'tAXE OOUN1PEW~NZ~ FRIDAT, JUNE ~ - - - 'I hht.tItttt,~tt.?,~,~~ItSI- r .~-.- -.~ ~-'----- Popu1~r. Feople ~ k! COUNTY INDtEPENDENT OFFICIAL PAPER 0F LAKE COUNTV 51i- 15éle9iOe No. i.F nw e sidece TelepifliC No. 141.Lertvie E.cia.g atrd athe PonwMce t UbLertyvie. Ul..s Second Ciù s ter im5050 *EEULI Ai)VEiiTi¾ii1N 11334 ADE hiiOWN Or.Ai'i'Li' AT(IiN ~D8RIPTION PR CE $1.60 PER EAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE ý'ý.O NK H. JUST _.............. .................. ........... ................ Edtor Fr..KELLEY ............... ........................... ... .............. Ciy Ediior FRIDAY, JUNE -25. 1909. ILLINOIS PRIMARY LAW Ollier statea arc surprîsed thatIlinoia has maec uch a failure in the samvai attecopts to pasà a prliary eiection iaw that wll pais the test rit thie courts. Our neighbor dates are actuaiiy shocked at the. alleged intimation given by the. supremue court that Ilinos cannot pass a pcîmary iaw that wiIlieb contitutional. The ironer of the statc cffIlinois is at stake in this malter. We mut oudeemu ur reputation. A constitutional primary eiection law must lie had <yen if the. constitutionl fas to b changed to fît the f aw. . I taecry district in lhe slt.te members et the fegiiature mugît be forced te recognim e ir duty. They fofiowed thc dicttion of "bosses" in many mmttrs during the reguar session. . Inth speciai session they must foliow the dkctatiof of th. peuple and enaCt a primàry iaw 10 conformu to the opinion of the. supreme court irrespective of sehat the woishes et thc 'bosses' may bc. The -"bosses" do flot want a prmary efectîo 12w enacted. CONVICTS AND G0GO ROADS- wi lie neaco. 1 There il a knd of cruefty which S&vOrusà goond iti Of lhe *Id medieval Edgar T. Gume>', aofhiiwaukk*, et- dsys-a cruefty the more reprehensile because It is wilthou any kind aI periencod oeverai mcomeuts of tbrillii JLatiflcation. This ite tcicgraph dispatti brngs it ta ind. peri rîcar che' DsPlainee river leiterIMou- Javait..,îrionHo eneîîuutred a ars.' Atanta, Ca.. June .-~Gernr Smith pardond 26 convicts today, wateriiî,scii about Ibreeleet ini,i,~j neaciy ai t o e,,, eeein pitatle health froco experiences in the and hi.' ena .iip re»eorini the mini t. Choi recentiy aboisheil clrect camps of Geocgia. elioncoî!,e-i bm@ol! and prepareri ta .trke W. are not eapeccally cznnerrnd withhe prison conditions of Georola. a loti.. l 1- t..r acid oeaai eî...al2. Bh slhough it sapleasant tce krîowt.-iat convOiztcamps anysohere liat wreck ii h. ..aiîing corsvraltic..- tI man' heatth haee tcen aboiîahiCd. Bit tia dîapsatch mght bee rtten from ef mdifar tue îîîuug man -i î.îîi m atiy stats capital in the land. d a gîvernor wouid go îlrough the prisons and "uat aYii..'