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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Jun 1909, p. 5

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LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDEN'T, FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 1909 ------------ IFINE PROGRAM fOR LIBETYVVILLE BRiIEFS GLORIOUS fOURTM * Preparatioris for the Big Holiday Are ASK FOR 1_LOCAL' AND PERSO)NAL. MENTrION Bosmn Outmn Fine Style and ________________________________Favorable__ Weather the Crowd f Promises to be Large. (1 lov r ~Jalley B r n d IMm. M. F1arrell, of GlIddeti , Wis., spent Osear Buffingeun. ut Ranime Cltybas- tant week hers with ber son, Fred been the guestot lire . 1ýE Bd the Crv ' a le r n arrell. paft wex. The Libertyville Fourth A ut tm 'l Mrm. H. B. Eger and littie daughter are Ut. and Mmr. Frank Jordanu and faniy bration at Lake Eara on M'nda~ July opending sloverai weekH with friends and Of Chica o, were the guemte (tftMr. and inletube a grand event it a ili be the rlatives in Laval, Wim. irm. E . .l.uBois test Siundla- biggest holiday celebrati.,n cm r pulîrd P u re C ream ery B u tter for [t ea Croher wilshe wHI atnd th S5ty the Inner manî attendig flntlhe to<en. Plans were laid , sommer session ut the normal school. Friday even ing froni;, to 1,hî . to the letter 'Plie entire prigraru as at0 Born to Dr. E. V. Smith and wife, Meure. Henry and John l'Feldkam1,, of the present time arranged appears lu the 0 Tbnrmsday, June 17, adaughter. Mother Geiioa Jonction, were t[i' gueste o! large advertlsement on another page 0_ snd ehild are doing nicely. The doctor Rudoipb Epker several diît the pant and *vryh ç ha apersthrewil la smiting. week. eertinOta aparFtOeR T H* % E/ FRESII DAIRY BUTTER The Ladies' Aid Sucipty oft he M. E. Miensa Bertba and Durotliv îrbam, re ota h iruisthtdy In Five Pound Jars ~~~churcb will give a suppier in the churcb of Wilmette, bave beefli. Ndîngtpam, A uooieprdef, deeen In iv Pun Jrspanrle Friday u'reninig, June 25, from weet with their aunt, tirm.E . Pu1V05 Will trave! over the county 0 a to 8 o'clock. Ellsworth. tii Frlday, June 25. The uwners of 0 AÀreal good super will hoe served at Wood & Lange have the iontract for 1De&rlY everY machine in town have C>Fu * the M. E. church Friday eveniug, Jo ne building a new house for W. H. Dymond @lgnlfied their willingnes8 tu take part in 25, froru 5 tu tM o'clock. emembr the on West Division. The a .rk ut building snch a pruject aud it witt attract atten-< tume, place and brlng your familly. bas begun. tion wherever il gose. The cars will ho* It's to be a glorious one this time Mr. tend Mtr. Max A. Meoyer and Mrs. H. C. Craig and tilidren toit cor sred witb iage and bannere anu-ue o iil need iot daughter, of 8t. Louis, spent Frlday Friday for ber home in Lanmcaster, Win., neigtedyadacwl ar s e. Yu iln e os hers the iruets of Miss Roesa and Max wbere she eas called bîy thîese rions uucn h a n abwt ar KohLer, White enroute to Port Huron, flîneas of ber motheir. an ahundant suppiy of advertising J, E I T NR %MSàilih Tiris Chapter of Westminster Guild matenlal to enlighten the peuple ut the Oh n s oe iThe oew drinking fountain and water- wili meet at the home o!ftirs. A. Rit! commnunities throogb which they pasT n s t W e Libertyville Cn trough le beiDg installed on next Tusday evenlng at eiglit i'cluck that there is something doing in Liberty- Mtwau kee avenue In front of the Lake Ail are requested te be present. ville on Munday. July 5. *Fri' on ob o ie Couuury National bank the Buckelman F'or sdewalks and contrution xsork The program starte at ten u'ctock luFr Osgigtob ottne -----------barber @hop. use Alpha cernent. Nu tr. rîger cement te rnn nd continue untîlthtesbave the tig olWl ed The truck@ in the yards at the old de- made, Sold by the Hlome Lumberth mrngaustig y wlne , put are being raleed and Dew tie and Cumpany, Libertyville, Ilinoî,is ~-is. grand display of pyrutebnics at eight in __________________________________________ teel put in. Not that it wao really "A Texas Ranger' was the sitow the sxening. 