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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 Jul 1909, p. 5

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ASK FOR Clover Valley Brand Pure Creamery Butter IPREStI CREAMERtY BUTTER In Pive.Pound Jars 1 JELI TRIGOS Libtrtyville Headquarters for TE1 AS and COFFEES * We Have SMITH & DAVIS Lîber"yille, flt 1' éa*a4488~48446448844864 o We daim that for si.good value k high class Furnishings we cannot be beat. That we suc- ceed in pleasing the most exacting in point of the' quality of the goode aud that our prices are right i8 proved by the increasing number of our satisfied customers. Join them. LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1909 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - Automobile Parade a Hewling Succes and the Big Celebration la WellS' Adv.rtlid. Program Arrangements Complt. Hundreds Waiting for the Day. Five automobile loads 0f boomers, boosers aud advertiserinor the Liberty- vidle Celebratlon, Idonday, July 5, chngged ont o! toien lait Saturday mornlug sud over the county dis. nemlnating the glad tid luge. Each car bore a lare banner asunouneing tire day sud was Iecorated with fiage both fore sud ait. Libertyvllle" was tire battie ery and every toa-u went tirronjb itarted theni talking sud reading Mh literature ecattered arouud. The. automobiles in the party were ownid aud driven by the followlng: Dr. C. R. Galioway, Dr. Gjoding,.C.H Bo e, W. C. Reit sud Frank H nJet* Çh lins of msrcb wao sentis sud weet wlth tops at Hall Day, Prairie View,1 Wieeilg Lake Zurich Wauconda,- Bar.1 rl ne, P itne, DesPIaines, Shermer. ville Deerflbld, Hlghwood, Highland Pr, Lake Fort, the lait car returilng home about nins o'cieck that eveniug. The. party iuucbed shertiy sItar nocu al: 4ake 4rrch aud uumbered eigirteen lu ah eethe foilowing: C. H. Boy@*, E. A. Biebop, M. B. Colhy, C. B. AvenUl, Arthur Koon, Edward Dreler, P. H. mest, W. E. Davis, Fred Croker, C. H. Kaiser, E. M. Kelley, Dr. Golding. C. W. Ta ylor, Dr. Galioway, John Pope, W. Md. Hecati sud Howard9 Holt. The intention was to lmit the mieed to fUteen miles per hiur but at tumes at was unlimited. Much territory W&@ covered and thoroughly bilied and the expedition was by far the meet su("&&s fui ever sent ont trom the towný There is every indication ths.t a large crowd fi coming here ou nexs Monday aud the cominiittees are making ail arrangements te liaudie the people tof the best advantage. Tiere bas been ni change and the folown ig program wîi occupy the entire day: 10.00 Rough Riders by six Western Bronche Busters. 10:30 Ladies' Boat Race 11-2() Swimming Race. 11:40 Best Bey Rider, under fourteen c 1200 ea Grl f 120 estrl R' ider, under fourteen years o! âge 12:20 'oou Heur.f 1:20 To 2:20 Address of Welome by A.F, Sheldî,u and Addreee o the Day by E. F. Trefz. 2:30 Bigb Jump lu attempt to break world'i, record. Pony Express. Bail Garce.c 2:5 7, [est eavy Harnesfi Pair, long and short tailedbi-clied fi art appropriate vebi' le. 3:10 Be,t Three Giaited SailpeHorse..C to be Yridden at -aii, trot ande canter .ii 31 est Green or Qualifhei Hun ter. l Four mucressîre jumîui at regulation heîght. 4:00 [lest Tandem, iead horse flot to exceed a-hcel borse in heigbt. 4.30 Be't Fîve Gaited Saddle Bloise for amateurs oulv, walk, trot,t isunter, rack, slow gaits, ruin nîug walk or fox trot, oir sow 1 pace. 5:O0 Potato Race on Horsebark witb filteen cotestautt-lin wild hors@@. 5.20 [lest Runabout [orse. 5:30 [lest Lady Rider. 