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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 Jul 1909, p. 10

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* -___ -~ -LAKE COUJ L Rosenblum's Entire Stock atg);3cQn Tt e$ ONCE MORE. we sound a call to our Great I'urchase, Sale. Du!ig the past o week we have clothed a whiole army of g men, boys and children, and cvery. one of them reccive4 a heaping mc#sure of value for his mnoney. MORE THAN THEY. EXPECTEDI There's lots of good values left, and the.days will roll into ,weeks and the weeks into jýioni!hs,, before sch op- portunitywll present islNt h f ~orat bear in mind there are 1000 différent bargaW_ et'ten- tion here, so corne early and secure thec best ,bains. H. R. Men Ail H. R. men's Sit '~' . 12»48 worth Up to $20.00, at. AU H. R. Men'se Buits, 1. worth up to, $W.00, at ...1 .5 mat'u4 748 AUl H. PL. men'aSuits, ...3098 1 worth $10.00, at ... H. R. Boy Eoenblum's Boy's Sute, nmade ini double breaated two-piece styles, fan- ce ammres and worsteds,19 R. prices, $3.54.. Ohoice.. I. R. Boy's Suite ini double breasted Itwo piece styles, plain knickerbocker patsuite of specially selected wor- =ta:s H. R. price $400 to $4PO Choie .........2.48 H., R. Mens~ 4 1H.R. Men's Fine ' usHBera, worth $2.25, at.... .1.39 Ail H. R.- Men's Extra Fine Trousers, in worsteds, dark and light > 8 color, worth $4.00, at....24 Ohic ~H. R. Men's Choceofail H. R. $150 and $200 Shirts at 79c. Included are shirts Ema1ide offine h#htor dark colora with plain or plaIled bosom coat or regular style, cilfsa ttached or separate cufs to match.. The largest and best col- lection standard makes of shirts ever offgred. Your choice at...... LAU H. R. Men's 75c Shirts,39 choice . . . . . . . . . . . 9 H. R. Men's and Ail H. R. Eibbed Balbriggan Shirts and Dravers, worth 5023, at ............. ....23 AU HR. .Msn'a Union1i AU B.R. Boy's Underwear, 14 worth 35c, at....... isSu its Ail H. R. xen's Sufts, 59 WUL tlix $*1 v a ... .... ARl H. R.. Mon's"uta, 77 worth $13.M4, at ......m07 Ail H. R. âine aul wool worsted Baufta, made Îth ancyOllU leevea wot $65.Mt.. ....9198. t 'S Suits. , AiU H. R.Boy'.s UJAM m4 e iàdoubllp .04 L breanted, tw>pi*'*1 plawu knickerbocker- 04-9 Woq4 klua serges, wihup$aG ..«. Boy's Knee Paâl4a, u9d.I PI WB Of knickerbocko . of$ap et"a l, o.1.q viots, cassimeros us worsteds, .. prices, 75e to $1.00.39 choicesat-......... 9 Trous rs Ail H. R.ies roais worth $3.50, at. Ail M. R. iiue1llrqffl.rs 'in bla blue neige, browà* Qrteds an~1is o stripss, worth $6.W, 33 choie ......... .....-3 3 mila H.R., S Ail H. R. silk and satin f u-in-hand Tios, et ....... Ali H:. R. 75c Tien, at---------......... ,&Il fi. R. fine and bç* m')l4 e Police Buspend«4 «17 ..o.e 2Q Ail H. R, gôod heavý' work Box, 16C at ... ... ... ... ... ... .. I ------ Boy's Und-erwç .. 1AU HX. R. 75c Boy'e Vraààtaf", Z"k Al HR LMep'% vWork Shirts, blacolors AUl R. R. Qea~ Jackets, ini b and blue stripnes .... H. R. Men's, Boy's, Ladies' and CJilqre,'s Shoes and Oxfords ASl H. R. Men'a $225 Shoesa, 1.40 All H. R. Meula i 4q »rds, l &Ml leathers, ail styleg, now . worth $225, at- ., AUH. R. Meulas$3.00 Shoes, 1.98 AU U. R oy's ggprds ini oblood Ail H. R. Meula $350 Shoes, %hr, 21 110W ý5W.J ]%.~ B$Qy'a 4fl 13 I( eula Patent Leather gun wort.0, 3t... and~ Ta . Oxfords, ILH fl ades.'