.eau-îîfiprotbecton > a ii .Fl pick out twenty-five of thi.eot péialle conyltk. ai-r. dravingnearor. N-I iuuraud e 1,. ln atiser vrords tise bet of aur prisois. wreck mans heath. mac fisbing nearbs beroitaiiy <ame to 4. Alto Of course. If a mian doesant want ltalbe sent ta prison ta incur a discase, tbe rfue anud îîron.ftlY .bot the b.'ai Ne should behave hreself. Thitl s any easy way for sce> 0mk off of the poieonous ViPer, murs mai. Sociey ta ake p nce duulîtedly the oui>' thîng chat ouuld 5. "0 L with ta conscience. But if sioc'ety la guang ta ne Igtliy conaîder the. mater Iavec aved biiefile. Mr. Gurneiei 6 Se ef mskini invalida of men who violatete U ic s, the. Judges should include yonng mari elevî-a vear" 'oaxm- ubîti. e tihe contracting af dîscase ini paasingsencOltOso t hey wouid read* you are eperiding tise week at the home of J. [t .lssr*y sentenced ta two ycars' Iard fabur and tubercuois." Or, the. pudge Serêk.7 u aisgltsy. -Yeu have s'îiated the laws cf your country; it is my decece tiat Thowis'. oritt. tl,. si-lku,mvu b. 5it up10 pisonunti you heat>i s seshstered ircý viil i îurtraclt.,C. lha,trie contrait 8 M fW sucs violation to > ht pinpionutl l eiissasatee r I uiidr1g ta o large barrie on te 8 i that yeu wsemî dies rouis str being reieasied, or before." Even a crminai 1525 Gra.ugr barmeN1 ltin juct si-i-t o! Lalre 9. Sop the r4glt. or cagt ta have, of knuwiiSg thse extent eoftthe punishmerrt which Fore-t- Thee lter'-tiic iatuc" abo:ut oocw prposit e via uon irmtbise..r,ew building. î- tsar îbia are lu eedol preçsse t vise uponhlm. e uotec of catililfrs'eqwuiuent arnd We doirt believe .i n eliy'coddfiisg prisoners. Ther"is alogether lutaoc, enot. Tiivt miii lutS lu' relafàdk iuinlauir Jails and p4'Uois. too 'niy florai of.rings and crocodile fIuieled eith bard plaoter and bave ligem tat id fthisse. if a mms coeist a crime. lot him ba-punisied. cuied an-i cilirige Tii i prio-eý M0t4 Umm s ne md te fond him oe. chOcolte caramnels and piok 1cm here t'Y.iie01u twadCi..pc a'ibe-1LB Î le. the ~ i b andn e" tecod5m fim. te a liniirig deatis. ebnet amIetbeplu and he k i h. he b~ tu an h e thwsf or forger st once and b. don. witlsisctrta rf as poscibie. Tbe dair>' Ill s. cnese e hlm te deaiten yem sence.front prsodui.'oil tsere ue tamanagod witb 12. se prisn cnsunptOn. evorv1îpi itltotto Cicnines. tise mou Imm del yiu pe, om sel .c asidb"thae i.ceasycts ou wîth bail WiWschuik beowedonoinqg ebitoiriotiee »W clie te maillotied;â andde reW bard bor te get Gode pure ir md and wasbnng tisir iband@ aler over:. ~ M eiyMd Ui "bMg0 wih lit. lsoy need n t et hhoiroer Dot;ot aven eolterng tise milk 13,.QI bm# o m t ae5p5 la ne ta eor cempota wfth fre ab a ny ouewtb theseame ciotbee worri in -~ -ge~ ~ ttonspie of ta. p Ct be li.The enlarged dair>' will ho « mm mamem*k à ina' bieiy theire.-JOiet Harald. rnthodeansd but se as loi uuera n - veulent habitation for the dangeoi ~ TM.K 1tImm ta b. uo vE wnsimple, iboom tbaailtiA large mik boun nde ItospTAU, amoot inclosedlaIn s ltu ~~ ~ eilic. »" mone taoi Igy btrjlag blihdieased coesasd uea[ caltes 10 FWvcxm 51W.