'Sumething duing every needed bot jmet t.u avoid the delays in acinbt,.trdyugtadn itte àtewncwr n h ewîtching caused by broken rails, attracin iiIStrlvuh n hot"i h acwr n h f drew a large crowrd. Th.- pert. iriiiallce eventfi as scheduted witl keep thinge W e w .wwuu se A nui er ut the yoiîng peuple are was about the averagi- t', le ecIseted iif moi-h nearer a boilink point tlîan a planning a mounlight pienie at Lake tent show@. sirnmier ail day. The flreworks are ru Btuff this Thursday evning. The ai- r it. . Olie, imî,l,- t he r ofW . .ie managed b xprsadteewl et e i to Y tnnam says, bowever, thi>t the moon adPtrA utaemn fmb xet n hr ilb h mt wilt nut hi- fuit untI Saturday July 3. u haguan vete . l kaand r. i f:evrything troruthediminutive pin-a beel Chas. I. Lambl, ot Gurnies, wam a Rawn ar the Newca8tlm. h.,ml Satirday of irfantile days e tu ltuwer pots" and Io' ily No W is the til vimirir hi-ce tiday. He waapa-u i and Sinday. ail the biîg set pi-cee. A gre'at hitarions ýanied lus-biesun. C. S. Lamb, ut Pitte h oa egbr tcii u-t lzefoi h- îpu ii ts oîa nurg, a-bu is making a short v-it with TeRylNihomo h i.r.ýmzl ru h o ftetrtRia relativs ru Lae Cuuntland re ewinglI attend a bauqîut givrn canîlle tiite final boum uto the last relaive inLak Couty nd ene ing soneGnes iodge on next satorilay noîket that a-lIt eIower thîelîapp3crae rnay uldaîquantni-s.evening Bues wll leaue te tVî,îîdman w ith rainhua- stars. Miss Franu-es Clark, a-ho recently hall at 12 o'co arp graduateul fruru the IUniversity at naaa T' doryfle C.kTarp go T hto. bn0llbalt i hiln H ead q u arte rs fo r Ill., le visiring relatives and friende i, heLbetorJe .C.Th.alIi is' lu1 ae lc h at hn l oir o uies ees daye after which @he wiîî go tu Lake Bluff orpbanage to mea-, Wudnce- e0sd l aeuaete s h- or o uies ltomtuid abre Ime as aceteda s-day, Joue 30, un the N:40 muor. Ail the atternoon. The tina-entsla club utf tionwiththe . t. C.A. iteretedare lnvited tog-,and rerîuestod Lake Forest u-îll eîitrilnte themao tiiiiiwît th Y . C A.tu brîng tlîeir own lunch, portion uft tîi.m ecent and le ilhanor0 Tiers us aid tie lmean epidvmîc o isLui a<,ti usa o a xiinwihf tl i rrni an "îuînik eym ' on the nortlî shore. Thie s Lui ae ef uea ur nehbto wh- e0pupeaepi waa avery puputar complaint here not xddtrip mand vieit through thei- dtlgedtru ses. Lakie Forest hb tn very0 T E A S a n a uun ugobutbas ongsioc m.beidd.j exlecing te be gone aIl cumulter. She T E A S n d lng ag butbas lng snce ýubsied. h lvsiit Philadelphia, Boston"and charitable tua-arde tieelebratlon and There is nothing like gettinig es-en for the sumaîl pur auare which undoubtedîs- rlany uther citles m.wa>, d(îewu east-* malîy of the 'hunors m-e show ete utMI0a ~ ~ ~* M T Tf malie front that direction. 1 t aIlfother notice Epiesu1îmml umri,ee i-ul"leroni Our aristoicratie neigbbor Prof . W. N. Speckman andl famity. utfa-ii e letal the Wooduiu hall everY Su manvinl act that there is sure rute bc C O F F E S saina, an.,are spending the suminer Sundas- afternoun at three îicýlom'k .A a large foltuwing from thsrp which îe Stnaucordial invitation is extendd tii the sure ru add a -oia ige*oth a at thi- hume utftire. Speckmane parea ntsinhulere ut alt denuminatiîn tu ta oil îgetithea Mr. and tims Benjamin James. Mir. ten tat would otherwise lis laking. Specknuau is a professeor in the moderja ed language departmnent uf the Kaunsas A case ut hures stealing at Antiue-h The Ramblers,a-bu enjoy the enviable____ Wesleyan University. a-as repurred tu Marahal Limberry tust reputatiun ut being the bient amateur The baud concerte in the park are ýSundav - The thiet did neot conne lu thio tsam In Lake Connty, will play a game iN E F drawing targer crowde eveny week. direction but was captured ar Rfi-b- that afternuon aith au uppoeing team INT UY EPAKIMtNT 0F Bd Part of the grass bas been