$3.0 ad A ~oth$350 a.......... *. tJ 3.560 3hoes, choice ....... CoIuqbia CItIluUôe 1s Wsta < . ONYIWAUKEGAN, ILI- Siret Cr t mdfised 10 AU -i-To ~S~ W*eiAuoute $$ t ,"çrg a -, 'i~5-W s? <s *<nfleS FoUi Sba4.y, ~i m NEWSI'AP!l ETS TOUET 'The Neat Wiil Sa s Doubla Meadea and Close Enough for th. Chiot and i Bue..teo Seo t $putt.r"'-Drag- net Order pi$ fpr £very Known Gambler and CrHMiqei. Y 1v'V Chicago, Jîîné sf.-Feuix ShunkeY. " former couvict, bas been arres(ad a8 " suspect ln tise latent bamb tbrawilsg Sharkay ta sald by tbe police tn haye purcbasedl twonty-flve paunde nr dynamite framý a local firaiJUne 17. rhere bava bêe utitre. bornboutrages Rinte that tir*& Il la the opluios.airtIý. polit. (bat If Bitaa-ey le not (b . ufa lbe yul bab ~le te point the vay te thie niglt clu,. Ho bas a long crimlsgl record and, bh bs.n &4»paq~ted vitls gambtlèra u sale hlovaitm. fhia "a-etiono sinthl% =ret n lead t (ha ecion (bat be ba h elbad"&aib. prahieanad istrengtbena thte tbaort (bat the t-aule base beeh due ta gam»biera. # A pontt Crt (bat thwatened a more ter- riflc explosion and purpaortInq ta come from (bas, reapasaihie for the Oyng. mite outragea tîlus far perpetrated, was recalived ln a Chicago neaspa-pel offIce. ahile tb. detonatian oi lbe Caîboun plste bomh 1(111 reverber- atafi. at leaut Sgura-tlveiy, Inthe sari ai police aud -public. It rend as fQ!I "The next wiii b. a double-beaultl and wyul be closee enongi for thes chiet sud bis boss ta »@ It @putter. They lmow wbere the layouts mxa-naad It vill h.e eaAeaxy for J 4t#.f. Dgqe vise tise naxt nelsen; are cotooag from. Ma-ny mors ta tollQw uaies@ this 501h ld la pot (on. Tbe sang muet closeý Double doses neit' Sopus poar bar. tender may get' piacbed for tha Job, but wraag on. a-gal». 'WIIi bave him la tventy-iaur bours'-Nit!" Captain P. D. O'Brien o!tishe dete- tire bureau lasuad a "«dragjnet"« or- dert- (o is aleutha of bis daparîment direclîni (hem (o' brlng loto bealý quartera for crosse-exa-miuation evary knovn gamblen, former gamblur and trook. Barnb 1<111.Six Parsona. Lisban, Joue 80,-Six persons vere killed and tour Injurad by a bain thrùfçn for palitital revenge mm t h home of a rîcis isudowner vitilea large party was at dpner, ,Tomperature '.C oriD.re« !:', Texas San Antonio, T8x., Jone 30,-A teS periturt ai 100 degrees vas oMetcall reportedis ere. Thse mark vas reatl ed early lu the day. YThe Wenther. - Folloving a thelisofficIal weathei foreàmat: Iliis»uan, auddana-Fair tôday an, Lover Michsigan, Wiacoan sui Iowa--Fair today mnd tOaEltToW. THEMAR#%ETS Cash Grain Mgrke(. Chic ago. ions 21. Wi nter aha by salmii1,: No. ~t-ae $1.45; No. a red. , 3 14;No. Iurd. $1.2501.30; No. 3 bard. 115« 1.20. ilpring viteat b-ysimple: Na. nortisern, 5.413;Na. 2 nortberi S1I.291.30; No. 3 uprîng. $1.2001-21 Cors by saiuple: No. e 71UO72c; N( 2 yellov, 73c; No. 3, 71@711%c; No. .whlle. 73%c; No. 3 NtoW 7f~c k4, 760704ct. Opta by %ample: No.: 49c;- No. 3 wita, 490à3c; Na. 4 vhit 48050c; standard, Sic,- Barley- Malting, 65@68c; mliin 63065c; surreanin ,ga, 50665c. Rye- July, 82c; N'.o, 2,94c-' $*o, 8,73082c. Chicago Liv. S(ook. Hoga Itecaipta 14,004.' ital rqnSed at for08,% qichaic 7.1O igbt 1pe&; 11.7#1.80 - chaic ibt, S.0'~b.v .kb,5 railged at.1jÇ SI50Qf, > for gn-id cltie steens, $Ï46'<0!.74 u&,d cbMke bee< cavRrs. 1M .7.00 gand c*ýj 'hste beerg, 86.t0i7.r0 iood clace caivas, $6.0006.25 selet feers. 14.4594.715 god in tisa stocktera. Live Poultry Tunkeys. par lb, 14c; thicicens i toals. 13%fe; routiers. 8%c; apriel 14922c; geesua. 