5:50 Horse Show. Fox Hunt. 6 8:00 Bet Display o Fireworks everv Shown in Lake County. r A trumpeter willcall esch leature ou time. Three award@ will be given inr each clai.@@ Owners of huckersasud nubroken homses should briug them aud have theni riddeu by western f experts.8 Meale and refreobmeuts furulsh- cd on tbe grouad. Feed stable on grounds.1 Asqrernember tbe big dancing plat. j forn aud corne preçîared te have thet time o! your lite. TOWNSHIIP SUNDAY SCIIOOL CONVENTION A ta-wnebit Suniday sohool convention ot the three denominations in this -------- SPEND THE IlOURTII 1 IN LIBERTYVILLE towtisni a-lu h. held t ti iiryil Metiod4t Episcotial churchi on neit The Waiik egan Parl. Celebration, July Sunday atternoon at ta-o o'clock at 5, <6, andl 7, sent au automobile parade which time thi. tollîîa-îg îrograin a-i througzh the iountrv Mouday aud loft a ho rendered: trai o! adcertîeing material wherever 2:00 rioionai and t rit, ,, ertctbey a-eut. F E hiaîr, Will D1ecker ,. amliar face i-i again 215 Seretar, s repoîrt of lait conventilonî,lîamayw eh <10< cil itesîooiofietoaitiî seen at tbe Loc Paruc- bree Standing rIeirooe, will flil in durlug the sommier vacation A rponteit Of cotmltieetume. Chai. Forhirick Who bai been W-ltien report of eaC chihol 111 te towni ytesprnedn snto wtek vainwl 2i M Re port of deirsateitI tteCneionît. return Moudaî-. Siell.aàManhar. Hael Tniiii, 2 5AO abhat the H "one tier'rtnent cart duifor J. E. Montagundu, sSter, o! Wiood- ttcSuSsOSeool- -rtr . 1~îr toî'k, Veriiiit. epent last Week at the il1, Msions- Round Table home of their ,'îusin, H. N. Maxham anti .3 0 "' ' I . ý. ýWm. Prîce Wrght famlly. Thev lcft ber, for Seattle and R4 i.<esi Otr) ue 0< eachIne n Sundnc wilî also i iat taliblî,uia on a tour o! set.iCa.. ..Abramo Frytiswtentaa 4 i iiierleg for court yi-,,rtk Fe"I i h .,ente. A bouse 1iint.d fire years ago ritb _Fection and i'stalIitoti if ,iofle', n.4i. A - . i-1-.- Thistie Notice. Noitic-e i, herehîy gicen tu ighway comieioniers oft1the township o! Lihortyville to uitiy pathmaiters te dlean up their distric-ts, higba'ays, rail- roada, farcos aîîd lots o! Canada tlîistles hotore tbey go to oeed as 1 shall ses that the law le fally ob&erved. DEîîNrs iiLimiiiRY, Canada Thistie Commissiouer of the towu o! Lihrtyville, Lake Couuîy. 111. 40-tf Braluey ,Xiuu iLii aunt is runretter shape tbanit fîlîntel ta-oyearsago wltb other paint. The prît s imrlght on the surface-mn the paint-lu the aaving. Sîîld by F. B. Lii cii.. Libertyvilie. Tbreé men a-b1, tole the shoes hing 81hi ppd to E. W. Parkhurst froni a car at ronot nî,t long ago were captnreci at Pacifie Junntiîîn near Chicao, Tues. day and are nia- in tire ceunt! ai awaiting trial. The shoee were 'fond hidJe ianl the bumhes near Bondent and ta-o of the men a-cri. aeariug a part et the spoilie. S~Inns The Savings which you accuiziuiate by Savings hard lahor and econemy, you cannot afford to and invest lu any other than the Best Securîties.' I gwestments Yen canuot afford te purchase ani, mxestunent cf which vou have ne pertenal kîîowledge sud whicha may lead t o e disap poittuent. We negotiste for private urvesters a limited roumber of Flrst Mortgage, Gold Coin, Real Estete Loans on propcrty ini Lake County sud of known àud long established value. When yon have mouey te boan call sud ste us. We gladiy f urnish informiation on ail classes cf lbans. TEFIEFT NATIONAL BÀNK OF LIBEITYVILLE I$qxt Die te thi Pest OMM eOpen Sturdsy !llghts L~fANDPESONAL The hotteet day of the ieur i. yet ti, cone, When the mercury's up oli1ars are down. Celebrate the FourtL n the flfth at Lake Esa.a Mi@& Grace Wyun. of Waukegan, was the guest of Missefistel Smal, latit Sun. day. E. A. Biehop 19[t Saturday' for Frankfort, Ind., where hi. epent several days. Mitchell'a Millhary Band wi givetheir next dance at the town hall n Friday, Jniy 9. Mr. and Mia. Guy Hughes anid family î entgundayst the home o1 hie tuother, Mie.Herrist C. G(idies returned home Monday aiter a week with relative@ and frisuds in Chicago. 