eut aud this moud, if ty miles froin Antîuch, the that bas nut yst been secured. Thle week the nea- drnking fountain wa fottuwiug day, joyfnl strains ut Mit-belle tMiuitary baud We are prpa 0dt serve the inotalled. Tbe crofd e ew hm blhy RaI h tiulhioîtand bas purcbased fnomrwl itrtruhbl n aean vrpol na cetbewy lesdwith tbe entertalniment and lutAI AtKi cbmau hie intereat lu the Libent.wl ilrtruhbhaddI n vrpul na cetbewy M rdynigbt many drove in muni the ville Livery and tbe sprlnkfing bu.,iness the pleasant woodland. Dancing aller- W e H a v e 'E pootponed. ~~~~prohably sccept lu lhes nar future. AmntrMaio Sqrelr@ Ed Hren of oýLefeIercashd a One ay e daagea ma'@ harat nrmâurai aniphitheatre with a cuol bovit- check for S50 last wesk suppoeedlyIole lu lsinate lihlata nMgood as ho -eveypsil aeur o oeoetutdt l drawn by T. H. Boyer, ut Ivauhos. il night te, Same wait wllh paint. AI- îng settlng ut green ,treeds asd y vn osbesfgadfo ossetntd t was a forgery pure sud simple. Tb@ tbough dealers who do flot ssl Bradley nooke. There wlll be bang taits u of n urls 75OOO crook pnoured the Inoney snd faded & Vrooman Pure Paint diaim their paInt tboroughhred sud illutrions pedigree CptladSrls 7,W0 swsy. The check was drawu on the lobhe tIer, rasoIrs slways prove the con- hanidb h etmni h uhe Lake Couty National Bank snd the trsry. Soid by FaÂSI B. LOvELL, Llb h urandied by te muten u he nsns. bur forger iret atempted te cas" itat the ertyvllle, fil.Anurontemsehoembs LAKE CO NT NATIONAL 8 *tore of Wm. Nshnich. He was short ut -.cag f ho vnsan ol ala cash and iutrodnoed the gentleman teu li L. Baekleyceeieratsd hernnsvuty-chrettesevu udele akn Horen wbo prouredthe o iey G>d uint birtbday anuiversy lust Friday, a muet gallant effort tu furnlsh an descriptions have hees leent out sud the Juasi18, sud in honor of the evant ber luteresllng sud pleoaing prograln. smootb party stands a good! chance ut entre family sud Ihir wlves sud lu the mieceltaneous duas Ihere willi be talllg loto the clutches utofthes lw. ehildreu gatbered horsetuspsnd ths day rc@adcnet falkns ay0 with their tather sud. nother. Thosaes sud itcontte aIknds, an uts Mn. sud tir. Fred Burroughs lait present were: W. L. iIclsy ans amily, The powlt ombae sdonunua ebau Mouday eveuiug for Grand Rapide, of Waukegau; M. T. Hlacklsy sud amily, The potu ea ra ou h nSe coe iA T-unT I Y fhef Mich., where lhsy went te attend the ut Chicago; E. C. Hackley and tamîîy, of0onude ilri had sud lion efiflee -o.nn .' fW~ T N ~ T " tueraI of Mr. Burroughs' moîber. The (Chicago aud Mise Ele, [ar*e.lest at wll furn ha pertlIo in hiexhteibi.wh te o new futber death came lu a mosl s"d Mr. Adoîpii Ruseecker, thes noted tmunib"tess. aradl ey e wrtoung tie n othe uBssng a-hue de con S M T HD AISan uez te mnnr.On Monday nolinlet ut the C - mlles rony u soies arn f Biad Ihomudinge su ex te ad n r br rbetbwo pered beaehic asoinsu uabd ores- - oof ylodicttnting liTuer, dansa SIVIIII-I ~~~~~~~sayi:¶ýhat abswood cross the takre on citai lt wiutre te g ho al:i ameahona-thckivng sorwlir s fyanomda- eeenyn mornng y ecevsda crS roniberOrcesta, -hoa e e a~t fre bnsd h e w iL a-esthw sud ' yiroeunTec"ary u 11 re Marquette sud arrive lu the Union chrc-h about @&Jus 5, unobruken horeseare tvie ubriug Iruitn aigrpiso n Libertyvilîs that aflernoon expecling te the aspcs tthe Ladies' Aid éSociely out Ilen in tbat day to have theni iden ncdmkngrpiso e mieber home boe for the sntmmer, the reberian chureh. The previonean rue, tures, we sbail be glial to figure for y ty v mSrecived f dathoonrtheron sudbis luracedmoi-h attention snd bis ro- the whole couuuy of Lake la eordily al rc a-ifs immediatly departed sud nu sq ually suceeful, frltmteaqaitneoadendi We «lsd i ud aithe fhznon futher nus-sbas been received PrlM niml aqainue adsno n~a-eeplumhing fixt Burroughs in empluyed as niglir man tý Wonk was begun on the hall-milete feetivities lendered by Libertyville. A *bàeWr rn.aw- thes luaer aI Rendeut sud