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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Jun 1909, p. 3

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LA.KE COU1SNTY INDIUPENDENT, FRIDÂY, JUNE 25, 1909 *c*tI~ I I .- PIANOS 1 have at my home several -tt' Ie if thc Baldwin IPianos. 1 invite you to naît and see. I'iies %witbin tbe reacli of aIl. GEORGE E. STRANG, Undertaker and Licensed Embalmer GRAYSLAKE - - - - - - - IWNOIS Staver Bulggies Just receiveil a carloasi of the ('elebratecf Staver Buggies ALL THE LA'iE-iST STYLES i'nices Riglut WNe always carry a fulll une of MARDWARE GOODS A. PADDOCK Round Lake,' Illinois (Jrayslake BAKERY AND RESTAURANT I resieh iadI ccrv dcv, IHorne Miade,- takeu, lPieit(ui] I their Pastrv. uei ll e sicfnd lmeal n ssii <'1 t aIl hicirs. E. A. LOFTIJS, Prop. (IRAYSLAKE. ILLIN'OIS OUR UCE CREAM Deies Competition n îis.'wd hy aIl the leaclcng secîa waaer plâvaisc ing the "ce- (irayxlake Pbariiicy, Roîcundil Lake DrugStore, lDr u- Lake and I aIl points surrounding Fox Lake anc li nleside. W'e are puttlng ont a mnacb bigger supply than lamb year. Once nsed atwaym used 1t GrayJslakeCreamer!J $primo mîllluery IN ÀIL THSE 'iFN SHIEAi'lND SnADES WVi1l be pleaged.to bave al my old customers cail and t wilI ha glad to welcome new one@. oussEnZtmb £meis At Kuebker &l Hoem's Watches. C"oh and Jewelry Repairtdt Ail Work Guauanteed SPECIAL ORDERS FOR JEWELRY Promptiy Flied W. H. MOORE C (nayslke Ililinois THE FIRST PAIR 0F GLASSES Shouldbe Caretully Fitted Bere the Fitting le Scientifie DM L B. JOLLEY Phones-OiCms122 tiesideuce i2i nFFICE HOUR8 9:3 tlis1ne. Itto. ne. t. ti9 p . OFICE it and State tret. ODte the tankau North Chicago. limai, Cigars and Laundry Tobacco Office CLARENCE FLAGG TONSORIAL PARLOR UIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Orders Taken for Razor, Magziet and Putin Osdes' P.rlo<iceait Guaranto.d SCE RUSSELL Luber Yard For Figures on BUILDING MATERIAL Miy prices are right andi grades gcoîd. Whsticer y(uu buy ccr Dot get My figures. PREi'ALIEO ' HITEWASHI F. S. MIEAD, Prop. DRUG STORE LINES W Iý iri c' i I ofany t i et iciarati um caccIcc tie Pak lai- briad 'rîccý îasîî':ree uin 'f puc cciii ofi ilcciclFi tu3 î end ira-,r , irc tg. c. tiiU i ici ima teie m ret, 'crie l n c keir y tif icel c te Niccaie l'acut iccIllue lia- k tforîcmore l'ark iPai jiiie't pic nli r w.ciMi thie ciirk iii"cicr il %Vi ii kc'cilarge clcieciiciie t ',l ire oiui iii l'cceî Onu,-ver 25,000liti ocise tri ciiit le liai e pclt h tie largest i iA ( larde 've'r c.Il iîicted "ca emnîl t' li ik The largieýt iciiicl,,r of local iWý e i il,, iti DRUCE DRUG CO. THREE STORES Graysiake, Rockeftlerm Round Lake. State ofcl linucis,. Uuunty cof Lake. se. le tue ICincuit Iourut ccl Lake C'ccl.cl Narv liren andi Edwarul oren ce. .