'Why le the Fourth of July' -on the fifth sud flot ou the. third, every sinali boy would like to kaow. Mise Ethel Winchel, of Crawfordville, lad., wu the gueétof0. A.News onuand and wil e .pmt wsek. Misé Heloice Fuller, of Chicaito, visited a few dia thie week wlth ber grand. mother, Ir.. C. Mi. Fuller. Mr@. Adam fHilsud ebldren leit Sun- day mornuq for st. Louis. M-, where she wll v-isit relatives aud Iriends. mi»s Agnes OHBearn, 01 Chicago, ha@ aceepted a position a@setonographer with the Sheldou Univers t Y Preis@. Boru to Mr. and Mrs. George Bond, Mionday, June 28, a nîne pound boy. Mother and child are doing ni.el The Ladies' Aid Society of the M E. churcb will meet at, the home of lMrs 0. EF Churchill next Tueeday afternoon. The smali poi patients m-ere released from quarautine luet Thurs3day, having ail recovered wltbontauyserious resuits. Mrs. W. C. Linderman and daughter, Mies Vivian, of Marengo acre thi. guests of Mr. and MNs. A. C. Murray the past week. C. Frank Wregt and lamily lett Thursi- day for Lake Kegonsa, Wle., wbere they expect to remalu on an outîng of several weeks. Clarence Colby retuned Iset Thursday from Colorado for a visit or a rew weeks witlî his parents, Mr. and Mr@. Il. B. C .lby, There will ho no baud concert Thur@- day eveniug ou account of the cantata TYhe Pilgrim, Fathers" at the Ilnion chun h.b E W. Colby ba@ opened a law office in the voomn adjoiniug the Nortb Shore Gas ComPany where he wlll lie touriii n the eveinge. Thiîs s a tree country. If you want to hlow your head off with cannon crackers ý-why do it. But stay ini your orcu back yard. There ivilil he cars to Lake Eara at leaet every tliirty minuts Monday and the managers of the slectrie road have promised to run every fteen minutes il necessary. Mrs. àMavor, of Chicago,aud Mrm. Bain, of Racine, visited over Baturday and Sunday at the bonms of their aliter, Mrs. E. .1. Hughes. R. E. Walton, o! Waukegau. arter spending a w. ek through the county wamm in the village Wedneeday on his returu home. Miss Frances Clark. of Urbana, a receut graduate of the University of Illinois, was entertained by Miii Helen Wright last week, H. F. Lawler and !amily loft Monday for Green Valley. IIL, wthere they will @pend two weeks et the home of Bev. Lawler'@ parents. John Austin and John Morrison have been serviug on the United States grand juryv in Judge Lauditi' court iu Chicago the past two weeks, Mr. and Mra. Frank Keru returned lait Sunday from au extensive tour o! the west. The * vet pped in Kansas, Colo. rado and other western states9. ThA regîîlav monthly meeting of the village board will be held ou next Tues- day evening instead or Monday evening (on acî'ount of the (-elebratiou at Lake Ea. Methodiat Services. Snuday, Joby 4 as 10:30 there wtll ho an adîrees by Mrs. Lydia Fluger a promincut [lime Missionary Worker. At 2 o'clock the townslilpSunday echool coînvention. No scenîng service. Want a Game. Tic West End baee hall teani wihbee games aith teame froni 18 to 20 yssrs ut age.. For