~Os.' lmSeimi»a oasbody ellseWe raunt vilib. treated, aa 1lla ured axnong bewu oaintendean tb, ff wetheise rOveuouI5 and not lese tisan Umde-4MVem Culurean beexpended haera tise 15, SF a.ad '4 YnoeioatS os.d as.=utr aldaeare coasp1ed. The dary ta 111111I 1 e11111CL u -iVoilà L»we. du i"" "t es; training mao do a gîcat tir. ïarvelî's hobby and the nv one la MeNo Y is -«Z«. st e.-dma1;bolit5 montid . t a" Msd training te ho a modet. thee hke of chics bas 16, E bute ohwsl Pwd ^tlu" Nover A.th" W ajouteo the bout 'in yonr never boom mon in this couttr>'. It ta W& m. ad mot -e ,ou on-ar in the image tissuc uao5r elue tadcMi -. len @à@&dy*I5 thocs tntsrested lanmodem dairylng and wUMansvnosy fSih,. ho puovUad Whs*About Gestures'? preventng the spreosd of disease. -17.E *0 a" 1111 est.z10"=0( he smu e M. 1 nover kaow visaIt tedo Fm tu " rffe tRc-abotaia ua Do't do a*iytiiiiBaseSsii Nt**-. 18,1 m a ~ M~part IruS MM la thseson- about tiiest yiou d"d't tbmak about TheBômber dfsted the Blaine MMâ« $8W 00" 2eii M >0&eo@Mu@a Iti tege.AteClubtIsus, oft . ila 1 mo s cita ou m ebas, ete, sd i tured; ieh hardi>'fre ite dld; vhs alisrtb« otes gimset the r gronad hapo 3y~r-8,eeuhalteeboy'.su" gls a §W bAS sOtliig 9ta My' te Yeu, @sie Lt SundAT atfflrooa. th@ visitora t. amsi.ront togsWM t -Nl.ToilUguvre on don't îhink cere fnti t al &Dtysuroage0f th. gaine an wm Ythimg about it, but you do. ,and lied lb.borne teainiboos playing te 20, si *Jt~il51S~~ Sd b5 ~forte the> wouid bave bea hut out on- 2 yeu mu tare dioeustg hW esadS mire, "£W" Naturel Act is Orace!* tirel>'. Fotlo lletise.coreb> Ion- I kaov "o. lie. tdiage a" rMd;;: 1pisr sauesu skard portion aninMy ing5s > H E tions, wh S net el $W but ise eersi!"odiame Wby fDot? Ilocaiiaeu0aro Biine A C, t 0 0 0 0 0 2 i 0 4 6 i to hem .@fluaS' voeycm aorend asuist tbwiga inthlag about Soc you Rýam 0 0 . O2 0O1I1I1 i5s10 10 4 retodisvii.But themoot cmmondt"zg are stting. ButotlshouMd e>, "L.dim s Tise gaine of the san, liat bas kept 22,. intéwoi a ok ryn u own- MomUu gol il i tleatbe In iltalklag the puatweok, as lu o ctiStelots t>'5g a d euse sa petlsuc I hoUd lieli tare cat piayed Sanda>' a ceok agu.Tho thlag en wicabody iao dos.TVivre la pitai of Ibis saudienice,-thon cvrr;- Gionvcc pitcher. chose pralio are nu nsmet t15h at '&. But i 701 c-tii body vouid ait op5anoiff as a poker. belag sung on 0evrybaud. wason hie taise "Cwmer"ita o ~ ocn sutand1sud rron s«W, "Ewery naturel et j tocs evor>' minute of thse garie and ket rea li, ton on illdo omehin tht' rmdl"tise cty tanta ont lu thse coid. TU'; 23, leaWorth vhule. Wim peopl vu't lit "Ais Aclisard as a Countr'y Boy." scrtir iainge t Sollo O Q RO H 3E tbmalvoho' aI dua aidfat Sow 1 bear Peuple car/As awkward u l alir l t>0O0O0O0O0Oô2 x 2 3 2 doua1bad.