%fil- Lanîcaster. Jucia Lancaster, Cathc ccii, Laicacter, Margzaret tieregor. John l NlI1). irElizabeth Moore, Jccun J. Moocire, J B. tI ICucneil and miles Jý Devinei. lieu. No. :1525. Bill for par- titionu. Public ncttee b ereby given ticat by vîrtue ot an order ami decree entered lu tics abomeenîithed Cause la said circuit court et tice Marri terni, A. O., 1909l, thierecif, the underaîgned a'îli, on Tues- day tice eîxth day of Jnlv, A. P. 1909, et tice bour ocIonue c'lock fla theaiter- noo! ofeaid day et tics eat door ofthtic court bouse lu tieCs ity of Wankegan, in eaid caunty and tate to tics bigiceet and buet bidder for cash at public auction the folio aing d"ecribed Iapd and real e- Tice uortb-weet quarter ni the soutb. est quarter o! section tourteen (14). 1 Also the notin-asl quarter ni tics sontb-east quarter ot section tourteen (14) A:an the east icait of the nortin balt ai thes soutic.east quarter ofthtic eoutb-easlt quarter of section fourteen (14). 1 Aiea tics uortic-wemt quarter ofthtic 8outh-west quarter oi section thirteen (13). Aisntihe nortic hailofthc tis outic-west quarter oftltiescctb west quarter o! said section thitteeuc(13). Alec, ticsweet hall o etisnortic haIt ofI tbe south-east quarter of section tour- teen (14). Alae, a pareel of land descrîbeu as coin. meucing et tichecutlc sast corner of tics north-east quîarter o! tics north-wesit quarter of section twety.ionr (24), town-sbip icrti-ticur (441 nnrth, range eleven (11) east nf tice third principal meridian, thence runuing nortic cixteen (VI) rode; thence wegt to Chicago, MiI- weaukee & St. Paul raiiroad rigbt-ot-way as now Iocated; thence êonhh to tics pub-. lic highway; ticeuce east ticshe place ot heginniug, sxcepting boweerer tics east nue-haIt bal! acre o! said piste or parcel o! land. Ail o!fsaid real estate being sitnated i l townebip forty-four (44) north, range eeven il1)> east of tihs principal meridian lu tics county ai Lake and state of IiI- note. ELAm L. CLARKE, Master lu Cbancery. Oated June 4tb. 1909. C. T. Heydecker & Son, Solicitors. 26-1 PAUL MAC OUPPIN. Attseey. Adjudication Noice. Public Nouies lainete Civen tuai the Sui,. se1be. Adminitrator ot thn e maxe of Anua Barbara Yitch. deecssed. wW laasndi e C.utc ourt of Lake Couiit a sterne theeol in Rai hue t thescuret HauinluWautsaa, luxt 1909 CgctL. n the fit Mondy uf Seutenei mx.10 he. and wtnsre &I- Pereuna hanincu ,bui.e Zatnsut caid etate are notiaidand eecuesed tii iescent tins lame tii @&id Court tue sdjudication. FRANK D. FRITSCHt WINFRIED J. FRITSCH ÂAduifnstahee, WakeRan, .ine 14. 905 c89 Adjudication Notice. Putlie Notice h, iereby ies. lSd tin s ain sceibue Admimnlstr aio tinhetate of tCaroline GraSe deeeesd ciii attteud the outy Onutol Lake County. su a terra tieest tu bs Sld« a t the Court ISseslu Waukeffa. lu Raid outy, os tinsfiit Moeday of Septemer nex. i505 wSen and wheresil esaul -iavtng otlatnesaralusi Wad Etate are ntitied sud recncistedta pressaI the saie to said Court tor adudication. JAMES L. SWAYER. Admneistatr. Waakegan. June 21i. 1109 5 Notice id Stock Buyersansd Morse Traders. AU kinds of stock and poultry, faims machtnsmy and tumntnre wiil