos, Geraid W illiamsIL«,aei. Warren, Arthsur To FRANK eOTTO AND O voWI[o.ivT MAY Robet Spellmarf. Mn. and tire. Pter miso wu& fOrtnerly a re4ident iii thiisity, tiiyens, Morrie Proctor, Lloyd Taylor, CONCEas: Duba audMr.insd tire. B. Grimes, mare muci susrprised tu bear tliat she Elasard Morris, Roy Banneti, Omen Au affidavit bavlug bequp lIed siti tise Acru Cap 17. Mde-r Wodmauo! ad beeum8ecreýly îmaried la8t Febnuary, Woolidge, Perey Folletand Lloyd clark of the Couuîy çonrtlLakeCony Aem cmp - (5 Mder Wodmn f urtisan parlcýulara, of wbicli appear lu Wlliams, Illinois, that tisa place of radneo Ameica ii observe tht-jr fanunal auothar articl. iSbansd blrien teuded_________ zeamorial day nat ttuncîay. Servi"e-ewaeeet-of Libertyville reulom lasI Franks Otto Io n ta the undar. iii ha hld ut thair hall in tise attkrnnoon n rslo et one ocloci, toiisîer@ of tisalodga mnien lmackuaee, if a certain hldden nerva mlguad. Notie hereis, 'en tisa tise oetiating. Foliowiug tisa srvice tisa Prof. C. R. Pugis. instruetor n uEug- goei mroug. tisen tise organ tisaI Ibis cndereiiuad, J. . Wl lî,'h se Isre lodge il marcis te tis e impeansd lihafi afî tislatie coach et tise La Salle-, nrre controla iii aise atiiely fa1. t lienagaînat ou Tma-Year-Ol B&V decorate tise gTves ofdeceameduaigisbors. l'eru ligh seisool bas teudeed bis may hiea s tomacis nerva, or il nsay hava Stallion aud oua Tbree-Yaar.Ol L t At lb. rally ion hauavoiauce6 hld at reiautiont 1 takseaffect at t[e eul]of given tr.ngtb sud support t t beaniBat Salion $or heaphng, yatding, tee- tia eisolt huci Ia Snd> u-u tisa terin, Juna 9tb. Ha baslice-n offer- or ikiduaye. I u@asUr. Scoop l'ai irat i.9 sud paturing thea 4ld talliono lngaie seorm aI». tu report tisatcd tise position otprincipal of tise bîgis î.itd ti vItal Inittis. Dr. Sisop's ronsJuna mt, 1 O, tt'e preffent tinte;r mlnore s1'ui Cheahundr.d dollars isas Aciool et Llbertyvillletanauinereasie o îso alv. masuqtI madebo d-setise tisataeaid lieu &muuta fta tisa Oum Of sim, baumubcrbodhontias.vaio $3~00 per yeaî over hie praet ealary stomacis non l'a tomporailly satilebe ane bundnad ity 'dollars ($150.00), esaprssu ol ibeoar efl urcs. itis sd ud as dcided 10 accepu il. -Ex. tise heutansd kldueys. That aId-fas- li h . ma isadrpri aFa ' mu reglar conributari yet t10 hansage. loued mthod, liaail roug. Dr. ShafuOamoepce f'eldcesun lerdtrm tis f.rgll bmii Saeo.1o ia trtiheo. l, D aib5 ,.l~iU omu to tise underslgild, sud fut 1her ist lise local cisurcis bas ver made. isdnro.TermroteUc«fntc ebrboie htI@a Acy lady readan oft tisepaier wî iaida nreritisn e ernankahi enfoice lth eisy pb iv n te a i s ai A l. k .Churciill linapurcsaued thercla o rqetb lvr1'Nýrp iedm p renth ensetr ase 01 y tis pduinb elgb M cise torte- pioadprmufflceof Dr.F. R. tiartin v nriuu, lvrS-np"msoso1rate ie55151cuee sdprope bpbi btasbts .Md*0 akeposesson ulyjet HeCofeeStnainar coupon privilage ironi Dr. tisasa iailing organs. And h tla lndeed isîbet sud hat idder for cai' aI my 1r. 1ti a retv op, Racina, -Wie. It i.s ilver.platad. e"sy lu prove. A sinmpole e or ton days fata on tis Wate dl ti s hoa aiD. rae mv erhougisteiRudltl b..,eopsuPlae adbend ie antiiyvay pretty sud poeltively.pre-vent, ail test will surely tel.