9r; ducks, 11@18c. Pntatoos. Fair ta gond, 15@25c. New potato '-60075e lper bu.. as (6 quality. East Boufaio Llve Stock. Eut Buffalp, N Y., Juç 921 Douiin & Stèen, Live lto CoIaniasion uIercbMAt*, St s Uitt N. Y., quota as toîlova: Cattie-- caîple 3 cars; vmarkel 'tqaý. .Hop ~iReceipt8 10 cars; ma-,rkïo stron tieavy, $8.40@8.45 1; oTakr1, 1$7,9c t.25: pige, 57.f0. 5heep 4714 1a551j lePelpts 5 cars; market slaw; b 1 anls 8.00@8.50; yeariogs, $S.00 6.50: vethera. 556.0005.08; Oven.$S SCalvig-fýst, #4.0008.00. Elgin Bpttoe PMarket. extra firsia. 24c; firatis. 23c; tslî extra, 25û; Ouata, .1ia; pscki& it BAI i ~vaccinationl but no person Unedhave $~i~iL I%~S.4>I~> the disease unlesbe wants il and the ýCtcay Mayoe ile.s Aft.,. Mmv precaution la simpIy vaccination." i , O.rtl. IIfrnd I ~ T ha tact that cases oi thc disease Chlca&b, Jeune 1SO-Mayor Fred A. fl are on the streetsai the etly, ningliig Busse won opersted upon for appendi.- ______witb beslthy people lI; a distinct men- cisa t SMercy hospîtal. ace te the general heaith. More cases tNotwitllstandtig the favorable buile- 66Entirely Troc," Say~s fleth are being reported by physicians eacb tln on the nayor'a condition issued by day and with se tuafly Incipient cases Dr. Murphy afler a vslt to the ctys ComWWIIsur ugh.CIse at large NMarengos quarantine m157 be cho cbeifeutive sorue alert e tl for *re neated bore. The one way out of hie condition. Flse mayor did nt ral' Suppr7'e' the dificulty offered by physiciâtfll la ]y from thte afferts of the operation as ____-Vaclnate. weil tasthe surgeonzs xpected. Svt'ry member of bis îamily was at VACCINATION THE REMEDY .o-o o0oao0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0*0 0 the hospital. The mayor'c wie, wasoo contlcually ut bis bedaîçia. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS ô Ilse Mcd mother made a hurried tnip Digseo laDstanclng Ail, Souidaaiof - frotte Fox Lake te Mercy bospital .ta, Public Dscency and Ssfety and Poe o Furilllbadl by Lake County o Te bervson ftemao ate Pl isWth Il May b. Waiking Street. o Title and Trust Company, Ab- lo co neousueusbothe ma pyorte ans. Es'sn New. Vacination Cannot b. o stracta ofaifftle. Titien guaran- O QuIet sitar au operation for appendicl. Forced but People Shouid Vaccinate o tend, Maaauec Temple Building, 0 tlsý-and. lu tact. any operation-li one Says Health H4ead. oe Waukegan, 111. Louis, J. Ournes. oe of the béat signe kuawn te tbe inedical -0Osec, a profession, lu the case of Mfayor (Fr001 Wednesday's Sune.) o O Busse Ibis aigni ln qulte Wikng. akgnbsmnmoecsso 000000000000000000 ?.foyer Bleses stobd the aperation Wueaîbsmu oecssc *ell. Me energed tram the effects ofistriailox than have been, fourni aud June 29. 1909. lbth' ausestbetit lb-u good shapes. Than taken core of by physicians. People W R Kemp to W S Miller. Lut 17, the nervousues st ln. suffrering witb small pox lu a mild de- sud FE 1-2 lot 18, Green Bay Add. Lake ________grec have walked op and down tbe Forest. W D $1200.00. TAFT GUESI 0F YALE MEN streeta ai the ctty and la ail probahil. A J Weckler ta John Anderson _______ ty are doiug se now, exposlng tbe ma- wedis Lot 20, Bonaietta ub oraiagle Blue Trlumphe In BasebailGame With jorlty ni the residents to the diseage. point. W D $57L.00. Crimson, Players.' The above startliug stataeat WU. C T Heydecker and wiis ta Diana *New Haven, Coun.. .ine 30-Prest- xmade to a SUN reporter yesterday Stickleas. Uodlvided 1-2 45 acres in dent Tait la here today te attend torn- and was corroborated by Health Cota- N 1-2 Sec 29. Antlacb. W D $160000. 