- & - rouais'bOy." TisaI ddeoU 0 The gaine ec'heduied fv ort Sunday, Taka Som.hins yu Uke. iwe bo oW .T&ko hlmn la tise suinmr Jue 27. la wltb tise Chicago iiArtlcaîî a 24, Iwa115tr0c te reiS ayu hmste ts lati, iirr boommdha1- oleofesl té ain. TDeZ cliigivo FI t tim ontheWfo bsý-It)td ad "*' tie tsnimiea a race for tise penant and sud jour soeialgatlwtag. IistutaIlléedd. àSEul lis i-veare t is e 'orD, whiite b ome.teainlW aircady besoaik- taewe.ostbiDgyimub»k5.&sd reestrît. and Isla in a burry. snd gralhs ahborsn inir la de"et, dcop doca le their 25, 1 ont rare, W hcusse reimsoil og fl tsmabo. sd rides futi galtop ie) hboetite b>bave&a sueak feelng thoi net, but y ou1mmmua~sIsi tbUogIe tas So.Apolloainu i, re gracafal tlsey are goilrg ta Win t1egaine au>- tissuquleliy1la our ove -at W 0110111tisaIW.y.But yiu" tais tisaoy a>'. read 1t. 9)f coursw enri ant to prsr*Sp ý ho Foutii of J ai>, put tore cf i,îbe l; nAke il tour ocri and Yiu'ii doit IounhWusud kid glores on bis bauds. AD,' lady readrerlo!ibis papiov cl26, Weil. t.sfd lotbinecorne te taco asud bvug is ecelve ýouMient, a cdorer "No-Dri" Wilnattad an Exteution. bot girl c-lUs bine, am L itt b, hoawk- CoieseStraîner coupon priviiego trous ur. 1 I1UsPop, Rtine, 0.Wl.in la le tsr.plated. AYouag lady cas eucirtaiuiuig Die ut cardzeus itael ,TbLJte lusiitas truc of ver>' protyandti oatvely prosolitsil dise piano whte ber Moîbier Was bookilug: tIhe i-t>boy chou i à istrie l, lil dthse urptlagsof tes or cotio,. 'Tis.Doclor 27, alter the sapper. Sfie plu'ki'd îout a oeit tploe. s.ai(e t, citE hie nov Irebook 0on sélecion nd poceeed toe-.tutelth 1Colet" Iinpi>' te lotroduce tiIs fatlectionsud1pocdutl ie thI-uIc Iutvi The Coestr-y Girl racoful i-i,ver saitte forro"icolline. Dr. wu satltinason,îbuldcu .t 'i ilyf ru'tiOi p&o)irl.>. "As aeril a "ou -$buopj't Bomitis Caft In la snlg Its28, * ca goang n, ut 1. vs aiit:. i rie ~ irl Tht ai d.ç,csel lii, ergrelot popoiaiity hboac. bTret, Ils * te ait tisere. tibe hadal th giu' .il')if, J'be ba sota itt114 "la lu ià,. I ru oqulsltotets sud gavor; ecoud, Ia 29, illaide wht th we trfusiiutobue.thfunma; tbîrd, ta em. a. 'doscha ais us tr'ln aie i0îg, aumi) iw aluse slae etarowlîh ber itu îl th25c;fourtis, lse couveniend.~ t1saiS alter s chule, iiWu'tyou liay balr a g. 4ilÀbt tomeiiiod aMnitaiseur. !uio teiici20 te 80 minutas bolliag. semething thattrjou love tou play îit*tite rwl,uf[jbeîup e Ob éort eke for bre*k- 'Madie le a minute*"Maya Dr. Sisoop. a~s sy tsig eso" o sicdropei 1sIN u sase#tmor rt urefîi Ta>'it as jour gpoiefs for a Painsant 30, berlgeritghtly sud gracefull>'a t'Iutyu[' e tsk*afsil'5i10 ifs rW#,EEICS the belboard; sud lan a ltie cale, lust latsi*44sitheu aNOOf31 &@»W5h baS dons tan thouaau d wlime. hno usGst lGr"u. 3 foe oewent hlkigabu m t Thi.. i w îlcs 6ture wVS>yQ44Iakeyigug Adjudication Notice. IL. Thon abs @truck a tul churd and r.fl s > ucu l lmao uei. '.