b. sold at the qelt Market Bay at Busosil, ID!. Brng what yon have ta ssL id. e al ha h =la tc old Ideal race tsek tise et a es~y !secismontià. pThe Gages Lake Telephcine Co. wili meet ut thé eicool bocuse next Saturday Mr. Fluag and riiciicc .ocf 1Ii'ago,, spent FSonday ut EvariLa icr Mrâ. Amees, of Atitubh Mi. anid Mi@. eWill Oliver, lof iciiaietrH. lannion and daughter, of ZonCcî('iy, lient Sun- edayut C. C. Aucc.s. M"r. Date uîceict l'rilaý and Saturday in Chicagciý 0Mrs. XVallonu ancdhber mon and hie wile and daughuter, tfChlIbiago,. îiéited iceveral dBys of last wcek a ii Mr. mud Lrg. Geo. Kapple. Mim Grace Mhec.eler, oil Libertyvllle. wasa a cuitor at tIh orne utEb Harris fast week. Miss Carrne Ubard, of Libert¶ ville, 14 visiting relativc-slier, this aîek. W. Hawthorn le having hie t)inidinge ail niewly paintc'd. Memdaies Witham, Clark, Gilimore and Glbert, nf Waukegan, attended the Ladies' Aid Society last Thursday. Mir. and Mrà. Fb Harrie and lamily @pett unday witb relatives ifi Liberty- ville. Tliere ivam a large attendance and the usuai gond turne at the, Ladies' Aid Society last Thursday. Tli'he et meet- Ing will be July i'th ut the home of Mis. James TayIo r. Everybody goes to the Saturclay niglit dauces at Aujani, Brothere hall in Round Lake. Tbey go iecause the acommodatîcns tire gui icand they have fine tiie,. 31' if ANTIOCF. Mrm, Fcc..î r l'leriiu aud ilcildreri , o iOak Park, eàr erieiing tîccîr vaiccii ntai w liLce .kci atit br cdc, tier, Mirs. te cr4w ick. o,-'eiieî ie, ty , .giLng toi ai e renieicnt walk- ticrougli tic. eiiîtery. W' ilti'r l'c'l ci ck i i i' itiig lIs lia reite, whcid 'v-t cii cw br.ucgbt ,ut et fair eied ' d Tuesdcay A ici"d 'cI cn %itle ini iclc an(] iiîrliciiic a î iii on cur '.treet Tiieday niglit taking 'i tic, Icoee tc lige M r. lraîik liciciarîl îs driv"ig tîi' street ëprinkier on Lakestreettrocii Main treetth' Harderis cornero. Each rmci dent Lacmel a înlonth lur keecîug thce duet clu an. hu t (cn outh mcaireî et re, thei diiet e dreacllul. Mrs.I rances Siiiith, of 'lîcul I.ciL wc very iciL Ai r- Phecc'A oies i, qcicte î ccccr1 larcililicglee, son of cciir teleichune e\i'haiige', Mr. HigheF, returiecidihontce Saturday frouiitIce W~esley licceiital a here be utiderwent an cclcratiîcn loi ai pend ici tici M.iNic Belle Hughem s cnegaged tci lc'ach the Hueker mchîccl. Miss Haze-l Tffan.v ex ecte tu teacli the Bean Hilli.cbicul the coming Jear. Anticcch will probably clebrate the Fuurth of Jnly witb their neighbor Lake V îlia people. Will Snyder, of Lake Villa, bas tlnlshed drilling wells for Mme. Harriet Wilson and Mr. Matbews. Gifford White trafusacted business in Chicago, Monday. Mmr. Jay Graham and little Mary were callers ut Ed Reueban'o, Sunday. Wm. Wilson bas had a new milk bouse built on bistari. Mir. Cougiclin and tainily bave rented tiecopper cottage ou the weet ide af tice fake. Frank '(anPatten and son, oi Antloch. are drilling a well in thes new suit-dIvision un the east @bore. Lir. W. Pester