9 meucemant exercices at Yale onîver- missianar Dr. F. C. Kuigbt when he gverts Wrenn sud wiliate James *sity. wa# asie* abol4t the mtter. Smith. North 50 fi. lot il, block 3. Joy la onrestrained har@ over the 'Tbec*- baw".been many cases of Wrenns Adil. Highland Park, W D victory ni the 'VarsIty rine cover île old arnal l X ain akegan wbere no phy- $50000e t(inre rival, Harvard. Tihe final score giclant was ever calicdt and where no Wm Wîignsu wfetIr waà Yale, 4; Harvard, 0. mWlignadwietIr The outcome oi the gaina matiezlit precautions were talien." salul the l'y» Smith. Lot 12, Wilmlngionas2nd Sub, necessary to play off- the le for the sielaîx This bas not been hetause the Round .Lake. W D $18000. r championship at New York uotter- people dcslred ta escape quarantine Mr A (iurtis and wiie to 8 J Nadu. da>itsrnoon. altliaugh ane or lwo cases aiftitis na- 3arsi 14Sc1.Bno ture have occurrrd, but because tbay 3 re nNW14Sý 9 ett f~' dii .,et kicaW the nature ar their dis- ~1 cl ase andi tcause tbcy were net 150 111 r ro that they thoîîght it neceuuary ta cal ACCUSED OF ST..PAULTHEFTS et ut, a doctar. y AND CON VICTS ESAPE "'There bs been le case~ or two (Plrom Weduemday's Sun.) wher fanile-àhav knwn ha dis- Johne Ignatowskl, (Charles Jamrock, Aller SitUe F0tives Fiee To- esse lutllelr muds: snd toak Encens and Stanley Ceofflwel, Lree Chcago ..rl imeen amî souold bc laced on (hem. These cases SBala- today by St. Paul datectives ou wad iU NiEGR CoastU. have cul leen maraty but the other a charge of bavlng stolen valuable tekîud. s.here peit"ý have net even mercisaudie roin St. Pui cars et laN ore lsa uê3.Tcpw kuowu they had siatixî, have heen Rendout sud their case coutinued ou- lne Aska uc 0.Ter a ltljl tate h akOfl c-an auihreak of Rtîssian plnpicurs lu ciu otýrr e li(iamsClely14hsiarte ar Oenn r-(he Yakutsk district. Sibaria. Thi ItNh c st fcre ar 04>aVr a cîhreaet mreonteale It mulîncers teck figbî arrose; ihe wilii ti,, rily tIs ilc r'a hr s. Sni0Co i. ice id- darmnas toward Berng Serait ln au vsev lighl catilre va (h' '4,lus Ihat thipves te be gatbercd lu hefoire lte rY effort te reacis Alaska. tha veeth(- dispase are Ignorant afiti but hearin tak.ss place, Thp thrne were Ld lu the emeutetilve guards were (bey as:-a'- a e intlhe1generailodgeluinthe cau,îly poilIiuder $1,000 slirel. heailh af 1h(- r d l lus1the 5saie." bonds earh. Capln Kalinuikoif, acting govoru- The stato'îîîcuiuuoa the physician __________ or of (ha district. arderpd Cosmacks to were lalp el, ieallh C('auussioiier THESE MAY WED 'e pursuit and taln (ha prîsoners. Tba Kuiglul. Ou )the ssîggestion aoflthe onp ...eCrh.Rcn,2,Og 't fugitives lua mbush h-lIed four ai the who maide theut, and lbhe health <o W . c'aty.Rcne 1.Og le Cossarlus sud wounded te ve others, car agrees ull uiWwth (hem a1. '« Ii rown, t9. Glî~ 5 forcing them to retreat. la ctlrely true-lue said d Aug s H Ml, , [los le 1100-25 Apjroacblug un Esquimatux village Vl akdwabcoll em Agu1)MNil,.;Bsi Ic- the convîcts imprcssed (ha naives ~hnak btlcwuî uoier. ý l. nto'their service and confiscatad fond. mend ta stop the , pread ai the dis- GereFtcrMnso.3,y- Dclothiug sud tools. Wheu the aqul- casle and la c leste,'lipethe mauy cases teoHbre let21. ialio y IY maux reslsted a cumber ware shot. exlating c . h lsd. "VaccInate every tie Kebr2. NrhCia 9 o À Rumsaan cruiser 1. expectcd dally mac. woan îand ehild lunlthe iity. 1 o aale.NrhCicg.2,.0 at Vladimrnsd may Intercept the cveryocs' wotild sarccîate there w0oi 8dle Kavarît. 