î ufsl Osl1i01IM15 u pieS for mesas ut Ibai boilolY ild thligE, isjt 1miick Aso goufeslii..!iIslltso tss c ors lipua. 0Bwet Bit sudtBye." 4«ie.4i4, sfoni=t yCore Why Mtii. Noveluoret il 5 simb a tr se U c.ti WilY011 taIL Taike *,amutialg >"sU bec, =yof s iiOs110, 1ioau»«W dortet lst lng &0 1 v.. 1055er it, fnover 1tbij surlYbiag abou .r at su'ffl heesumelainis ablu0b 33 '*Oýbtougit offlte inM y eSasb15matgesturs'., .4asu cnas<rrbn-t4 i. ele lu ,.Il W m= ~ dalla mI» 3 li vbat oesWudolflg. She piste5 ber 34,îl-ihiul auur' tel~~ _______ seul 'igbt ont oftit»sds of ber lugera; pur Arthur J, Bitii sMsnosroat aofli das vo su d W» s)taO yesve at offsudland Te 'l>' lie41tw moidlet the fret Iigu 0 kidn 35, .jgniwité, , wvilw ove. uaisla uduillce. poil y.. wJ, is v.ll.78h11 L@'i'WL. asà CAmTale A UNION CHURCH Thursday and Friday Ectnings JULY'1-2, 1909 'rum-LHow Long. 0 How Long" ... Puritana 1'iey ee rei-uledad op'ire-.d tond Solo-"O. Dcep andi Bitter lis thse Hate"......Capain MiR. CHtAS. KASF. LChora-Ou' Faith. Our Hope' Pur itana ThF eym.,e cdi~ eel iilerty uofeeuucie ninà11.iLiîi land tSol.-"Dcar Home. Farewell"........ ...... Captain's Siater MISS GRACE CROK ER. Léord Our Goti Thou Sua andi Shie1d' -- The Pastor sud Other, miChopHe We in God .... ... . Puritana Tey were cbeerful ind iopelul le rirAet of ueir ifîLte dl Chorus-"Hope We in Go£'i".............. ...... Puritans 0. the. Sinti, ait Quartette '$Rollonm Majestic Ocean ........ Sailors Prano Recitative andi Solo-"What Grief andi Sorrow This" j .... ... . . ... ... .... ... . . ... ... E der's Daughter A desih sud 1r'.uceune ai &L-ce. MERS. W[RF ill Chorus-Farewcii Departeti One"'... ... Puritaus ýas Solo-"Through Many a Wcary Day" .........Eider The vos aire cm.as îu and stormm sui thicr modri, nont 1At irir cour- WILL WRIGHT. They ..ileit lor Virelais itut diseoteei the iew o mland Uoaii Tenor Recitative and Solo by Mr, Chsa Taylor DnefeTiey-n sded I a lt .nie&I.ateý rdis .ca.i&Uoti.'iynouli . O heLu ,%I Chorum-"Now Let Each Grateful Heat" -.... ..... Puritans They.eraietl-isusfor ibeîr lureservalieli Lnd sucronss SCENE 1. SCENE--Scttlement near Plymonth. TIME--Spring 1621. Indian Miaie Quartette ............ .. "Who src These Before Us" They cire fOuled clOs sassxerent si tio anupearance outhacstrailgees. Baritone Red"atve-uiThey ame not Fritnd, but Enciie.... MR. E. A. BISHOP ThI bians amre lutaed lu enanity iy 11554e ebief. SeniuChoru-"-Oaward 10 Destroy Them" -.........- nian SCENE IL. Double Mized Quartette.-»iSoftly the Day Dec1iig ...... Puitas An ovemnc e by y a iv s finuitW lPurisa esttlement. Baritont Solo--"Aaire Arise. the Foe is Near .......CaMt"s MR. CHAS. KAISER. Tut anc lrised iy the0 uîntdemonetrations Of lie Indi&nsl Maji.Choruu-"Prqepsie Wfor Battite".............. ....Pn4tans Soprano anld Alto Due- Trme G ......