and tirs.EH. Wheeinck, o! Drayelake and Miss Dulkley, of Librtyvllle, weme vis3itors nitiMrs. Miay Boonk'@, Saturday. Duc Hock wag a Chicago vuitor Tnesday. Mir. Shuberu and daugicter and John Koonier and wîle spent Sutday et thce Shubent cottage. Mm. Chas. Sacks atd fami' are camp- ingocd the sact sîde of tIcs lake ton tics su miimer. GURNEE tir. and tir. William Beaiesuad littie dangicter, trom Walnut, are visiting triende bere. MisMary Hawkins attended fine commencemenît exercises et Plattville lact week, ber sister, Miss Floy betng onue of ticsgraduates. Conmmenceement exercises were beld bere la8t Friday evening under thic direction of tics teacicer, H. H. Conbet. The graduates Stella Haines, Howard Flood and Mortimer Cannon did credit- ahly. tir. Bule, wbn was principal bers ast year deliversd tics addnsss. Scicool cosed Saturday with a piccnic at OrncesLake. Mr. and Mm. B. Spouenberg ans lu Canada visiting bic moticer wbo le very sck. Misa Ruby Hughes spent Friday and Saturday with friands lu Evaneton. Mesdames Hiramn, Sherman, Sponen- berg, H. C. Haines and 8. K. Mille will sute3rtain tics Ladies' id, Tbursday alternoon and svening et tics home o! tics latter. M. Ucrbet letSaturday torChampaigu wbers he will attend ochool. tir. and Mm. D. C. Gnsgg were out troin dis city over Snnday. tir. and tira. Boy Bracher entertained çonpany tram Wankegan, Suuday. Miss Basie Stedman, ai Waukegan, spent severai day. witt frisnds and relatives bers, Miss Grace BibI, of Harvard, Ill., te viaiting triends lu thia vcintty. ilss Mildred ticOuugis eelairated her tourt i hmiday Thursday by a party st thbe home of bar grandiather. I RAYSLAKE DBPARTMENf F. J. DRIcCE. Editor Phone No. I Ordera raken for Job Work Advertising Rates On Application Gel on Board lIhe Great Special Excur- a ineTrain! I îîs ciii lcc Jîe I til icc tule I bc'autifull Foiittt îc ' a li ý.i igcted tarin and frilit !ari t. i. achîa-rict to for tici-rccuîccltruc iip . exî.ene'tic l'e îîîace iSccil iiete cilif tecciir *iae ie The Grayslake I'î ec i citv, cmii Elmer Bofiinan ilc ,,itirig frcil-c ic uncuricaen.ed, tericeciii ccc ii s tlcc meet wlth Lire. Et a ceFn ir v.aft 'r-enrtralIlilinois. ccciest..Ai l rticý-ce cc ae' ticecc, noon. Visitors wel i'cic.dc Mr. and Mre,@a.ci"c cDt'Niuk b avid -ite1fiof W lic cîiiî nciatiraic Mir. and Lire. W'. Il '('cicicct, tir.and gan, acecmîcauied lv M'~ecMctiir.Cinssescet t fli hit c anywhere. ire. L. J.Wilioî, M ci.ilnd rc. La. 1.and l)adv w erçe guest im '(Ir.nîci N e 1 'r vtaîltcovi thic,anduet .teilcii ilc Brcc'kway, ltr. an rîc ccFil K. Tiacker IB. J. Loitus and faiiiilý stic, rtin e-i iftic,- alîccie ,a ý and son and Mi-cc(lar , eseealn o esf esi ltri o Il.tc (ici iMc. I'rces. ,ftern anclfitcrtie. m waukeg12 eregiceet. cc11cis 'cli- and tire"fM , trns n fllprtul HenryKee,.Sandici . D.G. Whbite. lIdaineci and arrangemcents iimacle ici en eber Suld.ytranspcietatci,-n ticriccglcH.W'V.1 c iiii. & O). E. BernardofCclIi .