* afry if once and @sal iqwnofvernonon Sateiday the 121h hf oatbsnor au soon a@ vacated. Dr. dippinga ofteta or coffea. Tisa Doctor Solîl by day of June, A. D. 1909, et îdîîeisour af *arti su il miilsse for Deever, e-de it, mitt i@biscasfrae book(on AL.L OKALERS. imo (2) o'ctoci p ns. ibe irsi o JclY mber. tise elBalth Cofe' eimply to introducet lii_________ J. W. WELL, Prairie Viem. Ila. cever substtitut. fon real coffoea. LUr.Iated May 20, 1909. 84-3 tise date mi take np bisapractica f ho'haii o 1ee. tagaiuiug ita Adjudication Notice.. a tin blu s dgreau popularity because of: Firet, its Pubic Notice tin1ereby gven tlat theaifb- gand isnnisarouaexqué-ite teste sud fSavon; second, ita mciierExzecutrla o 041TuainetRoi fi~dsa4 iset mii tagat a -asolute leathtulcess; tiird, ite econ- of MSt-iraeths àibrwMb, UtRoofins. and aoegreeno@seC.,it or ftieOuw tatn depeqi. lb 25e; IEa1tIII!tg o le c tb I tbesa o tu ~ iwsaise. Gravairoofing and repalrne. Ail ga new --- Io e r. euspd ' 0fulyj ra in r . b r- Md i iue asD.Sbso li li thu u ir~ailpceubavnc kinde of raady roofiieg pplied on steep ~~JII~.5u. alera ~y lure- it lai 70cr grocere for apsa ueijested uo peeum *8 M» o n adCeUPS lotioll 1 nilu urrsecrueito. M ~ tt. guarantea. PEvuaBLKzS. PhoelSSl, CORLITT I& FREDERICKL maubgan, tM.May M isstoe -~ Lake Foreat, Ii1. 83-4 PAPER ço Mail Order Houises dybourne.-Bivrery4 end !eed Stable BEN F. CLYBOURNE, Prop. Libertyvile, 111 boums sthe u ottted. Lbertivila RHotai. Buggies and IHarnas ail New, Rîiht from tise Factory--AII Up-to- N Date. TU*8OU M en P it Fifty l Danger an pat iddle life ave found coin- t ad _relI P olaey'@ K.ldney Eemedy. year ago My fathar muffe.Wd foin aud bladder trouble and alcians pronounced h enlarge proatte gl nd ladvieed an stion.~a ac ou, to bis ea w ai raid ha could lot etabà I t a e- con>end.d Foley's Ki'lnay iRem y snd thse Sirt boutle relleved hlm. aud aiter takins thamacoudbottla ha was no longer troubled wltis hle complalut." FSÂrcK B. LoVELL. A twas4y-fiva cent want ad sold a big babr ldey. Try one. If Y.,1 1'a'sueued thse tiret lime try It again. itve onlE' 5ve pente a liste for each Insertion. In making clothes we aim to please. A satis- f led customer means a steady customer. Others s'eli clothes, the tallor makes them. Let us help you select your new suit. >FRED CROKER Tailor and Draper Libertyville -Morses for Sale. Mountain Meadow Stock Farru, one and one-half miles north of \Vautonda, Illinois, bas constautly on baud and for sale, at lowest market price, a stock of ail classes of horses, suitable for the road and ail farmu work. exhress and draft, u.4eful aud serviceable, f rom i 100 to i 6oo pounds. Pricea $So.oo to $200too. No plugs. Corne to, Mountain Meadow and ace the boraea work on thse farm. Ail acclimated and avoid riak of sjekucss. Ail guaranteed on delivery as represeuted. *COL. r.j.BERRY * LÀXESIIJE CREAIERY BRAND 1 ~j~BMTER Lakeside Butter is made of pure cream, from se-, lected dainies in the Elgin district. Purity and weight guaralteed.-Badger Butter Co., East Troy, Wis. CORLETT -& .FREDERICKS LIBERTYVILIf, ILL " 1 1 oit LA" eà