-.. .....................Eides Daughter and Captaina Siaer MRS. WIRE AND MISS GRACE CROKER. The comnie were Iortfiedtu Ieio f tueur defeuceiesa ailu&tluli Basn Solo--"Wherefor are Ye Thus Diaheartenetir' .... .... ............. Mr. W11 Wright Tic EIder Oxionttbelieu t Ican Ld confidence. SCENE III. Choru-'We Have TriumpbW ............. Puritans Thet vrs ucecefi tulu lar enounten wihie Indianu. Chorus-l'o God on Higis ha Thanks sud Prsia" ...... Puritains SCENE IV. Semij.Chou-,,No More, No More, iTia Useicas b Contemd' Tiey desire neare, Semi.'chorus-ThCTHâve Faimen Have Fims the Noble and Brave ............-...'--...-.'....-.-...' Indilin Womcn The inenteuhein luit carrions SCENE V. soprano andi Tenor-Ri<fL Gentie Puace"........ ..... ...... ...........Eider.s Daugister and Son MRS. WIRE AND MRt. C. KI14BALL A UtMI al? 55oriaed biiihes91, t ruesce toc iv YYre Trio-"PMoectsd bi thea Divine Power ........-..."... Eiders Daughter. NM WimeiCaptais.Maiter, Miàs Grace Crokeri BiWes Son. Mr. C. Kimbal Chorua--,,WeiUlVar wclh tise Parest".................. '{tn Full Chorus-'A Mî«hty Fortreu ls Our Gd".......... Puritius PART KHL PROLOGUE Full Chorus, ..............»u Nation of Tou'day' WIUu Soprano Solo by Mise Helen Wright Read............................. Mri. Frank Just Fuln Coru -....".........". Our Loyal Heurts Beit Truce" lts Soporano obiigto by M isa Addie M Mler É uain Reading ...................... 1*1............. duton Cihldie Ch<torus ...,--...... .. . "Hher, Wgu ini «, 04m Reading.......................................epre Punl Chorus ........... "Progress. Progreass. 1ris thcVatcbvardt" Reading...................................... P'sg"w Pull chorus .... . .1................... "Pve- 10AS ] w Reading .................................... Pull Chorus ...........................le h iNatio TICETIIION SALE AT LOVELL'8 DRUG STORE. %oral Adml»oslmia26l OmitiResmved Sais. 86 Cnts trsie wilwrf the good guîh<ii4areI. 1art1cu - lr itr pepie cornet' us. Certainlyl WhYI * t'ue,,miour hue of 4 ncw wa go" maker bas opened a mhîîp un Milwaukee a..uue rict to the 1-ester blackcrith ehop. The graduation exerciecof the Bradley echool at the Unrioni cburch lest Monday eveniug were well attended. flev. J. B. Mecluiffiri dlilvered au excellent addregg tu the elase for wbielh lie vras blgbly cotuplimnented. It jis mpoisible to petrsuade a mari. who bas ever noed Bradley & Vrooiuati Paint to ume any otbî*r. Be kriov how Wood it la comupared with the otber kiud. Su wiii îou whe11 once you bave tried it. Absoliutely pure. Sold by FRANKaIl. Lot ELL, Lilertyville, 111. The Hertl Park daneinir paviliori near Halt Day was burrrd to the grounrd about 2.30 )foridaY mornig The luýe-houms and barnri etaiso con sroeod. Ttere bas beeri coualderabi- feeling about ch)is resort and tiie lire la suppoeed to have been of inceuIdiary origla. Tbelegai notice oftbe propoedcb&11He