ý agi), will con- John' Ahamt. cci 'Vcccri.'ci Zion Uîty. Ilinisl. Agents fcr L.ake duçt te servucee at tlice 11c. ci Mission Sunday at home. 'îcju ntv. 3î: next Sunday eveniulg Mis Barbara Elcert. ccl .'ictiiccIN asc Tom Meade, Jr., cl uc cuicl Lake. epent a guest at the Bi. J. Lcitus homcîe Stifiiay. Snnday bers with rc-atc--Hiram %Witbam andl lady frcendcof Tbccy ail get resuite: Doctors, law- Maser arod Sraig l siendng heWaukegan and Mis Elancîr "(iticani, (of ers ierhants and Icoliticians. Be waeewtH baundt, Mc- criaindo Hoohe Chicago, were guésete o! Mm.and IMcc FEilw se and advertle-it pays. Our wekwt, i ut Ms ranoHo.Wagner and tamiiy. waant columu is a wlnner. Several ane planning tci attend the big Lr.PryGa nitr cn ry __ Monay Juv tMMChcagPereGayanets.ciFrank Mrac Fourtb o! July ceI'bratiýic ccut Lake Earao! oicgo aevi I NfMr Gd rs Mondy, uiv th.Ed Kapple and faîîîily. Henry Knebkem c iaicitue hicir o! ieIa n laLfu eezet having tramm lsoaýn a ir4etcite firot IahanC Id Llt an.gusG new otaoemin twn.of r@.Paul Avery at Lakc."(llia. Thur- The potatosae Jiti ;(jrtccicii. ip aedday alternîcon. b The Mit othe Season Long Lake tesan tiuuiccluv3andi were Mir. atnd Mmr. Geo. Hoffiiian ent.-rtained deteated lu a score ofc:iuc'-2 their dangicter, tirs. Myrtie Keller and Gîven by M. W. W. Tice Senior hall tcii ca c cctice Lake so*ir e tale in, L@Emioeeand tI re. TWO COMEDIES Villa team oni th(,bucîccgrocinde an.die Kapleiwrs.eaion ticeIhiac deteated tbem hY a -ce oii f lic f0 4. Avieitors r aon heCicg seat Snndsiy the J.lîîcr i'aiu a iii play sto@Monday. "T6w6B n yasis Ro'cketeller on the hhume gricund F'rank Fritsch transactsd hbneuness in h T o n ycsis Mir. and Mre. Bittechiciîceoc Farniers Chicago, Tuesday and City, fil., are guestci lf.E ',itîanks and ocnt torget the two comedy sh o w ("bi. tamiy. giren by the M. '(. W-, Joune BOti at ticseB nsn Lin Carkan dacii t iRut iici (rayclake opera hbouse. Ilanre alter have Cssurbklanget ic cIcukrc Ktcrtici' osiow. Tikets tua on cale et lîrare. Grayelake Opeaa iouseY past tour years bac , c f~ ei ci ccicclake îciarmacy. Rec-erveul seats l35e, e at a botel l. M iebigai ,'tire adnleio 2. Evege 3 Geci. Strang secri'-d 1c i rc aiut acikiHomeed Toacin. gun, Tuesday.liais on exhibition iaItîhlirai'. MiesPot r.cclMcc c ' i. u Iak ci cnînacy a lic mily of licriei-l tîcede TiREE SPECIALTIES-ti-olo, (Grays- Mc iresast . (of 1i t ccc îresmted to us by '('aido Edwaril', iilake'sC'eleb)rated Snîirann,Miss Aura ,of rm. hao.Wiglti,,ýcircturned Tuesday Iroîn a trip tic Texas Mir. eM'clLr@. 'arrc c. uîc.cc îiuiniii iic.t ecceticpanied Icy i d coinvere'a'id littcrslîall; l)arktocc n Ilotiday ' Ten 8atrdy ad uuiîc, cuîc 'leciicîtir ct bces Ti l n-ltonds arei rea titi g licysaud Girls; Solo, M'ýIVeiccelkci 1,iurgan"d taiic,, aii r.no m*ali amoun't c'Ilattentiocc. The% '("lens sare you gcicgic c uiiiiciii ' 1%e utite differenit fricin cur ticailand A DANCE CONCLUDES THE SHOW sai se. bmgcingc caicuc , ~cîci iv rettier. Tlîey are tnt lounleast ' ~.lratcîstetter'ic Orchcestra salol he. "Im goiig t,, ne\tof tics Mîcaucippi river, but are pieiitiflu si 1 Saturday night,'7 sacd lc.