niakes bis track aI the tair grouuuds Ibis wsek get- reception, banquet sud entertalument - Wsebi5sa- home lu the Kilchmanhbouse onMcKinley tigI n edns for tbe races at tbe al î-ombined. A ral1old.tashioued pienie te your home snd incresees ti$ M avenue. fair this fait.The work of revising sud and clebration. wl.Mll b e avenue.correctiug the premioni1111t bas alo The pnogram uof"Te Pilgrim Fathers" been tarled sud il in golug te be s littieAL E T W IC F DLbr. a-hidi l te h0oi given Wr the Liberty-ville larger sud offer more attractive pre- Methodiut Services,.L E T W IC-FL ,Lbi Choral Socilty at the Uniou ehurcb un minnie than over belons. The hures Peacluîng by the paston both muruingAseee. nihMuse TburdayaudFnidy eeuige.july show a-hicb proved se attractive fast ud svsning. The Suuday ebooul mst 1 sud 2, appeare ou anotben page uft ibis faille going to ho one ufthlb pruminsut atrnotin. The Epwortb League devo- paper. Thlie eau tata a-lit te given i n fest-rs Iis ypar. The damage to the tlouaI services commence promply at Ocostume appropriate lu the lime sud buildinge sud feu-es aetbe grOunde lane- 6:.5. Come tii the services,. "Net For- oa *place ufthIe sceus ut th@ play, whlcb ed by the 'Iiig a-ind' avas repaired sakiug the Aséembîtng ut Oureelves del ihthe trials sud tribulatonseoft soniîme ago. Tugether as tbe Mauner utftiome le." Puias The socisty bas beau re- Carence C. Flagg sud Ed M. Weyle, ut Ourlieareiug fatthfully sud Ibis entertalu- Chicago, a-ut open a usa- barber shop,M es O dV Omeut isl te o methiug eutirely Dow billiard sud pool rchem tu the Libertyvîlle Dr. Glding sud brother reîurnsd Od V ansd different trom thal usualty produced botel about the iret ut Juiy. The bolet Weduestday evening tnom their trip te 'ilIllII1I~~f Sung witb afea-ottbsmmecitative, Thiesud lbe large couru wil liso ccupr-d by are eril explorlng that western coutry. Snajt SJLe/L *oratorio a-as sslecled muni uns ofthIe the usa- ilmu a-b-h le te b. caltaid "Phe The mauy friende uf Miss Rockefeller A fortunate purchase Of four dozen t~ iet higlu dane musical scores wrtten Liberty Barber Shop sud Pool Roomi," wiîî te pîeased lu learu Ibat ber engage- a~il-1.1-nnes and the participante are wurking suer- Newan sd up-to-date ixtuies bave been ment ruetir. Eara bas been annunced. odd vests at about haif price enables f U ll~ llll w getical for a goud Interpretallua. 'Ph. ordsred sud the establishiment te 1 te As tbis is a murganatle union the con- chioral urganization includeg amoug ils equipped a-ltm the test there le on tlie nubial rtile afrer tbecesremuuy a-hi be us to give you ufluofltW bargains. * merutece the bons musical lent iu lb. mark t. There a-u el -o oPool tables Anea" whumli may hio constru it ied otom de f om l ck s rg n We daim that for illage sud prospective attendante may sud une billiardl table sud the barber Ares ou-Lake-Eara. Oreetings sud peace Te r aefo lc eg n W@ cainithatfor look torneomefblng sztraordlnanily fins, chlaire a-lu teosof the bydraufie vanlely. ru thee, fair oue; may you gruwan sd vau:t ii tsaIs wa-hotepleced un mseaIsaILovelis The ins uft obacce, maaiessd rultpy ly wrtd el tloeg clatisFurnishinge we cannot be beat. That we one- ensraladmissiou,35 en ts;r. rioIleMiestII lie continua as berto- of enough in qualltY and appearance to tan, ut North Cicago a-ere unîteS n warSnasblatoapic ha ceed In pleasing the most exacting 'in point of the Tbe Savings a-t.ch yoo accumulate by arrimage aI St. butspies ehurie@, Wsd- *quality of the goode and that our prices are right j Sav.ngs Tb ard anrsd ech ouom ~aurdlulit y n8a mrna-asudibeenughto eartowor. N.up.t il proved by the increauing number of our satifled and invent lunany ot her Iban tîîeBet se1ru.* ing csr --emony a-asd yPle 2 .2 vtts lE efor sof We and Bi I ) u Lme. aANKIN( îuder on. m sIo d.poditê Is Car. BANK cou, providing Xturt,. ealîh of hcalth- tyvlIc mu -l>- i ~sts fur hato, mû. aa Sshape.

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