information aud dates addri.as, W, Tiiegi. Lihýortyville, Ilii. Card of Thanks. We wigb to thank al these wýo wers se kind to us dnriug our recent siekuosî aud the Royal Nelgfbhors lu particular. MMs. FRIn JOCRUtLEM AND CHILDIN. DICK MIWAIION SIIIPS TO PEORIA Will Race on the Grand Circuit as Far as Cleveland .Returning to thre Western Circuit in August. Grsttan t Ferm Training Ten Head at the Mile Track. Dick lMcMahon shipped lfiteen bead io! hersesto Peorla this week where he wiil open the seasous raciug. The grand cireit @enta opan there aud ho will race lu this circu It asfar as Clevelandl when he will return. to the western circuit ln Augnet. lMcMabon bai been haudling about thlrty-.ive bosat io! herses this sprlng-a mneh larger number than hoe bai had suy previons yeair. Hi@ reputation saa driver sud traîner is national sud he has been bafigsd by owners of good horseâ-- or Whro tbouffht they ware Wood-to taire their animais and try theni ont. Rie aima teseict. only tiihe bt suad directe hie boat efforts teward culling out ailH thea deadwood aud drlviug enly the liv. ones. Thé receut wet weather hma kept the trc n i"sae for good workan for the Irat time in may ysars ho was compeUsd to work-out Sundàay moruing 1whleh hé did lait Suuday. The track wae haxdiy drled out and consequently a bittie slow but tbus .eemed teumaire ne diffoence te Citation and Sonoma Girl Whe ehowed up lu fiue shape aud made thé boat miles made there this seaien. 8ouoma Girl wlth a runner trotted har imile lu 2.08% wlth au sansd grâce that id ail hiriowu. Sire hoa wiutered weli sud develeping qulte, satisfa-torby te the standard required by the fait compauy aihe wiil keep this sommet. Citation. the peerle@s pacer worked a nîîle in 2.08% PçitbRled Bow andG(overuor 8orrel. Citation is thre old reliable and shows np lu ai good form as ever. Foilowiug is a liat of somte o! the best oeesilutheMMNahou stable, their mark aud the name of the owner: Citation-2.01%.. Judge Cartwright, Oregon, 111. Red Bow-2.04,, Dick McMabon. tiona Wle- 3,,W. H. &iadolo, Chicago. Manager H.-2.06, , W. G. Hawkey, Mevidere. Governor Sorrel-2.07<., G. W. Nea-ton, Fargo, N. D. Ora Jackson-.14'., W. C. Bennett, Charleston, 111. Mary K.-Matinee rec-ord 2.10, W. H. Madole, Chicagoî. Tîte above are ail lacers. The toliow- i are trotters: ý5 'noma Gr S, Lotta Crabtree, Boston. Brace Girdie-- UP',, Dr. Batten. Lexing- ton, Ky. Aisandra- 12, W. H. Madole, Chîicago. J net the Ting-2 101,, Dlrk MeMahon. Mî,ntel-14',, W. B. Madole, Chicago. Aron McGregor- 14!,, Mr. Roberts, Ienv v. Lucîile Rex-A.1,, . MBarthoiemew, [<esMoînes. Lotta Sberbcrt-.1h',, Moouey Waxeil. Chicago. Delicia Fox .22, Eduard -Feer, Madison, Wis. <ilas-,14i,, W. H. Madole. Miss AIlyria, green trotter wîtlî matines record ut 2.10. Marva-Green2 trotter eutered lu the M. & M. Sauta Rosa Girl, Ivon the Great-Entered in ail futuri- ties. EXceto-A,£ta-Year.old entered lu ail futuritie . Barry Putuani ba& ton bead of likely looking horses whicb hirer traiuing at the mile track. Moet et thora are colts sud green one@ but there are several that ueed nu introduction te the bors world and have made the Orattan Stock farm fanions. Among these are: Richard Orattan with a mark of .07%, Nickel lirattan, .12%~ and a very premlsiug green filly that bas already weut ber mile la .141, whose name la Harriet Grattan. F. E. Marsh. the oa-ner. bai made arrangements te race about four o! the abuce sud Putuan wsill leave about the 2Utb of the month for Windsor, Cau., wlîere they expecsto start. Odd Felloses' Hold Revival Meeting. About fi!teen members o! the Wauke. gan Reiiekah Ledge a-ere lu towu Monday evening, June 28th and atteuded au olien meeting, or "Rebekah Revival" meeting beld by tue locat 1. 