- l'Filt)tati'1iiiTe xas and itier cunticereani we t-rn said she. I¶ci i tcc ýrt n Tley are heid sc ery scrceci by'RESERVED SEATS oic Sale at Grays- Mise Pearl Ounicitie cci ý\auccitgaithe inlians and tice3 onelderit a very ' ake I>harîoacv, 35c.1 cias a guesx cof relatives lihe ' 8i;iiLia3 Joad omen to icklIcone. Ticsy are very 1iseful n idmding thce cuutrr cot antt Misfxditb Miller ce a glicci dit tics andl otiýer c.c-se te and are nut et ai Efraedsetter home. hamriu . Grayslake Creamemy. tic the beautitul 'trains fcthtic- a'dding .at U e Thie Grayolake creani'rv bas cdds-d a îîîarch played by Mir8. W. G. Thicoî to me the best snad bell grade sa eitdie new ce rea frele ti cr hant,'1tlie houer ut palme and fernasaicere the buai« ona& theoes oeic. tnsw iceiasi frge eeer e lie b. A. W'Sattord liertominuecithe beauti- FOR THIRTY.SIX YEARS etras cmid ctw lrec a li' .Thes ifui and lînîresîve isiernoni' whiclc ruade -a hase beens ellies diresct »d &,s exradeen freean a mde tiv o carîs ieat as ine. Tice Ic de ivas T% LérgidMdaauuin 111110 * ne' eseary.ieactinliy attired inuciwhite and carried setinir t.othé eoassmse exelssle'ly. 'a boiuqueutccf brides oes. Among the W* . 11 .uot o! t(cwn gueste were: LMr. and tir@.s . fY..IS-Oe st e5.5ai« USYia r' '~Gorbain and Miss K. L. Smith, o!f ' "~ MILB RNWaukegan, Lire. L. M. Bonner, Dlavis isrw lice Ladies' Aid Society cilî îotpon Murrie, tir. and tirs. Grant turnie and Z -N tics egulr meeing ronc ul amiy, LMr. and LIre. ('orrie and tamily, Jul ýh.lissel;Mis aylJ Loi1e. ofFeia Misfl. II Juiy istbSarahc Oodge and Vera Wordsn, o! Lire Mary Dater and Mise Bater Rocheseter, '(ia.; Mir. and Lira. B.DO attc'nded tics graduating exercises o! Hughes and daugicter, ut Gurnee; tMr. Mortiner Cannon at Gurnee iast Friday and Lins. C. Aines, of Gages Lake; Messra. evsnuing. Fred and Berti Trotter, Miss Mamie Mm.JamoonentrtanedcomanyTrotter and Lir. Trotter, o! Evanston. frmLir Jamîso nertSand cmnca yOniy ticsimmediate ilnde and relatives trn Liertvile oer undv. attended tics weddlng. The preselnto Bey. and tirs. A. L. Hurd, o! Preston, wers many and beautitul and cousisted Idaho, visited trom Thurday until ccl sfiver, cnt glass, twolovely cloeks and Monday with liev. A. W. Safiord. Bey. nmoney. The toupie bave gone on an Burd icad chcarge of the servies Snnday. extended wedding trip ta thie home nI tics brides brother, R. Trotter, of Mr. and Lir8. J. M. Strang rsturned Denver, CoIn. A irigbt and hcappy lite le home Ticurday trom thse west. te ics sboft teir many trieuds. Miss Helen Safford rstumned home tccr tics sommet vacation tram Wbeaton W D oRHI eollege, Wbeaton, ib1. L.. __ .- tirs. Bal h Taylor aud two chicdren, o! Lily eai, are spending aweek withi ber tather, A. B. Stewart. Liis Bater retnrned froin Evaneton Friday. Mr. and Lire. Clareunce Chope, o! Miontana, are visitiing atJ. C. Chopes. tirs. C. A. Matbew'o brother and wits, Mr. and tIrs Buntley retnrnsd to thiirj borne ln Chicago last t'riday. Miss May Oodge, of Peoria. Ill.