of Diame of tie village of R)ckefeller to to village of Areà appeare on another page o! this iâsue. Aàptition bas beau in circulation tbere for several weeks wbicb containg. the sîguatures o! hal the voter" sbo voted st tbe last village eectionu The board bas caled a meet- ing for iodaJuiy 12, at wbich ii 110 any oj.n rstu the proposed chauge and JEWEL ER LIBERTYVILLEOILL. -- - -- - - ---1 Given Awayj "~iADIE We do ilot Rive oui il CLOTUIUNG 7/ away (iOur lricesar I ,right. however. And mir linue of SAMPLES eharity As M,%rs. Sage'i. 'iiîideed a rarity. he found atiywbere. For sure satisfaction try us jusmt once. E. W.PARKHURST Schanck Block, Libertyville t .-- .-- -- j .Are You OOING TO PAINT? This Year Yes, we want to paint the Honse, Barn and Outbnildings witb a No. 1 absolutely pure paint that wili stand the test of years. Reinember that theme paints eau be bouglit of Young. & Lynch Bros. FURNITURE STORE 0F QUAIITY WALL PAPER Cheaper Thau Chicago Mail Order Roustis Clybourne Livery end Ifeeti Stable Libertyville, 111. FOR SALE DY Home Lumiber CO. Libertyvîfle, Ill. Eveeociewoflld beben -Foe?. Orino LaxativeL stomechsud l iver troubh th& 0estom bnd bhnaJ Boggies end itarottis &ailNew, Rlght froithe. Fscory--AII Up-to- Dat. Tursouts Adjudication Notice. Public Notie. fa berebY mvi thatthOe Oub- serneor Âdmlnbbtetor oftheb.eusse00of Hillary Dulour.,decessed, wiUattlend the ounî coOur of Labo Couuty, as a tenu iaereot su be holden as the Court Honse lu waakegsun, lu aid Countr. on the tirât Monday of AUgU5 oeil. 19N9. wfie aud whr. sil prona beirluElsi ii Bslit sald SÂtam ae otiied sud requosled 1,0lirest the0 same oi uad Court for adjudicati on. FRANK G. 013 OtI RItAdjinstrator. Waukesi. Jue 14. 100M),- iclAdudicaOrtin Ntie.fB iLE nsfltd b> takng Curn ti. aoce te >'. 51 s tenu ate t u b. for corisîlpatton badan 51tic or1t oues UefSopie sal le, itsvst oahlm». ltH, iiig«the usiol 10e fis, getiti inin- eg e6l a e2ist . s t a cisinisft, b lates t hse bo wel a Md t 0es o u s I out fer« d' d esV n lEls aodbrdtnsy m è StiELa- r 'y ta-.000 Programmet CAST OF CHARACTERS. ELDR..................Mat. Wir.i. WRICHTr CAPTAIN ............ .........M CHAS kXArSua ELDER'S SON_........ ....... .Ma. Cr.s.au KDMEALL CAPTAIN'S'SISTER ......... ...MISS Gas^ca CROK. ELDERS DAUGRTER .... .......... Mas r.F. &WiaEx INDIAN CHIEF ....................M.. E. A. B 14H00 PASTOR ......................... ..-..REv. J. B. MàcGrPette PURITAN SMAND INAN CHOR7SES. SIEXI- CHKiotsxsA.ND Qrusarmes. MUSICAL DIRECTOR.... .....a. G. R. MmaàCRLL PIANIST... ........................M"s. LIJLt MArrocK5 READER ............................. ..Mas FitN. JUST PART L andJewelry Americat Shoes, jilt 50 pair eannot bi equalled For W ilhelnilta's littie heur. elevrbre. One try will mhow why. ý ý m WHI eet mins at &Il hcuý whten notibed. In cÔnnection with LibertyvWe Hotel.