2(é fugIties. cl liePercy (7'. 1. Clayl.o. ziouî(Ciy, 24, fugives mo bca casvrsm 1acsl laco lu the clly Anunie Agues Dutnc. 26 lu Ibis, wcek4. There are mat,î> cas- BRADENURG ACUITED -~ .Miago Ruiffalo. Kenmsha. 2z; Mary 'W'.' cusisial hua aiessliffiNan, n20. Relsased on Larceny Charge. Me la Ar- ____________________________________for ___ _______._____1 _ id restod as an Abductar.Th c olbe LLa New York, lune 30-Brouightou h c'oiUs@ a iirandenburg, held on grand larceit Illinis has a brand naw pack of laws whlch the commonweulth ss hand- charges growiug oni of the sale ta tha ng te the people as s resuit ni the asat session oi (heléisîlature. Theae o New York Times ai au article pirporl ta ao ffect Thursday. Borna educatora sali,(ha achools, or many of thale, lng ta have becu slaced by Gravr wîl keep on buylng bocks as before until a décisionnla rendered b>' (ha Cleveland, v.as acQulttcd. He was re. arrsle atonc oua carg aiMdSupreme court. Oethers daiim that the school book conip.nies may talue ,uapiag bis sslcpsau, Jamses Shepard t'a very drastic meallures nm raturn for the passalge af the net. It la @nid thret, banneia S. Louis, i the achool book companis put up bonda as required, these bonda wiiI Justice Fitzgerald charged the jury caver many thousanda af dollars and that the school book companlea wlll11 (bat the ouly (bing for ihem ta con. refuse te do it. rn aider was whelber or n0t the defendant Iltla déclarait! that flot a single county superietendent or high schooi 28:tole $500.,flhc price sald ta have bacc principal in Iliînois ls n favor af thé prapoaed law. The éducation mso- -paid taeIfraudeuhurg for the article. clation presented a bill coverlng vitest i centidured ta bc the I#mportant The geuuineucss oi the signature vas or ateral u (is csethepoints and particularly requirlng echool bock campanses ta ask fn mare Jadge said, au forgcry ai the signature for bocks nriIllinois (han they charge In other statell. [twas ual the crime wltis whicb Bran- The opération ai (he new schoci bock law wil b. wotched wlth intereat idenhuîrg was chargedi. hy (ha parents who oepend the money snd by the (cachera who féal that ___________whle Illnis'achan book 1mw seflot what t stulud ho (the new 1mw s laot 7 KILLS EX-WIFE'S PARENTS the prope readjus ar ce ~ ~ ~ -- .-imSa7oa_7I1Fig os Abductu Woman Who Escape&- From ~~' Dca Moines Jue 3.-Calvin Little- U , L Q 4 N dos page shot and killed Elmer JamiesoG A N I 1.6( sud Mra. Jaiilesan, parents o bi disorced wife. and then forced lier and ns ber Intact baby te enter a buggy aud T ES DAY, U leY Wq te fie iihblin. to Littlepagoecinercd a bouse willi his tn former wile. Sieteron t ai a front ta door sud iuta the banda ofniiarsisal - ",d W. A. Hlouise. The man fled sud owlcg )ce te h-fu ronds, evadcd bis pursuers._ FOR A NOISELESS NEW YORK "go, Ordinance Stops Rnging of Bella and Toctlnu ai Whlstles.0 New Yark. Jue 30.-Au antI-notsW tes ardinutuce. whicb bas beau sleeping III the hoard ai aldermen sînca lazt March, bas been pascd. *_110=111111 Wheu slgued by (ha mayor h ho- ~ ~ t&cornes effective immadiateiy. hItf eno- nMQ mubi* .ýSSU/v .oà mi' orcasd. It vii stop tbe ringig ai ball, RO" the tootiag ni Wbstes and tise Nomer go- tries aio the citya hucksters. vng; an90i0alhakdcosta1 fra - JUILY 21 Y" ý

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