- i@ thce guset o! Mn. and Mirs. Johin Donner. Mise Haenah Patec, o! Russ]],visit -I a week cit Mis Edith VanAletine. Mis Minuis Caruey spent Sunday with tics bonis fulks at Hickory. tire. 6e-u.Grrity and tirs. Sarah Towsr went to Union Grove iaet Wednesdac'. Mr, and tire. Gen. Gerrity ans now aettled lu ticeir new home ticcre, tir. and Lire Wm. Thom, of Liberty- ville, spent Snnday with their sou, William. tir. and tire. H. D. Hughes, o! tne, @peut Sunday with W. J. White. Alex Hughes wîll bel p Alfred Spafford for a short tins during hie vacation. F. D. Drames, o! Kenosha, and George Tilleston, ot Bristol, Wis., dined cinh ticeir atunt, Lire. C. A. Maticew, Snnday. Mir. and Lire Richard Pautali attended thce graduation exercises at Chicago Lawn, Thursday. Mise Mails Adams beingonue ofthticsgraduates. Mir. and Lira. GDes Harris, ni Williams Bay, Wie., lnrmerhy aI Milbrn visted with J. C. Ciccpe and Mr. and tire. W. G. ticGnire, Sunday and tianday. MissettaMBeDonner eutertained corn.- pauy troin Rochcester, Wis., laet Snnday. Miss Mary Enhanger took Louise and James Derrity to their tuture home lu Union Grove, Monday. They have been lu tuis vicitity soneetinne. Misionary meeting at tics home o! tirs. Mary Bater, Wedneeday, June go. j tir. and LMre. Frank Bain and cicldren, o! Waukegan, c ent Saturday with bis brother, A. K. Bain. C. E. Society topil "issionary Pecket- book." 2 Cor. 9: 6-Y~5. J. S. Deumat, leader. tir. and Lira. R. L. Strang leit Tues- day to attend the graduating exercises a! their sou, Victor, Who graduates fron a tour year's course at Beloit college this week. Miss Luîcy Trotter and Clarente Donner woe married Tuesday evenfng, June 15 at 8 p. mn. at tics home of tics brides @inter.,tirs. A. K. Bain. Little Dootby Bain peeeded tics couple sa flower girl The gond nid surumer dayo bave corne at last. Mrs. Gleorge Cashiore and Miss Emma wsre lu Wauktegan, Tuesday. Ike Siver and wile visited relatives bers thus week. Mne. James Bull and children also Miss Dollie Lux, of Waukegan, suent Sunday at Peter Luxes. Miss Mary Elebinger, f uttnes, spent Sunday with Iriende. Mirs. Frank Shea and Lir.. Bartlett were Waukegan vîsitore Friday. Thiiiany tris-nde of Leci Lui and Dieu Waddeli were mnrprised to bear tbe@' were îuarrîed lu Chicago, June 15tb. iuing loin there to the Oeils nI Wise'cnein wbere tbey are spendiug their boneymcîon. Their triende are legion and wisb thrm suces and bapîcinese. The ladies nof St. Patrick's cbnrch willl give a dance and supper lu Browe's bail, Monday nigbt, June 28. Munie hy Hialcke'm orchestra, o! Lîbertyville. Mise Neilie Welcû bas returned troin the Bot Springs mucli improved lu healtb. The eclipse ufthte sun amt Thursday alternoon was ohserved by aIl thes rîllagers. lt conld be plalnly seen witb- out a enîuked glass. A hog