0. 0. F. iîîîge in their hall. This meeting w"s hel,]tor thi' purpose ot interesti.g the pîeopîle of Lilhertyvilie lu Rebekablani, aîtlh a vica- toa-ard organiuing a Rehiekah Lodge bers lu the near future. The general irder ot the ei enieg wai as followse Several selectiiins by the iv, le-tva. i solo by Oso. Hawkins, <lister Thion1iei n of Waukegzau, favored fherîî a tb aa-weh delivered recitation, lu w-hiuli suie ex lained the varions reasons why the 1,<0. 0. F. couid not thrlve a-ithutute aid of the Rebekahs. Then bibio, i.d tasilo by <lister Ethel Flagg. Brothber liîdl, of W 'aukegan, delivered au addreec on the advantagesof hohng a njieniber oft the Rebekah Lodge, anul the great amoint o! gzood that eau be aic mpîielalen the t)dd Feliea-e and Rehiekahs a orkitogether Then folloa-ed the principal adîirese ot the evening by Dir. Neebitt, if Waukegani. He uloke about the fraternal orgnizatîuue of aiicient tîîîîs and boav they llnaliy dieiiienitii the traternai orderg ot the present îlay. The t. 0. 0. F. le foundel on1 practi(ally the samie prîncihules as tue Siicial Giilild ot siveral centuries agu. Then fullonel sho rt addresîes by Sisters Rîîtt, llairetowand l loild, ail oh WVauke. ganI The attemîlauce aa very guooi and tIe meeting a-as a eu.eesm in every way. The#a-onîlul i wtb icoreram and cake, a-itlî dancinz for deseprt and a generai gool lime a-as enîuyedf by ail prese. IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF BANKING Weare prepared to serve the people in an acceptable way. The Business of this Bank Has been under oueansd the same conservative, progressive and respousible m-nâgement for the past sixteen years, and this experience insures to depositora every possible safeguard for monieys eutrusted te its care. Capital and Surplus. $75,000.00 LAKE COLJNTY NATIONAL BANK IIEALTIIFUL PLMBING Tlàslà the acajou when tht condi- tion of your pluiubing fixtures demands your close attention. The overhauling ofthe plumb., ing of your home ies a ecesssry aà house -cleanung. Ifyou intend making repaire or iustafing new ix- - tures,. we isal bc glsd te figure for you, providing s guaranrteecof prompt aud perfect work et reason- We sel and instail the famous *$séis.1 Porcei~n Enamcled plumbiug fixtures. - .~. ~ Shué.sd Ware bring> a wealth of healtir te your hume aud incresees isseeiing value as Men's Odd Vests A Sundaly VeSt at an Everijday Price. A fortuuate purchase, of four dozen odd vests at about hiaif prie enablee us to give you unusual b8.IgaiI1. 85c: They are made from black serge and ad dlay worsted, weIl tailored, good_$ . eniough in quality and appearance to $1.00 we3ar Sundays, but at our prie cheap .enough to wear to work. $1.50 to $2.125 Vesta at ................... About fifty Men's Sample Rats, moîtly fur hats, a littie presaed out of shape, will make a dandy everyday hat that willJ keep its shape. A. $1. 50 value for ................. SOC NO FOLQ Itst eago SueoYu' ohng oorf i I i I i o o o o O o o o O i e o i - for Buisinesis, THE FA 1 FOR THE, JRTH n)rous one this time for will need lots of 's to Wear to be a hot time. We igs yoit will need, and rant to seil to You No w is the time. 'Em Re Oui sumil i I j J. B. MORSE & .Everything for, len 1 0 Cou ---------------

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