weigliing about 200 pounde etrayed away roin its peu a lew days ago. Finder please notity Frank Shea. Mies Blanche Linkenheld, of Chicago, epent Snnday here. Miss Etta Carney left Ifor ber bomne lu Libertyvilie, Snnday. A very interesting ball game was îlayed Snnday witneseed by a large crowd. The gaine ending iu a til as the Chîcago boys had to leave on tice 4;30 train. Next Sunday the White Som will play at Lake Villa. lu sicknems, If a certain hidden nerve gue'e wrung, ticen the organ that this nerve rontrois will also snreiv laU. It may be a stoinacb nerve, or lu may bave giren eîrength and support 1ticsh beart i or kiinays. t was Or. Shoop that tIret pointeci to this vital trnth. Dr. Sbnop's Restorative was not made tic dose the stomnacic ucr tcc temporarily stimulate the ieart and kidneye. That old.fash-i ioned meticod 18 al vrong. Dr. Shoopes ltestcratiîe goee directly te, tbesee latllg luclide nerves. The remarkableosicees nI tuis prescription debionotrates the wisdnnî ut treating tice actual cause o! thoes aîling organe. And it le indeed easy ticprove. A simple fivsor ten days test will surely tell. Try it once and seel Sl y -ALL DEALER&. :is vo OWe ca * ratter o The P 0 our ef 0on the Owith n the rig P -owell 117 S. GaneSa St F. BAU RSTO"ý' MAN UFACTU RER Or IMarble and Grai Monumenis Cemetery Work of E Description Correspondence 4oli4 126 Genesee q 'W'a mi kaen c Automobiles WXe carry a fullI Une of "first aid" remeilies to autoiste iit trouble. Engines overhauied.' Tire troubles rejiaired. Aua- tomobile sundries on band., Cali or teieplîone-a machinist always ready. R00ir Tiîne and moncs saved by îromptty ,reairing farm ma- cbinery. ,-, are prepared'to, do machine work of aIl kindi aiid bai e a sliop fuliy eqaip.- 1ied for Ibat purpose. WILLIAM LAYCOCK CO. Libertyville, 111. Opposite St. Paul Freight Dtpei Commercial etatlonery-- .enV0eIoý" letter bsads, bijt eads, cards> stab ments-we bave tbem aiilu lit l large or e5maîl lots. )UR R>"OF 0. K?ý ,n rneet your requirernents no Show large or smail they rnay be. Prepared Roollng we seli to astornerfi by the roll is the best Lenarket, and cornes complete DAIls and cernent ready to Iay, at Iht prices. Il RoofingCompamy. St. WAUKEGAN TuI.pIsauo 'v ina i SPECIAL NOTIOC To Users of North Shore Electric Co. Serviac&ý ¶We have purchased 2,00O.Electric Flat Irons, which we have' arranged to boan to usera of our service for six (6) menthe, abso- lutely FREE. No rentai charge. ¶ý Those of oui customers desiriuîg to take advantage of this off«,, should apply at once to the <ontract Departaient, 'phone 258.ý forth Shore Eletrlc *M 230 N. Geneuea St. Waukegan5 fII e- b------------- e so e i PRED JOCHHEIIM SPECIAL ATTENTION To oui cf Town Orders And Shipping Trada Telephons No. 46 LibertyvUlîs Exehat BAKER and CONITECTIONER LibertyjvilIe - hl MOTELS AND RETAILERS 8UPPL WE DELI VER TO ADJACENT UN~ se s se~ sess esaseae~Mpoet* - 1 q 1 1 Il -1 1

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